The Sun
The Stars
Golden Nebula
The Transition
"The Passage of Change"
In the 90's there was much talk about the Millennium.
We all waited
in anticipation for something momentous to happen at the turn of the
21st century. Nothing shattering did happen, other than the
Trade Center event.
But there are underlying environmental changes,
the frequency of the Sun's solar flares, the Magnetics around our
planet Earth and science understanding our role in the Universe were
the quiet events that seem to be changing our concept of ourselves.
There are climate changes and massive earthquakes bringing with it

Now, the forthcoming events of
December 2012.
Prophecy says, that, it may well be the
end of Earth.
Is our concept of the end total destruction, annihilation? Or, is it
that we will take quantum leap into the future? As mankind evolves
an era ends and there are new beginnings where we can transcend to
being our true Universal Selves.
Further, prophesy states that our Sun
may have a companion. This event would take place in the near
future. Some prophecies state that our true extraterrestrial
ancestors would appear after a period of thousands of years. We were
seeded from beings that came from distant stars and planets. Since
time memorial, legends and stories are woven into scientific
inquiry. Each new innovation stems from something that was already
written in the scriptures or legends.
What is Happening and what is going to happen?
I have tried put together various sciences, astronomy, astrology,
geomancy, genetics, medicinal, environmental, physics and the aspect
of Spirit to make you inquire.
The Maya left behind a vast knowledge
of astronomy.
They left behind a calendar which stems from
mathematics which comprehended the cycles of the Universe.
present scientists are just about understanding what our Sun does
for us. What it can draw from space to rejuvenate the Earth. The
Egyptians had a vast knowledge of Medicinal treatments and
The South Indian scriptures have left
behind Alchemy, Physics, and Precise Geometry.
There is much that is unfolding
"On our Beautiful Home, The Earth".
As Change Escalates, The More We Will Need Each Other.
In this time of wars and weather, we will need to rely on one
another more than
ever. There are many spiritual disciplines who describe this very
idea, at this very
time. During these times of change is when we, as humans, will be
most likely to act out.
Call it "the passage of change".
When a person starts to make changes in
their life, even if it is positive and in their best interest, a
high risk of self-sabotage exist.
Each individual struggles with
themselves, they are likely to receive resistance from the society
around. We tend to like predictability and routine. When change
occurs in our lives, either direction, we stop ourselves. Move
always forward. Complacence is regression.
As we become more familiar with our new
environment and ourselves, we will be able to move into change more
easily. Those who will not make the changes needed, will be likely
to experience shock and trauma. Those likely to do poorly with
change would be those who try and control their environment.
Those who appear to do best with change, are often those with some
form of spiritual orientation. Their external reality is less
directing then their internal vision. "Follow your own truth, not
mine". In what appears to be undeniable changes ahead in both
weather, earth changes and conflict, we will need to rely more on
our intuition and our communities. Many spiritual disciplines that
say we are in times of Enlightenment.
It will be in the Passage of
Change, where one may suffer the most.
The Hopi's call it "The Great Purification".
Let us try to understand what nature is doing for us.
Let us understand the change, "The Transition"
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Transformation of the
Solar System
Large-scale events in the Solar System and the
transformations taking place is being caused by material and
energetic non-uniformity's in interstellar space. In its travel
through interstellar space, the Heliosphere [solar system] travels in
the direction of the Solar Apex in the Hercules Constellation.
its way it has met matter and energy containing ions of Hydrogen,
Helium, and Hydroxyl in addition to other elements and combinations.

This kind of interstellar space
dispersed plasma is presented by magnetized strip structures and
The Heliosphere solar system transition through this
structure has led to an increase of the shock wave in front of the
Solar System from 3 to 4 AU, to 40 AU, or more.
This shock wave thickening has caused
the formation of a collusive plasma in a parietal layer, which has
led to a plasma around the Solar System, and then to its
breakthrough into interplanetary domains. This breakthrough is a
kind of matter and energy donation made by interplanetary space to
our Solar System.
Other large PlanetoPhysical transformations.
A change in the quality of
interplanetary space in the direction of an
increase in its interplanetary, and solar-planetary transmitting
The appearance of new states, and activity regimes, of the Sun.
The following processes are taking place on the distant planets of
our Solar System.
Essentially driving the whole System. A growth of dark spots on
Pluto reporting of auroras on Saturn. Reporting of Uranus and Neptune polar
They are magnetically conjugate planets, and the abrupt large-scale
growth of Uranus' magnetosphere intensity. A change in
light intensity and light spot dynamics on Neptune.
The doubling of the magnetic field
intensity on Jupiter and a series of new states and processes
observed on this planet as an aftermath of a series of explosions
caused by "Comet" SL-9. which excited the Jovian magnetosphere,
inducing excessive plasma generation and it's release in the same
manner. Like Solar coronal holes inducing an appearance of radiation
belt brightening in decimeter band.
A stream of ionized hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, etc. is being
directed to Jupiter from the volcanic areas of Io through a one
million amperes flux tube. It is affecting the character of
Jupiter's magnetic process and intensifying it's plasma genesis.
A series of Martian atmosphere transformations increasing its
biosphere quality. In particularly, a cloudy growth in the equator
area and an unusual growth of ozone concentration.
A first stage
atmosphere generation on
the Moon, where a growing
atmosphere is detected that reaches 9,000 km in height. .
Significant physical, chemical and optical changes observed on
Venus; an inversion of dark and light spots detected for the first
time, and a sharp decrease of sulfur-containing gases in its
A Change in the Quality of Interplanetary Space
Increase in Its Interplanetary and Solar-Planetary
When speaking of new energetic and
material qualities of interplanetary space, the increase of the
interplanetary domains energetic charge, and level of material
This change of interplanetary space has two main causes:
The supply/inflow of matter from interstellar space. Radiation
material, ionized elements, and combinations.
The after effects of Solar Cycle 22 activity, especially as a result
of fast coronal mass ejection's of magnetized solar plasmas. It is
natural for both interstellar matter and intra-heliospheric mass
redistribution's to create new structural units and processes in the
interplanetary domains. They are mostly observed in the structured
formation of extended systems of magnetic plasma clouds, and an
increased frequency of the generation of shock waves; and their
resulting effects .
Two new populations of cosmic particles that were not expected to be
found in radiation belts; particularly an injection of a greater
than 50 MeV dense electron sheaf into the inner magnetosphere during
times of abrupt magnetic storms, and the emergence of a new belt
consisting of ionic elements traditionally found in the composition
of stars.
This newly changed quality of interplanetary space not only performs
the function of a planetary interaction transmission, but it
importantly exerts stimulating and programming action upon the
Solar activity both in it's maximal and minimal phases.
The seismic effectiveness of the solar wind is also being observed.
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New States and
Activity of the Sun
physical state of the Sun is concerned, there are significant
modifications have occurred in the behavioral model of the Sun in
our solar system. Unusual forms, energetic powers, and activities in
the Sun's functions, as well as modifications in it's basic
fundamental properties.
A progressive growth of the Sun's
general activity has been observed.

This growth first revealed itself most
definitely in the 22nd cycle; which posed a real problem for
heliophysicists who were attempting to revise their main explanatory
The velocity of reaching
super-flash maximums.
The emissive power of separate
The energy of solar cosmic rays.
High in the heliospheric latitudes, the
absence of the magnetic dipole, which drastically changed the
general model of helio-magnetism.
The important heliospheric role of
coronal holes has now become clear; to regulate the magnetic
saturation of interplanetary space. They generate all large
geomagnetic storms, and ejection's with a southerly directed
magnetic field are geo-effective. The solar winds effects upon
Earth's atmospheric zone circulation, and lithospheric dynamics .
The increased frequency of X-Ray flux flares which occurred,
provided evidence of the large-scale events to come; especially in
relation to an increase in the frequency of super-flashes. The
situation has become extremely serious due to the growth in the
transmitting qualities of the interplanetary environment and the
growth of Jupiter's systems heliospheric function; with Jupiter
having the possibility of being shrouded by a plasmosphere extending
Io's Jupiter' Moon orbit.
Therefore, a growth in the velocity, quality, quantity,
and energetic power of our Solar System's Heliospheric processes.
The unexpected high level of Sun activity in the later half of 1997,
that is continuing into present time.
There were three "X" level Goes 9 X-Ray Flux events in 1997 where
one was forecasted; a 300%
increase. The most dramatic of these, a X-9.1 coronal mass ejection
on November 6, 1997,
produced a proton event here on Earth of approximately 72 hours in
The character, scale, and magnitude of current Sun activity has
Just as solar scientists thought the Sun may be winding down it has
unleashed the biggest solar flare ever recorded.
Nov 2003:
Giant sunspot 486 unleashed another powerful solar flare
on Nov. 4th (1950 UT). Ionizing radiation hit Earth's atmosphere
soon after the explosion and caused a severe radio blackout, noticed
by radio listeners across North America. This latest flare from
sunspot 486 could be historic.
The blast saturated X-ray detectors
onboard GOES satellites for 11 minutes. The last time a flare did
this, on April 2nd, 2001, it was classified as an X20 - the biggest
ever recorded at the time. The Nov. 4th, 2003, solar flare appears
to have been even stronger.
This equation has played out in the last two solar events which
occurred. The first on February 5th 2000 which resulted in X-Class
flares. Within 72 hours of this event, more than 80 people died and
over 100,000 homeless from sudden floods in South Africa. The second
solar flare activity occurred on February 12th 2000.
Within 72 hours freak tornadoes hit
Georgia and Arkansas killing 29 people and injuring hundreds.
Sunspot Count = Solar
Flares = Magnetic Shift = Shifting Ocean/Jet Stream Currents =
Extreme Weather
Current Sun activity has increased.
as solar scientists thought the Sun may be winding down it has
unleashed the biggest solar flare ever recorded.
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Earth's Reorganization
Geophysical and planetary environmental processes, progressive
modifications in solar-terrestrial relationships, with the effects
and activity in our Solar System's Heliosphere.
A global
reorganization and transformation of the Earth's physical and
environmental qualities is taking place now. On our own planet these
new events have placed an intense pressure on the geophysical
New qualities can be observed in the
natural processes here on Earth; causes and effects which have
already produced hybrid processes throughout the planets of our
Solar System. There are combining of effects on natural matter and
The Geomagnetic Field Inversion
The role of the magnetic field on human life, and all biological
processes, and this changing state of the Earth's geomagnetic field.
The natural response of the Earth to this increased saturation level
reveals itself in its dipole intensity, its magnet "c" poles
localization, and in its electromagnetic field resonance processes.
Earth is number one among all of the
planets in the Solar System with respect to its specific ability
regarding the magnetization of matter.

Geophysicists and Magnetologists,
observing the geomagnetic processes, have traveled to the Earth's
magnetic poles.
In the last 100 years this magnetic pole has
traveled almost 900 km towards, and into, the Indian ocean. This
significant shift by the magnetic poles began in 1885. Recent data
about the state of the Arctic magnetic pole, which is moving towards
the Eastern Siberian world magnetic by way of the Arctic Ocean,
reveals that this pole "traveled" more than 120 km during the ten
year period 1973 through 1984, and 150 km during the same interval,
1984 through 1994. This data has been confirmed by direct
Polar shift acceleration, 3 km per year average over 10 years, and
its travel along the geo-historic magnetic poles inversion corridor,
leads to the conclusion that the current polar travel acceleration
is not just a shift or digression from the norm, but is in fact an
inversion of the magnetic poles. Acceleration of polar travel may
grow to a rate of up to 200 km per year. This means that a polar
inversion may happen far more rapidly.
There is a significant growth of the world magnetic anomalies and in
the Earth's magnetic reorganization. These world anomalies
constitute a magnetic source that is almost independent from Earth's
main magnetic field. It is the inversion of the magnetic fields
process which is causing the various transformations of Earth's
geophysical processes and the present state of the polar
The factual growth of the polar cusp's angle (i.e. The polar slots in
the magnetosphere; North and South), which in the middle 1990's
reached 45 degrees.
[Note: The cusp angle was about 6 degrees most
of the time. During the last five years, however, it has varied
between 25 and 46 degrees.]
The increasing and immense amounts of
matter and energy radiating from the Sun's Solar Wind, and
Interplanetary Space, has began to rush into these widened slots in
the polar regions causing the Earth's crust, the oceans, and the
polar ice caps to warm
These present processes being observed are following precisely the
same scenarios as those of their distant ancestors. And additional
signs of the inversion of the magnetic field are becoming more
intense in frequency and scale. During the previous 25 million
years, the frequency of magnetic inversions was twice in half a
million years while the frequency of inversions for the last 1
million years is 8 to 14 inversions.
During prior periods of
inversions there has also been a corresponding decrease in the level
of oceans world-wide (10 to 150 meters) from contraction caused by
the crustal folding processes. Periods of lesser frequency of
geomagnetic field inversions reveals sharp increases of the world
ocean level due to the priority of expansion and stretching
processes in the crust.
The current geomagnetic inversion frequency growth phase may not
lead to an increase in oceanic volume from polar warming, but rather
to a decrease in ocean levels. Frequent inversions mean stretching
and expansion, rare inversions mean contraction. Planetary
processes, as a rule, occur in complex and dynamic ways which
require the combining and joining of all forces and fields in
order to adequately understand the entire system.
In the hydrospheric redistribution, there are developing events
which also indicate a sudden and sharp breaking of the Earth's
meteorological machinery.
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Climate Transformations
Major alterations, or breakdowns, in the climatic machinery, and the
severe biospheric effects. These climatic transformations and the
material composition of the Earth's atmosphere.
The temperature regime of climatic reorganization is characterized
by contrasts, and instabilities. The widely quoted, "Greenhouse
Effect" for total climatic changes is the weakest explanation, for
this reorganization. The growth in the concentration of CO2
has stopped, and that the methane content in the atmosphere has
began to decrease while the temperature imbalance, and the common
global pressure field dissolution has proceeded to grow.
The Earth's temperature regime is
becoming more, and more, dependent on external influences.

These general climatic rearrangements
are: A new ozone layer distribution.
Radiation material (plasma) inflows and discharges through the polar
regions, and through the world's magnetic locations. Growth of the
direct ionospheric effects on the relationship between the Earth's
weather, magnetic, and temperature fields.
There is a growing probability that we are moving into a rapid
temperature instability period similar to the one that took place
10,000 years ago. Such high-speed transformations of the global
climatic and its effects on Earth's physical and biospheric
qualities. The Earth's temperature increases are dependent upon, and
directly linked to, space-terrestrial interactions; be it Earth-Sun,
Earth-Solar System, and/or Earth-Interstellar.
At the present time there is no lack of new evidence regarding
temperature inversion variations in the oceans. The growth of
salinity in the Aegean Sea has stopped, and the salt water outflow
from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic has diminished. Neither of
these processes, or their causes, has been satisfactorily explained.
It has already been established that evaporation increases in the
equatorial regions causes a water density increase which results in
an immediate sinking to a greater depth.
Ultimately, this would force the Gulf-stream to reverse its flow.
A probability of this event happening is confirmed by other signs.
The most highly probable scenario for the European Continent is a
sharp and sudden cooling. Elsewhere, the Siberian region has been
experiencing a stable temperature increase with a constant growth of
up to 30 nanoteslas per year of the vertical component of the
magnetic field.
This growth rate increases significantly
as the Eastern Siberian magnetic anomaly is approached.
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Ozone Redistribution
Vertical and horizontal ozone content redistribution is the main
indicator, of general climatic transformations on Earth.
concentrations also have a strong influence upon Earth's biospheric
"Ozone holes" being in the stratosphere
7 to 10 miles above Earth, Antarctic and Siberian, are receiving
corrective modifications from vertical ozone redistribution, and its
growth in the troposphere that is below 7 miles.

It is now clear that the decrease in our
atmosphere's total ozone content is caused by industrial, human
designed, pollution, and that the total ozone content in general has
serious effects upon the energy distribution processes within
Earth's gas-plasma envelopes .
A process by which a chemical combination breaks up into simpler
constituents, of ozone, controls the oxidizing activities within the
This has created a special atmospheric, chemical, by
which the usual tropospheric concentrations, and lifetimes, of
carbon monoxide, methane, and other hydrocarbon gases are modified
and changed. A significant rise in the ozone concentrations has
taken place in the layers between 5 and 7 miles. Ozone's oxidizing
properties, a alteration of the gas composition and physical state
of Earth's atmosphere has already begun.
The most serious concern is the detection of HO2 that is being
produced at an altitude of 11miles by a completely unknown source.
This source of HO2 was discovered as a result of the investigation
of OH/HO2 ratios in the interval between 4.35 and 21.70
miles in the upper troposphere and stratosphere. Over the course of
time, this will create the ozone transfer and redistribution process
in the lower stratosphere.
The ozone's dynamic regime and space distribution to the above
unknown source of HO2, signifies a transition of Earth's
atmosphere to a new physico-chemical process. Non-uniformity's in
the Earth's ozone concentrations can, and will, cause an abrupt
growth in temperature gradients, which leads to the increase of air
mass movement velocities, and to irregularities of moisture
circulation patterns.
Temperature changes, and alterations,
over the entire planet would create new conditions for entire
regions; especially when the hydrospheres [oceans] begin to
participate in the new thermal non-equilibrium.
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Planetophysical State of
the EARTH and LIFE
Alterations of the Earth are becoming irreversible.
transformations are being caused by highly charged material and
energetic non-uniformity's in interstellar space which have broken
into the interplanetary area of our Solar System.
This "donation" of energy is producing hybrid processes and excited
energy states in all planets, as well as the Sun. Effects here on
Earth are to be found in the acceleration of the magnetic pole
shift, in the vertical and horizontal ozone content distribution,
and in the increased frequency and magnitude of significant
catastrophic climatic events.
There is growing probability that we
are moving into a rapid temperature instability period similar to
the one that took place 10,000 years ago. The responses of the
biosphere, to these new conditions may lead to a total global
revision of the range of species and life on Earth.
It is only through a deep understanding of the fundamental changes
taking place in the natural environment surrounding us that
politicians, and citizens a like, will be able to achieve balance
with the renewing flow of
PlanetoPhysical states and processes.

Geological, geophysical, and climatical
alterations of the Earth are becoming more, and more, irreversible.
Researchers are revealing some of the causes which are leading to a
general reorganization of the electro-magnetosphere , the
electromagnetic skeleton, of our planet, and of its climatic
machinery. Indeed, events of the last decade give strong evidence of
unusually significant heliospheric and planetophysic
transformations. Given the quality, quantity, and scale of these
transformations we may say that
The climatic and biosphere processes here on Earth through a tightly
connected feedback system are directly impacted by, the general
overall transformational processes taking place in our Solar System.
We must begin to organize our attention and thinking to understand
that climatic changes on Earth are only one part, in a whole chain
of events taking place in our Heliosphere.
These deep physical processes, these new qualities of our physical
and geological environment, will impose special adaptive challenges
and requirements for all life forms on Earth. Our biosphere will
have with these new physical conditions on Earth. We need understand
the general tendency and nature of the changes. The most intense
transformations are taking place in the planetary gas-plasma
envelopes to which the productive possibilities of our biosphere are
In the ionosphere by plasma generation. In the magnetosphere by
magnetic storms. In the atmosphere by cyclones. This high-energy
atmospheric phenomena, which was rare in the past, is now becoming
more frequent, intense, and changed in its nature. The material
composition of the gas-plasma envelope is also being transformed.
It is quite natural for the whole of the Earth to be subjected to
these changing conditions of the electromagnetic field, and to the
significant deep alterations of Earth's climatic machinery. These
create a demand within all of Earth's life organisms for new forms
of adaptation. The natural development of these new forms may lead
to a total global revision of the range of species, and life, on
Earth .
New deeper qualities of life itself may
come forth, bringing the new physical state of the Earth to an
equilibrium with the development, reproduction, and perfection. We
are faced with a problem of the adaptation of humanity to this new
state of the Earth; new conditions on Earth whose biospheric
qualities are varying, and non-uniformly distributed.
Therefore the current period of transformation is transient, and the
transition of life's representatives to the future may take place
only after a deep evaluation of what it will take to comply with
these new Earthly biospheric conditions. Each living representative
on Earth will be getting a thorough "examination," or "quality
control inspection," to determine it's ability to comply with these
new conditions.
These evolutionary challenges always require effort, or endurance,
be it individual organisms, species, or communities. Therefore, it
is not only the climate that is becoming new, but we as human beings
are experiencing a global change in the vital processes of living
organisms, or life itself; which is yet another link in the total
We cannot treat such things separately,
or individually.
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The Ancient Vedic Scriptures
Mystery of Orion, Pleiades and Draconis
The ancient Vedic texts answer the "Orion" mystery of the Pyramids,
the "Draconis" mystery of temples in Angkor,
and the "Pleiades" mystery of the Mayan
These texts contain more references concerning all these sacred
and deep sky objects than any other ancient manuscripts.
The Orion mystery of the Pyramids arises
from the fact that the three
Pyramids at Giza, located south-west of
Cairo, and are aligned exactly to the three middle stars of the
constellation of Orion namely Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka.
three Pyramids are aligned at an angle of 45 degrees, and
astronomical data shows that the belt of Orion was tilted at such an
angle around 10,500 BC. Concluding, that the Pyramids were
constructed not around 2500 BC, but by a more advanced civilization
thousands of years earlier.
The main chamber of the King's pyramid
was linked to passages which aimed directly at the heart of Orion as
it would have been located in that time.

The temples at Angkor in Cambodia form a
shape exactly similar to the constellation of Draconis. Using
astronomical data, once again it is found that the temples align
with the constellation as it appeared around 10,500 BC.
constellations of Orion and Draconis lie almost opposite to each
other in the celestial view from Earth.
The year of 10,500 BC
The year of 10,500 BC comes up in both cases, and this is also the
time given by esoteric astrologers for the last great global
cataclysm which destroyed a civilization much more advanced than our
own. Esoteric astrology can help understand why the ancients were so
keen on studying and following the motion of these sacred
Within these celestial bodies also lies
the key to the common source of all these civilizations, which can
only be understood by understanding their esoteric significance
through the study of astrology of the ancients. If these theories
are correct, then the ancients constructed these structures as
astronomical codes for preserving the knowledge of the past
cataclysm, which happened around 10,500 BC, and also as a warning
for future generations.
Most of the esoteric astrologers agree that the last major cataclysm
occurred around 10,000 BC when the Age of Virgo gave way to the Age
of Leo. This change of ages takes place due the Precession of the
Equinox. The earth's axis is not stationary, but spins around and
completes one revolution about each 26,000 years.
This means that
about every 2000 years, a different astrological sign rises at dawn
on the Spring Equinox when night and day are of equal length. That
period in history is said to be the Age of that rising sign.
Ages after the Great Flood around 10,000
BC would be like this.
10000 - 8000 BC : Age of Leo
8000 - 6000 BC : Age of
6000 - 4000 BC : Age of
4000 - 2000 BC : Age of
2000 - 1 BC : Age of Aries
1 - 2000 AD : Age of Pisces
2000 AD onward : Age of
These different Ages were characterized
by use of common symbols by all the civilizations which happened to
exist at that time.
The Age of Leo was
characterized by Sun worship. Leo symbology was the use of the
Lions. The use of Gold as currency was the norm, and Gold and
Lion are unique symbols of the sign Leo and its planetary ruler
the Sun. Cults of Great Mother Goddess came up everywhere,
especially across Asia minor and the shores of the Mediterranean
during the Age of Cancer.
Sun worship gave way to Moon
worship. The Sign Cancer is also the sign associated with
the Great Mother, the creator of the Universe. This same Mother
can be seen manifesting in various ancient cultures: the Isis of
Egyptians, Nana of Chaldeans, Rhea of the Romans, Spiderwoman of
the Hopi, and Shakti of the Vedic scriptures, but they all arose
from the early Mother goddess cults of the Age of Cancer.
The Age of Gemini brought about the
worship of the twin-gods. The Phoenician, Egyptian, Babylonian,
Assyrian and Vedic cultures are testimony to the cult of the
Twins who were born of the mating of the universal male
principle symbolized by the Sun and universal female principle
symbolized by Earth and the Moon. Since Gemini is the sign of
writing and communication, we find that new languages were
discovered and spread in this time. The best example is that of
the Sumerians who are supposed to have brought the art of
writing from Central Asia to Mesopotamia around this period.
The Egyptian civilization was in the
Age of Taurus, we have its real evidence in Egyptian Bull
and Earth mother cults which were part of Egyptian culture and
religion at this time. Taurus is the sign ruling over the desire
nature on Earth symbolized by the Bull. Taurus also presides
over the gifts of mother Earth to its inhabitants.
The Age of Aries found in the
civilizations, namely the Roman and Greek. The Arian idea of
individualism was the cornerstone for these civilizations. The
Greeks worshipped Apollo, the god of the Sun. Sun finds its
exaltation in the sign of Aries and thus its worship returned
once again. Romans worshipped Mars along with Zeus, as the God
of War. Sun worship returned among the Egyptians. Jews became
the chosen ones for this Age with Moses. Buddha, who had five
planets in the Sign Aries at Mid-heaven in his chart, ushered in
a new individualistic belief. Lao Tse, Confucius, and Zoroaster
heralded new beliefs along the same lines in ancient China and
ancient Persia.
The Age of Pisces was clearly
marked by
Jesus. He went against the
Old Testament, which
emphasized ram and the sacrificial fire. Through his teachings
the New Testament was brought about, along with the emblem of
'fish' and baptism by 'water'. The 'fish' is the symbol of the
sign Pisces and 'water' is its element. Even on a deep
psychological and spiritual level, his teachings and life
represent the qualities of the sign Pisces. Jesus was born when
the planets Jupiter and Saturn joined in the sign Pisces. This
could have been the Star of Magi which the three wise men from
east followed.
Virgo, the opposite sign of
Pisces, found its symbolism through Virgin Mary, the mother of
Jesus. Virgo, as is common knowledge the sign of the Virgin.
This Age saw mysticism in poetry, art throughout the world. The
Christian mystics and the Sufis were all in to the vibrations of
this emotional, all inclusive sign. Exaltation of martyrdom,
extreme monasticism, the Dark Ages, the blind belief systems,
unquestioned orthodoxy represent some of the dark sides of the
Piscean era.
The Piscean age started giving way
with the advent of scientific thought during the Renaissance,
but it still holds the majority of humanity in its grasp through
the orthodox religions, blind patriotism, and growing financial
inequality. Due to concentration on the lower energies of this
sign especially in the last century, the world has virtually
become a 'market' and 'money' its God.
Aquarius, the sign of Man,
will take over. Perhaps somewhere in the early years of the 21st
century. An important astrological event which is happening is
the conjunction of winter solstice with
the Galactic center,
which according to vedic scholars lies at around 6 degrees of
the sign, Sagittarius. The timing of the last Great Flood around
10,000 B.C. coincided with conjunction of summer solstice with
the Galactic center. The summer solstice is exactly opposite to
the winter solstice.
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The Aquarian Age
The Aquarian Age, the age of individual enlightenment and
brotherhood of Man, will only manifest fully only after a
purification process. This fall is imminent in the way this
civilization has polluted the Earth beyond repair.
Derived from the
Greek word christos, meaning the "anointed one" who inaugurated the
age of Pisces as the Jesus of Nazareth, says:
"When the Sign of Man shall come, he
will enlighten you in all things."
We all wish to see things happen with
the minimum of suffering and maximum of benefit but the present
reality and the message of the ancients reveals a different plot
which we must accept as a manifestation of the cosmic intelligence /
The ancients have warned us that in the
past, many civilizations which considered themselves invincible,
were reduced to dust by the storms of 'time'.

Coming back to the time of the last
global cataclysm,
the Great Sphinx is the structure which assumes
prime importance in marking the time around 10,500 BC. It is
regarded by esoteric astrologers as a combination of signs Leo and
It is quite evident in its mixing of human and animal form
that it was an attempt to represent the change of Ages from Virgo, a
sign with a human symbol, to the Age of Leo, a sign with lion as its
Several descriptions of this catastrophe and its timing can be found
within the wisdom and scriptures of all the ancient civilizations,
including that of the Native American Indians. In the vedic
scriptures, one can get the detailed accounts of the civilizations
which made these structures around 10,500 BC, and which existed
before and during the Age of Leo.
Two main ancient Vedic epics, Ramayana and Mahabharata, deal with
nothing but the culture and lifestyle of the four main Ages before
2000 B.C. Those ages are the Age of Leo, the Age of Cancer, the Age
of Gemini, and finally the Age of Taurus. The Vedic scripture
Ramayana tells us of the Kings who ruled in the Age of Leo, and
reveals that they all considered themselves Suryavanshi, meaning the
direct descendants of the Sun.
In other words, they were all Sun Kings, which is a very strong
indicator of that time being the Age of Leo, as Sun has the lordship
of Leo according to Vedic astrology. The Ramayana also reveals that
some of the cities in that Age which were built mostly of Gold,
which again is associated with Sun and the sign of Leo in Vedic
The Vedas talk about flying machines "Vimana", which
functioned simply from the power of thought. It describes a very
advanced civilization whose downfall came through pursuit of
excessive materialism.
It is Krishna who said to Arjuna in the middle of the battlefield...
"Whenever there is decay of
righteousness and exaltation of unrighteousness,
O Bharata, than I Myself come forth for the protection of the good.
I am born from Age to Age, for the sake of establishing
A divine incarnation who heralds every
new Age.
The war of Mahabharata, at around 3100 BC, is the conflict which
begins Kaliyuga, or the Age of Darkness. This war relates to the
transition from the Age of Taurus to the Age of Aries, symbolized by
the death of Krishna. The actual transition took place around 2000
BC. The Vedic tradition felt that humanity lost some part of their
original divinity through each of the changing ages and finally the
absolute bottom in "Kaliyuga".
The cycle repeats itself after a cataclysm similar to that of 10,000
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27 Constellations
The ancients gave different names to all the 27 stars i.e. 27 zones
of 13° 20' commencing from Aswini and ending with Revathi.

They are aware that the stars are not
equally elongated from 0° to 13°-20' and than another from 13°-20'
to 26°-40' and so on.
The Zodiac does not give the appearance of a
circular wheel made of a cane with 27 rings in it. But the Zodiac is
an imaginary pathway in the heavens. 360° in length and 15° in width
with stars scattered all over, in and outside the Zodiac, and these
appear as dots and not rods.
The constellations selected by our sagas
are either a group of stars or any single bright star, so that they
can be first identified easily.
1. Aswini- Arietus-Stars-3
2. Bharani- Arielisa Mus-3
3. Krithika- Tauri Alcyoni-S
4. Rohini- Taiur Aldeboran-S
5. Mrigsrlra- Orionis-8
6. Arudra- Orionis-1
7. Punarvasu- Gemini Po!lux-5
8. Pushyami- Cancri-3
9. Ashtesha- Hydrac-6
10. Makha- Leonis Regulas-5
11. and 12. Pubba and Uttara Leonis-4
13. Hasta- Cofvl-5
14. Chitra- Virginis Spica-1
16. Swathi- Bootis Arcturus-1
16. Vishaka- Librae-3
17. Anuradha- Scorpionis-3
18. Jyesta- Scoipionis-6
20. and 21. Purvashada and Uttarashada-Sagittari-4
22. Sravana- Aquilate-3
23. Dhanishta- Delphini-4
24. Sathabisha- Aquari- l00
25. Purvabhťdra- Pegasi-4
26. Uttarabhadra- Pegasi and Andromedae-4
27. Revathi- Pisclum-3
A few of them are in the Zodiac itself
but the majority of the groups are around the constellations which
are named after these groups. These stars (constellations) may be
very close to the 27 divisions of the Zodiac or far away, and they
may be either to the North or to the South of the Zodiac.
A few groups are very near and in the
next constellation and yet they are chosen because they can be
identified easily and they will be useful for reference and
calculation to locate where a particular constellation would
commence and end in the Heavens. Further, there is no other
constellation within or near the zone which can be unmistakably
Therefore, these 27 stars are to guide us, so that we
can calculate and ascertain the position of the 27 zones in the
Zodiac, each measuring 13° 20'.
These 27 constellation are governed by the 9 planets. Hence, each
planet rules over three zones at an interval of 120 (e.g.) Dragon's
tail. KETHUAswini, Makarn, Moolam. VENUS (Sukra)- Bharani, Pooram,
Pooradam and so on. These zones modify the results of the planets
transiting the Zodiac and not the stars, scattered in the Heavens
which are far away.
"Planets" are the immediate neighbors of our
Mother Earth and these belong to one family.
Probably this is the reason why they
have selected only 27 groups of stars even though there are
numberless stars in the sky which can influence the earth as much as
these 27 groups.
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Changing Astrological Ages
The two cycles, one of the changing Astrological Ages and the other
of changing Ages based upon the shifting level of consciousness of
humanity, overlap each other in unison like two wheels with
different number of spokes revolving side by side with the same

In vedic astrology, there are 27
constellations spanning the 12 signs of the zodiac.
One of these
constellations within the sign Gemini is Ardra, which is nothing but
the second brightest star in Orion, known as Betelguese. It is
supposed to be the abode of Shiva, one of the Trinity and the Vedic
deity presiding over Destruction and Regeneration.
Orion houses two constellations in Vedic astrology and is revered in
all the Vedic texts as the gateway from where the souls descend to
begin their earthly life.
It is called the "Giver of Life".

Astronomically, Orion is located in the
gap between the astrological signs of Taurus and Gemini. This gap is
one of the two celestial gateways in the Zodiac; the other one lies
between the astrological signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius.
Pleiades is again one of the constellations mentioned in Vedic
astrology, and is supposed to be ruled by the Sun. It is revered as
being the "Giver of transcendental Knowledge" along with
understanding of the Cosmic Laws.
I feel that all the Knowledge is
out there already, and all we need to do is put the pieces together
and synthesize all the seemingly unrelated aspects.
The Flying Serpent
The fact that Draconis among the constellations signifies the
Serpent, relates to the Mayan civilization which worshipped the
Flying Serpent with the temples of Angkor, which were made in the
image of this constellation.
The Flying Serpent is revered in the
Chinese culture as the "Dragon" which in turn symbolizes the very
heights of wisdom and knowledge.
The same Serpent is revered in the Vedic scriptures due its
association with the "Kundalini" power, which resides at the base of
the spine and is the giver of supreme enlightenment once it opens up
the "Crown center" located at the top of the head. Vedic astrology
represents this Serpent power through the Moons nodes, Rahu (north
node) and Ketu (south node).
All the cultures and civilizations past
and present have a common origin. The science of astrology is the
common link between the symbolism of all these cultures.
Why it has become possible for us to break this astronomical/astrological code of the Ancients at the present time is because we
might again be on the verge of another global transformation similar
to that of 10,000 BC, and the key to our future may lie in this very
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The Cycles
of the Pleiades Star Cluster

the great and burning star,
Immeasurably old, immeasurably far,
Surging forth its silver flame
Through eternity...
The Pleiades star cluster, also known as
the Seven Sisters and Messier 45.
The cluster contains hundreds of
stars, of which only a handful are commonly visible to the unaided
eye. The stars in the Pleiades are thought to have formed together
around 100 million years ago, making them 1/50th the age of our sun,
and they lie some 130 parsecs i.e. 425 light years away.
The Pleiades is a name given to a
cluster of stars in the shoulder area of the constellation of
Taurus, the Bull. Six of the many hundreds of stars in this cluster
are easily seen with the naked eye. A seventh star, that is
invisible or hidden, is often included when reference is made to the
stars of the Pleiades. These stars have been recognized and
celebrated in nearly every culture that has lived on the Earth.
For northern hemisphere, the cluster is
above and to the right of Orion the Hunter.
In Ancient Mythology

In India it was the junction star of the
nakshatras Krittika and Rohini, and Amba, the
Goddess Mother. In
Hindu literature it was Arundhati, wedded to Vashishtha, the chief
of the Seven Sages, as her sisters were to the six other Rishis of
Ursa Major.
Alcyone represents in the sky the Atlantid nymph who became the
mother of Hyrieus by Poseidon; now the Light of the Pleiades. The
early Arabs called it Al Jauz, the Walnut; Al Jauzah the Central
One; and Al Na'ir, the Bright One.
The Seven Sisters in Greek myths, are
the daughters of Atlas, the giant who supported the world on his
shoulders, and Pleione.

Zeus first transformed the sisters into
doves, and then into stars to enable them to escape the attention of
Orion, who for seven long years pursued the maidens, and Pleione, to
claim them for himself.
The sisters are Alcyone, Merope, Celaeno,
Taygeta, Maia, Electra, and Asterope. According to one legend, only
six of the stars can be seen because Merope hid herself in shame
over marrying a mortal.
The ancient Greeks, Egyptians, and
Hindus recorded seven stars. It is thought that the seven chambers
of the Great Pyramid represented the seven stars of the Pleiades..
Associations made with the movement of the stars of the Pleiades is
that of time-keeping.
There have many calendar systems that utilize
the positions of the Pleiades, agriculturally and sacred. The
pyramid and temple complex of
Teotihuacan, near Mexico City, is
oriented to where the Pleiades set along the horizon.
Temples in Greece and Ancient Egypt were oriented to these stars.
The Great Pyramid at Giza had been built in alignment with the
Pleiades. Temples, stone circles and other rock formations in
Polynesia and many other places on the planet show Pleiadian
alignments. Every 52 years in the Mayan civilization the Pleiades
would pass directly overhead of major ceremonial centers, such as
Tikal and Palenque.
Chichén Itzá was "reactivated" by the
At that time, Pleiades passed directly over this site,
and the star called Maia, was directly over the zenith of Chichén
Itzá. The influence of the Pleiades is the most heightened in May
and November every year. This is when Pleiadian consciousness is
most accessible to humanity.
The yearly cycle of the Pleiades begins around the middle of May,
when the Sun is aligned between the Earth and the stars of the
Pleiades. Due to the close proximity to the Sun the stars of the
Pleiades are not visible at any time of the night. Pleiades are
visible and can be seen rising at dawn around June and this is
called the heliacal rising of the Pleiades. This is regarded as very
When the Earth is aligned between the Sun and the Pleiades during
November, the stars of the Pleiades can be seen in the sky for
nearly the entire duration of the darkness of night. The esoteric
messages that take place in May come to fruition during the month of
November. This is when the energy of the Pleiades is most directly
Another Pleiadian cycle involves the planet Venus.
After sunset on
April 2, 1996, Venus could be seen close to the Pleiades. This
happens only once in every eight years. This event and its influence
on the inner psyche is intense. Venus' will again return, be even
closer to the Pleiades in 2004. Again when Venus returns in 2012, it
will be nearer to the central star Alcyone and Maia.
Ancient Mayan astrologers based this very important conjunction of
Venus and the stars of the Pleiades for their calendars. The Mayan
calendar cycle ends in
2012, the same year as Venus's passage
through the stars of the Pleiades.
In 2012, on May 20, there will be
a solar eclipse conjuncting the stars of the Pleiades. A unique
alignment of the Sun and the Moon between the Earth and the stars of
the Pleiades.
A little before the end of the Mayan calendar, perhaps from year 2004,
the Sun, the Moon and Venus all bring in deep inner messages from
the Pleiades, Sirius and Orion.
This spiritual guidance comes from Galactic Center.
Since the Earth
was created, the Pleiades have been functioning as a local center
for galactic transmissions for the Earth.
Hence deep inner memories
of this system. Since the harmonic concordance of 1987 the Earth is
just now evolving, to finally receive energy and frequencies
directly from Galactic Center.
The Earth's evolution and it's leap in newer realities is now for
the year 2012 onwards . Many of the galactic responsibilities for
the Earth and humanity are being transmitted directly to all of us.
Awakening to your inner Pleiadian reality is the mirror of what is
happening on a galactic consciousness.
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Back to The Pleidaes
The Constellation Bootes
The Star Arcturus
The Bear Watcher or the Herdsman
Named Stars:
ARCTURUS (Alpha Boo)
Nekkar (Beta Boo)
Seginus (Gamma Boo)
(Epsilon Boo)
Mufrid (Eta Boo)
Asellus Primus (Theta Boo)
Asellus Secondus (Iota
Asellus Tertius (Kappa 2 Boo)
Alkalurops (Mu 1 Boo) Merga (38 Boo)
Arcturus is located just above Boötes' knee.
In Ancient Mythology
Boötes is the most ancient constellation in the sky. Indeed, it has
been recognized by numerous
cultures in slightly different forms. The first reference to the
name Boötes comes from
"The Odyssey" by Homer almost three millennia ago.
In one of his most popular incarnations, he is called the Hunter
and, with his Hounds (Canes Venatici), he eternally circles the
Bears, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, around the North Pole. In fact,
the brightest star in Boötes is Arcturus, which can be loosely
translated as "Bear Guard."
He is also called the Herdsman and his journey around the pole
represents his task of keeping the celestial beasts together.
Another legend says that Bootes was the son of Zeus and Callisto.
Hera changed Callisto into a bear who was almost killed by Boötes
when he was out hunting. Luckily, she was rescued by Zeus and he
took her into the sky where she is now Ursa Major, the Great Bear.
One of the most popular stars in the sky is called Arcturus. It is
the fourth brightest star in the sky and it holds the distinction of
being the brightest star in the northern half of the celestial
sphere. The name "Boötes" is at least 3000 years old, but in those
ancient times the name most likely applies to the star Arcturus
rather than to the entire group of stars we see today.
The Egyptians
believed that those north circumpolar stars that never set over the
horizon, were evil. And one of the most evil of these northern
constellations was the Great Bear. Boötes, they believed, was placed
in the sky to guard the Great Bear and see that she did no harm. The
Egyptians pictured Boötes as a constellation they called the
Boötes is visualized as a man standing with one foot on a mountain
and the other foot stepping off the mountain. This symbolizes his
positioning for security and his trust in the inevitable. In one
hand, he is holding a staff representing his leadership abilities.
In the other hand, he holds the leashes of two hunting dogs. This
suggests openness and trust in his guides.
Boötes is traditionally
seen as a shepherd.
In the modern world, we may recognize Boötes'
archetypal presence in politicians, group leaders and even people
walking their dogs. Arcturus is located just above Boötes' knee.
The Greeks at one time also knew Boötes as the Bear Watcher, or
Guard because he seems to chase Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, the Great
and Small Bears, across the sky.
Boötes is also called the Herdsman
because is seems to hold the leashes of the Hunting Dogs, the
constellation Canes Venatici. Greek mythology has many stories about
the origin of Boötes.
According to one legend, Boötes is Arcas, the
hunter-son of Callisto, the Great Bear. In another myth, Boötes was
the son of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture. Boötes is credited
with inventing the plow and was placed in the heavens his invention.
Both the Hindus and ancient Chinese regarded Arcturus as a
In Chinese myth, a huge dragon was eternally chasing and
trying to capture this star.
The Egyptians believed that those north circumpolar stars that never
set over the horizon, were evil. And one of the most evil of these
northern constellations was the Great Bear. Boötes, they believed,
was placed in the sky to guard the Great Bear and see that she did
no harm.
The Egyptians pictured Boötes as a constellation they
called the Hippopotamus.
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Our Psyche and Arcturus
Along with
Sirius, the
Pleiades and the stars of
Arcturus is
of the first stars that comes to consciousness for those
exploring extraterrestrial dimensions.

This star represents one of the first "doorways" that we experience
as we journey
in consciousness beyond the boundary of our egos.
Along with Arcturus, and the so-called Arcturians, come a series of tests. The
purpose of these tests is to determine whether
the person's ego is ready to accept that it is not the center of
Will the spiritual dimensions encountered be regarded as sacred or
will the ego try to seize this information and power for ego-centric
There are many spiritual seekers who do not pass these
tests and are not allowed to proceed until these egotistic
motivations are purified. This may possibly take the rest of one's
life, if not many lifetimes.
When the archetype of Boötes is experienced psychologically, you may
feel like a wanderer who is on the edge, unsure and afraid of where
you are going. Making this archetype conscious involves surrendering
to the experience of being out of control. Allow yourself to be
guided to being present in the moment and on the edge. This leads to
being guided beyond what you consider to be normal reality into a
realm of infinite possibilities.
Working consciously with the energy
of the star Arcturus requires you to trust yourself in a way that
you have not yet experienced. Arcturus prepares the spiritual seeker
for an encounter with a reality beyond that person's ability to
When individuals are unable or unwilling to experience the energy of
the star Arcturus within themselves, these energies are projected
onto politicians and other people in positions of power that make
decisions for the groups that they lead or represent. The politician
or "shepherd" takes on these energies and works with them, sometimes
responsibly and sometimes not. When we learn to trust our own inner
leadership and guidance, then we come to rely less and less on
external leaders.
When we approach the time of elections, we may want to choose to
take responsibility for our experience of our governmental leaders.
They are truly a reflection of ourselves. Externalizing the
government as something "out there" that is separate from ourselves
perpetuates a dangerous illusion.
Only by accepting responsibility
for the actions of those whom we have given our power away to, can
we truly heal ourselves.
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Orion The Great Hunter
He boasted that no animal could defeat him.
Orion was known in ancient Greece, as the warrior.

Orion was the son of Poseidon, the god of the seas.
Orion boasted that so great was his might and skill as a hunter that
he could kill all the animals on the face of the Earth. Gaea,
Goddess of Earth, was alarmed at such a boastful and inappropriate
statement. Gaea decided that Orion must be killed just in case he
might one day decide to carry out his boast. So Gaea sent a giant
scorpion to Orion and ordered the beast to sting Orion.
As mighty as Orion was, after only a brief battle, the scorpion
managed to deliver the hunter a deadly sting. Scorpius stung Orion
on the heel (at the star Rigel). Orion and the scorpion were given
honored places in the sky, but they were placed at opposite ends of
the great sky dome so that they would never engage in battle again.
Although there are other storied about how Orion met his death, this
one is the most common.
In another Greek myth, the goddess Artemis (goddess of Wild Animals
and of the Moon) fell in love with the handsome Orion. Her brother,
Apollo, did not like this, and plotted to destroy Orion. One day
while Orion was swimming, Apollo walked by with Artemis. Apollo
challenged her to hit the target bobbing in the water. Artemis did
not know it was the head of Orion, and shot her arrow.
The arrow struck Orion in the head killing him. When Orion's body
washed ashore by the waves, Artemis was horrified to see her arrow
and to learn that she had been tricked by Apollo. In great sadness
she tenderly placed the body of Orion in her silver Moon-chariot an
carried him high up into the sky.
Then finding the darkest place, so
that his stars would shine the brightest of all surrounding stars,
she placed him where we see him today. In one myth, Orion was blinded
by King Oenopion for kidnapping his daughter Merope, who Orion was
trying to marry.
He was the Sun-god of both the Egyptians and Phoenicians.
The ancient Arabians called Orion Al Jauzah, loosely meaning "the
Middle Figure of the Heavens," and Al Babadur, "the Strong One." The
Jews called him Gibbor, or "the Giant." They also considered him as
Nimrod, who was strapped to the great sky dome for rebelling against
The Hindus once called him Praja-pati, meaning "the Stag."
The stag was said to be chasing his own daughter, Aldebaran, but was
killed by an arrow shot by Sirius. The arrow can be seen sticking
into the stag as Orion's belt stars.
In ancient China, Orion formed
part of a larger constellation recognized as the White Tiger.
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Back to The Orion Zone
SIRIUS - Seamen's "The Dragon's
Belt of Orion and the Great Pyramid
Sirius - Queens Chamber "Feminine"
The Pleiades "Sister Stars"
Orion "Kings Chamber" - Thuban
Gold - Snake - Alpha Draconis - Reptilians
It was the pole star when the pyramids were built -
Seamen called it The Dragon's Tail

Sirius the largest and most brilliant star in the heavens.
in the mouth of the greater dog Canis Major, therefore known as the
'Dog Star'. Located in the constellation Canis Major and 8.6 light
years from Earth. Sirius is visible in the Northern hemisphere
evening sky from November through April. Sirius is over 20 times
brighter than our Sun and over twice as massive. Sirius is not the
closest star system - the Alpha Centauri system holds this
Sirius appears blue-white in color. It is the brightest star in our
sky after the Sun, and can easily be seen in the winter months in
the northern hemisphere. When looking at the constellation Orion -
locate Orion's belt which are the three bright stars in a row.
Follow an imaginary line through these stars to Sirius which is just
above the horizon.
Sirius B
Some irregularities were noticed in the movement of Sirius.
It was
supposed that Sirius must be affected
by a second star, and it was named Sirius B. It was classified as a
'white dwarf star', very small, yet very massive. White dwarfs are
small dense stars that burn dimly. Sirius B although small and faint
about 10,000 times dimmer than Sirius A is extremely dense and heavy
enough to exert
influence on Sirius A. The pull of its gravity caused Sirius' wavy
Sirius B was the first white dwarf star discovered and is invisible
to the naked eye. It packs almost the entire mass of our sun into a
globe only 4 times as large as the Earth. Sirius B's surface is 300
times harder than diamonds, while its interior has a density 3,000
times that of diamonds. Spinning on its axis about 23 times a
minute, it generates huge magnetic fields around it.
The two stars, Sirius A and Sirius B move around each other,
constantly exchanging particles. Because of its greater density and
magnetic field, Sirius B takes the lion's share, taking gases and
materials off of its larger host body. Sirius B has a super-heavy
gravitationally powerful star made of concentrated super-dense
matter that is it's essence, with the number 50 associated with it
describing its orbital period.
Every 49.9 years, Sirius A and B, come as close together as their
orbits allow, creating huge magnetic storms between them. As they
approach each other, the stars both begin to spin faster as tidal
forces become stronger, finally flip-flopping over, actually trading
places with each other.
This energy is eventually released to flow
on magnetic field lines to the Sun, which transmits it like a lens
to all the planets.
Is there a SIRIUS C?
The Dogon are a West African tribe who have known about - and
worshipped - Sirius A and its Twin
the invisible star Sirius B, for the past 5,000 years. They are have
also been aware of the planets
circle the sun in elliptical orbits, the four moons of Jupiter and
the rings of Saturn.

They say that approximately 5,000 years ago, Amphibious Gods came to
Earth in three legged space ships from the Sirius Star System. They
call the aliens Nommos.
In their religious dogma, they acknowledge
that Sirius B is immensely heavy, invisible, very small, yet
extremely powerful. They claim that a third star Emme Ya - Sorghum
Female - exists in the Sirius system. Larger and lighter than Sirius
B, this star revolves around Sirius A as well.
Could there be a
Sirius C?
"Is Sirius a
Triple Star?".
Based on observations of motions in the
Sirius system there is a small third star there. The star was of a
type known as a "brown dwarf" and only had about .05 the mass of
Sirius B.
Sirius - Mythology and
The brightest star in our night sky

Sirius has many meanings: Transition Stage, Moving consciousness
from one reality,
to another frequency, Spirit of Wisdom, Zoroastrian translation
Brightly Radiating One.
Egyptian Name: Isis - Osiris - Sirius was
granted God/Goddess status
amongst many early peoples, and the Egyptians and Sumerians. Sirius, The Star of Isis is called
Star of David - As Is Above-So Is Below.
The DOGON Tribe
The Dogon are a West African tribe who have known about - and
worshipped - Sirius A and its Twin the invisible star Sirius
B, for
the past 5,000 years. They are have also been aware of the planets
circle the sun in elliptical orbits, the four moons of Jupiter and
the rings of Saturn.
The Dogon describe this 'star' specifically as having a circle of
reddish rays around it, and this circle of rays is 'like a spot
spreading' but remaining the same size. The six-sided or hexagram
star is revered as a religious symbol by the Hebrews who call it the
Seal of Solomon, and the Hindus who call it, The Divine Fish Matsya,
half-man, half-fish, the Mark of Vishnu.
The Dogon have described perfectly the DNA pattern made by this
elliptical orbit created by the two stars as they rotate make around
each other. They believe Sirius to be the axis of the universe, and
from it all matter and all souls are produced in a great spiral
motion. All creational myths speak of Earth being visited by ancient
astronauts - gods or aliens - who left information behind before
they left.
These myths all follow the same patterns of creation.
The Quran says AN-NAJM - THE STAR 053.049
YUSUFALI: That He is the Lord of
Sirius, the Mighty Star
PICKTHAL: And that He it is Who
is the Lord of Sirius
SHAKIR: And that He is the Lord of the Sirius
Ancient Civilizations
In Ancient Egypt Sirius was the brightest, and most important star
in the night sky.
Sirius was astronomically the foundation of their entire religious
system. It was the embodiment of Isis, sister and consort of the god
Osiris, who appeared in the sky as Orion.
Belt of Orion and the Great Pyramid
Sirius - Queens Chamber "Feminine" The Pleiades "Sister Stars"
Orion - Kings Chamber - Thuban
Thuban - Gold - Snake - Alpha Draconis - Reptilians
Sirius was the pole star when the pyramids were built -
Seamen called it The Dragon's Tail
In the Sumerian civilization, the epic poem
Epic of Gilgamesh
describes a dream of Gilgamesh where the hero is drawn irresistibly
to a heavy star that cannot be lifted despite immense effort.
star descends from heaven to him and is described as having a very
potent essence and being "the God of heaven". Gilgamesh had for his
companions, 50 oarsmen in the great ship, Argo, a constellation
bordering Canis Major, where Sirius is found.
Every 49.9 years,
Sirius A and
B, come as close together as their
orbits allow, creating huge magnetic storms between them. As they
approach each other, the stars both begin to spin faster as tidal
forces become stronger, finally flip-flopping over, actually trading
places with each other. This energy is eventually released to flow
on magnetic field lines to the Sun, which transmits it like a lens
to all the planets.
Ancient Egyptians called Sirius the 'Dog Star', after their god
Osiris, whose head in pictograms resembled that of a dog.
In Egypt,
Sirius shines for most of the summer, and since it is such a bright
star, the Egyptians actually believed that the additional light from
this nearby star was responsible for the summer heat.
The Greeks named the star,
Sirius, which meant, 'scorching or
Sirius is linked to the color BLUE. It is a
Beings from Sirius were supposedly BLUE tinged.
There is a
relationship to royalty called 'BLUE bloods' as they are supposedly
descending from a BLUE alien race.
Electricity when isolated (not
lightning) is BLUE in color.
BLUE is the frequency upon which we
will move out of this experience.
Creational myths end with
something blue-white in the sky - Light.
The Hopi name for the star
Sirius is
Blue Star Kachina.

An ancient Hopi Indian prophecy states,
"When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in
the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge".
El Morya -Ascended Master of The Blue Ray -
The Blue Star Kachina.
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Star Light -
Effects change in DNA structures

On the planet there are those
extraterrestrials who are here to
bring knowledge and clarity.
Earth's link to
is important but
a puzzle. Sirius takes us back to creation. It links with
Sumer-Mesopotamia - Cradle of Civilization,
Ancient Egypt, the Great
the Hopi, and linked to humanity's gradual awakening. We
exist based on electromagnetic energies which in turn create
polarity - duality - opposites - conflict and emotions. This all
gives us the illusion of reality moving in cycles of time.
Our reality used these patterns and thoughts to create clues that
link our past, present and future. These clues help us 'awaken' and
understand who we are and what is happening. Sometimes we need a
tragic event to help us awaken. Destruction seems necessary before
we move on in our three dimensional programmed reality.
Ancient beyond imagination, Egyptian kings and their families, took
the path after death to higher realms of consciousness. They
believed that within them was a potential "that from it would spring
the glorious envelope in which the Spirit-Soul (Ka) would take it's
abode". The
42 books of Thoth, of which only fragments remain,
contain formulae for restoring the Vital Force. This would allow the
Ka, or Spirit-Soul to form an "immortal body of light".
The Egyptians believed this power was brought forth from the womb of
Divine Mother Isis, and emanated from her star, the brightest star
in the sky, Sirius.
Certain plants contain substances that captured the radiant energy
of Sirius just as chlorophyll captured the energy of the Sun. Tuned
like crystals, these molecules transmitted the knowledge and
awareness of the "Sirian Ray" to the recipient. Called "Hu" or "Tchefit"
by the Egyptian Priest, the substance was an extract from some shrub
or shrubs native to "the Divine Lands".
Modern pharmacology identify
these "Star Medicines", similar to the phenylethylamine (PEA)

The base molecule for such compounds as
mescaline, phenylethylamine.
PEA is also produced naturally in the body from the amino-acid
phenylalanine when
stimulated by strong positive emotions such as love or high
achievement, and is
considered to be one of the main "reward" neurotransmitters of the
Small, homeopathic doses of the herb Cannabis Sativa elevate PEA
levels in the brain by nearly 400%, larger quantities however,
inhibit it's production.
It is also produced by the breakdown of
tissue during the fasting process and when the body is critically
PEA may be responsible for triggering the visions that many
people experience at these times.
The plant steroid ecdysterone, a growth stimulator. The compound
responsible for transforming caterpillars into butterflies.
Ecdysterone has also been found to be strongly growth enhancing in
The "Book of Thoth" described plants that initiated a
process of metamorphosis or "superbiology" for the advancement of
the human Spirit-Soul, the Ka, into it's higher dimensional form.
Combinations of
ecdysterone and
perhaps, be for initiating
a process of growth and transformation in humans.
The theory that star light can
effect change in DNA structures is as yet unproven by science.
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The Comet Venus
During the centuries when Venus was a comet, it had a tail.
What could give Venus the appearance of a star throwing out smoke?

The Vedas said that the star Venus looks like fire with smoke.
star had a tail, dark in the daytime and luminous at night. This
luminous tail, which Venus had in earlier centuries, is mentioned in
the Talmud 'Fire as hanging down from the planet Venus. Described by
the Chaldeans the planet Venus 'was said to have a beard. "Beard" is
used in modern astronomy in the description of comets.
The Mexicans called a comet 'a star that smoked.'
A train, large enough to be visible from the
earth and giving the impression of smoke and fire, hung from the
planet Venus. Venus, with its glowing train, was a very brilliant
body; therefore not strange that the Chaldeans described it as a
'bright torch of heaven. Illuminates like the sun,' and compared
with the light of the rising sun.
At present, the light of Venus is less than one millionth of the
light of the sun. 'A stupendous prodigy in the sky,' the Chaldeans
called it. The Hebrews similarly described the planet: 'The
brilliant light of Venus blazes from one end of the cosmos to the
other end . The Chinese astronomical text refers to the past when
'Venus was visible in full daylight and, while moving across the
sky, rivaled the sun in brightness.
Venus (Ishtar),
'who is clothed with fire and bears aloft a crown of
awful splendor.'
The Egyptians described Venus (Sekhmet):
circling star which scatters its fame in fire... a flame of fire
in her tempest.'
They also called it by the name of Twntemocque, or
'the mane.' The Arabs called Ishtar (Venus) by the name Zebbaj or
'one with hair,' as did the Babylonians.
'Sometimes there are hairs attached to the planets,' wrote
Hair or coma is a characteristic of comets, and in fact 'comet' is
derived from the Greek word for 'hair.' The Peruvian name 'Chaska'
(wavy-haired) is still the name for Venus, though at present the
Morning Star is definitely a planet and has no tail attached to it.
The coma of Venus changed its form with the position of the planet.
When the planet Venus approaches the earth now, it is only partly
illuminated, a portion of the disc being in shadow; it has phases
like the moon. At this time, being closer to the earth, it is most
brilliant. When Venus had a coma, the horns of its crescent must
have been extended by the illuminated portions of the coma. It had
two long appendages and looked like a bull's head.
Rabbinical authorities say that,
'the devotion of Israel to this
worship of the bull is in part explained by the circumstance that,
while passing through the Red Sea, they beheld the celestial Throne,
and most distinctly of the four creatures about the Throne, they saw
the ox.'
The Egyptians similarly, pictured the planet and worshipped it in
the effigy of a bull. The cult of a bull sprang up also in Mycenaean
Greece. A golden cow head with a star on its brow was found in
Mycenae, on the Greek mainland.
The people of far away Samoa,
primitive tribes that depend on oral tradition as they have no art
of writing, repeat to this day:
"The planet Venus became wild and
horns grew out of her head.''
The long horns of Venus could have been seen without the aid of a
telescopic lens. These horns were illuminated portions of the coma
of Venus, which stretched towards the earth. These horns could also
have extended towards the sun as Venus approached the solar orb,
since comets were repeatedly observed with projections in the
direction of the sun, while the tails of the comets are regularly
directed away from the sun.
When Venus approached close to one of
the planets, its horns grew longer: this is the phenomenon the
astrologers of Babylon observed and described when Venus neared
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Back to Venus
The Birth of Venus

A celestial monster flew with 'a whistle in his mouth, as he moved
forward he blew it with all his might, and made a terrible noise. He
came flowing and blowing; he looked like an enormous bat with wings
spread, and his feathers waved up and down.
They grew till they could
touch the sky on both sides. All these elements were not brought
together in this Indian narrative by sheer invention.
Ancient Mexican records give the order of the occurrences. The sun
was attacked by
Quetzalcoatl; after the disappearance of this
serpent shaped heavenly body, the sun refused to shine, and during
four days the world was deprived of its light.
A great many people
died at that time.
Venus in the Folklore of the World Peoples
Many peoples speak of a "lower sky" in the past, a "larger sun," a
swifter movement of the sun across the firmament, a shorter day that
became longer after the sun was arrested on its path. World
conflagration is a frequent motif in folklore. According to the
Indians of North America the 'shooting star' and the 'fire drill'
set the world aflame."
It was too hot. The sun was put "a
handbreadth" higher in the air, but it was still too hot. Seven
times the sun was lifted higher arid higher under the sky arch,
until it became cooler."
In the burning world one could see nothing
but waves of flames; rocks were burning, the ground was burning,
everything was burning. Great rolls and piles of smoke were rising;
fire blew up toward the sky in flames, in great sparks and brands.
The great fire was blazing, roaring all over the earth, burning
rocks, earth, trees., people, burning everything. Water rushed in,
it rushed in like a crowd of rivers, covered the earth, and put out
the fire as it rolled on toward the south.
Water rose mountain
high." |
The sky, to show its anger, caused to perish a great number of
people who died of famine and pestilence.
The Earth had convulsions
overwhelmed by a deluge. The cataclysm, accompanied by a prolonged
darkness, the days of the Exodus, when a tempest of cinders darkened
the world disturbed in its rotation. The catastrophe of the time,
when the sun remained for more than a day in the sky of the old
The sequence of seasons and the duration of days and nights
became disarranged.
"It was then that the people regulated anew the
reckoning of days, nights, and hours, according to the difference in
The clouds that enveloped the Israelites in the desert, the trumpet
like sounds that they heard at Mount Sinai, and the gradual lifting
of the clouds in the years of the Shadow of Death are the same
elements that we find in this Indian legend.
After the dramatic events of the time of
Exodus, the earth was shrouded in dense clouds for decades, and
observation of stars was not possible.

The change that took place
The planet Venus established the present order on the earth and
placed the north and south polar stars in their places. The Pawnee
Indians believe that the future destruction of the world depends on
the planet Venus. When the end of the world will come, the North and
South poles will change places.
In the past the South Star left its
place a few times and came up higher, bringing about a shifting of
the poles, but on these occasions the polar stars did not reverse
their positions.
The Blazing Star
The Egyptian priests, said that the world conflagration was caused
by a shifting of bodies
in the sky which move around the earth. The comet Venus after two
with the earth, eventually became a planet.
Phaethon, which means 'the blazing star,' became the Morning Star.
The Four Planet System
The planet Venus was born in the first half of the second
In the third millennium only four planets could have
been seen, and that in astronomical charts of this early period the
planet Venus cannot be found. In an ancient Hindu table of planets,
attributed to the year 3102, Venus alone among the visible planets
is absent. Indian Brahmins of the early period did not know the five
planet system, and only in a later period did the Brahmins speak of
five planets.
Babylonian astronomy, too, had a four planet system. In ancient
prayers the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury are invoked;
the planet Venus is missing; and one speaks of 'the four planet
system of the ancient astronomers of Babylonia.'
These four planet
systems and the inability of the ancient Hindus and Babylonians to
see Venus in the sky, even though it is more conspicuous than the
other planets, are puzzling unless Venus was not among the planets.
"The great star that joins the great stars."
The great stars are, of course, the four planets Mercury, Mars,
Jupiter and Saturn,
and Venus joins them as the fifth planet. When not all the orbs were
yet in the heavens .
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Back to Venus
Photon Belt or the
Golden Nebula

In 1961 it was discovered what appeared to be an unusual nebula.
normally understand nebula as a vast cloud-like mass of gas or dust.
This one, was named the Golden Nebula. An important statement of
astronomical and historical significance. In 1980s a announcement
was made that our solar system was, going to collide with an
'electromagnetic cloud' in the not too distant future.
What is this electromagnetic cloud, this Golden Nebula, sometimes
referred to as the radiant nebula? Its more universal designation is
'photon belt' or 'photon band', consisting of many bands, and
encounter with this belt is recognized by extraterrestrials as of
great importance.
The whole universe is held together by means of vortices within
vortices of centripetal energy with their associated electromagnetic
fields, like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools. The same
theory behind Einstein's general relativity.
These spiraling energies give rise to natural space-time orbits,
satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems
around other more major vortex centers, and so on.
Our planet Earth
orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also
traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of
about 24,000 years. There are many other solar star systems in this
cyclic motion. The Pleiades, which is encircled by the photon belt,
is about 400 light years from us, and is part of this system.
Our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone.
The belt consists of many photon bands emanating from the centre
of the galaxy, and associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy.

The photon belt is an immense region of space radiating intense
electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and
beyond, into high-frequency invisible light, including some x-ray
The magnetic flow of light throughout the galaxy. Huge
increases in intensity of 'dangerous' radiation enters through the
holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.
It is also described as an amoeba-like cloud of particles but most
of its frequencies are invisible. This is the photon belt, or photon
band. Our solar system, and planet Earth, takes some 24,000 years to
come back to its same point in this particular orbit. This means our
solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 24,000 years,
that is, every half cycle.
The thickness of the photon cloud is such
that it takes about 2000 years for our solar system to pass through,
and therefore about 10,000 years between each encounter with this
belt 2 x 10,000 plus 2 x 2000 = 24,000 years.
Some state that the period in the band could be much less, depending
on man's resistance to change. This is difficult to relate to our
fixed cyclic picture but, in addition, this same source points out
that Earth was in trouble from the damage incurred by our
civilization and called for the photon belt, a typical emergency
call procedure for planets. This "call" occurred in 1947 and
manifested as a signal.
In 1992 Scientists around the globe predicted that the encounter
would occur within months to a year. A particular source of Pleiadian extraterrestrials indicated that it would not occur
just after 2010 and that it was difficult to predict since the belt
was oscillating randomly.
On this planet the photon belt encounter will be
a spiritual experience. This really depends on man.
The real benefits of this phenomenon is from what is actually
causing the photons.
It is linked with the so-called convergences. If we are sufficiently
evolved at the time, great
advancements will occur in our consciousness as we attune to the
we are negative, that is, possess too many lower vibrations, the
result of selfish actions,
we are not expected to survive the frequency incompatibility.
The convergence is the end of a stellar activation cycle.
These activations have already begun and will continue through 2012
to 2017.
The principle time cycle is 26,556 years, which is the precession of
the equinoxes
This is caused by a slow wobble of the Earth as it spins and orbits
around the Sun.

To understand the alignment, one could think of circles within
circles, cycles within cycles, turning
at different rates to which are attached magnets.
periodically they could line up,
forming one long and powerful magnet. This would act like a powerful
It is
called a holographic beam containing the fundamental energy of these
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Changing Energies

Channelled Information from Pleiadians,
Acturains, and other Extraterrestials
The date of this occurrence, ranging
from 1987 to 1999 to 2003 and finally about 2011-2012.
tell us that our solar system skimmed the belt for a few days in
Increasing the degree of entry each year, and then the Sun went in
in 1998. The Earth was in the belt in December 1998 and June, 1999.
We enter first the outer aura which, and we are not expected
to experience the full-blown effects until
After the convergence, as the Earth is in alignment, it will merge
with higher-dimensional parallel Earth, Tara. During this process
the particles and antiparticles of these planets and their anti-parallel planets are unified in certain specific ways. When
these particles and antiparticles come together they create intense
activity which we know as the photon belt. It is continually renewed
as the holographic beam passes out through Alcyone.
The photon band
presents opportunities for change on the planet by adding new
energies. It increases the flow of energy in the magnetic grids of
Earth, attracting new ideas and energies.
The effects on the Earth's body are expected to be quite dramatic.
The photon belt enables the
planet to repair herself. She will, for example, protect her oil.
Too much is being drawn off by
man and cannot all be replaced. Mother Earth will harden the crust
under the surface
and pull in the oil, gases, coal and mineral ores, deeper into the
centre. Those
benevolent races will be shifted harmlessly into protected regions.
Till humans utilize surface resources only,
including water, the photon belt will not leave.
Scientists will find that sub-atomic particles which will become
more evident and easier to detect. Electricity will be reduced and
become less available in the next 50 years. This represents an
energy depletion of the planet. Earth is taking on a new energy and
scientists must find new ways of working with it. They will even
give more attention to how love affects life and its chemistry.
diseases will arise and abnormal heart rhythms for the descending
group but expansion of the heart for the ascending group.
Earth requested a very gradual repair
Some terrestrials said that as our planet enters the bands, at a high
velocity, we would experience an immediate electric shock, lasting
about one tenth of a second, however not dangerous. This appears
unlikely now as we are moving in very gradually.
Apparently it could
have been sufficiently sudden to destroy the civilization and to
heal the planet quickly, but Earth requested a very gradual repair.
The effects of the intense photon activity on the radiation belt
around Earth and the sudden compression of the atmosphere and
expansion, that the radiation belt could ignite. Within minutes the
sky would be lit up with intense light. If eyes were not protected
it would cause blindness. This intense light was expected to last
three days.
The photon belt encounter, thanks to Mother Earth,
is to give minimum suffering to mankind and maximum benefit.
Another spectacular feature given will be the effect of the intense
photon activity on matter.
High excitation of atoms will occur, causing fluorescence of all
objects, and as a result
there will be no normal night time during the period of interaction.
This does not seem to be highlighted now.

Extraterrestrials will be aiding our Transition
According to channeled information, extraterrestrials will be aiding
our transition during this photon-belt event.
It is stated that they
altered many years ago the basic polarity of the Sun to allow it to
maintain the integrity of the Sun's planetary system. NASA's space
probe Ulysses detected that the magnetic field of the Sun no longer
has a north and south pole!
The Sun's magnetic field was found to
have changed dramatically into a homogeneous field.
No scientific explanation was given. Furthermore, the
SOHO satellite
revealed that the Sun responded abnormally to the impact of cosmic
bodies causing an eruption of some 30 to 35 solar flares, which is
unprecedented. The Sun and planetary bodies, have powerful
high-frequency electromagnetic fields.
This would be in spite of
interference from magnetic pole variations.
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This Really Depends on Man

For mankind
the photon belt encounter will be essentially a
spiritual experience.
The real benefits of this, is from what is
actually causing the photons. It is linked with the convergences. If
we are sufficiently evolved, great advancements will occur in our
consciousness as we attune to the higher-frequencies. The
photon-belt encounter are intended to be a positive experience.
The discipline of man is essential. The quality of food, addictions
to various "so called musts"
are to be overcome. The temple of the body to be must be cleansed of
all the toxins, mentally
and spiritually all negativities must be removed.
Man with
sufficient discipline to improve
and elevate his consciousness can ensure that the Golden Age will
If we are
negative, possessing too many lower vibrations, the result of
selfish actions,
we are not expected to survive the frequency incompatibility.
There will be a rebirthing of planet Earth

There will be a natural spiritual selection.
In the beginning of the photon encounter only sensitives will detect
anything strange. When we enter fully, most individuals will receive
the full effects. Great enlightment of consciousness will occur. And
conversely great resistance to new ideas. A period of awakening. The
photon belt and the stellar activity will help us see who we are.
will remove some of the barriers around cells and
DNA making them
more reactive or responsive to new energies.
A consciousness, which has a 'personality' for change and action.
People will feel the need to transform. Those who consider this
present 3Dimension, physical reality their
only expression will dwindle into greater dogmas, blocks and
negativity. It will eradicate our self-destructive tendencies. Even
the most dense person will be accelerated into a higher state of
consciousness. There would be havoc in their mind and body if they
are not prepared.
Psychological effects of uprooting hidden, secret, or withheld
material, bringing it to the surface.
This means psychological and physical disease patterns will be
forced to the surface, that is, in
the conscious mind. A tremendous opportunity to make advancements.
Where there is too
much to handle it will cause illness, depressions, disease and
The Earth will divide, each part retaining wholeness though,
producing a 3rd density,
and a 4th density Earth. This will not be perceived physically, the
planets will be in
different dimensions. One will be in a parallel universe relative to
the other.
Earth has many parallel bodies, one around 3.0, 3.5, then 4.0 and
Parallel universe theories
We sometimes move into parallel-universe
planes and back.
An advanced civilization exists in
the centre of
the Earth. This civilization, sometimes called
Shambhala is in a
parallel plane which is reached by entering 'electromagnetic'
corridors. These are near the openings at the poles and certain
other regions on earth.
The only sad event will be that some families will be split up by
the natural spiritual selection. Some individuals will go with the
more evolved Earth, and others with the 3rd density Earth. This
could permanently separate their evolution by several thousands of
This transformation is a state of being and consciousness.

Aquarius, the sign of Man
An important astrological event which is
happening is the conjunction of winter solstice with the Galactic
center will be the trigger for the new age of man. The
transformation of man, will be by the stellar alignments and the
The event is supposed to be the true nature of the ascension or
rapture, well known in the prophecies of many religions and myths.
The Second Coming, the birth of the
Kalki Avatar of
Vishnu, the return of Quetzalcoatl.
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