by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Seattle Exopolitics
November 15, 2011
Examiner Website
Spanish version
Archons are
hidden negative controllers of humankind, inorganic interdimensional entities that must now be exposed and exorcised
from the individual human mind, from our human species, and from the
planet as a whole as part of our collective evolution to a new state
of consciousness and being.
This is the vital message that author Robert M. Stanley and Earth
advocate/global alchemist Laura Magdalene Eisenhower bring us in a
Nov. 14, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre.
ExopoliticsTV interview on "Archons" with Robert Stanley and
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower:
What are
In their ExopoliticsTV interviews Laura Eisenhower and Robert
Stanley discuss Ancient Gnostic texts from Egypt,
“called the
Nag Hammadi, describing two types of demonic alien beings that invaded
earth long ago which they call the Archons. The first type of Archon
looks like a reptile. The other type looks like a human embryo...
which has the same shape and appearance as the 'sky fish' photos.”
Robert Stanley, author of Covert Encounters over Washington DC, has
release a public statement about archons stating,
“It is time to
expose the covert controllers of mankind. I assure you this is not
speculation, a hoax, or the figment of peoples’ imagination. These
parasitic creatures are real and they need to be dealt with
immediately so mankind can evolve to the next level of existence.
“Although these parasites are not human, they feed off the negative
energy/emotions of humans. It is unclear when these cosmic,
amoeba-like creatures first came to earth, but we know they were
discovered by shamans in altered states of consciousness long ago
and have recently been photographed.
The reason everyone is not
seeing them on a daily basis is because the creature's energy
signature is beyond our normal, narrow range of vision within the
electromagnetic spectrum. What scientist call "visible light."
The scientific
approach to archons
Mr. Stanley maintains that humanity must now take a scientific
approach to identifying archons and exterminating them in the human
dimensional ecology. Mr. Stanley has released a series of
photographs of archons that can be seen in the Slide show in this
Archons are intrapsychic mind-parasites
In discussing archness, author
John Lash
"Although archons do exist physically, the real
danger they pose to humanity is not invasion of the planet but
invasion of the mind.
"The archons are intrapsychic mind-parasites who access human
consciousness through telepathy and simulation. They infect our
imagination and use the power of make-believe for deception and
Their pleasure is in deceit for its own sake, without a
particular aim or purpose. They are robotic in nature, incapable of
independent thought or choice, and have no particular agenda, except
to live vicariously through human beings. They are bizarrely able to
pretend an effect on humans, which they do not really have.
"For instance, they cannot access human genetics, but they can
pretend to do so, in such a way that humans fall for the pretended
act, as if staged events were taken for real. In this respect,
archons are the ultimate hoaxers. This is the essence of "archontic
intrusion," as I call it. The trick is, if humanity falls under the
illusion of superhuman power, it becomes as good as real, a
self-fulfilling delusion.
"In the cosmic perspective, the archons present a dynamic aspect of
the evolutionary scenario of humankind, through which human
potential is tested. The Gnostic view of their role closely matches
the "flyers" in The Active Side of Infinity, the last book of
Carlos Castaneda, who says that the flyers are "the means by which the
universe tests us."
There are numerous close parallels between
Castaneda and Gnostic teachings.
"This profile of the archons is not speculative. It follows what can
be gathered from the Gnostic writings. For instance, NHC texts
describe how the archons attempted to rape Eve - clearly a
mythological rendition of genetic intervention. Such passages appear
to support the claims of alien interbreeding so widely discussed
today. But in the Gnostic account, the alien intruders did not
succeed in this act of cross-species intervention: they tried but
"The notion that archons present a test to humanity
- explicitly
stated by Castaneda if one accepts the archon/flyers correlation - can
also be traced in some NHC writings, especially The Apochryon of
John. That text suggests that the Aeon Sophia, the cosmic
intelligence of the earth, engages the archon species and uses their
deviant and deceptive influence for such a purpose.
The account of
how the overlord of the authorities "committed adultery with Wisdom
(Sophia)" and binds humanity to "a chain of blind compulsion
is baffling, to say the least (NHC II, 1:28.16).
"To sort out and clarify what the Sophianic narrative may have to
say about the test of the archons is a great challenge to our
understanding of the Gnostic message and how it can benefit humanity
Television is
an example of Archonic imitation
Author Jay Weidner
"Yes, according to the texts, [archons]
can get into people and can manipulate people to do things very
suddenly that are very odd.
But also they are actually responsible
for the deterioration of culture, so unlike the culture of the
ancient Greeks or Chinese but a cheap façade of a culture. As the Archonic presence has spread across the earth and has escalated in
the 20th century, you can see that they are responsible for sprawl
and the mass ugliness that is everywhere.
“Television is an example of Archonic imitation.
Mr. Weidner concludes,
“Humans are imitated on television but the
imitation is altered and is nearly always obscene and profane
because the Archons not only do not understand the sacred but they
hate it. They are jealous of the natural world and of human beings
with the natural world.
Also of sexual relationships: loving couples
make them angry and they love violence and are sexually titillated
by anger and war and death. They create war to consume energy from
the dying.”
Archons - A
parasite of a different order
Exploring archons in his new book, Wetiko - The Greatest Epidemic
Sickness Known to Humanity, psychologist Paul Levy
people are infected by the
wetiko virus, Forbes writes, they are
“the host for the wetiko parasites.” The wetiko germ is a psychic
tapeworm, a parasite of the mind.
Just like certain computer viruses
or malware infect and program a computer to self-destruct,
mind-viruses like wetiko can program the human bio-computer to
think, believe and behave in ways that result in our
self-destruction. Wetiko is a virulent, psychic pathogen that
insinuates thought-forms into our mind which, when unconsciously
en-acted, feed it, and ultimately kills its host (us).
It doesn’t
want to kill us too quickly however, for to successfully implement
its agenda of reproducing and propagating itself throughout the
field, it must let the host live long enough to spread the virus.
the host dies too soon, the bug would be prematurely evicted and
would suffer the inconvenience of having to find a new residence.
Mr. Levy continues,
"Like a cancer of the mind that metastasizes, in wetiko disease, a pathological part of the psyche co-opts and
subsumes all of the healthy parts of the psyche into itself so as to
serve its pathology.
To quote Jung,
“an unknown ‘something’ has
taken possession of a smaller or greater portion of the psyche and
asserts its hateful and harmful existence undeterred by all our
insight, reason, and energy, thereby proclaiming the power of the
unconscious over the conscious mind, the sovereign power of
The personality then self-organizes an outer display of
coherence around this pathogenic core, which ‘masks’ the inner
dysfunction, making it hard to recognize.
In a psychic coup d’etat,
the wetiko bug can usurp and displace the person, who becomes its
puppet and marionette. Like a parasite, the wetiko virus can take
over the will of an animal more evolved than itself, enlisting that
creature into serving its nefarious agenda.
Once the parasite
becomes sufficiently entrenched within the psyche, the prime
directive coordinating a person’s behavior comes from the disease,
as it is now the one calling the shots. Just as someone infected
with the rabies virus will resist drinking water, which would flush
out the infection, someone taken over by the wetiko parasite will
have nothing to do with anything that will help them get rid of the
Wetikos are phobic towards the light of truth, which they
avoid like the plague. In advanced stages, this process takes over
the person so completely that we could rightfully say the person is
no longer there; they are just an empty shell carrying the disease.
In a sense there is just the disease, operating through what appears
to be a human being.
The person becomes fully identified with their
mask, their persona, but it is as if there is no one behind the
Author John
Lash proposes a three-level definition of archons
"Level One - Cosmological
"In Gnostic cosmology,
Archons are a species of inorganic beings that emerged in
the solar system prior to the formation of the earth.
are cyborgs inhabiting the planetary system (exclusive of
the earth, sun and moon), which is described as a virtual
world (stereoma) they construct by imitating the geometric
forms emanated from the Pleroma, the realm of the
Generators, the Cosmic Gods.
"The Archons are a genuine species with their own proper
habitat, and may even be considered to be god-like, but they
lack intentionality (ennoia: self-directive capacity), and
they have a nasty tendency to stray from their boundaries
and intrude on the human realm. Archons are said to feel
intense envy toward humanity because we possess the
intentionality they lack
"The Gaia Mythos describes how the Archons were produced by
fractal impact in the dense elementary field arrays (dema)
of the galactic limbs, when the Aeon Sophia plunged
unilaterally from the galactic core.
"Level Two -
"In Gnostic psychology, the noetic science of the Mystery
Schools, Archons are an alien force that intrudes
subliminally upon the human mind and deviates our
intelligence away from its proper and sane applications.
They are not what makes us act inhumanely, for we all have
the potential to go against our innate humanity, violating
the truth in our hearts, but they make us play out inhumane
behavior to weird and violent extremes.
"Left to our own devices, we would sometimes act inhumanely
and then correct it, contain the aberration. Obviously, we
do not always do so. In the exaggeration of our insane and
inhumane tendencies, and in extreme, uncorrected deviance
from our innate intelligence, Gnostics saw the signature of
an alien species that
piggy-backs on the worst human
"Hence, Archons are psycho-spiritual parasites.
"Yet as offspring of the Aeon Sophia, archons are also our
cosmic kin.
Gk: "emanation, divine power, cosmic time cycle."
Pronounced A-ON: Adjective, Aeonic. E.g., "Reefs of Aeonic
dreaming." (Gaia Mythos)
"This essential term in Gnostic cosmology might be useful in
getting away from the awkward terms God and gods. An Aeon is
a god understood, not in theological terms, but in terms of
the physics of consciousness.
"Aeons are not entities but processes that may best be
conceptualized as immense currents, but currents that are
alive, self-aware, sensuous. The Goddess Sophia who becomes
embodied as Gaia is an Aeon, hence the Aeon Sophia.
"Aeons are gendered. In some Gnostic scenarios the male
counterpart to the female Aeon Sophia is the Aeon Christos.
"As inorganic entities of two types, embryonic and
reptilian, Archons can at moments penetrate the terrestrial
atmosphere and terrorize humans, although there is no reason
or order to these forays, for the aliens cannot remain for
very long in the biosphere and, anyway, they have no master
plan to accomplish here.
"The ontological status of the Archons is dual: They exist
as an alien species independent of humankind. They exist as
a presence in our minds, rather like a set of programs
operating in our mental environment. The risk they pose by
invading our mental software is far greater than any
physical risk they might pose by erratically breaching the
"Working through telepathy and suggestion, the Archons
attempt to deviate us from our proper course of evolution.
Their most successful technique is to use religious ideology
to insinuate their way of thinking and, in effect,
substitute their mind-set for ours.
"According to the Gnostics, Judeo-Christian salvationism is
the primary ploy of the Archons, an alien implant.
"Our capacity to discern alien forces working in our minds
is crucial to survival and co-evolution with Gaia who, as
Sophia, accidentally produced the Archons in the first
place. (This comment belongs to Level One, the cosmological
definition, but as so often happens with Gnostic teachings,
noetic and cosmic elements tend to merge.)
"By recognizing and repelling the Archons, we claim our
power, define our boundaries in the cosmic framework, and
establish our purpose relative to Gaia, the indwelling
intelligence of the planet.
"Level three - Sociological
"In the Gnostic view of human society, the Archons are alien
forces that act through authoritarian systems, including
belief-systems, in ways that cause human beings to turn
against their innate potential and violate the symbiosis of
"LIVE spelled backwards is EVIL, but the Archons are not
evil in the sense that they possess autonomous powers of
destruction, able to be applied directly upon humanity.
"They are agents of error rather than evil - but human
error, when it goes uncorrected and runs beyond the scale of
correction, turns into evil and works against the universal
plan of life. Gnostics taught that the Archons exploit our
tendency to let our mistakes go uncorrected.
"Because the Archons need human complicity to gain power
over humankind, any one who assists them can be considered a
kind of Archon, an accessory. How do humans assist the
"One way (suggested in the Level Two definition) is by
accepting the mental programs of the Archons - that is,
adopting the alien intelligence as if it were human-based -
and implementing those programs by actually enforcing them
in society. Another way is by actively or passively
conforming to the agendas so proposed and imposed.
"Jacques Lacarriere suggests that Gnostics detected the
humanized face of the Archons in all authoritarian
structures and systems that deny authenticity and
self-determination to the individual.
"He argues that Gnostics recognized, "the fundamentally
corrupt character of all human enterprises and institutions:
time, history, powers, states, religions, races, nations..."
Corruption occurs, not because we make errors, but because
the errors we make go uncorrected and extrapolate beyond the
scale of correction. Lacarriere says that Gnostics reached
this conclusion “out of rational observation of the natural
world and human behavior.”
"Ultimately, they asserted the 'contention that all power
- whatever kind it may be - is a source of alienation... All
institutions, laws, religions, churches and powers are
nothing but a sham and a trap, the perpetuation of an
age-old deception.'
This may seem like a dark view
of human affairs, but given the evidence of history (not to
mention current events), it cannot be said to be unfair or
What Is An Archon?
Truth movement
- Modern shamans?
Carlos Castaneda demonstrated,
the shamans and exorcists have had
the role in traditional societies of coping with and counter-acting
the negative effects of archons and “demonic possession” in their
traditional societies.
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower sees
whistleblowers in The Truth Movement as among those that are
carrying out the role of exorcising the archons from modern day
“Our planet Earth (Gaia),“ Ms.
Eisenhower states, “is now engaged in an exorcism of the
archons, and we must participate with her in exorcising our
archons as well.”
Robert M. Stanley
at Coast to Coast AM
Additional Updated Information
December 02, 2011

Robert M. Stanley, was invited to
discuss/expose the Archons on Coast2Coast.
The show last
night can be consider a very important extension of his work with Exopolitics:
Last night's interview with George
Noory was amazing... and I am certain it was arranged by the
good ETs. Because, as you know, only the truth really can
set us free from our covert controllers.
Robert M. Stanley
Related Information: