from Atlantis, 'Alien Visitation, and
Genetic Manipulation'
Great capitol cities of the world have precise geometric shapes
because of Sir John Dee's pact with
the Macrobes.
Since the entire
human race was offered up in the pact, what better way than to have
humans live right in the center of enormous satanic ritual
precincts? We call these precincts “cities.”
In the book, Secret Architecture of our
Nation’s Capitol, researcher David Ovason gives information gleaned
from the Library of Congress, from the vaults and archives of
Washington D. C., and from the memoirs, letters, and writings of
America’s Founding Fathers which reveal that cities and their design
are part of an occult agenda instigated by Freemasons of the 33rd
degree and beyond.
Ovason, apparently, does not comprehend
what the agenda is. He reveals that in Washington D. C. alone,
however, there are 22 full zodiacs secreted into the architecture
and layout. This is more than anywhere else in the world.
He draws attention to the reasons why
the U. S. Pentagon, the Oval Office, and the Washington Monument
have the shapes they do.
Have we ever wondered why the
members of the military adorn themselves, their buildings, and
their hellish machines with stars? Have we asked why it is that
the U. S. Pentagon is that shape or why it is oriented due north
towards one of the ancient pole stars, Thubin, the star of war
and evil, previous to Mars?
If one imagines the arms put back
onto the perimeter of a geometrical pentagon, they will see it
become a pentacle–a symbol, which though not negative in itself,
has long been associated with “Black Magic” and which is often
utilized by members of Satanic cabals. As we mentioned before,
all we know, or think we know about the theme of Satanism
actually refers to the alien presence and influence on this
planet, and to no other source.
It has rarely been revealed that
the Vatican (one of the most
truly Satanic edifices in mankind’s history) has spent literally
billions of dollars to give mankind a false notion of Magic and
the Black Arts. Their efforts and expenditure go into the making
and purveying of popular music and movies which are exploitative
and gratuitous and which generate deviant messages about the
nature of Satanism.
The famous black and white classic
horror movies (Dracula, The Mummy, The Werewolf, and Invisible
Man, etc.), the “B” movies of the 50s and 60s, and the “slasher”
or “occult” movies (The Exorcist, Friday 13th , Halloween, Evil
Dead, Poltergeist, The Shining, etc.,) of more recent times, are
perfect examples of their artifice.
Along with certain popular
genres of music which have occult themes and imagery (which may
appear anti-Christian), these films and their creators are, in
actual fact, surreptitiously funded by the Vatican (also by
Jesuits and
the Illuminati) via the record companies, marketing
agents, and publicity houses.
There is a reason why the pop icon
Madonna, for instance, has this moniker and why she constantly
displays the cross or crucifix. It is why the imagery in her
videos is of the type it is and why she is so personally
wealthy. It has to do with whom she and her promoters serve.
same goes for the Rolling Stones (listen to Sympathy for the
Devil, 200 Light Years from Home, Midnight Rambler, Paint It
Black, Goat's Head Soup, Their Satanic Majesty's Request, etc.,)
the Beatles, and the Grateful Dead.
And these are but three examples of
thousands. The public would be shocked to their core if they
were to find out the facts about this particular study and about
what has been infiltrated into their minds and the minds of
their young.
Here are some of the key passages from
the David Ovason’s masterpiece, which bring out facts that have long
been concealed from the public:
The extraordinary truth is that the
very existence of the Washington Monument is intimately linked
with the Egyptian star, Sirius the Sihor, which the ancients
represented in their sacred hieroglyphics as an obelisk as well
as a star.
How is it possible that this most important star of
the ancient world should find itself, as it were, resurrected in
the architecture of the United States.
…in the course of that day, when the cornerstone of the
Washington Monument was laid, the Sun would have passed over
...Computations clearly show that on the day the Declaration of
Independence was agreed in Philadelphia, the Sun was on Sirius.
The Mason who first signed the Declaration of Independence would
have been aware of the particular significance of July 4 as a
cosmic event. The day was the second in the so-called dog
days… which begin on July 3. The dog days are so-called because
they refer to the rising of the star Sirius.
This emphasis on the star Sirius is singular since a name of the
Monarch of Atlantis, Poseidon, comes from the syllable Po,
meaning Sirius and Don meaning Lord. Even more suggestively,
Poseidon was the god of earthquakes and was said to be the
creator of men.
Sirius also played a part in the Moon landing of Apollo 11. It
appears that the “Eagle” landed when the light from this star
was the brightest. The landing also took place in July, when
Sirius is rising and visible from Earth. Ovason reveals that
before the cameras filmed the official placing of the American
flag, a Masonic ceremony took place, which was never televised
or revealed to the American “free” public. Buzz Aldrin produced
a Masonic banner which was specially embroidered for the strange
trip by the librarian of the Masonic House of the Temple in
Washington D. C.
The Egyptian hierogram for the star Sirius consists of three
shapes: a five-pointed star, an oval, and an obelisk. Amazingly,
this is just what we find in stone in Washington D.C. The entire
city is dedicated astromantically to the star Sirius and its
occult deities. Astrology is good enough for the ruling
Plutocrats it seems.
Pity that when the ordinary person seeks to
use the divination arts for their own personal physical and
spiritual empowerment, they are considered freaks and
Millionaires do not use astrology, billionaires do. (J. P.
Ovason’s book continues:
...for within a year of Washington’s
death, it was recognized that the great man could most fittingly
be memorialized by means of a massive pyramid.
The pyramid was already widely used as a symbol in Masonic
Fraternities in Europe, and we should, therefore, not be
surprised that it should have been proposed in the context of a
national symbol guided by so many Freemasons.
The chances of the correspondence being mere coincidence are so
remote that we must assume that whoever was directing the
planning of Washington D.C., not only had a considerable
knowledge of astrology, but had a vested interest in emphasizing
the role of...Virgo.
The Constitution put before the people on September 19th 1787 in
Virgo is important for several reasons, one of them being that
this is where the astrological “descendant” of the Earth is at
this time. The numerology of the above date may interest
researcher and author Richard Hoagland who has, among others,
emphasized the significance of the harmonic and ratio 91.5.
There may be no doubt altogether that astrology played an
important role in the choice of the key monuments for the laying
down of the federal city. Even so… we are… reduced to
speculation as to which individual, or group of individuals, was
behind this extraordinary undertaking.
…a survey of the foundation charts used in the...building of
Washington D.C., reveals the importance of astrology, and,
indeed, confirms beyond doubt that astrology played an important
role in the early Masonic rites. The rationale of astrology was
rarely discussed openly, even in Masonic documents. Knowledge of
the stars--insofar as they were understood in Masonic
circles--was preserved as secrets best left to those with
specialist knowledge of such things.
The practice of assigning places to the rule of specific
zodiacal signs (and thus, in medieval times, to spiritual
beings) is very ancient and has been extended into modern times.
Since the discovery of America …we are able to trace most of the
sources for the zodiacal rulerships ascribed to the cities of
the United States.
Perhaps it is sufficient that we recognize as true the medieval
arcane notion that such beings could be invited to participate
in the life of a city, by means of the spiritual art of
Ovason then goes on to give one reason
why the city was constructed according to such specific designs and
dates. He speaks of the presence or existence of angelic beings, or
overlords, who are being invoked to literally take part in the
terrestrial operations of mankind.
The Masonic Fathers and builders of the
city referred to these entities by their Latin term, “Cosmocrates”:
The leader of these mighty beings
was due to take over the direction of Western civilization in
1881 caused considerable excitement in the esoteric circles of
Washington D.C., and the occult world in general.
The very word Capitol derives from Caput Draconis, meaning the
head and tail of the Dragon.
We feel that
Ovason's book and his
findings clearly proves the existence of the Macrobes.
In the past,
when one of the “Serpent Masters” or one of the “Sons of the
Serpents” ended their long life, their confederates would generally
commemorate their lives in stone by building a monument which
encapsulated through its design and geometry the existence of the
deceased alien or semi-alien being. We know these monuments today,
for they are the cyclopean ruins that exist in almost every country
of the world.
Others, like the
complex at Giza in Egypt, were
constructed afterward. Such edifices are not tombs but
These monuments of commemoration are not
to be confused with the circles, calendars, and earthworks that were
made for utilitarian purposes.
Those who have been and who continue
to desecrate these monuments do so to appropriate the power of
the artifacts therein and to change the frequencies that they
generate for the good of the planet. The very Earth itself is
adversely affected with each of these invasions.
Places where the body of one of the
original “Serpent Masters” was interred would become geomantically
corrupted and exude negative energy, becoming regions of strife and
turmoil in the world. Conversely, the places where one of the
Lemurian Magi are interred give off quite the opposite energy. These
are places of unbelievable power and majesty.
The study of these places and of
geomancy, in general, is beyond the scope of this presentation (see
works of David Hatcher Childress).