by Greg Szymanski, JD
Feb. 11, 2008
ArticBeacon Website
His 2007 Executive Order
gave diplomatic immunity and special privileges to the
Holy See. |
Just like Hitler,
George W. Bush is the papacy’s
good buddy and his
Executive Order of March 7, 2007 (Executive
Order 13427-Extending Privileges and Immunities to the Permanent
Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations),
is a perfect example of how he caters to the wishes of the Vatican.
In that little known executive order Bush,
"granted diplomatic immunity and
privileges to the members of the Holy See’s Permanent
Observer Mission to the United Nations. Diplomatic immunity
ensures safe passage for diplomats outside their home country
and they are not subject to lawsuits or prosecution under the
laws of the host country.”
Prior to Bush’s order, on July 1, 2004,
the UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution, confirming and
strengthening the rights of the Holy See as a Permanent Observer in
the UN.
The Holy See now enjoys, among other things, the right to
participate in the general debate of the General Assembly; the right
of reply; the right to have its communications issued and circulated
directly as official documents of the Assembly; and the right to
co-sponsor draft resolutions and decisions that make reference to
the Holy See.
With the Vatican’s power deeply entrenched in
the UN and the politics of the
U.S., it is wise to take a behind the scenes look at the
Jesuit Order and the
Knights of Malta, two of the most
important groups advancing the Vatican-led
New World Order’s goal of a one
world government and religion.
The following information is from an internet page entitled Jesuit
Wars. It provides a good synopsis of hidden Vatican and Jesuit power
and how it operates.
In general it can be said that the Jesuits are mainly involved in:
False education
This is their main avenue for - initial
and sustained - political control!
Through the socially, historically, and
scientifically flawed education of youngsters and adults.
Sciences (and university
research funding) for the purpose of socio-psychological
control (politics/civics/law, media/sociology,
psychiatry/healthcare, history/anthropology/astronomy)
Pseudo philosophy about:
culture, science, civics, ethics, morality and religion.
Religious perversions and propaganda
Cult promotion:
Catholicism (and its variations)
UFO-Aliens (including many
books, films and websites on these topics)
Political and judicial meddling
Hegelian dialectic deception
politics, by creating, infiltrating, controlling multiple sides
to further their own agenda (“thesis + antithesis ->
The present focus by the media on
“Muslim terror threats”, especially after the mass trauma psy-op of
9/11, is part of their Hegelian dialectic strategy, to divide groups
and direct people’s anger towards this synthesized enemy, instead of
the real fascistic threat from the secretive power structures.
Misleading people using casuistry
If the Jesuit mis-education and Catholic missionary strategies do
not work in a nation, a covert - and later an overt - war-by-proxy
is created to achieve their neurotic goals.
Masonic-insider promotion, infiltration, bribing, threats and
Using the many Concordats, 172 to date, that have been signed with
‘sovereign’ nations, to give the Vatican institution special
The socialist-fascist European
Union and related projects
From wikipedia
Vatican City is a member of CEPT (telecommunication),
Eutelsat (satellite communication), International Grains
Council, Intelsat (satellite communication), ITU
(telecommunication) and UPU.
The Holy See, which some confuse
with the Vatican City state, participates as an observer in
African Union, Arab League, Council of Europe, OAS (35 states of
the Americas), IOM (migration), and in
the United Nations and its
FAO (food and agriculture)
International Labor
Organization (labour)
UNCTAD (trade and
UNEP (environment)
UNESCO (education, science,
and culture)
UNHCR (refugees)
UNIDO (industry)
UNWTO (tourism)
WFP (food programs)
WHO (healthcare)
WIPO (patents, copyrights
and trademarks)
It participates as a guest in NAM
(?), and as a full member in IAEA (nuclear energy), OPCW
(chemical weapons), OSCE (security).
Social perversions of the Jesuits
Fascism ideology (Inquisitions,
Communism, Labor Zionism, Nazism, Socialism and centrally
planned capitalism, Focus on: fear propaganda, conformity,
surveillance and repression)
Indigenous/Jewish/Christian/Muslim/sovereign culture genocides
Poverty promotion and middle-class
Pedophile ring support
Controlling the Vatican institution
and its wealth (financial administration, archive management,
policy/speech/project approval, clergy promotions, etc.). Parts
of this work are delegated to the Opus Dei organization.
Controlling and working together
with an even older - and more secretive - multi-layered, Papal
military order, called the Sovereign Military Order of Malta
(“Knights of Malta”, “Knights Hospitallers”, or “SMOM” for
short). The SMOM was founded in Jerusalem in 1080 to wage war
and steal for the benefit of the Holy Roman Empire. Today, the
SMOM itself is controlled by the
Order of the Garter, which in
turn is controlled by the
Pilgrim Society.
Military Order of Malta Operations
According to researchers and an
informative article in the Covert Action Information Bulletin,
the following information contained therein, the Sovereign Military
and Hospitaler Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of
Malta, known also as the Sovereign Military Order of Malta,
or SMOM, is juridically, politically, and historically unique
in the world today.
The Bulletin added the following:
Representing initially the most
powerful and reactionary segments of the European aristocracy,
for nearly a thousand years beginning with the early crusades of
the Twelfth Century, it has organized, funded, and led military
operations against states and ideas deemed threatening to its
power. It is probably safe to say that the several thousand
Knights of SMOM, principally in Europe, North, Central, and
South America, comprise the largest most consistently powerful
and reactionary membership of any organization in the world
Although an exclusively [Roman] Catholic
organization, in this century it has collaborated with, and given
high awards to non-Catholic extremists in its current crusade
against progressive forces in the West, the national liberation
movements, and the socialist countries.
To be a Knight, one must not only be from wealthy, aristocratic
lineage, one must also have a psychological worldview which is
attracted to the “crusader mentality” of these “warrior monks.”
Participating in SMOM including its initiation ceremonies and feudal
ritual dress members embrace a certain caste/class mentality; they
are sociologically and psychologically predisposed to function as
the “shock troops” of Catholic reaction.
And this is precisely the historical
role the Knights have played in the wars against Islam, against the
Protestant “heresy,” and against the Soviet “Evil Empire.”
The American Association of SMOM
In Europe SMOM’s membership had been traditionally limited to those
who could prove a requisite purity of noble blood for several
Nevertheless, as a concession to the rising political,
economic, and military power of the United States, in 1927 SMOM
agreed to incorporate an American National Association whose members
were not obliged to prove their genealogical pedigree.
When the American Association of SMOM was created in 1927 the
founding members included:
Patrick Cardinal Hayes
Edward L. Hearn
Nicholas F. Brady
Howard F. Carry
Patrick E. Crowley
James A. Farrell
James A. Fayne
Edward N. Hurley
James J. Phelan
Morgan J. O’Brien
John J. Raskob
John D. Ryan
By 1941 Francis Cardinal Spellman
was listed as the “Grand Protector” and “Spiritual Advisor” of the
Order, with John J. Raskob as Treasurer. Members included John
Farrell, then President of U.S.Steel, Joseph P. Grace, and John D.
In 1934 Raskob, inspired by the French
fascist Croix de Feu, and working closely with Morgan Bank’s John
Davis, had been a principal financier in the plot to organize a
fascist coup in the U.S. The plan failed when General Smedley
Butler, who had been set up to lead the project, denounced it.
The 1941 list also included Joseph J. Larkin.
According to Charles Higham’s
Trading With the Enemy,
Joseph J. Larkin... [vice-president
of Chase Manhattan Bank in charge of European affairs] kept the
Chase Bank open... in Nazi-occupied Paris throughout World
War II... [He] had received the Order of the Grand Cross of
the Knights of Malta from Pope Pius XI in 1928. He was an ardent
supporter of General Franco and, by extension, Hitler.
Morgenthau first suspected him as a
fascist sympathizer in Octoher 1936... With the encouragement
of Schacht, Larkin took on the Franco account and the Reichsbank
account, though the Reichsbank was under the personal control of
The American-Italian Connection
From 1932 until 1938 Myron Charles Taylor was the Chairman of
U.S. Steel. In 1939 he became the U.S. envoy to Pope Pius XII, a
post he would maintain until 1950.
Meanwhile, according to Anthony Cave
Brown, OSS chief William Donovan secretly had established an
intelligence connection with the Vatican as early as 1941, when he
evacuated from Lisbon to New York the Dominican Father Felix A.
Morlion, who had founded “a European Catholic anti-Comintern” called
Pro Deo.
Throughout the war Donovan financed Morlion’s Pro Deo
service and in June 1944 he “went to considerable expense, time, and
trouble to transport Morlion from New York and establish him at the
Holy See.”8
Subsequently Morlion became a key figure in Vatican intelligence,
working closely with Giovanni Battista Montini, the future Paul VI.
According to Frederic Laurent,
“All studies [of the post-WWII Nazi
networks] have shown the determining role played by the Catholic
Church in the flight of war criminals. Since April 1943,
following negotiations between Pius XII and the
ultra-reactionary American archbishop Francis Spellman, the Holy
See became the clandestine center of Anglo-American espionage in
This collaboration in fact had begun the previous year
...... between Earl Brennan, a veteran of the American State
Department and Gian Battista Montini, at the time a
bishop and Under-Secretary of State at the Vatican. This close
collaboration between the future Paul VI and the American secret
services continued after the war through the intermediary James
Angleton... ”
With the American Grand Protector of
SMOM already in contact with the Vatican, and Allen Dulles
busy negotiating with Nazis in Switzerland, the Americans entered
Rome June 4, 1944.
On July 7 General Mark Clark was
made a Knight Grand Cross of SMOM.
The Knights are mainly involved in:
Working for and with the Black
Nobility, the Vatican and the various Papal and Royal Orders,
especially the Jesuits who are ultimately in control of the
Vatican and the Military Order of Malta.
Working hand in hand with the
Commonwealth of Nations, headed by Queen Elizabeth II, which is
made up of 53 nations, spanning the globe, accounting for
one-fifth of the land mass of the Earth, and a very high
percentage of its strategic resources and population. Though
nominally an alliance of independent states, the Commonwealth
was itself founded, in the late 19th Century, as a perpetuation
of the British Empire.”
- Jeffrey Steinberg [4]
Global business operations
Banks and international financial structures, especially the Central
banks and their superstructure the
Bank for International Settlements
“... the little-known but extremely
powerful Bank for International Settlements headquartered in the
city (Basel, Switzerland) spent the 1930s and ‘40s quietly
laundering the Nazi’s ill-gotten gains under a cloak of
(See also: Banking in Switzerland)
Investment banking (real-estate investment & development, venture
capital, hedge funds, securities trading, ...)
Global-control funding organizations
European Investment Bank
funding case: Note also that the BBC has a Stonyhurst Jesuit-college trained director-general:
Mark Thompson)
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
(This largest transparently operating charitable foundation
in the world is controlled by 3 trustees:
(Knight Commander of the Order
of the British Empire) Bill Gates,
(Bilderberger) Melinda Gates,
(billionaire) Warren Buffett”.
Several Trilateral Commission
members work for this ‘charity’ project.)
Heritage Foundation (“... received
support from nearly 100 major corporations, including Chase
Manhattan Bank, Dow Chemical Company, Ford Motor Company,
General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline, Mobil, and Procter & Gamble.”)
Secret banking and Offshore banking
Media and telecom corporations
(entertainment distractions, fear propaganda / mind-control
operations, informational repression, surveillance networks)
Military corporations
Energy and mining corporations
(petroleum, coal, metals, diamonds, water(?), etc.)
Transport corporations
(airline/aviation industry, car manufacturing)
Pharmaceutical corporations ...
and various other corporations
At the annual meetings of the
secretive Bilderberg Group (founded by Knight of Malta
Joseph Retinger), geo-politically important business deals
are made.
Political and judicial meddling
Order of Malta retains its
claim of sovereignty under international law and has been
granted permanent observer status at the United Nations. It
issues its own passports, stamps and coins and has formal
diplomatic relations with 99 states.”
Creating global political structures
Political structures: The
socialist-fascist European Union and related projects,
United Nations,
World Bank,
International Monetary Fund, ...
Military structures: NATO, UN troops,
EU police, Blackwater private
military, ...
Managing the global Unified Intelligence Service network and
the specific Secret Services to defend and promote the
Vatican-Jesuit-Masonic interests.
“This Unified International
Intelligence Community was built during Rome’s Second Thirty
Years’ War (1914-1945) and perfected during Rome’s subsequent
Cold War (1945-1990).”
Policy propaganda for the purpose of social,
commercial and military control
Policy institutes:
International policies:
Chatham House (EU based,
formerly called the “Royal Institute of International
Affairs” or “RIIA”)
International Institute for
Strategic Studies “IISS” (EU-based)
Trilateral Commission
Special international policies:
Tavistock Institute (EU
based, social-psychology research)
Aspen Institute (US based,
social-psychology research)
Senlis Council (EU-based
drug-policy institute, with offices in Afghanistan, in
Kabul, Kandahar and Lashkar Gah)
National policies:
Council on Foreign Relations
American Enterprise Institute
Cato Institute (US)
Creating benign charity fronts
(just like
the Jesuits like to do), to
try and confuse people about their fascistic history and
their present operations. (examples:
Editor’s Note: For any
journalist or broadcaster to talk about the
Bilderbergers and
Council on Foreign
Relations without making a connection to the
Knights of Malta
reveals they are grossly misinformed or just covering up for the
real Vatican-led New World Order culprits.
Vatican-Jesuits-Nazi Photo Gallery
compiled by Jim Walker
created: 20 May 1998
additions: 02 July 2008
NoBeliefs Website
The following photos provide a pictorial
glimpse of Hitler, how his Nazis mixed religion with government, and
the support for Hitler by the Protestant and Catholic Churches in
Hitler with Archbishop Cesare
Orsenigo, the papal nuncio in Berlin, 1935

On April 20, 1939, Archbishop Orsenigo
celebrated Hitler's birthday.
The celebrations, initiated by Pacelli
(Pope Pius XII) became a tradition.
Each April 20, Cardinal Bertram of
Berlin was to send "warmest congratulations to the Fuhrer
in the name of the bishops and the
dioceses in Germany"
and added with "fervent prayers which
the Catholics of Germany are sending to heaven on their altars."
(Source: Hitler's Pope:
The Secret History of Pius XII, by
John Cornwell)

Hitler greets Muller the "Bishop of the
Reich" and Abbot Schachleitner

Hitler greets a Catholic Cardinal

Hitler leaving Church
Hitler leaves the Marine Church in Wilhelmshaven.
The German Propaganda Archive)
Church & State

Hitler in front of "Church of our Lady"
in Nuremberg, Sept. 1934.
Photographer, Heinrich Hoffmann.

Hitler signing his autograph for a Christian fan
(Source: Hitler in Seinen
Bergen, Heinrich Hoffmann, Berlin, den 24.9.35)

Hitler praying
The caption reads: "Der ergreifende Abschlub der Kundgebung in
Wien: Wir treten zum Beten..."
[The touching and emotional end of the rally in Vienna: Let us
(Source: Hitler: The Hoffmann
Photographs, Vol. 1, Ray R. Cowdery, Ed., 1990)

Hitler's mother's grave
Klara Hitler was a pious Catholic mother who raised Hitler according
to her beliefs.
Hitler felt grief-stricken over his mother's death. She was buried
alongside her husband in Linz, Austria.
German soldiers here pay their respects
to the grave in 1938.
Note the Christian cross on her monument.
The Importance of Adolf Hitler, by
Eleanor H. Ayer, Lucent Books, 1996, p. 25)
To see what the gravesite looks like today,
click here.

The Goring Wedding
Only Christians perform Christian weddings, and the Nazis were no
Hermann Goring married Emmy Sonnemann, a famous Opera star.
Adolf Hitler stands in the front row as "Best Man" during the
ceremony in the Cathedral by Reichbishop Müller.
Nazi Christmas

(Some people seem to think that Hitler
banned Christmas, but at no time did he ever ban Christmas or any
other Christian holiday.)
Autobahn workers as guests of Hitler in the Berlin Sportpalast at
Christmas in 1938.
Note the Christmas trees on the right.

Hitler celebrating Christmas with his soldiers.

Christmas 1942/43

Christmas 1944 with Nazi officers and their girlfriends.
Note the German Santa Claus.
The Concordat between the Vatican and the

Cardinal Secretary of State, Eugenio Pacelli (later to become
Pope Pius XII) signs the Concordat between
Nazi Germany and the Vatican at a formal ceremony in Rome on 20 July
1933. Nazi Vice-Chancellor Franz von Papen sits at the left, Pacelli
in the middle, and the Rudolf Buttmann sits at the right.
The Concordat effectively legitimized Hitler and the Nazi government
to the eyes of Catholicism, Christianity, and the world.
The full text of the concordat appears on the
Concordat Watch
website. (click
here to see the text).

Hitler's Brown Army attending and
leaving church services. These photos were published by Nazis during
Hitler's reign.
Source: Das Braune Heer: mit
einem geleitwort von Adolf Hitler
Translation: The Brown Army: with a
foreword by Adolf Hitler
Photos by Heinrich Hoffmann

A Nazi flag flies in front of the Cologne Cathedral, 1937

Hitler Oath:
I swear by God,
this holy oath,
to the Führer of the German Reich and people.
Adolf Hitler...
(Source: Hitler: Tyrant of
Terror, shown on the History Channel)
Watch movie
Nazi Graves

One must not forget that Germany
represented the most Christianized country in the world in the 1930s
and 40s.
Nazi Christian soldiers died as
Protestants and Catholics and their grave markers testified to their
(Source: Photoarchive of the
Thrid Reich:

ST Front
Photoarchive of the
Thrid Reich)

Chaplain with a machine gun unit
Most wars are justified on
religious grounds.
Of course if a soldier felt uneasy about slaughtering others,
they could always turn to a chaplain who
would then patiently explain to them
that killing is allowed by God
and about the righteous morality of war.
He might then give a few Biblical
examples of God ordained killings.
And then he might tell them that
Jesus will forgive them and send them to Heaven if they should
happen to die.

Nazi funeral
Third Reich Depot)
According to the source, this
period photo comes from the SS Heimwehr Danzig Funeral/Festivities
for Fallen SS Soldiers of the "Battle of
Westerplatte" that occurred in Poland in 1939.
Catholic Bishops giving the Nazi salute in
honor of Hitler

Note Joseph Goebbels (far right) and
Wilhelm Frick (second from right)
USHMM, Photo source: Bayerische
Staatsbibliothek [Bavarian State Library])

Franciscan friars gathered around some German soldiers

An Archbishop with the Nazis
Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, head of the Diplomatic Corps, attending
the Nuremburg Party Rally in September 1933.
According to Dr. Paul O'Shea, Orsenigo, as Dean of the Corps, it was
the Nuncio's role to lead the Corps at all major government
After 1935 Orsenigo did not attend major
government propaganda displays.
(Photo source:
A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic
Church in the Holocaust and Its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair
by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen)
[Note, Goldhagen incorrectly
attributes this photo to Cardinal Faulhaber.]

Cardinal Bertram in the funeral procession for Bishop Bares, Berlin,
7 March 1935
As a chairman of the German bishop conference the Breslauer Cardinal
Bertram plays a crucial role in shaping
the attitude of the German bishops in relation to the National
Socialist state.
(Photo source:
Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand)

Welcome Celebration for Bishop Konrad Graf von Preysing in the
Sportpalast, Berlin, 8 Sept. 1935
Note the Catholic Chi-Rho Cross to the right of the Nazi flag.
and Rho are the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ.
The Chi Rho Cross, or warrior's cross,
originated from the monogram of Roman Emperor Constantine.
fitting it appears next to a swastika.
Following the death of Berlin's Bishop Bares, Pope Pius XI
unexpectedly selects Konrad Graf von Preysing,
a little-known Eichstatt bishop, as
bishop of Berlin.
Berlin, the region for which he is responsible, now also includes the center of
National Socialist power structure and so requires a high degree of
political skill from its ecclesiastical leader.
(Photo source:
Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand)

Priests giving the Hitler salute
Priests giving the Hitler salute at a Catholic youth rally in the
Berlin-Neukolln stadium in August 1933.
A Moral Reckoning: The Role of the Catholic
Church in the Holocaust and Its Unfulfilled Duty of Repair
by Daniel Jonah Goldhagen)
Ludwig Muller, a Nazi
sympathizer, and a candidate of Hitler, was elected to
the position of Reich Bishop in 1933 as Hitler attempted
to unite regional Protestant churches under Nazi
Hitler did not practice separation of Church &
Although Hitler had problems with the Catholic Church
and eventually wanted to replace Catholicism with his
brand of Christianity, the very fact that Hitler wanted
a united German Church proves that he supported
Berlin, Germany, November 17, 1933.
This autographed portrait of
Muller shows him wearing the NSDAP-Hoheitsabzeichen
(Nazi Eagle party badge) and Feldschnalle (ribbons).
(Source: sent by
email from Gregers Forssling)

Reich Bishop Ludwig Muller, Berlin, 1934
(Photo source:
Gedenkstätte Deutscher Widerstand)

Mass meeting of the German Christian Movement
13 Nov.1933
A radical wing of German Lutheranism and the main Protestant branch
supporting Nazi ideology,
the German Christian Movement reconciled
Christian doctrine with German nationalism and antisemitism.
Museum of Tolerance)

Investiture of Reich Church Bishop, 1933
Women in traditional dresses joined Nazis at the investiture of
Ludwig Muller as Reich Church Bishop.
Müller praised the concept of "one
mighty, all-embracing German people's church."
Museum of Tolerance)
Deutsche Christen
(German Christians)
The Deutsche Christen (DC) became the
voice of Nazi ideology within
the Evangelical Church (the Religious
Right of their day) and approved by Hitler.
They proposed a church "Aryan paragraph"
to prevent "non-Aryans" from becoming ministers or religious
Most church leaders solidly supported
the "Judenmission."
Only a very few number of Christians
opposed Nazism such as the "Confessing Christians"
(a Church movement not recognized by the
Protestant orthodoxy) headed by
Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
The support of Nazism by the majority of
German Christians
and German Christian leaders shows the
danger of mixing religion with government.
The photo on the left shows Christian worshippers of Christ and
on the march in front of the Berlin
Cathedral. SS guards stand at attention.
The head of the march shows members in
party and SA uniforms while pastors follow in the rear.
Note the flags with the Christian cross with the swastika in the
middle (also described as the Double Cross).
(Photo sources: unknown)
See below a movie trailer about the Deutsche Christen, from the
documentary film, "Theologians Under Hitler".

Deutsche Christen (German Christians)
SA storm troopers with placards of the "German Christians," Berlin,
July 1933.
On July 14, 1933, Hitler's government approves a new charter for the
Protestant church.
With massive intervention by the NSDAP,
the church elections scheduled
only a short time later result in a
resounding victory for the "German Christians."
Hitler himself appeals to all Protestant
Christians in a radio speech
on the eve of the election to vote for
the "German Christians."
With its slogan "church must remain
(Source: Gedenkstätte
Deutscher Widerstand)

Presidium of the "German Christians," Berlin, November 13, 1933
The "German Christians" desired to achieve absolute organizational
and ideological conformity between the
Protestant church and the National Socialist state.
Following their triumphant success in
the Protestant church elections in July 1933
and the election of Ludwig Müller
to the office of Reich bishop,
they feel they have reached the zenith
of their power over church policy in the autumn of 1933.
(Source: Gedenkstätte
Deutscher Widerstand)

National Bishop Friedrich Coch giving a Hitler greeting in Dresden,
10 December 1933
Dresden pastor Friedrich Coch is one of the leading men of the
"German Christians" in Saxony.
The NSDAP's Gau consultant for church
matters since 1932,
he is elected to the office of state
bishop by the "Brown Synod" in August 1933.
(Source: Gedenkstätte
Deutscher Widerstand)