Alien Life on Earth-Like Planets
'Far More Widespread than Previously Believed'
Alien Life on Exoplanets may be
'More Abundant and Active' than on Earth - Say
Alien Worlds - Most Stars have Planets in the Habitable
An Earth-Like Planet Only
16 Light Years Away?
Earth Just 12 Light-Years Away?
Planet discoveries Pile Up a Gap appears in the Pattern
Astronomers Estimate 100 Billion Habitable Earth-like
Planets in the Milky Way - 50 Sextillion in
the Universe
Astronomers Estimate there are 6 Billion Earth-Like
Planets in the Milky Way
Español |
Astrónomos creen haber Captado la Primera Imagen del
Exoplaneta 'Proxima C'
Español |
Astrónomos descubren nuevo Exoplaneta que Orbita la
estrella Próxima Centauri - Próxima D
Astrophysicists find Rare Star spinning Backwards
Biodiversity on Some Alien Planets may Dwarf that of
Español |
Buscando las Luces de Ciudades Alienígenas
2020, we'll 'Finally' have The Ability to Locate
Life-Harboring Alien Planets
Español |
Cómo el
Éxodo Interestelar cambiará a la Humanidad para siempre
Could Proxima Centauri Be Our Interstellar Getaway?
Español |
Descubierto el Interior de un Exoplaneta Gigante
Discovery of a Nearby
Super Earth with Only 5 Times Our Mass
Earth-Like Planets Are Right Next Door
other Worlds in Our Solar System might have Life beyond
Español |
Descubrimiento de Vida Avanzada radicalmente diferente a
la terrestre en Exoplanetas e incluso en el Espacio
Capable of Supporting Life May Be Common
Español |
Exoplanetas de Nuestra Galaxia podrían haber tenido Vida
desde mucho antes que la Tierra
Exoplanets - Our changing Views of Habitable Planets -
Oceans, Beaches, Cosmic Shorelines
Exoplanets - The Several New found Alien Planets
Extragalactic Exoplanet Found
Hiding Out in Milky Way
First Direct Photos of Exoplanets
- In an Astronomy First, Researchers Image Exoplanets
Orbiting Two...
First Potential Habitable Exoplanet in a Six-Planet Star
Forbidden Planets
Found Exoplanet with Three Red Dwarf Suns
Exoplanets and a Huge Magnetic Field
163C - Newfound Alien Planet in Habitable Zone Might Be
Able to Support Life
Español |
Hallan Exoplaneta Rocoso que tiene Tres Soles
Español |
Planetas con Más Vida que en La Tierra - Sugieren
Español |
Identifican 24 Exoplanetas "Superhabitables" que pueden
ser Mejores para la Vida que la Tierra
This The New Earth? - Astronomers Discover
Planet Just 20 Light Years Away
Webb Space Telescope meets the 7 intriguing Exoplanets
Kardashev Scale - What
it'll Be Like when We Harness the Power of an Entire
spots 'Four Rogue Earth-mass Exoplanets' floating in
Space, unbound to any Star
for the Lights of Alien Cities
Español |
Matusalén - El Planeta más Viejo del Cosmos
More Evidence That Gliese 581 Has
Planets in The Habitable Zone
NASA Confirms 768 New Exoplanets Making Extraterrestrial
Life More Likely
NASA's Kepler Mission
Announces Largest Collection of Planets Ever Discovered
Telescope Idea could Spot Vegetation on Distant Exoplanets
Earth-Like Planet found in the Habitable Zone of a Nearby Star
New Study says Proxima b could Support Life
'Super-Earth' discovered in the Sun's Neighborhood
of Finding Alien Life Boosted by Billions of Habitable
Español |
- ¿Podría
ser Próxima Centauri Nuestro Lugar de Huída Interestelar?
Possible Internal Structures and
Compositions of Proxima Centauri b
Potentially Habitable Exoplanet Candidate spotted around
Alpha Centauri 'A' in Earth's backyard
Español |
Proyecto Hiperión - La Nave Espacial que permite que los
Humanos colonicemos otros Sistemas Solares
Español |
Realizan Descubrimiento que podría Acortar drásticamente
Búsqueda de Criaturas en el Espacio
Dwarf Stars may be Best Chance for Habitable Alien
Scientists Discover a Nearly Earth-Sized Planet
Spend Truckloads of Taxpayer Dollars to Find Alien Life
in Outer Space
Español |
afianza Hipótesis del Noveno (Ex-Décimo) Planeta -
Descubrimiento de Nuevo Planeta Enano puede...
Temperate Terrestrial Planets Around the Nearby Ultracool
Dwarf Star
Strong XUV irradiation of the
Earth-sized exoplanets orbiting the ultracool dwarf
Super-Earth Detected in Star's
Habitable Zone
Superhabitable Worlds
Temperate Earth-sized Planets
transiting a nearby Ultracool Dwarf Star
Temperate Earth-sized Worlds found in Extraordinarily
Rich Planetary System
Ten Exoplanets that Could Host Alien Life
Ten of
the Strangest Exoplanets in the Universe
Tau Ceti e - Another Interstellar
The Habitability of Our Earth and
Other Earths
- Astrophysical, Geochemical, Geophysical, Biological...
May Be 300 Million Habitable Planets in our Galaxy
There May
Be in the Milky Way more Earth-like Planets than Grains
of Sand on all our Beaches
24 Planets might be 'Better Places to Live than Earth' -
Astrobiologists Say
These Seven Alien Worlds could
help Explain how Planets Form
Three Red Suns in the Sky - A
Transiting, Terrestrial Planet in a Triple M Dwarf System at
6.9 Parsecs
Two Planets Identified As Most Similar to Earth
- Both Orbit The Same Star, 20 Light-Years From Earth...
Space Telescope snaps its First Photo of an Exoplanet
Telescope spots CO²
on Exoplanet for first time - What it Means for finding
Alien Life
were Wrong - All Stars don't have Planets, after all
What Are Extrasolar Planets?
What does "Earthlike" Even Mean and Should it Apply to
Proxima Centauri b?
When were the First Exocontinents?
- by Jane Greaves
are the Universe's 'Missing Planets'...?
Additional Information |
60 Billion Alien Planets Could Support Life
- Study Suggests
1 -
Laniakea - The Immeasurable
2 - Hubble
The Most Important Images Ever Taken
3 - The
Detailed Universe
Español |
Extraterrestres podrían estar Escondidos en Esferas
Artificiales que giran alrededor de ciertas Estrellas
Giant Alien Planet has 4 Suns in its Sky
Stealth Planet May Explain Rain of Comets from Solar
System's Edge
Global Risks 2013 and X Factor -
The Disturbing Report by The World Economic Forum
NASA Discovered Extraterrestrial Life?
How Aliens we've Never Met could
Help Humanity escape Self-Destruction
Humanity is Not even a Type 1
Civilization - What would a Type 3 be Capable Of?
Europa Moon 'Likeliest to Have Life'
Just How Small We Really Are in The Universe
- Videos that Will Shift your Perspective:
Español |
La NASA se Prepara para el Anuncio
de Vida Extraterrestre
Español |
Más de 450
'Objetos Desconocidos' hasta ahora Descubiertos en
nuestro Sistema Solar
New Study Claims ET Life Can Exist
Inside Planets with Inhospitable Surfaces
Español |
Riesgos Globales 2013 y Factores X
- El Inquietante Informe del Foro Económico Mundial
Study Claims there are Up To 8,000 Alien Megastructures
in the Universe
for E.T. Should Extend Beyond 'Alien Earths'
- Astronomer Says
The Hunt for Rogue Planets Just got Tougher
The Kardashev Scale - Classifying Advanced Technological
The Search for Alien Tech
WASP-69b's escaping envelope is
confined to a Tail Extending at least 7 Rp -
by D. Tyler, E. Petigura, Et.al.
Were There Aliens Before
Español |
si también 'Nos Están Buscando'? - Desde dónde se ve la
Vida en la Tierra
Exoplanets and Water |
Alien Life Could Thrive on 'Supercritical' CO²
instead of Water
Español |
Descubierto un posible Planeta Oceánico - Está Ubicado a
100 Años Luz de la Tierra
Español |
Hay muchos
Planetas con Océanos y Continentes en la Vía Láctea
Kepler-62f - A Possible Water World
Kepler Spies Water Worlds
- Pair of Exoplanets Sit in Habitable Zone of Star Far
Beyond The Solar System
Origin of Earth's Water - Chondritic
Inheritance Plus Nebular Ingassing and Storage of Hydrogen in
the Core
Planets Around Stars like
Proxima Centauri are Probably Earth-Sized Water Worlds
Water may be an Inevitable Result of the Process that forms
Rocky Planets
Kepler Mission |
A Place
for Alien Life? - Kepler Mission Discovers Earth's Older
Cousin, Kepler-452b
Discovery and Validation of
Kepler-452b - A 1.6-R
Super Earth Exoplanet in the Habitable Zone of a G2...
Earth-Like Alien World Could Have Vast Oceans
- Kepler-62f
Focusing on
'Second-Earth' Candidates in the Kepler Catalog
Half of
Kepler's Giant Exoplanet Candidates are False Positives - New Study Suggests
Kepler-186f - Close to Earth Size,
in the Habitable Zone
Kepler-62f - A Possible Water World
Kepler Spies Water Worlds
- Pair of Exoplanets Sit in Habitable Zone of Star Far
Beyond The Solar System
Life on Kepler-62f...?
NASA's Kepler Space Telescope Spots Distant Planets Well
Placed for Life
Telescope Confirms Alien Planet in Habitable Zone
New Kepler Data Could Change our Odds of Meeting Aliens
Using the Inclinations of Kepler
Systems to Prioritize new Titius-Bode-based Exoplanet
Validation of Kepler's Multiple
Planet Candidates - III
- Light Curve Analysis & Announcement of Hundreds...
Treatises - Studies |
A Backward-spinning Star with two
Coplanar Planets
A candidate Super-Earth Planet
orbiting near the Snow Line of Barnard's Star
A Catalog of Kepler Habitable Zone Exoplanet Candidates
An Earth-Like Planet in GJ 832
An Earth-Sized Planet in the
Habitable Zone of a Cool Star
An Efficient Automated Validation
Procedure for Exoplanet Transit Candidates
A New High Perihelion Inner Oort
Cloud Object
Archaeology, Anthropology and Interstellar Communication
A Remnant Planetary Core in the
hot-Neptune Desert
Search of the full six years of the Dark Energy Survey for outer
Solar System Objects
Super-Earth Orbiting the Nearby M-dwarf GJ 536
Circumstellar Habitable Zones for
Deep Terrestrial Biospheres
Does the Rapid Appearance of Life
on Earth Suggest that Life is Common in The Universe?
Earth as a Hybrid Planet - The
Anthropocene in an Evolutionary Astrobiological Context
Exoplanet Habitability
Extending the Planetary Mass
Function to Earth Mass by Microlensing at Moderately
High Magnification
Extraterrestrial - The First Sign
of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth - by Avi
Formation and Composition of
Planets Around Very Low Mass Stars
GJ 1252b - A Hot Terrestrial
Super-Earth with No Atmosphere
Habitable-Zone Super-Earth Candidate in A Six-Planet
System Around The K2.5V Star HD 40307
In Search for a Planet Better than
Earth - Top Contenders for a Superhabitable World
Modeling Stellar Proton Event-Induced Particle
Radiation Dose on Close-in Exoplanets
Most 1.6 Earth-Radius Planets are
Not Rocky
Past, Present and Future Stars
that can see Earth as a Transiting Exoplanet
Russian Cosmism
- by Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky
SOPHIE Velocimetry of Kepler
Transit Candidates - The Physical Properties of Giant Exoplanets within...
The Occurrence Rate of Small
Planets Around Small Stars
The Living Cosmos - Our Search for
Life in the Universe
- by Chris Impey
Multimedia |
Alien Earths and Worlds
There Other Earths?
Español |
Mapa de
la NASA con 'Uno por Uno' de 4.000 Exoplanetas
Español |
Mundos Extraterretres
Map with 'One by One' of 4,000 Exoplanets
Red Sky Paradox in an Electric
Related Reports |
Water Beyond Earth
- Main File