Alien Mind - A Primer


....begins where other books usually leave off.


Rather than debate whether UFO's and aliens exist, Alien Mind quotes human experiencers and informative aliens in a startling, new exploration of the thoughts and assumptions of our extra-terrestrial neighbors. Sixty years after Roswell, aliens are trying to get humans to step beyond the bounds of elite greed and failed ecology in order to develop a more mature kind of cosmic citizenship.


Although some of the content may be unsettling, this primer should help to fill in some of the blanks in public knowledge about aliens. Alien Mind introduces previously unreported sources and helps readers understand how aliens think and feel about their interactions with humans and other aliens. It discusses alien science and how humans can both detect and identify different types of aliens and their energy networks.


George L.

writer and investigative researcher in Davis, CA

Alien Mind is offered free of charge to readers as a Public Service.

Given the nature of the subject and the intention of both the author and the book's various sources to deepen public awareness, all we ask is that you refer other readers to this site.

George LoBuono did graduate study in (the underside of) US history,

then did investigative reporting, essays, and other writing.


At present, he's working on a book to be titled

After Contact and Conflict: the Hyper-Conservations of Advanced Communities.


Questions/Speaker requests:
