ThinkAboutIt Website
The Facts
The history of German Antarctic research started at 1873 when Sir
Eduard Dallman on behalf of the newly founded German Society of
Polar Research discovered new Antarctic routes with his ship
Dallman discovered the "Kaiser-Wilhelm-Inseln" at the
western entrance of the Biskmarkstrasse along the Biscoue Islands.
Exploring the polar regions, the Germans were already at this time
quite innovative, for the "GRÖNLAND" was the first
steamship to see the Antarctic ice at all.
Within the next 60 years 2 further expeditional thrusts took place,
and two complete expeditions were fulfilled, namely 1910 under
Wilhem Filchner with his ship "DEUTSCHLAND" and 1925 with
the special designed polar expedition ship, the " METEOR"
under the command of
Dr. Albert Merz.
During the recent years before WWII the Germans claimed to hegemony
about parts of Antarctica and the wished to possess an own base grew
At this time the Antarctic was not safe due to
international treaties like today and a pragmatic proof of Germany's
claim by a single strike to the south pole on the eve of the war
seemed to be the best option.
Hitler himself was anxious for
a foothold in the Antarctic and such a claim could be used pretty
well for the National socialistic propaganda and a further
demonstration of the uprising "Superpower Germany". On the
other side a new provocation of the Allied had still to be avoided
for some time.
Germany was - at this time - not completely prepared
for the coming war.
As a matter of fact, the idea of a semi-civilian expedition in
cooperation with the German national airline company, the
"LUFTHANSA" grew up.
A civilian covered expedition with truly
military and strategically background, a highly political charged
balancing act. The command on this strike was given to the polar
- experienced Captain Alfred Ritscher, who had already led
some expeditions to the North Pole and proved courage and skillness
in critical situations.
The selected ship was the " MS
SCHWABENLAND" (images below), a German aircraft carrier used since 1934
for transatlantic mail delivery by special flight boats, the famous 10t Schwere Dornier "Wale".

These "Wales" were mounted on
steam catapults on the deck of the ship and could be started and
refueled this way easily.
This circumstance should proof very well
during the expedition. The "SCHWABENLAND" was prepared for
the expedition on Hamburg´s shipyards, which cost the huge amount of
1 Million Reichsmark, nearly a third of the complete expedition
Meanwhile, the crew was prepared and scheduled by the German Society
of Polar Research precisely.
This society also made the sensational
step to invite Richard E. Byrd, the most famous American
Antarctic researcher. On the mid of November 1938 he arrived in
Hamburg and showed the crew and a clearly selected publicity of 84
persons his new Antarctic documentation movie in the Urania of
Byrd, who had flown across the south pole as the
first human in 1929, was already at this time a living legend, a
national hero to the Americans and most of the polar researchers. In
1938 he still was civilian.
This invitation to the Germans could
have been a typical irony of history, for nearly ten years later
exactly this Richard E. Byrd - then in the rank as US NAVY
admiral - got the instruction to destroy the secret German Antarctic
base 211.
To do this, he was given the command of the biggest
military force on the Antarctic ice ever seen, 13 ships and nearly
4000 men staff. That mysterious operation which is said to have
ended in a catastrophically failure.
The "NEUSCHWABENLAND" left the port of Hamburg on December 17th
1938 heading to the Antarctic on a precisely planned and determined
route and reached the ice on January 19th 1939 at 4° 15´ W and 69°
The following weeks on 15 flights the "PASSAT" and the
"BOREAS" flew across some 600.000 square kilometers and made
with their special designed German "Zeiss Reihenmessbildkameras RMK
38" more than 11.000 pictures of the area.
The old Norwegian maps
from 1931 on these area were renewed, for they proved to be fake.
(Could not be different, because the Norwegian expeditions before
did never go so deep into the ice from the used Northern landing
Nearly one fifth of the whole Antarctic area was scanned
this way, thus documented for the first time and simultaneous
claimed to be German territory. To stress this claim on the outside
too, the two planes dismissed several thousands of drop-flags,
special metal poles with expedition's insignia on them, the
(images below).
The whole territory now got the still valid
name: "NEUSCHWABENLAND", referring to a south German

Interestingly, the Expedition seemed to have discovered ice-free
with even lakes and small signs of vegetation in the mid of the
Antarctic occurred. The geologists said that this phenomenon was due
hot sources in the ground.
Concurrent, the landings points where
marked with "prick-flags".
some newer historians reduce the discovered area to an amount of
325.000 square kilometers. Do not trust these numbers, I have copies
of the original flight maps here, revealing the number 600.000 in
ancient letters. What could be the reason to reduce this number ?
(image below)

Most parts of "NEUSCHWABENLAND" were renamed according to the
Antarctic treaty in 1957.
MARTHA COAST", "PRINCESS ASTRID COAST". On the older maps you will
still find the original names. Yet, until today still many of the
mountains in the northern Antarctic area carry German names like:
These names
were given according to leading Berlin bureaucrats who enabled with
their policy the expedition's targets.
In the mid of February, the "SCHWABENLAND" again left the
Antarctic. It took two months back to Hamburg and Ritscher
carefully used this time to organize the results, maps and photos.
Captain Ritscher
surprised by the results of the flights, immediately planned after the
arrival a second, fully civilian, expedition in use of lighter
airplanes with skids.
Facing the beginning of WWII, these civilian
(!) plans were said to be given up somewhere on October 1939.
Yet, what about the military and strategic option achieved by this
strike? Was it wasted resources so far? Today, all historians agree
in the fact that the WWII was not accidentally started but pretty
well planned from the early 30´s and even before. At least since
1933 the whole German dictatorship tried to gain war fitness within
a decade or earlier.
In all - and I really mean all - aspects of
life: military, "civilian", economic, social, private, resourcing,
engineering, foreign policy, and so on, in all aspects the Germans
were put straight on their way to war more or less obviously.
Pointing to this only aim, the National Socialists abused the
typical kind of German correctness and missing sense for rebellious
scrutinizing. Nothing was left to chance!
And this same method was
used in the Antarctic issue, which in my eyes NEVER ended with Ritscher´s return 1938 but went on during the WWII.
Unfortunately, at this point all valid information are vanished. What
is left is a scattered puzzle of hints, testimonies and reports
which go up to the fifties and which we partially can not verify
anymore. So IF the Germans WERE able to build up an Antarctic
(underground) base on the results of Ritscher´s expedition,
this would be one of the really best covered secrets in German history.
No question,
German engineers HAD the knowledge to construct something like that
as the huge underground establishments of the Nordhausen complex in
the Harz as well as Kahla complex at Thüringen and many more
prove. Does this you Americans remembers you of something???
pattern somehow is the same: A lying government / dictatorship and a
frightened, blind-held folks willing to obey and believe in what
they are fed up with... (remember Roswell)
So, we have done an attempt to restructure chronically those parts of
the puzzle we could gather within some months of research on this
topic. Nobody can say that the following really happened, so you
might see it as speculation first.
Yet, we HAVE tremendous parallels
on several sources from which we can only say this one thing 100%:
The Secret Bases
What follows now is the attempt of a chronological collection of the
events and their conclusions as far as they are known to us today.
They all lead to the establishing of the Antarctic base 211
at the end of war by means of German submarines and flying saucers
and to the (failed ?) attempt to destroy it by the US Navy in 1947
since 1936
Evaluation of the anti-gravity propulsion of a nearly
100% functional flying saucer going down in the "Schwarzwald"
summer 1936
Alternative hypothesis:
Self-developing this propulsion by experiments of German scientists
basing on Viktor Schauberger´s anti-gravity experiments. |
since 1938
first unmanned flights with the new (re-)build
propulsion. A very special section of the "Reichsluftfahrtbehörde"
gets the project under its control with the aim to build up
anti-gravital fighters and troop carriers. The project's name is "HANEBBU"
(some sources also call it the "VRIL "project). The
prototypes are numbered in ascending order. The project has many
setbacks in the first years due to the massive electro-magnetic
disturbances and their interaction with conventional electric
components. Although the propulsion can be handed and used principally,
it seems to be nearly impossible to "drive or fly" these prototypes in
sharper angels than 90°, thus not usable as fighters. Additionally
normal navigation systems referring somehow to magnetic fields were
completely useless and a special, magnetic independent navigation
instrumentation designed, the celestial guidance system:
"Meisterkompass" and "Peiltochterkompass" (see
documented images) |
about 1940
Further secret German expeditions to "NEUSCHWABENLAND".
As landing points, there could have been used two of the three marked
landing bays north-west of the "MÜHLIG-HOFFMAN MOUNTAINS" close
to 3° W and 70° S. Those were already documented as
landing bays by Ritscher.
from 1942/43 on
Starting the assemblage of the Antarctic base 211.
Simultaneously a second secret base is build up on a high plateau in the
South American Andes. (Argentina?)
Necessary items for the erection of the bases are
continuously transported on submarines.
Note: German submarine commanders are highly
experienced in the arctic waters due to the need of delivery of material
and people to Germany's northern arctic bases and civilian research
stations. In fact at least 20 well documented operations have taken
place along the arctic until 1945 by means of these submarines. Some of
these operations, especially the later ones, had to be carried out under
extreme conditions and with the permanent threat of contact with the
enemy. Besides, on their way to the south pole, researchers discovered
somewhat like a straight deep submarine trench fitting pretty well for
the necessary transportations. |
Summer 1944
The "HANNEBU" series has left the
stadium of prototypes and brought up to 19-25 ships in 2 (or even 3)
sizes. "HANEBU I" is a small vessel, "HANNEBU II" a more
sophisticated, larger one. Some reports even hint at
III", which was designed as a mother ship. If this third
type has become reality, there existed only one single ship. So, the
overall transport capacities are still very limited, due to a quite
small diameter of the disks. Additionally production of ships gets more
and more difficult, because the Allied manage to cut of Germany's raw
materials more and more. Yet "HANNEBUs" manage to disturb
some allied bomber raids over Germany.
Note. Every allied bomber pilot in the recent years of
the war knows the mysterious threat of the so called "foe-fighters"
appearing and vanishing with incredible speed and causing bright-orange
light phenomenon's and paroxysmal instrumentation failures on all
electric and magnetic parts of the bombers. In no source a direct attack
by these "foe-fighters" is mentioned, they seem to play a completely
defensive role on the late air war over Germany. Although the overall
effect is minimal and has no more influence on the proceed of the war.
Winter 1944/45
The enormous pressure of the Allied
forces the Germans to give up the big secret underground facilities in
Eastern Germany. They Allied themselves seem to be pretty well informed
on these facilities and overall eager to capture them. There Germans
flee and leave back much material of the HANNEBU project.
The attempt to rebuild the construction zones in the mid of Germany
fails. The war is nearly over.
"... I have seen enough of their
designs and production plans to realize that if they (the Germans)
had managed to prolong the war some months longer, we would have
been confronted with a set of entirely new and deadly developments
in air warfare"
(Sir Roy Feddon, chief of the technical mission to Germany
for the Ministry for Aircraft Production in 1945)
"When WWII ended, the Germans had
several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under
development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but
they were the only known craft that could even approach the
performance of objects reported to UFO observers..."
(Captain Edward J.
Chief of the US Air Force Project "Bluebook" on 1956)
late in April 1945 |
A last convoy of submarine vessels
leaves German Harbors with direction Antarctica and Andean areas. It is
the overall successful attempt to escape the Allied´s clutches. Among
this last convoy there are the U 530 (Captain Otte Wehrmut) and
the U977m (Captain Heinz Schäffer).
The last visual contact with U977 was on April 26th at Christiansund.
Schäffer´s crew did not reveal anything about the submarine's
destination or load. The vessel vanishes now for nearly 4 months, before
the crew delivers a completely empty vessel to Argentinean Officials.
April/May 1945
In the same way, leading NS-Officials and technical
are evacuated from Berlin/Potsdam with the HANEBU fleet
heading to the meanwhile completed (?) base 211. The overall transport
capacities are quite limited. |
May 1945
The submarine convoy achieves in the southern
Atlantic Sea a sea victory over an Allied unit trying to stop it. This
event is under wraps until today. |
8 May 1945
Germany's capitulation |
17 August
1945 (!)
Some submarine crews who are not
willing to live in the base or who perhaps can't be admitted to the base
travel to Argentina and hand over their completely empty submarines.
Among those are at documented cases of U530 and U977. High US
Navy officials immediately traveled down to Argentina and started severe
interrogations on the crew.
repeatedly denied to have brought anyone one or anything to anywhere.
Although most of the crew are unwilling to tell what really happened, it
is possible that these interrogations deliver important information
about the location of the base . Yet for us, it remains very mysterious
what the crew really did after the official capitulation on May 1945,
for they confessed to have heard it soon on their own radio. When
Schäffer came free, he immediately traveled back to Argentina to
stay there with some fellows for the rest of his life.
Until today more than 100 submarines of the German fleet are missing.
Among those are many of the highly technological XXII class equipped
with the so-called " Walterschnorchel" a special designed and coated
schnorkel enabling submarines in combination with their new developed
engines to dive for many thousand miles. A "trip" to the base without
recognition becomes pretty possible with this technology. |
January 1947
The US Navy tries to destroy the German base which
did not surrender at the end of war. The operation is a disaster. The
base remains functional, at least is parts. |
More than one year after the surrending of U977 the US NAVY launches the
biggest military operation in the Antarctic ice under the command of
Admiral Richard E. Byrd. This is the operation "HIGHJUMP",
including 13 ships, 1 aircraft carrier, 2 seaplane tenders, 6
two-engined R4D transports and 4000 men stuff. The only official
statement on the purpose of such a task force is the need for testing
"new material under the extreme Antarctic conditions." The force starts
up at the established US bases in the "ROSS SEA", then it moves
up the western Antarctic coast heading toward the Northern Antarctic
coast, "NEUSCHWABENLAND" and building up a bridgehead on January
27th 1947 somewhere west of it. Officially the expedition is a big
success because it delivers many new facts of the use of military
equipment under extreme conditions.
What is the need of such a big task force in this
area ?
IF the expedition was such a success, WHY did
Byrd already return to the US in February 1947 ? The operation
was planned and equipped for a full 6-8 month duration.
Did this expedition carry atomic warheads as some
sources say ?
later than
1945 (?)
Byrd´s diary and flight log:
On another expeditional flight, a copy of
Byrd´s flight diary
reveals that
Byrd and his radio operator flying C-47 exploratory craft was
seized down softly by two flying saucers.
Byrd lost control of the plane and its instruments and flight
controls, the prop-driven C-47 went down very much like a helicopter. As
the plane landed this way, two tall men, both blond and Germanic looking
escorted him and his radio operator to an underground facility, where he
was assigned with giving the following message to the "surface
governments": Stop exploding nuclear weapons for you will most assuredly
experience difficult times ahead. That was all, Byrd and his
companion were escorted back to their plane. The strange race said
something very similar to "Auf Wiedersehen"( German, "Good by")
when they went, calling their own discs "FLUGERODS" (unknown in
German expression)
Byrd flew 1947 at least one time in a right-twisted circle
across the whole territory "NEUSCHWABENLAND" heading from
southwest over the "RITSCHER HOCHLAND" and the eastern areas to
the Pole. |
February 1947
On his return to the US, Byrd reveals in an (often
quoted but nowhere validated) Interview with a reporter that it was "necessary
for the USA to take defensive actions against enemy air fighters which
come from the polar regions" and that in case of a new war, the USA
would be attacked by fighters that are "able to fly from one pole to
the next with incredible speed".
Byrd has to face a secret cross examination by US authorities.
The US withdraws from the Antarctic for almost a decade.
since 1953
World wide mass sightings of UFOs. In
the late 70´s it becomes more and more obvious that many of these
sightings are identical in some technical details with the "HANEBU"
series. This can be stated especially for the so called
"ADAMSKY" UFOs in the early fifties. Which somehow look very
terrestrial, nearly in "fashion style" of this decade and somehow very
different from the rest of flat-bottomed crafts. |
The International Antarctic year with large civilian
research projects starts. The result is the Antarctic treaty in which
all participants agree to avoid any military operations this region in
future times. This treaty ends somewhere in the year 2000.