Are there extra-terrestrial beings living among us on Earth? Events
surrounding two spectacular Spanish UFO sightings suggest that this
case is a fact.
The UMMO-case is a mystery with plenty of clues along the trail.
Whatever the truth, this is in every way a refreshing change from
the more usual alleged encounters with people from other worlds; as
the Ummites themselves explained:
We have not come to bring you a new doctrine, as prophets descending
from the skies to teach a new physics or mathematics or preach a new
religion, or offering you panaceas for your social or patho-psychological
Apparently, in 1950, inhabitants of the planet Ummo (14 light years
away) landed on Earth. They lived among us for 55 years undetected,
establishing their bases and acclimating themselves to our way of
life. Then, in 1965, they started to make contact. Initially they
compiled a list of 20 carefully selected individuals, most of them
were Spanish. They included a playwright, a police officer, an
employee in the American embassy in Madrid, an engineer, an official
of the Telegraph Office, a lawyer and two of Spain's best-known
UFOLOGISTS, Antonio Ribera and Rafael Farriols.
Many of those on the list were also members of a small Spanish
group, the Society of Friends of Space, including their
founder-president, Fernando Seams. According to the Ummites, those
on this particular list constitute the Madrid group; there are other
groups all over the world.
Early in 1965 the Ummites began to contact the names on their Madrid
list, by letter or telephone, to explain the purpose of their
mission to Earth. One of the few who has openly described what
happened is the engineer Enrique Villagrassa Novoa, who received the
telephone call late at night on 28 November 1966. The speaker
identified himself as an extra-terrestrial being and spoke fluently
and intelligently, though in a voice that was both faintly foreign
and mechanical, for about two hours. He discussed engineering and
obviously had an impressively detailed know-ledge of the subject; he
followed this up by posting on some documents a few days later.
Unfortunately, few of those on the Ummites' list have revealed the
details of how they were contacted. It seems the letters were
usually typewritten on paper that bore a distinctive mark. Nor do
they know how many others the Ummites telephoned, nor whether they
contacted anyone more than once. All we know is that some of those
who had a specialist interest received follow-up documents.
One of the problems that besets this story is that there has been
very little investigation into vital points. For example, no one
seems to have made any detailed, systematic attempt to look into the
ways in which the Ummites contacted the people on their list, nor
why these people should be on the list.
In 1969 the Ummites contacted a prominent UFO researcher, Antonio
Ribera, who had in fact heard about them two years earlier when he
had been introduced to Villagrassa. Rather curiously, he kept the
matter quiet and - as only in 1975, eight years after first hearing
about it and six years after being contacted by the Ummites, that he
spoke out.
The Ummites suggested to Ribera that their planet may orbit the star
we know as Wolf 424 - Apparently, it is difficult for them to be more
precise than this because our astronomical references are
incompatible with theirs.
They claimed that in 1948 they had accidentally picked up a strange
radio signal with a frequency of 413.44 megacycles, which they were
unable to decipher. Eventually, they traced it to a planet known to
them as 'Ooyagaa', or 'cold star of quadrate' (they refer to our Sun
as 'quadrate'). The signal was later identified as having been
transmitted by a Norwegian scientific research vessel. The
transmission took place between 5 and 7 February 1934, and took 14
years to travel to Ummo. Subsequent investigation confirmed the
presence of such a ship, transmitting on this frequency, between
these dates.
The Ummites were surprised at this evidence of intelligent life on
our planet and decided to investigate. Two years later, in March
1950, a lenticular-shaped spaceship landed secretly near the small
town of La Javie in Les masses Alpes, France, in a wild and sparsely
populated region, well-suited to their purposes. The landing went
unobserved, and a party of six - four males and two females - was
left on Earth. They took over a nearby country house, paying its
owners to leave, and excavated an underground hiding place as their
When the story eventually became public knowledge, it is said that
the French authorities carried out an official investigation of the
alleged landing area. Some reports claim that they found evidence of
unusual activity.
During their early years on Earth the Ummites had some difficulty in
adjusting to conditions here. In the spring of 1967 an announcement
was made that an Ummo spaceship would land is a Madrid suburb on 1
June of that year. A number of people living in Madrid were
contacted by letter and telephone, allegedly by Ummites now living
on Earth; the Ummo spaceship, they said, would take some of the
humans back with it to Ummo. At 8.20 p.m. on 1 June the spaceship
duly appeared. marked with a symbol that had appeared on a
thumbprint seal on some of she letters It was photographed by an
anonymous witness and, independently by one Antonio Pardo
Though broadly similar to us physiologically, there were certain
differences - one of the most marked being that their fingers were
so sensitive to light and other forms of radiation that they
initially found it very awkward to use, for example, lift buttons
and electric light switches.
Unfortunately, our information about the Ummites is restricted to
what they have chosen to tell us, so that our knowledge of their
affairs is very patchy. Consequently, all we know about the Ummites'
first 55 years on Earth is that they acquired a great deal of
information about us and established a secure base for themselves.
They certainly were not in any hurry to make themselves known, and
when they did so it was not to any government but to selected
individuals -and even then they did not go out of their way to
provide incontrovertible proof as to their supposed identity.
They explained the reason for their
apparent lack of zeal:
Some of you keep saying that we must give you proof. We continue to
repeat, until you are tired of hearing, that we are not concerned
whether or not you believe us. We can operate much more effectively
in anonymity, and we are not going to be so naive as to introduce
ourselves to you openly simply to satisfy your need for proof.
Their communications were limited to information about themselves
and their planet, their way of life and their culture; all very
informative, but nothing that could be verified. But then, in the
spring of 1967, the Ummites told three of their contacts that on 5
June an Ummite spacecraft would land just outside Madrid, pick some
of them up and take them back to Ummo.
They indicated the
approximate landing site.
UFO shoot
The bizarre announcement appeared in the Spanish newspaper
Informaciones on 20 May 1967, and several members of the Madrid
group went armed with cameras to try to photograph the spacecraft.
And on 5 June, at 8.20 p.m., as predicted, an Ummite spacecraft was
seen by scores of witnesses.
But the evidence that should have proved that the Ummites were who
they claimed to be, simply confused many people when it became known
that there had been a sighting 6 months earlier in the same area,
similar in many ways to the 5 June sighting. Why, they argued, had
not the Ummites announced this sighting beforehand too?
The earlier sighting occurred on 6 February 1966 in the suburb of
Aluche to the south-west of Madrid, between 8 and 9 p.m. An
orange-colored disc-shaped UFO had made a brief landing on a farm
near an airfield. It was seen by a large number of witnesses,
including a group of soldiers, a man named Vincente Ortuno who, from
his sixth-floor apartment, saw it both land and take off, and a
housewife who declared she saw a giant eye looking at her.
The most important witness, though, was a motorist named Jose Luis
Jordan who saw the object from his car. He stopped to get out and
take a better look, then drove onto where he thought it had landed.
As he approached, it rose quickly, but he was able to give a
detailed account of what he saw. The craft was luminous, colored,
and 33 to 39 feet (10 to 12 meters) in diameter, giving out a
steady, muted, vibratory sound. Beneath it were three projections
resembling landing gear, and a curious marking, something like the
letter 'H'
Marks were later found in the area where Jordan had seen the
landing, and a photograph of them appeared in Informaciones.
The predicted UFO was seen in near-daylight conditions, a little
after sunset, in three separate locations in the south-west suburbs
of Madrid. The first sightings were over the open grounds.
Shortly afterwards a Spanish Ufologist named Manus Lleget published a
book which he requested additional information on the San Jose'
sighting. On 26 August received a letter from a man signing him
Antonio Pardo, who described how he his family had been in the area
on 5 June had seen not only the UFO but also a young man taking
photographs of it. Antonio Pardo also had his camera with him and he
too, took photographs of the UFO. Alas, in excitement he forgot to
take off the lens cap when he took the first two pictures.
Nonetheless, he did end up with seven clear pictures - two of which
he sent to Lleget. They were very similar to those taken by the
anonym young man.
On the landing site they found strange tubes (the site of the Madrid
landing of 1 June 1967). The tubes, which were around 5 inches (13, 5
centimeters long, were filled with a liquid that escaped and
evaporated on opening -and also contained two mysterious strips of
green plastic bearing the characteristic Ummo symbol .It is the hope
that this important evidence might be of extra-terrestrial origin.
One of the tubes. together with its plastic strips - was subjected
to laboratory analysis It turned Out that the tube was made of high
purity nickel. while the plastic was polyvinyl fluoride.
THE UMMO AFFAIR is riddled with doubtful aspects. While its
supporters argue that it involves more contact with
extra-terrestrials than any other case before, it appears that the
most contact anyone actually had was just a single telephone call.
However there may have been one exception. Between 1967 and 1975 the
members of the Madrid group received a letter from a man who claimed
to be the Ummites' typist. Apparently, he had advertised for work in
a newspaper and had subsequently been visited by two tall,
fair-haired respectable dressed men. They told him that they were
Danish doctors and asked if he could type out scientific material
for them on a regular basis.
Initially all went well, until the day he read the following
sentence: ------
We come from a celestial body named Ummo which is 14,6
light years from the Earth.
He took this at its face value and
questioned the doctors - eventually they admitted that they were not
Danish doctors at all, but extra-terrestrial visitors.
To prove their identity they produced a tiny sphere just an inch or
so in diameter, which one of them placed in mid-air before the
He looked into it and to his amazement saw a scene that had
taken place in that same office on the preceding day when his wife,
fearing that the Danish doctors might be spies.

4 =magnetic field generator
6 =propulsion equipment
10 =gelatinous mass
11 =floating cabin
12 =magnetic cavity
13 =magnetic field generator
17 =exterior wall
(A diagram of an Ummite spaceship allegedly supplied by the Ummites
The ship which the Ummites call 'Oawoolea Uewa Oemm',
apparently powered by a mixture of bismuth and lithium - which is to say the least,
remarkable for a vessel capable of negotiating the
perils of interstellar space)
Telepathic communication
The most significant physical difference between ourselves and the
Ummites is that, during their puberty, both sexes' vocal cords are
so severely affected that speech becomes impossible. Adults
therefore communicate by telepathy. The group sent to Earth was
selected from the few- exceptional individuals who remain immune to
this impediment.
Other minor differences include the Ummites' sense of smell, which
is so highly developed that they made an art form out of blending
perfumes together so cleverly that we, unfortunately - cannot
appreciate these delightful subtle effects
The Ummites also claim that our understanding of physics is woefully simple; although our physicists are starting to research
into the fourth dimension, this is child's play to the Ummites, who
make practical use of at least 10 dimensions and are aware of many
They also believe that the subatomic particles that our physicists
are continually 'discovering' are illusions. Apparently, these
phenomena result from the different positions of the three axes that
comprise what the Ummites call 'ibozoo uu' - their model of the
fundamental physical particle.
The Ummo scripts contain a wealth of such stimulating ideas - it
certainly sounds impressive enough, but nothing has been
substantiated in science on earth yet - but how long have the
scientific ideas been active here on earth?
Take, for example, their ingenious account of how they are able to
take advantage of certain aspects of space, which we know- nothing
of, using folds and warps in the continuum to reduce enormous
distances to manageable journeys.
According to the Ufologist Antonio Ribera, he has seen blueprints of
number of useful devices provided by members of the Madrid group.
They include a new type of altimeter, a sound recorder with no
moving parts and, most impressive of all, computers based on
titanium crystals that store information at the atomic level. These
devices have enabled the Ummites, while on Earth, to collect and
store information on most aspects of our civilization. Apparently,
this has been dispatched to Ummo.
If the vocabulary of the Ummites is unconvincing - their sentence
construction is totally ludicrous. Take, for example, this sentence
'Do Ummo do do Ummo Ummo do do do - which is supposed to mean 'We
have come from Ummo and we arrived with our vessel in the south of
France.' Clearly, it cannot be translated word for word. So
presumable its meaning is contained in the combination of sounds,
just as the different arrangements of dots and dashes in the Morse
code - or the binary code of a computer encapsulate significant
They used titanium, an immensely tight and strong metal used
extensively on Earth, in structural parts of high-speed airplanes
such as the Anglo-French supersonic Concorde. The Ummites. however,
apparently use titanium, in crystal form, to store information at
the atomic level in their computer-systems
Another interesting thing: a professor in the faculty of medicine at
Madrid University - allegedly received through the post a small cube
that was smooth, black and metallic on all sides but one; the
remaining side had a translucent screen. Accompanying instructions
told him to speak a certain sequence of vowels - upon which the hole
screen lit up - and the professor saw a live specimen of a nerve
Is said that the professor filmed the entire incident - but
his name has been withheld, and the where about of the film is
unknown. See - they who overview "the children of men's" evolution -
don't let too good evidence come out - because man shall learn to
think "the universal logic" in his own mind, independent of what
others say, and in this manner understand himself, as a cosmic
Duality is a theme appearing frequently in the Ummites documents. In
this one UMMO report the information was much more precise.
We read
The atomic structure of the two universes differ in the Sign of
the electrical charge.
In our twin cosmos there does not exist the same number of
galaxies, and those which are in it do not have the same structures.
The two cosmos posses the same mass and the same radius of
curvature corresponding to a hyper-sphere of negative curvature.
The two cosmos were created simultaneously, but their arrows
of time should not be considered as pointing in the same direction.
Our twin cosmos exerts its influence on our own cosmos. It is
the asymmetry of this influence which has shown us that our twin
cosmos has another distribution of galaxies.
The two cosmos were born of a double explosion/implosion.
WAAM and UWAAM are two joined universes that can never be located
because they are not separated by space. They mutually influence
each other.
The galaxies are now moving at an "almost" constant velocity.
It seems logical that if the galaxies are not being moved by a
force field, then they are moving by inertia at a uniform velocity,
taking into account that they come from an initial explosion of the
Our measuring devices are not very precise, otherwise they
would have observed a shift of hands toward the red, which is not a
constant but a non-sinusoidal periodic function of almost
imperceptible average amplitude but nevertheless detectable.
The interference's prevent the galaxies from moving at a
uniform velocity.
For this reason your measurement of the age of the universe is
Our twin universe is ENANTIMORPHOUS.
These twelve statements constitute a sort of puzzle, which has been
studied by the above-mentioned specialists. The information is truly
rich and precise, which cannot be said of the IBOZOO UU. This
specialist has tried to find possible contradictions in these
The first that presented itself was:
"Into what
context can the problem be placed?"
The text alludes specifically to
curvatures, which suggests reverting to the theory of varieties,
that is, to those curved spaces which are the point of departure of
general classical relativity.
This is another astounding confirmation of alleged realities not
yet accepted by Earth Sciences. The first 7 statements above plus number 11 were clearly enunciated, though in slightly different terms,
at least two other space-traveling extraterrestrial races - (and we
have evidence of even more) visiting here at this time.
Both of these other ET groups have likewise maintained extensive
contact and carried on long technical dialogues on and off with
Earth contactees in several different countries on this planet. Both
say they have operational bases on Earth, are entirely human
looking, and move freely in our society. Both have evacuated all of
their people from this planet in times of great danger (the crises
being the same ones for all) and both have resumed contact when the
danger is past (As this is being translated we are in another danger
crisis and all have again evacuated their people.)
The Pleiadians seems to have far more advanced spaceships with, for
example, self-repairing skin or covering on their ships and almost
instant communication over galactic distances. Their methods in
"traveling" is very developed as they change dimension for
"hyperspace-jumps" - traveling at displacements far exceeding that
of light, and normally use many more dimensional frames of reference
than we.
They have marvelous "intelligent" computers that can
process and store information at sub-atomic level. They have 3-D and
more imaging apparatus that can penetrate all things, and can
reproduce image data many forms. They are fully aware of all our
sciences, philosophies histories, and they have difficulty
communicating ideas to us for lack of language concepts on Earth.
They are in touch with, and coordinate, with, another space
traveling society from an opposite "counterpart universe" having a
reversal of dimensions (the DAL universe - as they call it). The
modern phase of this contacts has been going on since 1964 and 1975.
The Koldasians also have marvelous self-repairing spaceships,
instant communication over galactic distances and through the
"universe barrier". They
normally use many more dimensions of reality than we are even aware
of, travel at displacements far exceeding light velocities, have
super-intelligent super-miniaturized computers, and more imaging
apparatus that can penetrate all surfaces and reproduce data in many
They are fully cognizant of our sciences, history, philosophy
and current affairs in our world. They have difficulty communicating
many ideas to us for lack of language. They in touch with other
space-traveling races visiting Earth. They make extensive use of
"magnetic energy" in all universes, and have problems with
communication and traveling when sun-storms occur on Earth. But such
problems were never mentioned as making any difficulty for the Pleiadians from Erra (Semjases home-world) But these ETs from KOLDAS
say they originate in another universe for which we are their
counterpart or "anti-universe". The modern phase of these contacts
has been going on since 1960.
Both of these ET visitors operate as freely under oceans as in air.
Neither have heard of the other (or at least they don't tell it) nor
of the UMMO contacts, nor have the UMMOs mentioned them. One
peculiarity is that all three speak of "intergalactic travel" as
though it were normal.
It is
the Pleiadians who claim being here
longest - they say they are our forefathers, ancestors.
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