Dimensions, Densities, Abduction, etc.
Part X: An Analysis

At this point, I suspect that the reader has been pretty overwhelmed with all this depressing information! But, that is neither the purpose nor the point. The purpose and point is to bring sufficient knowledge of man's true estate so that solutions can be found for dealing with same.


As the Cassiopaeans once remarked to me when I protested that I did not LIKE to hear "ugly" things:

A: We suppose if we told you "Laura, a great big rock is about to fall on your head," then you would say: "okay, now moving right along, about the Emerald tablets..."

Q: (Laura) Okay. You have my undivided attention.
A: Great potential dangers lurk...

Q: (Laura) So this really is like the grail hunt. We have to go through a magic forest, chop heads off dragons, keep our eyes open and not be lead astray by deceptive images and tricks... the whole thing!
A: Where to get the influence for the inspiration behind that story? Danger awaits the greeting of each new day. Vigilance! Vigilance! Vigilance!!!!!

Q: (Laura) That is completely depressing. Help me out here!
A: Now... Calm down! No need for depression. Would you rather be left with a lack of knowledge, and in an ever increasing state of false security oriented oblivion, only to be struck by lightning?!? Of course not!!! So remember... Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers!! Think of it as a war. Expect every possible move/or occurrence. Victory comes from being forewarned, and therefore, forearmed.

Q: (Laura) Is that, as Frank said, the key? To turn up the vigilance volume to maximum?
A: Always. Don't be like the sentry who fell into a peaceful, pleasure filled, dreamy sleep while on watch! He did not even feel the blade as it pierced his heart!

Q: (Laura) Well, that is NOT friendly. Now I really AM depressed! Tell me: is what we are doing so important that this kind of energy has to be concentrated on us?
A: Yes. Look at it this way: make it your goal to succeed, then you have not to fear. People must be made aware that dangers lurk everywhere, potentially. Those who have falsely implanted faith in this or that; those who have spent a lifetime building a strong sense of security, based upon anything outside of them, should understand that these ideas have been propagated for the very purpose of making one vulnerable. But now is the "time" to learn that this is not enough. Just remember: there are forces "out there" that wish to see your project, and you, fail. You two have both previously felt the sting of these forces acutely. Anyone and everyone could be a portal of attack. Remember, they work through persons, they are not normally the persons themselves. Knowledge protects!

So, we have some pretty strong warnings. But, did you catch the part about the "Grail Quest?" That is a powerful clue!

Don Juan said:

"We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so. [...]

"They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. [...]

"Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behavior. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed, and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal. [...]

"In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver - stupendous of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me?! The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now."

(The Active Side of Infinity, Carlos Castaneda, 1998; pp. 218-220, excerpts)

What have the Cassiopaeans said about these very things?

Q: (L) The Sumerian story of the creation of human beings involves a story where they say they killed a god and mixed his blood and parts to mix with mud and then planted it in these female "gestation" goddesses and that this is where the human race came from. Did someone actually kill a "god", break his soul in pieces, and thereby make the human race?
A: Symbolism and not correct event sequence.

Q: (L) What was that story about? What was the real seed event?
A: Lizard beings genetically altering the human race after battle for their own feeding purposes.

Q: (L) When did these events that these Sumerian stories are talking about take place?
A: 309,000 years ago, approx. Reflection passed down through psychic memory channel.

Jeremy Narby writes in "The Cosmic Serpent:"

"As I browsed over the writings of authorities on mythology, I discovered with surprise that the theme of twin creator beings of celestial origin was extremely common in South America, and indeed throughout the world. [...] I wondered what all these twin beings in the creation myths of indigenous people could possibly mean. [...] Ruminating over this mental block I recalled Carlos Perez Shuma's words: 'Look at the FORM.'

"That morning, at the library, I had looked up DNA in several encyclopedias and had noted in passing that the shape of the double helix was most often described as a ladder, or twisted rope ladder, or a spiral staircase. It was during the following split second, asking myself whether there were any ladders in shamanism, that the revelation occurred: 'The LADDERS! The shamans' ladders, symbols of the profession, according to Metraux, present in shamanic themes around the world according to Eliade!

"[In] Mircea Elieade's book "Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of ecstasy,"

'[I] discovered that there were 'countless examples' of shamanic ladders on all five continents, [and that] 'the symbolism of the rope, like that of the ladder, necessarily implies communication between sky and earth. It is by means of a rope of ladder that the gods descend to earth and men go up to the sky.'

(Eliade, quoted by Narby, 1999)

"According to Eliade, the shamanic ladder is the earliest version of the idea of an axis of the world, which connects the different levels of the cosmos, and is found in numerous creation myths in the form of a tree.

"Campbell writes about this omnipresent snake symbolism:

'Throughout the material in the Primitive, Oriental and Occidental volumes of this work, myths and rites of the serpent frequently appear, and in a remarkably consistent symbolic sense. Wherever nature is revered as self-moving, and so inherently divine, the serpent is revered as symbolic of its divine life. [...] Thus the visible snake appears as merely the brief incarnation of the vital principle and lf all the forces of nature. It is a primary OLD GOD found at the beginning of all cosmogonies, before monotheism and reason toppled it.'

(Campbell, quoted by Narby, 1999)

But Joseph Campbell goes on to talk about an "inversion" a "twist" in the world mythology of the cosmic serpent/tree/ladder. The first twist is that the serpent, formerly the offspring of the Earth Goddess, and her symbol, becomes the symbol of the male consort of the Goddess. The second twist is when the Male god becomes the slayer of the serpent.

So, in the beginning, we have the serpent, representing the amorphous, undifferentiated female creative potential, and then we have a story that tells us that "something" happened to this "serpent/tree/ladder." Could this be the "adulteration" of human DNA as described by the Cassiopaeans?

All living species on earth are made up of exactly the same 20 amino acids. The average protein is a long chain made up of approximately 200 amino acids, chosen from those 20, and strung together in the right order. According to the laws of combinatorials, there is 1 chance in 20 multiplied by itself 200 times for a single specific protein to emerge fortuitously. This figure is greater than the number of atoms in the observable universe!

Francis Crick writes that the organized complexity found at the cellular level "cannot have arisen by pure chance." Life is based on the "DNA alphabet" that has not changed a letter in four billion years while, at the same time, multiplying in an extraordinary number and variety of species.

It would be impossible to give here all the examples of the double serpents of cosmic origin associated with the creation of life on earth. For more on this subject, refer to the books mentioned.

Suffice it to say: all the cells in the world contain DNA - be they animal, vegetable, or bacterial - and they are all filled with salt water - the cosmic ocean in which the "serpent" is coiled.


They associate in pairs to form the rungs of a ladder, and they twist into a spiraled stack. One of the two strands is a back-to-front duplicate of the other and the genetic text is "doubled." It contains a main text on one of the ribbons which is read in a precise direction by the transcription enzymes, and a backup text which is inverted and most often not read. But, the backup text allows repair enzymes to reconstruct the main text in case of damage and, above all, provides the mechanism for the duplication of the genetic message.

Twins, therefore, are essential to life, just as the myths tell us, and they ARE associated with a serpentine form.

In the earliest myths, the "Twins" were Adam and Eve, or Vishnu and Lakshmi, or whoever. In later myths, the twins become two men who battle continuously over an adulterous woman. This is another symbol of an adulteration of human DNA by some "twist" in the order of things.

Q: (L) You said that time was an illusion that came into being at the "time" of the "Fall" in Eden, and this was said in such a way that I inferred that there are other illusions put into place at that time...
A: Time is an illusion that works for you because of your altered DNA state.

Q: (L) Okay, what other illusions?
A: Monotheism, the belief in one separate, all powerful entity.

Q: (L) What is another one of the illusions?
A: The need for physical aggrandizement.

Q: (L) What is another of the illusions?
A: Linear focus. Unidimensionality.

So, it seems that we are "programmed to believe," exactly as don Juan has remarked. And this is a curious thing.

From "The Curse of Cain:"

"Collective Identity, which is a result of a covenant of Monotheism is explicitly narrated in the Bible as an invention, a radical break with Nature. A transcendent deity breaks into history with the demand that the people he constitutes obey the law he institutes, and first and foremost among those laws is, of course, that they pledge allegiance to him, and him alone, and that this is what makes them a unified people as opposed to the 'other,' as in all other people which then leads to violence. In the Old Testament, vast numbers of 'other' people are obliterated, while in the New Testament, vast numbers are colonized (or annihilated) and converted for the sake of such covenants."

(Schwartz, 1997)

This brings us face to face with the idea of the 'provisional' nature of a covenant. This means that it is conditional.

"Believe in me and obey me or else I will destroy you."

This "belief business" constitutes a sort of 'permission,' if you will, to accept the 'vengeful' action if the agreement is broken. The Hebrew phrase for 'he made a covenant,' is "karat berit", or literally, he CUT a covenant. In the covenant with Abraham in genesis, animals are cut in two and a fire passes between them in a mysterious ritual. Then, there is the cutting of the flesh at circumcision, and the Sinai covenant where the laws were cut into stone. So, these covenants are apparently what constituted Israel as a nation. The entire foundation of Monotheism is framed by the severed pieces of animals, it seems. Could these "cuts" be a symbol of the "breaking apart" of DNA? Most particularly when associated with the genitals!

Returning to "The Curse of Cain:"

"We are heirs of a long tradition in which Monotheism is regarded as the great achievement of Judaeo-Christian thought. Monotheism is entangled with particularism, and with the assertion that this god, and no other, must be worshipped. This particularism is so virulent that it reduces all other gods to mere idols, and is so violent that it reduces all other worshippers to abominations. The danger of a universal Monotheism is asserting that its truth is THE truth; its system of knowledge, THE system of knowledge; its ethics, THE ethics; not because any other option must be rejected, but because there simply IS NO OTHER OPTION. They presuppose a kind of metaphysical scarcity, a kind of hoarding mentality, hoarding belief, hoarding identity, hoarding allegiance, because there is a finite supply of whatever, it must be contained in whole or part. It suggests limit and boundaries."

(The Curse of Cain, Regina M. Schwartz; University of Chicago Press; 1997)

From the Cassiopaeans:

Q: (L) Can you tell us a little bit about how these illusions are enforced on us, how they are perceived by us?
A: If someone opens a door, and behind it you see a pot of gold, do you worry whether there is a poisonous snake behind the door hidden from view, before you reach for the pot of gold?

Q: (L) What does the gold represent?
A: Temptation to limitation. What is snake? Result of giving into temptation without caution, i.e. leaping before looking.

Q: (L) So what you are saying to us is that the story of the temptation in Eden was the story of Humankind being led into this monotheistic belief, this concept of linear time and unidimensionality... So, the eating of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil was...
A: Giving into temptation of pleasure for the self.

This brings us around to a very difficult part of our subject: sex.

When one reads vast numbers of mythological presentations, one is struck by the fact that sex or sexuality is such a pivotal issue. The "Fall in Eden" had sexual connotations, as did the Flood of Noah and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

In the Sumerian legends, the gods were disturbed by all the sexual activity of humanity (it interrupted their rest) and, as a result, resolved to destroy humanity.

The Christian religion has fought unceasingly against sex ranging from ideas of voluntary castration to celibacy to thinking in terms of only procreative obligations. Everywhere you look, Sex is an issue.

And, in the present time, we have endless numbers of folks reporting sexual experiences with aliens of all types.

Since it IS such an issue, WHAT IS THE DEAL here? Was sex part of the "temptation" to "pleasure for the self?"

Q: (L) And this was a trick...
A: No! Tricks don't exist!

Q: (T) Okay, no trick, a trap?
A: No! Traps don't exist either. Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged. Remember: "pleasure for the self."

Q: (T) Okay, now, we were STO at that time. The Lizards opened the door, we are using this as an allegory, I guess, the Lizards opened the door and showed us a pot of gold hoping that we would reach in for the pot, or walk through the door, when they were waiting for us on the other side in order to take us over in some way. Am I on the right track?
A: Hoping is incorrect idea.

Q: (T) Okay, what was it they were trying to do by enticing us?
A: Trying is incorrect idea, continue to probe for learning opportunity.

Q: (T) Was this after the battle that had transpired?
A: Was battle.

Q: (L) The battle was in us?
A: Through you.

Q: (T) The battle was through us as to whether we would walk through this doorway...

(L) The battle was fought through us, we were literally the battleground.

(T) Okay, we were STO at that point. You have said before that on this density we have the choice of being STS or STO.
A: Oh Terry, the battle is always there, it's "when" you choose that counts!

Q: (T) Okay, so we are still looking at that pot of gold every day? This must tie into why the Lizards and other aliens keep telling people that they have given their consent for abduction and so forth. We were STO and now we are STS.
A: Yes, continue.

Q: (T) We are working with the analogy. The gold was an illusion. The gold was not what we perceived it to be. It was a temptation that was given to us as STO beings on 3rd density.
A: No temptation, it was always there. Remember Dorothy and the Ruby slippers? What did Glenda tell Dorothy???

Q: (J) You can always go home.

(L) You have always had the power to go home...
A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, we always have the power to return to being STO? Even in 3rd density?
A: Yes. "When" you went for the gold, you said "Hello" to the Lizards and all that that implies.

Q: (T) But, by going for the gold we aligned ourselves with 4th density STS. And by doing so we gave 4th density STS permission to do whatever they wish with us?
A: Close.

Q: (T) So, when they tell us that we gave them permission to abduct us, it is this they are referring to?
A: Close.

Q: (J) Go back to what they said before: "Free will could not be abridged if you had not obliged."

(T) We, as the human race, used our free will to switch from STO to STS.

(L) So, at some level we have chosen the mess we are in and that is the Super Ancient Legend of the Fallen Angel, Lucifer. That is us. We fell by falling into that door, so to speak, going after the pot of gold, and when we fell through the door, the serpent bit us!
A: But this is a repeating syndrome.

Q: (L) Is it a repeating syndrome just for the human race or is it a repeating syndrome throughout all of creation?
A: It is the latter.

Q: (L) Is this a repeating syndrome throughout all of creation simply because it is the cyclic nature of things? Or is it as the Indians call it, Maya?
A: Either/or.

We need to pay special attention to the term "Ruby Slippers" above. This is a key clue to the problem which we will return to later.

Q: (L) What was the true event behind the story of the "Mark of Cain?"
A: Advent of jealousy.

Q: (L) What occurred to allow jealousy to enter into human interaction?
A: Lizard takeover as discussed previously. The mark of Cain means the "jealousy factor" of change facilitated by Lizard takeover of earth's vibrational frequency. Knot on spine is physical residue of DNA restriction deliberately added by Lizards. See?

Q: (L) What was the configuration of the spine and skull prior to this addition?
A: Spine had no ridge there. Jealousy emanates from there, you can even feel it.

Q: (L) Do any of these emotions that we have talked about that were generated by DNA breakdown, were any of these related to what Carl Sagan discusses when he talks about the "Reptilian Brain"?
A: In a roundabout way.

Q: (L) Okay, at the time this "Mark of Cain" came about, were there other humans on the planet that did not have this configuration?
A: It was added to all simultaneously.

Q: (L) How did they physically go about performing this act? What was the mechanism of this event, the nuts and bolts of it?
A: Are you ready? DNA core is as yet undiscovered enzyme relating to carbon. Light waves were used to cancel the first ten factors of DNA by burning them off. At that point, a number of physical changes took place including knot at top of spine. Each of these is equally reflected in the ethereal.

Q: (L) Okay, there were however many people on the planet, how did they effect this change on all of them?
A: Light wave alteration. They used sophisticated technology to interrupt light frequency waves. Now understand this: It is all part of natural grand cycle.

Q: (L) If this is all a part of a natural grand cycle, and correct me if I am wrong here, it almost seems as if you guys, the "good guys", and the other "bad" guys, that you just really kind of go at it just for fun, is that true?
A: No.

Q: (L) But you say it is a natural thing or part of a natural grand cycle. Is this natural grand cycle just part of the interaction between light and darkness which just simply must be?
A: Yes. We are at "front line" of universe's natural system of balance. That is where one rises to before reaching total union of "The One". 6th level.

Q: (T) Now, the battle you had with the other side...
A: Are having.

Q: (T) This battle goes on... do you have the light power back?
A: Never lost it, you did.

Q: (T) Okay, I guess that for us the Lizzies are the main force even though they have others on their side...
A: Yes.

Q: (T) They took our light, not yours?
A: Not against you. Currently in union with you.

Q: (T) So we are but one battle in the universe in an overall, ongoing struggle?
A: Yes. Balance is natural. Remember, it's all just lessons in the grand cycle.

Q: (L) I am really curious... when you guys and the Lizzies "go to it", what do you do? I mean, you obviously don't shoot guns at each other and you don't have tanks...
A: Too complicated for you to possibly understand because you are not at 4th level yet.

Q: (J) When you are fighting, is it any way at all possible for us to detect the battle?
A: First: We don't "fight." Second, yes; it's nature as in meteorology and earth changes.

Q: (T) Your form of confrontation takes the form of physical changes in the atmosphere and environment of the planet?
A: And in space.

Q: (T) But that is how we detect it? The more activity, the more conflict is going on?
A: Remember, we are the light. They are the dark. We are both high level thought forms reflected at all levels of reality.

Q: (T) So, what we perceive, then, is what comes through to third density which is not what we would perceive if we were looking at it from 4th or 5th or 6th.
A: Yes.

Q: (T) Now, you have referred to the movie, "The Wizard of Oz." You say that we have an ability within us that is something like the Ruby slippers that can take us back to STO any time we wish.
A: Yes.

Q: (T) So, all this stuff we have been talking about, the realm border, the wave, raising the frequencies...
A: The coming Realm wave is the "tornado."

Q: (L) Was going to the land of Oz the STO state?

Q: (L) So Oz was STS. And Kansas, not necessarily the physical surroundings, but the state of mind of Dorothy prior to the Oz experience, was the STO state.
A: Yes.

Q: (L) So, we need to look at the "Kansas" state of mind. The going to Oz...
A: And Elvira Gulch. The witch is the Lizards.

Q: (T) Yeah, okay. Tornado. Dorothy fell from the STO to the STS state through the tornado. Is this true.
A: Yes. Analyze more carefully, suggest break to do so.

Discussion among members of group:

(T) They are equating the tornado as the shift from STO to STS.
(L) Maybe it also is a shift from STS to STO.
(J) Yes, a shift from one to the other would be dramatic.
(T) Was it a density shift also? The realm wave is supposed to be a density shift. A window between densities. Is there also a shifting between STO and STS? Is there a gateway that you go through? A door?
(F) Oh God! There are so many possibilities here.
(L) And if you switch into STO do you find yourself on a different Earth?
(J) They have been saying "Ruby Slippers, Ruby Slippers," not "tornado, tornado."
(T) But now it is the same symbology. The tornado took her from one point to another and the slippers took her back to point A again. Two different concepts.
(F) There are all kinds of intricate little things here, somehow there must be a way to connect it. You know what it is, remember the slippers, they said, meant that the pathway was always there for her to go home.
(J) Yeah, but she had to kill the witch to get the slippers.
(F) No, she thought she had to. Don't you remember Glenda telling her "Ooh, no dear, you can always go home. All you have to do is say 'there's no place like home.'"
(J) Yeah, but you had to be wearing those slippers...
(S) Now, you know what, the tornado could be 5th density, as she was looking out the window all these things passed by...
(T) Yes, her life passed by her.
(F) Yes, but they have told us that the realm border passage itself is going to result in all kinds of hairy stuff going on.
(J) Like I say, switching from STS to STO or back, or from 3rd density to 4th density, it's going to be a violent... it is not going to be an easy passage either way.
(F) Right.
(J) It is a radical change in reality.
(T) Yes, but for Dorothy, in the movie, it was violent in the fact that it was a tornado, though it did not physically hurt her.
(J) Yes, and that is what we have been told, too.
(F) She was scared...
(T) Yes, but that was a mental thing... it was up here [pointing to head] where the hurt was. She didn't get hurt physically.
(F) And that is also another whole thing to speculate about: throughout the entire movie, she was never hurt physically; through all the threats, she was never actually hurt.
(T) It was also 1939, if the movie had been made in 1995 they would have had machine guns, missiles, chainsaws, and there would be body counts all over the place. And she still could have gone home anytime she wanted. You know, "Dorothy Meets the Terminator."
(L) "Dorothy and the Chainsaw Massacre."
(S) "Dorothy Goes to Elm Street." [Laughter]
(T) It's the cross between a children's fairy story and a Stephen King Nightmare.
(F) You know, the fundamentalists have attacked the Wizard of Oz?
(L) They have? Why?
(T) Because it is Satanic.
(F) Yeah, they say it's Hollywood's effort to pull people away from Christianity and fundamentalism and all that jazz.
(T) The Wizard of Oz is evil to the fundamentalists.
(F) Yes, because you don't need the crucify Christ to get back to Kansas.
(L) Well, I've heard that Cinderella is politically incorrect nowadays, too.
(T) Because she didn't sleep with one foot on the floor like all the sitcoms.
(J) Excuse me?
(T) I don't know.
(S) We went from Oz to sitcoms?
(J) I think you are mixing your metaphors.
(S) That was Sleeping Beauty.
(T) Yeah, that was Sleeping Beauty in the box.
(J) And one foot on the floor.
(L) No, Snow White was in the box.
(T) Snow White was in the box. Yeah, Disney took all the things that had Beauty sleeping in them...
(L) Did you ever stop and think about that symbology: Sleeping Beauty? Being awakened by a kiss?
(F) Who turns into a frog.
(L) No!
(F) Oh, that's right, the frog turns into a prince.
(L) That's another analogy. Being awakened from the illusion into which one has been put by the evil witch...
(F) And Cinderella...
(J) Rumplestiltskin...
(S) The Ugly Duckling...
(T) Yeah, all of Grimm's fairy tales were really pretty grim. They have been cleaned up a whole lot.
(L) Yeah, in the original Cinderella, the step sister cut off part of her foot to get it to fit the slipper and the Prince found her out because of the dripping blood.
(J and S) Ooooh! Yuck!
(T) Must have been the glass slipper, cut my foot!
(L) Yeah, it's pretty grim. One cut her heel off and the other cut her toes off. And we are back to Ruby Slippers. Wonder what that can mean? It's gonna take some work to figure it out!
(T) Are we getting anywhere? We got the idea that when we fell from STO to STS we gave the Lizzies the right to do what they are doing. So, when they make the statement that we said they could, we did. But now we are asleep and we gotta figure out how to wake up!

A: Okay.
Q: (L) We are having a bit of a puzzlement here because we are wondering if the tornado which represents the realm wave is something that moves one from an STO state to an STS state while still remaining in 3rd density?
A: Okay, that is one way. Okay...

Q: (T) The realm border is not only a way of transferring from one density to another, but it is also a way of transiting from STS and STO and back?
A: Can be.

Q: (T) So, those who transit on this pass may transit from 3rd to 4th density and come out as an STO being?
A: In some of the passages.

Q: (L) Okay, so people can either go from STO to STS in 3rd or 4th density... any of these choices are open at this passing of the realm wave?
A: Any of the above according to the orientation of the wave.

Q: (L) And what is the orientation of the wave that is coming? Is it strictly to move us from 3rd density to 4th density? Is this a function of this wave?
A: We have told you this.

Q: (L) And they have told us that this is a wave from 3rd to 4th density. Some of the waves, apparently, can move from STO to STS...

(T) Not the wave, the person passing through the wave. As this wave passes by, does the orientation of the wave depend upon the individual?
A: Compare to seawaves. Waves are a part of the fiber of all nature.

Q: (T) In other words, this is a wave that is going to move the Earth and our entire sector of space from 3rd to 4th density, and it will do so no matter where you are on the wave when it passes?
A: Yes. Or you could "go under" instead.

Q: (L) You could be pulled under, you could drown and become part of the primordial soup!

(T) Is that Minestrone?
A: Chicken Noodle. [Laughter.]

Q: (T) Let's not even start on that one. I'm still trying to work out this movement from STO to STS. You keep referring to the movie about Dorothy. In the movie she was told she could go home any time she wanted just by saying I want to go home, or whatever. That is a lot easier than going through all the conniptions and contankerations waiting out this wave that comes only once every so often. Is there a way for us to go back to STO that is easier and simpler than hanging out for 300,000 years waiting for this wave to come around?
A: Sure!

Q: (T) Okay, now we are getting somewhere. Where are we going?
A: Now wait a minute, are you ready to just go to 4th density right now?

Q: (T) Yeah, I am ready. Right now. Let's roll! Jan, feed the cats when you get home! Anyway, what you are saying is that the realm wave is not the only way to make the transition, is this correct?
A: One idea presented.

Q: (T) And we are here to set up a frequency to pull as many beings through the wave, when it passes, and that is the whole purpose of why we are here... Is this so?
A: That implies interference with free will.

Q: (L) Who do the munchkins represent?
A: 2nd density beings.

Q: (L) Do the monkeys represent the Grays?
A: If you wish.

Q: (L) Who do the Witches soldiers represent?
A: The Nephalim.

Q: (L) Who does the Wizard represent?
A: Think, learn, discover.

And, we were off on an adventure of discovery... The Quest for the Grail.

The Wave series includes a historical analysis of the deception perpetrated upon mankind and proposes ideas as to how to literally "change our universe" to another probable reality. It isn't easy, but it can be done. We believe that this is the purpose of our contact with the Cassiopaens - to strengthen, inform, educate and assist us with the gaining of the knowledge that will set us free!

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Dimensions, Densities, Abduction, etc.
Part XI: An Analysis

This page is enormously important for those who have been plagued by "alien interference." I realize that I am repeating some things, but that is only because they are so important that they bear reading more than once. Don't skip any of it, and if you have problems understanding it, or additional questions, e-mail me and I will do my best to answer them.

Let's go back for a moment to what don Juan Matus told Carlos Castaneda about the Predator and Carlos's first glimpses of same:

"'Ah, that's the universe at large,' he said, 'incommensurable, nonlinear, outside the realm of syntax. The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were the first ones to see those fleeting shadows, so they followed them around. They saw them as you're seeing them, and they saw them as energy that flows in the universe. And they did discover something transcendental. [...] They discovered that we have a companion for life... We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don't do so. [...] You have arrived, by your effort alone, to what the shamans of ancient Mexico called the topic of topics. I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner! This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico.

"'Why has this predator taken over in the fashion that you're describing, don Juan?' I asked. 'There must be a logical explanation.'

"'There is an explanation,' don Juan replied, 'which is the simplest explanation in the world. They took over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. Just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops. Therefore, their food is always available to them.'

"I felt that my head was shaking violently from side to side. I could not express my profound sense of unease and discontentment, but my body moved to bring it to the surface. I shook from head to toe without any volition on my part.

"'No, no, no, no,' I heard myself saying. 'This is absurd, don Juan. What your saying is something monstrous. It simply can't be true, for sorcerers or for average men, or for anyone.'

"'Why not?' don Juan asked calmly. 'Why not? Because it infuriates you?'

"'Yes, it infuriates me,' I retorted. 'Those claims are monstrous!' [...]

"'I want to appeal to your analytical mind, ' don Juan said. 'Think for a moment, and tell me how you would explain the contradiction between the intelligence of man the engineer and the stupidity of his systems of beliefs, or the stupidity of his contradictory behavior. Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary, and egomaniacal.'

"'But how can they do this, don Juan?' I asked, somehow angered further by what he was saying. 'Do they whisper all that in our ears while we are asleep?'

"'No, they don't do it that way. That's idiotic!' don Juan said, smiling. 'They are infinitely more efficient and organized than that. In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver - stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now.

Don Juan continues: "'I know that even though you have never suffered hunger... you have food anxiety, which is none other than the anxiety of the predator who fears that any moment now its maneuver is going to be uncovered and food is going to be denied. Through the mind, which, after all, is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them. And they ensure, in this manner, a degree of security to act as a buffer against their fear.'"

(Castaneda, 1998, pp. 213-220)

And now, lets compare this to what the Cassiopaeans have said:

Q: (L) How did mankind come to be here?
A: Combination of factors. Numerous souls desired physical existence then was altered by three forces including principally Lizards through Grays, Nephalim and Orion union.

Q: (L). You said numerous souls desired physical existence. When the numerous souls did this, how did physical existence come to be?
A: First was apelike. Souls altered them by transfer into seeded bodies.

Q: (L) The Orion souls came into Neanderthal bodies?
A: No. Put human souls there for incubation process.

Q: (L) Were altered ape embryos put back into ape females for gestation?
A: No. Souls only.

Q: (L) Did the soul's presence in the ape body cause its genetics and DNA to change?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) They entered into living creatures on this planet to experience 3 d reality and by entering in caused mutation?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Then were altered by Orion Union first. They resemble you.
Q: (L) Who resembles us?
A: The Orions.

Q: (L) Where did the souls come from that entered into the bodies on the planet earth? Were they in bodies on other planets before they came here?
A: Not this group.

Q: (L) Were they just floating around in the universe somewhere?
A: In union with the One. Have you heard the Super ancient legend of Lucifer, the Fallen Angel?

Q: (L) Who is Lucifer?
A: You. The human race.

Q: (L) Are the souls of individual humans the parts of a larger soul?
A: Yes. Close. The One. All who have fallen must learn "the hard way."

Q: (L) Are you saying that the act of wanting to experience physical reality is the act of falling?
A: You are members of a fragmented soul unit.

Q: (L) What is it about wanting to be physical is a "fall"?
A: Pleasure for the self.

So, here we have a similar series of remarks to what don Juan has said regarding the "flyers," as he calls them, giving human beings their "mind."

Remember the remarks about the "Mark of Cain" and the alteration of human DNA by the "forces of darkness" which resulted in numerous changes, including the imposition of monotheism, the perception of linear time, and unidimensionality? All of these remarks are very important in regard to our subject. In order to understand the imposition of monotheism, it would be useful to read "The Grail Quest" or "The Orion Archetype and the Destiny of Man," which is a series in process, but the subject of the Monotheistic covenant has been outlined already in Part III.

There have been proposals made in certain quarters that invoking the name and power of Jesus will "stop" abductions. I am sorry to have to say this, but experience and research simply does not support this claim. There are a number of reasons why it would appear to be so which I will outline briefly.

In the first place, an individual who is a "Christian" in the usual sense of the word, which is to be "born again" and most likely one who relies wholly on faith to solve their problems, has already given their power away to the forces behind the imposition of Christianity, i.e. the Dark Forces in the guise of angels of light.

An additional factor is the fact, by virtue of "living in faith," one has closed off a large portion of the mind and is more susceptible to being deceived. For example: say that such an individual finds themselves in the midst of an abduction experience and "calls on the name of Jesus," and observes that the abduction is "stopped." We CANNOT rely on this observation because it is based on "belief" which literally determines what a person perceives! To understand how this process works, we need to consider the following:

There is a little known fact about experimental hypnosis that is illustrated by the following story:

A subject was told that when he was awakened he would be unable to see a third man in the room who, it was suggested to him, would have become invisible. All the "proper" suggestions to make this "true" were given, such as "you will NOT see so- and-so" etc... varying formats. When the subject was awakened, lo and behold! the suggestions did NOT work.

Why? Because they went against his belief system. He did NOT believe that a person could become invisible.

So, another tactic was tried. The subject was hypnotized again and was told that the third person was leaving the room... that he had been called away on urgent business, and the scene of him getting on his coat and hat was described... the door was opened and shut to provide "sound effects," and then the subject was brought out of the trance. Guess what happened? He was UNABLE TO SEE the Third Man. Why? Because his belief system was "activated" in a manner that was "acceptable" to his "ego survival" instincts.


The survival of the ego is established pretty early in life by our parental and societal programming as to what IS or is NOT possible. We learn this by learning what it pleases our parents and our society to believe. If a child observes a "fairy," they pretty quickly learn to NOT see them because they are told it is "nonsense," or "impossible," and so on, and that seeing such things brings on disapproval. Approval of the parent is pretty potent to a small child who perceives himself or herself as totally dependent upon the primary caregivers.

Anyway, to return to our story, the Third Man went about the room picking things up and setting them down and doing all sorts of things to test the subject's awareness of his presence, and the subject became utterly hysterical at this "anomalous" activity! He could see objects moving through the air, doors opening and closing, but he could NOT see the SOURCE because he did not believe that there was another man in the room.

So, what are the implications to this factor of human consciousness? (By the way, this is also the reason why most therapy to stop bad habits does not work - they attempt to operate against a "belief system" that is imprinted in the subconscious that this or that habit is essential to survival).

One of the first things that occurs to one when thinking about this is the idea that everyone has a different set of beliefs and that these beliefs determine how much of the OBJECTIVE reality one is able to access. How truly "objective" that reality is can be debated, but that is going in a direction that is not germane to the issue.

In this analogy, the objective reality IS WHAT IT IS, whether it is truly objective, or only a consensus reality, only in this story, there is clearly a big part of that reality that is inaccessible to the "subject" due to his programming according to his beliefs as activated by his willingness to choose who or what to believe. (In this case, the hypnotist is believed.)

Now, there is another story that takes this idea a bit deeper:

"There is an Eastern tale which speaks about a very rich magician who had a great many sheep. But at the same time this magician was very mean. He did not want to hire shepherds, nor did he want to erect a fence about the pasture where his sheep were grazing. The sheep consequently often wandered into the forest, fell into ravines, and so on, and above all they ran away, for they knew that the magician wanted their flesh and skins and this they did not like.

"At last the magician found a remedy. He hypnotized his sheep and suggested to them first of all that they were immortal and that no harm was being done to them when they were skinned, that, on the contrary, it would be very good for them and even pleasant; secondly he suggested that the magician was a good master who loved his flock so much that he was ready to do anything in the world for them; and in the third place he suggested to them that if anything at all were going to happen to them it was not going to happen just then, at any rate not that day, and therefore they had no need to think about it. Further the magician suggested to his sheep that they were not sheep at all; to some of them he suggested that they were lions, to others that they were eagles, to others that they were men, and to others that they were magicians.

"And after this all his cares and worries about the sheep came to an end. They never ran away again but quietly awaited the time when the magician would require their flesh and skins."

(P.D.Ouspensky, In Search of the Miraculous)

Unfortunately, this accurately describes the condition of the great masses of humanity at the present time. "In order to awaken, first of all one must realize that one is in a state of sleep. And, in order to realize that one is, indeed, in a state of sleep, one must recognize and fully understand the nature of the forces which operate to keep one in the state of sleep, or hypnosis.


It is absurd to think that this can be done by seeking information from the very source which induces the hypnosis.

"Theoretically, (a man can awaken), but practically it is almost impossible because as soon as a man awakens for a moment and opens his eyes, all the forces that caused him to fall asleep begin to act upon him with tenfold energy and he immediately falls asleep again, very often dreaming that the is awake or awakening."

(Ouspensky, Ibid.)

Each and every human being perceives the Third Man according to their programming which activates or is activated by their belief system. This is their "State of Awareness." They can only be aware of what they BELIEVE they can be aware of, and all else becomes either "invisible" or "anomalous" and disregarded or covered up by the survival program of the subconscious mind.

As one continues to think about this problem, one realizes that there is a possible HUGE gap between what we perceive as real and the actual objective reality... and no matter how we try to be objective, we can never be sure. The only thing that seems to offer a way out is to simply observe the phenomena and compare the perceptions with a lot of other folks and try to narrow down the "constant" that is present in all of them. In this way, we can have a closer idea of what the Third Man REALLY is, and what he is REALLY doing, and what then, should be our best response. And, of course, "observing phenomena" means, in its most literal sense, to gain and gather knowledge of every form and sort so that one has a sufficient database from which to draw conclusions about observations of one's environment.

But, this is difficult to do because one's beliefs are intimately tied to emotions! Remember: our beliefs are formed in emotional situations of interactions with our parents and other "authorities" of our infancy and childhood! It is very frightening to even contemplate breaking free of this safe, inner "environment."

But, that is exactly what we must do.

Otherwise, we find ourselves in a reality where all sorts of anomalous things will be going on around one... observable in classical and quantum terms... but the objective raison d'etre will be unavailable for contemplation. One will be UNABLE TO SEE the "Third Man," and will then be subject to the whims and inclinations of said "personage," whoever or whatever he REALLY IS!

Thus we see that if a person really has faith that Jesus will "save" them or "stop an abduction," that is what they will PERCEIVE, but not necessarily what is happening in absolute reality.

Another point I wish to make is this: so-called "demonic" entities of higher densities do NOT fear the name of, nor belief in Jesus. They are contemptuous of those who believe that such will "preserve" them. And, they do not respect a person who "surrounds themselves with light," or "love" or whatever. In fact, when this is done, it usually provides such dark entities with a literal "aetheric feast." I know whereof I speak, as I have performed exorcisms. And, one must not confuse "exorcism" with the run-of-the-mill Spirit Releasement Therapy as taught by Dr. William Baldwin, either. Dr. Baldwin has worked with demonic type entities, according to his book "Spirit Releasement Therapy," but I am certain that he has not encountered all types and levels of beings, as there are endless varieties.

There are a number of sources that talk about the more dangerous and complicated "exorcisms," and, for the most part, they belong to ancient teachings such as Sufism and various forms of shamanism.

Mircea Eliade, in his extensive "Shamanism, Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy," writes extensively about shamanic techniques that deal with discarnate entities, demonic entities, and what can only be alien abductions. These practices and techniques are Millennia old, existing long before Jesus, (leaving aside who or what he may have been) ever walked the earth. In fact, if Jesus was anything, he was a Tantrika as evidenced by a deep study of the myths and legends surrounding him and comparing them with similar stories and examples. And, Tantra Yoga is one of the oldest and most definitive sources of techniques for dealing with various dimensions, densities, and their denizens.

As a side note, I will be doing a longer piece on the relations of shamanism to alien abduction, so check back from time to time.

Getting back to don Juan: if you read carefully the description of my own abduction experience on Abduction 8, then you will have the background to understand the following. If not, go back and read it carefully before proceeding here:

"Don Juan had explained that the body and the energy body were two conglomerates of energy fields compressed together by some strange agglutinizing force. He had emphasized no end that the force that binds that group of energy fields together was, according to the sorcerers of ancient Mexico, the most mysterious force in the universe. His personal estimation was that it was the pure essence of the entire cosmos, the sum total of everything there is."

(Castaneda, 1998)


Q: (L) Well, do they just take people and kill them and do what with them?
A: They slice them up. Maximum matter and energy transfer occurs during this type of transition.

Q: (L) In other words, you are saying that a slow painful death gives them the most of what they want? This is totally sick.
A: You asked for truth. You say it is sick but it is merely the ultimate form of service to self.

Q: (L) Gravity seems to be a property of matter. Is that correct?
A: And antimatter! Binder. Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!

Q: (L) So, they are a property or attribute of the existence of matter, and the binder of matter to ethereal ideation?
A: Sort of, but they are a property of anti-matter, too!

Q: (L) So, through unstable gravity waves, you can access other densities?
A: Everything.

Q: (L) Can you generate them mechanically?
A: Generation is really collecting and dispersing.

Q: (L) I thought that gravity was an indicator of the consumption of electricity; that gravity was a byproduct of a continuous flow of electrical energy...
A: Gravity is no byproduct! It is the central ingredient of all existence! You have it too!!

Q: (L) So, gravity is the unifying principle...
A: Gravity is all there is.

Q: (L) Do thoughts produce gravity?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) You said that EM was the same as gravity. Does an increase in EM, the collection of EM or the production of an EM wave, does this increase gravity on those things or objects or persons subjected to it?
A: Gravity does not ever get increased or decreased, it is merely collected and dispersed.

Q: (L) Is STO the equivalent of dispersing gravity?
A: No, STO is a REFLECTION of the existence of gravity dispersal.

Q: (L) Is STS also dispersal of gravity?
A: No. Collection is reflected. STS is reflection or reflected by collection of gravity.

So, "giving" and being open is "dispersing" gravity and "taking" or being in a closed system is "collecting" gravity, or a reflection thereof.

This is interesting in light of the Cassiopaean remarks on sexuality:

Q: (L) What happens psychically at the moment of orgasm?
A: For whom?

Q: (L) The reason I ask is because a man named Wayne Cook did some work with dowsing and he found out that the human body, after sexual climax, dowses the same pattern as a dead body. Why is this?
A: Draining of energy.

Q: (L) Okay, where does the energy drain to?
A: To the ether.

Q: (L) Does the energy go to one or the other partner?
A: Maybe. It can.

Q: (L) Is it possible, during this activity, for Lizzies or other beings to be hanging around and be drawing this energy?
A: Yes. And that is, in a general sense, what usually happens.

Q: (L) Is this one of the reasons that sex has been promoted and promulgated in our society to such an extent...
A: Yes, yes, yes.

Q: (L) I have read that when you are at the higher spiritual levels that you can do a spiritual merge which is better than orgasm. Is that true?
A: Why do you need orgasm of any kind?

Q: (L) Well, it does seem to be like one of the penultimate experiences of physicality.

(T) That's exactly it... it's physicality...

(L) If that is so, isn't everything that exists in the physical, 3rd density world, in some way a reflection of experiences or states of being on higher realms?
A: 3rd density as you experience it is an illusion you have been fed to continue your imprisonment therein.

Q: (L) So, in other words, the orgasmic experience is quite literally a lure to keep us...

(D) Controlled...

(T) And in the third level...

(L) Is that true?
A: Yes. Except in rare instances, under controlled conditions, for specific purposes.

Q: (L) Let's go back to a question I asked in another session on this same subject: what happens to our energy at the point of orgasm? Where does that energy go?
A: Drains to 4th level STS.

Q: (T) Is this a manifestation of the Lizards feeding off of us?
A: STSers there retrieve it.

Q: (T) So, orgasm is a 3rd density manifestation of the 4th density consumption of 3rd density energy?
A: One of their methods.

Returning to don Juan's explication of the matter:

"He had asserted that the physical body and the energy body were the only counterbalanced energy configurations in our realm as human beings. ...Body, mind, spirit and flesh he considered to be a mere concatenation of the mind, emanating from it without any energetic foundation."

(Castaneda, 1998)


Q: There are a lot of people teaching that there are divisions of being as spirit, soul, consciousness, et cetera. What is the difference between the spirit and the soul?
A: Semantics.

Castaneda writes:

"Don Juan had said that by means of discipline it is possible for anyone to bring the energy body closer to the physical body. Normally, the distance between the two is enormous. Once the energy body is within a certain range, which varies for each of us individually, anyone, through discipline, can forge it into the exact replica of their physical body - that is to say, a three-dimensional, solid being. Hence the sorcerers' idea of the other or the double. By the same token, through the same processes of discipline, anyone can forge their three-dimensional, solid, physical body to be a perfect replica of their energy body - that is to say, an ethereal charge of energy invisible to the human eye, as all energy is. [...]

"Don Juan explained that sorcerers see infant human beings as strange, luminous balls of energy, covered from the top to the bottom with a glowing coat, something like a plastic cover that is adjusted tightly over their cocoon of energy. He said that that glowing coat of awareness was what the predators consumed, and that when a human being reached adulthood, all that was left of that glowing coat of awareness was a narrow fringe that went from the ground to the top of the toes. That fringe permitted mankind to continue living, but only barely.

"...To his knowledge, man was the only species that had the glowing coat of awareness outside that luminous cocoon. Therefore, man becomes easy prey for an awareness of a different order, such as the heavy awareness of the predator.

"He said that this narrow fringe of awareness was the epicenter of self-reflection, where man is irremediably caught. By playing on our self-reflection, which is the only point of awareness left to us, the predators create flares of awareness that they proceed to consume in a ruthless, predatory fashion. They give us inane problems that force those flares of awareness to rise, and in this manner they keep us alive in order for them to be fed with the energetic flare of our pseudo-concerns.

"All we can do is discipline ourselves to the point where they will not touch us. How can you ask your fellow men to go through those rigors of discipline? They'll laugh and make fun of you, and the more aggressive ones will beat the shit out of you. And not so much because they don't believe it. Down in the depths of every human being, there's an ancestral, visceral knowledge about the predators' existence.

Carlos says:

"My analytical mind swung back and forth like a yo-yo. What don Juan was proposing was preposterous, incredible. At the same time, it was a most reasonable thing, so simple. It explained every kind of human contradiction I could think of. But how could one have taken all this seriously? Don Juan was pushing me into the path of an avalanche that would take me down forever.

Don Juan:

"Whenever doubts plague you to a dangerous point, do something pragmatic about it. Turn off the light, Pierce the darkness; find out what you can SEE. [...] The sorcerers of ancient Mexico SAW the predator. They called it the flyer because it leaps through the air. It is not a pretty sight. it is a big shadow, impenetrably dark, a black shadow that jumps through the air. Then, it lands flat on the ground. The sorcerers of ancient Mexico were quite ill at ease with the idea of it when it made its appearance on Earth. They reasoned that man must have been a complete being at one point, with stupendous insights, feats of awareness that are mythological legends nowadays. And then everything seems to disappear, and we have now a sedated man.

"What I'm saying is that what we have against us is not a simple predator. It is very smart, and organized. It follows a methodical system to render us useless. Man, the magical being that he is destined to be, is no longer magical. He's an average piece of meat. There are no more dreams for man but the dreams of an animal who is being raised to become a piece of meat: trite, conventional, imbecilic.

"The only alternative left for mankind is discipline. Discipline is the only deterrent. But by discipline I don't mean harsh routines. I don't mean waking up every morning at five-thirty and throwing cold water on yourself until you're blue. Sorcerers understand discipline as the capacity to face with serenity odds that are not included in our expectations. For them, discipline is an art: the art of facing infinity without flinching, not because they are strong and tough but because they are filled with awe.

"Sorcerers say that discipline makes the glowing coat of awareness unpalatable to the flyer. The result is that the predators become bewildered. And inedible glowing coat of awareness is not part of their cognition, I suppose. After being bewildered, they don't have any recourse other than refraining from continuing their nefarious task.

"If the predators don't eat our glowing coat of awareness for a while, it'll keep on growing. Simplifying this matter to the extreme, I can say that sorcerers, by means of their discipline, puts the predators away long enough to allow their glowing coat of awareness to grow beyond the level of the toes. Once it goes beyond the level of the toes, it grows back to its natural size. The sorcerers of ancient Mexico used to say that the glowing coat of awareness is like a tree. If it is not pruned, it grows to its natural size and volume. As awareness reaches levels higher than the toes, tremendous maneuvers of perception become a matter of course.

"The grand trick of those sorcerers of ancient times was to burden the flyers mind with discipline. They found out that if they taxed the flyers' mind with inner silence, the foreign installation would flee, giving to any one of the practitioners involved in this maneuver the total certainty of the mind's foreign origin. The foreign installation comes back, I assure you, but not as strong, and a process begins in which the fleeing of the flyers' mind becomes routine, until one day if flees permanently. A sad day indeed! That's the day when you have to rely on your own devices, which are nearly zero. There's no one to tell you what to do. There's no mind of foreign origin to dictate the imbecilities you're accustomed to. This is the toughest day in a sorcerer's life, for the real mind that belongs to us, the sum total of our experience, after a lifetime of domination has been rendered shy, insecure, and shifty. Personally, I would say that the real battle of sorcerers begins at that moment. The rest is merely preparation.

"Discipline taxes the foreign mind no end. So, through their discipline, sorcerers vanquish the foreign installation. The flyers' mind flees forever when a sorcerer succeeds in grabbing on to the vibrating force that holds us together as a conglomerate of energy fields. If a sorcerer maintains that pressure long enough, the flyers' mind flees in defeat.

"When one is torn by internal struggle, it is because down in the depths one knows that one is incapable of refusing the agreement that an indispensable part of the self, the glowing coat of awareness, is going to serve as an incomprehensible source of nourishment to incomprehensible entities. And, another part of one will stand against this situation with all its might.

"The sorcerers' revolution is that they refuse to honor agreements in which they did not participate. Nobody ever asked me if I would consent to be eaten by beings of a different kind of awareness. My parents just brought me into this world to be food, like themselves, and that's the end of the story.

Carlos writes:

"AT home, as time went by, the idea of the flyers became one of the main fixations of my life. I got to the point where I felt that don Juan was absolutely right about them. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't discard his logic. the more I thought about it, and the more I talked to and observed myself and my fellow men, the more intense the conviction that something was rendering us incapable of any activity or any interaction or any thought that didn't have the self as its focal point. [...] The end result of my internal struggle was a sense of foreboding, the sense of something imminently dangerous coming at me.

"I made extensive anthropological inquiries into the subject of the flyers in other cultures, but I couldn't find any references to them anywhere.

[Laura's note: apparently Carlos didn't read Eliade's "Shamanism." or Vallee's "Passport to Magonia." These works are FULL of the historical and ANCIENT references to these beings that don Juan calls "flyers."]

Don Juan tells Carlos:

"the flyers' mind has not left you. It has been seriously injured. It's trying its best to rearrange its relationship with you. But something in you is severed forever. The flyer knows that. The real danger is that the flyers' mind may win by getting you tired and forcing you to quit by playind the contradictions between what it says and what I say.

"You see, the flyers' mind has no competitors. When it proposes something, it agrees with its own proposition, and it makes you believe that you've done something of worth. The flyers' mind will say to you that whatever I am telling you is pure nonsense, and then the same mind will agree with its own proposition. That's the way they overcome us.

"The flyers are an essential part of the universe and they must be taken as what they really are - awesome, monstrous. They are the means by which the universe tests us.

"We are energetic probes created by the universe and its' because we are possessors of energy that has awareness that we are the means by which the universe becomes aware of itself. The flyers are the implacable challengers. They cannot be taken as anything else. If we succeed in doing that, the universe allows us to continue.

"A weird thing is that every human being on this earth seems to have exactly the same reactions, the same thoughts, the same feelings, the seem to respond in more or less the same way to the same stimuli. Those reactions seem to be sort of fogged up by the language they speak, but if we scrape that off, they are exactly the same reactions that besiege every human being on Earth. I would like you to become curious about this, and see if you can formally account for such homogeneity.

"...I really wanted to start for home right away [...] but before we reached his house, don Juan sat down on a high ledge overlooking the valley. He didn't say anything for awhile. He was not out of breath. I couldn't conceive of why he had stopped to sit down.

"'The task of the day, for you,' he said abruptly, in a foreboding tone, 'is one of the most mysterious things of sorcery, something that goes beyond language, beyond explanations. ...So brace yourself by propping your back against this rock wall, as far as possible, from the edge. I will be by you, in case you faint or fall down. ...I want you to cross your legs and enter into inner silence, but don't fall asleep.'

"It was rather difficult for me to enter into inner silence without falling asleep. I fought a nearly invincible desire to fall asleep. I succeeded, and found myself looking at the bottom of the valley from an impenetrable darkness around me. And then, I saw something that chilled me to the marrow of my bones. I saw a gigantic shadow, perhaps fifteen feet across, leaping in the air and then landing with a silent thud. I felt the thud in my bones, but I didn't hear it.

"'They are really heavy, ' don Juan said in my ear. He was holding me by the left arm, as hard as he could.

"I saw something that looked like a mud shadow wiggle on the ground, and then take another gigantic leap, perhaps fifty feet long, and land again, with the same ominous silent thud. I fought not to lose my concentration. I was frightened beyond anything I could rationally use as a description. I kept my eyes fixed on the jumping shadow on the bottom of the valley. Then I heard a most peculiar buzzing, a mixture of the sound of flapping wings and the buzzing of a radio whose dial has not quite picked up the frequency of a radio station, and the thud that followed was something unforgettable. It shook don Juan and me to the core 0 a gigantic black mud shadow had just landed by our feet.

"'Don't be frightened,' don Juan said imperiously. 'Keep your inner silence and it will move away.

"I was shivering from head to toe. I had the clear knowledge that if I didn't keep my inner silence alive, the mud shadow would cover me up like a blanket and suffocate me. Without losing the darkness around me, I screamed at the top of my voice. Never had I been so angry, so utterly frustrated. The mud shadow too another leap, clearly to the bottom of the valley. I kept on screaming, shaking my legs. I wanted to shake off whatever might come to eat me."

(Castaneda, 1998, pp. 231-233)

Now, let's go back to the excerpt from Karla Turner's book:

"Something was obviously missing in David's recollection of events, so Barbara asked him more about what he had seen by the fir tree.

"'I'm looking at a shadow,' he replied. 'Maybe it's the cat, he likes that tree. Rustling, pomegranate tree. At the bottom? but how? This, there's something moving, but I can't see it. It's a dark spot, a black spot, moving around the tree. And it's gone.'

"Barbara asked him to expand his description, so David continued.

"'I saw, it looks irregular. Is it a shadow? It's black. It's on the ground. It's moving around and away, quickly, rustling. Like walking on leaves. And it's very faint with a whisper... a snake sound, real faint. [...] My brain's not working, ' he said. 'I'm just tramping behind her to the car. Ah, ah. But I want to go look at that. I heard a noise.

"'What did the noise sound like?' [Barbara's question.]

"'A rope, pulled real fast,' he replied. 'Whoooo, kind of like a top. But soft, so it was muted. And that' when I see the thing. The black. It's just blackness, on the ground. Very quick. Something hit me before.'

"'Where?' Barbara inquired.

"'Shocked me,' he answered. 'In the back. In my hip, at the bottom of my spine... I'm bouncing, mechanically, towards the satellite dish, I think. .... It's big.... It hurt, all over, the shock. Tingles real loud. All over my bones it's tingling, shaking. [...] I'm walking around the tree, and I hear a noise. Like a top, a spinning top. It starts high-pitched and goes lower, and goes away pretty fast. So I look towards it. I can't see very well. ...It's like a blot on the ground, ... a black towel? Or a garbage bag? Kind of odd-shaped. It's flat, flat-flat. It, it is on the ground, it's no different than the ground, but it's just black and moving fast. And it's making a little noise. ...I'm looking at the thing. ...A blackness. A 'not.' Like a 'not-there.' Like a moving oil puddle on the ground. ...And it's moving, but changing, too. Not much, just the edges, not very stable. And it's gone quick. ...I feel strange. ...I'm just not me. ...I feel blank ...like a remote unit..."

(Turner, 1992, pp. 132-139ff)

Carlos writes:

"The predator don Juan had described was not something benevolent. It was enormously heavy, gross, indifferent. I felt its disregard for us. Doubtless, it had crushed us ages ago, making us, as don Juan had said, weak vulnerable, and docile. I had my wrath, my unbending intent, not to let them eat me. I wept for my fellow men..."

(Castaneda, 1998)

Now, recall what the Cassiopaeans said about my own experience, the "eclipsing of realities."

Q: (L) The first thing on my mind is an experience I had several nights ago. It seemed as though there was some sort of interaction between myself and something "other." Could you tell me what this experience was?
A: Was eclipsing of the realities.

Q: (L) What is an eclipsing of the realities?
A: It is when energy centers conflict.

Q: (L) What energy centers are conflicting?
A: Thought energy centers.

Q: (L) Well, it seemed to me that something happened to me that blanked out a period of my experience, and you say this was an eclipsing of energies caused by an intersecting of thought centers. Now, this intersecting of thought centers, did this occur within my body or within my environment?
A: They are one and the same.

Q: (L) Was some part of my being being separated from another part of my being?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was this an attempt to extract my soul or astral body?
A: Attempt is not probably the proper term.

Q: (L) In other words...
A: It is more just an activity taking place. Attempt implies effort rather than the nature present in a conflicting of energies and thought centers.

Q: (L) I also seemed to be aware of several dark, spider-like figures lined up by the side of the bed, was this an accurate impression.
A: Those could be described as specific thought center projections.

Q: (L) I seemed to be fighting and resisting this activity.
A: That was your choice.

Q: (L) Alright, was this the ending of an abduction that had already taken place?
A: Not the proper terminology. It was the conclusion to an event, not necessarily what one would refer to as an abduction, but more what one would refer to as an interaction.

Q: (L) What was the nature of the interaction?
A: The conflicting of energies related to thought center impulses.

Q: (L) At what level of density do these thought centers have their primary focus?
A: Thought centers do not have primary focus in any level of density. This is precisely the point. You are not completely familiar with the reality of what thoughts are. We have spoken to you on many levels and have detailed many areas involving density level, but thoughts are quite a different thing because they pass through all density levels at once. Now, let us ask you this. Do you not now see how that would be possible?

Q: (L) Yes. But what I am trying to do is identify these conflicting thought centers. If two thought centers, or more, conflict, then my idea would be that they are in opposition.
A: Correct.

Q: (L) Okay, in the experience I felt a paralysis of my body, what caused this paralysis.
A: Yes. Separation of awareness. Which is defined as any point along the pathway where one's awareness becomes so totally focused on one thought sector that all other levels of awareness are temporarily receded, thereby making it impossible to become aware of one's physical reality along with one's mental reality. This gives the impression of what is referred to as paralysis. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. And what stimulates this total focus of awareness?
A: An event which sidetracks, temporarily, the mental processes.

Q: (L) And what event can sidetrack the mental processes to this extent? In this particular case, what was it?
A: It was an eclipsing of energies caused by conflicting thought centers.

Q: (L) What energies were being eclipsed?
A: Whenever two opposing units of reality intersect, this causes what can be referred to as friction, which, for an immeasurable amount of what you would refer to as time, which is, of course, non-existent, creates a non- existence, or a stopping of the movements of all functions. This is what we would know as conflict. In between, or through any intersecting, opposite entities, we always find zero time, zero movement, zero transference, zero exchange. Now think about this. Think about this carefully.

Q: (L) Does this mean that I was, essentially, in a condition of non-existence?
A: Well, non-existence is not really the proper term, but non-fluid existence would be more to the point. Do you understand?

Q: (L) Yes. Frozen, as it were?
A: Frozen, as it were.

Q: (L) Was there any benefit to me from this experience?
A: All experiences have potential for benefit.

Q: (L) Was there any detriment from this experience?
A: All experiences have potential for detriment. Now, do you see the parallels. We are talking about any opposing forces in nature, when they come together, the result can go all the way to the extreme of one side or all the way to the extreme of the other. Or, it can remain perfectly, symmetrically in balance in the middle, or partially in balance on one side or another. Therefore all potentials are realized at intersecting points in reality.

Q: (L) Was one of these conflicting thought centers or energies some part of me?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) And was it eclipsed by interacting with a thought center energy that was part of or all of something or someone else?
A: Or, was what happened a conflicting of one energy thought center that was a part of your thought process and another energy thought center that was another part of your thought process? We will ask you that question and allow you to contemplate. You will gain more knowledge by contemplating it by yourself rather than seeking the answers here. But a suggestion is to be made that you do that as you will gain much, very much knowledge by contemplating these very questions on your own and networking with others as you do so. Be not frustrated for the answers to be gained through your own contemplation will be truly illuminating to you and the experience to follow will be worth a thousand lifetimes of pleasure and joy.

The session from which the above extracts are taken was held in July of 1995. It was not until a few months ago that I obtained Carlos Castaneda's book "The Active Side of Infinity" from which the information about the "flyers" is extracted. But, it set the bells ringing in my head. I understood that I had done, naturally, the very things that Don Juan was telling Carlos that he must do to "re-grow" his awareness.

You see, I had realized that all "alien interference" in my life changed from that point on. In retrospect, I understand that it was the constant study and becoming aware of the other realities that I had been going through which gave me the "platform" from which to resist this event of "eclipsing of realities," which don Juan calls discipline in holding the energy fields together.

Subsequent to this event, there were numerous "attempts" to "play with my head" by these forces... and I was certainly amazingly aware of them. When I slept, I no longer did so in my former manner; it was as though I slept only half way, and a whole other part of me was awake and watching. I could hear voices and whispers and activity; I could hear strange breathing and feel ghostly fingers touching me from time to time, which I would fling away mentally.

When these activities would begin, as they did almost every night, I would turn on the radio softly, leave a light on, or simply sit up and read and mentally expand my awareness to keep them at bay. I felt that I was constantly surrounded by sniffing wolves looking for a sign of weakness or the scent of fear.

One of the trickiest maneuvers was when "they" planted the thoughts in my mind that I had gotten out of the bed and walked in another room... as I came to the doorway and put my hand out to touch the wall, I realized that my hand went right through it and that I was CLEARLY being manipulated in my mind. I snapped myself back into my body and FORCED my energy to hold its place, endeavoring with all my might to move my hand. When my fingers suddenly moved, it was like the "attack" popped like a balloon, and the harassment ceased.

Over and over again I performed these maneuvers of awareness and discipline - unaware of don Juan's remarks about it - feeling that it was the obvious course of action.

The last night "they" came, I was lying in the bed, drifting to sleep, and the sleepiness was like a drug which was one of the "warning signs." I could "see" through my closed eyes, which was another warning, and hear raspy breathing behind me. Then, I felt a touch on my back and all the force inside me exploded in anger and I pulled my "energy body" back and forced my arm to fling off the covers. It took several tries to get it to "connect" before the arm actually moved, and at the same time I was forcing my eyes open to see with the physical apparatus so that I would know that my fields were connected. As my eyes came open, I saw a large lizard, silhouetted by the light of the streetlamp outside the house, run across the window - a symbol of my victory.

And they have never come again.

But, of course, this mode of discipline was only effective AFTER I extricated myself from the "energy portal" of my ex-husband, a fervent born-again Christian, as described in "Amazing Grace."

The Wave series includes a historical analysis of the deception perpetrated upon mankind and, proposes ideas as to how to literally "change our universe" to another probable reality. It isn't easy, but it can be done.


We believe that this is the purpose of our contact with the Cassiopaens - to strengthen, inform, educate and assist us with the gaining of the knowledge that will set us free!


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