March 14, 2013
According to the prophecy of St. Malachy, Petrus Romanus has arrived.
Pope Francis I, formerly known as Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was the son of an Italian railroad worker from Turin, Italy. While those of shallow vision will be quick to point out “his name is not Peter,” prophecy is often fulfilled enigmatically in a manner not entirely clear until it is resolved.
For example, who could have known that “labor of the sun” John Paul II would be buried during eclipse until his papacy had ended? We have stated from the beginning that the title “Peter the Roman” was likely symbolic.
All popes claim apostolic succession from Peter and for this reason it is called the Petrine office.
For instance, Tom Horn stated in a recent interview for World Net Daily:
Rome was an empire and a city so his Italian ancestry arguably meets the Roman aspect albeit in an oblique way.
Interestingly, Rene Thibaut, the Jesuit who wrote in 1950 that the papacy would be abdicated in 2012, rejected the possibility of a pope named Peter and wrote that the name symbolized the totality of the papacy:
In Thibaut’s reckoning all the ambitions and pretensions of the papal dynasty are now encompassed in one man.
Paramount is the fact that he is the first ever Jesuit pope. This has great prophetic significance as the Jesuit order was formed to specifically to combat the protestant reformation and assert papal supremacy over the entire world.
According to a historian,
Because of this, the Jesuit order was suppressed and disbanded for its pernicious skullduggery by Pope Clement XIV in 1773 and by the mid-eighteenth century, the Jesuits had earned a bad reputation in Europe for political maneuvering and economic exploitation bar none.
Interestingly, Pope Benedict XVI addressed the Jesuit order in 2008 encouraging them reinvigorate the fourth vow. He said,
The fourth vow of obedience to the pope is one of,
A few ex-Jesuits have called this a blood oath involving pagan rites which were laid bare in the suppressed document “Jesuit Extreme Oath of Induction” which was recorded in records of the U.S. Congress.
According to this document, they are indoctrinated into the principle of IUSTUM, NECAR, REGES, IMPIOUS:
While modernists surely prefer more subtle methods, we address the Jesuit’s who make up the Vatican Observatory Research Group in some detail in our new book Exo-Vaticana and offer some surprising revelations as to what might entice the entire world to unite under the new pontiff.
Even so, other researchers document an ongoing militaristic campaign:
In Petrus Romanus we stated our belief that the name “Peter the Roman” implies this pope,
This seems in line with the Jesuit agenda.
Still more, Catholic mystic Ronald L. Conte Jr., who predicted in 2002 that the successor to John Paul II would choose the name Benedict XVI, commented on 3-13-13:
According to Conte,
The media and Catholic faithful have been celebrating his choice of the papal name Francis, which is a first, and most folks assume it is inspired by St. Francis of Assisi.
Interestingly, in Petrus Romanus we wrote of an apocalyptic prophecy given by the alleged namesake:
Was there something uncannonical about the election of Pope Francis I? It seems arguable.
For starters, Pope Benedict XVI simply retiring makes for an unprecedented situation. Next, the fifteen day rule between the vacancy of the office and the start of the conclave was circumvented in order to speed up the process.
The two living popes situation alone supports a charge of one “not canonically elected” but more mysteriously, there seems to be something fishy going on with his heraldry.
According to one expert,
This was Cardinal Bergoglio’s coat of arms as of 2010:
As displayed in 2010 See:
It uses the Jesuit Solar deity symbol, The Jesuits maintian that IHS stands for first three letters of the Greek name of Jesus, iota-eta-sigma but if so the name is Íησοûς so why not use the Greek letters Ι Η Σ ?
Alternately, while it seems fanciful, some occult researchers claim it really means: Isis, Horace, Set:
Yet by Roman Catholic heraldic standards all bishops are required to include the archiepiscopal cross as well.
However, even though his coat of arms (dated 2001) lacked the required cross, we know that he was in fact a bishop prior to 2001.
Bergoglio was named Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires in 1992 and was ordained on 27 June 1992 as Titular Bishop of Auca.[13] This is extremely odd and has prompted heraldic specialists to assert ineptitude on the part of its designer.[14]
It suggests something is amiss. Could the strange rule bending circumstances surrounding Pope Benedict XVI’s retirement suggest he is the uncannonical pope that St. Francis prophesied? (it looks the this malformed coat of arms has been quickly revised, so copy those images for safekeeping).
Wikipedia now has a corrected version:
Corrected Coat of Arms 2013
Apocalyptic Franciscan prophecies and heraldic guffaws aside, many have overlooked another Catholic Saint he could have drawn the papal name from: St. Francis Xavier, a fellow Jesuit infamous for inspiring the Goa inquisition.
This extended the European inquisition to the Indian state of Goa and the Portuguese empire in Asia, a repugnant affair in which some 16,202 persons were brought to trial resulting in untold numbers of executions by burning at the stake amongst lesser tortures.[15]
While we don’t normally put a lot of stock in numerology, the great biblical scholar and Anglican theologian E.W. Bullinger wrote an exhaustive treatise in the 19th century which has yielded some interesting connections to the new Pontiff.
The numbers surrounding Pope Francis’ election keep coming up thirteen.
White smoke at 7:06 PM which in numerology 7 + 6 = 13 and he is 76 years old 7 + 6 = 13 and then he was elected on the calendar date 3/13/13 which sports two 13s of its own but in numerology 3/13/2013 also yields 3+1+3+2+0+1+3=13 and he was announced at precisely 8:13 PM Vatican time or in military and European time 20:13 making for 3/13/2013 at 20:13.
According to Bullinger:
This ill omen suggests the “many tribulations” of the Malachy prophecy could coincide with the apostasy of 2 Thes. 2:3 but Bullinger goes on to cite an exhaustive list of thirteens and factors of thirteen including examples like:
While we could go on and on (Bullinger does) with a long list of similar demonic thirteens, one verse in particular is pertinent:
Do all of these thirteens add up to a coincidence? That’s up to you decide.
But the biblical prophecy alone points toward the papacy. Indeed this second beast is predicted to be viewed “like a lamb” and the accolades expressed on 3/13/2013 at 20:13 support that perception.
This probably seems mean spirited to some but as protestants we feel well within our rights to assert that all claimants to Vicar “instead ”of Christ as false prophets.[19]
However, if the predictions of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Malachy are truly at their culmination, then the second beast, the one from the earth, who is called the “false prophet” (Rev. 16:13; 19:20; 20:10) or Petrus Romanus who will lead the world to worship the dragon, has arrived in Pope Francis but I am not a prophet… only time will tell.