01 August 2017

photo: Pixabay
Who or what is
mutilating animals the world over?
files show the US Federal Bureau of Investigation
has investigated thousands of instances of cattle
disfigurement across the American Midwest since the
1970s, to no avail.
A leading
expert in the field isn't sure either – but he has
told Sputnik the explanation certainly isn't
While skeptics will surely opt to blame the international wave of
brutalized bovines on natural disasters, sadistic pranks or
similarly sick, wanton hijinks, proponents of conspiratorial and/or
otherworldly explanations for the disturbing acts are quick to point
out the attacks are often carried out with surgical precision.
Farmers worldwide, most notably and recurrently in US states such as,
South Dakota
...have for decades had the
unpleasant experience of discovering their treasured, lucrative
beasts dead with various organs - including eyes, noses, tongues,
hearts, livers, anuses, and genitalia - excised with laser-like

© Photo: Ufonut.com
Sightings of attacks on cattle
Moreover, the
documents make clear even the US' best investigative minds were
seemingly stumped at the ultimate source of all the carnage.
In many cases residents reported seeing crafts - whether thoroughly
terrestrial helicopters, or UFOs - circling areas where cattle later
turned up sliced up.
Such phenomena prompted concerns among researchers that the
mutilations were being carried out and covered up by the government
for some nefarious purpose or other - although as the wave of
mutilations occurred concurrently with a worldwide obsession with
flying saucers, some believe the mutilations' origins to be
Linda Moulton Howe, founder of EarthFiles.com, states the
same pattern of "bloodless excision"
has been documented in all
kinds of domestic and wild animals.
Typically, the sky-facing
ear is removed in a neat circle at the skull, the eyeball is removed
without any blood or fluid leakage, and often there is a circle of
hide taken around that eye.
Tongues are removed from
deep inside the throat, and sky-facing jaw flesh is cleanly excised,
usually in a "keyhole" pattern.
"Genitals, male and
female, are removed in neat, hide-deep circular, oval or square
excisions. In almost all cases the rectum is excised about 6
inches wide and 6 or more inches deep into the body of the
If female, the
vaginal opening and tract are usually also removed in a larger
single hole along with the rectal tissue."
"I interviewed a
Sheriff in Logan County, Colorado, who told me a veterinarian he
had perform a necropsy on a fresh cow mutilation at the pasture
site discovered that the entire cow's heart had been removed
from inside the pericardium and the chest, without any excision
in the pericardium that surrounded the heart and no excision in
the cow's chest," Ms. Moulton Howe told Sputnik.
To achieve such a feat
would require molecular-specific surgical devices capable of going
through skin, cartilage, muscle, bone an organs to remove tissue
from a specific organ without causing any cutting damage to the rest
of the body - an impossibility on Earth, although a hypothesized
innovation in the distant future.
In all, there are over
10,000 documented instances of animals being bewilderingly mutilated
in the US alone since 1955 - and in every case that has been
investigated by law enforcement, no human or predator has ever been
found to be the culprit.
The phenomenon constitutes the largest single animal cruelty trend
not merely in the US, but the world - and each case costs ranchers
thousands of dollars.
Graphic content, viewer discretion advised
Chuck Zukowski, curator of
UfoNut.com, has been investigating these
mystifying occurrences for decades.
He says each case fits a common pattern - an animal is lifted from
location A to a location B, where it's drained of blood and unusual
cuts are created.
Then, the animal is placed in location C, which lies within the
general area of location A.
"No sign of predator takedown, no sign of masses amount of bleeding
out, and no signs of animal struggle, none! The animal is just
placed back, and in some cases, a round ground depression is created
while placing the animal back.
Mutilations have been going on for
centuries. Native Americans also have stories of mutilated animals
that occurred before the Europeans migrated to North America," Mr. Zukowski told Sputnik.
He adds that mutilations typically occur multiple times within a
week, either in the same area or in different states:
"we had one in
Colorado, and within three days there was another in Missouri".
And in some of his investigations, the animal was found lying in a
crop-circle-like ground depression.
Soil analysis he has conducted has shown the soil within the
animal's vicinity is less water-soluble than outside the circle,
meaning whatever caused the circle altered the nutrients in the soil
- the exact same result has been recorded in different cases in
separate US states (Colorado, Missouri, and Georgia), which don't
share the same types of soil.
He believes the lack of gallons of blood near the animal, no
apparent signs of animal struggle and the highly specific nature of
the mutilations (for instance, precise cuts on the hide, and tongues
cut out at the base) suggest the animals can only have been
kidnapped and maimed by an intelligent agency - and the crushed rib
cages and broken limbs often evidenced point to them having fallen
some way to their final resting place.
Yet more eerily, in some
cases he has reviewed, scavengers won't even touch the carcass.
As for what is mutilating these ill-fated creatures, Mr. Zukowski
won't speculate, but he says the evidence strongly points to a
non-human rather than human source.
In the majority of cases he has investigated, witnesses have seen
"balls of light" near the land from which animals have been
abducted, and in some cases apparent spacecraft.
He also believes the unmarked helicopters seen at some sites are
indicative that the US government is running its own investigations
into the happenings.
As for whether there could be a mundane explanation, Mr. Zukowski is
"absolutely not!"
"We're talking about something that was alive just hours before,
with no symptoms of being ill, then later found with horrific
Who is doing this? I have my thoughts, which makes these
investigations extremely dangerous, because you don't want to be in
the right place at the wrong time - it could happen to you.
have been some human mutilation cases too!" he adds.
This bloodcurdling singularity is not exclusive to the US.
Mr. Zukowski not infrequently receives emails from investigators
based in other countries asking for help, including,
Dominican Republic
the UK
He notes some UK mutilations have made it in to the mainstream
media, including,
mutilated lambs in Beddgelert, Gwynedd
rams in Plwmp, Dyfed
mutilated deer, foxes and badgers near Shropshire and mid-Wales
Furthermore, every June, ewes go missing
in Bleddfa, Powys.
Nick Pope, who investigated UFOs and other mysterious phenomena for
the UK Ministry of Defense between 1991-1994, says it's difficult to
judge the true extent of the phenomenon, as the insurance industry
has a policy not issuing payments to farmers if they suggested their
slain animals had been killed in a mysterious, unknown way.
As a result, farmers and veterinary physicians generally "colluded"
to describe any mysterious animal deaths as being the result of dog
This made it difficult for him to investigate cases
"The cattle mutilation mystery is extremely disturbing, and there
are many different theories, including predator activity, satanists,
secret military experiments, and extraterrestrial activity.
theory about military involvement makes no sense, because government
scientists already have a facility where animal testing is carried
out, so they would have had no need to conduct additional, illegal
However, I was not able to find a definitive explanation
during my government work," Mr. Pope told Sputnik.