Our working hypothesis is that the so-called
extraterrestrials are nothing new. Indeed, they have been with us
all along. They appear in our literature as far back as records
For instance, in the Akkadian (Sumerian-Babylonian) Epic of Creation we read of the chaos monster Tiamat employing a host of oddities:
As the cuneiform tablets recount, the deity Enki believed correctly that Apsu, upset with the chaos they created, was planning to murder the younger deities; and so captured him, holding him prisoner beneath is temple called E-Abzu.
This angered Kingu, their son, who reported the event to Tiamat, whereupon she fashioned eleven monsters to battle the deities in order to avenge Apsu's death.
These were her own offspring:
These entities are recorded in the earliest records and find astonishing parallels in later literature. From the Sumerians through the Akkadians to the ancient Hebrews these legends have remained consistent.
Thus, from Rome to Greece - and before that, to Egypt, Persia, Assyria, Babylonia, and Sumer - the earliest records of civilization reveal an era when powerful beings known to the Hebrews as Watchers and in the book of Genesis as the benei ha-elohim (sons of God) descended to earth, mingled themselves with humans, and gave birth to part-celestial, part-terrestrial hybrids known as Nephilim.
The Bible says this happened when civilization expanded and daughters were born to men.
When the sons of God saw the women’s beauty, they took wives from among them to sire their unusual offspring. In Genesis 6:4 we read the following account:
When this Scripture is compared with other ancient texts, including
those by early Church Fathers such as Justin, Irenaeus, Athenagoras,
Commodianus, Julius Africanus, Clement, Tertulluan, Methodius, and
Ambrose, not to mention works like the books of Enoch, Jubilees,
Baruch, Genesis Apocryphon, Philo, Josephus, Jasher, The Testament
of the 12 Patriarchs, and many more, the firmly held ancient belief
becomes clear that
the Giants of the Old Testament, such as Goliath,
were part-human, part-animal, part-angelic offspring of a
supernatural interruption into the divine order and natural
propagation of the species.
The early Church Father Irenaeus added that the angels used women not only to sire “giants” but taught them enchantments specifically for the purpose of casting lust-potions to lure both men and angels to their beds:
While the prophet Daniel called certain powerful angels “Watchers” in canonical scripture (Dan. 4:13,17,23), it was the apocryphal book of Enoch that first described their cosmic conspiracy.
We read:
According to Enoch, two hundred of these powerful angels departed “high heaven” and used women (among other things) to extend their progeny into mankind’s plane of existence.
David Flynn referenced an interlinear Hebrew Bible which offers an interesting interpretation of Genesis 6:2 in this regard. Where the King James Bible says,
In other words, they wanted to incarnate themselves into the material world.
The New Testament also suggests this idea when Jude, the brother of our Lord, wrote,
This Greek term oikētērion is used by Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:2 to denote the transfigured body given to believers in heaven.
This implies that these fallen angels indeed sought to extend part of themselves into earthly bodies. The rendering “fit extensions” seems applicable when the whole of the ancient record is understood to mean that the Watchers wanted to leave their proper sphere of existence in order to enter earth’s three-dimensional reality.
They viewed women - or at least their genetic material - as part of the formula for accomplishing this task. Ancient records suggest the Watchers modified animals as well.
For instance, Jubilees implies that interspecies mingling eventually resulted in mutations among normal humans and animals whose “flesh” (genetic makeup) was “corrupted” by the activity, presumably through cross-genetic integration:
Even the Old Testament contains reference to the mutations that developed among humans following this time frame, including “men” of unusual size, physical strength, six fingers, six toes, animal appetite for blood, and even lion-like features (2 Samuel 21:20; 23:20).
Early Church Father Eusebius adds other important details:
Of the “winged humans” and “dragon-like monsters,” J.R. Church once made an interesting point that since this activity was satanic in nature, it refers to the “seed of the serpent” that was at enmity with Christ.
Church went on to state how some of these satanic creatures were depicted as “bat-like gargoyles, or winged dragons” in ancient art, and that we should not be surprised that,
In what could be historical support of Dr. Church’s premise, a document fragment found in Cave 4 among the Dead Sea Scrolls contains an admonition by Amram, the father of Moses, to his children.
In a badly damaged segment of the text, Amram sees the chief Angel of Darkness, A Watcher named Melkiresha in the form of a reptilian:
The fact that the Watchers are described in explicitly reptilian terms by the ancient Hebrews grounds the ufological discussion of such beings and their interactions with man firmly in ancient history.
Case in point, Dr. John Mack’s seminal work on the abduction phenomenon cites many cases involving entities meeting the same description as that found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
For example, the description by Sara,
Furthermore, contrary
to the revisionist accounts given by Ancient Astronaut theorists,
this implies the so-called Reptilians are, in fact, Watchers
pursuing a more sinister agenda than scientific exploration. Yet, abductee testimonies also suggest their interest in genetic material
is very real.
After the Watchers had instructed humans “in the secrets of heaven,” note what it says occurred:
It does seem likely that the phrase “the mixture of animals of one species with the other” means Watchers had taught men something more than natural animal crossbreeding, as this would not have “provoked the Lord.”
God made like animals of different breeds capable of reproducing.
For example, horses can propagate with other mammals of
the equidae classification (the taxonomic “horse family”), including
donkeys and zebras. It would not have “provoked the Lord” for this
type of animal breeding to have taken place, as God Himself made the
animals able to do this.
Understandably, this kind of chimera-making would have “provoked the Lord” and raises the serious question why the Watchers would have risked eternal damnation by tinkering with God’s creation in this way.
Several theories exist as to “why” watchers would have corrupted natural genotypes, including the idea that:
This theory posits that Satan understood the protoevangelium - the promise in Genesis 3:15 that a Savior would be born, the seed of the woman, and that He would destroy the fallen angel’s power.
Satan’s followers therefore intermingled with the human race in a conspiracy to stop the birth of Christ. If human DNA could be universally corrupted or “demonized,” they reasoned, no Savior would be born and mankind would be lost forever.
Those who support this theory believe this is why God ordered His people to maintain a pure bloodline and not to intermarry with the other nations.
When the Hebrews breached this
command and the mutated DNA began rapidly spreading among men and
animals, God instructed Noah to build an ark and to prepare for a
flood that would destroy every living thing, the purpose of which
would be to purge the earth of the contaminated genotypes and
When this is done, it becomes clear that genetic substances were for them an earth-centric and organic construction material (or as Dr. Jacques Vallée called it, “living energy”) [x] for building a composite body that would allow them to leave their plane of existence and to enter man’s (see Jude 1:6; 2 Pet: 2:4).
The challenge of this theory becomes how intermingling various species would satisfy this goal or provide the Watchers with a method of departure from “high heaven” and incarnation into man’s “habitation.” While we will not take time here to explain every detail, the hypothesis involves the Watchers combining species in order to create a soulless or spiritless body - a living but empty “large organism” or “shell” into which they could extend themselves.
The rationale here is that every creature as it existed originally had its beginning in God, who wove a barrier between the species and ordered each creature to reproduce “after its own kind.”
The phrase “after its own kind” verifies what type of spirit can enter into an intelligent being at conception. When the sperm of a dog meets ovum of a dog and the life of a dog is formed, at the first spark of life the spirit (or “nature” when speaking of an animal) of a dog enters that embryo and it grows to become a dog in spirit and form.
The spirit of a man does not enter it, in the same way that a man is not born with the spirit of a horse or cow.
This creature/spirit integrity is part of the divine order and would have kept the Watchers, who wanted to incarnate within the human realm (not just “possess” creatures), from displacing the spirits of humans or animals and replacing them with their own.
How did the Watchers overcome this problem? It appears based on the ancient records (and like modern scientists are doing today) they blended existing DNA of several living creatures and made something that neither the spirit of man or beast would enter at conception, for it was neither man nor beast.
As Mysterious World, in its 2003 feature, “Giants in the Earth,” noted:
According to this extrapolation from the ancient accounts, the manipulation of living tissue by the fallen angels led to an unusual body made up of human, animal, and plant genetics known as Nephilim, an “earth-born” facsimile or “fit extension” into which they could incarnate.
While this theory significantly adds to the ancient
record, it seeks to modernize the ancients’ description of what
they, perhaps, did not fully grasp through the lens of a prescientific worldview and vocabulary. Interestingly, science has
uncovered unexpected evidence for this in the human genome.
The story, titled “Sex with early mystery species of humans seen in DNA," UW researcher says, is just the latest in a series of similar recent finds, and while no fossilized giant bones were found in this case, a calling card was left in present-day Africans: snippets of “foreign” DNA.
Given the above theories, the biblical story of Nephilim offspring
offers the most satisfying answer to this enigma.
However, as James Montgomery Boice points out, the words recorded in Matthew 22:30,
Thus, when Jesus said the angels “in heaven” do not marry, this is a separate matter from what those angels that departed (or were cast out of) heaven was capable of doing and apparently did.
Jude 1:6-7 adds a deep and important point about this when it says:
It is remarkable here that Jude connects the sin of the fallen angels with the sexual sins of Sodom and Gomorrah using the telling commentary that they had gone after “strange flesh”.
This is the Greek sarkos heteros and contains a very important meaning connected to how the men of Sodom and Gomorrah wanted to have sex with angels (see Gen. 19). Thus their sin is compared by Jude to those angels of one verse earlier, which departed their proper habitation in heaven to commingle with women.
The Apostle Paul also resonates these demarcations in 1 Corinthians 15:40 when he says,
When explaining how the “heavenly” body is made up of something entirely different than the “earthly body,” is Paul speaking metaphysically or can a difference in the “raw material” of these bodies be assumed?
Certainly it can, because in the verse just before this one
he speaks of the differences between the flesh of men, beasts,
fishes, and birds, yet how these are all of earthly composition, as
opposed to the following verse where he clearly divides the
celestial body as “another” type of body not of the same
“terrestrial” (terra firma, of the earth) kind.
This is interesting in light of modern science and the recent suggestion that genetic abnormalities,
One of the hottest topics in biology today is the science of “epigenetics,” which involves heritable changes in gene expression or cellular phenotypes that can be caused by “mechanisms” other than normal changes that occur in underlying DNA sequences - thus the title epi-(Greek: επί- over, above, outer)-genetics.
Whether supernaturalism can play a role as one of these “outer mechanisms” is suggestive and many scholars believe demonic possession, for instance, can negatively affect chromosomal health.
The New Testament is replete with connections between sickness and genetic disorders as directly connected to demonism. According to theologian and spiritual warfare expert, Dr. Neil Andersen,
For example,
But, this is only part of the story.
There is a difference between
demonized humans... and them among us now.