by Ingo Swann
BiomindSuperpowers Website
The first purpose of this Section is to provide a function within
this Website in which exploratory hypothesis and speculation can be
indulged and expanded upon.
This is in contrast to Section 1, the Ingo Swann Database Regarding
the Biomind Superpowers, in which hypothesis and speculation are
held to the minimum.
As most realize, HYPOTHESIS refers to “a tentative assumption made
in order to draw out and test its logical or empirical
consequences,” and SPECULATION is defined as “to meditate on or
ponder a subject.”
Speaking in the ideal, the basic function of hypothesis and
speculation is not to make conclusions, but to juggle and contrast
information packages and numerous topics, so that new, better, or
even unsuspected understanding might be achieved.
The second purpose is to continue to point up that average
definitions of the human mind (including its superpower components)
are inadequate, if not useless, in the full face of the human mind
Indeed, the instrumental nature of the human mind is so remarkable
as to be awesome, and so it is easily discovered that mere words
fail to bring fuller description to it.
A dispassionate survey of definitions of the human mind reveals that
although a small variety of its aspects are identified, the sum of
all of the definitions leaves many more refined aspects in the
shadows. This includes modern scientific definitions, and even
occult and esoteric definitions as well.
None of the definitions of the mind are wrong per se, but the
definitional process of identifying the larger nature of the mind is
incomplete, and probably vastly so.
One reason for this is that such definitions are NOT derived from or
based upon visible functions and attributes of the mind itself.
Instead, and as will be elaborated in Part 1 to follow, the
definitions that do come into existence are set up by this or that
societal order, and so the definitions usually reflects the limits
of knowledge within each of those orders.
This clearly implies that definitions of mind on Earth are little
more than socio-determined ones. They are based on societal concepts
and not on impartial and full observations of mind itself, which
transcends all such concepts.
The human mind, both in essence and in manifest functions, DOES
transcend all socio-determined situations - BECAUSE all such
situations are products of the overall human mind itself.
In the larger perspective of this, it can therefore be understood
that ANY definitions of mind that are socially derived merely
reflect some kind of socio-control agenda regarding how the mind
should or should not be thought of, as contrasted to what mind
actually is in all its magnificence and potential powers.
If we can think that any definitions of mind that we learn about via
education have been established merely within self-limiting contexts
of various kinds of socio-control agendas, then we would expect to
discover that mind has NOT been examined and defined at the
all-inclusive human species level.
In fact, there would be no apparent reason to undertake such an
examination – in the absence of factors that might make it NECESSARY
to do so.
This is much the same as saying that Earth societies would
separately continue to identify and define mind only via the
thinking-lenses of those societies, for there is no obvious reason
to do otherwise.
However, it could occur that Earth societies might encounter ANOTHER
species having powers of mind at least commensurate with, but
perhaps advanced beyond our own species.
Of course, this kind of encounter is, and has been, a pure
speculation – with the exception (discussed in Part 1) of recent and
remarkable developments in advancing astrophysics that are in
process of converting the speculation into something akin to a
semi-concrete hypothesis of actual possibility.
In any event, if mind, mind powers, and intelligence within the
context of another species, perhaps more powerful than our own,
needed to be understood, the process of doing so would ALSO mean
that deeper knowledge of the mind quanta of our own species would
have to be illuminated more clearly and intimately.
“Another species,” of course, can easily refer to one that is
extraterrestrial, largely because we do not experience here on Earth
another species equipped with mind-power-intelligence that is
commensurate with our own.
The historical human experience on Earth has merely been to
encounter other social orders, the various patterns of which all
download from the mind-mental-intelligence attributes of our species
as a whole.
Since many aspects of our species mind have been denied authenticity
within the limiting contexts of this or that societal order, it
cannot really be said that fuller knowledge packages of mind itself
have been achieved beyond the limited sum of those contexts.
If, however, our species were to encounter another species,
especially an extraterrestrial one “more developed” than ours, then
it would have to be concluded, at some point, that our own
mind-mental-intelligence attributes are, well, “less developed” BY
It is this COMPARISON, and evidence for it, that can be explored by
hypothesis and speculation – from which no conclusions need be
Back to Contents
Part One:
Our Human Powers Of Mind vs. The
Possibility Of Et Intelligences
There are a number of pathways by which we can approach the subject
of how Earthside knowledge of MIND would stack up against similar
kinds of knowledge developed by life forms elsewhere in the cosmos.
Of course there is yet no absolute certainty that extraterrestrial
entities equipped with minds do exist. Thus, in order to proceed,
one has to imagine, speculate, or hypothesize that they do.
The principle justification for making such an effort is that IF
mind-developed species do exist elsewhere in the universe, then
perhaps our own human species emanating or traveling from Earth
could encounter them, or perhaps those species emanating or
traveling from some cosmic elsewhere might encounter ours.
It is by considering the ways and means of such “traveling” that a
very significant situational problem can stand revealed: The species
that first achieves the traveling capabilities would be considered
“advanced” by those species that had not yet achieved anything along
such lines.
Something now depends on what the “advanced” connotation is thought
to refer to. It is clear that Earth people seem justified in
thinking in terms of advanced technology that bestows the
capabilities of negotiating deep cosmic reaches of space. But this
thinking principally refers to the 3-dimensional contexts of
physical space and whatever matter and energy is involved in it.
On Earth, the idea that
ET technology would be advanced is arrived
at by comparison with Earth-based technology that is neither
commensurate to nor on a match with ET space-travel capabilities.
We do not know, for certain, what such ET technology might consist
of. But it can be hypothesized that perhaps some ET civilization
achieved the necessary space-travel capabilities in the terms of
3-dimensional physicality.
It is clear that Earth people have not yet matched the ET
capability. And so the ET capability must be seen as technologically
advanced in comparison to Earth’s space technology – and especially
so IF any evidence for ET space-travel and arrivals in near-Earth
proximity can be discovered.
The foregoing seems to hold
water, but it does so only to a certain degree, and then only with
regard to a physico-energetic technology brought into existence
within 3-dimensional matter, energy, and space.
Within their specific materialistic contexts, ideas concerning a
physical-energetic space technology are sufficiently rational, and
so confidence is placed in such materialistic ideas by the
conventional sciences and by UFOlogists alike.
But one of the implications of this is that Earth people will tend
to interpret ET via Earth-based ideas of a physico-energetic
technology - in other words, via 3-dimensional equipment.
However, just behind this physical, 3-dimensional interpretation is
a rather unavoidable reality: no technology can come into existence
in the absence of minds to innovate it. Even physical 3-dimensional
technology does not magically produce itself.
If, therefore, one hypothesizes,
(a) the existence of ET advanced
technology, one is also supposing
(b) the real existence of ET
advanced minds that innovated and produced their technology.
As indicated above, the idea that something is “advanced” is arrived
at by comparing two relatively similar things and finding that one
of them performs and produces far better, and perhaps amazingly so,
than the other one.
Implicit in this comparing, however, are what might be referred to
as information and knowledge packages. Things do not of and in
themselves become advanced or inferior with respect to each other
unless some kind of function or activity is established within their
For example, the possibility of
planetary and stellar space travel
could be hypothesized by any number of ET civilizations, and,
indeed, this notion has even emerged on Earth. In this sense, the
basic hypothesis of space travel would probably be relatively
similar everywhere in the universe.
However, AFTER the hypothesis is established, THEN comes the
universal reality of what information and knowledge packages are
required to convert the hypothesizing into a functional activity
whereby space travel is actually achieved.
And, one may as well add, achieved not merely in the light of
experimental attempts to do so, but with sustainable and predictable
Via the foregoing
considerations, it can appear that the real make-break point between
any recognizable advanced or inferior status of something has to do
with the existence of minds that can deal with information and
knowledge packages.
Such are, of course, the workhorses of mind, so much so that if mind
does not fundamentally deal with information and knowledge packages,
then it is rather difficult,
(1) to identify what it does deal with,
(2) to comprehend why it is even needed.
In this sense, it can be hypothesized that mind anywhere in the
cosmos fundamentally deals with information and knowledge packages.
It can therefore be suspected that minds that deal with greater,
even vast volumetric amounts of information and knowledge,
(1) could
probably be thought of as “advanced” over those minds dealing only
in lesser amounts
(2) could probably have
developed and engineered “advanced” technologies
The term MIND has been utilized rather liberally here.
Doing so has permitted hypothesis regarding the fundamental
possibility of ET mind(s) elsewhere in the cosmos.
Doing so has also permitted speculation that mind dealing, to one
degree or another, in information and knowledge packages might be a
universal constant wherever mind is found. However, ET
comprehensions of what mind is could be quite different from our own
ideas of it.
There are nine basic ways that MIND is officially defined and
considered here on Earth. Although a very large literature exists
regarding the topic of mind, discussions seldom extend too far
outside of the nine definitions.
(1) The English term MIND is
thought to have been taken from the earlier Scandinavian MYND, which referred to memory-cum-recollection. In proper
dictionaries this is still indicated as the first
(2) The element or complex of elements in an individual that
feels, perceives, thinks, wills and, especially, reasons.
Also, the conscious events and capabilities of an organism;
and the organized conscious and unconscious adaptive
activity of an organism.
(3) Intention, desire.
(4) The normal or healthy condition of the mental faculties.
(5) Opinion, view.
(6) Disposition, mood.
(7) A person or group embodying mental qualities; also
intellectual ability.
(8) God.
(9) A conscious substratum or factor in the universe.
There are, of course, many unofficial
and semi-official variants upon these definitions, but in combined
meaning they more or less constitute the background framework for
how MIND is conceptualized here on Earth.
At first take, it seems that at least definitions (1) through (7),
when taken altogether, do constitute a neat knowledge package about
what mind is.
But if those definitions are contemplated even slightly more deeply,
it turns out that they are mostly describing PRODUCTS of mind, not
mind itself, and indeed, describing only a very few mind’s many
possible products.
Furthermore, there is no direct reference to information and
knowledge packages – although such can be thought of as somehow
implicit among the definitions.
It can also be noticed that although “intellectual ability” is
mentioned, INTELLIGENCE is not. (And even more surprisingly, as will
be discussed ahead, the definitions of INTELLIGENCE do not
incorporate any of the definitions of MIND.)
Last, but not the least of it all, the official definitions of MIND
give no hint or clue as to the real existence of the remarkable
powers of mind, and which, it might be said with some certainty, are
absolutely necessary for a mind to call itself a mind.
Indeed, it can easily be conceptualized that a mind cannot be
thought of as one if it just sits like a bump on a log. Clearly,
mind MUST have powers to function at all.
The foregoing human
definitions of MIND might not be considered a total flop within
average Earthside frames of reference.
But if and when those definitions might be utilized to consider and
analyze the possible dimensions of ET advanced minds elsewhere in
the cosmos, the success rate of such an analysis might not be very
Therefore, it is worthwhile, as a brief aside, to discuss one
probable Earthside reason having to do with why mind is so poorly
and inefficiently defined within the context of our species.
On Earth, the real existence of the human mind and its extensive
powers has long been treated this way and that within different
Those contexts are usually SOCIETAL in purpose and function, and so
the ways in which the mind is treated usually have more to do with
societal structures and controls, and less to do with the fuller and
bigger nature of the human mind itself.
This clearly means, at least in some full part, that human societal
arrangements on Earth are NOT built upon a fuller and more extensive
appreciation of the human mind and its powers.
Rather, the various kinds of societal structures are far more likely
to be built ONLY upon so-called “normalizing” patterns of thinking
that reinforce the presumed authenticity of the structures
It is because of this normalizing utility within societal groupings
that patterns of thinking are usually seen as far more important
than trying to discover the larger nature of the human mind itself.
The whole of this becomes abundantly clear when it is realized that
all social ordering is principally based upon ratios of tolerance
and intolerance between what should be and what should not be
thought. And this is more or less the historical case within Earth’s
manifold societies.
Thinking is, of course, a product or an output of the human mind.
But if the societal and cultural emphasis is on the product or
output of the mind, then the larger and more intimate nature of the
mind itself will not come into view.
In fact, it is CONVENIENT within most societal contexts on Earth
that the larger and more intimate nature of the mind itself should
NOT come into view. Indeed, in some past societies, inquiring into
the larger nature of the mind has been prohibited.
The best reason for this has two easily observed parts.
The first is that most societal structures tacitly and unofficially
admit that there is much more to the human mind than meets the
average eye or even the average intelligence.
But the second part has to do not with what the mind IS, but with
establishing what a mind should and should not think in order to fit
more appropriately into a given societal structure.
It is thus seen more useful that minds be fitted into the parameters
of societal structures, and the pursuit of this takes precedence
over what the mind is.
The reason for this aside is to point up that within Earth-human
frames of reference, the larger and more intimate nature of the
human mind is NOT anywhere understood.
The most obvious reason for this is that achieving any larger
understanding of the human mind is NOT REALLY NECESSARY in the light
of societal contexts that are largely dependent upon what IS and IS
NOT to be thought. Indeed, if, for societal ends, thought-thinking
can be managed, it does not really matter what the mind IS.
Earth societies probably know much more about thought management
than they know about what the human mind actually is. The goal of
most societal orders is to mutually integrate the thinking of many
individuals so that the desired societal structure will manifest and
(hopefully) stay in place thereafter.
The human species mind on
Earth can be thought of as unique – as long as it does not encounter
another species mind that is equivalent or more advanced.
Furthermore, as long as such encounters DO NOT come about, humans
will not feel much need to discover more about what mind
fundamentally consists of. Indeed, a mind species on a given planet
having no equivalent mind competitors, so to speak, can afford the
societal luxury of not discovering too much about its own mind.
If, however, such encounters should come to pass, then a necessity
for information and knowledge packages about MIND would become
explicit enough.
If one begins to hypothesize
the possibility of ET intelligences, one necessarily sets into
motion, without realizing it, subtle changes having to do with how
we think of ourselves. We will ultimately have to wonder if and how
the formats of our own Earth-based intelligence stack up against ET
formats which might be encountered elsewhere, or FROM elsewhere.
A number of unfamiliar, and rather complicated, problem-like
situations would download from this kind of hypothetical inquiry.
Among the first of these is that our own Earth-based ideas and/or
knowledge regarding MIND and INTELLIGENCE would have to be studied
more objectively, and examined in the larger contexts of our species
as a whole.
If ET civilizations should give evidence of being advanced over our
Earth-based civilizations, then various kinds of cognitive crisis
would begin to unfold on our part having to do with our own limited,
and thus inefficient, ideas-knowledge of mind, etc.
Earth-based thinking about civilizations more or less equates them
with particular societal formats that not only achieve long-term
existence, but also produce constructive order in various
departments of communalizing activity.
It is thus understood by literate Earth people that Earth has
experienced numerous societal civilizations that have arisen and
declined. However, the idea of instituting constructive and
communalizing order has not yet been applied, by humans, to their
species as a whole.
As indicated earlier, it is thus that Earth-based ideas of mind and
intelligence are left to various kinds of societal orders, each of
which shapes those ideas in limiting ways that serve the societal
frameworks, but none of which can be completely applied to our
species as a whole.
It is because of this that the nature of mind and intelligence at
our species level has been left unexamined.
One of the obvious results is that although “mind” can be thought of
within the contexts of various (and always transitory)
socio-cultural levels, the nature of our species mind has been left
This kind of thing permits two major options regarding the
possibility of ET mind-intelligence elsewhere in the cosmos.
It can be speculated that, like us, ET civilizations have NOT
examined their own species mind-intelligence.
Or it can be speculated that ET HAS has done so, and if so, can be
thought of as comprehending mind-intelligence as something other
than simply servicing societal artifacts.
For more complete clarity here, it needs to be stressed that
examination of mind-intelligence at a species level would require
study and identification of ALL of the mind, the whole of it –
whereas establishing ideas of mind-intelligence in a given societal
context need not involve anything of the kind.
The point of the foregoing discussions has been to illuminate a
probable fact regarding mind-intelligence found anywhere in the
This point can best be stated in the following way: a species that
understands MORE about mind-intelligence would naturally be thought
of as ADVANCED by those species that have a lesser understanding of
This is more or less to say that the advanced species would have
achieved mental contact with abundant information dimensions
appropriate to mind-intelligence, and therefore will have codified
and established more knowledge packages regarding same.
During the last six decades of the twentieth century, a kind of
conventional scientific consensus came about having to do with the
possibility of life elsewhere in the cosmos.
The “elsewhere” specifically referred to great light-year distances
not only from our planet Earth, but also from our local solar
Great efforts were then set going to figure out how to project
Earth-based “radio” signals into those deep reaches of space, with
the hope that “someone out there” might receive them and respond.
However, the UFO epoch of the twentieth century began during the
same six decades, and is still ongoing. This UFO epoch has since
been chiefly characterized by thousands upon thousands of witnessed
objects in Earth’s skies and in near outer space.
The “best evidence” for the real existence of the unidentified
flying objects is their early and continuing appearance on
radarscopes worldwide, and thereafter upon videotapes from
Camcorders, also worldwide.
The UFO epoch must be referred to as “non-conventional.” The reason
is that Earthside conventional attitudes continue to insist that the
technologically documented appearances of the UFO’s have not been
“officially accepted,” and that therefore the UFO’s do not exist.
This rather simplistic contrivance has of course led into a
continuing soap opera mishmash characterized by rather remarkable
cover-ups, misinformation, and reality manipulations, the exact
purposes of which are not at all clear.
Despite the confusions between them, the conventional and
non-conventional positions very early began sharing an important
concept that is openly stated, but which has not really been given
the extensive consideration it deserves.
In attempting to send Earth-based signals into the far reaches of
space, the conventional sciences were, in essence, stipulating that
extraterrestrial life would not only be technologically advanced
enough to intercept and understand them – but probably also much
MORE advanced than Earth-based technologies.
With regard to appearances of unidentified flying objects (UFOs)
that could be documented by some kind of Earth-based technology, it
quickly became clear that certain things about them COULD be
For one thing, they showed up on radarscopes, but often remained
invisible to eyesight; they possessed extraordinary speed, size,
dimensions, and maneuverability. Indeed, everything about them was
dissimilar to any Earth-based technology.
And so it was easy enough to conclude that the crafts were not only
vastly more technologically advanced than any Earth-based
technology, but also that they could not originate from Earth.
It is thus that the conventional and non-conventional ideas about ET
life coincide, based on the shared assumption that ET not only IS,
but also will be found to be, more technologically advanced.
In one form or another, the assumption briefly outlined above is
accepted just about everywhere, and so it is not all that
What is surprising, though, is that not very many efforts have been
made to enlarge and expand upon its DIRECT implications. And of
these there are quite a number.
For example, the idea of ET being technologically advanced seems to
be tolerable and even admissible, whether in conventional
expectations or in non-conventional UFO fact.
However, it is rather meaningful and logical to notice that ET
advanced technology MUST be the result of, and download from, ET
advanced minds and intelligence.
Thus, although ET advanced technology is interesting, the nature and
extent of the ET minds, mental abilities, and intelligence that
produced it SHOULD be of even more interest, even if only in some
theoretical sense.
As another example, Earth people think whatever and however they do
through their own frames of reference, especially with regard to
their own ideas not only about Earthside technological matters, but
also about mind, mental abilities, and intelligence.
In the light of this, if ET advanced technology is to serve as some
kind of marker between their technology and Earth-bound technology,
it has to follow that such also serves as a marker that clearly
separates the ET advanced intelligence from the not-as-advanced
Earthside intelligence.
In this sense, Earthside intelligence does not at all match whatever
ET intelligence must consist of – at least with respect to those
intelligences responsible for the UFO advanced technology against
which Earth’s technological status is no match.
As this essay is being written, Earthside astrophysicists are in
process of beginning to realize that most of the 466 Sun-like stars
within 325 light years of our Sun have planetary-terrestrial type
material orbiting them.
The implication is that there are Earth-like bodies in orbit around
most of the “stars within the galaxy.”
Well, millions upon millions of galaxies are known to inhabit the
universe, and which are farther and farther distant from our own.
And so the possibility of Sun-like stars having terrestrial-like
stuff in orbit about them implies the existence of millions upon
millions of planets through the whole of the universe.
It can be remembered that only a short while ago no planets had been
detected beyond those of our own solar system, and lack of such
planets was often seized upon to deny the existence of ET. Now
planets are everywhere, and in some rather large and significant
Two questions arise from this:
Earth-based astrophysics
technology is a very recent development, especially with regard to
the Hubble telescope and the ways and means of locating and
analyzing the light signatures of distant Sun-like stars.
Prior to those recent developments, it is easy enough to see why
Earth-based cosmologies primarily consisted of metaphysical
extrapolations, even within the contexts of early scientific
Furthermore, if from antiquity onward historical evidence of UFOs
was deleted from conventional cultural notice (which it was), there
has been no compelling reason to consider the probability of
intelligent cavitations elsewhere in the cosmos.
As it has turned out, the recent developments in astrophysics
technology have made it possible to have a larger grasp of the
dimensions and duration of the universe. That technology has made it
quite necessary to understand:
That the dimensions of the universe are very, very extensive and
still beyond calculation; and,
That the universe has had an extremely long duration that needs to
be computed as billions upon billions of not just years, but of eons
that cannot be exactly dated.
The presence of planets in the vicinity of billions of Sun-like
stars must now be added into the contexts of the universe’s
dimensions and duration – and it thereby becomes at least 50 per
cent foolish to assume that our Earth-bound human species is unique
in the universe.
So far, our human species is dated as “appearing” on Earth somewhere
between about 100,000 to 35,000 years ago. This is such a small
fraction of cosmic duration that it wouldn’t even show up on a
universe time-scale of billions, trillions, or even quadrillions of
light years.
As a result, it is now to be wondered what has gone on elsewhere in
the utterly super-gigantic, super-long-enduring universe now
understood to be thickly populated with planets everywhere.
Is the universe entire devoid of life and life forms, with the sole
exception being the third planet of our local Sun?
Does the rest of
the universe exist only as 3-dimensional inanimate matter, energy,
and space – i.e., is its enormous vastness merely a super-extensive
life desert?
Or has whatever is responsible for animate matter and energy
(physical life forms) occurred elsewhere in the universe, and
perhaps done so millions, billions, or quadrillion years ago?
As it is, the novel problems and situations downloading from recent,
Earth-based, technological instruments and achievements can be left,
thank goodness, to astronomers, astrophysicists, and exo-biologists.
However, a survey of those interesting and now increasingly dynamic
fields shows that another new field may be required and ultimately
increase in overall importance – the field of exo-intelligence.
If the existence of mere
millions of Earth-like planets in orbit around Sun-like stars is
even theoretically accepted, then the theoretical possibility
emerges that at least some of them might have sprouted life forms of
some kind, or even some kind of quasi-intelligent or broadly
intelligent life forms.
During the last twenty years the cutting edges of our Earth-based
sciences have become somewhat comfortable with such possibilities,
but with one proviso.
If such life forms have remained contained within the environments
of their local planets, then they remain passively awaiting, so to
speak, ultimate discovery by Earth-based explorers of the cosmos at
some future Earth date.
But, if some of those planets have sprouted intelligent life forms
that have achieved requisite technology enabling them to venture
beyond the confines of their local planets and even their local star
systems – well, that is altogether a different matter.
Indeed, such ET technology might enable them to flit about here and
there throughout the super-sized universe. THIS prospect does not
inspire too much comfort, especially if the flitting is achieved by
exo-intelligences with advanced ways and means totally unknown and
unreal to our Earth-bound species.
Be that as it may (and apparently IS), there is yet another factor
lurking just between the exo-technological scenarios.
THIS factor has to do with the levels of advanced exo-intelligence
from which the exo-technological achievements are downloaded.
Here is another prospect that does not inspire too much comfort,
because it clearly downsizes the appreciation that Earthsiders have
long maintained in their own intelligence ratios and levels.
Only about sixty years ago, modern Earth peoples in general still
assumed that our human species, together with its inherent faculties
of intelligence, was unique in the universe. But indeed, advanced ET
technology does NOT come into existence by itself.
One of the upshots of all of this is that while Earth peoples might
become (as they have) theoretically agreeable to the idea of ET
advanced technology, the ET advanced intelligence factor remains
avoided. One reason for this avoidance is that it implies that
Earth-based human intelligence may be quite inferior to ET
counterparts originating in space and time elsewhere in the cosmos.
Thus, a large literature, partly logical and partly confusing, has
unofficially come into existence about the possible or probable
nature of ET advanced technology.
Yet, ET mind-intelligence is equally, if not more, important. With
the exception of science fiction manufacturing, it remains an issue
that has accumulated very little serious discussion.
There seem to be at least two principal reasons for this, and
neither of them has much to do with the possibility of ET
The first reason has to do with the failure of Earth peoples to more
fully appreciate the larger scope of their own intelligence.
The second reason has to do with Earth-bound ideas basic to
materialism – that the physical quaternity of matter, energy, space,
and time is all that exists anywhere and everywhere.
This is particularly the case regarding the modernist age of science
and technology, during which hard-core materialists supposed that
the quaternity constitutes the only fundamental, universal make up
of the cosmos.
This supposition seems logical and rational enough, but only within
its own self-limiting context (i.e., that physical matter, energy,
space, and time are all that exists).
There is, however, the problem of matter and energy (which are
inanimate) somehow being converted into animate matter and energy,
which results in life forms.
This problem, quite inconvenient to the adherents of philosophical
and scientific materialism of the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, was handled quite neatly.
As was reiterated many times in print, scientific answers to the
problem of animate matter will ULTIMATELY be found to have
materialistic explanations, and so no other explanations need be
looked for.
It therefore followed that intelligence, as an attribute of animate
higher life forms, would also be found to have materialistic
End of story, at least with regard to Earth-based philosophical and
scientific materialism.
And so although the important distinction between non-animate and
animate matter/energy was neatly made to disappear within the
contexts of the modern sciences, there remained many unresolved
obvious issues, as well as invisible issues yet to be discovered.
However, with regard to ET life-intelligence possibilities, there
are some Earthside issues that have become at least halfway visible.
For example, if the documented existence of UFOs is to be admitted
into evidence, then it is to be observed that their flight, speed,
dimensions, and maneuverability DISOBEY the laws of physical matter,
energy, space, and time as those LAWS are so far understood by our
That THIS might be so constitutes something of an intellectual
embarrassment, to be sure. But more importantly, the nature of the
UFOs demonstrate that our own scientific understanding of matter,
energy, space, and time is at least inadequate, and quite possibly
not even applicable within the contexts of exo-technological
knowledge that may have developed elsewhere in the very
long-enduring cosmos.
The nature of the exo-technological knowledge more or less
constitutes Problem One (at least within the contexts of Earth-based
But by implication, Problem One leads directly into Problem Two: the
possibility that our Earthside understanding about intelligence is
at least inadequate, and quite possibly not even applicable within
the contexts of ET knowledge of intelligence.
After all, some kind of INTELLIGENCES built the inexplicable UFOs
that pester Earth’s skies and near space environments – and,
furthermore, those intelligences apparently have utilized knowledge
of forces that are alien to Earthside knowledge packages.
If the foregoing factors are considered, the combination of them
provides numerous embarrassments to Earthside people, especially to
those who are supposed to know what they are doing and what things
are all about. And so the best conventional way to save some kind of
face is NEVER to OFFICIALLY admit that the irksome and troublesome
craft exist.
The philosophy that achieved
high-profile visibility during modernist times was that of
MATERIALISM. This is briefly defined as:
A theory that physical matter is the only reality and that all being
and processes and phenomena can be explained as manifestations or
results of matter;
A doctrine that the only or the highest values or objectives lie in
material well being and in the furtherance of material progress.
As long as materialism is considered a theory, i.e., akin to
hypothesis or speculation, it can be considered an option of free
speech, etc. As a doctrine, however, problems can come into
visibility - for example, having to do with ideas about well-being
and furtherance of mind-intelligence progress.
As has been discussed earlier, it can be seen that definitions of
mind depend on societal erections within which mind is defined only
in ways that give service to them.
It is certainly true that a societal erection can be built within
the contexts and auspices of a philosophy, such as that of
materialism. The basic theory and doctrine of materialism, however,
makes no reference to mind-intelligence, and so the implication has
to be that these are irrelevant, at least to some large degree.
Therefore, one would not expect that the inner and outer workings of
a materialistic societal structure would become too involved with
mind-intelligence, as long as the structure is fully erect,
upstanding, and unchallenged.
The inner strength of philosophical and scientific materialism
fundamentally rests upon the idea-theory of the ubiquitous existence
of matter as the ONLY omnipresent constituent of the universe.
Verifiable UFOs, however, bring challenge to materialism in
principle, in that those craft also bring challenge to the Earthside
understanding of the “laws” of matter, energy, space, and time –
which the strange dynamics and phenomena of the craft apparently do
transcend, or, perhaps even obviate.
As long as those craft persist in doing so, then the craft also
transcend Earthside mind-intelligence locked into materialistic
terms, even if scientific.
After all, crafts that register on radar, but not on eyesight,
cannot really be completely thought of as ubiquitous matter, and
certainly cannot be “politically correct” with respect to Earthside
laws of physicality.
If, then, verifiable UFOs are of ET origin, then whatever mind-intelligence(s)
innovated the craft probably cannot even be approximated by anything
here on Earth – with one or two exceptions to be discussed ahead.
Something now depends on whether the physical matter of materialism
actually DOES constitute the fundamental ingredient of the cosmos
entire. Within the last ten years of cutting edge of astrophysics,
the answer to this is an unambiguous NO.
During the latter two decades of the twentieth century, it was
slowly discovered that the traditional physical aspects of the
cosmos accounted for only about 9 percent of the entire volume-mass
of the universe, while the remaining 91 percent was invisible and
did not register on Earthside physical equipment or eyesight.
The larger volume-mass was first referred to as “dark matter,” but
more recently is being referred to as “Quintessence, the mystery of
the missing mass in the universe.” (See the book of this title, by
Lawrence Krauss, published in 2000 by Basic Books.)
Of course the “missing mass in the universe” is not really missing
in the universe, but only missing within Earth-based realities that
can neither account for nor recognize what it consists of.
About the only sure thing about this “mass” is that it is NOT the
same as, cannot be fitted into, or is radically different from, our
Earthside precepts of physical matter, energy, space, and time – and
which precepts have dominated our modernist Earthside sciences.
Now, a few implications of this really do need to be pointed up, if
only in some theoretical sense.
First, there is a rather serious discrepancy between 9 per cent of
something, and 100 per cent of it.
Second, there is the beginning of a comparison that may or may not
be justified, but which is none the less worth some tentative
For some time scientists have opined that Earthside humans in
general appear to be utilizing only about 9 to 12 per cent of their
brains. Again, there is a serious discrepancy between 9 percent and
100 percent of brain usage or utilization.
Although this phenomenon may turn out to have no relevance within
the cosmic scope of all things, it is quite obvious that most
Earthside humans devote most of their active brain time to dealing
within the Earthside contexts of physical matter, energy, space, and
Third, if ET civilizations do exist elsewhere in the far, far
reaches of the cosmos, it can theoretically be thought that those
civilizations could have begun, evolved, grown, and super-technologized
themselves many millions, and even perhaps billions, of years ago.
Fourth, if so, then it is also theoretically possible that such ET
civilizations have not confined their activities, their knowledge,
or their brains, to working only within Earthside knowledge packages
that can only identify 9 percent of cosmic universals.
To state this more bluntly, it is theoretically thinkable that
ET has, some very long time ago, sorted out what the other 91 percent
of the universe consists of.
The nature of the 91 percent of the universe that presently remains
occluded from Earthside knowledge packages MIGHT contain the basis
of indigenous and generic universals that have not been recognized
as such by our modernist Earthside sciences, whose knowledge
packages are limited to the physicality of the materialistic
Even if not officially
endorsed on Earth, the verifiable existence of at least some UFO
craft can lead toward at least two tentative hypotheses:
The hypothesis that somewhere else in the cosmos exist
mind-intelligences that ALSO witness the cosmos, and
Which have also innovated ways and means of flitting about within
whatever cosmic-aspects THEY do witness.
Just behind those two hypotheses, however, is a
hypothesis-like, idea-like, situation that is a little difficult to
Can one, for example, think that the cosmos is perceived AT ALL
unless there also exist mind-intelligence that DOES the “seeing” of
In this sense, it would appear that mind-intelligence has first to
exist, in order to see, ascertain, or know that the cosmos does
It is therefore possible to speculate that mind-intelligence is a
principal fundamental of some kind within the cosmos entire, and if
so, then Earthside mind-intelligence is probably NOT unique in the
To plunge more deeply into this, it is first necessary to examine
what, in Earthside terms, intelligence is thought to be – and then
to open more widely the doors not only of speculation, but of logic,
Back to Contents
Part Two:
Mind-Intelligence Have Universal Similarities And Qualities?
It is possible for Earth humans to erect the assumption that that
THEIR mind-intelligence evolved or developed on Earth, and that it
is therefore unique in the cosmos.
This assumption can prevail as a “reality” until, as discussed in
Part 1, our species encounters another species having intelligence
commensurate with or advanced beyond our own.
One past reason for the assumed validity of this assumption was that
Earth humans also assumed that the occurrence or evolution of
intelligence could only take place on planets similar to Earth.
Until very recently, the existence of such planets, even the
probability of them, could not be verified – which is to say that
the probability could neither be proved nor disproved.
This kind of thing, the inability to prove or disprove something,
can be thought of as a hiatus of information – i.e., a lapse, an
absence, or a break in the continuity of information and knowledge
Where such a lapse occurs, any number of ideas and assumptions can
be poured into it, and which, themselves, probably cannot be proved
or disproved. This appears to fill in the hiatus and to restore the
continuity, but via assumption rather that fact.
This, of course, leads to all sorts of philosophical and other
entanglements that have no basis in proof or disproof, but which can
affect the nature and scope of various assumed reality packages.
However, once a lapse of information begins to be filled in by facts
or even probable facts, the nature and scope of various assumed
reality packages must change and take on new frames of reference.
As briefly outlined in Part 1, because of recent and sudden advances
in astrophysics discovery, the possibility of millions or even
billions of Earth-like planets, scattered throughout the
indescribable vastness of the cosmos, at least begins to settle the
lapse in information about the probability of other planets.
This knowledge advance, even if only tentative, can now lead from
the idea that human mind-intelligence is unique in the universe to
the hypothesis that life and life forms may have occurred upon some
of them.
If it is hypothesized that the life forms have occurred, then the
important questions must arise.
The first of these has to do with why and from what life-making
formats get going at any location in the cosmos, including Earthside
formats of life.
This naturally will lead to the question of WHAT “forces” ultimately
collect and animate matter and energy that otherwise would remain
inanimate, and then makes the animated matter into bio-structural
patterns (i.e., genomes).
This, in turn, will lead to the question having to do with whether,
or if, those life forms have achieved mind-intelligence that is
commensurate with or advanced beyond Earth formats of it.
If those questions are speculated upon as calmly as possible, then
it is possible to think that Earth humans would be quite pleased to
encounter other species having mind-intelligence lesser than our
If it should chance that other species have mind-intelligence
commensurate with our own, then certain challenging situations might
If it should turn out that the encountered species is in possession
of mind-intelligence advanced beyond Earthside versions of it, then
it could (or should) be assumed that such a species is:
In possession of advanced
In possession of advanced
In possession of advanced powers
of mind
NOT as burdened with lapses of
information as is our own species
In possession of knowledge
packages more numerous and more extensive in scope than
Earthside ones.
One of the bottom lines of all this it
that if ANY microscopic evidence of protein structures that are made
only by life organisms are found anywhere except on Earth, then the
idea of a universal life force must be extended to include the
cosmos entire, even if only theoretically so.
By extension, if exo-evidence of life forms is encountered, then the
principle of life force turning into life forms must be extended
(theoretically) to include the ultimate possibility of turning into
some kind of life mind-intelligence.
Thus, and ONLY speaking theoretically to be sure, life force and
life intelligence COULD ultimately be understood as indigenous and
generic within the universe.
In other words, wherever the universe IS, then there is also matter,
energy, space, and time – AND life force, life forms, and life
The enormous light year distances between various emergences of life
phenomena have no real meaning in this regard, except that the
distances are very great (as measured within the scope of current
Earthside frames of reference.)
What has far greater meaning are the time elements involved – for
example, the difference between 4 billion years and 1,000 billion
years before that.
Our own small solar system is not very old when computed against
hundreds of billions of years. Thus, based on the 50-50 speculations
that life could occur elsewhere in the universe, there is a
significant chance that it might have occurred billions of years
BEFORE Earth ever came into a life-bearing condition.
The whole of the immediately foregoing discussions can be considered
as highly theoretical or speculative.
But as surprising at it might seem, those speculations are helpful
toward enlarging upon the nature of INTELLIGENCE – IF it can be
considered a generic potential in the whole scheme of cosmic goings
The Modern Earthside Definition of
To begin getting deeper into
this, we of course have to start with the conventional Earthside
definition of INTELLIGENCE, which is thought to be complete and
correct in psychological and scientific terms.
In most dictionaries, this definition is given as “The capacity to
apprehend facts and propositions and their relations and to reason
about them.”
At first take, this definition seems logical and rational, and so
its portrayed meaning and usefulness are not usually inspected too
One cannot say that the definition is wrong, but one can suggest it
could be put in a more useful and thus more meaningful manner as
INTELLIGENCE: The mental intake and
analysis of information and the output of capacity reasoning
about it.
CAPACITY refers to “the ability to
receive, hold, store, or accommodate, and the measured ability to
contain.” But this term also has direct relationship to “the maximum
induction of intake, and the maximum production of output.”
Most dictionaries define to
REASON (as the verb) as “to use the
faculty of reason, i.e., to think.”
As a noun, however, REASON is defined in several ways:
The power of comprehending,
inferring, of thinking, especially in orderly rational ways
Proper exercise of mind
The sum of the intellectual
Treatment that affords
satisfaction (although this definition is indicated as
These definitions of reason do not
indicate that reasoning always takes place within frames of
It is important to observe this, because, with regard to the first
definition just above, comprehending something can have different
results because of different frames of reference.
As but one slightly amusing example, the power of comprehending the
sum of the intellectual powers depends on the frames of reference
being used,
(1) to define the sum of the intellectual powers in order
(2) to think about them
Since Earthside knowledge of what the intellectual powers are is not
very massive, any Earthside thinking about them cannot be too
massive either.
Indeed, Earthside definitions of mind-intelligence are established
in ways that afford societal satisfaction rather than on any
in-depth examination of mind-intelligence phenomena themselves.
There are thus a number of special difficulties surrounding the
topic of reason. These will be further outlined in Part 3, entitled
“Human vs. ET Reasoning.”
The foregoing descriptions lead to the commonly shared understanding
composed of four factors:
(1) That intelligence is a kind
of ability-thing-in-itself
(2) That as such it has “capacity” of some kind
(3) That the capacity can be measured by utilizing various
IQ tests designed to do so
(4) That via the IQ tests, it can be seen that the capacity
differs from individual to individual
It is thus that modern Earthsiders have
established such intelligence-measuring tests, and hold that the
tests constitute the best scientific evidence of the real existence
of intelligence naturally indwelling not only in individuals, but in
our species as well.
It is important, however, to note that the Earthside emphasis is on
individual IQ, and not on the sum IQ potentials as carried within
our species as a whole.
In any event, and within the general contexts briefly outlined
above, Earthsiders can stipulate that intelligence among our species
does exist, albeit in +/- capacities at the individual level.
By extension, then, if ET intelligence does exist elsewhere in the
universe, it COULD be referred to within the same contexts as the
Earthside scenario.
However, if that ET intelligence should be advanced beyond Earthside
realities about intelligence, then the Earthside assumptions and
formulas could end up being almost useless.
One basic reason for this has to do with the general, but
fundamental, matter of ADVANCED intelligence capacitance.
The word ADVANCED is an adjective and has four principal Earthside
(1) far on in time or course
(2) beyond the elementary or introductory
(3) being beyond others in progress or development
(4) being progressed to a higher stage of development and
If, therefore, an ET intelligence, or
evidence of it, is:
(1) somehow encountered by Earth
humans, and
(2) if that intelligence needs to be thought of as advanced
as compared to the obviously not-as-advanced status of
Earthside intelligence,
(3) then that intelligence is beyond the Earthside
elementary or introductory realities of intelligence, and as
(4) has permitted ET intelligence to obtain higher
developmental states of intelligence activity.
Another contrasting way to put all of
this is to wonder that if Earthside humans utilize only a small
fraction of their brains, then perhaps they are utilizing only a
small fraction of their intelligence.
IF this should be the case, then modernist Earthside IQ tests are
measuring only a fraction of human brain-mind powers – largely
because it is not really understood WHAT ELSE to measure for.
As but one example of this, Earthside IQ tests do not measure for
telepathy, because telepathy is not a topic that affords
satisfaction within most Earthside societal structures, and so there
is no real need to figure out how to test for it in individuals,
much less within the species entire.
In any event, utilizing only a SMALL fraction of all possible
knowledge about intelligence cannot be very useful in encountering
an ADVANCED intelligence - which, by definition, must be utilizing a
far LARGER fraction of knowledge about intelligence (and about
“brains” as well.)
All of the foregoing considered, although Earthsiders may be content
with their own ideas and realities about THEIR intelligence, it
would seem that Earthsiders have no easily identifiable way of
conceptualizing what ET advanced intelligence might consist of.
Even if subtly so, it might not be too far off the mark to think
that intelligence anywhere in the universe probably DOES principally
deal with information intake and output. (Indeed, if intelligence
does not do this, then it is difficult to comprehend what it DOES
And this in turn would imply that advanced intelligences probably
would have achieved greater and more intricate capacities to do so,
while not-so-advanced intelligence would have to struggle along
within the contexts of their smaller and less intricate capacities.
The immediate Earthside response to this can easily be expressed as:
“Well, THEY have learned more than we have.”
Yes in general, but not in particular.
Because something particularly depends on what the “learned more”
actually consists of.
In conventional Earthside contexts, “learned more” almost always
refers to whatever exists EXTERNAL to intelligence itself.
Indeed, intelligence is defined and identified almost exclusively by
how it interacts and deals with factors that are external to the
INTERNAL factors of intelligence itself.
It is this idea about intelligence that makes possible the
conventional Earthside definition of it – “the capacity to apprehend
facts and propositions and their relations and to reason about
This definition clearly implies that “capacity to apprehend facts
and propositions” is very suggestive of large, small, narrow, or big
capacity. But the definition glides much too fast over the term
It can surely be thought that intelligence capacity is dependent
upon what IS and IS NOT apprehended – largely because intelligence
cannot deal with what is not apprehended.
Thus, we finally encounter the two-fold wonderment as to how and why
intelligence apprehends anything at all – and why an advanced
intelligence MUST be apprehending much more than a non-advanced one.
There are two working definitions for APPREHEND:
(1) to grasp with the
understanding, and
(2) to recognize the meaning of.
To grasp with understanding, and to
recognize the meaning of, are, of course OUTPUTS of intelligence.
But both kinds of output MUST have been stimulated as the result of
some kind of information INPUTS.
And it can be identified that Earthside ideas of what intelligence
is and consists of are almost exclusively formulated with regard to
Thus arises, with some pristine clarity, the important question of
how and wherefrom does intelligence get inputs, upon which various
understandings and recognitions of meanings are based.
There can only be one really applicable answer here.
Mind-intelligence probably cannot achieve information inputs unless
there exist arrays of sensing systems that PERMIT intake of various
kinds of information, possibly including systems that specialize
only in certain types of information processing.
It can thus be hypothesized that if ET mind-intelligences have
occurred elsewhere in the universe, then intake and processing of
information must be as fundamental to them as it is to the version
of human intelligence here on Earth.
A civilization of
mind-intelligence can be said to be trapped within the environments
of a given planet if:
(1) it has not discovered and
developed ways and means of traveling to other planets and
star systems; and
(2) it does not know for sure of the existence of
mind-intelligence elsewhere in the universe.
Such a trapped mind-intelligence stands
a very good chance of not only becoming introverted into its own
societal orders, but would also tend to set up basic frames of
reference with respect to whatever levels and extent of knowledge
ARE possessed and tolerated by the orders.
Unless it was to encounter another mind-intelligence of similar or
greater magnitude, such a trapped mind-intelligence would have no
comparative way of measuring and assessing the nature of its own
In the absence of parameters that might serve for identifying and
comparing mind-intelligence contrasts, it is quite likely that the
trapped civilizations would construct definitions of
mind-intelligence that are in accord with societal frames of
Indeed, in such societal frames of reference, mind-intelligence need
not achieve much, if any, definition at all – largely because such
definitions, if too extensive, would tend to complexity social
management within societal frames of reference.
Such societal civilizations are composed of many individuals, the
whole of which is usually somehow divided, for example, between the
thinkers and the doers, between those that must be protected and
those that are expendable. And within this kind of societal
arrangement, it would surely have been noted that the doers and the
expendable need not learn too much about mind-intelligence.
In such societal civilizations, frames of reference and definitions
of mind-intelligence (if any) need to be rather superficial and
simplified to the degree that they are NOT useful to the achievement
of real and intimate knowledge of mind-intelligence.
The purpose of this stratagem is, of course, two-fold:
to maintain
knowledge about mind-intelligence within the given ordinary societal
contexts; and,
to prevent discovery of ways and means of developing
mind-intelligence into higher, and therefore more advanced, states
and functioning.
The best way of achieving such preventive measures is to define
mind-intelligence only by what it produces, not only in general
societal terms, but also at the individual level. This process can
be extremely clever, and thus hard to identify and observe.
In Earthside terms, it is difficult to speculate what a mind is
unless it possesses some modicum of intelligence, AND which the mind
itself can recognize as such.
It is therefore important to have some general grasp of how
INTELLIGENCE is principally defined in Earthside terms. During our
late-modern times, a very large literature has come into existence
about intelligence, but in general the principal definitions of it
are few.
INTELLIGENCE is defined as:
(1) The capacity to apprehend
facts and propositions and their relations and to reason
about them.
(2) The use or exercise of the intellect, especially when
carried on with considerable ability.
(3) Mental acuteness or shrewdness.
(4) The act of understanding.
(5) An intelligent being, especially an angel.
At first take, the foregoing definitions
can be thought of as making sense. But after some consideration, it
can be seen that they refer to a rather ambiguous “capacity” that IS
what it IS wherever one finds it.
It is probably somewhat tiresome to enter into a brief discussion
about IQ and IQ tests, especially in that the efficacy and
usefulness of those tests has been brought into serious doubt during
the last twenty years or so.
But even so, the concept of intelligence and the concept of
intelligence quotients as measured by IQ tests became quite
intermingled. One of the results of this intermingling was that
intelligence became thought of as a kind of thing-in-itself,
somewhat like an “organ” akin to the heart, liver, and prostate
During the early modern period, The IQ tests were designed to
measure the evidential activity and proficiency in individuals of
that “organ.”
More precisely, the tests were innovated NOT to identify what the
organ consisted of, but to help identify, describe, and measure what
its capacity was wherever it could be tested for at the individual
level. (In passing here, it is worth pointing up that no such tests
have been innovated to test IQ at collective societal and social
levels, and certainly not at our species level.)
The official definition of IQ is,
“A number held to express the
relative intelligence of a person determined by dividing his mental
age by his chronological age and multiplying by 100.”
The term
“number” refers to a total “score” achieved by combining and
averaging scores of the different sections that test for different
One such section tests for mathematical expertise. While it is true
that our species, and hence all individuals, possess indigenous
mathematical faculties, these need to be nurtured, developed, and
sharpened by educational methods. Most can learn addition, even if
by themselves, but multiplication, algebra, calculus, trigonometry
and etc. need to be nurtured.
Therefore, those unfortunates who have not benefited by such
mathematical nurturing will score low on this section of the IQ
text, and their overall IQ score will be pulled down.
Here is at least one clue that mind-intelligence consists of
faculties that need to be, or can be, nurtured into higher states of
performance. This same clue also suggests that IQ tests largely
measure NOT what has been nurtured or not in the individual, but
measure what the society has selected to be measure.
There are many KNOWN aspects of intelligence that have not been
incorporated into IQ tests. For example, there are no IQ test
routines that attempt to measure for,
As it can be identified from the foregoing definitions of
INTELLIGENCE, the modern IQ tests were highly selective regarding
topics that might be tested. Indeed, viewed now in retrospect, the
tests referred only to components of intelligence that were as
valuable within the contexts of the modernist societal structures.
But intelligence surely has activity components that are not
included in the modernist IQ paradigm. Our species could be faced
with such if an advanced ET species was encountered – and which
species had, for example, active components of telepathic
It is probably difficult to hypothesize what intelligence might
consist of in addition to modern Earthside definitions of it.
It is because of this difficulty that time has been taken in these
essays to establish what those Earthside definitions do consist of.
This was necessary in order to begin pointing up the authenticity of
additional factors that are not normally thought of as “belonging”
to intelligence – but which factors are OBVIOUSLY necessary to
intelligence IF it is to function at all.
When intelligence is considered in its larger overall species
contexts, it ultimately needs to be accepted that however else it
may be defined, intelligence,
(1) takes in information and
outputs products based in some kind of processing of what was intaken.
Nothing can be taken into intelligence unless there are some kinds
of systems that permit and facilitate doing so. In Earthside terms,
these kinds of systems can be referred to as sensing systems.
As one such system, intelligence must have some kind of memory
storage and retrieval processes regarding information, for without
these the sensing systems alone would be of little use.
In addition to sensing and memory systems, intelligence must also
have information-comparing systems, via which input information via
memory storage and retrieval are sorted and identified.
What has been sorted and identifies must then undergo processing via
cognitive systems that result in comprehension, understanding, and
ideas of usefulness.
Finally, intelligence must possess activity and innovation systems
if anything is to be DONE with the products of the cognitive
The foregoing identifies FIVE tool-like, systemic aspects of
intelligence, all five of which MUST exist if intelligence is to
function at all. Indeed, an intelligence that merely exists but does
not produce anything has lesser meaning than intelligence that does.
At this juncture, it is useful to reprise the major Earthside
definition of INTELLIGENCE:
“The capacity to apprehend facts and
propositions and their relations, and to reason about them.”
Two things can now be pointed up with some clarity.
First, intelligence capacity must incorporate all five of the
systemic tools briefly elaborated above, and it would seem that if
one or more of those tools is not nurtured and brought into enhanced
activity, then they will remain inherent but inactive.
Second, while each of the tools has some equal necessity and
importance with the others, it would be quite obvious that the
information intake sensing systems are the most fundamental.
This is so much the case that the fundamental definition of
intelligence should note that it is, in its first instance of
manifesting, a series of information intake sensing systems.
In any event, it is bluntly obvious that intelligence cannot deal
with information that is not sensed.
There is more to be discussed
about the five systems inherent in the toolbox of intelligence. But
before doing so, it is important to undertake a magnifications of
the utter importance of the sensing systems. This magnification
cannot be facilitated by the use of Earthside definitions of
mind-intelligence - largely because SOCIETAL criteria require the
non-nurturing, and sometimes active suppression, of various kinds of
intelligence sensing systems.
The result of this is that various kinds of sensing systems cannot
even be brought into view, with the result that the full extent of
human sensing systems remains unidentified and unknown.
However, IF our species should chance to encounter an ET species
having advanced mind-intelligence, then it would be possible,
perhaps even somewhat urgently necessary, to speculate upon the
characteristics of THEIR intelligence toolbox.
Most certainly, it would have to be noted that if their
mind-intelligence were advanced beyond their own, then it would be
reasonable to conclude that they have achieved larger capacities
regarding information intake and output.
This would imply that they have come to possess, have nurtured, have
enhanced, or have activated, more extensive sensing systems that we
Indeed, they may have intelligence toolbox factors that are beyond
Earthside knowledge or imagination, they are almost certain to have
our own five toolbox factors. We would therefore speculate that
advanced formats of ET mind-intelligence has developed and enhanced
those same five factors.
Frankly put, our species has information intake sensing systems, and
because of this the basic fundamentals of those sensing systems
download into all individuals.
However, here on Earth, what is to be sensed and not sensed is
determined by societal criteria, not by actual and virtual realities
of our species mind-intelligence.
In any event, and briefly put, it is possible to hypothesize that
advanced ET mind-intelligence implies that ET is in cognitive
possession of sensing systems more extensive than what societal
criteria here on Earth allow for.
And it would be because of their advanced possession of sensing
systems, combined with other intelligence systemics, that they could
also have innovated advanced technologies.
It IS possible to think in
terms of ET advanced technologies via the principal ways we define
TECHNOLOGY as “applied science.” It must be stipulated, however,
that Earthside ideas of “applied science” refer completely and only
to applied material science that achieves a practical purpose.
Therefore, the Earthside notion of technology refers only to
development in practical material terms.
If, however, advanced ET material technology were a product of
advanced ET mind-intelligence, it would be quite possible that the
latter has innovated advanced ET mind-intelligence technologies.
This refers, of course, to the hypothesis that ET has discovered,
innovated, and applied dependable ways and means of enhancing
various aspects of mind-intelligence for practical purposes – and
which enhancing could have mind-dynamic as well as material
If life forms have developed
intelligence, then it is possible to speculate that although the
life forms might be different, their intelligence toolboxes could be
similar everywhere.
As a full part of this similarity, ET intelligence must have sensing
systems, for without these any ostensible intelligence would be
Because of this, it is possible to toy with the idea that human and
ET intelligence have substantial dynamic sensing systems in common.
It can also be speculated that ET might be advanced because of
having achieved a fuller and more fundamental knowledge of dynamic
sensing systems than has so far been achieved in Earthside societal
This possibility can be approached via another route. If, for
example, an intelligence does NOT have sensing systems, then
problems arise regarding other intelligence toolbox activities.
For example, since information is taken into intelligence via
biomind dynamic sensing systems, it can be wondered what is to be
thought of memory, cognitive, and innovative factors if sensing
systems do not exist – or, perhaps, if knowledge of sensing systems
is dumbed down because of societal reasons.
Even in Earthside terms, it is generally realized that what cannot
be sensed cannot be dealt with.
To give more description to this, it can be thought that
mind-intelligence, wherever it is found, does possess many different
kinds of innate sensing systems – say, one hundred of them.
If so, it can be theorized that only a certain percentage (such as
10 percent) of the innate sensing systems have been nurtured and
activated, while the rest have remained dormant.
In such a case, it is quite probable that memory, cognitive, and
innovation systems will have to function within the information
parameters and contexts of the 10 percent.
It can then be imagined that two mind-intelligence species encounter
each other. Let us think that both species have fundamental sensing
systems numbering one hundred. However, one of the species has, say,
50 percent of its intelligence sensing system in an active state –
while the other species has only 10 percent activated.
Additionally, it can be understood that sensing systems of the 10
percent species are almost entirely focused on 3-dimensional,
physical realities – and which focus requires the nurturing and
activation of only 10 percent of the one hundred sensing systems
innately housed within the overall intelligence toolbox.
One could think that what has been described above could be
characteristic of the Earthside situation - NOT because the above
has been stated, but because it is generally understood on Earth
that humans have more sensing systems, as well as more potential
intelligence, than they use.
In any event, there are differences to be noted between sensing
“windows” of 10 percent and sensing windows of 50 percent, or even
As but one factor, the realities sensed via the 50 percent windows
would surely be thought of as advanced over the realities sensed via
the 10 percent windows.
And this could be the case, even though the 10 percent and the 50
percent species have potentials of 100 percent windows.
Before continuing into Part 3 (forthcoming), it is worth taking note
of a certain subtle Earthside situation that has relevance to the
overall issues being discussed in this set of essays.
This situation has to do with distinctions between sensing systems
and cognitive systems found in the intelligence toolbox.
In more recent modern times, it has generally been assumed that
increasing the scope of learning about something could ultimately
increase control and command of it. There can be no doubt that there
is some well-founded truth in this approach. But it has become
somewhat understood that there are certain areas that evade the
anticipated command and control no matter how much they are studied
and learned about.
Powers of mind (so called) constitute one such area, largely because
merely learning about them does not automatically result in
activating enhanced control and command of them. For example, one
can read and learn a great deal about telepathy or intuition and not
achieve very much with regard to enhancing their activation.
The central idea basic to learning is to increase cognitive
understanding, and this, of course, has relevance to the cognitive
systems found in the intelligence toolbox.
Over a hundred years of experiment and study, however, more than
suggests that sensing systems are more basic to telepathy and
intuition than cognitive learning and understanding.
This is to say that if the sensing systems relevant to telepathy are
not activated, then telepathy will not “work” even in the face of
learning a great deal about it.
Another indication of this is that if telepathy sensing systems ARE
working, then one doesn’t really need to cognitively learn anything
more about it.
There are thus important distinctions between command and control
achieved via enhancement of cognitive systems and via enhancement of
sensing systems.
There is an unavoidable implication in all of this regarding
mind-intelligence wherever it might be found.
Different species possessing mind-intelligence capacities can be
expected to have produced perhaps vastly different knowledge
packages having to do with memory, cognitive, innovation, and
information-comparing techniques.
But it is fair enough to surmise that sensing systems are
fundamental, integral, and common to mind-intelligence anywhere and
It can therefore be hypothesized that IF there is ever a human-ET
encounter, the commonality will be found within their mutual and
probably similar sensing systems, rather than in other factors that
could be remarkably different.
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