"Meeting the
Looking up, I realized we were being approached by three aliens,
the tallest of them looking like my female escort from earlier on.
The second one was just a little shorter and was male as far as I
could tell. The third was smaller, much smaller, and walked ahead of
the other two.
He, for want of a better word was slightly built with a roundish
head and rather unusual, squinty eyes which were well spaced and
placed rather lower down than are our own. He had a very small
mouth, but I did not notice any ears or much of a nose. His physical
appearance, however, was of almost no consequence, for I was
immediately struck with an almost overpowering feeling of his
presence. I cannot say it was hypnotic; if anything, the opposite.
It was as if his energy was being projected and absorbed by my body.
There is no way I could ever adequately describe this sensation to
you, using mere words. Those who have had this experience will know
just what I mean! His communication with me was also much stronger
and clearer than I had experienced with any of the others.
This was still not the "alien" I had read about or seen
graphically illustrated in various magazines or papers.
The size was
about right - four feet in height with a slight frame.
"Welcome", he said.
"I am the designated Guardian of this section. Anything that you
feel you might need to make your stay with us more pleasant, ask
and I shall do my best to supply it. The suit you have been
given will make it possible for you to understand us, and us
He must have read my
mind as he entered the room, for I had just asked about the suits.
"We do not speak as
such, as you will have noticed by now. Sometimes a verbal sound
message is necessary in long distance."
"I will not enquire
if you wish to stay or return at this time. I would hope you may
desire the chance to absorb more knowledge and understanding
before you make that decision. There are things we cannot tell
you at this point in time.
You will understand I hope.
Nevertheless, you will have the chance to acquire some
considerable knowledge on a wide variety of subjects, including
your own kind, before you make up your mind up on this.
some or all of this knowledge may have to be removed from you,
should you decide to leave us and return to your own planet."

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"The Arrival"
The first most striking thing about the city was it’s neatness and
order; the second, it’s immensity. Even from well up I could not
make out the boundaries.
There may well be bigger cities on Earth,
but where I come from this place would be rated big, VERY big. It
stretched out in both directions, following the coastline out of my
line of sight. There seemed to be only a thin strip of land that was
not coastline or desert, and the city was sandwiched within it.
As we dropped in altitude, the sea lost it’s bluish look and turned
almost black. There could not have been much wind as it looked very
glasslike. I could make out a dark outline not too far off the coast
which presumably was a deep drop off from the coastal shallows.
The last thing really to make an impact upon me was the lack of tall
buildings, save for the odd tower or two, and the dominance of a
small circular shapes among a few larger pyramid shaped
Hardly more than a minute had passed since we had entered the
atmosphere, but now the craft had already settled. There was a
mixture of apprehension and excitement within me. Now that I was
here - wherever "here" was, just what had happened to me really
started to sink in. Would I ever see home again? Was anyone looking
for me?
My panic soon eased, however and curiosity won the day. I eagerly
scanned the viewer for my first close look at the alien landscape.
What I could see was an area of level ground, similar to a
courtyard, leading to two pyramid shaped buildings.
They appeared to
be made from a material that looked just like tinted glass or
semi-transparent plastic. I couldn’t quite see the apex of these
buildings from my vantage point, but later I was to find that they
were capped with a spiral tower or antenna arrangement. The height
of the tower added approximately twenty five percent to the
buildings overall height. Each building in turn was topped with what
I can only describe as a large light bulb. As peculiar as it may
sound, I was sure I had seen something like this before, in the
distant past.
These bulbs glowed day and night, and upon closer
inspection appeared to be of a net or mesh construction rather than
being glass spheres.

"There appeared to be
some form of electromagnetic grid or shielding device
above the actual
landing site, possibly a force field or energy gathering device."
There was a short walk
to one of the large structures which I had seen from inside the
The air was still and amazingly quiet. Indeed, it was not
until I had stepped out of the transporter that I realized there
must have been some sort of background noise on board although I’d
not noticed it at the time.
The surface upon which I was walking was
not unlike cork, it appeared to be porous and slightly yielding

"Spiral Tower
Building - Possible Energy Transmitter or Receiver"
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"The Dwellings"
I was at a loss as to which way to look for awhile, such was my
curiosity and awe at what was around me. Some buildings resembled
those on Earth, but the outer walls were sloped back at
approximately thirty-degree angles and set back some distance at
each floor level, making them look more like steps up a hill.
of the buildings were circular or tube like in shape. They were laid
out in a spiral pattern with the tallest buildings in the centre,
but the heights became progressively lower as the buildings spiraled
out. All the buildings appeared to be made of glass or plastic.
Access to the upper levels of the home I was staying, was by way of
a gentle slopping spiral ramp which skirted the curved perimeters of
the walls. This ramp could also be seen from the outside of the
building. My personal observation of this feature is that it could
have been a form or frame or reinforcement for the dwelling.
The rooms or, rather, the various levels were lit by some form of
diffused lighting, both day and night, but I could find no direct
source to explain this light. As we reached the second level, their
main living area, I was stunned by the beauty and layout. No matter
how hard I try here, my description cannot do it justice.
The color
was predominantly pearl white with perhaps a touch of silver grey
within. This may have helped remove any glare, for I can assure you
there was none. Reflected from even deeper within were all the
colors of the rainbow, not unlike a mother of pearl seashell. The
soft light I mentioned earlier appeared to radiate from everywhere.
To say it was a truly amazing sight is grossly inadequate!

"Variant of Dwelling
or House, also Three Storey high - Hexagonal Crystalline Pattern
Within Walls"
I’m not even sure if it
was the color that was the most stunning aspect of the interior, for
I was equally smitten with the molded flow of form from one section,
shape or partition into the next.
It was as if the whole dwelling,
including every item of furniture, had been constructed
simultaneously. Again there appeared to be no joints or seams that I
could distinguish. However this dwelling had been constructed,
similar techniques to those used in the transporter must have been
employed. The floor, a smooth, padded rubber, was soft to walk on;
the color, just one or two shades darker than the walls.
The furniture looked to be made from the now quite familiar glass or
plastic substance. Although it was slightly tinted or smoky, all the
colors of the rainbow seemed to be deep within it.
These colors
could be changed by a person’s thought patterns, so if you were
excited there was no way to keep it a secret as the room’s colors
would dance about right through the color spectrum. When a person
was in meditation, the light level would drop and only the softer
tones would come through.
The central space of this room upon the second level was circular
and used as a general purpose area, including for meditation.
Bedrooms as such had been made totally redundant, with meditation
having entirely taken the place of sleep.
These meditative states
would last for an hour or two each day.
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"The Transport"
Like most other items that were not made from natural products or
grown, the car appeared to be made from a plastic like material.
Even here, there is room but doubt in my mind as to whether this
plastic was indeed a synthetic product of some natural substance,
the like of which we do not have on earth. The reason for this doubt
shall soon become apparent to you.
The top half was transparent but heavily tinted, the bottom, opaque
and greyish brown. I guess you could say it was even vaguely
pyramidal in shape, but it had a squashed and stretched out look
compared to a conventional pyramid. There were no wheels, and it sat
a few inches above the ground, even though it was not yet in motion.
If you could imagine a stealth fighter cockpit without wings, you
would not be far off the mark.
"How does this thing
work? I asked.
"Part mind power, part magnetic repulsion" I was told.
I decided perhaps I
wouldn’t ask too much more about it’s internal parts.
"Well, how can
I drive it then?" was going to be my next question, but before I
could even ask she responded.
"You guide, I’ll
provide the power", she said, sliding back the top section.
"Like this". She was reaching over and moving a slider from side
to side. "That is the manual way of doing it. I don’t think
you’re quite up to doing that by pure thought yet Alec".
"I doubt it", I was thinking to myself without sending the
thought to her. Yes, I had at least learnt to keep some thoughts
to myself!
"Looks easy enough", I said confidently as I got into the car.
"Just set the slider.... that’s right. Straight ahead is in the
middle, sliding it to the right side will turn us right at the
next available intersection. Don’t worry", she emphasized, "it
won’t turn until the road guides let it. Then it will reset to
the middle, awaiting the next instruction. I’ll navigate", she
I was hesitant.
"Come on let’s go" she added impatiently, "and do not forget
your extra eye protection".
These glasses or goggles
were an event in themselves. The only way to describe how they were
attached is to say they simply stuck to your face of suit-covering
material without any other support. There was some sort of
interaction of materials, as far as I could tell.
The car’s guidance system had me puzzled. As the vehicle did not
actually touch the ground, how did it know when to turn? It was
suspended above the road by a form of magnetic repulsion, the
details of which I did not get into but which didn’t seem all that
I’m sure it could be reproduced here on Earth without too
much trouble. In some way, the vehicle would have to set up an
electromagnetic field, or charge some particles and not others,
in order to find its way around corners and so on without being
instructed to do so.

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on Future Technology"
My objectives in writing this book was to give a factual report on
an actual incident. While I have tried to keep any speculation on my
part to a minimum, if I have included any it was not my intention.
Wherever possible, I have tied to remain neutral, at least as far as
the off planet segments are concerned. However, my demise at the
hands of terrestrial authorities has made it difficult for me to
remain neutral in that area. Perhaps you will forgive me this
What I’d like to do here is unleash upon you some personal
speculation (albeit based on fact), as to how some of what you’ve
just read might be more easily understood in the world of
terrestrial reality.
The year 1947 (coincidentally, the same year as the now
infamous Roswell saucer retrieval incident) heralded one of
the biggest single technological breakthroughs of this century when,
on the 23rd of December at the Bell Laboratories,
inventors John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William
Shockley unveiled the first point-contact transistors.
Shockley followed up a year or so later with his junction
transistor development. This amazing new technology amplified
electrical signals by passing them through a solid semiconductor
material - basically the same operation performed by present day
junction transistors.
What resulted from this invention has been little short of
miraculous, even "out of this world", dare I say. Following on from
here, we end up deep within the next subject.
Most substances can exist in three different states, solid liquid
and gaseous. Temperatures and pressures determine which state is
adopted. The solid state is usually crystalline.
between the three fundamental states are often depicted by simple
diagrams in which atoms are represented by circles. Usually these
circles are clustered together in a roughly spherical layout, at
least with the solid and liquid states. However, when the atoms are
replaced by molecules that are elongated in one direction, a
peculiar intermediate state of matter arises: the liquid crystal.
We must therefore conclude that there are more than just three
states of matter.

"Another Viewpoint of
The Transport That Alec Used"
Another related subject
concerns a group of organic superconductors known as Bechgaard
salts, discovered in 1985. I mention them here because
they have interesting characteristics in relation to UFO
If light is shone at the crystal but is polarized
parallel to the conducting direction, it is reflected, this giving
the crystal a characteristic metallic luster. Polarization in the
transverse direction produces a dull gray appearance. If the power
supply is turned off, the material disappears from sight . How about
that! Conclusion: just because something looks like it’s made of
metallic substance, this does not necessarily mean that it is!
Since 1989, I have had two thirds of a jigsaw puzzle in my
head. I knew that my aliens’ craft could have changed shape on
command and that these craft were in fact living entities in their
own right.
I knew that some form of crystalline technology,
possibly using a pulsed resonance or vibrational frequency along
with temperature variations, was being used to go interdimensional.
What I did not know or understand was how all this could be put
together, but since
the white powder gold article
appeared in "Nexus
Magazine". I may possibly have found the missing link!

"This is a Drawing
Made by Alec Upon His Return to Earth,
it was of a Generator
that he saw, and this is his depiction of it"
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Upon Alec’s return to this Planet, it was obvious from the
start that some governmental agency knew about his "off world"
experience, and wanted to get as much information out of him as
humanly possible.
Two New Zealand DSIR scientists visited him
wanting to know rather a lot of information about things they should
never of even known about.... It soon became apparent that these two
"gentleman" were not DSIR (Department of Scientific &
Industrial Research) at all.
The harassment continued and
intensified, with his flat being broken into several times, even
though Alec continually changed address’s to try and shake
these people off his trail. Their demeanor was always threatening
and when Alec refused point blank to cooperate with these
individuals, they really started the to play "hard ball!"
As I stated at the beginning of this review of Alec’s experience,
there it is not possible to do this story justice in just a couple
of pages. The entire experience is one that will utterly amaze you.
From start to finish it one of the best documented and illustrated
abduction experiences that I have ever read.
During Alec’s
experience he had access to ancient records of earth’s history,
which in itself spins a story that will put a lot more of the pieces
of the jigsaw puzzle together on how this planet evolved.
This is a Book that "everyone" should read, and I urge all of you to
get Alec’s book "Co-Evolution",
and read this amazing and fascinating experience for yourself. I
assure you, you will not be disappointed!! I have absolutely no
financial interests or ties to Alec’s book....
I just truly believe
that this is a book that everyone interested in informing themselves
on what is happening "right" now to this planet, "must" read this
"I do not know what
I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been
only a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself in now
and then, finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than
ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered
before me."
"Sir Issac Newton
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