
The Verdants


20. - Frustrated Aliens’ Impulses

We’ve all seen how frustrated humans can revert to destructive, if not murderous impulses to secure reproductive access and protect their food supply. The most corrupt humans will lie, cheat, steal and even foul the entire global environment in order to isolate themselves in splendor.


 But what about aliens? When challenged beyond immediate control, how do they react?

Over time and under challenging circumstances, we’ve catalogued a variety of frustrated aliens’ impulses. In the same way that humans have animal impulses, we’ve seen various aliens resort to mind-destructive behaviors to protect their work here from being disturbed.


Mind destructive, if not brain destructive behaviors arise, along with attempts to stultify humans: i.e. a tendency to provoke a human to run off and drink alcohol or feel extreme anger, or a tendency to (remotely) make veiled but threatening remarks to provoke and frighten humans (i.e. as part of the IFSP - Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets - direct operatives’ and three ellipticals’ scheme to thwart, if not decapitate, independent human initiative).


When pushed beyond their coldly detached limits, various aliens impulsively toss off mind-destructive, or brain destructive and thought-stultifying gestures. From an evolutionary perspective, this resembles socio-biology (wherein humans prioritize their doings in order to maximize their genetic proliferation). Among some non-sexual aliens, there is an impulse to obliterate competing thought systems and impose their own—by any means necessary. However, because they come from more evolved, less internally violent societies, the worst of (interacting) aliens’ impulses, to date, appear to be less murderous, less overtly prone to violence, as are those of the worst humans.

In some cases, advanced aliens will float a veiled threat into a complex human telepathic interaction in order to pre-empt predictable human threats to other humans. In such cases, the remark may be couched in softer, essentially see-through terms (assuming that the humans are aware of the aliens’ manner and are marginally deferential).


At other times, however, i.e. in the case of the IFSP’s direct operatives, more advanced, supervising aliens (including some of the three ellipticals section) may make threatening remarks posed as though human yet intended to cut off any thought of an attempt to end their control over direct IFSP operatives’ doings. This is yet another aspect of the desire to control the pace and outcome of human doings.

In such cases, basic questions arise about independent, critical judgment—both in our case (the ability to judge such ET’s as they are), and in theirs (has their society gone too cold and insular to be able to criticize itself?).


With alien psychotronic technology, which can both monitor and be controlled by brain energy, certain oppressive potentials come into being. No doubt some societies go through nightmarish phases of psychotronic abuses, yet, over time, they develop a measure of transparency. Societies of the sort need to establish a good basis of law and proportionality, right and wrong, or else they soon fall behind better populations.

I recall initially being impressed by the hyperversals, then disappointed that they don’t have a more active physical presence. They tend to use hybrid, genetically engineered copies of current-cycle aliens who live in this galaxy, in part, to pre-empt their contact and interaction with neighbors BEFORE they’ve been assimilated in a larger sense; in part as a filter, of sorts. In some ways, hyperversals from the last universe cycle are more like us than not. They can be too obedient, too easily used by the worst among them.


Some are too idealized in their remove from other populations, others are designed to interface with dangerous aliens like the Verdants, for example. Apparently, genetically engineered hybrids are used for an interface with Verdants so as to avoid Verdant theft of hyperversals’ genetic material and technology.

As is noted in previous chapters, hyperversals suggest that we do as they did: we move, as best we can, toward a predominantly non-sexual reproduction strategy. They go far, far out of their way to suggest that we integrate into larger entities, which, they suggest, will allow us to be included in the next universe cycle more easily.


The question is:

  • Which larger entity?

  • Do we forgo independent critique in order to do so?

  • Or do we find our own way and make our own associations?

In either case, hyperversals live in our vicinity and have vital inputs into every mega-population, or galaxy-scale coalition of aliens.

One hyperversal points out that some independents of the previous universe cycle made it into the current cycle yet accorded and were open to various interactions. In other words, they didn’t arrogate too much to themselves. Of course, from our perspective, how “separate” would such independents actually be? We know they can field a critique of larger mega-populations, and who is to say which are more astute and insightful: independents or large mega-populations? Both options are incomplete without the other.

This is a major topic of discussion among aliens, given the human penchant for independence (in the face of the Verdant intervention). Nonetheless, if we develop better international law and try not to take too much, if we don’t swarm out and attempt to occupy other systems (as Verdants do), we are approachable. If we achieve a better planetary ecology and use electrogravity only sparingly, under global accords, we have a good chance.


The irony is that, eventually, we’ll probably interbreed with aliens (not necessarily a sexual act) and will exchange genetic options. Billions of years in the future, if not sooner, we’ll look more like the mixed-origin hyperversals. Our heritage will derive from many, many planets, (as it may already, due to previous genetic manipulations).

From what we’ve seen, to date, hyperversals clearly derive from different backgrounds and have different physiques. They aren’t monolithic products of one greedy stab outward to dominate the cosmos. Instead, they are in large part those humbler others who probably recoiled at greedy example and organized to protect themselves from such excess.


Some were the meek, less wasteful masses.


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