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Alien Earths
by Discovery channel
August 03,2015
Join leading astronomers on a visual journey beyond our
solar system in search of planets like Earth.
Using CGI animation, we’ll explore bizarre worlds that stretch our
imagination: planets with iron rain and hot ice, with diamonds
everywhere, and endless oceans of gas.
Planets with abnormal orbital patterns and planets with no pattern
at all that drift alone in the Milky Way. Planets so strange we
never could have predicted them before.
Could life exist there?
In the search for another Earth, astronomers hope to discover other
terrestrial planets. These bodies may have a rocky terrain and may
even hold water on their surfaces.
The most Earth-like planet discovered thus far is
Gliese 581c, which
orbits near the area known as the habitable zone.
This elusive zone, also called the "Goldilocks Zone," lies between
the star and its planets, and may allow life to survive - it is not
too hot and not too cold - on the surface of a planet.