by Ingo Swann
December 1995
BioMindSuperPowers Website
Part 1
8 December 1995
Well, with all the fuss over
Remote Viewing going on in the Net,
perhaps I should talk of some of RV's other aspects which lurk
behind the over-hyped government connections.
Perhaps a few would like to know about
those aspects.
First of all, there is the matter of nomenclature. A great many
frames of reference have changed since the 1970s when the term RV
was coined.
The functions of society are now on the verge of a permanent shift
from the older generation to the younger one. The younger generation
thinks in different contexts. They have to, because the world of the
1970s is not the world of 1995, and clearly will not be the world of
I predict that RV will be important in 2008. That's because other
nations are in the process of researching it. The fallout from that
research will be used to their advantage.
Concepts such as
psychic, out-of-body
perceptions, ESP, clairvoyance and remote viewing were still widely
used 20 years ago. Those terms have now fallen out of fashion, and
the younger generation has no idea what they referred to.
The situations and problems (S&Ps) represented by those terms,
however, have not fallen from view. Indeed, they have taken on a new
and vital luminosity, but under new nomenclature and new concepts.
These are:
Virtual Reality, within whose
contexts past, future and present meet in one big matrix in
which anything and everything is possible
Being wired into alternative
realities, cross-dimensions and
multi-dimensional awareness
Levels of consciousness
Although Virtual Reality has been given
a strong technological twist, its S&Ps closely resemble those of
what used to be called the Psychic Realms.
In any event, one is said to Enter
or Access virtual reality in which all information is
In the past,
shamans, psychics and clairvoyants were said to
or Access the psychic realms in which all information was possible.
The basic contexts of virtual reality and the psychic realms are
thus at least similar, and both contexts share similar S&Ps. The
different nomenclature, however, divides the similar contexts into
an obsolete past and a -new- Now.
But there is a very close similarity between them in that entering
or accessing either virtual reality or the psychic realms involves
the existence of human faculties which effect the entering or
accessing process.
Psychics often thought of themselves as
"wired" into cross-dimensions, alternative realities and levels of
All of these concepts were in existence
by the early 1920s. When the first computers were invented during
the 1940s, their mechanisms and performance were an ideal analogy to
psychic mechanisms and performance.
Ironically, and probably insultingly to the skeptics, the
acknowledged "father" of computers, the British mathematical genius
Alan Turing, accepted PSI as a fact. In a famous paper he
wrote exploring how one could distinguish between talking (at long
distance) to a human or to a very advanced computer, Turing invoked
Rhine's statistical proof of the
existence of ESP.
He concluded that this facility, and
this one alone, separates the human from the machine, including his
hypothetical mega-computer.
In other words, how can we tell if we are talking to a genuine
human, and not to a machine? Test the fellow for ESP. If he's
psychic, he's human!
This may seem a trivial or even ridiculous
result, but check it out with a few first class mathematicians and
logicians before you walk away.
Turing did his seminal theoretical work in the late 1930s, and with
the advent of World War II was immediately drafted into the "black"
world of espionage and cryptography. His assignment was to break the
"unbreakable" German code. Inventing and then using the secret
technology that eventually matured into the modern computer, Turing
and a handful of colleagues succeeded.
That they had broken
the "Enigma" codes was Britain's most tightly
held secret. So vital to the war effort was this single
breakthrough, that Churchill allowed several British cities to be
bombed without providing air defense, rather than alert the Germans
to the fact that their codes had been broken.
The work of Turing and his computer remains to this day largely
hidden under security wraps.
Some discoveries really are too
important to reveal, even to the scientific community, much less to
the ordinary men and women who pay for the work with their tax
dollars. Or so it seems, if the parallel story of the discovery of
Remote Viewing, its subsequent widespread use by the US Intelligence
community, and the recent meretricious trashing of it
by the CIA are
any guide.
The idea of Being Wired has undergone several evolutionary steps
within the virtual reality arena. There is a saying current among
computer freaks that one can now be wired into the Universe.
Psychics have been saying the same thing, in almost the same words,
for a long time.
Only they don't refer to universal
virtual reality wiring, but rather to "accessing the Universal
Akashic Records."
Computer technology and its accompanying new mind-sets are merging
with the parallel but until recently hidden Remote Viewing
technology. A new paradigm is in the making, one that the young will
grasp naturally, and at once.
The entire history of psychical research
and parapsychology will become instantly intelligible if one
replaces the old terms of psychic, etc., with the new ones of
virtual reality, cross-dimensional wiring and multiple levels of
But there is one difficulty. The
concepts of virtual reality are often presented merely as forms of
entertainment and speculative use of computers. Psychics, especially
shamans, always held that the psychic realms were real, virtually
And they did use the term "virtually
Remote viewing is a form of virtual
reality, or being wired into the Universe.
To sum up:
Psychic realms equate to Virtual
Both the psychic realms and
virtual reality require Entry and Access
Entry and Access require the
existence of specific human faculties preexisting in our
The human faculties are found in
various levels of consciousness
Spontaneous Remote Viewing (SRV)
is a random format of wiring between virtual reality and
levels of consciousness
Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV)
is composed of discovering the correct wiring and bringing
the random format under conscious control.
Part 2
10 December 1995
There is something very wonderful about
remote viewing. But you have to get your mind-grids beyond a few
things in order to fairly consider it.
Beyond the sensationalizing of the
government connections... beyond the anti-psi spin grids... beyond
the nomenclature problems.
Beyond these you encounter the - fact - that remote viewing
potentials are innate in our species. Thousands upon thousands of
psi formats have been documented since about 3,000 BC, in all
cultures, in all countries, down until today. Although denigrated in
modern times, psi is everywhere among us - and it makes of our
species a - bio-psychic - one.
No one with any thinking capacities will deny that our species
possesses - powers of mind - that far exceed our biological factors
and parameters. Many psi faculties exist among these powers of mind,
and among these are remote viewing faculties.
If you can't address this issue, then it
is not the fault of our species potentials. It's the fault of
engineered anti-psi spin grids you have bought into.
Now, here's the wonder of remote viewing - if RV potentials exist,
then the faculties in some way have to be - connected - or - wired -
into Virtual Reality Space and Time (VRST).
VRST transcends the limits of linear
space-time. RV faculties, then, equate to some kind of VRST
accessing - to something akin to a space-time-machine kind of
The sensations experienced by - Exiting - the linear
space-time software program and - Entering - the VRST hard
drive are exhilarating and ecstasy-making.
Mind-power expansion, connection to
universals, up-linking into perspectives that transcend down-linking
into the limits of conventional linear space-time. Experiencing all
of this is - beautiful, - nearly beyond compare.
But!, it has to be... experienced
order to fully appreciate what it is.
Then one finds we don't have
the proper English words to describe it.
People who experience spontaneous remote viewing (SRV) may or
may not notice this beauty - mostly because the SRV event may
be very short and transitory, but also because their mind wiring
might be mixed up and littered with anti-psi spin grids.
However, tutoring in controlled remote viewing (CRV) erects
proper and correct mind grids commensurate to the virtual remote
viewing faculties. Yes, one has to be "correctly re-wired" in
order to sustain up-linking into the VRST hard drive.
Then, one finds oneself experiencing the beauty and ecstasy of
Being In, or free-floating in, the "Cosmos" (for lack of a better
Granted, SRV and CRV might "see" some bad things; but beyond those
occasions the experienced sensations of the sustained up-linking
are wonderful, beautiful and fabulous.
Experiencing Connections to shared
universals makes for a new reality.