by Kevin Barrett
February 11, 2013
VeteransToday Website

Sometimes they’re “fired” by God, who has been known to dismiss them
from this mortal coil.
On other occasions, Satan - through one
of his secret societies infesting the Vatican - slips the Pontiff
one of those patented papal poisons. But Popes do not resign because
they’re getting old. If you believe that Papal Bull, I have a “we
killed Bin Laden and threw him in the ocean” story to sell you.
Noted Catholic scholar Michael Jones, editor of Culture
Wars magazine, could not contain himself when, in the lobby of
Tehran’s Parsian Hotel, he was confronted with the news.
“But… but that’s unprecedented!”
Jones shouted.
So… why did Pope
step down?
Dr. Robert Moynihan, editor of Inside the Vatican
magazine, is no conspiracy theorist. He’s THE quasi-official
Vatican-embedded journalist and commentator. So when Moynihan let
slip a soupcon of skepticism about the “resigned due to old age”
story, my ears pricked up and my hair stood on end.
Moynihan points out in his latest
journalistic encyclical that the Pope sure didn’t look like he
needed to resign for health reasons:
“I saw the Pope twice this week,
once at a concert (on Monday evening, where I was sitting about
20 yards away from him) and at his General Audience on
Wednesday. For a man of 85, he looked well, though he did seem
Why, pray tell, did he “seem tired”?
What, precisely, was weighing on his infallible mind?
Moynihan takes a guess:
On Saturday, I intended (sic) a
funeral Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica for a cardinal who died
last week (Cardinal Giovanni Cheli). Pope Benedict was scheduled
to attend, but at the very last minute, he canceled his
This was an indication to me already
Saturday evening that he was unusually tired (he had spent
several hours that monring (sic) with the Order of the Knights
of Malta). Normally he would have been present at a cardinal’s
Monihan’s typo “monring” (“my ring”) is
The Pope’s office is symbolized by the
Ring of the Fisherman, which is ceremonially transferred when
the papacy changes hands.
Wikipedia, the Zionist authority on
everything, explains:
During the ceremony of a Papal
Coronation or Papal Inauguration, the Dean of the College of
Cardinals slips the ring on the third finger of the new Pope’s
right hand.
Upon a papal death, the ring was ceremonially broken
in the presence of other cardinals by the Camerlengo, in order
to prevent the sealing of backdated, forged documents during the
interregnum, or sede vacante.
What a scurrilous bunch those papal
hangers-on must be!
Moynihan’s Freudian slip occurs in the middle of the sentence:
This was an indication to me already
Saturday evening that he was unusually tired (he had spent
several hours that monring (sic) with the Order of the Knights
of Malta).
So THAT’S what was weighing so heavily
on Pope Benedict: Spending several hours that morning with
Knights of Malta. The meeting exhausted him. So he resigned.
Somehow I don’t think it was just the exhaustion.
The Knights of Malta are one of the most
feared and whispered-about secret societies in the world.
Originally a gang of fanatical crusaders
dedicated to perpetrating genocide in the Holy Land, the Knights
apparently have not changed very much - at least
if you believe Seymour Hersh.
He says the Knights of Malta are a key
part of,
“how eight or nine neoconservatives, radicals if you will,
overthrew the American government.” (Hersh is too polite to mention
that they did it by way of
the 9/11 inside job.)
Seymour Hersh explains:
“[The] attitude (toward the Iraq
invasion) was,
‘What’s this? What are they all
worried about, the politicians and the press, they’re all
worried about some looting?' Hersh was quoted as saying.
'Don’t they get it? We’re going to
change mosques into cathedrals. And when we get all the oil,
nobody’s going to give a damn.’
That’s the attitude. We’re going
to change mosques into cathedrals. That’s an attitude that
pervades, I’m here to say, a large percentage of the Joint
Special Operations Command [JSOC].”
Hersh further claimed that Gen.
Stanley McChrystal, Vice Admiral William McRaven and
others in the JSOC were members of the “Knights
of Malta” and “Opus Dei,” two little known Catholic
“They do see what they’re doing -
and this is not an atypical attitude among some military - it’s
a crusade, literally,” Hersh reportedly continued.
“They see themselves as the
protectors of the Christians. They’re protecting them from the
Muslims [as in] the 13th century. And this is their function.”
He added that members of these
societies have developed a secret set of insignias that
represent “the whole notion that this is a culture war” between
Reading Hersh between the lines, it
appears that the Knights of Malta - a radical secret society
penetrated by Freemasonic agents - helped bring us 9/11 and the 9/11
Have they forced Pope Benedict
to resign… or at least caused him so much worry (about what
future plans?!) that Benedict felt he had to flee the
Vatican rather than shoulder responsibility for whatever is
Are the Knights of Malta and
their Israeli friends about to ramp up the clash of
Are they going to nuke an
American city and blame it on Iran?
Are they planning some other
dastardly act that Benedict couldn’t stomach?
Or could the Pope’s resignation
have been caused by some other intrigue involving the
Knights of Malta?
At this point, we just don’t know...
The choice of the next pope may reveal
the hidden agenda.
Here’s the hot rumor going around Italy, passed to me by journalist
Roberto Quaglia:
Pope Benedict was fired in order to
pave the way for a new Pope who will sanction homosexual
marriage, non-celibate priests, and other projects aimed at
sexualizing and de-sacralizing the Church.
According to this analysis, the judeo-freemasonic
secret societies responsible for Vatican II have been pushing
Benedict to allow gay marriage and a sex-lovin’ priesthood - but
Benedict’s eternal response is “not on my watch!”
So, goeth the rumor, they ended
Benedict’s watch.
My Muslim friends here in Tehran have a different story:
They suspect that the Pope resigned
because the Church is about to be blown to smithereens when the
2nd-century Gospel of Barnabas is made public.
My most knowledgeable informant on this
matter, a certain Professor Ben Isa, claims to know from a
trusted source, a Turkish parliamentarian, that a copy of the
Gospel of Barnabas, currently
under armed guard in a special room of the Turkish capitol in
Ankara, has been carbon-dated and certified as arguably the oldest
extant Gospel.
The copy of Barnabas in the Turkish capitol, Dr. Ben Isa adds,
appears to be identical - word for word - with the other copies,
which Western scholars have tried to dismiss as Muslim forgeries.
Now it looks like the “Muslim forgery” predates the canonical
Barnabas’s Gospel, already known from much later copies, reveals
that early Christianity was much closer to today’s Islam than to
today’s Christianity. Like the Qur’an, it is unitarian. Like the
Qur’an, it suggests that
Jesus was not actually crucified.
And in anticipation of the Qur’an, it predicts the coming of the
Prophet Muhammad.
The import of the new Barnabas is staggering.
In a nutshell:
Bye-bye Christianity as we’ve known
Hello Islam...
Will the Turkish government soon be
announcing this news to the world?
Rumor has it that powerful forces are
trying to persuade the Turks, through threats and bribes, to
relinquish Barnabas. If they do, it will probably disappear into the
deepest sub-basement of the Vatican.
Or are the Turks resisting the pressure?
Did the Pope resign in order to avoid having to captain the ship of
Christianity after it hits the iceberg named Barnabas?
Only God (and possibly the Knights of Malta) knows for sure...