How are the Grays able to dominate us telepathically?

The Grays install implants into abductees to assist them in controlling the abductees telepathically. The implant is a radio transceiver that picks up and amplifies the telepathic messages and commands of the Grays. It stands to reason that if the Grays install a transceiver in us, they would have installed strong implant transmitters in themselves, to enhance and amplify their telepathic abilities.


While on board their spacecraft, the aliens transmitter implant could be used as a remote control device to activate various types of equipment. I believe it also interfaces with the “fly-by-thought” headbands that the Grays use to control their ships.

The US Air Force is developing a headband with sensors in it that picked up thoughts, allowing the flight of an aircraft to be controlled by your mind. According to Col. Philip J. Corso, this device was copied from a similar unit that was recovered from a downed alien spacecraft.

See the official Air Force article about the thought-control headband HERE

A similar device is now available commercially to the public for a variety of applications. You can even buy a model that lets you control your computer by thought. It is called a “Mind Mouse.” Check out the company’s web site for complete information on the Mind Mouse at:

In my opinion, the difference between this commercial headband unit and an alien unit is that the aliens are able to generate a much stronger and more specific signal to the headband for the following reason: They have a transceiver style implant that can pick up and transmit their actual “command” thoughts to the headband, without the need for a physiological response interface. The Grays put implants into humans that transmit physical vital signs telemetry to the Grays as required.

Those implants amplify orders, messages, and dreams to the abductees from the Grays. With the technology the Grays have, it would not be a problem for them to make an implant unit for themselves to use that transmits their specific thoughts. When they abduct someone, they are known to get close to the person, look them in the eyes and neutralize their nervous system.


They are probably quickly matching implant frequencies with the abductee and then using their own transmitter to send the signal across to zonk them out. I believe the aliens can use their headband to activate powerful telepathic transmitters mounted in their ships both for communications with each other and for neutralizing the nervous systems of humans over a wide area if they want to harvest or abduct them.

From everything I can gather, the alien headband jumps over the “thought to muscle step” in the “commercial model” by routing the thought through a broadcast implant, that in turn sends the signal to the headband. The electrochemical impulses in human nerves travel at about 400 feet per second. I would guess it is something similar in the aliens. By going directly to the implant, the thought derived signal is sent by radio at light speed to the alien’s headband. That could account for their rapid response as seen in the STS-48 videotape, where they dodged the energy pulse that otherwise would have hit their craft.

Why do the Grays abduct and mutilate cattle?

For food. I believe also that the reason they excise the reproductive organs from the cattle may be that they can use them to breed cattle elsewhere. If they hooked the organs up to an artificial circulatory system, using the blood from the same cow, they might be able to keep the organs alive for some time.


They could do in vitro fertilization and raise the cows in an artificial womb, maybe even the real womb since they have taken it too. Since the cow ovaries contain about 300 eggs, they could breed 300 head of cattle for each cow they abduct and mutilate. How and where these calves are used is anybody’s guess.

Do they abduct a lot of cattle?

There have been 12,000 “reported” cases of animal mutilation between 1967 and 1997. That means there were a lot more cattle abductions that were not reported. Conservatively I would estimate that the Grays have abducted 36,000 head of cattle in 30 years.

Why do the Grays breed hybrids?

Based on a lot of interpolation of scant data, I believe the hybrids will be used as temporary workers in the Gray’s MRE (meal ready to eat) processing plant on the Moon. Teenage hybrids have been seen by several human abductees on the Gray’s ships. The hybrids were receiving on the job training from the Grays as assistants on the abduction craft. This could be because extra help will be needed on their craft during a major harvest.


Many hands will be needed for a major harvest, both for pickup and food processing. The Grays have been breeding the hybrids for many years. There have to be thousands in their teens and twenties by now, that is if most of them weren’t already processed for food, like cattle breeding on the sly.

There have been reports that Grays in captivity at Area 51 had eaten ice cream. I thought they absorbed nourishment through their skin.

I heard the same reports. They were never specific about how the Grays ate. They probably melted the ice cream and brushed it warm on their skin. I am sure few personnel had close enough contact with the Grays to see exactly how they ate. The word that strawberry ice cream was their favorite food did get out though.

Grays use screen memories to cover their tracks. How does this work? Didn’t some abductees receive the memories of others?

The Grays use advanced equipment that can electronically probe and record most of the memories in your brain. Those recorded memories are then stored. There have been instances where they have used stored memory from one person as a screen memory in another abducted person. I had discussed this with an abductee I know. After numerous abductions, she found she had clear memories from an English man that lived in the 1890s.


As close as I can tell, the aliens do this so the abductee will remember that previous life as a vivid dream and will not remember their abduction. Think of it as recording a new movie over an old one on videotape. If you are a multiple abductee, there is a chance you will remember some of your abductions under hypnotic regression even if your nervous system was neutralized during the abduction. If the aliens put in a different memory, it will seem like you are only remembering a dream if you undergo hypnotic regression. The Grays do this to prevent us from remembering them.


I believe they are sometimes unable to completely erase an abductee’s traumatic memories and will then record a stored memory over it. If you can’t remember what happened, you won’t become suicidal, etc., and can continue on as one of their happy contented cattle. A Canadian multiple abductee I investigated was an extreme case who had her own memories recorded back over her abduction memories.


This poor woman had been abducted and mind wiped so many times that she had lost a major part of her past memories and her short term memory was severely damaged. Her childhood memories were gone, she could not remember her brother and sister.

When she tried to recall her childhood, she would access the newer memory that had been recorded over the area where the childhood memory had been stored. Her fiancée told me she was so messed up that she could no longer hold a job. From all available information it seems abductees are supposed to have their own recorded memories overlaid on their memory if it was necessary. If abducted by a different Gray craft and crew as some multiple abductees are, the aliens use whatever memory they have stored.


Wrongful memory installation could even be an error made by some trainee Gray who used the wrong memory on someone. It has been shown that the Grays have a 3% error rate in their abduction procedures. Since they are processing thousands of abductees, there is ample opportunity for error. They seem to have guidelines to not upset abductees unnecessarily, I believe that a lot of the traumatic and strange things that abductees remember are a result of such omissions and mistakes. I personally do not believe in reincarnation.


Remembrance of past lives in great detail has a high probability of being installed screen memories. There is definitely a long-term history of abductee memory tampering. Installation of screen memories in most abductees is standard operating procedure. Whitley Strieber, as an example, had screen memories of “wolves carrying him off” overlaid on his memory by the aliens that abducted him. The aliens were apparently able to record his memories of wolves due to his interest in the subject (he had already written the book “Wolfen”) and record wolf images over his memories of them carrying him off. While I was thinking about all of this, some things clicked in my mind about implanted memories.


You may have seen on TV a story about a Canadian farmer who suddenly had vivid memories of being a Jewish prisoner in one of Hitler’s death camps. He had complete memories of his past life, his former life relatives, etc., in great detail. This man was in no way related to the Jewish prisoner, and was not of Jewish descent. He went to great trouble to look up the surviving relatives and met with them.


They confirmed that he had accurate family memories of the person who had perished. This indicates the Grays had contact with death camp inmates and may have used one of their recorded memories as a screen memory that they put into the Canadian farmer during an abduction. The farmer was hypnotically regressed to relive the “former life.” It would be interesting to regress him again and see if he remembered any abductions. His case was written up in the book “From Ashes to Healing: Mystical Encounters With the Holocaust: Fifteen True Stories” by Rabbi Yonassan Gershom.


There are more cases in his other book, “Beyond the Ashes: Cases of Reincarnation from the Holocaust.” This tenuous connection between the Nazis, the aliens, and death camps has sinister implications. I knew meat from the victims of Zyklon B gassing in the concentration camps was still edible by Reptoids. There is evidence the Nazis did not waste this edible human meat from the death camps.

“We had to bring the dead Jews to private zoos where they were fed to the bears.”

This quote from “Hans Becker and the Holocaust”.  


The meat did not poison the bears. The poison gas used was a cyanide compound that quickly stopped the heart. It did not taint muscle tissue. It was also used as a disinfectant and delousing agent in lighter concentrations. The gassing could be part of the meat preparation process for the aliens, since disinfecting would kill bacteria that could spoil the meat. Since the aliens can move live human bodies through solid walls during abductions, it would be no trouble at all for them to remove dead bodies by the ton from the Nazi death camp crematoria ovens when the meat was cooked just right.


Maybe the fiery furnace of Nebuchadnezzar in the Bible was an earlier human roasting pit. It is now common knowledge that the Nazis had gotten plans for antigravity craft from “somewhere,” and they made two functioning flying saucers. The US government declassified that information about three years ago. The news was reported in the mainstream media. There may have been a trade going on of meat for alien technology. The Nazis always gave priority to trains carrying Jews to death camps over troop trains heading to the war fronts.


On several occasions it cost the Nazis dearly to do that. By so doing more German soldiers were lost in battle when reinforcements were late. Maybe the Nazis had no choice in the matter. More deaths all around meant more available meat anyway. Food for the Reptoids always seems to be the bottom line. Another thing to consider about these Holocaust memory cases is: the aliens could be implanting inflammatory holocaust memories on purpose in people living outside of Germany in hopes of stirring up sentiments that will start another war between Germany and the rest of the world again.


A plan like that won’t work now because we have come a long way from the old trigger points that caused nations to go to war so easily in the past. The fact that people recently have suddenly found themselves with the memories of Jews in concentration camps shows that the aliens abducted the camp inmates and recorded their memories, using them later as screen memories.


What makes this even more compelling is that since the UFO flaps/harvesting occur at approximately 50 year intervals, we seem to be having this happen because there is an influx of saucers that were last here 50 years ago. They still have the old screen memory recordings from the last time they were here conducting their abduction and harvesting operation. Conversely, why would dozens of people suddenly have concentration camp memories virtually at the same time “out of a clear blue sky?” Death camp victims just don’t suddenly reincarnate themselves into grown people fifty years or more after the fact.


So what seems more logical to you, that Jews are suddenly reincarnating themselves simultaneously in people who are not blood relatives, or that aliens with recordings of those old memories have returned to the area to stage hundreds of abductions and are using the old memory recordings as screen memories? I know they use old memory recordings as screen memories in abductees. The lady with the 1890 Englishman’s memory is a good example. There have been no instances recorded in history of sudden mass reincarnations.


There have been reoccurring instances recorded throughout history of alien craft in large numbers showing up during and after major wars and plagues. Those craft have now returned, abductions are way up, old time screen memories are being used, and religious wars are being instigated on several fronts. Two plus two still equals four. The returned alien advance preparation crews have started a new phase of their operation.


I have come across a few cases of women who were abducted in their thirties and immediately after the abductions their sex drives increased dramatically. Taken in the context of the breeding program going on, it is a last ditch effort to breed more kids to replace the ones who will be harvested. Another thing I noticed about the big picture is women may have been altered genetically millennia ago to reach their sexual peak in their 30s. The logic behind that program is: usually women will have kids young. After having those kids, they would normally not want to have more.


Their sexual libido has been set to increase in their 30s so they would crave sex and as a result have more kids. They are bioengineered so strongly to do this they will kick out the husband who won’t breed more kids for one who will: husband number 2. (This may have something to do with making the women want to have more children immediately after their “firstborn” child is sacrificed in ancient times to the gods at its maturity-around age 12+.)


One lady told me that after her recent abduction at age 37, she now has the sex drive of three men. Another lady told me that all 30 women on her street have been abducted, and have now thrown out their husbands and have moved in either new husbands or live-in boyfriends. She is now divorced herself and seriously looking for love. As with cattle ranching operations, if you are having a big roundup for slaughter, it is standard operating procedure to breed your breeding stock to replace what is being harvested.

Remember earlier in the book I included the article by Dr. Karla Turner where she said,

<“What about those who undergo wild personality changes, who find themselves obsessed with deviant sexual behavior they never had before, often leading to the breakup of marriages and friendships? These things have happened numerous times, but no researcher has yet explained the higher purpose behind such results.”>

Well, I think I just explained it. So there is something to it when people say “The devil made me do it.” The “devil” Reptoids got several different human societies to breed on demand, to worship, to obey, and make human (or animal) sacrifices to them. The Maya, the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, and Celtic tribes were “led astray,” worshipping and obeying the Reptoids. Once the controlling “religious” infrastructure was set up, implanted, and functioning, those peoples were rounded up and taken away live for relocation to other wayside “food planets” the Reptoids were setting up.


To be so very obedient to offer up their own children as sacrifices to the gods on demand, those people would have to be under strong mental control using implants. The strong basic instinct to protect ones own children is being artificially overridden. Today another large group is being set up for willing removal. Christians are being “devilishly” disinformed that a rapture is coming and they will be taken to heaven. If God takes them, space ships or aliens will not be involved. Keep that in mind.

Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent god.

He appears to be wearing headphones with a thin metal strap connecting them over the top of his head.

click image for details

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IF Reptoids are aliens from another star system, how can they crossbreed with us, and even feed on us (without being poisoned)?

To be able to cross breed with us, they would have to either be masters at DNA manipulation or have DNA that is very similar to ours due to common ancestors. All living animals on Earth have DNA that is around 95% similar to each other. On May 8, 2000, I heard a news item on the radio that genetic researchers had discovered that our DNA was not as complicated as they had thought. They said there was not much difference between our DNA and the DNA of a fruit fly.


Common ancestry with the Reptoids raises many questions. In our Earth food chain, animals that are carnivores and omnivores can feed on most other Earth animals because similar DNA insures the protein building blocks of each species are similar, digestible, and can be assimilated. This seems to indicate common ancestry, but not origin, with the Reptoids residing at the top of the food chain for millennia.


It is my opinion that the Reptoids originated on Earth. I believe an advanced space-faring race may have visited Earth millions of years ago and enhanced the mental abilities of the Reptoid’s ancestors by DNA manipulation. Then they transplanted millions of them to another habitable planet in a different star system for unknown reasons or purpose. Eventually the Reptoids became highly sentient and space-faring themselves. In their travels and migrations they returned to Earth and enhanced the mental abilities of our ancestors for the Reptoid’s own purposes, I believe mainly so we could be fruitful and multiply, to insure that Earth could be used as a Reptoid food replenishment stop on their migration or exploration routes, with humans as the main food source.

Why don’t the Reptoids raise cattle on their ships for food?

Yuck. There are several nasty things that would stop you from raising cattle on a spaceship: the smell, the mess, the space required to carry the cattle, and the food, oxygen, and water needed by the cattle, not to mention the menial type job positions to be filled to tend to the cattle.

Also workers would have to operate a slaughterhouse on the ship. More smell and mess, waste disposal, and more menial labor intensive jobs. Reptoids don’t seem to be much interested in menial labor. They hired the Grays to do their dirty work here.

Why don’t the Reptoids bring enough food on their ships for the entire trip?

They would have to build bigger more expensive ships to be able to carry enough food to go nonstop to their final destination. It would deplete their home world of a large quantity of cattle breeding stock. They have food replenishment stations like Earth set up along their space routes.


It costs NASA $80,000. per pound to put cargo into orbit. If there were similar costs that the Reptoid equivalent of NASA must bear, it would explain why they have set up stops for food along the way. The prepackaged MREs that they prefer to use for space travel could mean that the Reptoids also have an aversion to cooking and washing dishes. There has been a change in cattle mutilation recently.


The Grays would usually only excise sex organs and intestinal tissue from the cattle they mutilated. For the last few months there have been many cattle found spread over a wide area in the US and Canada that have been completely stripped of all meat right down to the skeleton. Those skeletons have been found dropped into trees and on top of high barbwire fences, etc.

(Obviously not the work of animal predators!) This indicates that some other type of alien is now on the scene with feeding habits quite different from the Grays. The mutilated cattle show cut marks on the bones indicating that all the meat was stripped using sharp scissors-like cutting tools.


The Grays use laser type cutting tools to get the parts they want off of cattle. I believe there are some Reptoids in the area now who are harvesting fresh meat for themselves. It was also reported that witnesses have seen cattle being dragged sideways at night by an invisible force beam of some type that makes a noise like a giant arc welder. Then the cattle are lifted into the air and disappear into what is apparently a visually cloaked ship (since it can’t be seen). One witness was present (in Washington State I believe) when a cow skeleton just fell out of a clear night sky and landed high up in a tree with a loud crash.


The Grays have not used noisy type pick up methods or careless carcass return methods in the past. Some other type of alien is here that doesn’t care if we notice what they are doing. This looks like the work of belligerent Reptoids. It’s just a little slap in our face from the crews of the Reptoid craft.

Wouldn’t recycling on the alien ships handle the food supply, and provide something fresher than en-route food replenishment stops? It should take less energy to grow food on board all those transport ships than interrupt their long flight through space.


Only if someone can discover how and what you could “recycle” to provide meat for carnivores. Meat does not grow on trees. DNA splicing from animals to trees won’t work that way even for the most advanced DNA manipulators. So food supplies run out eventually. Thus the need for replenishing their food supply along the way.


We are the logistical answer to the problem of carnivores only being able to transport a finite supply of food with them on departure from their home world, and not being able to raise “cattle” in space. If there is a solution to that problem, it will take us out of the logistical equation, and out of the Reptoid food chain.

Is there archeological evidence that Reptoids have interacted with peoples other than the Maya?

The Reptoids apparently interacted with the ancient Norsemen and the ancient Chinese. Both cultures traveled in ships they called “dragon boats.” In Old Norse the name for dragon boats was Drakkar. The Chinese have more than 90 pyramids in their country, one closely resembles the big flat top pyramid in Teotihuacan, Mexico. The Chinese use the dragon in their symbolism, even having a year of the dragon.


The dragonheads on many old Viking and Chinese dragon boats resemble the Reptoid heads carved on the Mayan temples and pyramids in Central America. The dragonheads on the front of the Viking ships were removable because by Viking law they could not be displayed when the ships were in their home waters. It brought bad luck and terrified the home folks. The old Norse are one of the ancient peoples that have legends of their fallen warriors being lifted up into the sky when their battles were over.


On many old maps and charts from a variety of seafaring peoples, dangerous or unknown areas were designated with the phrase, “Here there be dragons.” Old English mythology has tales about dragons too. The cold English climate is not reptile friendly, at least not for the larger Earth type reptiles. I am still trying to figure out what the “fire breathing” of the old English dragons represented. I do understand the part about Reptoids causing damsels to be in distress. Dr. Karla Turner told us about that. Being raped by a Reptoid would distress anybody.

Did the carnivorous needs of the Reptoids have any noticeable influence on day to day ancient life in general?

It seems that the infrastructure of many an ancient human civilizations was set up by the Reptoids to yield up fresh meat from nearly every type of routine human endeavor. It’s like a very cruel joke, because many different routine social functions resulted in death. Mayan and other religious services culminated in human sacrifice to the gods.


Prisoners of war were put to death. Mayan ball games resulted in death for the losing team. Even property disputes were settled by death. If there were a dispute over land or property, the Mayan leaders would have the two people in the dispute assemble all of their family members and line them up in two separate lines facing each other.


The patriarch of each family then would behead their own family members one by one until one of the patriarchs had enough and called it quits. The other side was the winner and was awarded the disputed property. What an intelligent civil trial system. Multiple death penalties to solve property disputes!


Those Reptoids had a voracious appetite for justice. There were harsh trial systems in ancient Rome and the Middle East. If the Roman Legionnaires performed poorly in battle, the commanders would decimate them. They would have the men line up (sound familiar) and a commander would walk down the line behind them and put every tenth man to the sword. In Middle Eastern countries thieves would have their hands cut off, and if they continued stealing, their heads. Both cultures did not bury those that were executed, but just took the bodies and parts to the nearest dump.


The Romans also held games and executions in the Coliseum that resulted in death on a large scale. Why were they leaving so much fresh meat in the dumps? Unwanted Roman babies were also left there alive. My guess is that the dumps were isolated and the aliens could come in under cover of darkness to pick up what they wanted with little chance of being observed. The Grays usually abduct at night.

What evidence is there that Reptoid species originated on Earth?

My opinion is they are descendants of a dinosaur called Urugraysuchus. That species lived 80 million years ago and I believe evolved over the next 15 million years into the dinosaur that eventually became the Reptoids. I believe an advanced race visited Earth 65 million years ago and genetically advanced the ancestors of the Reptoids for their own purposes, then relocated them to one or more other planets.


There may have been some advanced Reptoids based here all this time. The skull of Urugraysuchus resembles the Maya stone carvings of Reptoid heads more than any other dinosaur skull. Refer to picture of the skull near the end of the book. Just who genetically advanced them is a good question.

There is ancient evidence of “visitors” to ponder on this. There have been several instances where human type footprints, bones, and artifacts (sandals and metal cups), have been found in rock that is (depending on location) from 350 to 400 million years old. This is long before dinosaurs walked the Earth. It is even before anything crawled out of the oceans onto land. Since cups and sandals were found, these were obviously not prehistoric monkeys, etc.


It may have been left by the “advanced race” that eventually came by and genetically advanced a certain species of dinosaur into the Reptoids. What was found may be the evidence of that race spending a few days at the beach: sandals, cups, and footprints. The “human” bones could be the remains of the older crew members that passed on and were buried here. These remains could be from the Nordic type aliens. I don’t know.


It could also be some modern humans who used time travel equipment copied from recovered alien craft to travel back in time. There have been leaks and rumors recently that we are traveling back in time using equipment or craft copied from the aliens, but our control of the equipment is not that good and they are putting the crews in jeopardy. I don’t think we would have sent crews back in time with sandals and metal cups.


So, somebody humanoid was living here for a while 400 million years ago. Long enough to go to the beach, and to bury their dead. Other UFO researchers believe a breed of dinosaurs became sentient “Dino Sapiens” and developed an advanced civilization on Earth and went to the stars:

from Vakeyn's Website


Only carnivores have teeth like these. Birds have feathers too but no teeth, nose, scales, or forked tongue. What am I? Only millions of missing Maya know for sure. For a people so obsessed with death, they did not have tombs. The bodies were disposed of completely somehow and the skulls were saved. The Spanish Conquistadors found one skull rack with 136,000 skulls in one village. 250,000 skulls were found in one Mayan temple in another city. There is no evidence showing what happened to all the bodies at the skull collection sites. In 889 AD, 50,000 Maya completely vanished from Tikal, skulls and all. The Spanish brought death too. It wasn’t just Pizarro’s cannons that ravaged the Inca people, European diseases, including the measles, killed as many as 27 million people from 1520 to 1548. War and plague, just like 1918.

Copyright ©Dr. Gregory Buckley
Eighty million year old skull of Simosuchus, which is similar to Uruguaysuchus. These are the most likely ancestors of the Reptoids.

This Central American resident was carnivorous.

Its nose is also located uniquely in the same position as the Dino Sapien Reptoids, facing forward.

reconstruction of Simosuchus

After the Reptoids left Central America a thousand years ago, did their influence continue to have an effect on the native population?

The Reptoid influence has had disastrous effects on most cultures throughout history, from the ancient Maya right up to modern times. The Spanish Conquistadors were greatly assisted in defeating the Aztecs, Maya, and other native tribes in Mexico and Central America by the specific military tactics that were instilled in the natives by their Reptoid gods. The Reptoid’s military and religious training ingrained in the Indian tribes, called for the capturing of their enemies.


The captives were to be brought back alive to be sacrificed to the gods. The preferred tactic was for the tribe to send out a large body of warriors to surround and capture a smaller band of warriors of a neighboring tribe. Great effort was made to overpower and capture the enemy, not kill them. When the Indians tried to use that halfhearted battle tactic against the conquistadors, the Indians were slain in great numbers.


The Spaniards fought to kill. On many occasions the Indians would send 10,000 or more warriors against a few hundred Conquistadors. The Spaniards fought with guns, cannon, and swords and were intent on using them to kill. The Indians would charge with no intention of killing the Spaniards, just physically overpowering them. The Spaniards cut them to ribbons with their deadly weapons. The military training of the gods was the Indian’s undoing.


You don’t take sticks and clubs to a gunfight and have much chance of prevailing. By the time the Indian leaders realized the Spaniards were not playing by Reptoid rules, and changed their tactics, it was too late. When the white man came to North America, the Indians there were no longer locked into waging war by the Reptoid rules. War had become mainly a religious ritual that had lost most of its military significance.


White men observed the Indians going through the motions of the old tactics ritualistically. Neighboring tribes would gather their warriors on the “field of battle” and taunt each other. Then the braves would make mock attacks against their opponents. They would touch their opponents with club, stick, or hands. This was called counting coup. They would try to score as many hits as possible. It was almost a game.

The warriors with the most ‘scores” would be highly honored when they returned home. Counting Coup was usually not deadly, and no hostages were taken for sacrifice. Great credit was given to the braves that could strike the enemy with their hands or a stick and not kill them. When war parties were used in serious tribal warfare to kill and capture braves of other tribes, the captives expected to be tortured and killed and it was always done.


What I find interesting is that the braves kept track of their kills and coups by marking the number of them on themselves, their clothes, their horse, or by the number of feathers they wore. This is analogous to cowboys carving notches on their guns for kills, kills stenciled on warplanes, and even kills stenciled on the big military laser (see photo).. This is a continuing program. It is a killing efficiency reward system so the Reptoids can stimulate soldiers, warriors, religious zealots, etc., to generate the most meat for them.


The most efficient killers are rewarded by their own societies for the number of kills. Indian braves were rewarded by their tribes with the best of everything for taking the most scalps. Modern soldiers are rewarded with medals, ribbons, and battlefield promotions. I am not antiwar by any means. But, it is painfully obvious to me that an ingrained reward system for killing the most humans (which is ultimately beneficial to the Reptoids) was most likely one of the many guidelines the Reptoids themselves built into our societal infrastructures.


It was the Reptoid gods living in ancient Central America who established a religion among the Maya and other peoples there, requiring the capturing of live prisoners for sacrificial purposes. Live sacrifices are the food of the gods. The best Mayan warriors were greatly rewarded too. To this day in South America, this rough ritualistic game is still played. In Peru, I believe, every year the descendants of the Inca gather in the tens of thousands to repeat the ritual. The men separate into two large groups, and then attack each other en masse with sticks and fists.


Several participants are killed each year. I saw this on the Discovery Channel. The Reptoid programming still runs deep. If the Reptoids will not negotiate an end to using us as a food resource, they should keep in mind that our military personnel are more than willing to stencil Reptoid “kills” on the appropriate weapons of war that we use against them. The human chickens have come home to roost.

Certain researchers are saying that the dinosaurs became intelligent and developed advanced spacecraft and went to the stars, all the while maintaining underground dwellings on Earth. Is this possible?

I have considered the merits of the theories of those researchers. They theorize certain dinosaurs evolved into Dino Sapiens who then developed their own technology after they moved underground, and then went out to the stars. In my book I have stated that it is more likely that an advanced race visited Earth around 65 million years ago and mentally genetically advanced a few relatively intelligent dinosaur species.


When they had a large enough population for their purposes, the alien race gathered up all of the Dino Sapiens and transplanted them elsewhere. Whether they were using them as workers, or giving them a boost up the evolutionary ladder, I don’t know. But they were all taken off planet. If the Dino Sapiens had developed space travel themselves, they would not have sent their entire population off into space with no foreknowledge of where they could go to settle, or any way of feeding themselves in space on such a long trek.


Carnivores can’t feed themselves in space. Meat does not grow on trees. It is a logistical impossibility to feed carnivores in a closed environment like a spaceship. I go into this in great detail in this book. Dino Sapiens would have maintained a civilization here on Earth if they were into some kind of interstellar empire building program. They would need a huge industrial base to build and support the fleet of large mother ships needed to transport an entire population.


No evidence of this has ever been found here. Evidence of the return of the Dino Sapiens picks up about 11,000 years ago. Now they are in an interstellar expansion mode and are stopping by Earth and using it as a food replenishment stop. Genetically they can still feed on life forms found here because it is a perfect match-up DNA wise for their digestive capabilities. They have no problem eating things from the old neighborhood.

The Reptoids have developed genetically a surrogate race (the Grays) to run the farm here for them, and have them gather up food supplies on demand to restock any scheduled passing migration fleet of the Reptoids.

Are the Reptoids a separate species from Dino Sapiens?

No. As I said previously, it is apparent that a few different species of dinosaur were genetically advanced and became Dino Sapiens. What I call Reptoids are a subspecies of Dino Sapiens that are using humanity as a food resource along their migration routes. There were probably plant eaters too in the Dino Sapien mix. They however have no need for fresh meat. Their food needs during space flight can be met hydroponically. To date only humans and some cattle have been harvested here. There have been no reports of any missing crops.

Have there been any recent mass slaughters of humans that look suspicious?

Yes, in Africa. There has been civil and tribal warfare in the last few years that killed 4.5 million people. The UN pulled their forces out when the slaughter started, and did nothing to stop it during the years it went on. Better them than us? It seems so. In the Congo alone the killing totaled a million a year. The news of the slaughter is finally being covered by the mainstream press:

Congo Death Toll At Nearly 3 Million
Cost of 32-month war sketched in apocalyptic tone
By Karl Vick
The Washington Post

LUSHEBERE, Congo, April 30 — 2001
As foreign armies pull back from Congo’s farthest reaches and aid agencies move forward, the human toll of the country’s 32-month war is being sketched in apocalyptic terms beyond any previously documented in an African conflict. According to a new “death census” conducted by a private American aid agency, the number of lives claimed by the Congo war now approaches 3 million.

What evidence is there of other Reptoid influence throughout history?

• The Bible frequently refers to demons and devils as serpents or serpentine creatures that live within the earth (stating the obvious).

• Ancient Hebrew religious texts refer to the serpent of the Garden of Eden as “Nachash”, which many Hebrew scholars contend was a bipedal or hominid reptile of great intelligence. Consider why a serpent would be the biblical animal in Genesis that tempted Eve.

• It is also known through studies of evolution that the limbs of many reptile species atrophied over time, as the creatures lost the need for them. The bible speaks SPECIFICALLY of how the serpent from the garden was cursed to crawl upon its belly AFTER its actions with the Adamic race. That would obviously indicate that the infamous serpent of the garden walked upright!

• From earliest days, the serpent symbol is to be seen in many parts of the world, but undoubtedly the most fascinating portrayal is a detail on an Egyptian “magical” papyrus in the British Museum depicting a serpent encompassed by a ray-emitting disk.

• Old Testament: NUMBERS 21:6: “And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, and much people of Israel died.” (What is a fiery serpent???)

Nagas are from ancient Indian mythology. They are described as humanoid lizards or serpents. In the earliest works they ranked with gods, but later they got demonized. They were not originally considered hostile to “mortals”. This is from texts 10 to 15 thousand years old. In those days even mortals could come and go between “heaven” and the Earth. But when the gods withdrew from the affairs of man, the Nagas retreated to great underground cities where they guard their privacy.

Quetzalcoatl was the feathered serpent of South American fame. He was a culture bearer and lawgiver. He is depicted flying on a rocket.


•SERPENTS in CELTIC MYTHOLOGY: Serpents and dragons appearance was always followed by strife and infertility.

• SERPENTS IN THE GNOSTIC TEXTS: There are three powers: the High God, who is most powerful; Elohim, the male God and co-creator with his female partner; and Edem/Eden, the goddess associated with the Earth, half maiden and half serpent, who creates the cosmos with Elohim.

Sint Holo (Sint-holo) by Gerald Musinsky excerpted from  Sint Holo is an invisible, great horned serpent, having spiritual and cultural significance among the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw and adjacent tribes. This “snake” might reveal its presence to any male youth that had demonstrated a marked degree of wisdom or intelligence beyond his peers.


According to certain but vague accounts, Sequoya, regarded as the primary inventor and developer of the Cherokee written language, “must have seen Sint Holo, the horned reptile” in order to create the alphabet for the Cherokee.

Deep in a cave below the water, Sint Holo dwelled. He brought on heavy rains and could make a noise like thunder but could not make thunder, like the Thunderer spirit, its enemy. Only to those who showed they were wiser than the others, would he show himself and offer his old wisdom.

• American Indians: The American Indians have a creation legend that says they came out of caves underground while the ‘reptile people’ were banished to underground.

• On July 14th, 1974 an article by Stoney Brakefield appeared in the Pennsylvania newspaper, NEWS EXTRA, reporting an incident which allegedly took place in 1944 near this small coal mining town.

A mining inspector and a fellow investigator had been called upon to examine a mining cave-in. About fifteen men had been killed in the incident. When they arrived and began to dig, they almost immediately uncovered the first body beneath debris that should not have been sufficient to kill the man. Laceration marks— as though from claws — were found all over the corpse.


Similar marks were found on many of others and some of the bodies could not be located. Apparently the mining inspectors dug through the debris and began to follow a passage for about a half-mile in search of the other men. Eventually they came to a room that seemed to be the end of the shaft. At this point, far up the tunnel behind them, there was another cave-in.


A follow up team was immediately sent in to find the inspectors. When the inspectors were located, they were horrified and told of an encounter with a single reptilian being (humanoid) within the room who appeared very threatening to the men before disappearing via unclear means (as if giving a warning to “stay out,” much to the terror of the men involved).

Hitler was fond of drawing a reptilian humanoid and even tried to publish a book in 1909 around it. From his works, including Mein Kampf, he mentions meeting with “supermen” in underground bases and that their eyes “were fierce and I was afraid.”

What can terrestrial reptile physiology teach us about Dino Sapiens?

There are two interesting physical attributes that two Earth born reptilian species have that are most likely shared by their Reptoid cousins. Turtles have extremely strong hearts and long life spans, and Komodo Dragons have an extremely strong immune system. The turtle heart is most impressive. You can cut the heart out of a turtle and it will continue beating for a long time. I wouldn’t have believed it myself except I had seen this happen.


When I first moved to Florida, one of my neighbors had trapped a big turtle and brought it home to process it for the meat. It weighed about 250 pounds and was still alive. Several other neighbors and myself came out to see it. Clint, the turtle hunter, told us that when he cut the heart out, it would continue beating for more than 24 hours.

Well, he left that turtle’s heart on the rear step bumper of his pickup truck. It was really beating, like it was frightened!! It was amazing. Clint told us to come back the next day and check it out. Twenty-four hours later it was still going. I checked it again at thirty-six hours and it was still beating weakly. It had been exposed to the Florida sun and the open air all this time, with no blood supply. I remember hearing that some large turtles had lived 250 years. No wonder. Their hearts won’t quit. I looked up the average life span of a few large reptiles.


Here it is:

  • Alligator           56 years

  • Box turtle       123 years

  • Giant tortoise  177 years

Recently medical researchers have learned some of the secrets of reptilian hearts. The unusual heart structure of the alligator could lead to a revolutionary procedure for people with coronary artery disease. Scientists discovered that the reptile’s heart is filled with tiny channels that feed the heart muscle with oxygen-rich blood. They wondered whether this concept could help patients with clogged coronary arteries, which often leads to heart attack, arrhythmia and myocardial infarction.


Rhode Island Hospital recently became one of just 16 centers throughout the US testing an experimental technique known as direct myocardial revascularization, DMR. In the study, patients will have tiny holes drilled into the heart muscle. If our Reptoid visitors are blessed with long life, it has to lead to overpopulation on their adopted home worlds. Excess population has to lead to migration. In an advanced society, it is the only civilized thing to do. Humanity does it too. When the population of a country here becomes too great, people immigrate to countries where there is more space and opportunity.

The other factor in long life spans in certain reptiles is a strong immune system. The Komodo Dragon’s immune system is so strong that it can destroy the most virulent diseases in a matter of minutes. It is being studied by our military to learn how biowarfare agents might be neutralized by copying and manufacturing the antibodies of the Dragons. Even saltwater and freshwater crocodiles have a natural antibiotic in their blood. When you spend millions of years evolving in a swamp, which is everyone’s toilet, your species will need a strong immune system to survive.

If you add genetic manipulation to the equation, the Reptoids will probably have a life span of 1000 years or more. Recently genetic researchers found that if the telomeres capping the ends of our DNA strands are strengthened or replaced, that our life spans can be greatly extended. Lab mice used in the research lived five times their normal life span and still have not died.

There is information about telomere research at the following websites:

With a 65 million-year head start in genetic research, the Reptoids may have gotten more than they bargained for by attaining near immortality; too many Reptoids, and not enough living space. Just imagine if everybody who had been born on Earth in the last 1000 years was still alive. It would be quite crowded here.


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