by Gary D. Goodwin and Raymond Ward
TheMilleniumGroup Website
Discovery of New Moons or something else?
28 May, 2002
As previously stated the moons of Mars were discovered in 1877 by
Asaph Hall. However, in 1862 the planet was closer to the Earth than
in 1877. Why were the moons not discovered then? There were plenty
of people looking for them. At the time there was an idea that the
number of moons in orbit around a planet was a geometric number.
Saturn had eight at the time, Jupiter had four (fifth one found in
1892), and so Mars was expected to have two moons and many
astronomers wanted their names attached to a new discovery.
Herschel in 1783 looked intensely for moons around Mars, but was
unsuccessful. Some have theorized that the moons came into orbit
AFTER the 1862 date (Salisbury). The point is, that there were many,
some with well known names, looking for the moons and could not find
them prior to the 1877 discovery.

In 1993 the Vatican Observatory just outside of Tucson, Arizona went
live. Reports from different sources state that they rushed the
building of the observatory, ignoring environmental and building
codes, for which they later went to court over. Speculation at the
time said that they were building it to observe Hale Bopp, which
they probably did. However, it appears they may have had another
earlier target in mind.
In 1994 one of the most important events of
all time occurred. The image to the left was taken just prior to
this event. On March 24th, 1993 the Shoemakers reported the
discovery of SL9 to Brian Marsden at the IAU. a few days later, an
astronomer from Rome, Annette Cochran stated that she observed
gas in the comet. If that’s true, how do we explain the obvious
tails in this image? We know what happened next. Keep in mind that
this event was viewed from all over the world and with a variety of
different telescopes and instruments.
 Sometime back we posted this image of a comet being caught in
Jupiter’s field and finally hitting Jupiter
(left image). Note the date on the
image is 1929. To the point, they had the ability in that day to
view and calculate such a capture and an erratic orbit.
The capture of SL9 is not really known. It was believed to have a
close approach to Jupiter one year before it hit it, this according
to calculations by Brian Marsden. But the orbit is less
erratic than
the 1929 example.
The destruction was seen by many on Earth through amateur telescopes
and on television. It was reported as one of the greatest events
mankind had ever been granted to experience. Each pock mark left on
Jupiter rivaled the size of the entire Earth!
You can see our report
on the event
HERE. You can also see a report by Alexy
HERE. Then Earl Crockett talks about NASA’s
insistence that the SL9 event was going to be a nonevent and their
attempt to downplay the event. You can read that article
HERE. By the way the estimated size
of each of the 21 bodies was around four kilometers! (Keep that
number of about four kilometers in the back of your head!)
In addition to
SL9 there was another comet during that same time
period that we wrote about that had very similar characteristics. We
surmised at the time that it came from the same parent body as SL9.
The name of the comet was Machholz 2 and was never actually seen
before August 1994. The interesting thing about Machholz 2
(image left) is that
it has a parent body and several small bodies of about three to four
kilometers in size. The trail of material presents very similar to
SL9 as in the SL9 image far above. Another interesting thing is that a
scientist named Sekanina has had a special interest in comets
similar to Machholz 2 and others that travel in groups. He even
published an article on the companion of Hale Bopp. You can read it
HERE. And our article on Machholz 2
As we go back and read the article now,
we find several curious things we posted, including the usage of a
particular passage of scripture at the beginning of the article. At
the time there was some concern that some of the debris from Machholz 2 could break away and come our direction. Well nothing of
note at the time occurred - but maybe it did and we didn’t realize
it. Perhaps this train of material dropped off some passengers and
they settled into our orbit? Or maybe this is just pure fantasy.
Over the past couple of years we have gathered data from a variety
of different sources that seems to relate. At first, it’s almost
like the Blind Rabbit Farmer that Earl speaks about in the above
article. If we look only at one part of the beast for only a short
period of time we come up with an answer that only pertains to that
time period and to that part of the animal. However when you are
able to see the machine in motion, all together and you can identify
the direction that it is traveling, an amazing story begins to
unfold. For a number of months we have speculated about the
following, but a look back over history and the focus of the "powers
that be", gives the idea more and more credibility.
Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse we speculated that the
Earth is
being orbited by objects of an unnatural origin. We identified these
objects as being in the four kilometer size range. We speculated
that these objects were the same as independently imaged and posted
Kent Steadman’s site. There has
also been independent verification from the
ELRAD radio astronomy
group. At one point we counted a total of forty-six four kilometer
sized objects in orbit around the Earth.
And now, our old friends at the University of Hawaii, claim to have
discovered eleven more moons in what they call highly eccentric
retrograde orbits. Last year the same astronomers reported the
discovery of ten more moons around Jupiter, bringing the grand total
to 39 moons in orbit around Jupiter. They state that the moons are
from two to four kilometers in diameter. That number sounds eerily
familiar (see Four Horsemen)!
The very strange thing about all of this "moon" discovery stuff, is
that in 2000 scientists (not from the U of H) discovered a dozen new
moons around Saturn. Now Saturn is much farther out than
Why didn’t they discover these new moons of Jupiter first? But even
more strange than all of that, is the question as to why these moons
were not discovered decades or even centuries before? The scientists
from Hawaii even say that these new moons were likely captured
asteroids millions of years ago. Well... why didn’t someone see them
before now. What about the satellites that we have had out there
snapping pictures of the area? Wouldn’t it be just as practical to
suggest that these new moons were NOT there a decade before?

In reviewing our material we reviewed the image of
Mars taken by
Glenn Deen. We noticed a number of anomalies on the image which we
pointed out in the article. In this image above, we have
measured the approximate size of these anomalies. Guess what? Would
four to five kilometers sound about right?
Is it possible that these objects have been coming into our solar
system from the outside, from some distance? And could it be that
they have been coming in over the last five to six years? That SL9
was simply a show of power? A threat to show the capabilities of
this great force?
Would our government tells us about a force this capable? Why
wouldn’t a discovery of moons, of this magnitude, a discovery of
this importance not occur sooner in this century?
Could it be that these objects just weren’t there a few years ago?
Could it be that the times are coming together for one final
showdown? For years it has been speculated that top government
officials knew of such a force and that they have been attempting
to, but failing to negotiate terms.
We’re not saying that all of this information denotes the conclusion
necessarily that we have come to. However, why all of the
clandestine activity from NASA and our government?
The Vatican tie
in can not really be ignored can it? What would a religious
organization like the Roman Catholic Church want to look into space
for? Are they expecting the approach of something? Why does it seem
so clear to us and to so many? Sounds like a "B" rated movie, like
the movie Independence Day, or the movies Armageddon, and X-files
all wrapped up into one story. But this isn’t fiction - the images
are real. And the myth throughout the ages must be given some degree
of credence.
Isaiah, the Old Testament prophet says there will come a time when
men will intentionally confuse right from wrong, he states, "Woe
unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for
light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet
for bitter". Isaiah defines the time as a conflagration and a purifying by a
great army from the far ends of Heaven. Mitch Batros accused us of
having a Christian motive. These citing from the bible are only a
few among literally thousands of stories that foretell the wrap up
scenes of the story of man and the Earth. Doomsayers? Absolutely.
Mentally ill? Hardly.
Here’s the bottom line - You decide. Just like we have always said,
we put the information into your hands and we let you decide.