by Zen Gardner
April 5, 2012
ZenGardner Website

The revelations of our energetic Universe keep on coming from many
sources, including NASA’s new satellites, and it’s quite remarkable.
The observable Universe is something mankind has read as a language
since the beginning. The unobservable worlds have always been the
realm of philosophers, religious expressions and the esoteric
Are they coming together via modern technology, as we approach the
Singularity as some call it, as a manifestation of some sort of
consciousness shift?
I think so.
The video below was sent to me by a dear friend in confirmation of
my last post on this subject. It so blew my
mind I wanted to get it out there as a sequel of sorts and to
reinforce the above.
Scientists In Awe
More information being collected by higher and higher technology is
making some seriously profound discoveries.
Fermi Gamma-Ray Telescope is finding hundreds of new objects
at the very edge of the electromagnetic spectrum. Many of them have
one thing in common: Astronomers have no idea what they are - NASA
comment on the video
The beauty of this is the scientific community’s own sense of awe as
they’re no doubt realizing the old way of viewing the Universe has
got to change. And, that we have a lot to learn about our energetic
That’s a good thing.
Let’s hope it stays refreshing and not the canned suppression of
information we’re used to.
In Their Own Words
The statements in this recent NASA video I find refreshing.
While again it’s a carefully produced
item for public consumption from a tightly controlled operation,
when you realize what they are talking about and trying to describe
is fundamentally the creative, energetic workings of our amazing
Universe that can only lead to more Truth, that’s cool!
Especially in light of the vibrational change we’re going through.
“Fermi is picking up crazy-energetic
photons” says Dave Thompson, an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard
Space Flight Center. “And it’s detecting so many of them we’ve
been able to produce the first all-sky map of the very-high
energy Universe.”
The gamma rays Fermi detects are
billions of times more energetic than visible light.
He goes on to say that science only knew
of 4 sources of gamma rays before, and now they’ve found over 600
news ones… a third of which they have no idea what they are! That’s

Massive Fermi bubbles
at the center of the Milky Way… never before detected.
New Structures
Some of these gamma-ray photon emitting sources are known.
massive black holes called
“the seething remnants of supernova
explosions”, and rapidly rotating neutron stars called pulsars,
so they say.
And some come from the giant structures
emanating from the Milky Way’s center called “Fermi bubbles”.
These are amazing. Sci-fi can’t hold a
candle to reality. They span some 20,000 light years above and below
the galactic plane. You want big and powerful? And what are they?
No one in the mainstream seems to know. Or is at liberty to tell us.
Gamma Rays - Heralds
of Great Energy
This is another scientific post that says some powerful things about
gamma rays.
Gamma rays are by their very nature heralds of great energy and
violence. They are a super-energetic form of light produced by
sources such as black holes and massive exploding stars. Gamma-rays
are so energetic that ordinary lenses and mirrors do not work.
As a
result, gamma-ray telescopes can’t always get a sharp enough focus
to determine exactly where the sources are.
For two thirds of the new catalog’s sources the Fermi scientists
can, with at least reasonable certainty, locate a known gamma
ray-producing object, such as a pulsar or Blazar, in the vicinity
the gamma-rays are coming from.
But the remaining third - the “mystery
sources” - have the researchers stumped, at least for now.
And they
are the most tantalizing.
Nearly 600 sources in the latest Fermi
catalog are unidentified.
“Some of the mystery sources could be clouds of dark matter -
something that’s never been seen before,” speculates Thompson.
About 85% of the gravitational mass of the universe is dark matter.
The stuff we see makes up the rest.
Dark matter is something that
pulls on things with the force of its gravity but can’t be detected
in any other way. It doesn’t shine - doesn’t emit or scatter light -
hence the adjective “dark.”
Here’s the short NASA clip about Fermi’s dis-coveries.
It’s All About
Conscious Awakening
All of humanity is being presented with this energetic shift to
either embrace willingly or vainly try to resist.
The more
discoveries like these, and the growing revelations in other areas
our true origins
manipulation of humanity
the shift
from ideology and hierarchy
the inter-connectivity of consciousness
...the better.
But scientific validation always goes over big with left-brain
reinforced humans. So I’m all for using everything we’ve got.
We’re all in this together so let’s all help each other wake up any
way we can!
The truth vibrations, the cosmic awakening, whatever you want to
call it, the energy is being dialed up in more ways than we can
imagine and it’s wonderful!
My advice is to live a conscious life. Respond to these new prompts
you’re getting and revel in your new found sense of conscious
freedom. Look for it everywhere you turn and follow its lead.
Amazing things await each and every one of us but you will need to
make some changes and let go of the old, however you’re led. And
another good thing? As we each unplug from the matrix, the current
oppressive structure will just naturally fall.
Each of us is the new world we seek. Just be it.