by Acharya S
ForumJapanToday Website
Picture yourself in a universe so vast,
so boundless that it is beyond the perception of the average mind.
Expand your consciousness as far out into infinity as you possibly
can. See the immensity and depth of the cosmos, with infinite
billions of stars all around, massive spans of milky debris,
six-trillion mile high clouds of gas that give birth to stars,
stupendous black holes that suck in everything in their path.
Imagine that you could cruise through this universe for eternity
with no end in sight, that you could never run out of worlds to
visit or the pure blackness of space.
Now feel the energy underlying that mind-boggling vastness; become
one with the creative source behind that immeasurable creation.
Familiarize yourself with how unbelievably tremendous is that
creative life principle in its scope and breadth. Let yourself flow
in all its directions, its omni-dimensionality, its ever-present
sentience. Study the variety of this creator's innumerable
creations, the limitless colors of its palette.
See that this creation has no end to it
but is inexhaustible and unbounded. Know that such a creative force
can produce whatever it so wills, in any form it so wishes, in any
shape it so desires, at any time it so needs.
Are you beginning to get the picture?
Can you grasp the sublime
infinitude of what we call life?
Of our cosmos, our universe, our
creation and "creator"?
Can you grok that such a vastness cannot be
contained in any one form, shape, gender, book or thing, but is
contained in all forms, shapes, genders, books and things?
Do you realize that such boundless void
transcends and incorporates all dimensions and aspects of existence?
Does Anything
Now, do you honestly believe that such an
creation/creator is a nice old white man with a long white beard
sitting on a cloud alternately smiling and scowling over the
behavior of a bunch of smaller-than-minuscule creatures parading
about on an quark-sized particle way off in the middle of nowhere?
In other words, does this illimitable universe really care about
microscopic human beings residing on a fleck of matter floating in
an endless ocean of space?
Indeed, does the cosmos give a fig about
the pope?
On the one hand, since there are infinite worlds in the eye of a
shrimp, one could say that even the minutest bit of matter has
significance and an effect on its surroundings and, perhaps, the
universe itself. But, on the other hand, let's get real. The
cosmos/creator will exist, nonchalantly and unattached, whether or
not any of us lives or dies.
There has never been a single human
being upon whose life or death the universe depended for its
sustenance and continuation. Nobody is that important, not even what
are perceived as "godmen" or "godwomen." No one is that big; nobody
matters that much.
Such is not to instill in one a sense of insignificance to the point
of depression and disillusionment, but rather to point out that no
matter how pompous and vainglorious we become, how serious we take
ourselves, how important we deem ourselves, we are really simply
small, frail creatures in a creation beyond the scope of the average
All Pumped Up
with Nowhere to Go
In light of this, those who pretentiously parade around this teeny
speck of space dust in grandiose and megalomaniacal self-importance,
whether political, religious, industrial or celebrity figures,
appear rather humorous and pitiful, not to mention egotistical and
just plain silly.
We can guarantee that such characters have never
been heard of even as a rumor by anyone outside of this solar
system, much less beyond this dinky orb. They matter not an iota in
the cosmic scheme of things.
Thus, it would seem reasonable - even amusing - if those who can see
the folly of such behavior were to point it out, much as the boy who
saw through the emperor's nakedness. Indeed, we would do well to
tell the pope that "God" - the universe - has no idea who he is.