by Amitakh Stanford
XeeaTwelve Website
Spanish version
There have been aliens on Earth for a long, long time.
Most of them are alien consciousnesses
housed in human bodies, although some are in the bodies of animals
as well. In the past, few of these aliens in human bodies were aware
of who they were.
Today, more are awakening to their
alien identities.
This Earth is in the throes of alien wars, with battles being fought
in the sky, underground, in the sea and on the surface of the
There are two basic types of aliens involved in these wars:
Within these basic categories there are
many different kinds of aliens.
Those of the Light are all fighting in
unison to dismantle the
Virtual Reality of this world and
this dimension that has trapped so many for so long. Those of
Darkness fight against Warriors of the Light.
However, they also fight amongst
themselves, seeking to dominate one another.
At the present time on this planet, many of the political leaders
are alien consciousnesses in human bodies. The original occupants of
these political figures are either willing hosts for the alien
consciousnesses, or, they are actually taken over against their
wills by evil aliens. Some of them are clones. Additionally, there
are aliens in alien bodies on the planet at this time.
It is not science fiction that many different alien strongholds are
scattered across the globe. One of the smaller groups of aliens
is known as the Masa-karas and has two main bases on Earth.
There is a concentration of Masa-karas
based in central Germany, although many of this group have
immigrated to Australia over the last decade. This is the first time
information about the Masa-karas has been released to the general
public. Many other groups of aliens are also starting to migrate to
Australia. Eventually, Australia will be one of the world's main
alien centers.
The Masa-karas have been constantly intimidated by neighboring
groups of aliens who are also located in Germany, so they began
moving to Australia and have formed two main headquarters in
One of the headquarters is located in
Daylesford, Victoria. In the Daylesford area, there are also two
other groups of aliens. One of these is different in kind from the
Masa-karas and the other is a sub-group of Masa-karas, which is
concentrated mainly around Hepburn Springs, Victoria.
The main group of Masa-karas is now based on the Atherton
Tablelands of Far North Queensland.

They began infiltrating the Tablelands
many years ago, but they have become very active and more public
during the last four years.
In their alien forms,
They are tall, fair-skinned
beings with light blue eyes.
They have long slender necks,
high cheekbones, long narrow chins, long noses and no
external ears.
Their arms and fingers are long
and slender, as are their legs and toes.
Masa-karas use many clones, but also
take over existing human bodies.
The Masa-karas on the Atherton Tablelands are from central Germany,
with some originating from Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, and the Nuremberg
area. This group has immigrated to Australia with a great deal of
material wealth, and members of the group have purchased many rural
properties in close proximity to one another.
The Masa-karas do not always immigrate
directly to Australia, or particularly to the
Atherton Tablelands. Many of them
immigrate first to New Zealand and other parts of Australia before
slowly congregating on the Tablelands.
Today, they are infiltrating the Tablelands at a rapid pace. Their
primary targets at this time are people in political power, people
who tend to have many contacts with others - such as real estate
agents, people in the hospitality trade, and people involved in the
education and fashion fields - along with various other popular
community figures.
They also target high-traffic businesses
such as supermarkets, restaurants, sporting arenas, New Age groups,
religious denominations, and both conventional and alternative
health-care providers.
The Masa-karas are not having the easy time they had anticipated
infiltrating the Atherton Tablelands because there are Light Workers
on the Tablelands who had been drawn to this area over the course of
many years. These Light Workers are helping to counter-act the
negative energies of the Masa-karas as well as other kinds of their
The Masa-karas can physically abduct a host consciousness and
replace it with one of their own. However, this is not commonly
done. Usually a host is allowed to keep its own consciousness, but
that consciousness is heavily programmed and controlled by the
At the moment, one group of the aliens is operating an
alternative health-care service in a quiet part of the
Tablelands. The health-care centre offers treatment for sundry
ailments to desperate people. Whilst, in many cases, the patients do
get physical relief from the treatment, there is a huge price paid
for the service.
In this centre, the patients are left to wait for treatment in a
room where they are subjected to low-frequency pulses of energy that
are normally not audible to human ears. These inaudible sounds
program the patients to feel comfortable and trusting.
As the patients are being treated, they lay face down on an
examination table while the care practitioner stands behind them,
out of the patients' field of vision. An alien then takes over the
clone that is ostensibly giving the treatment, and uses its long,
bony fingers to click and manipulate various bones and tissues.
During this process, many patients
receive implants from the alien.
Most of the treatments last for many weeks, during which time the
patients have their programming and implants adjusted. Victims of
adjustments initially feel strange, spaced out, and will generally
not feel like themselves. They can walk around in a daze, and many
have blank looks on their faces. Their habits will change and they
develop new interest in themselves, often with great concern for
their physical well-being.
Personalities can shift markedly, as
happy-go-lucky beings can become morose. Some victims become more
psychic from the programming. Those who are affected suffer a
tremendous fall in awareness, and many exhibit physical
deterioration during initial stages of the take-over process. The
aliens' programming tends to disrupt relationships if one of the
partners resists the programming.
The transitional period of the programming seems to take between
three and six weeks before all seems normal again. During this
transitional time, the victims act almost like vacuum cleaners as
they suck energy to drain any around them. However, they are unaware
that this is occurring. Many of the victims also display symptoms
similar to the "Stockholm
Syndrome", in which they show affection, empathy and even
love for their captors.
Most of the victims are programmed to recommend the treatment to
Their programmed code is "by word of
mouth". This health-care practice does not advertise its services,
relying instead on spreading its influence "by word of mouth".
Invariably, those with any direct contact with the aliens, or those
with indirect contact with them via patients or the patients'
associates, often repeat this phrase, "by word of mouth", to others.
This phrase seems to prepare others to go to the aliens for
The Masa-karas are purchasing both residential and commercial
properties and existing businesses on the Tablelands, as well as
starting many new businesses in the area. Many of them prefer to
reside in secluded areas and conduct business from their homes. They
also cluster together on the same roads, forming concentrated
pockets of them.
If a business is taken over by the Masa-karas, there is often a
change in staff, and the business seems to boom.
Whilst Australia is in an economic
slump, and the Far North has been particularly hard hit because so
much of its economy depends on tourist trade, businesses that are
run by those under alien control seem to be flourishing. People from
other towns, states and countries are now arriving on the
Tablelands. They are attracted to this place like a magnet or to a
Indeed, there has been an influx of
artists, cooks, New Agers and alternative
health therapists to the area in the last couple of years.
These aliens extensively use concrete in and around their compounds,
and store huge concrete boulders behind various buildings, even near
their residences. But, these are no ordinary boulders. They are
objects that are the means of hiding something nefarious without
arousing suspicion or being detected by those who are unaware.
Besides, these boulders are too heavy to be easily stolen or removed
from the site.
Masa-karas have built a huge observatory on the roof of a large
building. From this observatory, multi-colored lights are sometimes
flashed towards the sky. Any who investigate this matter in the
physical are followed, as the aliens are very suspicious of
Many months ago, Steffan and I decided to drive by their physical
headquarters on the spur of the moment. As soon as we turned up
their winding, dirt road, there suddenly appeared a small, white
four-wheel drive vehicle that followed us. There are very few houses
on this road from which this vehicle could have come. We slowed to
about 25 km/h to allow the pursuing car to pass. It did not.
The headquarters is located at a dead
end. We drove to the end of the road. The car that was following us
made a rapid U-turn just before we reached the dead end, showing
that its driver knew that the road ended. We turned around and the
driver that had been comfortable to follow at 25 km/h was now doing
70 to 80 km/h along the road. It required a rapid pursuit to catch
him. While we were pursuing him, he was braking at the corners,
showing that he knew the road very well indeed.
Shortly after this incident, we were talking in the lounge of our
home. It was about 11:30 a.m. when Steffan exclaimed that he felt an
earthquake. I declared that it was not an earthquake, but, rather, a
localized assault that we both detected. We estimated it had
a rating of between two and three on the Richter scale. Its
epicenter was on me.
Atherton Tablelands in Far North
Queensland is amongst the most earthquake stable areas in the world.
Earthquakes are unheard of in this region.
Our home has high quality concrete verandas and a carport in a
U-shape around three sides of it. The verandas are about eight feet
wide, and the carport slightly wider. The concrete was poured many
years ago and is well seasoned. It was in good condition before this
After the blast, 26 large, relatively
evenly spaced cracks appeared in the concrete, all running
perpendicular to the house, and spanning the entire width of the
verandas and the carport. It is obvious that the house took an
enormously powerful hit from the blast. The main fracture line went
right through where I was sitting. Except for our home, no other
area or building on our property was affected.
All of the pets who were near our home
at the time were quite unsettled by the blast as well.
This war is very real, and extremely dangerous. Over the last two
years we have noticed that several new neighbors are Masa-karas.
Even some of our dogs can identify them, and bark at them when their
vehicles drive past our property, yet these dogs take no notice of
other vehicles. When Masa-karas drive past, I can hear a particular
sound as they go by. It appears that some of our dogs can also
discern this sound and they alert us to it.
We have also observed that the Masa-karas have monthly meetings of
small groups at different places near our property. This method of
congregating appears to be done to avoid arousing attention and
The long-term agenda of these aliens is to control the minds of
the people on the Atherton Tablelands and to build a strong base
here. When people are not readily taken over, then they are often
made offers for their properties that they cannot refuse, and they
sell and move on. There are many properties for sale in the area,
and a great deal of movement and transition is going on, which is
odd for a small country town.
It is apparent that the more aware a person is, the more programming
that person requires to be taken over.
As stated before, I have already had a run-in with the main figures
of the Masa-karas involved in this heinous scheme of body snatching.
They now spy on us frequently, try to make us uncomfortable in
various ways, and have attempted to physically and psychically
attack us, one example of which was given earlier. In addition to
their ground tremor attacks, they can send inaudible sounds and
invisible beams in the hope of injuring their targets.
Those who are taken over become their agents. They start to connect
favorably with their "abductors" as discussed earlier. These
"agents" can affect any they come into physical contact with, or
even those whom they communicate with in any way.
Once programmed, such ones will do
things that they would not normally have done before their
"take-over" by these aliens. Some victims are used as active
workers, others are used as spies, and some are used to disrupt and
pollute all who stand in the path of the Masa-karas' plan to
dominate the Atherton Tablelands.
This situation is similar to that of
Salmon, Idaho, in the USA, where the entire town seems to have been
taken over by another group of aliens.
People need to become aware of these types of invasions and must
take these matters very seriously. It is a time when protection,
cleansing, spiritual focus and dedication are critical to one's
safety and well-being. This means that one cannot afford to be
blackmailed by health concerns, social relationships or financial
Although outwardly these aliens appear to be helping people by
healing many physical ailments, in reality, they are very dangerous
and evil. They steal what is Golden, and in return give only
temporary physical comfort to the patients' putrid biological
bodies. Some of the favored victim-agents of the Masa-karas exhibit
confidence and are energetic most of the time. Others seem to
deteriorate extensively unless they are given "boosters" by their
Masa-karas "masters".
This is often done en masse via an event
such as a festival celebration, a market day, show or fair.
The Masa-karas also love certain color combinations, and they often
use such combinations for the color schemes of their houses and
businesses. This acts as a flag or marker to identify the buildings
to their own kind. Oddly enough, since I identified the unusual
color scheme as belonging to the Masa-karas, many changes have
Take, for example, two of their houses
situated in diverse locations that were both recently painted in
their favored color scheme. Two weeks after I commented on this,
these newly painted houses were both repainted in very subdued
tones, as if to purposefully remove attention and suspicion from
In one of their new developments, they constructed a large
commercial building. While it was under construction, I approached
them and enquired about the nature of the business. There were a few
workers in the front garden, doing landscaping with heavy equipment
far away from the main road. To my surprise, one of them on a
tractor looked just like one of the main figures in the
Masa-karas' ranks.
The only difference between the two of
them was that the main figure appeared Scandinavian, whilst the one
on the tractor looked like an Australian Aborigine. The man with the
aboriginal appearance was a clone.
Within a minute of my arrival, I spoke to the person who seemed to
be in charge of the development. As I was talking to this person,
all of the workers disappeared without a trace or noise. These
workers were quiet, and they all had their heads down when I first
approached unannounced. It was very odd that all had stopped working
without anyone giving any verbal orders to halt work.
However, I was aware of telepathic
communications amongst them. The workers were ordered telepathically
to stop work and to leave immediately, and they all followed the
At first, those at the site were suspicious of me, however, once
they heard my inquiries about a bed-and-breakfast, they probably
thought that I was a tourist who was lost. They thought that I had
taken a wrong turn and arrived at their very secluded property by
mistake. I could pick up signals from them as I drove near the
development site even though the main road was quite a distance from
this development.
I had "turned down" my own signal before
I approached them.
The color scheme of this development gave it away as part of the
Masa-karas' enterprise because they had once again used their
favorite colors. Shortly after leaving this development, I mentioned
this color scheme to someone who knows some Masa-karas "walk-ins".
Again, a newly painted building was
repainted in subdued tones.
Another incident involving some of the main Masa-karas was the time
Steffan and I entered a newly constructed tourist attraction. It was
opening day of this business when we visited it. As soon as we
entered the building the Masa-karas attending the various cash
registers and serving areas all looked at us suspiciously.
While they were cold towards Steffan,
they were openly hostile towards me. There were local customers, as
well as tourists, in the premises at the time. Many of the tourists
were from different parts of Asia and Europe, however, none of these
people seemed threatening to the Masa-karas.
Shortly after we entered the building, we felt rather unwell.
However, we persisted in touring the facilities. Eventually, a man
who appeared to be in charge - and who later identified himself as
the manager of the establishment - stood up abruptly from the table
at which he was seated with some visitors.
This man came over to me and said very
"What are you here for?" (There was
an alien face superimposed over the man's face. When this type
of thing occurs it means that the alien consciousness is coming
to the surface and taking control of the "human" host. It is
obvious that it was the alien consciousness who recognized that
we were different.)
I politely replied,
"We're here to browse. Isn't it open
to the public today?"
The alien face quickly withdrew, perhaps
sensing there was nothing to be concerned about.
Immediately thereafter, the man's
hostility disappeared and he smiled broadly at me and said,
"Oh! You're welcome to look around.
If you like, I can show you around."
I know there are those Light-workers
(especially those on the Tablelands) who will inwardly know what I
say is true even though it sounds bizarre, because they can sense
something is brewing on the Tablelands.
Fear is definitely the last thing you want to carry around. One who
is confronted by these aliens can draw strength from one's own
unerring focus on one's own Divinity. Fear is a programmed emotion
implanted in all the physical forms of this sector of Creation that
has been taken over, and run, by Evil.
This is not a time to despair or become fearful.
This is a time to be even more vigilant, diligent and focused.
The more one puts on the battle armor, the less vulnerable one will
be. There is a direct correlation between one's awareness, spiritual
strength and dedication, and one's ability to effectively resist the
Masa-karas' programming.
When one suspects one might be
programmed or influenced by these aliens, or any other type of
aliens, one can resist them by CONSCIOUSLY rejecting them and their
nefarious activities, and emphatically affirming his/her devotion
and dedication to the Light. The ones who are affected must assert
their will to begin breaking the programming.
Once this step is taken, help will be
available to assist them.
This "war" is very real. Your best armor is always your armor
within - your sincere love for the Light. This will in turn
attract outside assistance for you in the battles. As you draw on
your inner strength, you will experience inner peace and inner
You will then have guidance, clarity of
mind, stability and your warriorship qualities to guide, sustain and
assist you at all times.