by Dustin D. Brand
Owner AMO
Albuquerque, NM
AMO Website
We made contact - with aliens that is -
this time they responded.
It all started in 1974, before SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial
Intelligence) was even formed (1984), but at the beginning of the
Arecibo project. At this time, upgrading the Arecibo station in the
US Territory of Puerto Rico was done with the help of Frank Drake
and Carl Sagan.
The Arecibo radio telescope dish to the left is the largest in the
world. The first pulsar in a binary system was discovered in 1974
using Arecibo, leading to important confirmation of Einstein's
theory of general relativity and a Nobel Prize for astronomers
Russell Hulse and Joseph Taylor in 1993.

The most interesting experiment in 1974 with Arecibo however was
it's 3 Terawatt narrowband transmission of a "human template" in the
direction of the M13 globular star cluster which consists of 300,000
stars and is in the constellation of Hercules.
The human template transmission was made originally by Frank Drake
and with great cooperation from Carl Sagan, who's book, later
translated into the movie "Contact" was loosely based.
The name of
Carl Sagan to this date reminds many of "Contact" and it only seems
fitting he was part of the November 16th, 1974
human template
transmission from Arecibo. The journey of the human template message
from Arecibo would take 22,800 light years to reach Messier 13. It
took a tiny fraction of that to receive a reply however.
The human template, originally sent in 1974 by Arecibo is shown to
the right. With the help of
Richard C. Hoagland, in 1971 templates
were added to United States spacecraft, but the human template
transmission in 1974 was sent at the speed of light and in binary
form. The blank space in the image represents a binary 0 and the
solid blocks represent binary 1's.
The Arecibo message included, among other things, the binary
equivalent of the numbers 1-10 showing a "base of 10"
identifying our
math system and a way to decipher the message. Below these numbers
identified the most common atomic numbers in life that we knew at
that time. We transmitted our atomic numbers for Hydrogen, Carbon,
Nitrogen, Oxygen and Phosphorus. We didn't stop there and added the
molecular formulas for our human DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid).

In 1974, we knew the estimated number of nucleotides in our DNA, and
we transmitted those as well and you can also see our "Double Helix"
DNA Strand. We also sent, as the human race, our average height, and
a rough proportional representation of our bodies.
The population of
our planet earth, which in 1974 was estimated as 4.29 Billion Humans
was also transmitted. For the source of the transmission, planet
Earth, Arecibo, we sent our solar system identifying the third planet
from the Sun - Earth - just under our feet. Also with the source was
the Arecibo Telescope, with it's diameter.
Expecting the transmission to take 22,800 Light Years might have
been an exaggeration when, in reality it may reach life much earlier.
In fact, the transmission has now traveled nearly 27 light years
from Earth (156 trillion + miles) - towards M13, and has passed the
distance of the closest star from our Sun which is 4.3 light years
away. It takes only approximately 1 minute to reach Mars traveling
at light speed for perspective, or 1.23 seconds to reach the moon.
Einstein as we all know has been extremely important to Science. The
unexpected correlation between Einstein and Arecibo in 1974 is
evident as a Nobel prize was awarded due to Arecibo discovery of the
Puslar in a "Binary system" and the astronomers helping to prove his
Theory of General Relativity.
It is a basic postulate of the theory
of relativity that the speed of light is constant.
Einstein even intensified all the "time
travel" talk amongst scientists. Coincidence about
connection to the 1974 Arecibo transmission? There is no such thing
as a coincidence. It would take 22,800 light years at the speed of
light to reach M13, yet we have crop formations 1 year apart at
almost 26 years and almost 27, a factored difference of more than
In 1916 Einstein published his expanded
General/Special Theory of Relativity to include gravitation as a
determiner of the curvature of a space-time continuum - time travel.
Many changes in 1974 to the Arecibo transmitter were made, enabling
it to broadcast signals at a power of 20 terawatts. (1 Terawatt = 1
Trillion Watts) or more power than all the power outlets in the
world at the time combined. The human template message marks the
completion of such upgrades and the excitement of the achievement.
The Arecibo Human Template message was transmitted on November 16th,
1974 and consisted of 1,679 pulses of binary code (0's and 1's). The
transmission lasted a little under three minutes (167.9 seconds) and
was completed by modulating the frequency back and forth by about
10Hz (or 10 bits per second).
The Arecibo Human Template was
transmitted on a frequency of 2,388 Mega Hertz which is significant.
Arecibo is capable of the range between 1,000-3,000 MHz. 1,679
digits in the transmission are extremely important because 1679 is
the result of 2 prime numbers, 23 and 73 or 23*73. Since math is
about as universal of a language as we can determine, the binary
code was separated into a matrix of 23x73 columns or squares
creating the "template" or "grid".
In order to create measurement, the 2,388 MHz the message was
transmitted on needed to be calculated into a unit wavelength. Since
1,000 Megahertz has a unit wavelength of 300 mm, or 12 inches, 2,388
Megahertz has a unit wavelength of 12.6 centimeters. The higher the
frequency, the smaller apart the wavelength and thus the smaller the
unit wavelength. This measurement was used to accurately describe
the height of the human (14 binary * 12.6) = 5' 9.5", and the
diameter of Arecibo = 1004.52'.
I have seen many interpretations and reproductions of the original
Arecibo Human Template Message sent in 1974 on ArtBell.com,
earthfiles.com, and even parts of SETI - these are False in their
indication of the human DNA nucleotides binary number and their
actual binary conversion values. Frank Drake, and NASA both provided
me with the actual human template transmission, and as indicated in
my grid creation above, this is a correct reproduction of the
original message sent from Arecibo. The proper binary conversions I
have done with my background in Computer Science as a Software
Interestingly enough, the original 1974 Arecibo message was again
sent towards the cosmos 3 more times about 60 light years distant by
Encounter 2001. This was part of the Cosmic Call project and was
lead by the commercially based company in Houston, Texas. The
original Arecibo 1974 message was sent again twice on June 30 - and
once on July 1st of 1999.
The targets of the re-transmission of
the Arecibo message were 3 nearby stars (HD 178428, HD 190406, HD
190360) and was transmitted by the 70 meter radio telescope at
Evpatoriya, in the Ukraine. The re-transmission however were not on
the Original 2388MHz which was part of decoding the original
Transmission. Encounter 2001 purchased the use of the time at the Evpatoriya Deep Space Center (EDSC) radio telescope for $35,000.
The Evpatoriya, Ukraine telescope is
actually much closer in proportion to the Chilbolton Telescope, and
also closer to Chilbolton than Puerto Rico/Arecibo. We received our
Arecibo reply in Chilbolton at the Radio Telescope in the wheat
During my extensive research into understanding this alien contact,
time kept jumping out at me. Time was extremely important to
deciphering the Arecibo crop formation responses.
Einstein taught us well with his now proven Theory of Relativity.
England Evening of August 13, 2001, and evening of August 18 or 19th
The transmission was received in the form of 2 crop glyphs next to
the Chilbolton Radio Telescope run by the British Government in
England. I'll refer to the Alien "Glyph" as the Alien Template
because of it's proportional match to the original Arecibo
Transmission and it's "stamp" in the wheat field indicating a bevel
around the edges.
In the lower left you see the "Alien Template",
and to the upper right you see the face.

Thanks to Steve Alexander of Crop Circle Connector for the wonderful
and original aerial photographs and his permission to use his photos
Going back in time exactly one year - remember no coincidence
exists, we find another message next to the Chilbolton Telescope,
and in the same spot as the current alien template.

Remember how I mentioned time kept jumping up on me? The current
2001 "Alien Template" contains the year 2000 crop formation to the
left as the form of communication in the template comparison below
in the exact same position in the template as the Arecibo telescope
appeared in the original Arecibo transmission..
Notice the original 1974 Arecibo human template, along with the
August 13/14 2001 Alien Template and Face messages, as well as the
previous August 13/14, 2000 Chilbolton, England - all side by side.
The similarities are striking. The
information contained within these messages is exciting. Let me
focus for the skeptics.
Let there be no confusion that these "crop formations", glyphs, or
templates are indeed created by Aliens - Extraterrestrial Life. I
will go on to offer compelling proof to this degree, but to begin
lets focus on the timing.
Humans can indeed make crop circles, and there is no denying this.

What humans currently can't demonstrate the ability to do are the
Modify the chemical/molecular
structure of the crops like those consistent with what we'll
call "authentic crop formation phenomena".
Leave no human evidence in the
crop; IE: not breaking it and leaving footsteps, paths, etc.
Create massive and complex crop
circles/formations in seconds or minutes as has been
evidenced by eyewitness accounts and video recordings.
Crop "Circle" makers, most well known
for their commercialism of making them, have even come forward and
responded in awe of these recent formations. Ask the "Crop Circle
Makers" if THEY think all crop formations are human made, and then
ask them why THEY make them. Skeptics, prepare to be surprised.
Lets deal with facts regarding the Chilbolton formations. An
observer must remain open to discovery or shall not discover
Timing. The August 13/14 of 2000 Chilbolton formation appears as the
"Alien Communication Device" 1 year later in the "Alien Template".

The face. Have you ever heard of the "Face on Mars"?
Richard C.
Hoagland is the man behind driving the "Face on Mars" into common
knowledge - we owe him this.
Richard had a Blur done on the face
which appeared next to the "Alien Template" on the same wheat field.
I also did a blur, but of higher quality.
The face jumps out at you because of it's complexity and design to
be viewed from above, like all crop formations. This face glyph has
a twist however as the wheat is swirled and "stitched" together in
order to make dot pitch. This same technology is used in newspapers,
and all 2D images including photographs.
The Face according to workers at the Chilbolton Telescope appeared
on the night of August 13 and was noticed the next day, alone in the
field. The following week, Chilbolton workers returned and noticed
the Alien Template also in the same wheat field. The Alien template
was reported however on Sunday August 19th, that is we now estimate
it too appeared in the evening, but on the night of August 18th,
On August 13th and 18th, 2001 a transmission took place, and on the
14th and 19th of August 2001 the transmissions were received with
great awe. Oddly enough, exactly 1 year to the day, in the received
messages current place was another message, or crop formation.
I have spent the last few weeks researching these formations long
and hard. I have reached a single conclusion, we have indeed been
sent messages by alien or extraterrestrial life.
I created the "Alien Template" to the left from scratch, and placed
the pieces into the puzzle so to say. After doing this, many facts
are evident. The actual binary code of the alien template message is
also side by side the alien template image.
"Arecibo Alien
Template - Chilbolton Telescope, August 18/19 2001"
Consistent placement of
binary code on the 23/73 template grid.
Center of "alien" head is identical to human template
following # of DNA Nucleotides / Base-Pairs Marker grid-point.
Non impacting change of visual "right DNA helix" lessened
two "1" binary codes in order to fit alien head within 23/73
scope and be consistent.
Alien Height bars move 1 grid to the right, and 1 grid up,
again in order to fit alien head into grid and be consistent
in crucial data. Top of alien head moves 1 grid up compared
to human head.
Alien Height binary code = decimal 8 and is consistently
placed in grid 23, just like the human template. Visual
Height bars remain the same size and are simply moved 1 grid
up and 1 grid right. This leaves 1 extra row below for alien
communication device which is a visual match to the August
13/14, 2000 Chilbolton message - "they" made room for this
and didn't impact the data by slightly rearranging certain
grid rows and columns but remaining consistent with the
essential binary data.
Alien feet consistently match bottom of height bars which is
an identical grid placement as the human template.
Another grid row is gained for the Alien Communication
device by making the planets slightly smaller, and still
remaining consistent in the visual/size representation. We
are told here to focus on Earth, Mars (under their feet,
direct connection to Mars here), and the moons of Jupiter
(also known as the Galilean Satellites - Io, Europa,
Ganymede, and Callisto) .
It's 2001, and I want to hear what
Arthur C. Clarke thinks of this data, after all he wrote
2001 and 2010 "Space Odyssey" which focuses on - the Io moon
of Jupiter. The alien Sun grid point is moved 1 grid point
right and is consistent with the same x grid as the alien
height bars, identical to how the Sun lines up with the
human height bars in the Original Arecibo Template.
There are now +2 rows for the Alien Communication device
while still remaining consistent with the essential data.
Planet 4 (Mars) from the Sun is also consistently placed 1
grid down from the center of the Alien Body, like Earth was
in the human template.
Alien Communication Device width binary value is
consistently placed in the center of device, that is the
alien communication device width or diameter fits in the
center while the binary marker end point is moved 2 grid
points left making it only 1 grid point larger than the
original Arecibo Human Template. This binary marker grid
endpoint change allows for a larger binary value for the
width of the Alien Communication Device compared to the
Arecibo Telescope.
I have shown these binary endpoints in
red below in a side by side template comparison.
Alien Communication Device.
365 days prior to the Chilbolton August 13/14 2001 face
message, the alien communication device appeared in the
exact same location as the August 18/19 alien template. The
Aug 13/14 2000 Chilbolton message was placed in the "Arecibo"
area on the alien template. Great care was made to be
consistent with the essential data, and to fit the alien
communication device into the 23/73 grid without eliminating
any essential data.
"They" made sure they could
appropriately fit and communicate their "communication
device" message in it's proper place without nullifying any
essential data. The alien communication device width has
been expanded by 1 binary grid left expanding the region of
the binary->decimal digit accommodating a larger number
demonstrating their device is much - much larger in relation
to Arecibo (Twice the size of the Arecibo Telescope).
In example: The original Arecibo message left space for 12
binary numbers in the Arecibo width according to our
placement of the "marker" block (red endpoint). This made
the total possible size of Arecibo 4095 from all 1's
converted to decimal and then on to our meters and feet.
The Alien Communication device is larger and thus the
"marker" block was moved to the left 1 binary block. This
leaves a possible total binary->decimal # of 16383. The
actual alien communication device width is binary->decimal
6748 proving it needed the extra binary space to accommodate
the width.
The right and left arrow visual block markers have also been
moved to the far right and far left of the grid at grid
positions 1/73 and 23/73, also in order to "point" out "we"
did this for a reason. These Binary Alien Communication
Device Width/Diameter placements place the data in the exact
center points of the 23/73 grid.
This also shows consistency
without altering essential data.
The Einstein connection.
I want to introduce how Einstein is connected to this
message. In 1974 Arecibo found a pulsar in a Binary system
and this further helped to
Einstein's 1916 Theory of
Relativity. 2 astronomers won a Nobel prize in 1993
regarding this. Einstein's theory of relativity of course
involved the postulate of the speed of light remaining
Einstein's theory also
involved/introduced what Einstein called space-time. The
Alien Communication device appearing in the same place about
365 earth days prior, and the effort shown to keep the
August 18/19 2001 "alien template glyph" consistent to the
one sent from Arecibo while fitting this Alien Communication
device where Arecibo was demonstrates a further message.
Studying the 22,800 light years
needed to reach M13 while remaining focused on when the
response message was actually received here brings more data
to the forefront. Again, in August of 2000 at Chilbolton,
the alien communication device was received in detail.
This equals roughly 25.75 light years on August 13/14, 2000
for the Arecibo message towards Messier 13. During my
research on M13, I uncovered some interesting facts, and a
Messier 13 is currently listed on
as 22,800 Light Years. 50,000, 26,000, and 25,000 have been reported
elsewhere, and this would indicate 2 things. The Hubble Space
Telescope and other advances in technology have produced better
results in measuring the distance of M13, or, M13 is in fact getting
closer to our Solar System.
Now at the time of the August 18/19 2001 Chilbolton message, the
original Arecibo message would be 26.75 light years traveled from
earth, but one can logically calculate that since the 25.75 light
year "alien communication" device is included in the message, the
message was received at least by 25+- Light Years from earth, and
given light speed, 12.875 Light Years if you compensate the
round-trip time.
If the exact distance of Messier 13 is
changing each year, and indeed getting closer to us, then this time
fact jumps out even more and becomes even more prevalent. Whatever
the case, Messier 13 isn't located in Space where we sent the
message - but because of it's light year width, the Arecibo message
would reach a part Messier 13. The connection here is the curvature
of space-time and it is quite evident.
We also know that the original Arecibo message from 1974 was
retransmitted from a Telescope Similar to Chilbolton in Evaptoriya,
Ukraine. This retransmission of the original Arecibo message was
made on June 30-July 1st, 1999, and wasn't sent towards Messier 13,
but 3 close stars to Earth. This is also close to the 1 year mark of
August 13, 2000 which is when the "Alien Communication Device"
appeared in the wheat field next to the Chilbolton Telescope.
Whatever the reason, space time just can't stop jumping out at me.
A further Einstein connection is made with Jupiter. Jupiter is the
5th planet in our solar system, and something the aliens have
deliberately drawn our attention to by way of it's Galilean
Satellites. The connection deals with the rotation speed of
Jupiter's magnetic field, in which the particles are moving at near
relativistic speeds.
While this isn't like a pulsar or a
neutron star, other similarities are evident. Both pulsars and
Jupiter have tilted dipole magnetic fields. The near relativistic
speed of particles around Jupiter's magnetic field are directly
linked to Jupiter's synchrotron radiation. Yet another interesting
Einstein Relativity "space-time" link to the Alien Template at the
Chilbolton Radio Telescope.
Interesting Fact: Pioneer 11 swung past Jupiter on December 4, 1974,
shortly after the November 16, 1974 Original Arecibo Transmission.
Both Pioneer 10 and
11 had Human Templates so to say on board.

Just above you can see a Binary → Decimal conversion algorithm I
programmed. You may use this to follow my math below.
In the image to the left I have colored the "marker" blocks red for
both the original Arecibo transmission (right) and the Alien
Template left. The green blocks indicate other markers used to
specify the other grid areas of data. The green marker blocks are
used to indicate reading the binary from top to bottom and then
right to left of green marker.
The red marker blocks dictate in what
direction the binary data conversion goes.
Arecibo 23/73 Template Grid red marker endpoint blocks:
The red endpoint grid markers dictate to read the binary data in the
direction of the endpoint. Binary data is read from beginning binary
"1" block towards red end point block. Binary data needs a beginning
and an endpoint. All Binary data begins with a 1 and not a 0.
We'll start simply by comparing the human population grid (to the
left of the human body) to that of the alien population grid. In
both templates, a filled in grid indicates binary 1 and a blank grid
indicates binary 0. Remember we're dealing with x/y or 23/73 for
both grids.
In the Human population grid, we are told to read from left to right
and bottom to top because the grid marker is on the right/top of the
grid data.
Human Population Grid 5/59 - 6/54 (end point = 7/54, starts at
So above we would input (from left to right starting at the
5/59 grid point) 11-111111-110111-111011-111111-110110 We stop
counting binary data when we hit the endpoint 7/59. The binary
number 11111111110111111011111111110110 is converted to decimal
above as 4,292,853,750 or estimated 4.29 Billion in human Population in
1974. This number is accurate with both the US Census and United
Nations Data.
Reading the same human population number incorrectly, that is
ignoring the marker grid block by starting to read from right to
left results in the decimal 1,878,916,095 which is incorrect.
So you
can start to see why grid placement and these binary endpoint
markers are so important to the resulting binary->decimal value.
Alien Population Grid (left) 3/59 - 6/54 (end point = 7/54, starts
at 3/59):
1011-110111-011111-101011-111101-111110 The binary number
1011110111011111101011111101111110 is converted to decimal as
12,742,213,502 or 12.74 Billion in "alien template" population in
Why the Alien Population grid equals what it equals.
Grid location correspondence - x/y 23/73 - Grid location 2 | 59
corresponds to 2 | 56 - Grid location 4 | 56 corresponds to 4 | 59
according to the Aerial and ground photographs of the alien
template. Furthermore, we use the red marker which tells us to start
binary conversion from left to right, bottom to top, and do this the
exact same way as with human population.
In these grid creations I have made using the Aerial and ground
Photographs taken of the Chilbolton Alien Template, we can start to
see very significant changes and signs of intelligence.

Atomic Numbers Grid
The atomic number for Silicon (14) is inserted
in it's correct position in the list of atomic numbers for life,
just before Phosphorus (15). This is an indication of intelligence
and knowledge of the human periodic table.
Molecular DNA Structure
The formulas for the molecular structure
that make up every single DNA strand remain identical to the human
template, with one exception. In Alien DNA, the Phosphate → Deoxyribose
(Sugar) Hydrogen Bond is replaced with a Silicon Oxygen 4
(Tetrahedron) → Deoxyribose (Sugar) Hydrogen Bond.
This is directly
connected to the Aliens inserting Silicon in it's proper place in
the Atomic Numbers Grid. This indicates knowledge of the
Deoxyribonucleic Acid strand, and the basic fundamental properties
of life on earth. The exact formulas for the molecular DNA structure
that form each link in a DNA strand are as follows. Deoxyribose
C5OH7; Adenine C5H4N5; Thymine C5H5N2O2; Phosphate P04 (in Human
DNA) - Silicon Oxygen SiO4 (in Alien DNA); Cytosine C4H4N3O; and
Guanine C5H4N5O.
The molecular structure of the DNA is demonstrated
by the repeating pattern of DeoxyRibose and Phosphate (a Nucleotide)
or Silicon Oxygen 4 on both the right and left hand sides of the
templates. The Molecular DNA Bases each form a NucleoSide with the
Deoxyribose, and then a Base Pair with each adjacent Base.
The Alien
DNA change is evident in the Binary->Decimal conversion of the Alien
DNA Data, which = 4,294,966,110 DNA Sequences or links or base
pairs. This is a + 524,288 from the human DNA number which is
4,294,441,822. The human genome project currently estimates 3.5
Billion Base Pairs or links in human DNA.
This is an interesting
fact because in 1974, and according to Frank Drake and quotes by
Carl Sagan, we sent our human DNA base pairs number indeed as about
4 billion - NOT 3 billion. Again, in the Alien DNA, this number
actually increases from 4.2944 Billion which we sent to 4.2949
The point is, had we wanted or intended to send our DNA
Base Pairs or Nucleotides number as 3.5 Billion, we would have.
Alien Body Grid Area
The alien body equals 3.30 Feet, or 3 Feet 4
inches which is compared to 5.78 feet for the human or 5 feet 9.5
inches. There are significant changes to the alien body visual
representation. We can see the center of Alien Body head is
consistently centered using the DNA Nucleotides Number marker block,
just as in the human template.
However, since the Alien body is
smaller, and the head is bigger, the Alien Height grid blocks are
moved 1 grid point up and 1 grid point right, while the top of the
Alien Head does as well. As we can see, this doesn't effect the
Essential Visual data or the essential binary data and leaves 1
extra grid row for the alien communication device.
The Alien DNA
Helix visual representation to the right is lessened two 1 binary
grid points by the alien head in order to fit the alien head into
the 23/73 constrainments in it's correct position while remaining
consistent with the original Arecibo transmission.
The resulting changes in these new grid placements effectively leave
room for the changes in the Alien Solar System info as well as
adding room for the Alien Communication Device.
These changes do not
effect the essential binary codes as great care was taken to ensure
the binary code changes are consistent with our Arecibo
Alien Solar System Changes
In the Alien Solar System info changes,
the Sun and planets 6 (Saturn) and 7 (Uranus) are visually made
smaller which also leaves 1 extra grid row for the Alien
Communication Device which is much larger and more intricate than
the Arecibo Visual Representation. These obvious and intricate
changes indicate intelligence with care not to nullify essential
binary data.
Jupiter is replaced as a planet alone to represent it's
4 largest moons while the Earth, and Mars are moved 1 grid up, like
we did with Earth in the original Arecibo message. The center of
Jupiter is also consistently matching the center of Earth and Mars
which makes Jupiter really stand out visually and brings it exactly
1 grid below the alien feet and alien population grid.
All of these significant and intricate changes in the visual
representations are just that, visual - they do not impact the
essential binary data. Doing this again indicates intelligence.
Since the Alien Communication Device is much more visually complex
than the Arecibo telescope, more room was needed to fit it in it's
proper consistent place.
More very significant changes are in the 73 grid. According to the
original Arecibo Human Template, the width of the Arecibo could have
been a maximum of 4095 in Binary because of it's marker block and
it's starting grid point. In the Chilbolton Alien Template, 1 extra
grid place is added to accommodate a larger binary number for the
width of the Alien Communication Device.
This change results in a
potential binary value of 16,383. The actual binary data of the
width of the Alien Communication device is 6748 proving one extra
binary grid was required to define it's size. Another significant
visual change is the width arrows for the Alien communication device
are moved to grid points 1/73 and 23/73 effectively pointing out
another intentional change to the Visual grid placements. The final
1/73 and 23/73 grid placements effectively point out deliberate
changes in the visual alien template representations.
Effectively all of these Visual and Binary Grid placement changes
not only point out knowledge of the defined 23/73 primes of 1679,
but intentional modification and manipulation of the defined 23/73
matrix without nullifying or eliminating any essential binary data.
Human and Alien
Molecular DNA Structures
In the image I have created to the right, I have deciphered in full
detail the human and alien DNA molecular structures. The green
marker blocks and the Atomic Numbers provide the way to decode the
binary data values of the molecular formulas for DNA.
In the Alien
DNA pictured at the top, we have the Atomic Number 14 for Silicon
inserted before Atomic Number 15 which is Phosphorus and in the same
column in the Arecibo human template.

In each of the 12 molecular structures, we read from top to bottom
and right to left for each green marker block. In the Alien DNA,
block 1 is Hydrogen, block 2 is Carbon, Block 3 is Nitrogen, Block 4
is Oxygen, Block 5 is Silicon, and Block 6 is Phosphorus. In the
Human DNA, block 5 is Phosphorus.
In alien DNA, Silicon Oxygen 4
SiO4, the Tetrahedron, is the bond between each Deoxyribose Sugar.
This is compared to our Human DNA in which each Dexyribose is bond
to a Phosphate creating the nucleotide.
The important visual representation of the layout of the DNA
molecular structures are that the molecular DNA structures actually
form the building blocks for DNA. The Binary Molecular DNA confirms
this with each Deoxyribose having 3 less Hydrogen Atoms in it's
formula, effectively indicating the bond to each SiO4 in Alien, and
each Phosphate in Humans both above and below as well as the 3rd
hydrogen to the DNA Base making the nucleo Sides in the center.
effectively shows the complete molecular structure by showing their
missing Hydrogen Atoms which actually indicate the Hydrogen Bonds
between each molecule and the molecular structure of DNA. This is
also evident in the DNA Bases in the center which all have a
molecular structure of 1 less Hydrogen Atom showing their Hydrogen
Bonds which form the Base Pairs. In the Human DNA, I have shown this
in the image by indicating the point of the Hydrogen Bonds.
You might want to take this time to scroll back up and view the
Alien Template side by side the Human Template to view the DNA Helix
differences. In the Alien DNA, remember, I discovered the Silicon
Oxygen 4 Tetrahedron in the place of the Phosphate in Human DNA,
which would allow for the sharp angles the DNA strand takes when
twisted on one side, while the other side remains curving like our
DNA does.
Richard C. Hoagland or any geneticist how important
having this SiO4 Tetrahedron is in the Alien DNA. Because the Alien
DNA is shown with left and right points with a curve remaining on
one part of the twist, the tetrahedron is a molecular structure that
can do this.
I can prove that the above Alien Templates binary grid placements in
23/73 are 100% correct - each of the 1679 blocks is located in it's
proper grid point. I can prove this by none other than the original
aerial and ground photographs taken by Steve Alexander, Lucy
Pringle, Charles Mallett, and others by cross verifying each binary
grid placement with it's immediate grid neighbors.
Have I been to Chilbolton on the ground next to the wheat?
No, but others have and
they have taken physical photos (facts) which I used in my research,
and perhaps not being there has been better for my research. I defy
anyone to prove my data false, and I know I have already proven many
many others data false. For my Human Template reproductions, you may
ask Frank Drake yourself if I'm correct (I AM). Frank Drake is an
original sender and constructor of the Arecibo message and can
personally validate my data.
It has been an enormous pleasure to decode this Alien Message, and
I feel a great sense of accomplishment. I only hope that my
contribution to science brings us in fact closer to science and the
understanding of this vast Universe we live in, with neighbors
closer than they may seem possible. It is purely arrogant and in
fact ignorant to believe we are alone here. We are not, and we made
There has been way too much false data on the Alien Template binary
data, and even false Original Arecibo Binary Data floating around. I
left my speculation, quite well supported I might add, to what the
entire message is saying, with factual binary data in hand. I defy
anyone to prove my grid placements incorrect, or any other part of
my scientific interpretation of the Alien Template wrong.
As a Software Engineer, my background is science, math, and
computers. It has been my passion for the last 2.5 weeks to
understand this contact, which I sincerely think I've proven is
indeed contact from extraterrestrials. I only want and desire the
truth, and that is all I want for you the reader as well.