by Joe Vialls
11 September 1998
from ViallsInvestigations Website
In 1905 physics genius Nikola Tesla submitted his
US patent 787,412 which describes "The
Art of Transmitting Electrical Energy Through the Natural Mediums",
and includes a design for a series of worldwide generators.
It is
beyond doubt this patent led to the construction of the Omega
network of radio transmitters erected around the world between 1963
and 1982, officially for the purpose of global navigation, though
navigation is its least important function.

Tesla was eloquently misleading in some
of his patents and this is probably the ultimate example. Although
until recently Omega did offer very-low-frequency navigation
services they were only a secondary function: a "security cover" for
the network's real purpose of subtly manipulating the resonant
frequency of the earth itself, and the resonant frequency of the
earth-to-ionosphere gap.
Anyone able to manipulate resonant frequencies between five and
fifteen cycles per second, to three decimal places of accuracy, can
influence every dynamic electromagnetic activity on the face of the
earth and beyond, including global weather patterns, human thought
and thus human behavior. Put simply, Omega is the most powerful
integrated global strike and C3i (Command, Control, Communications,
intelligence) network ever constructed.
Part 1
In late 1968 a small group of men gathered in a rambling old house
situated a few miles outside the German city of Munich. The weak
afternoon sunlight was starting to fade as they sat down at the
polished oak conference table, and despite a roaring log fire in the
ornate fireplace there was a noticeable chill in the air. These men
were of no particular religion, nor were they politicians, bankers,
bureaucrats or mainstream military personnel.
To use their own self-effacing term they
were "no-persons", just a group of intelligent men from all over the
world deeply concerned about the looming probability of global
thermonuclear war. The American Department of State, the British
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, and the Russian Kremlin were
brimming over with megalomaniacs quite capable of destroying all
life on the planet in their blind quest for power, unless they could
be persuaded not to do so.
Global thermonuclear war was not the only problem. Since the end of
the First World War and the subsequent formation of the League of
Nations, the same megalomaniacs had frequently expressed their
determination to implement a "New Order", bureaucratic code for a
one world government.
If left to run unchecked, within a
single century the megalomaniacs would remove national borders
entirely, destroy delightfully diverse national cultures developed
over thousands of years, and replace them in-toto with hordes of
multicultural drones willing to slave for endless hours in "worker's
paradises" for the exclusive benefit of a tiny but immensely
powerful global elite. The first successful phase of the New Order
exercise was at that very moment in full swing, less than a thousand
miles away in the worker's paradise known as the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics.
Faced with a completely unacceptable Orwellian future, the Munich
Group had two objectives:
stop the megalomaniacs from destroying all
life on the planet with thermonuclear weapons
at the same time
protect the myriad national cultures existing around the world from
The critical question facing its members was how to
achieve these awesome objectives with strictly limited resources.
The politicians and mainstream military controlled more than 90% of
the conventional and nuclear weapons so their use was not an option.
Besides, if the Munich Group resorted to such methods they would
risk triggering a global thermonuclear exchange, the very event they
were determined to prevent.
Many years later this and other groups
would supplement their arsenals with micronized atomic weapons for
use against specific targets, but the primary weapon system under
discussion at the 1968 Munich meeting was quite different, and well
beyond the comprehension of any professor of classical or quantum
Rising from the table, each member of the group approached a small
strong-room and removed a thick black file. The strong-room door
remained open throughout the meeting. If the security perimeter of
the house was breached the files would be placed back in the
strong-room in less than ten seconds, and the strong-room's twelve
inch-thick thermite filled walls would explode into searing
white-hot flames, destroying the files, the safe and most of the old
house in seconds.
Group members might or might not have
time to escape the blazing inferno but none worried about the lethal
possibility. Omega project security was far more important than
personal safety.

Omega Tower
Each identical hand-typed file was
titled "Omega - The Final Solution", and contained details of an
advanced global electromagnetic system based on the work of
Nikola Tesla, the little-known genius despised by physicists
because he did not have the "correct" academic qualifications.
Despite this notional impediment, around
the turn of the century Tesla managed to invent alternating current,
the sort of electricity we still use in our homes today, and
invented radio as well. Almost always working alone, this single man
invented all of the basic electromagnetic devices which would later
become essential to 20th Century civilization, from light bulbs and
fluorescent tubes to computers and television sets.
Fortunately for the Munich Group that
gloomy winter evening, Nikola Tesla also invented a great many other
devices, some of them so advanced they had escaped meaningful
The introduction to each file focused on specific sections of
Tesla's patent 787,412 dated 18th April 1905, titled "The Art of
Transmitting Electrical Energy Through The Natural Mediums". During
many thousands of hours of work the group had selected this patent
as the core of its work, because it had allowed them to develop a
global navigation network so advanced it had already proved
irresistible to politicians and mainstream military alike.
What the politicians and mainstream
military would never be told, however, was that the "navigation
network" was in reality dual-purpose, with its primary
electromagnetic functions designed to be accessed by the Munich
group using undetectable remote control.
Several passages from
Tesla's patent 787,412 were
included verbatim in the introduction for special attention:
"In the course of certain
investigations which I carried out for the purpose of studying
the effects of lightning discharges upon the electrical
condition of the earth ... attained in the displays of
electrical forces in nature and which seemed at first
unrealizable by any human agencies; but by gradual and
continuous improvements of a generator of electrical
oscillations, which I have described in my Patents Nos.
649,621, I finally succeeded in reaching electrical
movements or rates of delivery of electrical energy not only
approximating , but, as shown in many comparative tests and
measurements, actually surpassing lightning discharges, and by
means of this apparatus I have reproduced whenever desired
phenomena in the earth, the same or similar to those discharges.
With the knowledge discovered by me
and the means at command for accomplishing these results I am
enabled not only to carry out many operations by the use of
known instruments, but also to offer a solution for many
important problems involving the operation or control of remote
devices which for want of this knowledge and the absence of
these means have hitherto been entirely impossible.
"... For example, by the use of a generator [transmitter] of
stationary waves and receiving apparatus properly placed and
adjusted in any other location, however remote, it is
practicable to transmit intelligible signals or to control or
actuate at will any one or all of such apparatus for many other
important and valuable purposes... [or] other features or
property of disturbances of this character.
"... If several such generators [transmitters] of stationary
waves, preferably of different length, were installed in
judiciously-selected localities, the entire globe could be
subdivided in definite zones of electrical activity, and such
and other important data could at once be obtained by simple
calculations or readings from suitably graduated instruments."
"... For the present it will be sufficient to state that the
planet behaves like a perfectly smooth or polished conductor of
inappreciable resistance, with capacity and self induction
uniformly distributed along the axis of symmetry of wave
propagation and transmitting slow electrical oscillations
without distortion and attenuation [without loss of clarity and
"... three requirements are essential to the establishment of
the resonating condition... The earth's diameter passing through
the pole should be an odd multiple of the quarter wave length -
that is, of the ratio between the velocity of light, and four
times the frequency of the currents... the frequency [of the
transmitter] should be smaller than twenty thousand cycles per
second ...
The most essential requirement is
that irrespective of frequency the wave or wave-train should
continue for a certain period of time, which I have estimated to
be not less than one-twelfth or probably 0.08484 of a second and
which is taken in passing to and returning from the region
diametrically opposite the pole over the earth's surface with a
mean velocity of about 471,240 kilometers per second [292,822
miles per second, a velocity equal to one and a half times the
"official" speed of light].
The rest of each file contained details
of other Tesla patents and research work, carefully prepared and
combined to enable the construction of the dual-purpose navigation
network and global electromagnetic control system.
When completed worldwide, to the viewing
public the Omega network would appear as a series of rather boring
radio-navigation masts situated at strategic points around the globe
with aerial wires radiating out from the upper part of each mast,
giving the appearance of a circus big top, though one of the group
repeatedly insisted, with more than a little scientific
justification, that the network should be called "Tesla's
Electromagnetic Pyramids".

Omega Schematic
Publicity material already widely
circulated claimed the Omega network capable of providing
radio-navigation of such high quality that it would significantly
enhance the safety of ships and aircraft.
This was quite true. In its "security
cover" role as a radio navigation network Omega could do this with
ease, and with such overwhelming accuracy for submerged submarines
that the group had swiftly sold the concept to the American and
Soviet defense agencies, though in subtly different ways, because
the two sides were bitter enemies busily engaged in a cold war.
Part 2
As evening turned to night and group members were served dinner by a
trusted retainer they discussed this initial strategy, for without
the unwitting assistance already received from governments in
arranging and building the huge aerial arrays, they would not have
been able to use Omega for its primary though hidden purpose.
However, once the global network of
stations was complete, the group would access Omega by undetectable
remote means during carefully designed "passive" time windows when
navigation-transmitter power was not being applied to the aerial
Each Omega station would limit its
navigation pulses to a strict staggered format controlled by dual
cesium atomic clocks, ensuring that the "passive" time windows were
always available to the group. This would enable them to communicate
with each other at will, and issue warnings or initiate punitive
strikes against recalcitrant individuals and nations, right under
the noses of the two most powerful nations on earth, using their
equipment without their knowledge.
As coffee and brandy were served after dinner, the American member
of the group brought the others up to date on progress. His
government had enthusiastically embraced the chance to gain an edge
over the "Commies", and had quickly arranged covert funding for the
construction of a global network of eight Omega stations.
Plans had been completed for eight
stations located in America, Argentina, Japan, Liberia, New Zealand,
Norway, Hawaii, and on the French island of La Reunion, of which
three were already operating. All eight were needed to justify
Omega's cover navigation role in the western world, but two
locations, Norway and Hawaii, were inappropriate for full global
coverage in the electromagnetic control role, which would require a
further three stations built on Soviet territory, providing a
network comprised of nine "real" Omega stations.
The two stations to be built in Norway
and Hawaii would therefore be smaller, less powerful and of an
entirely different design, ensuring that their use in the western
navigation role would not cause inadvertent jamming during periods
when the nine "real" Omega stations were in use by the group.
The Russian member explained that as soon as was decently possible
after the American plans were originally approved, he had leaked
selected diagrams and other details to the Soviet Government,
pointing out they could beat the Americans at their own game if his
government was prepared to increase Omega's navigational accuracy by
quietly building three more stations to exactly the same design at
Riga, Irkutsk, and Sakhalin. His government thought this was a
wonderful joke.
Soviet submarines using an American
system but with even greater accuracy! Funding was immediately
approved, and all three Soviet stations were already on-air and
Each "real" Omega station was sited on highly conductive soil, with
multiple buried heavy-duty ground aerials 1115.5 feet long,
radiating out every ten degrees of the compass from the central
point. Tuning was accomplished by the primary helix, wound with
special litz wire two and a half inches thick, capable of conducting
colossal quantities of electromagnetic energy many thousands of
times greater than that required for Omega's stated navigational
There were six smaller variometers for
fine tuning. For the navigational role the main helix would be
connected to the above-ground aerial array via a sulphur flouride-filled
bush. The above-ground aerial array was very conspicuous, with a
central mast standing 1,400 feet high, draped with sixteen aluminium
and steel aerial cables radiating out to anchor points around the
edge of the site, thus giving the characteristic "circus big top"
appearance to the station as a whole.
Though the mast and above-ground aerials were essential for Omega's
navigational role, they were not needed for its discrete
electromagnetic control role. If at a later date one of the
participating host nations wished to remove its Omega station and
could not be prevented from doing so, the circus big top could be
effectively "turned upside down", with a tuned steel-lined oil well
substituting for the central mast, and shallower tuned steel-lined
water wells at sixteen points around the edge of the site replacing
the aluminium and steel aerial cables.
The "inverted" Omega station would still operate perfectly in the
electromagnetic control role, but would be completely invisible to
the human eye. All that was needed was a powerful oil drilling rig
for the central well and a less powerful water drilling rig for the
shallow radial wells, a cable laying machine for the underground
aerials, discreet drilling crews, and local government permission to
drill exploration wells in search of oil reserves "believed" to
exist in the area.
Because every government on earth wants
to believe it has oil reserves, and because the group would offer to
drill the exploration wells free of charge as a goodwill
joint-venture, success was assured. Promises of free expertise and
free crude oil would prove an irresistible temptation to every
politician on earth. When the rigs eventually failed to find the
promised oil reserves and the crews apologetically departed the host
country, they would leave behind them a buried but fully operational
Omega station.
During the long hours of night that followed, the Munich Group
earnestly discussed the fine details of Omega's electromagnetic
control function, before eating a leisurely breakfast as the first
hint of dawn lit the eastern horizon. Then they rose from the
conference table and discreetly left the old house at five minute
intervals, stopping only to deposit their files in the strong-room
on the way out.
By the time the first bus rattled along
the street they had all vanished completely, which was entirely
appropriate behavior for no-persons.
As Nietzsche once wrote:
"We are unknown to ourselves, we men
of knowledge."
As their files and discussions showed,
Nikola Tesla alone had provided the core knowledge and
experiments which allowed them to design Omega's hidden
electromagnetic control function, for only Tesla had discovered and
written about the true nature of physics.
While academics sat in
their ivory towers fiddling with theoretical equations which made
sense only to themselves and their dedicated students, Tesla was
continually out in the field, bucking the academic system by using
hard physical equipment to create or evoke hard physical events and
When Einstein "proved" theoretically that travel beyond the speed of
light was impossible, Tesla proved that travel beyond the speed of
light was possible, by the simple expedient of physically directing
longitudinal waves of electromagnetic energy through and around the
earth, later accurately measuring their velocity at one and a half
times the speed of light.
Nikola Tesla continually made the
theoretical academic boffins feel acutely uncomfortable, and they
hated and shunned him for it.
Part 3
The theoretical boffins had carved the
physical universe up into specialties controlled by several of their
unconnected academic disciplines, and by so doing had succeeded in
completely obscuring reality.
For example, a man visiting his local
university and asking for an explanation of exactly how he was able
to see a hill five miles away, would be told that this was a very
complex scientific matter.
The poor fellow would first be directed
to the neuro-scientists and psychologists who would explain how his
eyes worked, before being passed on to the physicists (and perhaps
meterologists) who would explain about photons and the atmosphere
between his eyes and the hill.
Eventually he would probably be handed
on to the geographers and geologists who would explain the physical
appearance and composition of the hill itself. Thus the simple
problem of seeing a hill five miles away had been converted into
several different packages of irrelevant academic rubbish, capable
of providing a living for at least five theoretical boffins and
their families.
Nikola Tesla knew it was rubbish, because he knew that
everything in the universe is connected to everything else by an
endless loop of electromagnetic particles, also known as energy,
which Tesla proved resonated (vibrated naturally) within identical
frequency ranges.
If you hook a man up to a piece of
medical equipment called an electroencephalograph or EEG, its chart
will display
Delta, Alpha, Theta and Beta "brain" waves vibrating
through a range of frequencies from about one to twenty-five cycles
per second, with most of the meaningful activity in a central band
between five and fifteen cycles per second. But if you then remove
the electroencephalograph sensors from the man and push them deep
into damp conductive earth instead, you will find the EEG chart
faithfully displays Delta, Alpha, Theta and Beta waves in identical
frequency ranges.
Indeed, if the medical sensors could be suitably adapted they would
detect identical vibrations in air and "outer space" as well. Thus
man is merely an integral part of an electromagnetic whole which
embraces his eyes, the apparently empty space between his eyes and
the hill, the hill itself, and the universe. Remove or even deflect
any of the billions of particles comprising this electromagnetic
whole, and man would be rendered incapable of seeing anything at
The source for all of this electromagnetic activity is the universe
itself, with billions of stars emitting incalculable amounts of
energy, in turn used or replicated by the planets.
Planet earth is a gigantic electrical
generator spinning around two magnetic poles from which limitless
energy can be tapped at will, provided appropriate tuning is used,
which in the case of Omega means magnifying and applying appropriate
resonant frequencies. When the Munich Group designed the aerials for
Omega's cover navigational role, they used Tesla's 787,412 which
stated the frequency "should be less than twenty thousand [cycles]".
So the group designed aerial arrays perfectly suited to transmitting
at frequencies between five and fifteen thousand cycles per second.
Man-made electrical generators provided power for Omega's navigation
transmitters, which worked perfectly, allowing pinpoint accuracy for
submerged submarines monitoring the standing waves emitted by at
least three of the Omega stations, known to navigators as a
"position fix".
What the group did not tell the politicians and the military was
that aerials which can transmit at five to fifteen thousand cycles
per second can also transmit on all other frequencies with direct
mathematical relationships, known as harmonics. The secret of
Omega's hidden electromagnetic control role was its ability to
simultaneously or sequentially transmit on even numbered
sub-harmonic frequencies between five and fifteen cycles per second,
a range embracing the resonant frequencies of the earth itself and
the earth to ionospheric gap.
Just as submerged submarines could fix their positions with pinpoint
accuracy by monitoring the standing waves emitted by at least three
of the Omega stations, the Munich Group could use the Omega network
to direct sub-harmonic standing waves and thus resonant effects of
virtually any magnitude to literally any point on earth, with equal
centimetric accuracy. Exactly which effect was produced at that
point on earth would be determined by the precise resonant frequency
used, accurate to three decimal places.
Every material in the universe, organic or inorganic, has its own
unique resonant frequency, allowing Omega extreme accuracy in its
electromagnetic control role.
The best known example of natural resonance is the soprano who
shattered a wine glass twenty feet away by singing a particular
note. She was singing a note at the unique resonant frequency of the
glass itself, which vibrated in sympathy until it exceeded its
stress tolerance, then shattered into hundreds of pieces.
Using exactly the same principle, if
Omega directed the resonant frequency of, say, basalt rock, at a
precise point on the earth's surface at vastly increased magnitude,
the effect would be identical in that the basalt rock would vibrate
naturally with increasing force, until eventually a tremor or
earthquake occurred at that precise point.
Destroying entire regions by earthquake or tempest would be a
complete overkill for a network designed from the outset by the
Munich Group to "persuade" a bunch of megalomaniacs to cease and
desist from violence, threatened against whichever small sovereign
nation was the chosen "Terrorist State of The Month", so the
network would normally be used to demonstrate the likely
catastrophic punitive response if the megalomaniacs refused to heed
warnings from the Munich Group.
Say, for example, that the American
megalomaniacs were planning to bomb another hundred thousand Iraqis
into instant bloody oblivion, the Munich Group might send a telex or
facsimile to an unlisted number deep within the US Department of
State, suggesting such action would be considered extremely bad
manners, and if it was not cancelled immediately, the electrical
supply to the entire eastern seaboard of America would be disrupted,
causing incalculable damage to property and commerce in the
megalomaniacs' own back yard.
Believing such a threat to be impossible, this first warning would
normally be ignored by the megalomaniacs, in which case the Munich
Group might send another cryptic message two or three days later:
"Watch Auckland, New Zealand, very carefully". Exactly one hour
after this message rolled off the facsimile machine Omega might
direct a standing wave at the exact resonant frequency of copper,
across the underground cables connecting the major power stations to
the business districts of Auckland.
With the exact level of invisible
resonant energy calculated in advance, the electromagnetic
properties of the particles in the copper cables would change
immediately, creating infinite resistance and blocking the flow of
electricity to the city.
Chaos would reign supreme. Weeks later when the world's top
electrical engineers examined huge sections of the cable in the
laboratory they would find nothing wrong with it, simply because
there was nothing wrong with it. The resonant blocking effect used
locally in New Zealand would leave no visible signs of damage. In
this way the American Department of State might be convinced, solely
by the grim demonstration in New Zealand, that it should spare a
hundred thousand innocent Iraqi lives.
The two most crucial aspects of the Omega network are how the
resonant frequencies are magnified to the point where they can cause
incalculable damage up to and including earthquake and tempest, and
the remote technology used to access the network itself. Both are
extremely dangerous subjects to write about, even as fiction. In
1985, not long after the Omega network started transmitting in its
electromagnetic role, four very real Australians stumbled across a
portable remote control facility at Cape Leveque, north of Broome in
Western Australia.
They asked the two no-persons manning
the facility a lot of inquisitive questions about the pair of cesium
atomic clocks and other specialized equipment they were operating,
and the two no-persons in turn asked a lot of seemingly friendly
questions about them, such as their names, occupations, where they
lived and so on.
Within seven days of leaving Cape Leveque three of the four
Australians had unusual fatal accidents, and the fourth, sensing her
own possibly imminent death, changed names and went underground. To
this day the surviving member of the group lives in constant fear,
though she has no idea exactly what she is afraid of. No matter. In
the view of the author living with a limited amount of fear is
preferable to being dead.
Nowadays this sole survivor says nothing
about what she saw at Cape Leveque, which is very good. She may yet
live to a ripe old age.
Part 4
Long before this incident, the Munich Group encountered several
delays in the construction of its nine "real" Omega stations. Though
supposed to be on-air and operational by the early nineteen
seventies, two stations in particular posed almost insurmountable
Peace groups in Norway and New Zealand,
incorrectly identifying the Omega network solely as a command and
control network for American nuclear ballistic missile submarines,
mounted campaigns to block construction in both countries. Because
the Munich Group did not at that time have sufficient funds or
access to either country enabling it to drill inverted Omega
stations in their place, its members could do little more than
seethe with impatience.
The Norwegian station was of no real
importance because it was only a dummy in the electromagnetic role,
but the New Zealand station was critical to operations in the
southern hemisphere. The Omega network would work without it, but
not at 100% efficiency.
One year after the meeting in Munich the group decided that New
Zealand was simply too hard, and opted for the critical southern
station to be built instead in the Australian state of Victoria.
Unfortunately there was now opposition from Australian peaceniks
equally determined to stop this "dedicated ballistic missile
guidance system" from being built. Several frustrating years
followed and then in in the early seventies two things happened.
The Australian Government set up an
inquiry into the control of Omega under the initial guidance of the
Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon. Gough Whitlam, QC, MP. In
turn this sudden use of a dreaded committee, likely to cause extreme
delays simply because it was a committee, alarmed the Munich Group
to the point where it later decided to send a no-person project
engineer to Australia to examine the feasibility of building an
"inverted" Omega station if all else failed.
That no-person was an engineer using a passport in the name of John
Friedrich, though he was known to the Munich Group only as "Iago".
Over the years that followed Friedrich visited several potential
sites across outback Australia, earmarking three for future
development, but then in 1977 confidential advice was received that
the official Omega station to be sited at Darriman in Victoria would
definitely get the green light.
Friedrich was then quietly
infiltrated into a little known organization called The National
Safety Council of Australia (Victorian Division), as its engineer
for emergency services.
By late 1981 the Omega project was well under way and John Friedrich
was kept busy ensuring that it did not come under attack from a
bunch of well-meaning peaceniks.
During the same year three other
no-persons, experts in oilfield and security operations, were
quietly relocated to Sale and Port Welshpool, sites in Victoria that
bracketed the Omega station and which would shortly become the two
principal operational bases for the miraculously expanded emergency
services section of the NSCA (Victorian Division).
The choice of oilfield and security experts was no accident. Over
recent years the Munich Group had quietly acquired significant
funding and was no longer prepared to run the risk of losing global
Omega capability at the whim of any single national government.
To counter this, five inverted Omega
stations were to be built (drilled) to ensure global integrity. One
inverted Omega would be drilled in Australia, another in America and
three more elsewhere. The level of drilling expertise would need to
be extremely high, as would security, hence the three extra
no-persons relocated to Sale and Port Welshpool.
The Australian Omega station started transmitting in 1982 and the
momentum of the peaceniks slowed considerably, until a few years
later Omega was effectively forgotten by the demonstrators, who
turned their energetic attention back towards more obvious and
visually menacing threats such as Pine Gap and Nurrungar, harmless
American bases used for electronic eavesdropping and missile
Unfortunately John Friedrich had the bit between his teeth and
managed to upgrade the emergency services section of the NSCA
(Victorian Division) from a low-profile security facility desired by
the Munich Group to protect Omega from attack, to a very
high-profile organization beloved by several branches of the
Australian Government, many of whom found uses for the extraordinary
skills of the NSCA emergency personnel, whose abilities, not
surprisingly, surpassed those of the military.
This increased profile disturbed the Munich Group, and it also
puzzled them. Although the group had discreetly arranged certain
monies in the late seventies to allow the emergency services section
to be suitably expanded, they had certainly not arranged the vast
sums of money needed to expand the organization to the point where,
by the mid-eighties, Friedrich alone controlled more than 400
It later transpired that John Friedrich
had exceeded his duties by borrowing vast sums of money from the
banks, secured only by fictional sea containers filled with
imaginary safety equipment. Whether he did this for reasons of
personal aggrandizement, or because he genuinely thought that Omega
was in need of vastly enhanced security, will probably never be
The bubble finally burst in early 1989 when the deception was
discovered and the NSCA (Victorian Division) was disbanded, and
along with it, Omega's discreet security cover. A year later someone
fired several bullets into Friedrich's family home at Seaton from
close range and this seemed to be a turning point for him.
Under acute stress from the near misses
on his wife and children he visited clinical psychologist Ian
Joblin, but a year after that, on 26 July 1991, five days before
he would be forced into open court in Victoria to give evidence
under oath, John Friedrich alias Iago and several other
names, was found dead with gunshot wounds to the head. A pistol was
found nearby but John Friedrich, no-person project engineer, did not
leave a suicide note.
In the years following 1981 the five "inverted" Omega stations were
drilled as planned, and sit there to this day in the event that
certain national governments decide to tear down any of the original
nine "real" Omega stations. As late as 1986 contingency plans
existed to drill another three inverted Omegas, so that the cover
navigational role could be dispensed with entirely if required.
Outside of the Munich Group itself, only a handful of people know
where the invisible inverted Omega stations are located, and it is
likely to stay that way.
In reality it is extremely unlikely that the mainstream military of
each host country will ever allow its Omega station to be
dismantled, because the mainstream military is acutely aware that in
the event of thermonuclear war, the electromagnetic pulses (EMPs)
emitted by the weapons will have a devastating effect on all medium
and high radio frequencies, and burn out the transistor junctions in
every satellite in orbit around the earth.
Under those conditions the only reliable
form of communication left would be ground waves at very low
frequencies, which in effect means Omega and a handful of other less
powerful VLF transmitters. In fact the Australian Omega station was
recently stripped of its navigation title but the mast was not
derigged, nor were its personnel dispersed.
Instead, as the Omega website advises,
the station was handed across to the Australian Navy and is now
controlled from Canberra. Well, yes, a small part of the Australian
Omega station is now controlled from Canberra.
The morality of whether or not the Munich Group should have the
right to use such brute power to bring entire governments to heel is
debatable, but perhaps no more debatable than the identical "right"
of dictatorships sometimes masquerading as "representative
democracies" to engage in wholesale murder across the globe to
achieve their own geopolitical ends.
When the Soviet Government decided to
use crop spraying planes to slaughter five thousand Afghans with
binary angel dust it did not first seek approval from the Soviet
people. When the Iranian Government decided to murder several
hundred civilians in the Iraqi town of Halabja with phosgene gas, it
likewise did not first seek the approval of the Iranian people.
There are hundreds of other similar
Part 5
The essential difference between the Munich Group and the murderous
megalomaniacs who constitute a substantial part of elected and
unelected governments around the world, is that the latter are
subject to direction from forces far more powerful than themselves.
If politicians wish to be re- elected
and thus retain their lavish perks of office, they are reliant not
only on the people, but also on those who fund their advertising,
and on the media who polish their images on national and
international television.
On their proven track records the latter
groups are dedicated to "globalism", another bureaucratic code word
meaning a one world government, controlled by and for the sole
benefit of a tiny global elite.
Over the years the power base shifts
backwards and forwards like the sands in a desert, but the core
objective remains the same. Thirty years ago the global elite used
communism as a cover and Moscow as their base. Nowadays exactly the
same global elite use representative democracy as a cover and New
York as their base. The more things change the more they stay the
In contrast the Munich Group is subject to no such pressures or
objectives, and simply tries to check this headlong rush into
cultural oblivion by use of threat alone, supplemented when
absolutely necessary by punitive action against those individuals or
nations perceived as being totally out of control.
It requires, for example, completely
unbiased and unemotional judgment to direct Omega to spin up a
twenty trillion horsepower hurricane as a threat, and it requires
equally unemotional judgment and a very steady hand to finally guide
the awesome destructive power of that twenty trillion horsepower
hurricane to its target, if all other subtle warnings are not
With the wishes of most inhabitants of this planet completely
ignored by the global elite, it might reasonably be argued that the
Munich Group and Omega are indeed "The Final Solution", the only
mechanism left which can invisibly but inexorably bring irresistible
pressure to bear on the global elite, and thus prevent enslavement
of the world.
If this is the case, then there is one
man to whom we all owe an enormous vote of thanks, a giant of a man
who, at the end, died penniless and alone: Nikola Tesla.
The will to truth, which is
still going to tempt us to many a hazardous enterprise
That celebrated veracity of which all philosophers have
hitherto spoken with reverence What questions this will to truth has already set before us!
What strange, wicked, questionable questions! It is already a long story, yet does it not seem as if it has
only just begun?
Beyond Good and Evil