An Anthropological Analysis
U.S. Government Data from
Autopsies of Aliens
Uni-Terrestrial Data,
Code: UNA
Ultra-Terrestrial Data,
Intra-Terrestrial Data,
Meta-Terrestrial Data,
Para-Terrestrail Data,
Greys Data from Autopsies
Nordics Data from
Oranges Data from
(Grey Physiology and Anatomy)
The most significant Alien specimens,
which have been available to autopsy have been the "Grey Types".
The approximate height of most specimens are between 3.5 and 4.5
feet. The head, by human standards, is larger in comparison with the
body. Facial features show a pair of eyes described as large, sunken
or deeply set, far apart or distended more than a humans, and
slightly slanted as oriental or mongoloid. No ear lobes or apertures
on the side of the head were visible. The nose is vague, one or two
small holes have been identified as nostrils. The mouth area is
described as a small slit or fissure. In some cases, there is no
mouth at all. It appears not to function as a means for
communication or for alimentation. The neck area is described as
being thin, and in some cases, not being visible at all because of
the tightly knit garment. Most observers describe these humanoids as
being hairless. Some of the bodies recovered have a slight hair
patch on top of the head. Others appear with what appears to be like
a silver skullcap.
There were no breathing attachments or communication devices. This
suggests telepathy with higher intelligence. In one case, there was
an opening in the right frontal lobe area, revealing a crystalline
network. This network implies the development of some sort of third
brain. We also found a spherical object which was more or less 1 cm
in size and was linked with the crystalline network. We theorize
that this is a device for amplification of their brain waves, which
means they are not capable of psychic activity without the spherical
device. This information is also included in the "YELLOW BOOK".
The arms are described as long and thin, reaching down to the knees.
The palms each contained four fingers, with no thumbs. Three fingers
are longer than the others. Some are very long, and others are very
short. No description is available for the legs and feet Some
pathologists indicate that the section of the body was not developed
as we would anticipate, showing that some of these beings were
adapted to life in the water.
According to most observers, the skin is grey. Some claim it is
beige, tan, or pinkish grey. No reproductive organs or capabilities
were discovered, no phallus or womb. This suggests cloning is the
current reproductive method, which has been mentioned in other
sources. The humanoids appear to be a mold, sharing identical racial
and biological characteristics. There is no blood as we know it, but
there is a fluid which is grayish in color.
(Seven ancestral Alien races that
started our civilization here)
of the unanswered questions about the human evolution, started
centuries ago, when disaster struck a mission involving seven
different Alien races to Earth.
This information was recovered from
PROJECT GENESIS III (G-lll) - ADN6.2 - CR-7/26TSW-3 and
CLR-25/M6-722 - CLAS.ATR26/AC #672/B25, as well as other crash



(Recovered from Crashed Alien

life forms without material body)
This information was recovered from
NCR/27B-01 MWC-2.B7 - AC "GODAR" PROJECT, as well as other crash
This Alien is created in the centers of quasars. A type of sensitive
energy living in the center of pure energy, and is a component more
stable than the material Solioa that is found in our quasar.

They evolved from a series of
mono-electronics, to a series of more complex energy and created a
collective civilization that does not know the individual thought or
The Ultrons are an entity composed of primary mental energy, and
radiates strong in the visible, ultraviolet and Kappa Radiation
bands. As are "Nodes or Foir" serve as the origin of the Ultrons'
radiant emissions. As the spectrograph proceeds through the
Ultraviolet range from 103.2 to 112 angstrom units, we observe that
these Foir are not constant for different wavelengths; by varying
their relative positions, the Ultrons can control the intensity of
their emissions.
Ultrons perceive dimension and objects in terms of
electromagnetic energy - knowing the speed of light through various
mediums, it is able to judge its surroundings much as the Terran Bat
is able to use the reflection of its own sounds to avoid flying into
an object.
The radioactive nature of the Ultrons a non-corporeal being, best
suited by the Hutchinson Radiation Analysis (HRA) - a graphic
representation of any energy source, in this case the life aura of
the Ultrons are strongest in the ultraviolet range, the HRA is a
standard readout on most sensor-equipped instruments appearing as a
fluctuating 'moire pattern.'
(People from outside Earth/Dimension/Time-Space of life at Planet
Earth from ancestral time)
This information was recovered from INAC/26.7B
- AC 43.2, INAC-02, as well as other crash sites. They came to Earth
several EON's ago and now Terra (or Earth) is their planet too.
We talk here about the seventh largest
race, we found two large races living below the four earth capades...
Kingdom: Animal Phylum: Vertebrata Class: Reptilia Order: Theropoua Family: Hominidae Genus/Specie: Homo Lacerate
Survive only close to specific devices
They live at a former society and have a high degree of technology.
Average Height:
Male: 2.0 Meters
Female: 1.4 Meters
Average Weight:
Male: 200 Kilos
Female: 100 Kilos
Body Temperature:
Male: 40/10
Female: 40/10
Blood Pressure:
Male: 80/50
Female: 80/50
Life Expectancy:
Male: 60 Earth Years
Female: 23 Earth Years

Type A

Typ B
Cold-blooded like all reptiles, the Reptiloid is found to flourish
in a warm, tropical clime (normally artificial at the big caves).
With imperfect respiration providing just enough oxygen to supply
tissues and maintain the processing of food and combustion, their
temperature can be raised only a few degrees above the ambient. The
reproductive system is ovouniparous, with eggs hatching in the
oviduct prior to birth.
The underdeveloped Reptiloid (for faster
activities, physical activities) cerebellus results in a slowness
and simpler city of movement. The Reptiloid eye is composed of
thousands of microscopic facets, each facet with its own independent
protective lid. The eye is almost never closed entirely during
waking hours; rather, section of the organ is shut down in
conjunction with the dominant light source.
NOTE: The Reptiloids or Reptoids survived "Hidden" inside the Earth
at a Big Cave Underground surface.

News Clippings
Los Angeles Times
Thursday, July 21,1988
..... Newsmakers..... Its a
- Christopher Davis 17, swears the creature that attacked him
while he was changing a tire in the middle of the night in Scape Ore
Swamp near Browntown, S.C., was 7 feet tall and had red eyes and
three fingers on each hand. Then Tom and Mary Waye reported that
their car had been 'chewed up' at the same location. Was it the
Uzard Man, as the locals are calling him, or just a red fox or a
'muddy drunk" - the theory of state biologist Matt Knox, who has
been called in to help investigate the sightings.
Sheriff Liston
Truesdale said he has been swamped with phone calls from people
claiming to have seen the slimy critter, 'and these are reputable
people'. The run with television crews and observers 'hoping to
catch a glimpse of Lizard Man, and a Columbia News station is
offering a $1-million reward for his capture.
Los Angeles Herald Examiner
Thursday, July 21, 1988
..... It's Lizard
Man /. Story of 7-foot 'Lizard Man' puts the creeps into town BROWNTOWN, S.C.
- The sheriff has
been hearing a lot about the
'Uzard Man', 7 feet tall with red eyes and three fingers on each
hand, but a state biologist says everybody would be better off
looking for a red fox or a muddy drunk.
Christopher Davis, 17, told Sheriff
Liston Truesdale he had been
attacked several weeks ago by the creature in Scape Ore Swamp as the
teen-ager was changing a flat tire about 2 a.m.
Truesdale said he is getting other calls from people who said they
saw the creature, 'and they are reputable people' - Gary C. Fong,
from news service reports.
Average Height: (Master Race)
Male: 1.6 Meters
Female: 1.2 Meters
Average Height: (Servant Race)
Male: 1.0 Meters
Female: 1.0 Meters
Average Weight: (Master Race)
Male: 70 Kilos
Female: 40 Kilos
Average Weight: (Servant Race)
Male: 35 Kilos
Female: 35 Kilos
Body Temperature:
Male: 110/2
Female: 110/2
Life Expectancy:
Male: 130 Earth Years
Female: 150 Earth Years

INSECTOID (Masters) Type
 INSECTOID (Servants) Type
The Insectoid retina is composed entirely of tone-sensitive rods,
and is incapable of discrimination between different wavelengths of
light. Therefore, the addition of color to the insectoids vision is
accomplished by the dual antennae which, in addition to being
auditory receptors, are made up of a complex network of
wavelength-sensitive cones.
Owing to the highly directional nature
of the antenna, the corona of vision is perceived by the subject in
tones of grey. Because of this correlation of four independent
light-receptive organs, Insectoid vision can be correctly termed "Quadroscopic",
resulting in relatively (Humanoid) superior depth perception.
Insectoid auditory capacities are highly developed, and Insectoids
are capable of distinguishing from among a wider range of audio
frequencies than is normal for humanoids.
Because of the
mono-directional antennae, Insectoids usually listen with their head
tilted slightly downward.
NOTE: They have a limited exoskeleton.
SERV 59.60, 61, 62, 63 ABR - CB-7 PANT. BOLHN 28 - AC (MULDOSV/PLUS)
Several races, including some already discussed, make their home in
the Inner-Earth. These are as
Green People - Part of the survivors, survived as part of the
ancient K'ushui K'hotans or green people.
Caspan Jassan Paegans or Golden Race - Part of the survivors,
survived inside big group of mountains at Orient part of Earth. They
created the Essenis.
The Eternals - Some surviving people from Altair genetic mutated,
which caused getting older to be incredibly slowed down, enabling
them to live for EON's.
The Kasimar or Blue Race - Some surviving people created the
people of MU, LEMURIA and ATLANTIS. The survivors now live in
inner-Earth and some Atlanteans live underwater.
The Deviants - Are surviving people that mutated from Kasimar/lnsectoids
(very dangerous and primitive creatures). The legend of DEMONS was
born from the underground Deviant race. See the next page for sketch
of the Deviant

The Deviant
(Aliens from another Time/Space
or Earth people from another Time/Space)
are from another time and space. This information was recovered from
CRM/26.06 - ABR-26, as well as other crash sites. Time Travelers -
Our files take only
the Essassani Race. A cross-breeding between
Humans from Earth and Extra Terrestrial from Zeta-Reticulae from one
of our possible futures.

Of course it is possible there could be other races of
Meta-Terrestrial, we just don't have enough data yet about it.
You found a example of Essassani Race watching the Steven
Spielberg's movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" (Look for the
special version, it's better).
(Aliens from multi-universe)
Para-Terrestrial come from several different parallel universes from
the Multiuniverse. When they accelerate or decelerate the frequency
of vibration of their atomic structure they are able to exist at our
3rd dimension. This information was recovered from IACT/26, OBR-32 -
AC 204 (BANTY), as well as other crash sites.
We can't tell much about these beings, because we don't have enough
Data about it yet.
1. The name of this creature is almost impossible to repeat or even
to write. We call this intelligent creature XZ. They look like one
single Ameba or Jelly.

The XZ Creature
2. The MOOK - A very small (1.3 Meter) and hungry creature with long
arms and three fingers,
wearing funny cloths.

3. The WADIG - Looks like a primitive kind of primate but he is an
intelligent being. Normally he never wears clothes (this fact, makes
strong the idea some people believe that the WADIG is some kind of
primitive missing link)

We can continue talking about Para-Terrestrial but is not logical
because we don't have necessary quantity of Data for making good
research. This is because we talked only about the X2, The MOOK and
the WADIG just for literal illustration of matter.
(Aliens from 3rd dimension, or from
outside earth)
This information was recovered from lAC - XXXX -
P14AB and lAC - XXXX - P14NR, as well as other crash sites.
Wrongly designated ALFs, (Alien Life Forms). I said that because all
other five types are ALFs also. All six types of aliens are ALFs.
We have around 160 different species at our biosphere from several
points in the universe. They are Humanoids, Human and Not Humans.
We talk now about the other five Alien races that stayed much longer
than any other race and have much more influence during our history.
1. Type A: Rigelian, Rkjel, or Gray 2. Type B: 2-Reticulae, Z-Reticulae 1, or Grey 3. Type C: 2-Reticulae, Z-Reticulae 2, or Grey 4. Type D: Orion, Pleiades, or Nordic 5. Type E: Barnard Star, Orange
EBE is the name or designation given to the live extraterrestrial
Alien captured at the 1947 Roswell, New Mexico crash. He died in
NOTE: O.H. Cril was a "Joke" created by John Lear and other friend
for personal purposes. No body knows why Lear denies the KRLL
KRLL or KRLLL or CRLL or CRLLL pronounced Crill or Krill was the
hostage left with us at the first Holloman landing as pledge that
the Aliens would carry out their part of the basic agreement reached
during that meeting. KRLL gave us the foundation of the YELLOW BOOK
which was completed by the Alien guests at a later day.
KRLL became
sick and was nursed by Dr. G. Mendoza who became the expert on Alien
biology (Exobiology). His information was disseminated under the
pseudonym O.H. Cril or Crill.
KRLL became the Regelian Ambassador
to the United States.
There have been rumors of KRLLs death. We
don't know if they are true or not.

Note: Taken from Crystal Storage device inside a Crashed Alien Ship
Also called Malevolent Alien Life Form (ALF)

The Typical Malevolent ALF as represented thus far can be described
as follows:
Between three (3) to five (5) feet in height.
Erect standing biped. Long thin legs.
Small build (thin).
Head larger than normal, (to human proportions).
Absence of auditory lobes, (external ear lobes).
Absence of body hair.
Large, tear shaped eyes, opaque black with
vertical slit pupils,
(cats eyes).
Eyes slanted approximately 35 degrees.
Small straight mouth, with thin lips.
Arms resemble praying mantis, (normal attitude), arms reach to
knee when extended.
Long hands, with small palms.
Claw like fingers, (two short, two long webbed fingers).
Tough, grey skin, reptile like in texture.
Small feet with four (4) small claw like toes.
Some organs are similar to humans but developed in a different
evolutionary process.
The most significant finding is that they have a nonfunctioning
digestive system and two separate brains. The digestive system in
those examined were atrophied, conforming to absence of provisions
in recovered crash. This however, is still just preliminary
Movement is deliberate, slow, precise.
Secondary findings, after crash site study
Alien subsistence
requires that they must have human blood and other human biological
substances to survive.
In extreme cases (circumstances) they can
subsist on other animal fluids.
Food is converted to energy by
Chlorophyll through photosynthesis and waste products are excreted
through the skin, (some kind of botanical life form ?).
creatures possess two separate brains separated by the mid cranial
lateral bone partition, (anterior brain, posterior brain) with no
apparent connection between the two.
ALFs furnished extensive information on the Aliens and their
history which is known as the "YELLOW BOOK".
Because the Aliens have a tendency to
LIE, we can't be 100% sure
about all the information inside the "YELLOW BOOK".
LUNA-1 is the Rigelian base at the other side of the Moon, or the
far side of the Moon like some scientists prefer to say.
It was seen
and filmed by the Apollo Astronauts. A base, a mining operation
using very large machines, and the very large Alien Crafts described
in sighting reports as "Mother Ships" exist there.
WAVENEST is the Regelian base in the Atlantic Ocean. A under water
Alien base, mining and big
Cigar shaped crafts.
The Rigelian Saga
The original contact between the government and
the Extra-Terrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs), who normally are
Grey in color and about three and a half to four and a half feet
high and coming from the Rigel Star System (hereafter referred to as
the Greys) was achieved between 1947 and 1971. We knew that the
Greys were instrumental in performing the mutilation of animals, as
well as some humans and that they were using the glandular
substances derived from these materials for food (absorbed through
their skin) and to clone more Greys in their underground
The government insisted that the Greys provide them
with a list that would be presented to the National Security Council
(this list has never been completed). Through all this, the
government thought that the Greys were basically tolerable
creatures, although a bit distasteful. They presumed at the time
that it was not unreasonable to assume that the public would and
could get used to their presence. Between 1968 and 1969 a plan was
formulated to make the public aware of their existence over the
succeeding twenty (20) years. This time period would culminate with a
series of documentaries that would explain the history and
intentions of the Greys.
The Greys assured the government that the real purpose of the
abductions was for monitoring of our civilization, and when they
learned that the abductions were a lot more frequent and insidious
than they were led to believe, the government became concerned.
Their concern was also based on additional information regarding the
purposes for abductions. By the time the government had found out
the truth about the intentions of the Greys, they, the Greys,
intended to stay here, where they always will stay in control of
Earth, "it was too late". The government by mistake had already
"Sold Out" humanity. Not that it would have made any difference,
because they were here doing what they were doing anyway.
In 1983, a story was outlined by the government sources that said
that the Greys are responsible for our biological evolution through
manipulation of the DNA of already evolving primates on this planet,
they don't like to tell anybody that the real Rigelians are Nordics
and they found survivors from one big catastrophe, the ancestral
seven races, the Uni-Terrestrials.
Various time intervals of the DNA
manipulation were specified for 25,000,15,000, 5,000 and 2,500 years
ago originally, the government thought that the Greys meant us no
harm, but in 1982 to 1988 the picture that emerged was exactly the
opposite. The story now is one great deception at several different
levels. The Greys "Trojan Horse" style manipulation and lying, which
involved MJ-12/Majic forces, from over four decades ago, now it's
1990, the government still uses disinformation on the subject of
UFOs, in order to perpetrate the agreement with the Greys, free of
public scrutiny; the lies to the abductees, the Greys ongoing
abduction of people and mutilation of animals in order to harvest
enzymes, blood, and other tissue for their own survival needs, and a
genetic blend of the Grey race and a tall Nordic act to enable Grey
interface with humans to be done with greater ease.
The apparent
reasoning for the Grey preoccupation with this is due to their lack
of a formal digestive tract and the fact that they absorb nutrients
and excrete waste directly through the skin. The substances that
they acquire are mixed
with hydrogen peroxide and painted on their skin, allowing
absorption of the required nutrients. It is construed from this that
some weaponry against them might be geared in this direction.
The inner-core of the CIA is deeply controlled by the Greys. The CIA
view's interaction with the Greys as a path to greater scientific
achievement. One reason for so many UFOs is that other cultures are
watching with extreme interest Scientists from other cultures arrive
to watch. The Greys also are working with some groups of UFO
fanatics, lying to them, and using them. The ultimate evil is masked
and is of psychological complacency that leads one to adhere to a
group philosophy rather than eke out one's own horizons.
As soon as
you acquire an awareness of being a so called "chosen special group"
you are on the road to a fall. That is the seed of destruction in
any society and any culture and it leaves it vulnerable. It will be
the eventual undoing of the Greys as well. They see not their error,
it is the very weakness they seize upon that is their own inherent
weakness. To try and change a Grey, or a mistaken cult type of "Star
Person" (following the Grey plan) is futile.
It will happen but all
in its own good time, it is the spirit that makes anyone stand up
and disagree with something that is untrue and incorrect that will
be the thorn in the side of the Greys, and other forces that have
allied with them.
Alien Bases at SOL III Perimeter
During the occupation of the Greys, they have established quite a number of underground bases all
over the would, especially in the United States. One such base,
among other in the same state, is under Archuletta Mesa, which is
about two and a half miles Northwest of Dulce, New Mexico. Details
about that base come across by way of several different sources.
This is a Kilometer underground base beneath Archuletta Mesa and the
Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation since 1976, one of the areas of
the U.S. hardest-hit by mutilations. This installation is operated
jointly as part of an ongoing program of cooperation between the
U.S. government and EBEs. There are also underground bases at
Kirtland and Holloman Air Force Bases, as well as, at scores of
other bases around the world, including Bentwaters, England.
Back to the base under discussion, "Archuletta Mesa" we have the
following data on that base. The base is two and a half miles
Northwest of Dulce, and almost overlooks the town. There is a level
highway thirty six (36) feet wide going into the area It is a
government road, and one can see telemetry trailers and five (5)
sided buildings with a dome. Next to the dome, to the North there is
a launch site. There are two wrecked ships there. One can see thirty
six (36) feet long oxygen and hydrogen tanks near them. The ships
that we got to, near the tanks, were atomic powered with Plutonium
pellets. Refueling of the plutonium is accomplished at Los Alamos.
The base has been there since 1948. The base is 4,000 feet long and
helicopters are going in and out of there all the time. In 1979,
something happened and the base was temporarily closed. There was an
argument over weapons and our people were chased out The Aliens
killed sixty six (66) of our people and forty four (44) people got
away. One of the people who got away was in fact a CIA agent who,
before leaving, made some notes, got some photos and video tapes,
and went into hiding. He has been in hiding ever since, and every
six months he contacts each of five people he left copies
of the material with. His instructions were that if he missed four
successive contacts, the people would do whatever they want with the
Somehow, a description of the Dulce Papers were issued, and was
received in December 1987 by many researchers.
The Dulce Papers were
comprised of some twenty five (25) black and white photos, a video
tape with no dialogue and a set of papers that included technical
information regarding the jointly occupied U.S. and Alien facility
one (1) Kilometer beneath the Archuletta Mesa near Dulce, New
Mexico. The facility still exists and is currently operational. It
is believed that there are four (4) additional facilities of the
same type, one being located a few miles to the Southeast of Groom
Lake, Nevada
A general description of what these papers contain is that they
contain documents that discuss Cooper and Molybdenum, Magnesium and
Potassium but mostly papers about Bill Copper. Sheets of paper with
charts and strange diagrams. Papers that discuss Ultra Violet light
and Gamma Rays. These papers tell what the Aliens seek, "The Secret
of The Metagene" and how the blood, taken from cattle and some
humans is used. They tell why some Aliens seem to absorb molecules
to eat by putting their hands in blood, sort of like a sponge, for
nourishment. It's not just food they want, the DNA in cattle and
humans is being altered.
Why a "Type-One" creature is used as a Lab Animal, and how to change
the atoms to create a temporary, almost human being. It is made with
animal tissue and depends on a micro computer to simulate memory, a
memory the computer has withdrawn from another human being, creating
some kind of Clone. The almost human being or Clone is a little slow
and clumsy. Real humans are used for training, to experiment with
and to breed with these "almost humans". Some are kept in large
tubes, and are kept alive in an amber type liquid.
Some humans are brain washed and used to distort the truth, certain
male humans have a high sperm count and are kept alive for that
reason. Their sperm is used to alter the DNA and create a non-gender
being called 'Type-Two'. That sperm is grown in some way and altered
again, put in wombs. They resemble ugly humans when growing but look
normal when fully grown, which only takes a few months from Fetus
size, but they have a short life span, less than a year.
Some female
humans are used for breeding, and subsequently, countless women have
had a sudden miscarriage after about three (3) months into the
pregnancy, and some never know they were pregnant, others remember
contact some way. The fetus is used to mix the DNA in types one and
two. The make-up in that fetus is taken at three (3) months and
grown elsewhere.
That's what the "Dulce Papers" talk about, (some of this information
is covered in volume two "The Pulsar Project"). There are some pen
and ink reproductions of what one of the wombs look like i.e. two
(2) by four (4) feet, an illustration showing one of the tubes in
which the "almost humans" are grown, a page showing a simple diagram
of crystalline metal, pure gold crystal, and what looks like either
a genetic or metallurgical diagram or chart Also attached is what
looks like an X-Ray diffraction
pattern and a diagram of hexagonal crystals, with a comment that
they are best for electrical conduction. It would appear that the
last half of the material in the papers applies to the super
crystalline metal used for hull structure, or something along that
Obviously, this is all rather bizarre from a certain point of view,
any point of view, in fact, material that is supported by years of
descriptions and multitudes of corroborations must mean something,
especially when compared against what seems to be going on. It is
apparent from this, and other data that has been accumulated over
the years, that there are underground bases and tunnel complexes are
all over the world, and that more are being constructed all the
Many of you may recall the "Shaver Mysteries" and inner-city
stories, well, all that is true. There are cities down there,
amongst other things, and some of them have nothing to do with the
main subject of this document. They've been under there a long time.
Let's change direction for a moment, one individual by the name of
Lew Ten has been working on some ideas regarding Geomagnetic
Anomalies, which UFOs may use. We will go into what he has
discovered, although the concept of the relationship is not new, and
let you judge that for yourself.
After purchasing Aeromagnetic and Gravitational Anomaly Maps for the
United States Geological Survey, it became evident that there was
indeed a valid connection between these areas and UFOs. Mr. Ten gave
a lecture in Arizona about that relationship, and was harassed by
the FBI, and told that the information was and is sensitive. Mr.
Teri took the hint and declined to talk publically about it to the
degree that he had been doing. Both the aeromagnetic and
gravitational (Bougier Gravity) maps indicate basic field strength,
as well as areas of high and low field strength.
enough, the areas of maximum and minimum field strength have the
All of these areas have frequent UFO sightings.
All are either in Indian Reservations, Government land, or
Government is trying to buy up the land.
Many of them, especially where several are clustered together, are
suspected base areas and/or areas where mutilations and abductions
have historically taken place.
In these observations, Mr. Teri has gone far, but he has gone a
little further in noting that there are times when UFOs are seen in
these areas. Through pain staking research Mr. Teri found that the
sightings, as well as, many abductions and mutilations occur:
When there is a New Moon or within two (2) days before a New Moon.
When there is a Full Moon or within two (2) days before a Full
At the Perihelion (when the Moon is closest to Earth) or within
two (2) days before the Perihelion.
A glance at the nearest Farmers Almanac will give you the
information you require as far as the days for this year or any
other time. There seems to be no concrete explanation for the
coincidence of the times and the events, but appear to be true.
Back to our main subject of this chapter of this document, talking
about Grey, Rigelian bases, we have the principal bases:
Obs-1 - No report for bases at Europe, Asia, Oceanic, Africa,
Central and South America
Obs-2 - No information about Nordic bases
or any other Aliens.
Project BETA - The Study of Grey Psychology
The Rigelians, either
through evolvement or because the humanoid types are constructed,
will exhibit tendencies for bad logic. They appear to have more
frailties and psycho weaknesses than the normal humans. The
Rigelians are not to be trusted, because of the Rigelians apparent
logic system, a key decision cannot be made without higher
clearance. All are under control of what they call "THE KEEPER", yet
it would appear that even this is not the final authority. Delays as
long as twelve to fifteen hours can occur for a decision.
Because of this apparent control, individual instantaneous decision
making by the Rigelians is limited. If their plan goes even slightly
out of balance or context, they become confused. Psychologically
their morale is near disintegration. There is a pronounced
dissension in the ranks, even with the humanoids, because of their
own internal vulnerability, (mind-wise) to each other, and
additionally their is a basic lack of trust between them.
They appear to be totally death oriented, and because of this,
absolutely death fear oriented, (this is a psychological advantage
to us). The prime and weak areas discovered, probed, and tested are
exactly what we had thought, their mind, "being their key strength-,
and that which they use to manipulate and control our minds.
Manipulated in reverse, by using reverse psychology we could make
them face a situation where they would have a vulnerable integrated
weakness, we could use against them.
Taxonomy of some Extra-Terrestrial Humanoids
Working under the
instructions of the humanoids for Rigel (Greys, type ones (1)), CIA
and former Nazi scientists have developed and deployed malignant
strains of bacteria and viruses, including AIDS, in order to
exterminate undesirable elements of the human population.
The Greys, especially the type ones (1) are almost entirely devoid
of emotions, but can obtain a "high" by "telepathically* tuning in
the different kinds of intense human emotions, such as ecstasy or
agony. Does that explain why UFOs have always been seen in regions
of war or devastation, where humans are in conflict?
We have in the United States several offspring of Alien and humans
living together, this is part of a sociological experiment by our
Throughout recorded history, as well as during pre-historic times,
there has been constant genetic manipulation of inter-breeding with
Uni-Terrestrial survivors trying to save his or her cosmic
hereditarily, in order to breed out the less evolved affected
survivors. The Nordic races have participated in this form of new
beginning, which makes us much more a part of them than we might
Greys have the ability to camouflage themselves as tall blondes
Nordics through mental energy projection. Blondes Nordics never
project themselves as Greys. Some Blondes seen with the Greys are
physically real, but are prisoners of the Greys, who have either
paralyzed them or have destroyed (neutralized) their ability to
teleport through time and other dimensions.
Both blondes Nordics and Greys have the ability to disintegrate
matter into energy and then reintegrate the energy back into matter.
This ability allows them to pass through walls and to transport
abductees out of their cars with the doors still locked.
The original Rigelians were the Nordics until they were invaded by
the Greys, a parasitic race, who took over and interbred with them
against their will. Several blonde Nordics escaped from the Grey
takeover of their system and came to Earth because the original
Rigelian and Uni-Terrestrials were the Nordics and claim to be the
ones who seeded the Earth. It is because of this common ancestry
that terrestrial humanity is of such interest to both the Nordics
and the Greys. Greys were and are easily able to impregnate
terrestrial human females either on board their ship or while they
sleep in their
homes. Males need not be manifested in visible form for this to
The conflict between the Nordics and the Greys is in a state of
temporary truce, although the conflict between Rigelians and the
Syrius Star System is being fought actively. The Nordics with speech
abilities will respond violently if attacked or threatened, but the
telepathic ones will respond peacefully. Nordics were sometimes
mistaken for Angels in earlier centuries. They do not seem to age,
and consistently appear to be from twenty five (25) to thirty five
(35) years of age.
The Nordics now inhabit the Procyon Star System.
Type A's are the large nosed Greys from the Rigel Star. These Greys
are the ones with whom our Government has a treaty.
The approximate height is 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall. Some approximately
5 feet. Their weight is approximately 40 pounds.
Two semi-rounded black eyes, without pupils. They are large,
almond-shaped, elongated, sunken of deep set, far apart, slightly
slanted, appearing 'Oriental' or "Mongoloid".
The head, by human standards, is large when compared with the size
of torso and limbs.
No ear lobes or protrusive flesh extending beyond apertures on
each side of the head.
Nose is long and vague. Two nasal openings are indicated with only
slight protuberances.
Mouth is indicated as a small "slit" without lips, opening into a
small cavity-mouth, which appears not to function as means of
communication or an orifice for food ingestion.
Neck described as being thin; and in some instances, not being
visible because of garment on that section of the body.
The head is hairless.
The torso is small and thin.
Normally they wear a metallic but flexible garment
Arms are long and thin and reaching down to the knee section of
the body.
The hands have four fingers each, but no thumb. Two fingers appear
longer than the others on each hand. They have some kind of long
fingernails. A slight webbing effect between each finger exists.
Legs are short and thin. Their feet are like an orangutans feet
They have no teeth.
Their skin description is some kind of beige, tan brown, or tannish or pinkish grey color. The texture as scaly or reptilian,
and as stretchable, elastic or mobile over smooth muscle or skeletal
tissue. No striated muscle. Light perspiration and very particular
body odor. Under magnification the tissue of skin structure appears
to be a mesh, or like a grid network of horizontal perpendicular
lines. They suggest that the texture may be similar to that of the
granular-skinned lizards, such as the Iguana and/or Chameleon, and
may be similar to at least on other type of alien humanoid.

Type A
No apparent reproductive organs. Perhaps atrophied by evolutionary
degeneration. No Genitalia The absence of sexual organs suggests a
system of cloning reproduction may be prevalent.
The Aliens appear to be formed out of some sort of mold", or
sharing identical facial characteristics.
Colorless liquid prevalent in body, without red cells. No
Lymphocytes. Not a carrier of oxygen. No food or water intake is
evident or known at this time. It is believed at present that no
food may ever be required. No digestive system or Gl tract. No
intestinal or elementary canal or Rectal area described.
Many variations of anatomy exist.
Their life span is unknown at this time.
Type B's are the Greys from Z-Recticulae 1. These Greys are also
ones with whom our Government has a treaty.
• Physiology more or less is very similar to that of the Rigelian
Greys. They are Male and Female. The differences are they need food
for survival. They prefer proteins of dairy meals. They have
asexual form of reproduction. The "Orulo" grow outside the female Z-Reticulae
The sketch shows a Z-RETICULAE 1 Alien.

Type B
Type C, one and two, are the Greys from Z-Reticulae 2. These Greys
are Alien researchers of us and our planet.

Type C
DATA # 1
Physiology is like Z-Reticulae
1's. The differences are at the
eyes, they have big black pupils.
They have ear lobes.
The Type C number one Greys, have the same type of reproduction as
the Z-Reticulae 1's.
The mouth has small lips and a throat which they can speak from
with verbal words.

Type C
DATA # 2
The differences are the shape of the head, see the sketch above.
They eyes and eyeball.
The Type C, number two Greys, have pointed ear lobes.
They are smaller than 1st type of Z-Reticulae 2's.
Their reproduction is accomplished by an egg.
Type D's are the Nordics. The Nordics are normally a blond humanoid
Average Height:
Male: 2.0 Meters
Female: 1.7 Meters
Average Weight:
Male: 90 Kilos
Female: 70 Kilos
Body Temperature:
Male: 72.5/16
Female: 72.5/21
Blood Pressure:
Male: 120/80
Female: 80/50
Life Expectancy:
Male: 60 Earth Years
Female: 23 Earth Years
They come from several places, but the main places they come from
are the Pleiades and Orion star system.
NOTE: I have found some smaller Nordics with dark skin or dark hair.
There is still not enough data about this offshoot.
Type E's are the Oranges. The Oranges are normally a red haired
humanoid type. They come from the Barnard Stars.
to Contents
to Zeta Reticuli Interaction With Earth