by Estelle Nora Harwit Amrani
April 3, 2005
Vibrani Website
recovered through
BibliothecaAlexandrina Website
This is not easy to write without sounding a little condescending. I
apologize for that - I’m more motivated by a need to express another
wake-up call for humanity. Terri Schiavo’s and the Pope’s
deaths are very interesting events, and a HUGE reflection for people
to see themselves and what they value, and fear. I am saying what I
feel and think and I ask you to consider what I’m writing.
This has been a week of death. A week of obsessed and biased media,
violent and rude religious fanatics, and idiotic politicians (who I
consider betrayers to the Constitution) butting their big noses into
people’s private affairs. It’s a crazy week of people frantic about
death, unsure of what really happens when someone dies, when someone
is in a coma, when someone is truly dead. People had to confront
their own mortality. Everyone dies. I will die, you will, too.
in the body is temporary and terminal. Get it?
So what is your life
all about? Have you prepared for your eventual death? Do you talk to
your kids about death as you do about life? Or, is it a taboo
subject? Do you talk about your eternal spirits that live on after
the body dies? Do you talk about choices?
Are you sad that the Pope died? Geesh! The media doesn’t shut
up with commentaries, interviews, news clips, and constant camera
images of the weeping masses acting as if the world had come to an
end. The White House even put its flag at half-mast. I
have a lot of trouble understanding people who are crying and
carrying on about an 84 year old man who lived a very full life,
traveled around the world more than any other Pope (and more than
most people ever will in their lifetimes), with the full financial
backing of the Vatican.
Why not be happy he had such a great life?
He died the way he wanted, choosing not to be kept alive
artificially, even though he said doing the same for Terri
Schiavo (who was pretty much dead for 15 years but kept alive
artificially) was murder. He lived his way - but would he allow
Catholics the same freedom, even though he often used freedom
as his mission? He fought Communism, attempted to bring peace
to violent areas, he lived through the Holocaust, he did many
"firsts" as a Pope - and that is nothing to ignore. However,
he also kept trying to control Catholics to obey his word and
that of the Church.
I’m not saying the Pope was a sinister man. He wasn’t. He
truly did what he felt was right for himself and his religion. I
think he was a pretty decent guy, also doing things that were human
(imagine that). For instance, I liked hearing that a woman who came
to a mass asked him if he’d officiate at her up-coming wedding... he
agreed to do it. He was very bright, accomplished in many areas. I
also feel he has his own spirituality that few knew of, and
unfortunately didn’t teach others about how to do that on their own.
He wasn’t perfect, and I’m sure he’d be the first to admit that. Was
he my father? No way. He wasn’t anything other than a man who lived
his life the way he created it, and that included having way too
much power for one person over others.
What I find incomprehensible are the hysterics, the lack
of faith, the ignorance, and the fear in the
people mourning his death. Let me put it like this: if you believe
in a God, why do you have to pray for those who die? Do you
think their soul will be hijacked on the way to the other dimensions
and dragged into hell? Don’t you trust God knows what It’s
doing - what the Pope’s spirit co-created for himself? Why
not celebrate the Pope’s life, if it meant so much to you?
Are you afraid of the future? Oh dear, what will people do without a
Pope? Think and choose for themselves? Will people know
whether to follow their natural instincts and intuition (and inner
wisdom), or fear that if it’s not stamped with the Church’s
approval they will be condemned and damned? When will people
realize that everyone is DIVINE and don’t need a middleman between
them and the Source?
Why do people DOUBT themselves so much? Every single one of
you is born unique with the ability and gift to be whatever you want
to be, to access information from a multitude of dimensions, to
contact your own angels or guides, your own higher self/God
connection. That doesn’t take a book, it doesn’t take a Pope, a
rabbi, a priest, or guru. It takes you doing it, is all. It takes
self-trust and responsibility.
It takes loving yourselves and
feeling worthy enough, and opening up to love, which means lack of
fear, in order to do it.
But, can you feel worthiness if
the Church keeps telling you you were born sinful? Can you
do it if the Church tells you that women not fully
equal, can’t hold equal positions in the Church?
Or, if the Church makes the decision
for you what you can or cannot do with your own body?
How can a Pope know what it’s like
to be married, have sex and children so that he can give advice
to others?
Why shouldn’t priests marry?
Maybe having a normal sex life would
prevent priests from molesting children, that has become so
prevalent in the Church?
How does the Church make you
self-responsible and self-loving enough to trust you to live
your own life without their interference and judgment?
I see the Church as keeping it’s
followers as little children; indeed it is a parent-child
relationship. The Pope and priests always being
called "Father", and then there are the "Mother Superiors".
It’s like the children always needing parents’ approval and
permission. And these little children need the Church as parents,
sometimes as a scapegoat, sometimes as having all the answers to
things they’re to lazy to find out for themselves.
Do you want to be
this kind of child your entire lifetime? Don’t you see the lies and
manipulations, the well-orchestrated pagentry that goes on? Do they
do it for you, or for themselves? To keep the gold in
Vatican, power over the masses through fear and
ignorance? Yup.
It is bizarre for me to see a large part of humanity still
spiritually immature, and to see the planet so polarized.
Sometimes I feel like I’m living in two worlds here on Earth. And
yet, it’s also fascinating to see what dramas are being played out
right now. To imagine what is the pay-off on each side. What would
be your ultimate pay-off? Would you rather go through life living it
with someone else’s idea of what you should be doing, or your own?
think that the events of the past week, and those
coming up this week (because I don’t think it’s over, yet) are
giving everyone this great opportunity for introspection,
questioning, growth - the kind you do with yourself. The stuff you
won’t find all the answers to in the bible. This is your own
work, your own creation. Finding out who YOU are, why
you’re here, and to start doing it because you know it’s right.
So why cry for the Pope? Do you cry for yourselves? Take the
helm and steer your own life’s ship. Celebrate your divinity,
your own life. If anything, use the Pope’s life of carrying
out his own mission as an example for you to do the same. When
your physical life is over, you will be the judge of how you lived.
Choose wisely.