by Greg Szymanski, JD
April 7, 2008
ArticBeacon Website
Vatican denies involvement with
Lucifer but two Jesuit priests and a high level Illuminati defector
disagree |
The Black Mass is the ultimate satanic ritual and eye witnesses in Rome say
Henry Kissinger and
George H. Bush have attended such
rituals in the catacombs of the Vatican.
"To attend a Black Mass at the Vatican is
the highest of honors for satanists,” said Leo Zagami, a former high
level Illuminati member who recently defected and started telling the
truth about the inner secrets of the Vatican satanists.
“I know for a fact George H. Bush and
Kissinger have attended Black Masses at the Vatican.”
High level Vatican priests of course deny any
connection to Satanism, saying Black Masses are occult rituals carried out
by groups such as the
Church of Satan.
On a web site dedicated to the occult it said the Church of Satan was
founded by “Anton S. LaVey" in San Francisco, California, in 1966, on
Walpurgisnach or April 30, the most celebrated feast of the Witchcraft.
LaVey, appeared as the Devil in the film
“Rosemary’s Baby”, and was technical director of another film, “The
Devil’s Rain”. His most famous disciple was Sammy Davis Junior, who
later regretted experimenting with Satanism. Film star Jaine Mansfield
was also a member of the Church of Satan, which has an estimated 5,000
On “The Satanic Bible”, the “9 Satanic
Statements” claim that “Satan represents indulgence, instead of
abstinence”. Represents materialism, instead of pipe dreams. Vengeance,
instead of turning the other cheek.
Satan represents man as just another animal,
more often worse, the most vicious animal of all!.
... “Here and now is our day of joy”,
proclaims, “eye for eye, tooth for tooth, aye four-fold, a hundred
fold!”... kindness to those who deserve it, but if you want to kill
them, do it!, morally or physically, because the main doctrine is
“do what you want”.
It falls in the category of “public
Satanism”, with a symbolic Satan... but in the rites, “a nude woman” is
the altar... and that’s non only symbolic!.
In the prayers, Satan is invoked and
honored, and Jesus Christ is cursed... and that’s not jut a symbol!...
19 prayers are recited in “enochian language”, a kind of old Arabic not
spoken by anyone, and some of them end with this English translation:
In “The Satanic Rituals”, there are some of
the highly offensive and blasphemous words for a Black Mass:
“Thou, thou who, in my capacity of
Priest, I force, weather thou wilt or no, to descend into this host,
to incarnate thyself into this bread Jesus, artisan of hoaxes,
bandit of homages, robber of affection - hear!... O lasting foulness
of Bethlehem, we would have thee confess thy impudent cheats, thy
inexplicable crimes!. We would drive deeper the nails into thy
hands, press down the crown of thorns upon thy brow, and bring blood
from the dry wounds...
... cursed Nazarene, abstractor of stupid parities, impotent king,
fugitive god!... O Infernal Majesty, condemn him to the pit,
evermore to suffer in perpetual anguish. Bring Thy wrath upon him, O
Prince of Darkness...”
However, critics of the Vatican claim its
hierarchy are actually Satanists, conducting Black Masses as its most
important pagan ritual.
But what goes on at a Black Mass: According
to the same occult web site,
“This is the ultimate rite for a real
Satanist to obtain magic powers: A blasphemous Mass, where the altar
is a nude woman, and the vagina is the tabernacle. If possible, a
real Host stolen from a Catholic Church is placed in the vagina in
the midst of reciting distorted psalms with hot music and all kind
of obscenities, coursing Jesus and honoring Satan. The fake priest
(or real priest) ends up having real sex, with the Host still in the
... If a baby can be slaughtered during
the ritual, they will drink his blood and eat his flesh, to mimic
the most the Eucharist...
... Ideally, a Black Mass is to be
celebrated by a “real heretic Priest”, that, even in sin, can
celebrate Mass effectively.
The prayers end with the strongest
expression of Satanism:
“Shemhaforash”, the word pronounced by
God when he created the World, and, while spitting on a cross or
stepping on it, they all cry out “Hail, Satan”.
... And, of course, it may end up with a
sexual orgy with all kind of abominations and abuses, under the
influence of drugs.
Massimo Introvigne
of Italy, a known Vatican agent and satanist said in an
interview with Maria Grazia of Epoca Magazine that he attended
a Black Mass in a Church of Satan in Turin.
Here is a portion of the interview:
EPOCA: Mr. Introvigne, how did you succeed
in overcoming the mistrust of the people from Turin?
INTROVIGNE: I’ve frequented cult circles for years. I found my Satanist
contacts among people practicing sex magic. Although I’m a Catholic, I
enjoy a good reputation. It was they who sought me out. At times, we met
in neutral territories; then they allowed me to attend their rites.
EPOCA: Where did the rite take place?
INTROVIGNE: In a private apartment of the old part of town, probably
used as a storehouse, with a room nearly ten meters long.
EPOCA: How was the furniture?
INTROVIGNE: Essential. With no black painted walls, like you can see in
the US or in other deserted Satanic chapels discovered also in Turin.
Just an altar, at the center, with a dark pall, similar to those used
for funerals. There was a statuette showing the devil with a erect
fallus, at least 30 centimeter long... A lot of devil shaped red
candles, a “hand of glory” and a presumably human skull.
EPOCA: Who attended the mass?
INTROVIGNE: There were about twenty people, all standing. On average,
they were quite young, 30 years or more, I guess. There were a few
women: not more than seven or eight. They all wore normal clothes,
except the celebrant who was black dressed, with a mantle reaching his
feet and a hood on his shoulders.
EPOCA: How was the rite held?
INTROVIGNE: It started by invoking Satan, in a shaky Latin, according to
the classic liturgy which turns the Catholic liturgy upside down. The
faithful replied to the texts by heart. There was a sequel of ritual
acts such as: lighting candles, Satanic spells, manipulation of objects,
which lasted about twenty minutes. Then a priestess came in.
EPOCA: What do you mean?
INTROVIGNE: In Satanic rites a woman, a virgin is much better, acting as
an “altar” is essential. In the US I’ve seen wooden supports
anatomically shaped so as to host the priestess in a laid down position.
In Italy it’s usually an uncomfortable table. That’s why, I guess, the
woman came in after the rite had already started.
EPOCA: How old did she appear to be?
INTROVIGNE: I don’t think she was a chaste young woman. She was 40, more
or less, good looking, but really embarrassed. May be, it was her first
experience in this field. Again, in America I’ve seen naked women moving
with extreme naturalness. Not in this case. She entered covered with a
bathrobe. She took it off and stretched out on the altar.
EPOCA: What happened then?
INTROVIGNE: The “priest” carried out the rite with the deconsecration of
the Host (they assured me it wasn’t a stolen host). He put it on the
woman’s body and then he quickly, quite in a furtive manner, dipped it
in her vagina. Then he raised the chalice. The elixir, a mixture of
sperm and vaginal secretions which serves for giving immortality and
creating the “body of glory”, had been prepared in advance and was
EPOCA: Did any copulation take place?
INTROVIGNE: Yes it did, soon after. But it was quite short. It lasted a
couple of minutes more or less. And it was just between the priest and
the woman-altar. It was like if the act was mimed, unlike the ceremonies
where I’ve seen celebrant and “altar” find pleasure while executing the
rite, a rite where the faithful as well took part.
EPOCA: What did the followers do meanwhile?
INTROVIGNE: They drank from the chalice. But they remained rigorously
EPOCA: Did they sing any hymn?
INTROVIGNE: No, they didn’t. They mumbled some invocations to the devil,
while there was an atmosphere of strong emotional tension. There were
neither songs, nor musical instruments, unlike the US where you can
often hear a pianola accompaniment.
EPOCA: In what manner did the ceremony end?
INTROVIGNE: The priest blessed the faithful using a liquid which I guess
was water. Manuals talk about urine... and it should be the woman-altar
who produces it. But I don’t definitely believe that the lady from
Turin, who was already really embarrassed, could be willing to be of any
Besides the above accounts, former Jesuit
Malachi Martin and Alberto Rivero told Americans how
they attended Black Masses before they left the Order.
In a web site called puritans.net, they gave a short synopsis of what
the two priests said:
Malachi Martin documents that a Black
Mass was held in St Paul’s Cathedral in 1963. During this heinous
affair, several cardinals “installed Lucifer to his appropriate place”
in the Vatican, as “head of the church.”
Martin claims that a good deal of the child molestation occurring now is
actually Satanic worship. Part of the Luciferian rites of many of the
priests, nuns, and hierarchy. He intimates that many who engage in this
kind of “worship” are indeed secret Masons.
Malachi Martin was himself a Jesuit priest, in a high official capacity
in the Vatican. “In God’s Name” has a photograph of Malachi Martin,
seated right next to Pope John Paul I - the Pope that was murdered.
Martin is seated between Pope John Paul I (who is on the Papal Throne)
and Diego Lorenzi, an aide who accompanied John Paul I from Venice,
where he was previously.
Alberto Rivera also says that he attended, as a Jesuit, a Black
Mass in the Vatican. With the Jesuits. Martin himself did not attend the
Black Mass, but he knew of it. He later resigned the Jesuits - around
1972.He was “Laicized” so that he could write books on the corruptions
he had seen in the Vatican.
He recently passed away in 1999. Some Catholics think he was murdered.
He also wrote a blockbuster entitled “The
Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic
Church.” In that book, he details how the Jesuits became
Communists in the 1960’s, under their then Secretary General, Pedro
Arrupe. And he documents how they fomented Communist revolutions in
several countries—especially in Latin American and Africa.
Below follows an online book review of
“Windswept House”, a novel of Malachi Martin’s, in which he tries to predict
what might happen to the Church of Rome. He predicts the end of the present
dispensation, and the return of Christ.
The central character in the story is a “slavish
Uri Dowbenko reviews some of what Martin has written at:
Below are some excerpts from his article entitled “Spiritual
Wickedness in High Places - Malachi Martin on The End of Religion (As We
Know It)”:
”…Ever since Nimrod and the Tower of Babel,
the Power Elite have never given up on their feverish dream of a One
World Government. Former Jesuit Malachi Martin’s novel, Windswept House
(Doubleday/ Main Street Books), offers a lurid behind the scenes look at
a cabal of Vatican insiders who want to use the Roman Catholic Church as
a foundation for a politico-religious
New World Order.
The plot of the novel involves a group of
Church officials who scheme with a group of like-minded corporate
executives to manipulate the Church into a ready-made infrastructure for
a One World Religion—a universal umbrella for everybody from
Episcopalians to voodoo practitioners. The new ecumenicalism is clothed
in Globalist garb.
The agenda includes promoting issues like
population control, environmentalism and secular humanism, which the
plotters hope will eventually lead to the complete secularization of
religion. The most outrageous and controversial premise of the novel -
described in great detail in the prologue - is that a ceremony was
performed in the Vatican in 1963 - an occult ritual which enthroned the
fallen archangel Lucifer as the head of the Roman Catholic Church.
Does Dr. Martin believe that this
enthronement actually took place in his novel, which could liberally be
described as a roman a clef?
“Yes, it did,” he says emphatically.
‘Beyond a shadow of a doubt in my mind. But now the place, time, hour
etc., are all obfuscated to protect the guilty and save the innocent’…”
In order to better understand the enemy and the
Vatican and its political minions lust for Luciferinism, her is some more
information about Satanism from the religion-cults.com web site:
“Satanism”, is the worship and imitation
of the biblical Satan or Lucifer. It is the antithesis of Judaism
and Christianity. Satan is referred as the brother of Christ, the
one who was cast out of heaven, and whom the Satanists worship.
Condemned by the Bible and the Church, see The Occult
The “emblem”, is a pentagram, like the
one of witchcraft, but inverted, with the face of Satan on it. It is
not witchcraft, although in practice the edges of Satanism and
Witchcraft are blurred.
The “credo”, is summed up in “do what
thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law”, coined by Crowley in “The
Book of the Law”.
There are two kinds of Satanism:
Those who believe that Satan exists and
is a powerful force... with animals and children sacrificed to
worship him and get his favors, and the Black Mass as the main rite.
Those who believe that Satan does not
exist, but it is merely the symbol or personification of fleshy
human desires and appetites... and they try to imitate it, with all
kind of sins, pleasures and selfishness, lying, steeling, killing...
Categories of Satanists
There are not many Satanists, may be less than
10,000 in the world!... only curiosity and sensationalism pays them much
attention, and the actual satanic activity has been greatly exaggerated.
But there are several categories:
Group secretive Satanists: They believe
that Satan really exists.
The “Traditional”, hate
Christianity, celebrate the Black Mass, in the cup they drink
blood of a sacrificial animal or human, to mimic the Mass.
“Nontraditional”, from
Neo-Platonism, Eastern Mysticism, and Islam, or off-shots of the
Kabbalah, Theosophy, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry... the “blood”
they drink is not necessarily a parody of the Catholic Mass, but
to partake of the “fire energy” that blood provides.
Public Church Satanists: No secret, hold
worship services open to the public, based mostly on the writings of
Anton LaVey’s “Satanic Bible”, and they believe that Satan is a
symbolic force:
The Church of Satan of LaVey
Temple of Set
The Church of Thelema of
The Order of the Golden Down,
Derivations of the Ordo Templi
Orientis (OTO), may also be included in this category.
Youth Gang Satanists, that may or may
not believe that Satan exists: “Dabblers” who see Satanism as a
symbol of rebellion against any authority. For most, interest in
Satanism is a passing fad influenced by drugs, sex, and
rock-and-roll, but with serious consequences, like in the
spectacular case of Charles Mason, or Andrew Newell who stabbed his
mate to death, or Peter McKenzie who sexually abused 13 children.
Individual Satanists, often disturbed
individuals, neurotic or psychotic, like most Satanists!.
Morality of Satanism
“Do what you will” is the general principle. What is “bad” in the Bible
becomes “good”; sin!, and Satan will be with you!... they call it “freedom
of choice”; they believe to get powers to perform magic by doing evil acts.
At the low level, they burn crosses,
spray Satanic graffiti, dig up graves...
A higher level is by burning churches,
doing all kind of sexual aberrations, steeling, drugs...
Children sexual abuse is a higher
...and, of course, the ultimate evil is
“killing”, children or adults, the greatest release of magical energy.
Groups of Satanists Today
The “Traditional Secretive Satanists”:
They are the “real thing”, with the Black Mass, and their number is
unknown, though it is estimated in “hundreds” in the world.
The “Non-Traditional” Satanists: These
believe that Satan exists, honor him, pray to him, but the
celebrations are very different in each group.
“Aleister Crowley”, (1875-1947) never
considered himself a Satanist, but his writings, “The Book of the
Law” and “The Equinox” became the basis for modern Satanism. In 1920
he founded an “Abbey of Thelema” in Cefalu, Sicily, considered
Satanism, to destroy Christianity. It was brought to America by Jack
Parsons who blew up himself experimenting with drugs. Crowley did in
England what LaVey did in America, he became a drug addict, and his
son mysteriously died during a private ritual that only the two
attended. Afterward, Crowley became a babbling, incoherent idiot. A
Black Mass was performed at his funeral.
“Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)”, emphasizes
sexual magic. Some derivative satanic groups have come forth from
OTO in America: OTO, in Fort Myers, Florida; in Dublin, California;
Ordo Templi Astarte (O.T.A.), or Church of Hermetic Science; Bennu
Phoenix Temple of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Down...
“Temple of Set”: It is an offspring of LaVey’s Church of Satan, founded in 1975 by US Lieutenant Colonel
Michael Aquino, with 1,000 members. The name “Set” comes from the
Egyptian god Set-Ham. It claims to be more moral than the Church of
Satan!... but Aquino maintains an avid interest in Nazi culture, and
Nazi insignia are occasionally worn by members of the Temple. It has
a functioning British branch, with only 55 members, but well
organized: David Austern sits in his word processor and instructions
zip to and fro across the Atlantic. The “Temple” is a black
fabric-lined garage, with black carpet and a black-draped altar
decorated with black candles and a plastic skull. Austern is a
“The Society of the Dark Lily”, is run
by a women who suffers from multiple sclerosis. The farm in Scotland
where she lives is the headquarters of the organization, and the
scene of debauched, sadistic beating of naked young girls.
“Young Gang Satanists”: Teenage dabblers
is the third category of Satanists mentioned, and probably the
Adolescents, are notoriously easily bored,
perpetually on a quest for the different. They are naturally curious about
spiritual matters, and are likely to rebel against the conventions of their
The occult, and especially its false promise of
powers to change both themselves and the world, is a compelling lure, and
there are “many points of entry” of Satan:
“A Friend”, is the main “point of entry”
of Satan: Many teenagers become “rebels” against their parents and
the establishment, but “slaves” to their friends: If the friend uses
pants with a hole in the back, he is got to use it!... if he is on
the occult, he is got to try it, and be even more daring!...
“Fantasy Games”, are also good points of
entry: of Satan Ouija, Tarot Cards, Dungeons and Dragons (D and
D)... This one, the respectable D and D, is very dangerous: You
don’t need boards, only a pencil, paper, and your imagination.
Each player assumes the identity of a
character of his choice, he becomes an “actor”, and so familiar with
the character, that he may end up becoming one with him... most
characters worship a deity, and some of them can cast spells and do
Don’t get into these apparent respectable games. They may look
harmless fun... but many have end up in sexual abuse, insanity,
suicide, murder... and they are an easy point of entry into the
dabbling Occult and Satanism...
“Heavy Metal Music”, is another good
route into the Occult and Satanism, and into death and suicide:
Among the songs that blatantly proselytize Satanic rituals and the
Occult, are:
“Show no Mercy”, by Kerr King, who
shuts out, “in Lord Satan we trust”.
“Sabbath Bloody Sabbath”, by Black
“Shout at the Devil”, by Motley
“Holy Hell” by Possessed, with
references to defiled crosses, black masses, magic, and ends up
with “kill the people, cut the heads, cut the throats”.
Ozzy Osbourne, in “Suicide
“Kill ‘Em All”, by Metallica.
The groups Judas Priest, KISS, Iron
“Adults”, also actively recruit
youngsters into the Occult and Satanism, with the lure of free
drugs, drink and promiscuous sex...
Fetishes, Talismans, Amulets, Charms,
Superstitions, Potions, Curses, Spells, Magic Prayers, Spoils (In
Spanish: Despojos, Riegos, Velaciones).
This is the fourth group of “Magic”.
Some of them may look harmless, but
all of them are to honor the Devil and trust in him, not in
God!, and that’s why the Bible condemns all of them as
“prostitution against God” (see Occult)
...There is much “ignorance” on
this, not usually malice... but if you drink a poison by
ignorance, you are going to die, even without malice... and
in the name of Jesus Christ I order the Devil to get out of
any person who reads these lines and is wearing or
practicing any of the above... Thank you, Jesus, I praise
you, because you are enlightening and delivering many people
every day... right now!.
“Fetish”: A Portuguese word meaning
“enchantment”, is an object or potion or writing given by a
witch with false magic powers.
“Talisman”: An Arabic word, “tilsman”,
meaning “magnet of power”, is an object held to have magical or
protective powers: A rock, a crystal, a metal, a doll, a
cloth... a ring, a bracelet, a chain... throw them away!...
Trust in Jesus!... get a crucifix... the rings, bracelets, and
colors of Astrology honor Satan... those wore just for adornment
or therapy have nothing to do with this.
“Amulet”: An Arabic word, “hamelet”,
which means “hanging”: It is like a talisman against evil or
injury, or for good luck: A medal with a chain around the neck,
a stone hanging in the neck, a pendent... the difference between
an “Amulet” and a “Christian Medal”, is that the Amulet honors
Satan and his Demons, placing the trust in them, while the
Christian Medal honors God and his Saints, placing the trust in
... The Astrological or Santeria
medals honor the Devil... through them away, ware instead a
medal of Jesus or his Mother, or any real Christian Saint...
the Astrological or Santeria collars, honor Satan... get rid
of them!... ware instead a Christian Rosary.
“Charm”: A small ornament worn on a
chain or bracelet. When worn for its purported magical or luck
effects, they are of Satan, like any amulet or talisman.
“Superstition”: It is a believe,
practice, or rite, that is maintained despite evidence that it
is unfounded or irrational... we all know about them... forget
them!, don’t place your life on an irrational chance or magic,
place it in the hands of the real God... trust in God!
“Potions”, “Spells”, “Curses”,
“Magic Prayers”:
... Already commented in
“Magic”... they are all of Satan!... A “Christian Prayer” is
more powerful than all the prayers of the Witches and
Satanists and Santeros put together, because a Christian
Prayer has the power of God, who is a million times more
powerful and wise than Satan, in whom the prayers of the
Witches and Satanists and Santeros are based... and if
someone places a “curse” on you, don’t be afraid, just an
Our Father, or a Hail Mary is more powerful than all the
curses put together!... they can’t even touch you!... you
just live in the “grace of God”, not in “sin”!...
... If you live “in sin”, Satan
lives in you!, and he is going to destroy you by any of his
thousand ways... if you live “in grace”, God lives in you,
and you are going to have in this life all his reaches and
protection, Satan can’t touch you...
It is almost blasphemous just to
compare them, but the “Eucharist” is more powerful and holy than
all the “potions” ever made by all the witches in the world put
together... Jesus is in love with you... let yourself be
loved... he is waiting for you every day in the Eucharist
(Matt.6:11, Jn.6:53).
“Spoils”: In Spanish: “Velaciones”,
“Despojos”, “Riegos”...:
“Velaciones”: “Vela” means “candle”;
the client is placed on the floor surrounded by candles to keep
vigil over him until the candles extinguish, while praying or
making curses.
“Despojos” and “Riegos”, are the
work of Santeria:
... The “Despojos”, are baths
taken daily with herbs given by the Santero after using the
snail shells divination. The ... “Riegos”, is to fill the
home with smoke and odors from incense to cast out curses or
any bad influence on the home.