by Peter Tremblay
February 26, 2008
TheCanadian Website

Aert de Gelder's "The Baptism of
Christ," 1710.
This painting shows John the Baptist with Jesus
beneath what appears to be Extraterrestrial spacecraft in the sky
shining rays of light on him.
Vittore Carpaccio's Annunciation

Vittore Carpaccio's "Annunciation," 1504.
Another annunciation.
Notice the ray God shoots from the sky contains a bird (dove?).
Also notice the
bedroom curtain is drawn open.
"In May 1999, Israeli historians researching ancient copies of the
Apocrypha told the newspaper National Midnight Star
that one
translation of the Virgin Mary's conception after a visitation from
described a chilling tale which sounded very similar to the
accounts of people
who had undergone gynecological examinations in
UFO abduction experiences.
When reporters pressed the codex
researchers to comment further on their intriguing claims,
historians were evidently advised by the religious authorities to
withhold further interpretations of the timeworn texts.
taken from "Was Jesus an Extraterrestrial" by Tom Slemen

Carlo Crivelli's Annunciation
Carlo Crivelli's "Annunciation," 1486.
A UFO-like object in the sky
shines a beam of some kind down on Mary's head. Reference: LINK
What is your understanding of God?
Across the spectrum of organized
religions people who acknowledge the existence of God , tend to make
allusions to a God associated with a "Heaven above". This God is
popularly viewed as having made directives as forms of commandments
various doctrines associated with organized religions that humanity
is obey.
"Hell" is then often associated with these organized religions and
is imputed to exist in some kind of "below Underworld". However,
African Elder,
Credo Mutwa, suggests that before the intrusion of
Manipulative Extraterrestrials through organized religion,
earthbound indigenous peoples had appreciated God, as not to be
associated with a "Heaven above", and that has made commandments.
Rather, indigenous people critically appreciated Earth's biosphere
to be the living expression of God.
That is why indigenous peoples from Canada, the United States, and
other parts of the Americas, as well as in Africa, have tended to
seek to live in balance with nature. African Elder Credo Mutwa and
Gnostic accounts documented by John Lash suggest that "Hell" may
have actually descended to Earth "from above", in the sky.
Indigenous peoples tend to view God and Nature to be one, and they
view humanity as having a spiritual and social responsibility to
respect planet Earth.
In contrast, the Christian religion, for
example, that represents what Gnostic scholar Josh Lash refers to as
a "doctrine of the alien" (and other emissaries of Manipulative
Extraterrestrials) sought to manipulate indigenous peoples, and "the
masses" in general, to consider the indigenous knowledge about God
to be "Pagan" or "heathen" (being "without God").
While indigenous knowledge sought to appreciate God as existing
within all living things in the planet, that must be then respected,
emissaries of the "doctrine of the aliens" have sought to create
what Gnostics represented as being an "impostor God".
John Lash cited the Gnostics as documenting the impostor God as "the
face of Manipulative Extraterrestrials" that seek to oppress and to
exploit humanity, through the creation of alien-directed religious
Credo Mutwa told
Rick Martin, a Spectrum Magazine writer, that
Chitauli [Manipulative Extraterrestrials] told human beings that
they have been wrong in believing that God dwelt under the Earth.
“From now on,” the Chitauli told people of this Earth, “the people
of Earth must believe that God is in Heaven, and they must do things
here on Earth which would please this God who is in Heaven.”
African Elder Credo Mutwa then elaborated the following insights to
Mr. Martin:
You see, originally, human beings had believed that God was
underground, that she was a very great mother who dwelt under the
Earth because they saw all the green things growing from under the
Earth-the grass came from below ground, the trees grew from below
ground, and the people had believed, therefore, that the dead people
who died go underground. But when the Chitauli [Manipulative
Extraterrestrials] turned humans’ eyes towards the sky, people
started believing, now, that God is in the sky and that those who
die from this Earth don’t go underground, but go up into the sky.
This testimony coincides with Gnostic warnings of "demons of the
sky" that sought to bring the sort of religion to humanity, that
John Lash documents in his very detailed metahistory.org website, as
being the "doctrine of the aliens".
Credo Mutwa then elaborates that conflicting contemporary African
tribal views of God are the outcome of the infiltrations by
Manipulative Extraterrestrial:
And to this day, sir, throughout Africa wherever you go as an
investigator, you will find this amazing - these two amazing ideas
which conflict with each other.
Many African tribes believe in what is called
Midzimu or Badimo.
Now, the word Midzimu or Badimo means “them who are in the sky”.
But, in Zulu-land, amongst my people, you find this amazing schism
going hand-in-hand. There are Zulus who believe that the dead ones
are the Abapansi, which means “the ones who are below, who are under
the Earth”.
Then there is another idea which says
Abapezulu. The
word Abapezulu means “those who are above”, and the word Abapansi,
which is the oldest name for the spirits of the dead, means “they
who are under the Earth“.
So, even today, sir, all over Africa amongst hundreds of tribes, you
find this strange double-belief that the dead go into the sky, and
side-by-side with the belief that the dead die and go under the
Earth. This belief that the dead die and go under the Earth is said
to date to the days when our people believed that God was a woman,
the great Cosmic Mother. And, it is contrasted by the Abapezulu
belief that God is a man who dwells in the sky.
The patriarchic notions of God, is a further apparent
Extraterrestrial deception that has been the basis of a culture of
sexism, under genocidal male-lead empires that have subverted the
vital role of women, and also the values of femininity that are
associated with social compassion, in the existential equanimity of
Credo Mutwa also reinforces John Lash’s documentation of Gnostic
warnings about Extraterrestrials using religion to control and also
to eventually directly rule humanity on Earth.
African Elder Mutwa further elaborates the following insights in his
interview with Rick Martin:
Now, sir, another thing that the Chitauli [Manipulative
Extraterrestrials] told our people, it is said, is that we human
beings are here on Earth to change the Earth and to make it suitable
for “God" to come down one day and dwell in it. And it is said that
they who work to change this Earth and make it safe for the serpent
god, the Chitauli, to come and dwell in it, will be rewarded with
great power and with great wealth.
Sir, as I have watched over many years of study, over many years of
initiation of the mysteries of African shamanism, wisdom, and
knowledge, I have found myself wondering why we human beings are
actually destroying the Earth on which we live.
We are doing something which is only done by one other species of
animal, namely, the African elephant, which utterly destroys every
tree in the place in which it dwells.
We human beings are doing exactly this. And wherever you go in
Africa, where once there were great ancient civilizations, you find
desert. For example, there is the Kalahari desert in South Africa,
and under the sands of that desert, I have found the ruins of
ancient cities, which means that human beings turned this stretch of
land, which was once green and fertile, into a desert. And, in days
when I was with explorers and safari people in the Sahara regions of
Africa, I also found evidence of unbelievably ancient human
habitation in places where there is nothing now but angry rock and
whispering sand.
In other words, the Sahara Desert was once a fertile country and was
turned into a desert by human beings. Why? I must ask myself, again
and again, why are human beings being driven by insecurity, greed,
and lust of power to turn the Earth into a desert in which,
ultimately, no human being would ever be able to live? Why?
Although we are all aware of the terrible dangers that this will
bring about, why are we cutting huge areas of jungle in Africa? Why
are we on Earth carrying out the instructions which the Chitauli
programmed into us? Although my mind refuses to accept this, the
answer is a terrible yes, yes, yes.
Amongst the many people of wisdom who
honor me with their
friendship, is a man of great knowledge who lives in Israel, Dr.
Sitchin. [Editor’s note: This reference is to Dr.
Zecharia Sitchin,
author of many provocative books about the interaction of
extraterrestrial peoples with Earth humans in very ancient times.]
According to the ancient books which were written by the people of
Sumeria, out of clay, gods came out of the sky and forced human
beings to work for them, to mine gold for them.
This story is confirmed by African legends throughout Africa, that
gods came out of the sky and made us into their slaves, and they
made us into slaves in such a way that we would never realize that
we are slaves.
One other thing that our people say is that the
Chitauli prey upon
us like vultures. They raise some of us, they fill some of us with
great anger and great ambition, and they make these people they’ve
raised into great warriors who make terrible war.
But, in the end, the
Chitauli do not allow these great leaders,
these great war chiefs and kings, to die peacefully. The warrior
chief is used to make as much war as possible, to kill as many of
his people, and those he calls enemies, as possible, and then, in
the end, the warrior chief dies a terrible death, with his blood
being spilled by others.
This is the context of psychopathic rule designed to perpetuate the
dividing and ruling over humanity, in a state of fear and culture of
violence that Dr. Kevin Barrett writes about in the article titled
“Twilight of the Psychopaths”.

Aboriginal peoples have been persecuted,
in part, because of sharing
wisdom associated with
a critical appreciation of the Earth as a
living microcosm and embodiment of God.
People's apparent mis-understanding of God, appears to be
responsible for much of the problems of Earth today.
emissaries of the Manipulative Extraterrestrials, have sought
throughout history to inflict genocide against indigenous peoples in
an apparent attempt to extinguish the critical knowledge that
aboriginal peoples have about God, and also about the extent to
which human quality-of-living would be affirmed, by being guided on
wisdoms from elders that have been orally passed from generation to