by Laura Knight Jadczyck
January 16, 2001
Cassiopaea Website
In recent weeks, the relationships of
higher density beings to "one another," (if there is such a term in
relation to 6th density) has come up over and over again.
I have to admit that I was somewhat blind to this as an issue
because, as a result of the interaction with the Cassiopaeans,
I have been learning to let go of linear thinking. I have
also grown accustomed to conversing and having exchanges with others
who are similarly inclined to think in the new paradigm.
This is a failing on my part.
In the most recent installment of
the Wave Series, comments
by a reader were posted with the remark by yours truly that
expressed some amazement that such remarks were made. Apparently, I
was in error because, it seems, others have the same perception.
I received a kind letter from another reader who gently pointed out
to me that I was "out of touch," and I was pulled up short and made
to think about my assumptions. I immediately realized that even I
had similar "linear" perceptions in the beginning of the Cassiopaean
communication, and I have done a disservice to the reader by
thinking that they can or will follow along with my "knight’s move"
thinking in such matters without some basis for understanding.
Because it lays out the problem so clearly, I will reproduce the
letter here:
Hello Laura,
A quote from wave13e:
"The most striking thing to me is their direct claim that they
also dictated the Marciniak info as Pleadians - and the gigantic
discrepancies, contradictions and completely different slant on
it all between the two sets of info".
You asked this: I will ask the reader who wishes to find what
the Cassiopaeans have said about this to use the search function
on the site, and to THINK about the specific questions and
answers, to see that the above is a clear example of "twisting"
the text and inference of that which was never implied.
Just remember you asked:
He/she got this information here
Wave Part 4, interesting to note it was Terry who said at the
MUFON meeting in Clearwater.
"...there is this thing out there called a Realm Border, it’s a
wave, a wall, a frequency of some kind that’s like a doorway
between the different densities - the Cassiopaeans, the
Pleiadians, and whoever transmit through that - it expedites
their ability to transduce from 6th density down to 3rd - at the
time Marciniak was channeling her information, this wave was
located in the region of space of the Pleiades, and they called
themselves Pleiadians to give a reference point. As we perceive
it, this window is now passing through what we call Cassiopaea.
When it was in the region of Arcturus, they called themselves
the Arcturians."
What do the C’s say?
Q: (L) Who were the original
creator gods?
A: Us. Sixth Density.
Q: (L) The Cassiopaeans? Were
the Pleiadeans also the original creator gods?
A: Same. Sixth Density.
The Wave Part 2
Q: (L) So, if we just find the
general distances... and does each of these star clusters
represent a general area of the wave?
A: Each represents locator in space time. You can judge
speed and ETA by cross referencing distance with publishing
dates and these messages from us.
Q: (L) I got it! You mean that
YOU are the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and now you are the
"Cassiopaeans" because you "are where you are"! And
you are
riding the wave. Is this wave a straight line connecting all
these constellations?
A: Circuitous or cyclical route.
Q: (L) So, is it like a spiral?
A: Yes.
Now, if 6th Density is what
they say it is... namely many souls in a group consciousness, they
(are/were/will be again) Pledians. I have to admit I got the same
Well, again we see the problem inherent in releasing material of
this nature without context and basic principles in place. And, of
course, there is the additional problem of "translation" from one
person to another. Very few people are precise in their use of
words, depending on many other factors in communication, including
"feelings" and visual cues in conversation.
What the original statement contained that was totally inaccurate
"...their direct claim that they
also dictated the Marciniak info as Pleadians"
Now, rather than analyze this thing to
death, let’s just look at all the remarks about this contained in
the body of text we have at present:
Q: (L) How many members are
there in the Orion/Lizzie group?
A: 16.
Q: (L) Who are the good guys?
You say the Cassiopaeans are the good guys. Who else?
A: Pleiadeans and many others.
Q: (L) How many?
A: 16.
Q: (L) Are the sides equally
A: Yes.
Here we have the idea that there is a
distinction between the Cassiopaeans and Pleiadians. In fact, we
have a more or less "sorting" and enumeration of groups.
Q: (L) Who were the original
creator gods?
A: Us. Sixth Density.
Q: (L) The Cassiopaeans? Were
the Pleiadeans also the original creator gods?
A: Same. Sixth Density.
Here we have an idea that the "creator
gods," (as distinct from Prime Creator, which will come up in a
minute) are all at the level of 6th density. This is not the same as
saying that each "group" is exactly the same. It’s comparable to me
saying to a Martian that I am the "same" as Barbara Marciniak
because we are both from Earth.
Q: (T) Are you also the
A: No.
Q: (T) Are you connected to the
A: Yes and so are others.
Q: (T) You are all the family of
A: Yes. Exactly. You have been "doing your homework".
Here we have a further distinction. The Cassiopaeans have said that,
No, they are NOT the Pleiadians in the
sense that the questioner was asking; which was to strictly define
and delineate a "position."
Q: (L) Okay, who is telling E__
P__ that they are the Pleiadeans?
A: Orion STS.
Q: (L) Well, if you were Orion
STS and we asked who you were, wouldn’t you say you were the
A: No. Pleiadians. That is "trendy" thus deceptive.
In the above, a specific situation was
being examined, where a fellow who was later SHOWN clearly to be a
"disinformation artist," (long story), was in question. And here the
idea that claiming to be a Pleiadian, because it was now "popular"
might be being used for deception in some cases.
Q: (L) What level are the
Pleiadians who channel through Barbara Marciniak?
A: 6th density.
This is a simple question, with a simple
answer. But, depending on how the person asks their question, and
how they follow it up, they can become very misled by their own
assumptions with which they fill in, for themselves, all between
point "A" and point "B":
Now, it is easy to see how this
could be misconstrued without the entire perspective. And the
Cassiopaeans have noted this:
Q: Her other statement is:
C’s have stated that they are a continuance of the
Pleiadians. The Pleiadean view on sex, to be freely
expressed, appears in direct opposition.’
A: Well, this is a jumbling of concepts. But just to tackle
one of these, who is to say that the representations of
Pleiadian concepts are really the same?
And here is another facet to that
Q: (L) How do you relate to
the Pleiadians?
A: Pleiadians are communicating with many others; we are
bursting upon the scene with you, but we are essentially the
same, just at slightly different focus points on the realm
Q: (L) Well, why is all this
activity happening now?
A: The grand cycle is about to close presenting a unique
Q: (L) Does this mean that this
is a unique opportunity to change the future?
A: Future, past and present.
In the above, we begin to understand
that there is an essential "sameness" of the many sources of higher
levels that are communicating with others on Earth. But, not only
are they at "slightly different focus points," on the realm border,
the individuals with whom they communicate are also different in
terms of their ability to receive or "transduce" what they receive.
Now, in the excerpts below, even though I am still attempting to
understand things and ask questions in a linear way, we begin to
move into a new conceptual realm; we begin to experience a higher
level of abstraction:
Q: (L) Okay, who created the
A: Your super ancient spiritual ancestors.
Q: (L) Do these beings have a
name? [as in a defined "group."]
A: No.
Q: (L) What are they called?
A: Transient passengers.
Q: (L) Now you mentioned the creators of your group as the
super ancient ancestors called the transient passengers,
what is the meaning of this term and who are these beings?
A: Transient passengers are not beings. Transient Passengers
are unified thought form.
Q: (L) Why are they called
transient passengers?
A: Because they transit all forms of reality. And they
spring forth from the Unified form of existence.
Here we must go off in a "knight’s move"
to bring in another concept. What few people know is that each time
we communicate with the Cassiopaeans, we address a different
"aspect" of that reality. There is no single communicant. In the
beginning, we asked about this:
Q: (L) Why is it every time we
communicate with you Cassiopaeans we get a different person?
A: Energy disbursement.
Q: (L) Who is the energy
disbursed to?
A: The next in order. We disburse. Our disbursement is akin
to taking turns.
Q: (L) Is there an advantage to
taking turns as opposed to having one communicant?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What is the advantage?
A: Energy equalization.
Q: (L) In another transmission
we were told that we would receive information from a
different being each time of contact in order to get good
information. Why is this?
A: That is to make sure that balance and equilibrium is
maintained and also informational sources are fresh in the
interaction between the giver and the receiver.
And, at an even later time, we find that
our asking for a name is even conceptually limited:
Q: What is your name?
A: You still desire a name. We’ll say: Toren.
Q: (J) If it doesn’t matter, it
doesn’t matter.
A: What matters is what matters to you and our desire to
Now, getting back to the matter of
"disbursement" and Transient Passengers:
Q: (L) Is there only one
ultimate creator of the universe
A: All is one. And one is all.
Q: (L) From the one what was the
first division?
A: Mass division and disbursement.
Q: (L) Was this simultaneous?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was this what we refer to
as the "Big Bang?"
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there any reference to
this event in terms of time?
A: Always.
Q: (L) Can we say that all that
exists in the material universe is, say, "x" number of years
A: No. It is the eternal now. Not only did happen, is
happening and going to happen. The expanded presence.
Please pay close attention to the fact
that the Cassiopaeans did NOT affirm the "Big Bang" idea as it is
presented by science. They agreed that this "mass disbursement" is
what we refer to in those terms, but that it is a constant cycling,
eternal NOW. This constant cycling creativity now gives us some idea
of how to deal with the concepts of "points of focus" on the realm
border. And we have a new idea here, moving into even greater
abstraction, and that is of each individual being a "realm."
Q: (L) Now, getting back to the
planet, if at some point in the cycle, bodies were generated
on this planet and brought to earth, who brought them?
A: Realm crossing.
Q: (L) It was not a who, it was
a what, is that correct?
A: All is who and what.
Q: (L) Well, the other night you
mentioned something about the Transient Passengers hauling
these bodies off that planet and bringing them to earth, is
that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, are these Transient
Passengers Realms?
A: Yes. So are you.
Now we are beginning to have a glimmer
that the higher realms are very different from what we may have
thought them to be. Not only that, but that each of us has some part
of the self that extends into higher realms, including 6th density.
And, in the following excerpt, the reader may be able to detect how
extremely difficult it was for us to put aside our linear thinking
and grasp what the Cassiopaeans were saying.
Q: (L) Are there other parts of
us in all realms doing other things at this moment?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And how is this going to
be affected by the realm border crossing?
A: Will merge.
Q: (L) Do we need to do
extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up
and deal with these things a little at a time?
A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like a thermonuclear
blast. Message follows: See pattern. Orion, Pleiades,
Arcturas, Cassiopaea; check distances from earth; progress
locator for wave combined with earth references of space
time. For you to figure out. Cross reference channeled
messages, printing dates and location. We are where we are.
Q: (L) What do you mean
you are
where you are?
A: Cross reference Time and distance.
Q: (L) What book do we need to
cross reference?
A: Any star chart and
Marciniak, Arcturas Channel, Orion
literature and Us. We speak from "crest" of wave, now, where
are we?
Q: (L) Is this a riddle?
A: From, not of.
Q: (L) You speak from the crest
of the wave? (T) Are you riding the wave?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) You said in another
reading that you were 6 thousand miles...
A: Window of transmission.
Q: (L) We are certainly hoping
that you are going to make all of this plain and clear...
A: It is.
Q: (L) Well, can you help us
poor 2 strand DNA creatures to understand this?
A: How far away is Cassiopaea?
Q: (L) Do we need specific
A: General is okay.
Q: (L) So, if we just find the
general distances... and does each of these star clusters
represent a general area of the wave?
A: Each represents locator in space time. You can judge
speed and ETA by cross referencing distance with publishing
dates and these messages from us.
And we should stop and note right here
that this "US" means 6th density,
not any specific group, though the
concept that is being suggested is that of constant cycling
disbursement, and that we are supposed to understand something very
subtle from this exchange.
Q: (L) I got it! You mean that
YOU are the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, and now you are the
"Cassiopaeans" because you "are where you are"! And you are
riding the wave. Is this wave a straight line connecting all
these constellations?
A: Circuitous or cyclical route.
Q: (L) So, is it like a spiral?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So we really need to set
up a map so we can draw it?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When we speak from Orion
we are "Orions". When from Pleiades, we are "Pleiadian", and
so on.
Q: (L) So, all of these channeled books you have mentioned
are coming from the same basic source, through different
channels, that they are able to connect with because of
their different positions in space time and preparation
level of the channels, is that correct?
A: Close. We have given you a Wave crest locator. We are
from where we are and speak. Get it?
Q: (L) You are the wave crest?
A: We are Marciniak’s Pleiadians. We are where we are.
Q: (T) So, you are not really
Cassiopaeans from the Constellation Cassiopeia?
A: We are Transient Passengers.
And this seems to be where all the
difficulty lies in the minds of most readers. The Cassiopaeans were
attempting to express the unity of not only 6th density, but of all
densities, and progressive and cycling disbursement of creation,
reality, advancement, and "points of focus" that grow gradually
greater and more inclusive as "time" progresses. Their intent, when
taking all into consideration, was never to suggest that THEY
"dictated" the Pleiadian material to Barbra Marciniak, but to give
us clues to the unified nature of 6th density which, though
"unified," is still cyclical and with different foci. Their meaning
would be the same as if I said that Barbra Marciniak and I are one.
In the sense of universal Oneness, this is a deep truth. But at this
level of experience, there is Manyness and different focus due to
perspective. More than that, they are telling us that what we
perceive to be structures in space are defining the focus points of
the endlessly cycling and disbursing Wave of Creation. That Prime
Creator has many parts and aspects and that the entire Cosmos is the
Body of God.
Keep this in mind:
Cassiopaeans: All there is, is
lessons. This is one infinite school. There is no other
reason for anything to exist. Even inanimate matter learns
it is all an "Illusion." Each individual possesses all of
creation within their minds. Now, contemplate for a moment.
Each soul is all powerful and can create or destroy all
existence if [they] know how. You and us and all others are
interconnected by our mutual possession of all there is. You
may create alternative universes if you wish and dwell
within. You are all a duplicate of the universe within which
you dwell. Your mind represents all that exists. It is "fun"
to see how much you can access.
Q: (L) It’s fun for who to see
how much we can access?
A: All. Challenges are fun. Where do you think the limit of
your mind is?
Q: (L) Where?
A: We asked you.
Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no
A: If there is no limit, then what is the difference between
your own mind and everything else?
Q: (L) Well, I guess there is no
difference if all is ultimately one.
A: Right. And when two things each have absolutely no
limits, they are precisely the same thing.
This point is emphasized in another way:
Q: (T) Are we talking about the
creator god as in the Pleiadians?
A: Not Pleiadians. Prime Creator.
Q: (T) What is the difference
between the Prime Creator and "God?"
A: None. As long as you exist, you are of the Prime Creator.
In the following instance, as at the
time of the talk to the MUFON group, Terry was still, like the rest
of us, struggling with the linear concept that simply would not
embrace what the Cassiopaeans were trying to convey:
Q: (T) Since you are riding this
wave, in order to communicate, since the wave is what you
are using to focus this contact with, and you are, whoever
you may be at whatever point the wave is, you gave Barbara
Marciniak information under the name "Pleiadians". You are
telling us this. Have you told the other people, such as
Barbara Marciniak, that you are contacting other people?
A: No.
Q: (L) So, Barbara may not know
that the contacts are the same only under a different name?
A: No. Progressive information. Also, system is like mosaic.
Q: (L) Does this mean that
different people get different pieces of the mosaic?
A: Yes.
Q: (Susy) Are you from the same group as the Pleiadians?
A: Same. When at Pleiades, Pleiadians, when at Cassiopaea,
Cassiopaeans. Light beings.
Q: (Susy) What kind of source
are you?
A: 6th density.
And, as we all know, a mosaic is made up
of many tiles which, only together, form a complete picture.
Light and darkness unify all densities.
Q: (L) Are there 6th density
Orions known as Transient Passengers?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) So there are Transient
Passengers that are STO as well as STS?
A: TP is "wanderer".
Q: (L) And what is a wanderer?
A: TP.
Q: (L) Well, the idea of
Wanderers, according to the
Ra Material, is 4th or 5th
density beings that have chosen to come back into 3rd
density to help us. Would that be the same kind of Wanderer?
A: 5th or 6th density.
Q: (L) So, there are STS and STO at 6th density which
balance? And they are just there, they exist?
A: Reflection for balance.
Q: (L) Are the 6th density Orions, also known as Transient
Passengers, are they the same TPs that have been referred to
as the ones who genetically engineered us or put us here?
A: Close. They are Wave riders.
Q: (L) Are those groups that
ride the wave, is riding the wave part of the definition of
Transient Passengers?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do they like to ride this
A: Is it "fun" for you to live on earth?
Q: (L) Well, I like living on
earth a great deal, but I don’t like pain and suffering, and
I don’t like man’s inhumanity to man and I don’t like to see
other people suffer.
A: Do you live on earth for amusement?
Q: (L) I would like to live on
Earth for amusement but I haven’t had a whole heck of a lot
of laughs since I have been here this time. I would like to
have a life on the planet where things were pleasant...
A: You misunderstood.
Q: (L) I see what you are
saying. That’s where they live because that’s where they
A: Yes.
I hope that, at this point, the reader
has a clearer idea of the matter. When we consider the vast
differences in understanding between ourselves and our little
companions in the animal kingdom, we may be able to extrapolate the
idea of how difficult it is to grasp concepts from realms of
awareness and understanding higher than our own. In the end, we do
ourselves no service to attempt to force them into linear
constructions which, remember, help us to function at 3rd density,
and are designed for 3rd density; but when we are getting read to
move on, we begin to let go of them.
And sometimes is IS a struggle. But it is part of the necessary
struggle to expand and open the mind and become free of all
restrictions of subjectivity and wishful thinking. This is
exemplified in the following:
Q: Now, could you talk to us a
little bit about the purported "Photon Belt?"
A: The key issue remains one of interpretation. The messages
are genuine; interpretations are variable in their accuracy.
So, when one speaks of the "Photon Belt," one may really be
thinking of a concept and giving it a name.
Q: (L) So, you mean that various
persons are seeing something and only describing it within
the limits of their knowledge?
A: At one level, yes.
Q: (L) Are the Lizard Beings
agents for some other group?
A: Well that is a rather simple question. But, there are
levels of authority in 4th density STS environment. And
these are determined by intellectual and physical prowess,
as always, in STS. The "pecking order" as you call it. So,
therefore, we could state that at the bottom are those you
are familiar with as the Gray beings, and in the middle are
those you would call the
Lizard Beings, and above that are
others that you are not so familiar with.
Q: (L) Who are they?
A: The most commonly known, of course, are the Orion STS.
Q: (L) What do they look like?
A: They are, in fact, humanoid in structure, resembling
large human beings.
Q: (L) And we don’t see them
that often?
A: Well, of course you know by now, that the ones most
frequently seen on 3rd density level, are the Gray beings.
All others equally less frequently seen.
Q: (L) Are there any positive
Extra-terrestrials from the area of Sirius interacting with
human beings at the present time?
A: Well, now! First off, it is important for you to know
that the term you use: Extra Terrestrial, which of course,
is one of the most correct terms used at your level, all
that is NOT of the Earth is Extra-Terrestrial. And, for
those on your surface earth environment to refer to
themselves as the supreme species, or alone in the universe,
or the one and only in the cosmos, is laughable in the
extreme. It is akin to a microbe on a grain of sand
referring to itself as the only form of life on the beach.
Would it not?
Now, when you ask are there any beings in the
vicinity of Sirius, it would be something like that same
microbe, located on the grain of sand, on the beach, which
is, of course, but one of the beaches located on the surface
of the earth, after all, asking if there is, in fact, any
life located over in the vicinity of that seashell. Now, to
answer your question: Are there any beings who reside in the
vicinity of Sirius who are positively oriented, or
STO as it
were, again it is difficult to answer that because we do not
know how to define the "vicinity of Sirius." But, if you
mean within a light year or so of Sirius, as you measure
distance, then we can say there are no such beings in that
area in 3rd density.
But that leaves open 4th through 6th
density. So, you see, as you already know, but we wish to
reinforce this, there is so much to contemplate here that it
is laughable when those around you refer to certain areas or
star systems and claim that there are beings from here or
there or wherever, and that their objective is this or that
or the other. Because if you knew the TRUE nature of the
universe, of All of the universe, of all possible realms,
you would also know that any and all things are possible,
and, in fact, DO exist! You must NOT forget this.
Q: (L) So, in other words, these
people are right?
A: All of these people are right, and all of these people
are wrong. Because it is silly to point to some section of
the sky, to ascribe any area as being the "Home" of this
that or the other.
Q: (L) But what if that is, in
fact, the case? The Orions live in some star system in
Orion, right?
A: So are you.
Q: (L) Well, we aren’t living
there now!
A: That’s not the point. If you were to stay in 3rd density
and view your star, which you know as the sun, from another
point in your galaxy, it would appear to be a part of the
Orion system. Would it not?
Q: (L) Probably.
A: Well, now perhaps you are beginning to understand what we
are talking about??? At one level, and in one sense.
Q: (L) Well, how do these beings
get here crossing such vast reaches of space?
A: As we have told you, there
are seven levels of density which involves, among other
things, not only state of being physically, spiritually and
etherically, and materially, but also, more importantly,
state of awareness. You see, state of awareness is the key
element to all existence in creation. You have undoubtedly
remembered that we have told you that this is, after all, a
grand illusion, have you not? So, therefore, if it is a
grand illusion, what is more important, physical structure
or state of awareness???
Q: (L) State of awareness?
A: Exactly. Now, when we go from the measuring system, which
of course has been nicely formulated so that you can
understand it, of density levels one through seven, the key
concept, of course, is state of awareness. All the way
through. So, once you rise to a higher state of awareness,
such things as physical limitation evaporate. And, when they
evaporate, vast distances, as you perceive them, become
non-existent. So, just because you are unable to see and
understand has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on what is
or is not possible. Except within your own level of density.
And this is what almost no one on your current level of
density is able to understand. If you can understand it and
convey it to them, you will be performing the greatest
service that your kind has ever seen. Think about that for a
moment. Let it seep into your consciousness. Analyze it.
Dissect it. Look at it carefully and then put it back
together again.
Q: (L) What is it that limits
our awareness?
A: Your environment. And it is the environment that you have
chosen. By your level of progress. And that is what limits
everything. As you rise to higher levels of density,
limitations are removed.
Q: (L) What creates this
environment of limitation?
A: It is the grand illusion which is there for the purpose
of learning.
Q: (L) And who put the illusion
into place?
A: The Creator who is also the Created. Which is also you
and us and all. As we have told you, we are you and vice
versa. And so is everything else.
Q: (L) Is the key that it is all
A: Basically, yes. As we have told you before, if you will
be patient just a moment, the universe is merely a school.
And, a school is there for all to learn. That is why
everything exists. There is no other reason. Now, if only
you understood the true depth of that statement, you would
begin to start to see, and experience for yourself, all the
levels of density that it is possible to experience, all the
dimensions that it is possible to experience, all awareness.
When an individual understands that statement to its
greatest possible depth, that individual becomes illumined.
And, certainly you have heard of that. And, for one moment,
which lasts for all eternity, that individual knows
absolutely everything that there is to know.
Q: (L) So, you are saying that
the path to illumination is knowledge and not love?
A: That is correct.
Q: (L) Is it also correct that
emotion can be used to mislead, that is emotions that are
twisted and generated strictly from the flesh or false
A: Emotion that limits is an impediment to progress. Emotion
is also necessary to make progress in 3rd density. It is
natural. When you begin to separate limiting emotions based
on assumptions from emotions that open one to unlimited
possibilities, that means you are preparing for the next
Q: (L) What about Love?
A: What about it?
Q: (L) There are many
teachings that are promulgated that Love is the key, the
answer. They say that illumination and knowledge and
what-not can all be achieved through love.
A: The problem is not the term "love,"
the problem is the
interpretation of the term. Those on third density have a
tendency to confuse the issue horribly. After all, they
confuse many things as love. When the actual definition of
love as you know it is not correct either. It is not
necessarily a feeling that one has that can also be
interpreted as an emotion, but rather, as we have told you
before, the essence of light which is knowledge is love, and
this has been corrupted when it is said that love leads to
illumination. Love is Light is Knowledge. Love makes no
sense when common definitions are used as they are in your
environment. To love you must know. And to know is to have
light. And to have light is to love. And to have knowledge
is to love.