by Karla Turner, Ph.D.
KarlaTurner Website
Reprinted with permission
by Elton Turner and Kelt Works, Inc.
This article was
originally published in The MUFON UFO Journal, #320
December 1994.
Karla Kandace Turner, Ph.D. was a highly
respected abduction researcher, author, lecturer, and
teacher. She received her Bachelor's degree from the
University of California in Sacramento, a Master's
degree from the University of Nottingham, Nottingham
England, and her Ph.D. from the University of North
Texas in Denton. She authored three books about the
abduction phenomenon: Into The Fringe, Taken, and
Masquerade of Angels.
In 1995, Karla contracted a very dangerous form of
breast cancer immediately following an abduction
experience. She lost her battle with cancer on January
9, 1996 at the age of 48. Karla has been greatly missed
by those her knew her and by the many people she helped
through her books and research. |
The seminal work of Budd Hopkins
first showed recurrent reproductive procedures performed on
abductees aboard UFOs or in alien facilities. And since the reports
gathered by subsequent researchers confirmed this data, it has
become a "given,"- a fact of ufology, that the primary purpose of
alien contact is to crossbreed or hybridize a new version of either
the aliens themselves or of us.
But is this a solid fact, a safe assumption?
The evidence upon which this assumption
is based is three-fold. First, reports say that genetic and
reproductive material are being harvested from abductees. Second,
abductees say the aliens have implanted fetuses into them and then
later retrieved the fetuses. Finally, the reports include scenarios
involving the "fetal nursery" and the presentation of a
hybrid-looking baby or child to the abductee, typically with claims
that the baby is the offspring of the abductee.
All of this evidence comes from abduction accounts, remembered both
consciously and under regressive hypnosis. To date, however, there
is no actual hybrid child in human custody, so the entire "fact" is
based solely on encounter reports. The accuracy of these reports is
questionable, given the nature of the abduction scenario. In every
encounter, the human's total perceptive intake is controlled and
frequently altered, easily manipulated to give the human a "created"
event to remember and a programmed set of tactile, emotional, and
intellectual responses. That means that what we abductees think and
what we remember of encounters may not accurately reflect the real
events of the encounter.
Some researchers insist on accepting abduction accounts at face
value, however, but even if we grant the veracity of the reports,
there are still problems with accepting the "fact" of a
crossbreeding agenda. There are other feasible explanations for the
data used to support the hybridization theory that should be
First, the genetic material harvested from abductees could be
intended for some other use than an upgraded alien species. For
instance, totally human clones, typically naked and inert or
inactive, are reported by abductees. The genetic materials could be
used in their production.
Another possibility is that, as some abductees report being told or
shown, the small Gray "workers" are mass-produced android robots,
not soul-bearing individuals and thus not "alive" as we understand
the term. The Grays show a strong fetal physiology, as numerous
descriptions have stated.
And given enough mastery of genetics,
human reproductive material could be altered so that its appearance
resembled the Gray type, yet be strictly human in composition,
rather than a mixture of alien and human. The Grays, in effect,
could be grossly altered bodies of human babies, devoid of what we
call soul and mentally programmed like dedicated computer hardware.
Similarly, the reported fetuses could be intended for
non-crossbreeding purposes, notably the same ones just discussed.
Remember, there is no hard evidence that the fetuses are actually
made from any alien-human combination, only an assumption based on
outward appearances and the pronouncements of the aliens.
The reports of temporary fetal implantations into abductees, by the
way, are reproductively odd, to say the least. There are some
reports of male abductees receiving fetal implants, one in the
abdomen and another rectally. Both implants were later retrieved,
just as in the cases of female abductees. Even prepubescent children
are reported to have received fetal implants.
There is also evidence that the fetuses, whatever their origin, are
not always treated as if they were precious experiments vital to the
survival of either our race or the aliens.
In a few instances, abductees report
watching as aliens deliberately destroy fetuses in the "fetal
nursery" scenario. In one instance, the abductee was told that she
shouldn't be upset because the fetus was not really alive, and that
all its physical material would be used, not wasted. In another
instance, the abductee was actually told that the reproductive work
and the fetuses were used in the manufacture of the Gray workers.
She was told that the aliens were also
preparing "workers" for a coming time of destruction, because they
would need workers who were devoid of emotion.
And the "baby presentations" have other possible interpretations
other than the nurturing of the hybrid offspring, which is what the
aliens typically claim. It might indeed be an actual event, but the
baby could be a strictly human product, not a crossbreed. The
purpose here might not be for a bonding process, since many
abductees say they don't feel any maternal connection to the baby.
One woman said she didn't believe the event was for bonding at all,
but rather was a tormenting process meant to be emotionally
traumatic for the "parent," as part of some programming agenda.
On the other hand, the presentation might not be real at all. It
could be a virtual reality scenario. In such a case, the baby might
be something else altogether, or purely a projected image with no
physical reality. The event might be designed to give us
disinformation, misleading us about the true nature of their
genetics agenda and, indeed, about the true nature of our
relationship and worth to the aliens. If the agenda would seem
reprehensible to us, it would certainly serve their purposes to keep
us ignorant of it and to give us instead a more acceptable "cover
To muddy the waters even further, the aliens have indicated four
contradictory explanations for the genetics work.
First, they have
said it was necessary to upgrade their declining race.
They have
also said that it is necessary to alter the human species so it can
survive some future destruction scenario.
Third, they have told some
abductees that they are here serving God's plan, by preparing "New
Bodies" for the coming Resurrection and return of Christ.
finally, they have said they are producing clones of certain
individuals, with which those individuals could be replaced.
Given the alternative possible explanations and the large body of
counter indicative data, as well as the conflicting explanations
offered by the aliens, can we safely accept hybridization as the
primary purpose at the heart of the alien agenda? Or should we be
more skeptical about their avowed intentions?
The evidence shows that the aliens do harvest from us in a number of
ways, emotionally and energetically as well as physically. There are
even reported scenarios of facilities in which human bodies are
"processed," and many such reports come from people unfamiliar with ufological literature.
If we are indeed a multipurpose resource for the aliens, one which
they want to continue to use, could they be performing the various
reproductive/genetic procedures in order to make alterations in
their "livestock" that better serve the uses for which we are
harvested? Such a possibility should not be ruled out. There are
hypothetical reasons why these alterations might be necessary at
this particular time.
If the aliens know, for example, that upcoming catastrophes or
changes will be vastly destructive of their herd, they could be
working furiously to store up supplies in advance of the dearth, and
also perhaps trying to produce a variant human more capable of
surviving in some new environment on this planet. The aliens, in
fact, are fond of making predictions of catastrophic earth changes,
although they usually insist their genetic intrusions are
altruistic, for our benefit.
Consider this: What if the aliens realize that their herd is showing
changes that the aliens didn't intend and don't like? They could be
furiously working to stem this transformative process. They may fear
that the herd is waking up, gaining new perceptive abilities, and
learning that its purpose is nothing more than livestock.
After all, the herd might be so unhappy
with that situation that they might decide to resist it. What would
be the alien response to such a situation? If all the livestock we
use on this planet suddenly woke up and decided they didn't want to
"serve Man" any longer, would we all acquiesce quietly and become