Why won’t the military just tell the truth about what they know
about the aliens? I can handle the truth.
The government has kept the UFO and alien agenda threat information
secret from the public with VERY good reason.
The Brookings Report was only the start. They let that study
out to let people know that if they did have knowledge of an alien
threat, that they couldn’t tell it for the protection of society in
general. It’s not “what you don’t know won’t hurt you,” it’s we
can’t tell you because it would terrorize too many people, resulting
in suicides, mental breakdowns, homicides, religious revolts, and
other upheavals in society.
The military knew what had to be done
and for the last 30+ years has been building a defense at the same
time they were waging psychological warfare domestically to divert
attention from the problem, misinform, discredit witnesses, etc., to
keep both the alien information and our military preparations under
wraps. The problem is that there are people here and in other
countries that couldn’t handle the truth and would be driven mad. So
the truth had to positively be kept secret. They did the right
Why do black helicopters show up at abduction sites?
The US military apparently has a covert program to monitor the
abduction activities of the Grays. The black helicopters that show
up at the houses of abductees are from a special military group (I
believe it is Special Forces, because the home base for the black
helicopters is Fort Campbell, Kentucky). They monitor the implant
frequencies, and when they detect that the Grays have activated the
transponder (locator beacon)
in someone’s implant, they will have a few armed black helicopters
(if they are nearby) fly out to the location of the abductee and
monitor the situation to make sure it is only a routine abduction,
and not the start of a major harvest.
In most cases the helicopters
can arrive at the location before the aliens, because the aliens
activate the transponders of several people they intend to pick up,
as much as three hours before they actually arrive. There was a lady
who was a multiple abductee in the Midwest who had as many as 5
black helicopters show up and continue to fly around her house for 3
hours before the Grays arrived to abduct her. On one occasion 3
helicopters followed her as she drove her car around town for 3
hours. Then they flew around her house until the Grays came and
picked her up.
I am fairly certain that several of those helicopters
are fitted with a drive system and reactor similar to the ones that
power the alien craft. I believe this because there have been
reports of the black helicopters being seen flying completely silent
and then suddenly vanishing (just the same way the UFOs vanish when
they instantly accelerate to very high speed). I am fairly sure
those units are armed with advanced weapons like lasers, particle
beam weapons, RF weapons, etc. The weapons could easily and most
probably be powered by an onboard reactor (a copy of the alien
This information is not in the public domain. I put it
together based on the observed facts. I think the super fast
helicopters may also be used to quickly get to a distant location
where a UFO may have been spotted (by NORAD) abducting people who
have not been implanted yet. Again, they are probably checking to
see if it is an individual abduction, and not a large harvest
starting. The black helicopters won’t start anything unless they
have to.
They want the Grays to think we are no match for them. Also
if the Grays accidentally crash, the helicopters are on site to
cover it up and recover the craft and bodies before the news media
arrives. They cover their asses pretty well in all respects. There
is a small chance I may be wrong in this, that is why I said in
effect that I was making an educated guess, based on all available
facts. Try evaluating the situation yourself. How do you explain the
fact that our helicopters are able to show up at an abduction site
before the aliens arrive?
NOTE: This has happened to the mother of a
friend of mine here in Florida. The other reports are from Budd
“In my opinion” the helicopters sent to monitor the abductions are
heavily armed “Q-Ships,” that can do whatever is necessary, armed
with weapons systems that can neutralize an alien craft if needed.
The helicopters are not seen with external weapons mounted because
rockets, 20 MM cannon, or machine guns, as they are inadequate
speedwise to neutralize an advanced alien craft. You can bet your
bottom dollar they are not just “unarmed observers.”
Even the US
Coast Guard does not go into a “situation” unarmed. Those choppers
are “most likely” flown by US Army pilots, who are “most likely”
Special Forces pilots. I am “drawing that conclusion” based on
information that the black choppers are based at Fort Campbell,
Kentucky. For the certain people here who are whining about “proof,”
this is an exercise to make “known facts” fit into a “hypothesis.”
There won’t be any proof forthcoming on the black helicopter
They are clandestine in nature, and active military
personnel involved would be under orders and legal restraint to
never discuss them. All I am saying is “this is what I see, so this
is what I think is happening.” If you were on a fishing boat off the
coast of Cuba and every day saw a U-2 spy plane fly over Cuba, you
would guess that we had an operation going to spy on Cuba. That is
all I am doing. I am making a highly educated guess on what the
operations of the black helicopters entail, based on “what they have
been seen doing” by eyewitnesses known to me, and reports from other
credible UFO researchers like Budd Hopkins.
If you are unfamiliar
with the historical operations of the black helicopters, I can
understand why this would all sound alien to you, (so to speak).
There are also reports that black helicopters have been seen
hovering near areas where mutilated cattle have been found. That
could be because they are checking on what the Grays have been doing
to those cattle.
I was informed by a European member of a UFO forum I belong to that
black helicopters have been seen in Europe. I asked him the
following questions:
What countries in Europe have these black helicopters been spotted
Do you know what air bases they are based at?
Do you know what
country operates them?
Are they US, UK, French, or German
manufactured helicopters?
Have you heard if they have exhibited any
unusual flight characteristics, like silent operation or
instantaneous acceleration to high speed?
He answered: These black helicopters have been sighted and filmed
repeatedly in England, in one instance filmed seemingly chasing some
crop circle investigators away from a crescent marking. They are
especially common near Stonehenge, which is near a RAF base. The
copters have also been seen in England near Arbofield RAF base that
allegedly has secret hangers dug into the ground.
Helicopters have
repeatedly sent researchers running when trying to film this area of
the base. This has been shown on TV. They have been spotted in
Europe, but the reports are scarcer. (Although this may have to do
with fewer people reporting them). However there have been reports
which I read about in
Borderlands by
Mike Dash of these helicopters
being sighted flying en masse over Berlin for some reason. The most
common description of the black helicopter seems to match that of a
BELL SH-34 helicopter, (BELL being the firm that manufactured the
However they do not always behave in this manner and yes
there have been reports in England of these copters making no noise
but they are exceptionally rare. Normally these helicopters behave
and sound like the norm. This type of helicopter is used all over
the world, so a country of origin is hard to gauge. I’ve heard of no
cases this side of the pond where sudden acceleration has occurred,
but I could be wrong.
My take on this: It sounds like those
“modified” helicopters are based at RAF bases because the RAF is
using them. I am convinced those helicopters have been equipped with
advanced weapons systems like laser or RF and have been deployed to
be in place as a last ditch line of defense against an alien harvest
of humans.
Think of them as a local force that can quickly respond
to a local threat. If the aliens ships show up where the helicopters
are situated (near population centers, obviously), the UFOs can be
jumped quickly by these helicopters that can approach at low
altitude using terrain to mask their approach to achieve tactical
It is hard to do that with a flight of F-16s. The UFOs will be down
to the ground on their abduction mission, limiting the range of
they use as radar. They won’t be able to see the helicopters until
it is too
late. Our spy satellites would be able to spot any UFOs and vector
helicopters toward them.
That would eliminate the helicopter’s need
for the “search” part of search and destroy. NORAD would already
know where they are, and would direct the helicopters where they
need to go. In the US they will stand by and monitor the UFOs as
they abduct individual people. If it looked like the start of a mass
harvest, then I think the helicopters will open fire.
How would you explain people being abducted from military bases and
prisons, two of the most heavily armed institutions in the world?
You said it! The “institutions” are armed, not the inhabitants.
Soldiers on base and prisoners in jail are easy targets. Neither is
armed. Weapons on a military base are kept locked up in armories
until issued. Ammunition is kept locked up separately until issued
too. Soldiers in the barracks don’t sleep with their rifles, or
Prisoners do not usually carry firearms either. Both soldiers
and prisoners are sitting ducks for abduction because they can be
abducted by the aliens right through the walls of the institutions
they reside in with little fuss. Even prison guards are not armed
with guns while inside the prison. Their guns are kept locked up too
and only issued if there is a riot. Remember Attica? So the Grays
would look at military barracks and prisons as a big, free meat
Is HAARP really a weapons system? The HAARP web site claims it is
used for research on the Aurora Borealis.
The Air Force and Navy have spent an awful lot of money just to
the aurora. Could the aurora possibly have some qualities that would
allow it to be used as a super weapon? Has the military been keeping
secret another Bermuda Triangle, an Aurora Triangle?
Pardon my
sarcasm, but I don’t think any practical use will ever be found for
aurora. The military would be better off studying rainbows. At least
there’s a chance of finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.
If you
want to know what
HAARP was originally designed to do, you have to
read the patent. It is an eye-opener. The patent on the HAARP system
was declassified in 1999 and can be read in its entirety on the US
office site (
The patent itself (#4,686,605) says it
is a multifunction weapons system. In fact it is one of the most
awesome weapons systems ever. The following text is copied verbatim
from the HAARP patent description. This section lists several of the
weapons uses for the invention:
The plasma of the typical example might be employed to modify or
disrupt microwave transmissions of satellites. If less than a total
blackout of transmission is desired (e.g., screened only be at least
about 10.sup.6 per cubic centimeter) for a plasma originating at an
altitude of from about 250 to about 400 km and accordingly less
energy (i.e., electromagnetic radiation), e.g., 10.sup.8 joules need
be provided.

Likewise, if the density of N.sub.e is on the order of
10.sup.8, a properly positioned plume will provide a reflecting
surface for VHF waves and can be used to enhance, interfere with, or
otherwise modify communication transmissions (e.g., scrambling by
phase shifting digital signals), the density of the plasma (N.sub.e)
It can be seen from the foregoing that by appropriate application of
various aspects of this invention at strategic locations and with
adequate power sources, a means and method is provided to cause
interference with or even total disruption of communications over a
very large portion of the Earth.
This invention could be employed to
disrupt not only land-based communications, both civilian and
military, but also airborne communications and sea communications
(both surface and subsurface).
This would have significant military implications, particularly as a
barrier to or confusing factor for hostile missiles or airplanes.
The belt or
belts of enhanced ionization produced by the method and apparatus of
this invention, particularly if set up over Northern Alaska and
could be employed as an early warning device, as well as a
communications disruption medium.
Further, the simple ability to
produce such a situation in a practical time period can by itself be
deterring force to hostile action. The ideal combination of suitable
lines intersecting the Earth’s surface at the point where
substantial fuel
sources are available for generation of very large quantities of
electromagnetic power, such as the North Slope of Alaska, provides
wherewithal to accomplish the foregoing in a practical time period,
strategic requirements could necessitate achieving the desired
regions in time periods of two minutes or less and this is
achievable with
this invention, especially when the combination of natural gas and
magnetohydrodynamic, gas turbine, fuel cell and/or EGD electric
generators are employed at the point where the useful field lines
the Earth’s surface.
One feature of this invention which satisfies a
requirement of a weapons system, i.e., continuous checking of
operability, is that small amounts of power be generated for
checking purposes. Further, in the exploitation of this invention,
the main electromagnetic beam which generates the enhanced ionized
belt of this invention can be modulated itself and/or one or more
additional electromagnetic radiation waves can be impinged on the
ionized region formed by this invention as will be described in
detail herein after respect to FIG. 4, a substantial amount of
modulated signals of very large power magnitude can be generated in
highly nonlinear mode.
This can cause confusion of or interference
or even complete disruption of guidance systems employed by even the
most sophisticated of airplanes and missiles. The ability to employ
transmit over a very wide area of the Earth a plurality of
waves of varying frequencies and to change same at will in a random
manner, provides a unique ability to interfere with all modes of
communications, land, sea, and/or air, at the same time.
Because of
unique juxtaposition of usable fuel source at the point where
field lines intersect the Earth’s surface, such wide ranging and
communications interference can be achieved in a reasonably short
period of time. Because of the mirroring phenomenon discussed herein
above, it can also be prolonged for substantial time periods so that
would not be a mere transient effect that could simply be waited out
an opposing force.
Thus, this invention provides the ability to put
unprecedented amounts of power in the Earth’s atmosphere at
strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level,
particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more
precise and better controlled than heretofore accomplished by the
prior art, particularly by the detonation of nuclear devices of
yields at various altitudes.
Where the prior art approaches yielded
merely transitory effects, the unique combination of fuel and
field lines at the point where the fuel occurs, allows the
establishment of, compared to prior art approaches, precisely
controlled and long-lasting effects which cannot, practically
speaking, simply be waited out.
Further, by knowing the frequencies of the various electromagnetic
beams employed in the practice of this invention, it is possible not
to interfere with third party communications but to take advantage
of one
or more such beams to carry out a communications network even though
the rest of the world’s communications are disrupted.
Put another
what is used to disrupt another’s communications can be employed by
one knowledgeable of this invention as a communications network at
same time. In addition, once one’s own communication network is
established, the far reaching extent of the effects of this
invention could
be employed to pick up communications signals of other for
Thus it can be seen that the disrupting effects achievable
this invention can be employed to benefit by the party who is
this invention since knowledge of the various electromagnetic waves
being employed and how they will vary in frequency and magnitude can
be used to an advantage for positive communication and eavesdropping
purposes at the same time. However, this invention is not limited to
locations where the fuel source naturally exists or where desirable
lines naturally intersect the Earth’s surface. For example, fuel,
particularly hydrocarbon fuel, can be transported by pipeline and
the like
to location where the invention is to be practiced.
As you can see, HAARP was designed as a versatile all around weapons
system. I believe they made the patent public so that any country
that wanted to copy it to defend Earth could do so. The patent does
not mention aurora research.
If HAARP is a weapons system, how are its targets identified and
designated? Where is the command post that operates the HAARP sites,
directing and controlling its firepower?
I believe that all of the HAARP sites are coordinated and controlled
NORAD headquarters. They operate the deep space satellites that
for incoming mother ships. They monitor the space and air space all
around the Earth. This became evident in an incident that was
discussed earlier in this book. A visitor in the NORAD control room
witnessed a UFO being identified and attacked using a powerful
“Radar” system.
I believe the Radar system that was ordered to
“boost” its power to knock down the large UFO was one of the HAARP
sites. What better place to direct those weapons systems than the
eyes, ears, and brain center of the military; NORAD. APTI, Inc.,
HAARP’s manufacturer states: The radiation beam can be shaped to
reduce sidelobes and can be rapidly scanned to 30 degrees off zenith
in all directions.
The latter is accomplished through the
application of a state-of-the-art digital control system. The
control center for the array is engineered to be user friendly and
is easily adaptable to remote operations from centers around the
Will our military have a problem if we are attacked by other
countries that the aliens have goaded into going after us?
following article from spells it out:
United States is Unprepared for War 3/17/99
Christopher Ruddy
At the same time that Russia has been building an enormous war
machine and making war preparations, the US has been slashing its
strategic nuclear arsenal, mothballing ships, and eliminating entire
military battle groups. Equally suicidal, Clinton has cut troop
levels in the US Army by 40% and the Air Force, Navy and Marines by
over 30%.
Clinton has also tied up many of America’s best troops in endless
futile foreign quagmires, including “peacekeeping” in Bosnia and the
Middle East, humanitarian projects in Africa, and drug interdiction
Latin America. Few troops are left to defend the United States.
also had been throwing away America’s limited arsenal of cruise
missiles. These missiles were primarily built to deliver strategic
warheads deep into Russia.
Russia is believed to be vulnerable to
weapons because they evade radar and fly low to the ground. ABC News
reports that before Operation Desert Fox (our recent, undeclared war
on Iraq) the US had just 239 cruise missiles left. In the first few
days of Desert Fox Clinton ordered that over 90 of these precious
cruise missiles be fired on Iraq against what has proven to be
mainly empty warehouses and radar installations that were rebuilt in
As this article is being written, additional cruise missiles
have been launched in continuing confrontations with Iraq. Each
missile expended in Iraq is one less that can be used to defend the
US — and at the current rate of expenditure, the US military would
have none left in less than 30 days. Why is Bill Clinton squandering
these crucial weapons? This question becomes even more serious when
one considers that the US is not currently making cruise missiles
and has no plans to do so.
And this is just one way that, under
Clinton, America is being stripped of its ability to defend itself.
Never before has the US been so ill-prepared to defend its own
territory and citizens. Here are the chilling facts:
1. The United States has practically no civil defense system to
protect its citizens from a biological, chemical or nuclear attack.
2. The United States has no antiballistic missile system to protect
against incoming missiles.
3. US defense spending has been dramatically reduced, from about 28
percent of the federal budget in 1988 by almost half, to 17 percent
today. Former Secretary of Defense, Casper Weinberger, states in his
book The Next War: “...the United States has embarked on a massive
disarmament. Since 1985, military budgets have declined 35%.
Spending on research and development has been slashed by 57%, and
procurement of newly produced weapons by a whopping 71%.”
4. US Naval forces have been slashed. These forces are vital for
protecting the US against foreign threats such as Mid-Eastern
terrorism and potential attacks on allies like Taiwan and South
Korea. Today the
Navy only has 336 ships compared to over 600 in 1991. That’s the
lowest number of ships since the late 1930s.
More frightening is the fact that US naval surface ships have been
stripped of their tactical nuclear weapons. Even though the US Navy
is still much larger than Russia’s or Chinas, without nuclear
weapons the US fleets are sitting ducks for Russian and Chinese
nuclear weapons.
5. The critical balance of nuclear weapons between Russia and the
United States has tilted in Russia’s favor. If intelligence
estimates are accurate, the US and Russia share an almost equal
number of strategic nuclear weapons, but Russia has a huge advantage
in tactical nuclear weapons.
The Clinton administration has systematically destroyed the US
stockpile of tactical nuclear weapons. Under Clinton, the total
number of tactical nukes has dropped from approximately 20,000
weapons in 1988 to a few thousand today. And every day, under
Clinton’s orders, the military destroys more tactical nuclear
Even with these cuts, the Clinton administration is still not happy,
and has pushed the Pentagon to seek unilateral cuts well below the
current Start I floor of 6,000 strategic weapons.
6. US military preparedness is at the lowest level in 50 years. On
March 20, 1998, the General Accounting Office reported to Congress
on the preparedness of the five of the Army’s ten divisions that
would deploy in the second wave of an overseas war. The results were
1st Infantry Division — the division’s 1st brigade had only 56% of
the personnel needed to fill its armored vehicles. Many brigades
were only partially filled or had no personnel at all assigned to
25th Infantry Division — 52 of 162 infantry squads were “minimally
filled or had no personnel assigned.”
1st Armored Division — only 16 of the unit’s 116 tanks had full,
battle-qualified four-man crews.
4th Infantry Division — 13 of 54 squads in the divisions engineer
brigade either had no personnel or fewer personnel than required.
7. America is paying for Russia’s rearmament. Under programs like
Nunn-Lugar, the US has paid Russia billions to dismantle nuclear
warheads because Russia said it did not have the money to pay for it
(odd, since they have plenty of money to build new missiles,
aircraft carriers, and submarines). By funding these expensive
warhead dismantling programs for Russia’s obsolete weapons, the US
has enabled the Russians to divert millions of dollars to building
new weapons.
8. President Clinton has unilaterally changed more than four decades
of US defense policy of “launch on warning.” Under a secret Clinton
directive — known as a Presidential Decision Directive or PDD —
issued in November of 1997, the United States would accept a first
strike and only retaliate after millions of our citizens had been
Some of the details of the PDD were leaked to the Washington
Post (12/7/97). The Post reported that the Clinton administration
was unilaterally changing America’s nuclear defense posture.
Clinton’s PDD directed the US military to no longer plan to win a
nuclear war with Russia.
Just weeks after the Washington Post report, on December 23,
Bell gave an interview to Arms Control Today. Bell, senior director
defense policy and arms control at the National Security Council,
draft the PDD. Bell revealed more astounding details of the PDD and
Clinton’s new policy: “In this PDD we direct our military forces to
continue to posture themselves in such a way as to not rely on
launch on
warning — to be able to absorb a nuclear strike and still have
force surviving to constitute credible deterrence,” Bell said.
continued, “Our policy is to confirm that we are under nuclear
with actual detonations before retaliating.” In other words, Clinton
is willing to wait until American cities, military installations,
and our vulnerable land-based ICBMs are devastated before
counterattacking. If, God forbid, such a surprise attack was
launched, most of the US’s strategic weapons would be destroyed and
there would be little left to retaliate with.
Clinton’s new launch policy is an invitation for Russia to attack.
With the US prevented from launching on warning, a Russian first
strike could wipe out two of the three legs of America’s strategic
defense triad: land-based missiles and strategic bombers.
At any given time, 6 of America’s 18 ballistic missile submarines
are in port and would probably be destroyed in a Russian first
strike under the Clinton doctrine. All that would be left to defend
America would be 12 ballistic submarines with 180 megatons of
warheads. That’s over less than 50% of the 400 megatons required
under MAD to deter Russia. [MAD refers to the policy of Mutually
Assured Destruction, a policy that kept America safe in the nuclear
Given Russia’s missile defense system, modernized weapons, and vast
system of underground shelters, it is easy to see why Russia might
find launching a first strike against America tempting and any loses
they would suffer “acceptable.”
Russia could destroy every major American city and military target,
and suffer only limited retaliation against its own cities even if
America fired every surviving nuclear weapon. After America launched
its handful of surviving missiles, Russia would still have tens of
thousands of weapons in their arsenal, making them the only military
superpower on Earth and the world’s likely rulers.
Further evidence that Clinton has diabolically sought to undermine
America’s nuclear arsenal, are his numerous proposals to “de-alert
nuclear forces. Clinton claims that the real risk of war is from the
accidentally launching nuclear weapons. To prevent such an
“accident,” the Washington Times reports that the Clinton
administration plans on “removing the integrated circuit boards from
ICBMs and storing them hundred of miles away, taking the warheads
off the MX missile or possibly the Minuteman ICBMs, welding shut the
missile hatches of some submarines, and doubling the number of
orders a hard-to communicate with submarine would have to receive
before it could launch a missile.”
The purpose of these changes would be to increase the time to launch
a weapon from minutes, to hours or even days. The truth is that in a
nuclear war an unlaunched weapon may never be launched.
Since Clinton can make such policy changes by issuing a secret PDD,
these dangerous moves can be made without informing the public or
Congress. There are some indications that, in fact, Clinton has
taken steps to make it more difficult for our submarines to launch
their missiles.
9. America’s land-based Missiles are vulnerable. The Defense
Department estimates that Russia would only need to fire about 15
percent of its ICBMs to destroy two-thirds to 85 percent of US
silos. In contrast, Peter Vincent Pry, a former CIA analyst, reports
that Russia’s ICBMs are “in harder silos and on mobile launchers —
making them less vulnerable to an American counterattack.”
10. The United States has not sanctioned Russia for the breaking the
ABM treaty and many other arms control treaties we have signed with
them — including bans on biological and chemical weapons, weapons
modernization, and construction of vast underground bunkers. Why hasn’t the Clinton Administration made receipt of aid from the
IMF and the World Bank (which are controlled by the US), conditional
upon Russia demilitarization or at least their abiding by the
treaties they
have signed? Why does the US and UN continue to pour tens of
of dollars into Russia while they are building a vast war machine
and apparently preparing for war?
11. Foreign deployment of troops leaves the US vulnerable to foreign
military occupation. US troops are currently deployed in some 160
countries, with large deployments in Bosnia and the Mid-East. Nyquist argues that foreign deployment is an ominous sign, since the
United States would not have an army to protect the United States
proper. Since Nyquist made those comments, President Clinton has
sent tens of thousands of US troops to the Mideast, along with most
of our naval forces and strategic bombers. This is extremely
dangerous, since by deploying our strategic bombers overseas, they
are cutoff from their nuclear weapons and are sitting ducks for a
Russian attack.
<End Article>
Sounds like any punk country can KO
us. What is so dangerous about not having the old levels of
conventional military forces? Naval vessels and US Army soldiers
can’t be used to fight advanced aliens in spacecraft.
Conventional military forces are still needed to protect the US from
the conventional military forces of Earthly adversaries. If we are
attacked by rogue states like North Korea, Iran, or Communist China,
we have to be able to defend ourselves from both nuclear and
conventional annihilation.
If we cease to exist as a power capable
of thwarting an alien attack because we were wiped out by a nuclear
sneak attack or an invasion by millions of human enemy troops, there
will be no country left to defend the rest of humanity from the
aliens. The aliens won’t wipe out humanity. They will allow mankind
to slide back into the old patterns of serial wars of all types, to
once again generate fresh meat on demand for their future needs.
it is critical that we have sufficient military strength to deter
enemies on Earth from even thinking about attacking us.
George Washington said, “To be prepared for war is the most
means of preventing war.” Downsizing our military is also a mistake
these days because shorthanded forces cannot mount a rapid response
attacks on our allies. We need to be able to fight simultaneously in
theaters of war.
It took several months to move men and material to
Gulf to fight Saddam Hussein. Iraq was not attacking our logistical
effort to move our military assets into the area either. If we were
up against North Korea and/or Red China, incoming men and equipment
would be under fire on the way to the war zone by enemy naval and
air forces.
Think back to the Korean War when we were fighting North
Korea and Red China. We currently do not have enough conventional
military forces to re-fight the Korean War. We can’t use nuclear
weapons there because China and North Korea both have nuclear
weapons, and planes and missiles to deliver them. If South Korea or
Taiwan comes under attack, we currently do not have the means to
defend them.
A large rapid response force is needed to guarantee the
safety of our allies and us. Having the ability to quickly project
military power on a vast scale is the only way to keep a lid on
expansionist plans of the Red Chinese military. We definitely can’t
fight a two front war where one is here and the other one is against
Reptoids in space. Besides, having a large number of trained
military personnel may come in handy if there is large-scale
attrition of our men in the space defense arena.
There would be no
time for the basic training of needed replacements. We may really
need “Minute Men” who are ready to fight right now. I am sure the
aliens will not stand around while we assemble a fighting force to
go up against them. But then, the Red Chinese won’t give us any
breathing room either.
Are the Russians deploying any anti-alien weapons systems?
There is a HAARP facility in Russia manned by their people and our
people. The Russians have a very large network of nuclear tipped
surface to air (SAM) missiles. What is strange about that is they
are not supposed to have them under the ABM Treaty with the US.
American inspection teams found evidence of what is going on, but it
has been officially ignored.
The Tuesday, March 10, 2001 Wall Street
Journal had an article written by Melanie Kirkpatrick titled “Does
Russia Already Have A National Missile defense?” It is pointed out
that the Russians have 8,000 advanced nuclear SAMs capable of
hitting an incoming nuclear ICBM warhead in space, all controlled by
the latest battle management radar, the entire network being
controlled by a central command in Moscow.
All of that is illegal under treaty but our government has said
nothing to the Russians about the flagrant violations of the treaty.
I think our government considers it more important for the Russians
to give a warm nuclear welcome to our mutual alien adversary, so our
government did not object to the massive buildup.
Crop Circles
I had avoided discussing crop circles because they did not pose a
threat to us. However the subject kept coming up because people
asked me where they fit into the big picture.
For example, I was
asked if there is any possibility that since the Grays are so
skilled at using electronic mind control equipment on us, that they
could be controlling the few humans who go out at night and make the
crop circles, even directing them as to what patterns to make.
would require close monitoring and control so I would recommend
checking the confessed crop circle “hoaxers” to see if they have
implants. Personally I think that if the Grays were directing this
crop circle program, the whole thing is a red herring to keep us
distracted while they finish their implantation program. They want
to fool us into thinking they have lofty aims. They have fed
disinformation to people like
Whitley Strieber who repeats what the
aliens told him to say to the public so we will not prepare a
defense or keep our guard up, etc., until we are blind-sided by the
coming harvest.
There is also the possibility the Grays are swinging
a double edge disinformation sword here. By having the hoaxers
confess, it throws Ufology in the discredited pile because so many
researchers were so sure the crop circles were alien in origin.
It’s after dark. Does anyone know where the aliens are?
ALIEN WATCH There is a national UFO reporting center for sightings, but no
nationwide program to observe alien abduction activity and report it
immediately to local authorities. If local police and sheriffs
receive enough reports of abductions in progress, it will soon
apparent they’ll need to obtain the equipment required to capture
and arrest the aliens.
They can try to obtain mobile radar units
surplus from the military. They are necessary to disable the alien
craft. Private citizens will have to be the eyes and ears of this
kind of program. I’d recommend they carry night-vision binoculars
and a cell phone. Groups like MUFON could organize members to watch
different areas.
Remember, call it in. Don’t try to apprehend them
yourself. The cops can be waiting when the aliens return their
abduction victims. Some police departments may have the manpower to
run an alien watch themselves. This is an area that needs prompt
The average citizen can’t purchase high tech weapons to counter the
aliens. We’ll have to rely on booby traps and low-tech weapons as a
last line of defense. The aliens abduct people out of their bedrooms
at night. Sleeping people offer no resistance. If the aliens try a
large nighttime roundup, we may be able to capture them by using
improvised weapons. We can try pepper spray, tasers, and stun guns.
Maybe bug spray works on the Grays.
We are an inventive people. I’m
confident we can improvise some surprises, and share them over the
Internet. Start improvising now. Infrared and motion detectors can
be adapted to home alarm systems. Motion detectors pointed at the
sky could function like radar to detect the UFO itself when it gets
close. Our military should release some of the advanced alien
electronic antipersonnel weapon technology they’ve acquired to
American industry.
Our police, military, and citizens could look
forward to countering the aliens with telepathic frequency jammers
and alien nervous system neutralizers. Then we could paralyze them,
if the military will give out the information and plans.
If the aliens send in ground troops for a big roundup, citizens will
need to take up arms for local defense. Guerrilla tactics, like
from cover, would be the most effective temporary measure. If you
to shoot, take head shots. The Grays and Reptoids are telepathic and
in constant mental communication with each other. You must break
telepathic communications-link, or the other aliens will know
you are the shooter, and be given your location because they are
still in contact with the wounded Gray or Reptoid.
Improvised anti-spacecraft weapons will be needed too. Powerful
home-built radar systems will work. Most firearms would be
ineffective since the craft can “dodge the bullet.” There is a web
site with instructions for building a variety of improvised
antipersonnel weapons at:
Please don’t even
think about building any of these weapons unless there is an extreme
emergency. It is a felony to possess most of them in whole or in
part. If you are in jail you can’t help defend Earth. You will be
busy defending Uranus. (Sorry).
I am sure there are people out there who have been working on this
problem for the government. It they would be willing to share this
knowledge of effective anti-alien measures, they could send it to
the Coast To Coast AM Radio Show web site, create special web sites,
give to the media, etc.
Any business that can contribute engineering
skills and production capacity for making anti-alien weapons and
equipment should get involved in this project. If we do nothing the
resulting loss of up to half the world’s population will be very bad
for business. Half of all customers would be gone. Half of all
employees would be gone. This is downsizing of the worst kind. It
would create a long lasting global depression. You don’t want to
live through a depression. They are very depressing. No jobs, no
food, no fun. It’s a daily struggle to stay alive.
If you don’t
prepare because you want hard evidence first, here’s my Warning,
when the hard evidence arrives here, it will be a hard lesson. Do
you want to gamble with the lives of your family, relatives and
friends? Do you want to be eaten? DO SOMETHING! Indecision is fatal.
Questions about my plan to bring down and capture an alien craft.
How can you be sure your plan to bring down an alien craft by
disabling its electronics with radar or microwaves will work?
The Leah Haley case earlier in this book is an example of an
where the US military brought down an alien craft using microwave
frequencies. The following articles show our military is well aware
of the
potential weapons applications for RF weapons against aircraft or
spacecraft that use electronic control systems. Electronic
countermeasures can be used against human and alien nervous systems,
as the second article shows.
A New Threat to Aircraft Survivability: Radio Frequency Directed
Energy Weapons
(RF DEW) John T. Tatum,
US. Army Research
Laboratory, Adelphi, MD
Military aircraft face threats ranging from small arms fire to
sophisticated guided missiles. Unfortunately, the range of threats
to aircraft has now broadened to include directed energy weapons
(DEW). DEWs fall within the electronic warfare category as defined
by the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Memorandum of Policy No. 6. The
three basic types of DEWs are laser, radio frequency (RF), and
particle beam weapons. This article focuses on RF DEWs, also known
as high power microwave (HPM) weapons, and a RF DEW engagement model
known as the Directed RF Energy Assessment Model (DREAM).
being developed by a tri-service team consisting of the Army
Research Laboratory, the Air Force’s Phillips Laboratory, the Naval
Air Warfare Center, and the team’s contractors SPARTA Inc. and Ball
Aerospace Corporation, under the sponsorship of the JTCG/AS and the
services. A RF DEW uses a beam of high-power RF pulses, similar to
radar, to irradiate a target and couple sufficient energy into the
target’s electronics to cause temporary interference/upset or
permanent damage. RF DEWs are generally nonlethal to humans
(compared with projectiles), affecting only the target’s
RF DEWs, however, could present a greater threat than
conventional weapons due to the following characteristics:
• A higher probability of hit compared with projectiles (because
the spreading RF beam can irradiate the entire target, it requires
far less pointing and tracking accuracy). • An instantaneous time of flight (speed of light) for fast
engagements in nearly all weather conditions. • A large magazine compared with the typical store of
conventional projectiles and missiles.
The primary limitation of a RF DEW is the uncertainty in the
of kill given a hit, because the kill depends greatly on the weapon
parameters and its target. Therefore, although a RF DEW could pose a
threat to aircraft, the critical questions are what RF power density
is required to affect the target (i.e., the aircraft vulnerability
level) and how close the weapon must be to be effective.
To help answer these questions, DREAM was developed to simulate a
RF DEW engagement with an aircraft/missile and to compute the
probability of failure of the target as a function of the incident
RF power
density and weapon range. DREAM runs on an MS-DOS compatible
personal computer under the Microsoft Windows environment.
model provides a graphical user interface to facilitate the input of
parameters describing the RF DEW, the environment/propagation
conditions, the target flight path, and a target description in a
fault tree
form. DREAM is based on the DOD HPM assessment methodology
developed by the RF Effects Technical Working Group of the Joint
Directors of Laboratories Technology Panel on DEW.
The probability
failure curves produced by DREAM can be used in the development of
RF protection or “hardening” requirements for aircraft or as inputs
higher level force-on-force battlefield simulations evaluating the
of RF DEWs on aircraft sortie generation. Though still under
development, an initial version (Version 0) of DREAM is now
for limited distribution. The use of radio frequency weapons to
the electronics of aircraft was demonstrated accidentally against
some of
our own planes. On July 29, 1967 the USS Forrestal (CVA 59) was
cruising in the Gulf of Tonkin off the coast of North Vietnam when
experienced the worst carrier fire since World War II.
The Forrestal
several A-4 Skyhawk jets on deck, fully fueled and armed with a
of air-to-air and air-to-ground ordinance. A Zuni rocket was
launched. The missile hit a parked A-4, igniting its drop tank. The
resulting fire burned for 13 hours, claimed 134 servicemen, caused
million in damage and required 7 months to repair the ship.
investigation showed that the missile launch was caused by
of electronic systems being subjected to a powerful electromagnetic
One of the missile’s cables apparently had an improperly
shielded connector. When a shipboard radar illuminated it, RF
were developed in the degraded connector, resulting in a Zuni rocket
being fired across the deck. Of course, increasing the range between
source of the energy and the potential victim can easily reduce the
risk of
similar electronic upsets. This is a primary reason for locating
radar antennas in relatively remote areas of airfields. By
the maximum effective radiated power of an emitter, an appropriate
minimum safe range can be defined.
The critical piece of information
this derivation is maximum power from the antenna. As high power
microwave (HPM) technology advances, this RF susceptibility can be
exploited by subjecting victim electronic systems to dangerous
electromagnetic fields in areas assumed to be safe from such
HPM weapon uses a beam of high power radio frequency (RF) pulses,
similar to a radar, to irradiate a target, with the goal of coupling
sufficient energy into the victim’s electronics, causing temporary
or permanent damage. HPM weapons have a far different array of
limitations and attributes than a more typical arsenal. These
include a
much higher probability of a hit compared with projectiles, since
the RF
beam can illuminate the whole target and hence requires much less
pointing and tracking accuracy.
Since the HPM weapon’s “ammunition”
is electromagnetic energy, it does not require reloading, has a much
larger “magazine” than a conventional weapon, and does not require
acquisition of additional ammunition between uses. The effectiveness
and speed of light velocity of the “ammunition” is unaffected by
weather conditions. The primary limitation of an HPM weapon is the
uncertainty in the probability of kill of a given hit.
The critical
parameters in this probability are the range from the weapon to
amplitude of the emission, and vulnerability of the target at the
and power level of the emission. As the Forrestal fire shows, the
vulnerability can be inadvertently increased when seemingly minor
components are degraded in manufacturing or due to use.
The Forrestal
fire also shows that the increased susceptibility may not be known
after an investigation of a tragedy. Since customer comfort is
airliner captains use more gradual flight slopes. The ground is
to be free of threats to the plane’s safe flight, although it is not
controlled. Therefore, while it would be very difficult to
position an HPM weapon against a fighter, such a deployment against
airliner would be uncontested.
Given the uncontested nature of
deployment of an HPM weapon against airliners, the risk must then be
analyzed in terms of probability of kill. This is highly
statistical, and
dependent on many factors whose quantity is unknown. For guidance,
airliner susceptibility to legitimate sources of electromagnetic
can be studied.
As the Forrestal incident shows, a highly complex
sequence of coincidences can combine to unintentionally expose
to HPM. Some may even argue that the probability of such a
combination of normally incidental mistakes, failures and/or
unconsidered circumstances is greater than intentional attack.
Forrestal fire started from close range exposure of a system to a
radar. In other environments, however, a system could be
exposed to numerous systems in a short period of time. Technicians
engineers maintaining military surveillance and fire control radar
typically use targets of opportunity to evaluate the performance of
systems. This includes analysis of fixed target returns, such as
and other known ground clutter, and tracking air traffic in the
area. In
these tests, it is common for fire control radar to “lock onto”
targets of opportunity to prove the system’s ability to track
targets and
measure their position.
This practice is generally safe, since there
never an intent of launching weapons. Just as in the Forrestal
however, a combination of events could become catastrophic. Since
control radar are typically continuous wave and trained on a target,
instead of sweeping an area with a pulsed waveform, the amount of
average power illuminating a target is much greater than in
radar. Under the proper conditions, the result can be similar to the
demonstration of placing a twist tie in a microwave oven. Such
conditions include those experienced by TWA 800.
They include an
aircraft at low altitude and multiple fire control radars in the
vicinity. Since the 747 was taking off near an area of military
it is feasible that it could have been a “target of opportunity” for
one or
more tracking radars. The low altitude and close down range
thousands of miles of fiber optic cable installed for their
“communication” needs. Maybe we are expecting visitors. In light of
“two-way street” concept, could there be anything else going on that
signs of behind the scenes alien influence to keep us more
and less dangerous? The answer is yes, many things.
There are many
comings and goings on this would have combined to allow a much
stronger field strength than normal. Another example of a RF risk
scenario is an airliner entering airspace that is near an area of
military exercises. Generally, operations that are sufficiently
complex to include the use of tracking radar and other sources of
extraordinarily intense RF signals occur isolated from populated
areas. This often restricts such maneuvers to desert or ocean
environments. If an airliner flies too close to powerful RF
emitters, it can be subjected to dangerously intense electromagnetic
Since the existence of military exercises is unchangeable,
the risk they pose to airliners requires a statistical analysis
defining a “safe” exposure level. The FAA cites 200 volts per meter
as High Intensity Radio Frequency (HIRF). Levels below that are
assumed to be safe. Much more powerful fields may be encountered,
however, near remote military activity with multiple emitters or if
locked onto with a single fire control radar.
John Tatum is an electronic systems engineer with the
Army Research
Laboratory (ARL) in Adelphi, Maryland. He is presently a project
leader in the RF Effects and Hardening Technology Branch. Mr. Tatum
is the current chairman of the RF Effects Technical Working Group of
the Joint Directors of Laboratories Technology Panel on DEW, as well
as a co-chairman of the Advanced Threats Committee of the JTCG/AS
Methodology Subgroup.
He holds a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from
the University of Maryland and has completed graduate studies in the
areas of radar and communications. There was an article in the US
Army War College Quarterly - Spring 1998, that shows our will and
consciousness can be overcome electronically too, and future war
plans should incorporate such tactics. The article is “The Mind Has
No Firewall Against Psi Warfare And Thought Control” by Col. Timothy
He informs us RF weapons and other electronic or sonic
systems can be effective in disabling or completely neutralizing the
nervous systems of living creatures. There should now be no doubt
aliens used advanced electronic techniques on us to accomplish such
tasks as rendering people unconscious, paralyzing them, controlling
physical actions, implanting screen memories, reading thoughts, etc.
military has a record of adopting technology to make war more
so we can win. So when the military wants to adopt methods of making
war that are less deadly for the combatants on both sides, the
military is
paralleling (and very probably copying) the aliens. The Army wants
electronically render the enemy unconscious to accomplish their
objectives. Once the enemy troops are unconscious, they can be taken
into custody and become prisoners of war, much like the alien
program acquires human abductees.
Unconscious people can’t fight
back. The bottom line is: if the aliens can do it, we can do it.
abductees have reported being controlled or paralyzed by the aliens,
were telling the truth.
If you would like to read Col. Thomas’s
article in
its entirety yourself, it is currently available on-line at:
After reading the
article you will understand that with the slight edge in electronics
that the
aliens have, they can abduct us with no fuss. On the other hand,
this may
be why the aliens won’t expose their craft by taking off in the face
strong radar systems (like in the account given by Col. Corso).
radar pulses may interfere directly with the large sensitive brains
of the
Grays. The Grays are telepathic. Being telepathic may make them very
sensitive to incoming electromagnetic signals. The pulses could
with or even wipe out their avionic controlling implants. But the
line is, if the signal is strong enough, it will have an adverse
effect on either biologic or electronic processes. If RF can interfere with
brains and electronic equipment, it can also interfere with the
alien brains
and electronic gear.
HAARP site in Alaska has an offsite control
bunker to protect HAARP personnel from side emissions given off by
the antenna array, and it keeps the personnel out of the target area
avoid incoming electromagnetic blasts from an adversary aiming at
HAARP site. HAARP is remotely controlled from that bunker by large
fiber-optic cables, which themselves are not effected by EMP. As a
result, the sensitive minds of the people operating HAARP and
HAARP’s sensitive control equipment are both protected from radio
EMP warfare is a two-way street. HAARP was designed
with fiber optic control lines to resist damage from electromagnetic
pulses, either from HAARP itself or from an adversary. Because fiber
optic technology depends on the modulation of light over thin
strands of
glass, it enjoys a number of benefits over tradition metal
lines, including the following: fiber optic cables have a much
bandwidth than metal cables, which means that fiber optic cables can
carry more data; fiber optic cable is less susceptible than metal
cables to electromagnetic and other interference; fiber optic cables
are much thinner and lighter than metal wires; fiber optic cables
allow data to be transmitted digitally (the natural form for
computer data) rather than analogically; and fiber optic cables use
less power and have lower overall operating costs.
Fiber optic cable
is capable of carrying approximately 130,000 simultaneous voice
conversations. Area 51 has only recently had street in the weapons
and cattle control arena. Many types of weapons are dangerous to the
aliens themselves and their craft. We keep running into the same
suspicious patterns, where “incidents” occur and a public outcry
suddenly springs up to do away with those weapons involved. Using
firearms as an example, first “something” causes kids to shoot other
kids in schools, and adults to shoot other adults on the job.
is a big outcry in the “controlled” media to ban all guns. So far
that tactic has resulted in Britain and Australia banning private
ownership of all guns, with Canada trying to do likewise. Gun-free
zones are safer for aliens. There is a push in the US to sell
electronically controlled “safe” firearms. Electronic firearms can
be disabled at a safe distance. There are other examples. Star Wars
type weapons are once again under development. Russian leaders are
protesting for some reason.
(There was even the case reported by
Col. Corso where an alien asked him to shut down the air base radar
so the alien’s craft could take off).
We know how easily Russian
leaders can be mind controlled. Stalin killed ten million of his own
people in peacetime.
Guess whom that body count benefited?
The Aliens. CSETI’s
Dr. Steven
Greer is lobbying congress to pass a law making it illegal to take
weapons into space. He claims to have made direct contact with the
aliens and they are all love and light. The aliens want to eliminate
nuclear ICBMs.
A large UFO hovered over an underground Russian
missile base a few years back and initiated the launch sequence for
ICBM in a silo. The aliens first randomized the ICBM computer’s
coordinates so it would go anywhere. The Russians scrambled
to stop the launch, shutting the missile down just in time. If the
had launched and blew up some random target, there would have been a
worldwide public outcry to ban nuclear weapons. Nobody would have
ever believed the Russians if they reported that a UFO caused the
accidental launch.
Then we have cruise missiles. One mistakenly hit
the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. Additionally,
President Clinton
expended nearly all of our cruise missiles for no good reason.
Several political writers have said he did it to distract attention
from his scandals. Bottom line is they are almost gone and none have
been reordered to replace them. IRBMs of both the US and Russia have
been taken out of service and destroyed.
Many US military bases at
home and abroad have been shut down and Navy and Air Force squadrons
have been shut down (see “US Not Ready For War” elsewhere in this
book). The Russians have laid off hundreds of thousands of military
personnel and their navy and air force is deteriorating. Many
Russian military personnel have drifted off because they haven’t
been paid for over a year. The US has downsized our troop strength
Less military equipment and manpower means it is safer for the
aliens. Defense is a numbers thing. You need a big enough force to
defend yourself adequately. Going way back to World War one, gas
warfare was used. That too will kill aliens.
There was a big outcry about it, and it was banned by the Geneva
Convention. Recently napalm and land mines were banned too. All of
our stocks of napalm have now been destroyed. Incinerated meat, or
meat full of shrapnel is of no use to the Reptoids. We have fewer
options and fewer hardware and human resources every day. War is
supposed to be horrible for our enemies. I believe there are other
afoot to weaken our military infrastructure.
All ground based
electrical and electronic equipment needs power plants to supply the
electricity to run radar, HAARP type weapons, Star Wars type
and all communications systems. There has been a push to close
plants and build no more of them. There were meltdowns at two
plants, Chernobyl and Three Mile Island. Russians living near
died. Then there was the standard public outcry. In an attack it is
easier to blow up natural gas pipelines and oil storage tanks to
conventional power plants than it is to disable a nuclear reactor
that is in
a heavily shielded structure and has a self contained fuel source.
the KGB was disbanded after the fall of the Soviet Union,
going through the KGB archives, found that the KGB had heavily
financed a long term program to have American ecology groups seek
banning of nuclear power plants (those influential Russians again).
Russians sponsored and organized many protests by antinuclear power
plant groups. Now conventional power plants on the West Coast can
barely keep up with California’s power needs.
There is also a move
afoot by the tree hugger organizations to ban HAARP, and ban
drilling for additional oil and natural gas. To also destroy US
manpower and infrastructure, the Russians had a program running in
the 1960s that brought into the US all types of illegal drugs and
distributed them free in several major US cities. I went to school
with two people who later joined the US Communist party and were
part of the distribution program.
Years later they told me about it.
It’s a long story. But again, this was an attempt to mellow out our
manpower and make us weaker, with no will to fight. Drugs turn us
into stupid dazed sheep, it is done to us now and was done in
ancient Egypt and Central America. Drugs are the actual opiate of
the masses, served up by those that are tools of the aliens. We even
have to be aware of aliens bearing gifts.
Any advanced technology
they may have given us or that we acquired, they will know how to
neutralize it. We need to be ready in the tactics, communications,
and logistics department so that we are not surprised. The aliens
could take major corrective action to return us to being happy dopey
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