by Patrick Heron
NephilimApocalypse Website
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WayBackMachine Website
For almost 5000 years, the pyramids have asked more questions than
they have answered.
Many books have been written which have
uncovered incredible facts concerning their construction and their
astronomical qualities. We have learned that the Pyramids of Giza
are aligned with certain star constellations. It has also been
discovered that other similar structures in Mexico and Cambodia also
have astronomical significance.
The Great Pyramid of Giza consists of circa 2.3 million stone blocks
weighing around 2.5 tons each. Some of the blocks weigh up to 50
tons. Yet despite the vast amount of blocks used, and the incredible
weights involved, the mathematical accuracy of the layout of the
building is breathtaking. Other such puzzling buildings scattered
around the world pose the same questions.
Who built them? How did they acquire such mathematical and
astronomical knowledge? And what advanced technology did they use in
the construction?
To simply say "The Egyptians built them," is not a satisfactory
For if man began at the stone age,
progressed to the bronze and then to the iron age, then we have the
oldest pyramids popping up somewhere between the stone age and the
bronze age. This is akin to saying that at some point in time past,
man invented the wheel. Sometime later, another made a cart. But in
between the wheel and the cart we find a brand new Mercedes!
This is
a realistic comparison when considering the construction of the
Despite all the recent books written about them, the pyramids remain
a conundrum wrapped in an enigma and surrounded by a paradox. Yes,
these authors have discovered and charted their astronomical
significance. They have unearthed their geometric alignments and
mathematical accuracies. And the conclusion they have reached is
that some lost civilization or race of advanced people were
responsible for these mammoth edifices.
But all these writers have one thing in common. They have failed to
inform us as to who these people were and from whence they derived
their knowledge and skills. When one or two of these esteemed
authors do hazard a guess as to who these mystery architects and
builders may have been, their speculations amount to little more
than sand castles built on the tidal reach of eternity.
It is my contention that the evidence advanced in this volume will
provide satisfactory answers to all these questions.
Buried in ancient Hebrew texts, undiscovered and largely ignored by
scholars, lies a wealth of information about a mysterious cabal and
little known race of people called
the Nephilim.
In the first part of this volume, I have provided a detailed study
of this unknown race showing,
Who they were
Where they came from
Where they acquired their
mathematical and astronomical knowledge
How they possessed the strength
to construct these huge buildings
Why they chose the pyramid shape
Why they align with celestial
Where they went
In the second part of this book, I have
shown how these same age old pyramids portend a future event.
Analyzing again the ancient texts, I
will provide an examination of the prophecies of the Book of
Revelation and of the signs we are told would precede these imminent
happenings. In doing so we shall garner the necessary details and
information whereby the reader will be able to audition the future.
Finally, having traveled back to an epoch dating to before our world
began, and having journeyed forward to espy what lies ahead, this
volume will culminate and climax in a phenomenon never before
proposed or explored - The Pyramid of The Apocalypse.
You are now invited on a excursion through time and space that may
change your perceptions on life forever.
Time was
Many people are aware of the phenomenal engineering feats involved
in the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. For those who are
not I would like to give a brief and simple summary of some of these
On the west of the river Nile, not too far from ancient Memphis and
almost opposite present day Cairo, stands the last one of the seven
wonders of the ancient world
THE GREAT PYRAMID. This is the largest of all the
pyramids and the first built. It embodies in its construction such a
wealth of knowledge of mathematics and astronomy that indicate that
it's builders possessed amazing wisdom.
The original pyramid was built of granite and limestone rock and had
a smooth exterior finish of white limestone which would have made it
impossible to surmount. Some legends say its capstone was made of
gold. In its original form it must have been an awe inspiring sight.
But the passage of time and the wear and tear of countless storms
have stripped away its limestone exterior and left us with what we
have today.
Now one can climb to the top, using the
bricks as stairs, a feat which, in its initial form, would have been
impossible. The esteemed architect and escatologiest, Clarence
Larkin, made the following observations.
The base of the Great Pyramid covers about thirteen acres.
consists of approximately 2.3 million blocks of stone weighing
around 2.5 tons each, some weighing up to 50 tons. Some huge granite
blocks, weighing 100 tons, are situated within the pyramid structure
at a height of 46 meters. The base of the pyramid is a square with
right angles accurate to within one-twentieth of a degree. The sides
are equilateral triangles and face exactly to the true north, south,
east and west of the earth.
Taking the Hebrew cubit to be 25.025 inches, the length of each side
of the base is 365.2422 cubits, the exact number of days in the
solar year (including the extra day for every 4 years).
The slope of the sides of the pyramid is of such an angle that they
meet at the apex at the predetermined height of 232.52 cubits. If
twice the length of a side at the base, be divided by the height of
the pyramid we arrive at the figures 3.14159, which when multiplied
by the diameter of a circle, gives its circumference.
The perimeter of the base of the pyramid (365.242 x 4 = 14609.68) is
exactly equal to the circumference of a circle whose diameter is
twice the height of the pyramid (232.52 x 2 x 3.1416 = 14609.68).
So here we have in these figures the
solution to the problem of how to square a circle (See figure 1

The angle of slope of the sides is 10 to
9. That is, for every 10 feet you ascend, you rise in altitude 9
feet. And if you multiply the altitude of the pyramid by 10 raised
to the power of 9, you have 91,840,000, which in miles, is the exact
distance of the sun from the earth!
The year of the stars is called the 'Sidereal' and the year of the
seasons is called the 'Equinoctial'. They differ by about 50 seconds
per year. In other words, the stars in their rising and setting are
retarded by about 50 seconds each year. In order for the 'Sidereal'
and the 'Equinoctial' years to come around and coincide again would
take 25,827 years, which is called a 'cycle'. If we add together the
diagonals of the pyramids base in inches, we arrive at 25,827, or as
many inches as the cycle has years.
The Great Pyramid stands at the exact centre of the world. It is
midway between the west coast of Mexico and the east coast of China.
Between the north cape of Norway and the Cape of Good Hope in South
It stands at the intersection of the 30th
parallel, both latitude and longitude.
The Great Pyramid was the highest
buildings in the world for thousands of years until modern man began
building skyscrapers such as the World Trade Center.
If it were
compared to a skyscraper, the Great Pyramid would be 42 storeys
high. It contains enough stone to build a six foot high wall from
New York to Los Angeles.
Researchers Alan and Sally Lansberg provide the
following statistics regarding this incredible edifice:
"Somehow the builders knew that the
world was round but flattened at the poles, which caused a
degree of latitude to lengthen at the top and bottom of the
planet; that it rotated in one day on an axis tilted 23.5° to
the ecliptic, causing night and day, and that this tilt caused
the seasons; that earth circled the sun once in a year of 365
and a fraction days.
The designers also must have known that earth's celestial north
pole described a slow circle around the pole of the ecliptic,
making the constellations appear to 'slip backward' (the
precession of the equinoxes), and bring a new constellation of
the Zodiac behind the sun at the equinox approximately every
twenty two hundred years in a grand circle of about twenty-six
thousand years.
These facts, too, were part of the
internal measurements of the pyramid".
We are asked to believe that primitive
man, dressed in animal skins and roaming wild, constructed the Great
Pyramid with all that it entails, yet these same builders had not
yet invented the simple wheel.
From an astronomical point of view, we have learned some
extraordinary facts. There are four long narrow passage ways or
shafts built into the Great Pyramid. Two on the north face and two
on the south. The two on the north point to two distinct stars. One
at Beta Ursa Minor and one at
Alpha Draconis in the constellation of
The 'star shafts' on the south face point at
Sirius and Zeta Orionis.
ancient Egyptian tradition, Sirius is associated with the goddess
And Zeta Orionis, which is the brightest
star of three in Orions belt, is identified with Osiris, the high
god of resurrection and rebirth in the remote epoch referred to as 'Zep
Tepi' or 'First Time'. (See figure 2 below)

Similarly, ancient monuments in Mexico
and at Angkor in Cambodia have celestial connections with
Draco, Leo and Aquarius. Why these astronomical associations? Is
it mere coincidence or calculated wisdom? More about this later...
Nazca in Peru we find a huge
combination of strange lines and drawings which only become
discernable when viewed from an airplane.
These lines cover a large area of 60
kilometers square and could in no way be the work of mortal man.
There are various sketches of the Nazca Monkey, Humming Bird, Whale,
Spider, Dog and Condor, all etched into the rugged earth. Scores of
perfectly geometric lines and designs populate the landscape.
Some of the lines resemble runways used
for aircraft either landing or taking off.
The longest of these
lines measures almost 15 miles (23 kilometers).
Again the scholars
and experts arrive at the same conclusion. They don't know.
Speculation reigns.
There is an ancient temple at
Baalbek in Lebanon known as the temple
of Jupiter. Incorporated in the foundations are three huge cut-stone
blocks weighing 800 tons each. Not far away lies another gigantic
stone block called the Stone of the South, weighing 1000 tons. This
is the combined weight of three 747 Jumbo Jets. How did the builders
cut such huge blocks and, more to the point, how did they move them
into place?
Much has been chronicled regarding the building and astronomical
parallels and mathematical qualities of the many monuments that
populate the globe.
Fine and learned scholars have mapped
and measured these buildings and charted their celestial
counterparts with minute precision. Many books containing the finer
details of their construction and stellar configuration populate
bookshops everywhere. In the interest of simplicity I would refer
the reader to consider these if further information is required.
What message are these edifices relaying to us? Is there something
we can learn from them that has so far eluded us? If the cold walls
of these dumb monoliths could speak, what priceless information
would they impart? Do they portend coming events? I believe they do.
And we shall now endeavor to unveil the
riddle of the pyramids by identifying their likely architects.
The Matrix
Buried in the depths of the Pentateuch and other ancient Hebrew
texts, lies a wealth of information that has long been, by and
large, invisible to most scholars.
But how reliable are these age old
writings? Can we learn anything new from them or is our first
instinct to dismiss any likely discoveries as mere fable? Before
delving into these hidden scripts, I would like to put forth some
interesting vignettes which may have previously been unknown to the
In his best selling book "The
Bible Code", Michael Drosnin sets out his findings
on a series of computer based scientific tests carried out by
himself and some eminent Jewish mathematicians. It was well known of
old by Jewish scribes, that there was a hidden code encrypted in the
Hebrew lettering of the Pentateuch, which is the name for the first
five books of the Old Testament.
These are written originally in Hebrew. If you take the first Hebrew
letter in Genesis, skip 49 and take the next letter, and repeat the
skip sequence, then every four letters spells Torh (the Hebrew word
pronounced 'Torah', meaning 'The Law of God' ).
This holds all the way through the first two books of the Bible,
Genesis and Exodus. When you get to the middle book of the five,
Leviticus, it stops. However, when you do the same skip sequence for
Deuteronomy and the Book of Numbers, it spells Hrot, which is
Go back now to the middle book of the five, Leviticus, use the skip
sequence again this time skipping every seven letters, and it spells
YHWH (pronounced YAWEH). Which is
the Hebrew name for God!
So we have every 49 letters in Genesis and Exodus spelling 'The Law
of God' and pointing to Leviticus, and every 49 letters of
Deuteronomy and Numbers spelling 'The Law of God' backwards and
pointing to Leviticus.
Every seven letters in this book spells
YAWH; God himself...
Genesis Leviticus Deuterony
Torh->Torh->Torh-> YAWH <-Hrot<-Hrot<-Hrot
Exodus Numbers
Because Hebrew lettering is mathematical
as well as literal, these scholars were able to put the whole of the
Pentateuch into a computer program.
Then they chose differing "skip"
sequences and ran them through the program. The results they found
astounded them. Encoded throughout the texts, they found messages
concerning different aspects of life and history.
For instance, Drosnin himself whilst running through a particular
test one day, found the name Yitzhak Rabin encoded in the text.
Written across this name was "Assassin
That Will Assassinate". Perplexed and concerned by his findings,
Drosnin then wrote to Yitzhak Rabin (who was then President
of Israel), telling him of his findings. Rabin wrote back and
informed Drosnin that he was a humanist, a fatalist and unconcerned
with these findings.
Some time later, while in a railway station in Canada, Drosnin was
speaking on the telephone to a friend.
His friend asked him if he
had heard the latest news.
"What news?" Drosnin asked.
"Yitzhak Rabin has just been shot
dead in Israel"!
With this, Drosnin dropped the phone and
began to shake.
Before this, he had known intellectually
in his head, that these codes were unique. But now he knew in his
heart and his stomach, that these hidden codes were indeed for real.
Michael Drosnin and the Jewish mathematicians that pioneered these
studies, have done thousands of these 'skip' sequence tests. They
have found all manner of information concerning events that have
already happened and some concerning the future. And the interesting
thing is, there is no way they could have discovered these hidden
codes without the use of computers. For the information is so vast,
and the permutations so great, that in no way could it be deciphered
without the use of our modem day computers.
After Yitzhak Rabin's assassin was arrested, Drosnin put his name
into the program and ran it through the same sequence he had used
before. To his astonishment, right above the place where he had
found the original message concerning Yitzhak Rabin, his assassin's
name was encoded in the Hebrew text.
This is just a small snippet from
Michael Drosnin's book. His findings along with those of his Jewish
colleagues have been tested and scrutinized by many agencies such as
the CIA and the American army and none have been able to contradict
or gainsay their conclusions.
This tells us that there is much we do not know and have yet to
discover concerning these ancient texts that have been largely
ignored for so long.
Suppose you are asked to construct a genealogy of real people, but
there are certain constraints.
The number of words in this genealogy
Be evenly divisible by seven
(with no remainders)
The number of letters must be
divisible by seven
The number of vowels and
consonants must be divisible by seven
The number of words that begin
with a vowel must be divisible by seven
The number of words that begin
with a consonant must be divisible by seven
The number of words that occur
more than once, must be divisible by seven
The number of words that occur
in more than one form must be divisible by seven
The number of words that occur
only in one form must be divisible by seven
The number of names in the
genealogy must be divisible by seven
The number of male names must be
divisible by seven
And the number of generations in
the genealogy must be divisible by seven
Would it not be next to impossible to
draw up such a genealogy?
Yet this describes exactly the genealogy
of the Messiah as given in the gospel of Matthew 1 :2-17.
From an academic and literary point of
view, the Bible stands head and shoulders above any other book ever
written, yet it is largely ignored in academia. It has sold over
eight billion copies in more than 2,000 languages. It was written by
40 different men over a period of 1,600 years yet it remains united
in its content. It has survived 40 centuries of history. It has more
ancient manuscripts to authenticate it than any other ten pieces of
ancient literature put together.
In fact there are over 5,000 Greek manuscripts of the New Testament,
the oldest dating to around 68AD. Compare this with only nine old
copies of 'Caesar's Gallic War' and the oldest of these is 900 years
after Caesar died.
Yet nobody questions these?
When copying was being carried out, the Hebrew scribes had enormous
reverence for the text of the Bible. Copies were checked, double
checked and re-checked many times. If a small mistake was made, the
whole page would be re-written. When they came to the word 'Yaweh'
meaning God, they would burn the pen and change their
Only photocopying is more accurate than the methods they
followed to preserve the accuracy and integrity of the text.
One would think that those who occupy the seats of higher learning
would acknowledge the obvious literary merits of the Bible.
It was, after all:
The source of over 1200
quotations used by William Shakespeare in his works
The inspiration for literary
giants such as Milton, C.S. Lewis, Sir Walter Scott and
Charles Dickens
The Inspiration for Da Vinci's
Last Supper, Michelangelo's Pieta and Handel's Messiah which
he wrote in 21 days, the entire text coming from The Book of
The motivation for the work of
Mother Theresa, Abraham Lincoln, Isaac Newton and Martin
Luther King
Yet despite its unequalled position as
an academic document, the Bible is ignored and withheld from
students of literary works.
It is sidelined and boycotted and
scoffed at in favor of lesser works of men. You would think that
even the humanist non-believer would pay tribute to the academic
worth of this mighty tome, and the effect it has had on the history
of civilization. But no, all are silent.
Let us now examine those same ancient texts and hear what they
reveal concerning a mysterious race which the majority of people
have never heard of: the Nephilim.
The Nephilim
I would now beg the reader to indulge me somewhat.
For this study, I would ask that you put
your mind in neutral.
That is, put aside for the present, your
assumptions and prejudices concerning your opinion of the Old
Testament scriptures. Allow, for the time being, that they may
contain information that is useful and trustworthy and from which we
can learn. Think of yourself as a juror awaiting the evidence. After
all the facts are heard, you may then reach an informed verdict.
The year is 2348 BC., the year of the Noahtic deluge.
Genesis chapter six provides us with a
startling revelation:
And it came to pass, when men began
to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born
unto them. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that
they were fair; And they took them wives of all which they
There were giants (Nephilim) in the earth in those days:
and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the
daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same
became mighty men which where of old, men of renown.
Genesis 6:1,2,4
We are informed that the 'sons of God'
saw the daughters of men and took them as wives. Who are these 'sons
of God' and from whence came they? Our first chore is to
garner all information on these individuals and allow the material
to define our conclusions.
The term 'sons of God' is used eight times in the Old Testament. Let
us examine some of these.
The following is taken from a debate
Yaweh (God) is having with
"Where wast thou when I laid the
foundations of the earth? Who hath laid the measures thereof, if
thou knowest? Or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon
are the foundations thereof fastened? Or who laid the
cornerstone thereof? When the morning stars sang together, and
ALL THE SONS OF GOD shouted for joy."
Job 38:4-7
In this discourse between Yaweh and
there is an obvious reference to the time of the creation of the
world. In this context the "sons of God" refers to what we call
angels which are created spirit beings.
This is always the case where the
expression "sons of God" occurs in the Old Testament.
Who maketh his angels spirits. His
ministers a flaming fire.
Psalm 104:4
This also holds true for the New
But to which of the Angels said he:
"Sit on my right hand..." Are they not all ministering
Hebrews 1 :13,14
In the book of Daniel, chapter 3, we are
told of three men who were thrown into a blazing furnace by the
king, Nebuchadnezzar, who then....
....Rose up in haste and said unto
his counselors,
"Did we not cast three men into the
midst of the fire?"
"Lo, I see four men walking in the
midst of the fire and the form of the fourth is like a son of
Nebuchadnezzar goes on to say:
"Blessed be the God of Shadrach,
Meshach and Abednego, who hath sent His angel and delivered his
servents who trusted in him... "
Daniel 3: 24,25,28
It is clear from the above that the
fourth being accompanying the three in the fire and referred to as a
son of God, is in the following verse called an 'angel'.
In this next illustration from the Book of Job, we observe a distant
gathering of celestial bodies.
Now there was a day when the sons of
God (angels) came to present themselves before the Lord, and
Satan came also among them.
Job 1:6
In the Hebrew, the word 'malak' is
translated angel. In the Greek it is aggelos.
But a truer rendering of both these
Hebrew and Greek words is agent or messenger. The word
angel occurs
over 300 times in both the Old and New Testaments. In all these
places the word agent or messenger would, in my opinion, be a better
translation, as our minds have been muddied and distorted by the
word angel.
For when this word is used we
immediately conjure up an image of a naked infant cherubim with tiny
wings and no genitalia floating around innocently with a little bow
and arrow. Or of a huge glorious being with enormous wings
protruding from somewhere between his shoulder blades and
illuminated from behind by a huge spotlight!
Nothing could be further form the truth.
Later on in this study I shall present a
more detailed evaluation of these messengers or agents. But lest we
should stray from our present focus, suffice to say that these
messengers always appear as men.
They eat and drink and are mistaken
for ordinary human beings. Some are referred to by name and are also
called 'men'. So they look like us. They eat and drink like us, they
wear clothes and they speak like us. But enough for now.
Let us
return to our original train of thought.
In Genesis 6:2 it says:
The sons of God saw the daughters of
men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all that
they chose.
Again it becomes clear from this passage
that there is a distinction between the "daughters of men" on the
one hand, and the "sons of God" on the other. What this verse is
implying is that these "sons of God", who were created spirit
beings, had sex with ordinary human women, and produced children.
But these were no ordinary offspring.
There were giants (nephilim) in the
earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God
came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to
them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of
Genesis 6:4
The Hebrew word for giants in the above
verse is 'Nephilim' from the root word naphal meaning to fall.
So the progeny of this irruption by
these spirit beings with human women are called giants or Nephilim
meaning fallen ones. The fallen spirit men themselves are referred
to as Nephilim also. For they fell from grace, fell from Heaven and
fell to Earth.
In the course of this book, I shall examine why these spirit beings
or messengers became "fallen". But in order to maintain
concentration on this present riddle, we shall continue along our
study of the Nephilim and their impact on society at the time.
You will notice from the passages quoted
that we are told these irruptions happened on two occasions. ie.
"There were giants (Nephilim) in the
earth in those days and also after that".
"In those days" refers to the days of
Noah. The expression "and also after that" tells us that these
Nephilim were also on the earth after the flood of Noah.
So these two irruptions of fallen spirit
beings with women occurred both before the Flood and then again some
time later. For reasons which will become clearer as we progress
this thesis, I will firstly deal with the second irruption which
occurred post the Flood. We are given much information about these
giants as they inhabited earth in those days.
After examining the evidence concerning
them, we shall return to the earlier incursions of the Nephilim
before the deluge and how they left their mark on the ancient
civilization at that time.
Patrick Heron, author of the bestselling APOCALYPSE SOON and
APOCALYPSE 2000 is conducting interviews for his new book - THE
NEPHILIM and the Pyramid of the Apocalypse
Published by Xulon Press
Scores of books have been written in an
attempt to unravel the mysteries of the Pyramids and to identify
their builders. But all these books have one thing in common; they
have failed to inform us as to who these builders were and from
whence they derived their knowledge and skills.
Buried in ancient Hebrew texts, undiscovered and largely ignored by
scholars, lies a wealth of information about a mysterious cabal of a
little known race called the Nephilim.
In the first part of this volume, I have provided a detailed study
of this unknown race showing:
who they were
where they came from
where they acquired their
mathematical and astronomical knowledge
how they possessed the strength
to construct these huge buildings
why they chose the pyramid shape
why they align with celestial
where they went
In the second part of this book, I have
shown how these same age old pyramids portend a future event.
Analyzing again the ancient texts, I
will provide an examination of the prophecies of the Book of
Revelation and of the signs we are told would precede these imminent
happenings. In doing so we shall garner the necessary details and
information whereby the reader will be able to audition the future.
Finally, having traveled back to an epoch dating to before our world
began, and having journeyed forward to espy what lies ahead, this
volume will culminate and climax in a phenomenon never before
proposed or explored - The Pyramid of The Apocalypse.
Patrick Heron (B.Sc.Mgt.M.A., B.Sc.Th.,) is available for interview
to promote his new book. He has extensive radio experience and his
first book went into the best sellers in Ireland after one national
radio interview.