by Boyd Rice
October 2004
DragonKeyPress Website
Since the offspring of the Nephilim were said to be giants,
and because virtually every tradition relating to the Flood and the
subsequent arrival of the tutelary gods also has to do with giants,
I have spent several years making note of giant lore, both
mythological and purportedly historical.
I’ve even taken to the road
in an attempt to verify reported discoveries of gigantic skeletons
in parts of the United States and UK (without luck, unfortunately).
Though such discoveries were widely reported in the mainstream press
at the times in which they were made, whatever became of the
skeletons remains a mystery.
Some maintain that the orthodoxy of the
scientific/archeological community has created a conspiracy of
silence around such anomalous finds because they can’t be adequately
explained, and thus constitute some sort of threat to the prevailing
paradigm. Of course, such finds can only be viewed as anomalies if
taken singly. Many such discoveries would constitute the emergence
of a pattern - a pattern possibly indicative of the need to rethink
the prevailing wisdom.
Fortunately, the ancients charged with the transmission of their
people’s history, myth, and folklore felt no need to alter it for
public consumption. They simply retold the stories that had been
passed down to them by their ancestors. And here too, a pattern
emerges, because the creation myths central to so many ancient
cultures contain nearly identical themes concerning a race of
giants. Often the giants were father gods, tutelary deities, or
mythic kings. Often there was a race of giants, frequently said to
be the offspring of intermarriage between gods and mortals.
Repeatedly, such figures are connected with the legend of a global
What follows is a brief overview of some figures or groups
central to giant lore:
The Nephilim: These were the
Sons of God who in Genesis interbred with humans, creating a
race of giants. They were called “The Watchers” in The Book of
The Cainites: This was a race
of giants descended from Cain who lived in an underworld kingdom
called “Arka.” Note that the well-known statement in Genesis
that “in those days, and after that, there were giants on the
earth” is in fact not what the original text stated. What it
really said was “giants in the earth.”(1)
The Anakim: This was another
name for the Watchers. It means “the descendants of Anak”, or
Enoch, Cain’s son. Though it was said that a flood had been sent
to destroy them, there were still entire cities of Anakim in
Canaan as late as the time of Moses. And Jewish chronicler
Josephus states that even in his own day it was not uncommon for
people to dig up gigantic skeletal remains. Spies sent by Moses
to scout Anakim strongholds reported back that the Anakim were
so large that the Hebrews seemed “like grasshoppers” in
The Tritons: This was a race
of giant gods, spawned by the interbreeding of Poseidon with a
mortal woman named Cleito.(2)
In some versions of the story they are part-fish. Some are said
to have escaped the flood that destroyed Atlantis.
The Titans: These were a
Greek race of giants born to Ouranos and Gaia. It is undoubtedly
a later retelling of the Triton saga.
Atlas: He was the King of
Atlantis, and a Triton/giant. He was so large and so strong that
he was often represented holding the Earth upon his shoulders.
Quetzalcoatl: This was the
giant white god who appeared to native South Americans and
founded their civilizations, according to their folktales. He
too is depicted supporting the Earth on his shoulders, and he
told the natives that the civilization from which he originated
was destroyed by a flood which he escaped by building a ship.
Hercules: He is also a giant,
and is said to have piloted an ark.
Cuculainn: He is called the
Irish Hercules, and came to Ireland in a ship when his homeland
was destroyed by a flood. Interestingly, he seems to equate with
the South American white god Kukulcan, a figure of “very tall
stature” who arrived on a boat telling much the same story.
Votan: This is yet another
tall white tutelary deity of South America. Once again we see
the strange circumstance that his name sounds exactly like that
of the Northern European god Wotan, a deity worshipped in an
altogether different hemisphere.
The Ari: These were a race of
Sumerian deified kings. “Ari” is a royal title meaning “the
Shining Ones.” They were obviously the prototypes of The Book of
Enoch’s Watchers. Numerous Sumerian seals depict them as men of
gigantic stature. They are often taller than members of their
courts, even when depicted seated on thrones. In the numerous
seals that show them standing, they tower above those standing
next to them.
The Tuatha de Danaan: This
was a race of Celtic giants and father gods. Like the Cainites
and other giants, they were said to dwell in underground
kingdoms or inside hollow mountains. One of the chief deities
was Lugus, a name that translates to “shining one”, revealing an
astonishing connection to Sumer’s deified giant kings.
The Ellu: This was a race of
Mesopotamian kings said to be descendants of the gods. Yet
again, “Ellu” is a royal court title which translates to “the
Shining Ones.” It is thought that “Ellu” was the basis of the
word “Elohim”, a term translated generally as “the sons of God.”
The Elohim are considered by some to be synonymous with the
Nephilim of Genesis.
Albion: He was one of the
Titan giants fathered by Poseidon. He came to England after the
Flood and was for many years the island’s principle god. In
those times England was actually called “Albion”, after their
Titan god/king. In fact, many British places place-names retain
the words “Albion” or “Albany” to this very day.
Iberius: A Titan and brother
of Albion, he went to Spain after the Flood. And likewise, Spain
was for centuries named “Iberia” in his honor.
King Arthur: There is some
Arthurian lore which claims that he piloted an ark during the
Deluge, and this legend also relates that he stood just over
nine feet tall. King Henry II, inspired by stories that Arthur
was buried at Glastonbury, dispatched a team there to excavate
the area. At a depth of nine feet they found a lead cross
inscribed with the words: “Here lies the body of King Arthur.”
Sixteen feet below that was a stone sarcophagus containing the
bones of a man nine feet tall. Skeptics put forth the argument
that the lead cross could have been forged by local abbots
wishing to draw attention (and donations) to their abbey. Such
an argument, however, fails to address the fact that the
nine-foot skeleton discovered beneath the cross would tend to
negate the notion that this could have been a mere hoax. Later,
in the early 1500s, another gigantic coffin was disinterred, and
found to contain a skeleton eight feet and three inches tall.
History fails to record what became of these later bones,
although those of Arthur were respectfully re-interred.
The Cyclopses: The Cyclopses
were one-eyed giants in Greek mythology. It was said that they
built the city of Mycenae in Greece out of massive blocks
weighing many tons each. This is why similar constructions found
Baalbek, Lake Titicaca and elsewhere are referred to as
having “cyclopean” architecture.
The Cabiri: This was a race
of giant blacksmith gods said to live in hollowed-out volcanoes.
They had tattoos on their foreheads of a large solar disc,
leading to speculation that the myth of the one-eyed Cyclopses
may have originated with them.
The Cimbri: These were giants
living in Celtic Gaul. They had long manes of blond hair and a
fierce, warlike demeanor, all of which lead them to be compared
to lions. They were also known as the “Cimmerians”, which may be
suggestive of a Sumerian connection.
It was difficult in writing the
foregoing descriptions not to make them all sound incredibly
But in order to state the basic facts in their simplest
form, redundancy was a necessity, because all of these legends
involve essentially the same story told over and over again. In some
instances, not only were the stories identical, but so too were the
names of the protagonists, such as Kukulcan/Cuculainn, and Votan/Wotan.
It is astounding enough that we should
see identical myths in places as widely removed from one another as
South America and the British Isles, but that the names of the
respective flood heroes so echo one another is utterly remarkable.
It would seem an altogether reasonable conclusion to draw from such
evidence that perhaps these myths might have some basis in truth.
Perhaps the figures were indeed real men, and perhaps those men were
But if a real race of giants once inhabited the Earth, why haven’t
people in recent centuries been digging up gigantic skeletons?
According to author Stephen Quayle, they have. Quayle recently
published Genesis 6 Giants, the result of over thirty years of
research into Grail lore. The book is replete with biblical and
extra-biblical accounts of giants, mythological accounts of giants,
profiles on famous giants in history, and countless reports of
people across the globe digging up the remains of giants. What
follows are a few accounts of such excavations:
Item: In 1891, at Crittenden,
Arizona, some workers digging the foundation of a new building
at a depth of eight feet struck a huge stone sarcophagus. When
they were able to open the lid, inside were the remains of a
nine-foot tall giant which time had reduced mostly to a pile of
Item: While searching in a cave near
the great canyon of Barranc de Cobre in northern Mexico in the
early 1930s, explorer Paxton Hayes came across 34 mummified men
and women. All had blond hair. All rose to heights between seven
and eight feet.
Item: In 1833, soldiers digging a
pit at Lompock Rancho, California unearthed a twelve-foot tall
giant with double rows of teeth, both on top and on the bottom.
The Lompock giant’s teeth, while unusual, were not unique.
Another ancient skeleton later found on Santa Rosa island off
the coast of California showed the same dental peculiarity.
Item: In 1879, some Indiana
archeologists dug into an ancient burial mound in Brewersville,
Indiana and unearthed a human skeleton that measured nine feet
and eight inches in length. The bones, which were stored in a
grain mill, were swept away in the 1937 Flood.
Item: In the 1880s, while digging in
a mound at Sayre in Bradford County, Pennsylvania, a reputable
group of antiquarians found skeletons of humans measuring not
only above seven feet tall, but having
skulls with horns
(located about two inches above the eyebrows.) The diggers,
including two professors and a Pennsylvania state historian,
turned what they found over to the American Investigating Museum
in Philadelphia, but the bones were afterwards either misplaced,
stolen, or lost.
Item: In 1903, on an archeological
outing at Fish Creek, Montana, Professor S. Farr and his group
of Princeton University students came across several burial
mounds. Choosing one to dig into, they unearthed the skeleton of
a man about nine feet tall. Next to him were the bones of a
woman who had been almost as tall.
Item: Nature, in its December 17,
1891 issue, reported that at a depth of fourteen feet into a
large Ohio burial mound, excavators found the skeleton of a
massive man in copper armor. He wore a copper cap, while copper
moldings encased his jaws. Copper armor also protected his arms,
chest and stomach. At his side lay the skeleton of a woman,
probably his wife.
Item: In the 1860s, some excavators
digging up a hill in Marion, Ohio uncovered thirty skeletons who
ranged in height from seven to eight feet.
Item: In the early years of the
twentieth century, a team clearing out bat guano from a cavern
near Lovelock, Nevada discovered several giant cadavers
measuring well over eight feet in height. Their hair, still
intact, was said to have been long and “reddish” in color.
The foregoing accounts, taken almost in
their entirety from Quayle’s Genesis 6 Giants, have been culled from
a wide variety of sources, and represent only a small sample of
those documented.
They are largely reports from the United States,
but reveal striking similarities to kindred finds in Europe, South
America, the British Isles, Africa, China, the Middle and Near-East,
Australia, and New Zealand - that is to say, virtually every corner
of the earth.
Though the tales vary in detail, the fundamentals of the stories are
often quite cohesive: giants corpses, frequently with light-colored
hair, generally buried at a depth of between nine and twelve feet,
and often interred with artifacts made of copper. Some accounts
report the presence of items bearing strange hieroglyphs or symbols.
That several of these finds were excavated from burial mounds seems
to lend credence to the stories told to early settlers by Native
Americans, i.e., that they didn’t know who built the mounds, because
they were already there at the time that the “natives” arrived.
A number of Native American tribes (such
as those in Colorado) have folk tales relating that a race of giants
lived in America at a time prior to when their ancestors came there.
Still others tell the story that a group of giant white gods came to
live among them, after their own homeland (called the “White Man’s
Island”) was destroyed by a flood.
It is almost a certainty that some Native American tribes not only
coexisted with the giants, but also interbred with them, because the
earliest explorers to the New World repeatedly documented coming
into contact with Indian tribes of gigantic stature. Such episodes
are noted in the chronicles of Amerigo Vespucci, Magellan,
De Soto, and Sir Francis Drake, both in North and South America.
Though the numerous accounts cited
earlier are compelling, and are certainly supported by the
eyewitness accounts of some of the world’s most esteemed and
illustrious explorers, the sad fact remains that the most persistent
commonality between all of these tales seems to be that the bones -
the physical evidence - have all somehow gone missing.
In some
instances, this can be explained by the fact that local authorities,
presuming the remains to be the property of indigenous peoples
(Native Americans, Aborigines, Maoris, etc.), simply turned them
over to tribal chieftains for reburial, and this without taking a
single photograph, X-Ray, or DNA sample for testing (so as not to
profane the relics).
Of course, the lion’s share of these discoveries were made in the
1800s, and many far earlier, at a time in which the rights of
indigenous peoples and regard for their religious institutions
constituted a matter of far less circumspection than in recent
years. If, as Stephen Quayle seems convinced, there is a concerted
conspiracy of silence surrounding this archeological evidence, then
it is a conspiracy of, well, gigantic proportions.
The accounts of
these giant remains are too numerous and too far-flung for all of
them to have been lost, stolen, or secreted away. And yet, I truly
believe the accounts. They are supported not only by an overwhelming
body of evidence found in mythology, but an equally overwhelming
body of archeological evidence.
Witness the ruins of the many cyclopean
cities referred to earlier. No one knows with any certainty either
who built them, or (more importantly) how they were built. Witness
the vast complexes of tunnels and underground cities associated with
the fallen angels, and recall that many of their myths include the
detail that they dwelt in underground kingdoms.
Again, no one knows
who built these cities or how they were built. But an interesting
fact to keep in mind is that the tunnels associated with them were
generally nine, ten, or even twelve feet in ceiling height (the same
average heights as those of the giant skeletons found). Such tunnels
can be found in South America, the Middle East, and even the Pacific
Northwest of the United States. They are reputed to exist still
undiscovered in Europe, Egypt, and the British Isles.
Regular readers of this magazine will already be aware of what a
pivotal role the story of the Watchers plays in regards to our own
research into the Grail mythos and the bloodline connected to it. So
many avenues of inquiry central to our own basic thesis seem to have
a direct relationship to the Giant lore connected with the Watchers.
The kings of Atlantis? Giants. The Shining Ones? Giants. King
Arthur, a figure central to the Grail lore? Also a giant.
One of the first well-known paintings on the theme of Arcadia, Et
in Arcadia Ego by Guercino, depicts a fairly
straightforward and seemingly insignificant scene of a man gazing
upon an apparently trepanned skull. When I looked at it, there
seemed to be no hidden symbolism discernable. Until, that is, I
noticed what appeared to be an odd disparity in proportion.
skull, for as close as it was relative to the onlooker, seemed far
larger than it should have been.

Et in
Arcadia Ego, Guercino |

Et in
Arcadia Ego, Poussin |

Shepherd's Monument |
Since the painter’s execution of this
painting seemed masterly in every other respect, I concluded that
perhaps his intent was to portray an oversized skull.
Perhaps it
represented the skeletal head of one of the primordial patriarchs of
the Grail bloodline. If, as has been said, the grave of an ancient
sacred king were somehow at
Rennes-le-Chateau, perhaps those
discovering it would open the tomb of a giant, a descendant of
the Nephilim.
As time passed, and our research
progressed, this initially abstract idea seemed increasingly
possible. After reading ancient apocryphal texts which indicated
that a number of biblical patriarchs were giants, it seemed
altogether probable. Ultimately, reading about Abraham’s burial in
the Cave of Treasures, I came to suspect that something far more
profound might lie in wait at Rennes-le-Chateau.
Abraham was
an astrologer and magician who was said to have “traced his ancestry
back to the Giants.” Upon his death, his body was carried to the
Cave of Treasures, an underground necropolis where the bodies of all
previous patriarchs were also interred, down to and including Adam
and Eve.
In addition, the Cave included treasures, relics, and a sacred
archive of his progenitors. While treasures and relics are of
interest to archeologists and museum-going looky-loos, and sacred
archives can be dismissed by academics as mere superstitious
hyperbole, such items found in the context of a necropolis of
gigantic skeletons might well constitute the basis for a rethinking
of world history. These people constituted a living remnant of the
antediluvian world, the mythological “First Time.”
And since myth
and history record that their final resting place was together, in a
single location, I can only assume that they are still there.
(1) Editor’s note: The latter
quote is in fact what can be found in the King James version of
the Bible.
(2) Editor’s note: According to Plato, the race descended
from these two figures were the kings of Atlantis, but he does
not connect them to the Tritons.