Let us move now directly into the promised material from
David Wilcock on the Mayan Calendar.
The Amazing Synchronicity
Chatelain’s Mayan Calendar
Perhaps the single most interesting thing that we come across as we
get closer and closer to understanding this solar cycle is the
triangulation around 1999 and 2000. There are endless numbers of
apparently reliable prophecies pointing to this discrete period of
time, not 2012, as the point of major change. The Cayce Readings,
referencing what has to be the exact same solar cycle as indicated
by Ra and the Mayan Calendar, called attention to 1998. The question
we must then ask ourselves is this. If 2012 is supposed to be "it,"
then why are so many prophecies focusing on a time that is
significantly earlier than this?
If we look at the Great Cycle strictly from the perspective of the
sunspots, we might then assume that the interest in 2000 could stem
from the fact that the smallest "sunspot cycle" is known to operate
in 11-year increments. We know that this 11-year cycle has an
effect, disrupting radio communications and increasing solar
particle emissions. Current calculations place the next sunspot peak
date as occurring in May of 2000. That fact alone suggests strongly
that there is a connection, as most people are well aware of the May
5, 2000 planetary lineup that will occur. This was made public in
the opening episodes of the TV show "Millennium," as well as
Richard Noone’s 5 / 5 / 2000: Ice, The Ultimate Disaster.
The simple fact that the second-to-last sunspot peak occurs in 2000
might be enough for most people to be convinced that this explains
the position of
Cayce’s prophecies. The
Ra Material indicates that
the energy coming out of the Sun is indeed multi-dimensional, and
thus if there is an increase of it, we can expect an increasing
pressure of fourth-density energy. We also know that we have major
social and planetary changes listed in the Cayce Readings for 1998
and a possible pole shift in 2001. So, if we pin the tail on the
donkey between those two years given by Cayce, we have a "happy
medium" of 1999-2000.
So, it makes good sense that the peaks of the 11-year sunspot cycle
would also represent peaks in this increasing energy. Since May 2000
is the last peak in the sunspot cycle before 2012, we can expect
that during that year, the 4D energies would increase to their
absolute highest possible point before the final event itself occurs
in 2012. The intensity of this "high point" could conceivably bring
in a burst of fourth-density energy that is strong enough to create
Ascension or Rapture experience, where human entities
spontaneously shift frequencies and rise from third-density to
fourth-density vibrations. [But wait, there is even going to be more
evidence than this.]
Elkins never asked the question of the 2000 date in the
Ra Material,
so we have to find out for ourselves what the true answer is here.
But we can see right away how neatly this ties in with the Biblical
notions of the Second Coming of Christ ushering in 1000 years of
peace. It would certainly make good sense that this 1000 years would
be timed in accordance with our own calendrical cycles, and
therefore beginning in 2000. This has been the belief of many
Biblical scholars for long periods of time. If anyone had ever come
to Earth who should be capable understanding these cycles enough to
make prophecies, Jesus would obviously be at the top of the list!
However, the purpose of this chapter is to illustrate an even deeper
aspect of the Solar Cycle that has never before been correlated
together in the way that it is here. We will cite the efforts of
another Maurice C., this time not Maurice Cotterell but
Maurice Chatelain, a former NASA scientist and astrophysicist from France.
The synchronicity between these two names is another interesting
"hint" of a connection in some higher sense. In his now rare, out of
print book from 1971 entitled Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space,
Chatelain makes an apparently airtight scientific and mathematical
case for the Mayan calendar being dated incorrectly.
Before we explain his case, we need to qualify all of this by
stating that Wilcock’s readings have now stated emphatically that Chatelain was indeed wrong, in one sense. Chatelain reconfigured the
Mayan Calendar based on new information that he himself discovered.
This reconfiguration fit in so nicely with other pieces of data that
Wilcock was convinced that Chatelain had to be right, and wrote it
into previous editions of this book. Even though the reconfigured
dates were wrong, the information itself is vitally important in
understanding this cycle.
What we will learn as a result of
Chatelain’s work is that in order
to understand this cycle, we need to watch Jupiter and
specifically when they go into conjunction with each other. It is
for this reason that even greater wonder is associated with May of
2000, as Jupiter and Saturn reach conjunction on May 28th, 2000.
This will prove to be the "missing link" we were searching for.
Remember that Ra refers to the "outward expanding and inward
coagulating" energy that is responsible for our Solar Cycle.
quote makes it clear that we have to go beyond simply studying the
Sun - this "pulsating energy" would be the entire Solar System.
Therefore, we do indeed need to consider the cycles of ALL the
planets in order to see how this cycle functions. Since Jupiter and
Saturn are the largest, we can also expect that they will exert the
greatest force on this cycle. It is for this reason that we need to
pay very close attention to them.
So, what we will do here is to first present
Chatelain’s case from
the perspective of our original book, which assumed that he was
correct. Do not be misled as we do this. After we go through this
explanation and lay out the case, we will bring in new information
from Cotterell that confirms why the conventional dating has to be
the accurate one. And then at last, we will rectify the two camps of
data together with information based on the revelations in the
Wilcock Readings.
In his book, which actually covers many different subjects,
Chatelain discusses the bitter war between the French and the
Germans considering the seeming ambiguity of the Mayan Calendar’s
start date. This occurred when the calendar was first discovered, as
there were actually two copies found, and they did not, in fact,
precisely agree with each other. It took a great deal of work to
finally arrive at the proper starting date. Since so much effort was
involved in resolving these conflicting areas of data, Chatelain
concedes that our now-universal adaptation of the "winning" date set
is not necessarily grounded. Chatelains’ own start date perfectly
coincides with a massive astrological event that lends great
credibility to his date system.
[We do need to keep in mind here that times have now changed.
Cotterell has now definitively tied in the "conventional" date set
with the precise appearance of Venus at the horizon during the
Equinox, known as the "Birth of Venus." Though we have not yet
discussed it, Cotterell has also shown how the Maya calibrated the
entire Solar Cycle off of the cycles of Venus’ revolutions.
Therefore, there is a planetary / astrological connection to the
conventional date set as well as to Chatelain’s date system. This
planetary / astrological connection strengthens the hyperdimensional
nature of this cycle as occurring throughout the entire Solar
System, not just the Sun itself.]
In the year targeted by Chatelain’s research as the beginning of the
most recent cycle of the Mayan Calendar, there is a major four-way
planetary conjunction in one quadrant of the sky, consisting of all
the outer planets, which obviously are much slower-moving than the
inner ones. Chatelain then counts three cycles back to 18,600 years
ago, and shows that during the start of that cycle, there was an
extremely rare double eclipse, where a total solar and total lunar
eclipse happened within mere months of each other. Both conjunctions
are precise enough with the new dating system that there can be no
accident; the crucial dates in the Chatelain Mayan Calendar are
associated with major astrological events.
Astrologers ascribe very high significance to conjunctions such as
eclipses and 4-way linkups, as they seem to multiply the influences
from the different planets, and can thus cause very powerful changes
in people on the Earth. One might suggest that they could change or
destabilize the Earth’s magnetic field as well, though nearly all
astrophysicists will disagree with this. If there is an aspect of
destabilization that is involved, it might help explain why the
magnetic pole shift is associated with this Great Cycle. If there is
indeed a planetary action that is somehow destabilizing to magnetic
fields, how might it work?
A mid-1998 special issue of Scientific American devoted to the
Cosmos showed that the size of the magnetic field of
Jupiter is
larger than the physical size of the Sun. Even though these magnetic
effects do not apparently hold sway in three dimensions, we cannot
automatically assume that there are not higher-dimensional effects
involved. It will become more and more evident in following chapters
that a planetary magnetic field is far more than a simple question
of north and south; it could be likened unto a gigantic, geometric
crystal of hyperdimensional energy, interwoven with its planetary
counterparts in a giant web. This is exactly as we were told by
in The Ra Material, as well as the
Cayce Readings.
Returning to the point of this section,
Chatelain again indicates
massive conjunctions and eclipses with the start dates of the Mayan
Calendar. And now, in 1999, we are heading into another massive
four-way planetary conjunction, which occurs simultaneously with a
total solar eclipse. The actual conjunction involves almost all of
the planets in a Grand Cross formation, where they are all lined up
in a giant square, so to speak. The date of this conjunction is
August 11, 1999, and at 11:11 a.m., the sun is fully darkened,
reaching its corona directly over Greenwich, England. Greenwich is
ground zero for our time measurement system, the city that the Prime
Meridian was designed to penetrate through.
We will indeed be coming back to this Aug. 11 conjunction in great
detail, but for now, chew on this. On page 225 of Gilbert and
Cotterell’s Mayan Prophecies, it says this:
"The start of the Mayan
Long Count calendar is usually taken as 3114 BC... There is also not
100% agreement as to whether the starting day of the Long Count...
is 12 August or 10 August."
Remember the Aug. 11, 1999 conjunction date we just mentioned?
Surprised? Out of all 365 days in the year, the scientists only
argue over two dates for the start of the Mayan Calendar, and this
eclipse on Aug. 11 is smack-dab in the middle. We have to then
wonder if there is some hyperdimensional significance to the
position of the Earth in orbit on Aug. 11. This might have to do
with its tilt angle in relation to the Sun, and how this angle
affects the magnetic lines of the
Global Grid. This one clue is
something that helps point in the direction of the 1999 "11:11"
event as actually being the first "wave" of Ascension.
And, there is much more to the 11:11 conjunction than just this. We
will let Joe Mason bring up the rear on this point, since he did
such a good job. This intensive essay can be found at
Mason shows us that this same exact
conjunction was secretly encoded into the Book of Revelation, as the
myth of the Four Beasts of the Apocalypse. Each of the four beasts
represent the four astrological symbols in which the "Grand Cross"
takes place. Joan Sckrabulis
wrote an entire book about this.
Also, Rev. 11:11 speaks directly of Ascension: "After the 3 1/2
days… God appeared on a cloud and said, "Come up here," and they
were borne up into the heavens…" The metaphor of the 3 1/2 has to do
with humanity’s leap from the third density into the fourth.
Another brand new and fantastic update on this subject came
Wilcock’s way in February of 1999, right before this book was to be
republished in its new form on the Internet. It has indeed increased
Wilcock’s confidence in the first Ascension occurring in August of
1999. This data comes about through the work of John Mini, in a work
entitled Day of Destiny. The full Internet write-up on the book can
be found at Mini’s website, entitled
www.dayofdestiny.com. A few
quotes from the site:
"August 13, 1999 was forecast by the ancient Aztecs to be a profound
turning point in history. Aztec culture and spiritual practice were
highly focused on this date which for them was hundreds of years in
the future…
Classical interpretations of the Aztec Sun Calendar also mean our
world could be destroyed by movement, or earthquakes, on August 13,
1999 if we don’t attain a global consciousness of peace, love,
understanding, and harmony with the kingdom of nature by that time…
The glyph at the top of the Aztec Sun Calendar is called 13 Cane. It
has many interpretations. One of them is August 13, 1999… Cane means
hollowness, emptiness and rigidity. Nothingness is at the core of
matter. Three-dimensional space has a hollow structure… 13 [also]
relates to the renewal of the sacred Aztec ritual fire every Mexican
century of fifty-two years. The Mexican believed in August 13, 1999
so strongly, they ritually demolished and destroyed their entire
civilization every fifty-two years as a dress rehearsal. *
[If what Mini says here is true, then we have a direct and very
interesting connection between the "big one" in 1507, which we
remember is called the Toxiuh Molpilli. In that case, it was
directly tied into the presence of the Pleiades overhead at exactly
12 Midnight. So, as we have just said in the last chapter,
"The Aztecs watched for the culmination of the Pleiades at midnight
(in 1507,) which would have happened around 11 November…" Now, what
is the date of 11 November? You got it. 11/11…"
Thus, it starts to look like less and less of a coincidence that the
Grand 11:11 Conjunction occurs only two days prior to this "final"
Toxiuh Molpilli that Mini is referring to here. We now go back to
Mini’s discussion of the symbolism of this date.]
…Overall, 13 Cane carries the notions of movement, freedom, change,
simplification, the sky, Heaven, visions, inspiration, emptying,
completion, returning to origin, centrality, choice, possibility and
the beginning of a new cycle. Does it seem like the Mexica are
conveying a hopeful, encouraging and positive message to us across
time? August 13, 1999 could be a very significant day for humanity.
The August 13, 1999 forecast flies in the face of everything we know
about predictability and probability. In a system with as many
variables as the ecosystem of planet Earth, there’s no way we know
of to make a prediction of such all-encompassing magnitude. The
equation is just too complex. According to our current level of
mathematical predictive science, no one could make a forecast of
such accuracy.
But what if someone did?"
Indeed, Mini’s question is answered quite astonishingly well right
within these pages. There is a close connection between the Aztec
Sun Calendar and the Mayan Calendar, and yet the ending dates are
different. It is the timing of the J-S conjunctions, and their
powerful effect on the Solar Cycle, that provides the perfect
explanation for why the Aztecs would have zeroed in on this date.
The pull of the astrological forces surrounding the Aug. 11, 1999
period are obviously strong enough that we have several completely
independent sources of information unilaterally cross-validating
each other!
[However, the Aztec data might not add up. If we count in 52-year
units from the 1507 date of the Toxiuh Molpilli referred to above,
we zero in on 1975 and 2027. That makes it more likely to have been
a "psychic" piece of guidance. The closeness of the dates is just
extremely, extremely persuasive, regardless of the immediately
visible "problems."]
So, we have already seen that Chatelain
associates the start of the
Mayan Calendar with a massive planetary conjunction. Again, what we
have here is an indication that the Mayans were very interested in
astrology, and the Great Cycle is intimately connected with it.
The mainstream wisdom does not associate the Calendar with
conjunctions, although it is correlated with the cycles of Venus
through Cotterell. Chatelain paints a completely different picture.
The Mayan Calendar is a multifaceted astrological tool, in fact
quite ingenuous and very useful once understood. The Calendar is not
simply one cycle; it is measured through smaller cycles, which must
also be considered.
The Mayan Calendar can be measured with several different counting
units. The smallest of these is the katun, which is approximately
years in length, at 7,200 days. One Mayan Calendar cycle of
approximately 5,200 years consists of 260 of these katuns. This
number 260 proves to be the most sacred number in all of
science and mysticism. We will explore the new information that
suggests why it was so important as we progress. This number was so
crucial and sacred to their understanding of the universe that they
actually assigned it a name, calling it the tzolkin.
In order to break the
Calendar up into more manageable pieces, they
also grouped the 20-year katuns together into groups of 20. Each of
these groups of 20 katuns is about 400 years long, or 144,000 days,
and the name they created for this was the baktun. Since there are
260 of the katuns in one Calendar Cycle, you would need 13 groups of
20 in order to have everything add up. So, for each Calendar Cycle,
there are 13 baktuns altogether.
As we just stated, the
tzolkin number 260 is the ultimate sacred
number to the Mayans. It is the root of their entire mathematical
system and the number of days in their Sacred Year. Their calendar
consisted always of two dates. They would count the conventional
solar years of 365 days along with the 260-day Sacred Years at the
same time. Thus, every calendar date was a combination of these two
variables. All of this is very well covered in Chatelain and
Gilbert’s Mayan Prophecies.
This aspect of their culture may be yet another astrological cycle
that we do not yet understand, but as we shall see, the deeper
synchronicities surrounding the number 260 are mind-blowing. As our
first example, Cotterell indicates that the swirling gases at the
Sun’s equator make one complete rotation every 26 Earth days.
Cotterell also demonstrates that ten of these rotations, or 260
days, are pivotal to all higher - level Solar cycles. Therefore, the
Mayan Sacred Year of 260 days would be a precise way of keeping
track of solar activity. The question we must immediately ask is
this: How did an apparently non-technical society know to count
this? There are certainly no recorded bits of evidence to suggest
that they had anything even remotely resembling the satellite
technology that we used to discover this.
When we expand our
tzolkin number of 260 to its higher harmonics, we
have 260 katuns in the Calendar Cycle. We also have 260 days in the
Sacred Year. We will soon see how important this is. The amazing
discovery that Chatelain makes is that the katun itself is not just
a dead, lifeless fraction of the Great Cycle; it is a working cycle
all in its own right. Chatelain indicates in his book that the
scientists knew that the length of the katun had to be about 19.75
years, but no one has ever explained what it was actually measuring.
They tried such things as dividing the length of the orbits of
various planets in years, but nothing seemed to work. Miraculously,
and perhaps absurdly, no one ever bothered to check the conjunctions
between the planets.
Though no one else had ever considered it,
Chatelain realized that
by adding a very slight 54 days extra to the standard katun
of 7,200 days, he suddenly, magically arrived at the precise length
of time between each conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. This
conjunction was the grease in the gears, the very essence of what
made the clock tick. And that is just the beginning. The katun not
only worked for Jupiter and Saturn, but when taken as a unit, it
plugged into the orbits of many other planets as well.
"For the Mayas the katun
of 7,254 days was not only a measure of
time but also an astronomical unit to express the synodic periods of
revolution of planets, or the count of days needed for each planet
to be realigned with the Sun and the Earth. For example, 5 katuns
were equal to 313 revolutions of Mercury, 13 katuns were equal to
121 revolutions of Mars, or 27 katuns were equal to 7 returns of
Halley’s comet."
So, we can easily see that by simply
using the katuns to count, it
would be quite possible to plot out all major planetary motions in
this manner through relatively simple math.
The typically recognized number system given for the structure of
the Mayan Calendar is very simplified and round; 20, 260, 360, 7,200
and 144,000. Each of these refer to a number of days, namely the uinal,
tzolkin, tun, katun and baktun. Anyone can read a breakdown
of these numbers in Gilbert and Cotterell’s book. Since these
numbers describe some amazingly complex cycles, we cannot ignore how
Divinely simple these numbers really are. For example, 36 and 36
adds to 72, and 72 and 72 add to 144. Plus, 144 is the same as 12 x
12. We obviously have the 12 / 12 connection of the month of
December and the year 2012, which appears to be pure synchronicity.
We also have the Biblical notion of the idea of 144,000 people being
able to Ascend at the time of the Rapture. We cannot ignore the fact
that it appears that the Christian authors were tapping into the
number mechanics behind this cycle.
In order for Wilcock to have sided with
Chatelain’s calendar
interpretation in the original version of this book, it was
necessary to overlook the beauty and simplicity of the accurate
numbers used by the Maya. Chatelain’s numbers, based on J-S
conjunctions, disrupt the elegance of that system with non-round
numbers and decimal points. What Wilcock also overlooked was the
fact that Cotterell’s case for associating these numbers into the
sunspot cycle is literally airtight. That leaves us with a most
bizarre and interesting proposition - the fact that there is no
"gray area" concerning these numbers that govern the celestial
mechanics of our Solar System. It becomes very, very obvious that
there is indeed an elegant, simplistic, Divine and intelligent
design to the way these cycles are working. We will continue looking
at this as we go on.
For now, we rest with Chatelain’s theories, which have drawn
attention to the almost 100 percent connection between the katun and
the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. We can then begin to understand the
physical connection to the katuns’ use as a counting system. The
question that we must then ask of Chatelain’s data is what about the
big picture itself, the main Calendar Cycle of ~5,200 years?
Chatelain distinctly shows that the entire cycle can be perfectly
broken down into mathematically precise measurements for many
different planetary conjunctions, especially Jupiter and
Saturn, as
we mentioned. Here is Chatelain to explain.
"...Meanwhile, the Mayas had also discovered [the Main Calendar]
cycle of 1,886,040 days that represented exactly 260 conjunctions of
Jupiter and Saturn, 2,310 of Mars and Jupiter, 2,418 of Earth and
Mars, and 3,230 of Earth and Venus.
"This particular cycle was the key to the mystery of the
calendar. It was based on the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn,
something nobody had cared to consider... nobody had tested the
conjunctions between the planets."
[Until now, they still haven’t, other than
Cotterell’s notice of the
cycle that tied in the Mayan Calendar with the length of the
"The conjunction period of
Jupiter and Saturn is in reality
7,253.445 days, but the rounded-out Mayan value of 7,254 days is
valid because they did not use decimal parts and counted in whole
days only. So the Great [Calendar] Cycle of the 260 Mayan
conjunctions was 1,886,040 days, or 5,163.8 of our years."
And thus, we have Chatelain’s explanation of how he arrived at what
he considered to be the true length of the Mayan Calendar, 5,163.8
years, and how it was measured. The measurement occurred through
planetary conjunctions, the very foundations of astrology and an
unchanging product of celestial mechanics. We also can see from his
writings here that a great number of differing planetary
conjunctions all fit into the Calendar Cycle like a giant jigsaw
puzzle. Notice, though, that this system of planetary calculations
fits for HIS number for the Mayan Calendar, at 1,886,040 days of
length, and NOT the regular number of 1,872,000 days.
Cotterell does give us many crucial parts of the puzzle, but it was
Chatelain’s discovery that the Mayan Calendar was directly linked to
astrological conjunctions that led to his discovery of the
importance of Jupiter and Saturn. In order to fit the Jupiter-Saturn
conjunctions that the Maya used as a counting system, Chatelain
needed to modify the typically utilized dates. As we go on and look
at the numbers, we must ask ourselves if it was possible that the
Maya were indeed well aware of both the Chatelain version of the
calendar as well as the conventional one. It certainly appears that
the two cycles are permanently and inextricably woven into each
other. The length of the katun is just far too close to the length
of the J-S conjunction to be a coincidence.
From the excerpts just cited previously, we now know that
is indicating to us that the length of his version of the Mayan
Calendar Cycle is 1,886,040 days, and therefore a baktun, which is
1/13th of the whole cycle, would be 145,080 days. The standard,
rounder figures take the baktun to be 144,000 days, and we again
remember that this also is the number of people said to Ascend in
the Bible. If we multiply the traditional baktun of 144,000 by 13,
we get 1,872,000, the number of days for the common Mayan Calendar
cycle. So between Chatelain’s length of 1,886,040 and the common
length of 1,872,000, we can see that there is a discrepancy; the
astrology-based Mayan Calendar from Chatelain is slightly longer in
Remember now that Cotterell had independently discovered a
cycle that caused the Sun’s magnetic fields to shift, before he ever
saw any mathematical information tying this in with the Mayas. His
numbers had come strictly from the interpretation of satellite data
pertaining to the ebb and flow of sunspots. This principal sunspot
cycle that Cotterell calculated is given in Mayan Prophecies as
1,366,040 days. The Maya put great work into monitoring these
cycles, as they were directly connected with smaller - scale
cataclysms on Earth. Remember that this is a smaller, more frequent
cycle that affects when the Sun’s own poles shift, not the Great
Cycle of ~25,000 years itself. As we previously stated, this solar
pole shift cycle has to run itself through seven times in order to
add up into the Great Cycle. By the way, these seven cycles fit
exactly into the Great Cycle, so there is no debating the connection
Again looking back to Cotterell, we see that his own sunspot shift
cycle of 1,366,040 days was very closely related to 1,366,560 days,
the Mayan "Super Number" in the Dresden Codex. They are exactly 520
days apart from each other, or 2 x 260, the tzolkin number and
Sacred Year. This leaves absolutely no question that the Maya were
aware of these solar cycles. The additional 520 days act as
Cotterell’s "shift differential operator," introducing an extra
pattern into the equation that allows us to expand these cycles into
even larger patterns in the Sun’s activity. This tzolkin "shift
number" obviously has a wide range of uses in the universe!
Remember that Cotterell calculated his solar pole shift number
without ever having seen the Mayan information. When you really dig
into Cotterell’s information, you discover that the Mayan "Super
Number" of 1,366,560 days was based on the usage of the cycles of
Venus to calculate solar pole shift. We will not go into detail to
explain these points, as it is extremely complicated, relegated to
the appendices in the back of Mayan Prophecies. It is an interesting
point, though, to see that Venus works so perfectly with the sunspot
cycle we are discussing; everything fits together.
So, we add
520 days, or two of Cotterell’s solar "shift
differentials," and suddenly fact meets fiction: a scientifically
derived, totally modern Sunspot cycle harmonizes perfectly with an
ancient Mayan number. Science is again baffled by a seemingly
insoluble quagmire, where a bunch of "savages" clearly had access to
some very highbrow stuff. But, since "they" cannot acknowledge
something like this, it is simply brushed aside and ignored. We
don’t like what we don’t understand.
The link between Chatelain’s astrology-based number of
days for the Mayan Calendar and Cotterell’s 1,366,040 days for the
Sunspot shift cycle should be seen right away. The difference is,
miraculously, a quite whole number, as both numbers end in 6,040;
therefore, when subtracted from each other, the last four digits
cancel out to 0,000. This eminent roundness clearly indicates that
the matching nature of the numbers is no accident. Their difference
is exactly, precisely 520 thousand days. This is undoubtedly one of
the most fantastic correlations between the two cycles!
In future chapters of this book, we will go into the work of Global
Grid pioneer Bruce Cathie, but for now we will throw in one of his
most fundamental ideas on numbers. Cathie indicates that the
Ancients would effortlessly add or subtract zeroes to numbers,
knowing that the numbers remained harmonically identical underneath.
Therefore, 520,000 reduces to 520. Look familiar? This is the exact
same number that we just saw above when Cotterell got the Solar
"pole shift" to equal the Mayan "super number." Again, he did this
by simply adding two tzolkins or Sacred Years of 260 days.
So, all of this synchronicity starts to press on the brain. When
Wilcock first discovered it, he literally felt like he just stepped
out of his own body. These numbers are too airtight to simply be
brushed off as chance. We have to admit that there is a fundamental
similarity between Chatelain’s modified figures for the
Calendar, based on J-S conjunctions, and Cotterell’s number for the
solar pole shift. One starts to question how this could possibly be,
as Chatelain’s book was out on the shelves in 1971, long before
Cotterell calculated the Sunspot shift cycle. In addition,
made these Sunspot calculations with no apparent knowledge of
Chatelain’s work whatsoever.
Just to recap, the harmonics of the "tzolkin number" of 260 appear
to be of pivotal importance in understanding all of our mystically
interrelated cycles, including the Great Cycle of ~25,000 years, in
many more ways than one. The tzolkin is the anchor of the entire
system, from the 26 day rotation of the Sun’s equator to the "Sacred
Year" of the Maya to the number of katuns in the Mayan Calendar. The
tzolkin also links the Sunspot shift cycle to the "Super Number,"
allowing it to expand into the Great Solar Cycle. Now, we have just
shown how it also demonstrates the harmonic link between the J-S
conjunctions and the Sunspot shift cycle itself.
If you’re scratching your head at this point, thinking what this all
means, it is actually quite simple. Regardless of how much it might
confuse, befuddle and stump mainstream researchers of the Mayan
Calendar, we have to consider both systems of measurement if we
fully want to understand how everything is working. The
Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions are a monkey that will not jump off of
our back. We must include them in all of this if we wish to make any
progress. Wilcock’s initial inclination was to go along with
Chatelain and simply discard the conventional Mayan Calendar
but that wasn’t the right move either. It was quite humorous for
Wilcock to hear himself crumble his own theory apart while deep in
trance. (It actually wasn’t very funny, and the resistance was so
high that the message had trouble coming through at first. But what
matters here is the truth, not an incorrect theory.)
It is interesting to note that "frontier scientist"
Richard Hoagland
and his team wrote a recent article on hyperdimensional physics on
website that also demonstrates the hyperdimensional importance of the J-S conjunction. In this case, he
shows that the power of the J-S conjunction surpasses the power
emitted by the standard 11-year Sunspot cycle. This was measured by
studying the relative level of radio interference caused by the
peaks of the Sunspot cycle, and then comparing that against the
level of interference caused by the J-S conjunctions. The J-S
conjunctions caused a significantly higher amount of interference
than the 11-year Sunspot cycle in this case, and he has reprinted
the original articles that prove it. Interestingly, Hoagland also
mentions the 25,000-year cycle in the same article, only he has
completely missed the real causes behind this cycle, which we are
discussing here. In his article on the website, he speculates that
the orbit of a distant planet might be the cause this cycle.
We now know from our excerpts from Edgar Cayce,
The Ra Material and
other sources that this mysterious 25,000-year cycle is not caused
by a planet at all; it is a Solar effect. We also know that it does
more than simply affect weather, magnetic pole reversals and the ups
and down of civilization - it also holographically controls the
dimensional frequencies throughout the entire Solar System. We have
already started to explore the content of future chapters, where we
will show that each planet is a multidimensional body, which
assembles into a geometric, crystalline form. These crystalline
forms are nothing more than the holographic projections of the One;
essentially, conscious energy forms. They are all intertwined into a
vast energetic web, and the Sun controls the resonating frequency of
this web through the Great Cycle, or the "Breath of the Divine."
To put it another way, just because the Earth is focused in the
third dimension now doesn’t mean it will necessarily stay there. Our
approaching 25,000-year conclusion of this cycle effectively opens a
portal through space and time. In order to prepare the entities of
any planetary body for these changes, the energy will progressively
increase. This is obviously a better way to go, as if the energy
continues to increase at a steady rate, you have more time to
prepare for the dimensional shift itself. But don’t wait too much
As we previously alluded, what we actually see is a "ratchet" form
developing, where the available higher-dimensional energy noticeably
increases at the peak of each Jupiter-Saturn conjunction. Therefore,
even if we stick with the conventional Mayan Calendar date system
used by Cotterell, we still need to watch Jupiter and
Saturn in
order to observe the "ratchets" of this cycle. Later on, we will
reprint a Wilcock reading that discusses these energy shifts from
the standpoint of 20th century American history.
It is interesting that
Edgar Cayce listed "’58 to ‘98" as a crucial
"evaluation" period leading up to the planetary changes. Both of
these dates are exactly two years prior to when the J-S conjunctions
occurred. Based on what we have just unfurled here, we must conclude
that this is what the Cayce Readings were referring to. We are
hard-pressed to find any other physical observations of the Cycle
that could possibly match up any better than this.
But why would the
Cayce Readings anticipate each of these
conjunctions two years in advance when referring to a "testing
period?" We must conclude that just the approach of the J-S
conjunction can cause massive changes, even before it actually hits.
This applies in astrology as well, where the effects of a major
conjunction get stronger and stronger as the conjunction gets
tighter and tighter. It really is the exact same principle, albeit
on a larger scale.
The length of time between ’58 and ’98 is forty years, and again we
see the Bible symbolism popping out all over the place. The Biblical
flood involving Noah’s Ark took place for "forty days and forty
nights." The Israelite exodus, led by Moses, spent forty years in
the desert. Jesus’ time of temptation by Satan in the desert was
forty days and forty nights as well. All three of these cases would
certainly be considered "testing periods." Could there possibly be a
connection to the hyperdimensional cycles here yet again, in the
same matter as the mention of the 144,000 souls Ascending? (Remember
that a baktun is 144,000 days long.)
The conjunction between
Jupiter and Saturn actually goes exact on
May 28, 2000 at around 8:48 a.m. GMT, 23 days after the 5/5/2000
planetary lineup that many are associating with pole shifts and
cataclysms. The period between 1998 and May 2000 might be too close
to the end of the Cycle for any further "testing" to apply.
Therefore, we might need to wait until 5/28/2000 for the first
vortex to open. But as was hinted at in the Ra Material and other
sources, we have to consider ALL the planets in the solar system
when studying these cycles, NOT just Jupiter and Saturn.
Therefore, the raw intensity of the solar eclipse / Grand Cross
configuration on Aug. 11, 1999 at 11:11 a.m. GMT, combined with the
closeness of the J-S conjunction and the 11-year Sunspot peak cycle,
could trigger the first wave of Ascension. This would be the first
time that the transition into the "fourth density" referred to by
would occur. The Wilcock Readings indicate that this particular
vortex will only open for a fraction of a second at exactly 11:11,
and thus a decision must be made immediately. If you choose not to
go, you will forget that you even had a choice afterwards.
And now, with the additional information from
John Mini regarding
the Aug. 13, 1999 ending date for the Aztec Sun Calendar, we can see
an even greater weight of evidence surrounding this date. It would
appear that if this calendar had been obtained through psychic
means, the Aztecs were also tapping into the close of this current
cycle in the same fashion as Cayce, Nostradamus and the writers of
the Bible. The weight of evidence presses heavier and heavier,
demanding that the reader take notice!
Remember the overwhelming evidence that connects the story of
to the modern accounts of extraterrestrial visitation. This includes
immaculate conception, the giant light that hovered in the sky over
Bethlehem, the appearance of "angels of the Lord," and obviously
Jesus’ many fantastic abilities. We also have numerous top-secret
government officials who have come forward to say that the
extraterrestrial visitors informed them that Jesus was one of their
own (Good, 1991.) Therefore, to a being that is outside of linear
time, the era of Jesus could be the equivalent of one or two of our
days in the past. So, when there are writings in the Bible that say,
"Two are walking in the fields, and then there is one…" we have to
remember that this is not ancient or mythological to them; it is a
statement of the fact of exactly what is going to happen to us.
Ascension is no laughing matter, and we need to prepare as such.
Getting back to the main point, the May 2000 vortex should be much
more "popular" than the 11:11 in 1999. By that point, we will have
had five months of y2k collapse, with whatever effects have been
created as a result. Needless to say, by the time this vortex opens,
many of the prophecies may have hit home in a way that we cannot
foresee now. Even the mainstream media is becoming aware of this
Whenever the transition is actually made, we should see that these
new energies will increase the speed of all atoms making up the
physical Earth. According to the work of Gordon-Michael Scallion,
who also talks of a solar cycle and the 2012 date, this will have an
irreversible effect on electricity. No radio or electronic devices
will work once this happens. Remember that cars are largely
electronic in nature, and thus society as we know it grinds to a
halt. No more banks, no more computers, no more television, no more
government records, no more lights, no more running water, no more
refrigeration, no more distribution of goods, and even no more heat
in many cases, as thermostats run on electricity. Even if you had a
generator, the energy it was now producing would no longer be
compatible with your machinery.
Think about this. We might have more to worry about here than just
y2k. When the Earth goes fourth-density, machines stop running. This
could certainly be correlated with the inevitable observation of all
electronic machinery powering down in the presence of
extraterrestrial spacecraft (Good, 1991.) Wilcock just read yet
another recent account of this happening last night on the Sightings
website (1/22/99.) When the craft goes into close proximity with
third-density equipment, its higher-density energy actually causes
the electrons flowing through the machines to vibrate at a higher
frequency that is incompatible with the machines. As soon as the
craft get out of that proximity, everything comes back on. But if
the Sun changes the energy everywhere, we then see all the machines
ceasing to function as a result of this. Our friends in the
Government may already have prepared for this contingency, designing
machines that run on higher-frequency electrons.
We also need to remember what we had mentioned earlier about how the
bursts and proton storms from the Sun seem to wreak immediate havoc
on our electronics systems when they hit us. Our satellites seem to
take the worst beating of all, as in the case of the Galaxy 4
satellite pager crash in America. These bursts are but quick
samplings of the energy that will soon become the norm. Therefore,
since mainstream scientists are not aware of how truly massive this
convergence of Solar cycles really is, they cannot know exactly how
intensive this radio and electronic interference will be. But the
articles being released as of late 1998, more from Europe than
America, are already preparing us for the worst.
So, it might well be inevitable that all conventional electronics
will be rendered useless. But as we just said, you might not need to
stick around for this; you might be Ascending. Let us just reiterate
that the apparent nexus of all of these cycles is the Solar System’s
‘breath.’ This breath would occur in all dimensions, not just three,
and the breath itself would be the emanations of consciousness /
energy that the Sun is producing. Therefore, as the Sun is about to
"exhale," it will radiate an energy field of the higher dimensional
frequencies outward, streaming into the holographic Light energy
grids of the planets. On the opposite side of the coin, should it
"inhale," such as it did at the time of
Atlantis, the dimensional
frequencies are essentially "sucked back in," and thereby decreased.
This could explain why the Atlanteans, according to
Edgar Cayce, had
many abilities that we could hardly dream of. This included the
manifestation of objects and even lifeforms with thought alone,
massive psychic and telepathic abilities, and the levitation of
large stones by thought. The Ra Material indeed states that the
Atlantean civilization had a very unique perspective, where the
roles of time and space were reversed. Where we exist in
third-density "spacetime," Ra says that the Atlanteans existed in
third-density "timespace," where all these things were made
possible. In "timespace," time is not linear as we now think of it,
but rather more flexible. This allows a much greater degree of
psychic control over the physical environment. A good analogy of
timespace is the dream plane, and the ways in which different
portions of your life can be worked together into the metaphors. So,
Atlantis’s unusual abilities obviously had to do with the
flip-flopping of the Solar Cycle as we now understand it.
Jesus obviously would be the highest example of a physical being
with such abilities still intact in the middle of an "inhale"
period. It is clear that he was "preparing the way;" he essentially
came to show us a future vision of ourselves. This vision would be
of humanity once Ascended, exactly 2,000 years after his arrival.
Looking at the big picture, we can see that His arrival was
essentially at the close of the most recent cycle. This would
explain His quote in John 14, "As I do these things, so shall ye do
them, and even greater things..."
Getting back to the point of this chapter, we must remember that no
other researcher has ever tied in the Mayan Calendar to planetary
conjunctions, except for Chatelain. His rendering of the Calendar to
a different dating system does certainly seem tempting. It is
important for us to go a bit further in uncovering how he was able
to arrive at such a stunning conclusion, as this will reveal further
clues. Surely, Chatelain’s fastidiousness as a NASA scientist would
have required that a great deal of proof be given in support of his
theory, and he does certainly seem to have it!
"…. I presumed that at the start of the last
Great Cycle some
remarkable astronomic phenomenon must have occurred. The joint
arrival of four planets in the same corner of the sky, the meeting
of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune takes place every 4,627 years
after each of the planets has finished an exact number of
conjunctions and is again lined up with the others. And the last
time such a phenomenon took place was the year 1484 of the Christian
"Stepping now 4,627 years back I marked the year 3144 BC… [This was
how Chatelain got his new start date instead of 3114.] [I then] took
three more times the same amount of time passed to arrive at the
date 18,633 BC. [This was] a date only three years off the year
18,630 BC mentioned as an important date in a sacred Mayan codex
preserved in the Vatican. For me that constitutes proof."
Before we go any deeper in analyzing this, we should see that
Chatelain is NOT using his Mayan Calendar numbers to calculate these
figures. His Calendar length is 5,163.8 years. Here, he is using a
completely different cycle - the 4,627-year period of time necessary
for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune to come into perfect
conjunction. He naturally assumed that an event this big would be
the best way to count out time in this cycle. He does have a good
point, as these are all the biggest planets in our Solar System.
Obviously, when they come together, the strength of the Solar Cycle
only increases. It is no wonder, then, that these numbers would
figure in cleanly with the Mayan historical dates.
So, to restate what
Chatelain is saying, a sacred record of the
Mayans exists which traces their existence back to at least 18,630
BC. Since Edgar Cayce’s sources said that the Mayan land was a part
of Atlantis known as Poseidia, what we are looking at here is a
forgotten relic of Atlantean technology. This would explain how they
were able to get such precision; as Cayce indicated, the Atlanteans
had direct psychic access to all the information they needed. We can
then tie this in with the groundbreaking work done by Graham Hancock
and Robert Bauval in back-dating the Gizeh pyramid complex to 12,000
years of age, through astrological alignments and water weathering
on the Sphinx. From here, we start to see that in fact, many of the
wonders of the Ancient World are actually Atlantean artifacts.
So you’re probably still wondering how the two cycles work together.
If the J-S conjunctions are so obviously close to the Mayan katun,
why the 54-day discrepancy? Wilcock’s own readings finally explained
it in a way that makes sense, providing that the Ra Material is
accurate. We remember that Ra said that there was once a planet
where the Asteroid Belt now resides, often called Maldek. Ra told us
that this planet was caused to explode by a war that occurred
between its inhabitants some 500,000 years ago. We also know that
Thomas Van Flandern, a reputable astrophysicist, is now putting
increasingly hard science behind the notion that this was indeed a
planet in the recent past that exploded. All comets in the Solar
System can be traced back to that point of origin, for example.
Since comets are largely water ice, they are the vacuum-frozen
chunks of what was once a fertile ocean.
So, even though it might not be "mainstream" yet, the data will
continue to increase on this subject. At some future point, this
will no longer be considered a matter of fiction, but of simple and
tragic human history. The only thing that stops us from being able
to accept the truth is the limitations of our own imaginations, and
our desire to cling desperately to our "beliefs," which can often be
a series of prejudices. We simply cast out the information that we
don’t like, and everything is "fine." Since we have only just begun
to accept the idea of extraterrestrial life, the notion of
"planet-hopping" certainly takes some time to get used to. But facts
like the gigantic mountain on Mars that is shaped like a human face
certainly gives us clues that lead in this direction.
[As a very interesting side note, the morning after
Wilcock wrote
this, 1/23/99, he had a very detailed and interesting dream that was
apparently about Maldek. It was extremely rich and detailed, and
borrowed off of the idea of the upcoming new Star Wars movie. In the middle of a
sentence that Wilcock spoke to a waitress in a very bizarre
"restaurant," the perspective suddenly shifted to outer space, where
he saw a gigantic flash of light. That was it!
Then, he was in a movie theater, and everyone was disappointed with
the ending. They all had a copy of Gilbert and Cotterell’s book
Mayan Prophecies. The "movie" just seemed to "cut off" with no prior
warning. Wilcock told them not to worry, as there would indeed be a
sequel to the movie. Ra says that 50 percent of people on Earth came
originally from Maldek. Wilcock had been thinking that the exploded
planet portrayed in the movie Star Wars was a sort of "genetic
memory" coming through George Lucas, who might have been one of the
50 percent who went through the actual experience. It is very
interesting to Wilcock how much the Maldekian "restaurant" resembled
the general feeling of the "cantina" scene in Star Wars and
the Hutt’s hovering cruiser in Return of the Jedi. All the
characters were human, but there were definite similarities.
Theoretically, anyone should be able to access this information and
dream accurately about it. Perhaps Lucas turned it into a film as a
result of this ability.]
So, if we know that Maldek did indeed explode, we then need to
stretch our imaginations just a bit more. Clearly, the force and
impact of an entire large planet exploding must be quite something.
Indeed, part of Van Flandern’s research concerns the amazing blast
impacts that are visible on the neighboring planetary and lunar
bodies closest to the Asteroid Belt. Many of them appear to have
sustained far more damage on one half than the other half, including
Mars, which may well have been one of the exploded planet’s moons.
With the force of a planet-killing nuclear explosion and all the
debris that would be created, we clearly would have quite an
incredible problem on our hands. Indeed, something similar might
happen to Earth were it to be sufficiently disturbed by a
large-scale nuclear war.
Therefore, when Maldek blew, the other planets in the
Solar System
took quite a beating. In the conventional Newtonian model, they are
held in place solely by the Sun’s gravity. So, if you have these
free-floating bodies suddenly hit with the impact of this tremendous
blast, it would be like playing a game of pool on a billiard table.
We can easily see that the other planets would get knocked out of
their positions. Since Jupiter and Saturn are both
beyond the
Asteroid Belt, the explosion would blow them further away from the
Sun. All it would take would be for one or both of them to be close
to Maldek in their orbit pattern, and the extra 54 days could easily
be accounted for.
So, what we have to realize here is that at one time, the Solar
System functioned in a perfectly Divine and beautiful way, with
elegant mathematics. These mathematics allowed the conjunctions of
Jupiter and Saturn to be exactly 7,200 days in length, thus
precisely matching the numbers inherent in the Sunspot Cycle. But,
after Maldek’s explosion, the planets were knocked out of place,
creating a very acceptable 54 days of extra time between each
conjunction. But, even though they were knocked slightly out of
place, their effects as the driver of the Solar Cycle could not be
disputed; they were the two biggest planets in the Solar System.
So, the extraterrestrial forces referred to by Ra must have kept
track of both systems of measurement. The "conventional"
Calendar was used to keep perfect track of what was cooking in the
Sun, which was not significantly affected by Maldek’s explosion.
These numbers would always and forever be beautifully simple and
elegant, representing the true Divine design of creation. The ’tzolkin’
grouping of 260 J-S conjunctions were obviously still of extreme
importance as well. Thus, even though Jupiter and Saturn got knocked
out of alignment, they still ended up arriving in a position that
perfectly harmonized with the cycle in the Sun by the "shift number"
of 2x260, or 520. This "harmonizing energy" of the gravitational
forces in this cycle is the exact same factor that causes the
26,000-year precession of the equinoxes on Earth to be a
picture-perfect match of the Great Solar Cycle.
So, what we now have is a system where
Jupiter and Saturn still pull
their weight, even though they no longer figure in precisely to the
conventional Mayan Calendar. We can now see exactly how important
the time period of May of 2000 really is. This is not only the last
sunspot cycle peak before the Cycle itself ends, it is also the very
last time that Jupiter and Saturn will conjoin before the cycle
ends. It is for this reason that the period directly surrounding
2000 must be watched, perhaps even more than 2012. We must conclude
that it is for this reason that the forces in the Edgar Cayce
readings spent all their energy triangulating on 1998-2001 when they
spoke of the Solar Cycle and the corresponding pole shift.
In the
next chapter, we will investigate the further ramifications
of this ancient astrological cycle technology, by uncovering an even
vaster cycle that was equally well charted out by the Atlantean /
Extraterrestrial contingent, handed down to the Maya and Egyptians.
Maurice Chatelain also discovered this cycle as well, and he named
The Nineveh Constant. It is vital for us to explore just how
fantastic the harmony of the planetary cycles really can be, and how
far it extends. The precision of calculation behind this cycle shows
unequivocally that a very high-level influence of some kind was in
touch with these ancient cultures, as this 6,000 year old number
enables precise calculations of planets all the way out to Pluto.
While it may seem that this rather lengthy document is jumping
around somewhat, it is more like weaving an intricate tapestry whose
design is dependent upon each thread, each curve, each rich color to
define its final texture and impression. As I promised you readers
several months ago, and David too, let’s move now to one of David Wilcock’s "readings" as it directly relates to the subject matter at
hand. For those of you requiring more information about David’s, go
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