by Greg Szymanski
27 Feb 2007
ArticBeacon Website
The 18 page booklet talks
about a five step plan that started 523 years ago. |
The Vatican has issued a little known
booklet for their private eyes only called ‘Project
The internal document is a blueprint for the “restoration of the
global kingdom of Jesus Christ in the third millennium.”
Contained within the booklet is also the Vatican’s plan for the
domination of America, listing their goals and true evil purposes.
Although the booklet has been kept from prying eyes, Brother R.G.
Stair of The Overcomer Ministry has obtained a copy. The
document was forwarded to Stair by Brother Mark Hodgson in
October 2006.
“This is a revealing document of the
Vatican’s true purposes,” said Brother Stair on his web site.
“Project Vatican is dedicated to the restoration of the Global
Kingdom of Jesus Christ in the third millennium.”
The Vatican blueprint of world
domination has a five-prong approach, including:
The Jesuit infiltration of the
English colonies on the North American continent
Jesuit control of Christian
schools and universities
Roman Catholic Control exercised
through Vatican operatives in the United States military,
judiciary and media
The weakening of the U.S.
military, both in strength and resolve, in preparation for
the Vatican-led One World Government
Total control of all
institutions and resources on earth, including political,
military, economic, educational systems for the purpose of
ensuring global peace, prosperity and order.
“Phase 1 through Phase IV have taken
523 years to complete and at the dawn of the third millennium is
poised to launch Phase V. This will necessitate cooperation of
the citizens of every nation on the planet on a massive scale
and in previously untested numbers,” said the Vatican writers’
introduction to Project Vatican.
The writers of the 18 page booklet
dedicated their efforts to Phase V, saying strategies have been in
full effect albeit for varying lengths of time.
Further, they claimed the execution of
their first strategy of Phase V began more than 150 years ago, the
strategy being listed as,
“Devotion to the Sacred Heart of
Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the
perpetuation of visions, miracles and revelations.”
Other strategies under the Vatican’s
Phase V for world domination include:
Dilution of the eschatological
models of Biblical prophesy.
The alignment of the homosexual
agenda with religious and racial equality, guaranteeing a
support base sufficient in number to Biblical Christian
fundamentalism into the category of “hate speech.”
In the core section of this
point, Vatican writers reveal how they plan to obtain
loyalty to the Pope, saying,
“The Protestants’ lack of a
governing authority has resulted in a sheep-like
obedience to civil governments. Such social compliance,
coupled with capitalistic greed has made Christian
fundamentalists extremely vulnerable to social
International monopolistic
control of all financial institutions and transactions. This
began January 1, 1993 with the creation of the European
Roman Empire (ERE). Visa Corporation is poised to
label every citizen with identifying barcode technology.
Regarding the global financial takeover and VISA, Arctic
Beacon reader Greg Colon added:
“Brethren are you aware
about the Visa card? Info source Project: Vatican
VI - Roman numeral = 6
S - Egyptian symbol = 6 = we perish = anyone who
takes the mark on hand or forehead
A - Sanskrit = 6
“There is a long story to how this info originally came
into my hands. What happened was one of the residents on
my property asked me to hang a picture for her but it
had to be on my time not the companies. She showed me a
picture of what is known in Catholic circles as the
sacred heart of Jesus and Mary. She was
told that she would have info in black and white in her
hands by Monday explaining that it is the heart of
Baal not Jesus.
“This happened on Friday afternoon and that night by the
leading of the Holy Spirit according to Ps. 32: 8 the
information on Project: Vatican was in my hands. The
original source is not available any longer. This one
was just furnished by the Holy Spirit. We have to lift
Jesus even higher in these last days for he will
draw all men unto himself.. 888 = Jesus, greater
is he that is in me than he that is in the world = 666
This is a short version of the incident but it needs to
shared now.”
The global Eucharistic
community, meaning with rampant materialism, environmental
destruction and military instability of the capitalist
systems, the Vatican backed Roman Catholic Ecumenical
Assemblies (RCEA) will be in the position to
compel international compliance to Eucharistic adoration and
communion… The Global Eucharistic Community (GEC)
was formally invoked by the Vatican on Dec. 31 1999, which
will preside over the WTO, the GEC and RCEA.
The last section tells Vatican
loyalists what they can do in order to speed-up Rome’s
plans, adding,
“Attend non-Catholic
churches that are not yet RCEA affiliates for the
purpose of encouraging their ministries to join the RCEA.
Make audio recordings of their responses and deliver
these recordings to your RCEA representative. Report all
statements by non-Catholics of a racially-biased,
homophobic or anti Catholic nature to your RCEA
To read the remainder of the
Project Vatican,
go here.