by Ivan Petricevic
May 20, 2018
IvanPetricevic Website

8,000 Alien Megastructures
May Exist In Our Universe
By constructing a
Dyson sphere (Dyson 1960) out of
material from dismantled planets, extremely advanced civilizations
could in principle tap into a significant fraction of the radiation
power of their host star, thereby climbing the
Kardashev scale towards type II
status (Kardashev 1964).
A recently published scientific study (SETI
with GAIA - The Observational Signatures of Nearly Completed Dyson
Spheres) written by researchers from Sweden's Uppsala
University and the University of Heidelberg, Germany has suggested
that there could be more than 8,000 alien megastructures located in
deep space.
The study, proposes that our universe is, in fact,
teeming with alien civilizations
who have the means and technology to create supermassive
mega-structures around distant stars, in order to harness their
The team of experts is said to have located 'signs' that would
suggest these so-called megastructures have in fact been built
around distant suns.
The study suggests experts found tell-tale signs of up to
8,000 alien megastructures.
"We find that a small
fraction of stars indeed displays distance discrepancies of the
type expected for nearly complete Dyson spheres," wrote
scientists in the study.
"We find that 8000 stars ([roughly] 4% of the object in common
between both surveys) have sufficient data quality to allow
potential Dyson-sphere candidates to be efficiently singled
One of the prime
candidates of the new study is a star dubbed TYC 6111-1162-1
which was the 'most interesting individual candidate for further
investigation,' meaning that it is considered the most likely star
to have a Dyson sphere around it.

Photo by Dennis Alvear Perez
Scientists came to this conclusion after analyzing data obtained by
the European Space Agency's
GAIA spacecraft, which has recently
completed a run, mapping more than ONE BILLION stars in three
"The Gaia mission
will in coming years allow for Dyson-sphere searches that are
complementary to searches based on waste-heat signatures at
infrared wavelengths.
A limited search of
this type is also possible at the current time, by combining
Gaia parallax distances with spectrophotometric distances from
ground-based surveys," wrote experts in their study.
Experts claim that within
this massive map gathered by GAIA, they've found evidence of
possible signs of supermassive structures commonly referred to as
Dyson Spheres, massive technological structures in space,
constructed around distant alien Stars to harness their energy.
As noted in the study, a number of searches for potential Dyson
spheres have been made in the distant past.
Sadly, all previous studies have failed to find traces of the
so-called megastructures.
Scientists note that building a Dyson sphere in space isn't an easy
task. In addition to requiring enormous amounts of material, these
structures would take an extremely long time to build (with
our actual known technologies).
Therefore, scientist devised a new way of hunting for Dyson spheres.
They assume that instead
of being a huge, solid structure, Dyson spheres could also be a
series of smaller power plants, placed strategically around an alien
"The Dyson sphere is
typically not envisioned as a solid shell, but rather as a
dense, spherical swarm or shroud of absorbing satellites, with
each satellite absorbing a small fraction of the stellar
Luckily for us humans,
we've already cooked up a plan that could see us place our first
Dyson sphere around our sun in just five years.
By enveloping the sun with a massive array of solar panels, humanity
would graduate to a
Type 2 Kardashev civilization
capable of utilizing nearly 100% of the sun's energy output, writes
George Dvorsky from