by Amitakh Stanford
August 24, 2005
XeeaTwelve Website
In the twentieth century, I began openly discussing
Vulturites and
Reptilians as the major alien groups vying for control of the
I am pleased that more and more people
are using the terms and spreading information about the conflict
between the two groups, so that more and more people are becoming
aware of alien influence and control of human affairs. As some of
you might also have noticed, aliens are heavily involved with
influencing and controlling animals too.
For many reasons, there are many aspects of alien involvement that I
will not discuss publicly. In particular, I have not publicly
described the appearance of Pers-sires (Vulturites) in their alien
forms. This is for a very good reason.
As more people become aware of what is going on, they can better
prepare and help themselves against alien attacks and subtle
influences. In some cases, humans are almost helpless against them,
but, in many cases, the humans can ward off or alleviate the
problems. Most importantly, one must strengthen one's Will, which is
the ultimate shield against Darkness, including aliens of Darkness.
While there are good aliens involved in the Rescue Mission, these
aliens do not generally intervene in the affairs of the Earth -
intervention is usually handled by
the Attas. There are Attas
present on the planet at this time, and they have been here for a
long, long time. This has been mainly to sustain those of the Light
until the Rescue Mission is completed.
Most of the aliens on the planet are of Darkness, and their primary
concern is to physically control the planet and its inhabitants.
These aliens have been attacking many humans for a long time using
various methods. The methods they used three decades ago are very
different from what they are using today.
Some heads of state are actually aliens
in human form, while others
are clones or humans who are being
influenced, controlled or have been taken over by alien
consciousnesses. The human leaders may or may not be aware of any
alien involvement in their lives.
The aliens are now giving some governments older alien technology
for mind control of the masses. The aliens are very cunning and do
not want to give their top secrets away. Now, alien technology for
manipulation of human affairs is so refined that they can pinpoint
their attacks, and it is now rather like them living under your roof
without being seen or heard.
The internet and all computers are easy access attack points and
tuning areas for the aliens.
Cable television and satellite
transmissions are also being very effectively used by the aliens at
this time to track and pinpoint targets from a long distance.
They are used for strategic and tactical
planning of the alien wars. Thus, they can target a victim from a
distance and bring about serious consequences and/or symptoms, which
can appear to be explainable as a stroke, heart attack, brain
hemorrhage etc. Therefore, alien assassinations can easily fool
existing medical professionals and criminal investigators.
Some apparently harmless entertainment is hardly that.
For example,
Desperate Housewives is not just for entertainment - it is a
powerful programming tool. The negativity vested in the audio-visual
effects might have been detected by some of you. However, most
people are unaware of the unseen criss-cross beams that affect the
brainwaves of viewers. Like many other widely viewed television or
cinema productions, there is an agenda underlying Desperate
Many currently suffer from what doctors have diagnosed as
fatigue syndrome. Many have been told by medical professionals that CFS is
incurable. While CFS may be incurable according to medical
doctors, there are many people who suffer from similar symptoms of
the syndrome that are actually victims of alien intrusions.
Whatever the aliens have done to them
often causes high toxic levels in their bodies that weaken their
immune systems. It is often difficult to ascertain alien attacks
because the aliens have designed their attacks so that the symptoms
mimic various diseases to cause confusion and disguise the real
Depression is on the increase throughout the world, regardless of
age, gender, profession, status, creed or culture. While
environmental, physical, physiological, psychological and other
factors can cause emotional problems, more and more people are
experiencing severe and/or sudden depression for no apparent reason.
The medical profession will try to convince people that depression
is caused by chemical imbalance and work from there for solutions.
In truth, many of the sudden incidents
of depression are due to alien attacks. I have observed victims of these attacks
on many occasions.
Another current alien imposition is to cause sudden dehydration,
which can be specifically targeted at individuals. Hence, in a
public area, such as a restaurant, only the targeted victims will
experience sudden, severe dehydration while all the others in the
restaurant feel neither the intense heat nor the sudden, severe
thirst brought about by the alien attack.
Sudden dehydration has been used on
humans and animals alike. One of the purposes of sudden dehydration
attacks is to weaken the immune system of the victim in preparation
for subsequent, serious attacks.
mind control is now so extensively used in public that it is
obvious to those who have even the slightest bit of awareness. Of
course, many will remain in denial and accept the explanations
offered by so-called experts - who are often the most closed minded
and brainwashed in societies and who are rightly called skeptics.
Aliens have controlled the minds of people on Earth for a long, long
time. Those who are passionate about various issues are often
programmed to behave that way by aliens. For example, Martin Luther
was severely programmed by aliens of Darkness to appear to rebel
against the Church. In fact, it was all part of the alien plan to
re-build the Church.
Some ideals appear to be honorable to some people, but are they
really so?
Under the misconception that particular ideals are
honorable or virtuous, there are many people who might believe
bin Laden's ideals are honorable. Ultimately, one should remember
that there is nothing honorable that comes from a source that does
not respect the Light.
There are egotistical people who think that if they have dabbled in
metaphysics or any other branch of learning for a long time, they
automatically become experts and therefore have the right to decide
what people can or cannot do. In spiritual matters, a young person
can be far more advanced in awareness and wisdom than someone who
has supposedly been involved in spiritual matters for a long time
but has not awakened to Truth.
Truth comes from within and grows within
the spirit. Truth is not dependent on status, age, gender, wealth,
intelligence, worldly achievements, race, creed, nationality etc.
Alien implants can either be physical or subtle, inserted into the
physical body or into the etheric one, and they can be mechanical,
electrical, magnetic or even biological. Implants can be used for
monitoring or tracking an individual. They are also used as
programming agents to influence/manipulate/control individuals. They
can be passive data collectors or active weapons used upon
the implants are weapons of attack, they can cause various
symptoms such as insomnia, sudden sleepiness and other sleeping
disorders, intolerable itchiness, severe dry eyes, headaches,
depression, anxiety, panic attacks, cardiac arrest, stroke, spinal
problems, paralysis, sprains, muscle spasms, respiratory problems,
equilibrium problems, sudden dehydration and sundry diseases,
trauma/pain etc.
Usually, the effects from the weapons
are so similar to biological diseases that the medical community
almost always treats the implant disorders as conventional diseases.
However, most implant disorders cannot be successfully treated using
conventional or even alternative methods. Of course, many diseases
are caused by "natural" events, totally unrelated to implants.
Certain ones in the world's population are specifically targeted by
aliens, and many people have multiple implants from multiple
encounters with aliens. Most of the implants are inserted without
the knowledge of the victims. Today, various governments are
inserting their constituents with "crude" alien implants
technology received from aliens. These are inserted without the
consent or knowledge of the victims.
Implants can be inserted whether a victim is awake or asleep. Some
of the delivery systems are "invisible", whilst others are visible.
At times, things that appear to be
insects are actually delivery systems that place implants into
various individuals. The more sophisticated implants are delivered
through beams. An aware person who catches one of these attacks in
progress can actually witness the injection of the implant, and may
also notice a specific pattern forming at and about the point of
Nowadays, there is an increase in
implants that are causing high levels of toxicity in the victims,
which can appear to be allergies, sensitivities to foods, fatigue
and other health problems that subsequently debilitate the victims.
If this continues, very soon no one on Earth (except those with the
"antidotes") will be healthy.
Some implants are on timers, while others are ongoing or activated
by various triggering emotions such as fear, excitement, lust,
anxiety, anger, greed, jealousy etc. Since many of the implants are
on timers, it can be advantageous to avoid routines and be flexible.
For example, if attacks regularly happen at 4:30 pm, one can avoid
certain tasks at that time to mitigate the effects of the attacks.
Thus, instead of driving at 4:30 pm when
it could be very dangerous, one might travel either earlier or
later. However, this should not be interpreted to mean that people
should behave erratically or too impulsively, as these types of
behaviors can be more counter-productive for the individual than the
actual attack. Certainly, one must avoid being paranoid about
implant attacks.
Implants can be reversed by those who know how to do so, and these
reversals can be used to the advantage of the targeted person, much
to the chagrin of the attacker. Implants can also be removed or
neutralized. However, people who lack real knowledge about them and
who delve into implant treatments can cause serious problems for the
victims of the implants.
One could ask,
"Where does this lead to?", and
despair that the matter is hopeless.
This is not always the case.
The solutions to countering these
implants are not easily or safely transmitted via physical means
such as the written word. Therefore, effective solutions are being
placed into the ether for those receptive ones of the Light to
receive the knowledge and help themselves and others as needed.
Those who receive this information may or may not be consciously
aware of it.
Those who do receive it should not
exploit others who are in need of assistance.
Let us not forget that those who inflict others with negative
implants are agents of Darkness. It is imperative not to give one's
Will over to Darkness, despite the discomfort, confusion, suffering
and disadvantages the implants may cause. Of course, it is easier
said than done, but it can be done.
One has to make one's own
The Pinto Center sound and its complementary sound are very
effective tools to counter-act many types of alien attacks,
including implant attacks.
The Pinto Center
taken from N I C O C
by Amitakh Stanford
XeeaTwelve Website
Much has been spoken in regard to the seven major energy
Centers in the etheric body linking with all the subtle
bodies. However, there is a "minor" Center between the
Throat and the Heart Center which is now becoming
increasingly important, and will become much more
significant in the near future.
I have named this
Center the "Pinto" Center.
This virtually unknown centre has hardly been taken
notice of thus far.
This Center has its own unique color and subordinate
colors that are discussed later herein. Much can be
achieved through the proper development of this Center.
It is a special gateway to many new experiences that I
will explain in more detail in the near future.
The combination of the link between the Pinto Center and
the 8th Center opens a pathway to certain dimensions of
the Light for True higher learning and experience.
Healing through the link between these two Centers and
the Heart Center gives the greater power of True healing
right through all layers of the subtle bodies.
This new knowledge of healing is being made available to
very few at this time because the majority of people are
not sufficiently prepared.
However, in the near future, certain people will be
trained and guided to use the knowledge and more people
will be able to share in this knowledge of healing to
assist them in healing and in the process of returning
to Purity.
Such healing will greatly assist those beings who have
been badly spiritually "injured" in this dimension, and
this includes even the very "high beings".
Although most people are not ready to use the new
knowledge, many will benefit from doing certain simple
exercises which will be taught in the future.
The spreading of misinformation about this Center,
whether done intentionally or otherwise, can cause
others to misuse this Center, which can be detrimental
to their physical and spiritual well being. Therefore,
one has to be very responsible with regard to this
information, and keep it from being corrupted. This is
the reason why I have not given out information on the
Pinto Center in detail to this point. However, I will be
teaching and training others about correct utilization
of this Center when the time is right. |