by Arjun Walia
29, 2018
Collective-Evolution Website
Spanish version

Artwork by Kenny Callicutt
In Brief
The Facts: Joseph Mcmoneagle, one of the most successful US
Army-trained remote viewers, peered into the
past to look into the possible origins of human
history. He saw that we were created by
intelligent beings in what he called a
Reflect On: Why is the mainstream story of human history
still limited to Darwin's Theory of Evolution?
Why have so many discoveries, like giants, and
life on other planets, been completely concealed
and brushed off as a 'conspiracy theory'?
The true origins of human history remain a mystery, but that's not
what mainstream academia would have us believe.
Since Darwin, human
evolution and 'the survival of the fittest' has been pushed on the
population as some sort of scientific truth, despite the fact that
it remains a theory with multiple loopholes and 'missing links.'
If you question it, in
some circumstances, you are almost considered a nut.
This continues to happen in many different fields of knowledge; when
you question beliefs that have been ingrained for so long you get a
harsh response, and in some cases, you're liable to be fined, put in
jail or at the very least you receive tremendous amounts of hate and
What we don't hear about
is the fact that there are several hundred scientists, if not
several thousand, who have spoken up against the scientific validity
of the theory of evolution to reject
theory of evolution and
why it's not really valid at all.
Originated Somewhere Else
Even one of the founding fathers of DNA, Francis Crick,
believed that human DNA must have originated from somewhere else in
the galaxy, whereby,
"organisms were
deliberately transmitted to earth by intelligent beings on
another planet."
You can read more about
that at "Nobel
Prize Winning Co-Discoverer of DNA Says our Genes were Brought here
by Extraterrestrials".
Recently it was written a
paper that was published by 33 scientists in the Progress in
Biophysics and Molecular Biology Journal suggesting that the
flourishing life during the Cambrian era (Cambrian Explosion)
originated from the stars.
"With the rapidly
increasing number of exoplanets that have been discovered in the
habitable zones of long-lived red dwarf stars (Gillon et al.,
2016), the prospects for genetic exchanges between life-bearing
Earth-like planets cannot be ignored."
There is a great little
blurb from
Cosmos Magazine, one of the few
outlets who is talking about the study.
Serious inquiry into the origins of human history are not encouraged
in the mainstream. Yet as we dig a little on what's being done,
there is a lot to find out, with new theories and discoveries that
seem to be popping up every single year.
Modern day education is
hardly keeping up with this, and in fact continues to promulgate old
theories and notions that have long been disproven.
As a result, nobody
beyond ardent self-motivated researchers are learning about new
developments or have any knowledge of these viewpoints.
Opening Our Minds
The suppression of the discoveries of giant humanoid skeletons falls
directly into this category, though the secrecy that wraps up the
Smithsonian is a topic for another article.
Suffice it to say that
successful cover-ups of information are possible in part due to the
phenomenon of 'cognitive dissonance', which speaks to the extreme
discomfort that a piece of information that disrupts the worldview
you grew up with can have on you.
Many of us have and do
experience this, including myself. In today's day and age, it's
important to practice overcoming the discomfort to keep an open
Consider entertaining new ideas without necessarily accepting them,
just give them a chance to swirl in your mind a bit. With new
information constantly emerging at a rapid pace in all fields, an
open mind is what serves us best.
If we stay closed and
refuse to even look at or acknowledge evidence that contradicts what
we believe, we will never advance towards actual truth, and simply
be caught up in an agnostic state while never really getting to the
bottom of the questions that are naturally on our mind.
The StarGate
The StarGate program was co-founded by Russell Targ (watch
banned TED talk about ESP),
Hal Puthoff, who is now a
member of the 'To The Stars Academy' with Tom Delonge, and
other notable names who have worked on
Deep Black Budget programs
within the U.S. government.
They are currently
spearheading an effort to let the American public know that UFOs are
real and that there is sufficient evidence to suggest that, as
Louis Elizondo
"we are not alone,
whatever that means."
StarGate program investigated
parapsychological phenomenon like remote viewing, telepathy,
telekinesis, and clairvoyance.
The program yielded high
statistically significant results and was used multiple times for
intelligence gathering purposes. A lot of interesting information
came out of the literature that was declassified in 1995 after the
program ran for more than two decades.
It was a complete mystery why the program was shut down: remote
viewing, for example, which is the ability to describe the physical
characteristics at a given location irrespective of distance, was
found to be repeatable, even more than findings in the hard
sciences, with a success rate of over 80 percent.
Remote viewing was how the
rings around Jupiter were actually
discovered by
Ingo Swann before NASA was able
to measure them.
"To summarize, over
the years, the back-and-forth criticism of protocols, refinement
of methods and successful replication of this type of remote
viewing in independent laboratories has yielded considerable
scientific evidence for the reality of the [remote viewing]
Adding to the
strength of these results was the discovery that a growing
number of individuals could be found to demonstrate high-quality
remote viewing, often to their own surprise...
The development of
this capability at SRI has evolved to the point where visiting
CIA personnel with no previous exposure to such concepts have
performed well under controlled laboratory conditions."
The Breadth of
Remote Viewing
There are examples in the literature, from remote viewers looking at
classified Russian technology during the cold-war era, locating a
lost spy plane in Africa and the prediction of future events.
Yes, along with remote
viewing comes the ability to view into the past, and view into the
Obviously, this gets
tricky, especially if we look at quantum physics, which works in
tandem with parapsychology. In quantum physics, experiments have
also shown how what happened in the past can change the future, and
what happens in the future can change the past, on a quantum scale.
You can read more about
that here.
There were multiple people working within the Remote Viewing
Program, which was conducted at Stanford Research Institute
(SRI) in conjunction with multiple intelligence agencies, and one of
them was
Joseph Mcmoneagle.
Many of these people,
after decades in the program, continued on with their research and
experimentation long after the program was declassified.
Joseph was one of the
most successful Army-trained remote viewers, and one of the original
members of
project Stargate.
He was actually awarded
the Legion of Merit for,
"producing crucial
and vital intelligence unavailable from any other source" to the
intelligence community.
The Origins of
In 1983, McMoneagle worked with
Robert A. Monroe, founder of
the Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia, which provided basic
out-of-body orientation for many of the military remote viewers.
There, he conducted a
session seeking to discover the origin of humanity.
As the late great author
and researcher Jim Marrs points out in his best selling book
Our Occulted History points
During the 129-minute
session, he described a shoreline on what appeared to him to be
a primitive Earth. He later estimated a time of about thirty
million to fifty million years after the time of the dinosaurs.
Cavorting on this
shoreline was a large family of protohumans-hairy animals about
four feet in height, walking upright and possessing eyes
exhibiting a spark of intelligence despite a somewhat smaller
cranial capacity.
Two things surprised
McMoneagle in this session. These creatures appeared to be aware
of his psychic presence, and they did not originate at that
McMoneagle described his
experience in his 1998 book,
The Ultimate Time Machine:
This particular
species of animal is put… specifically in that barrier place…
called the meeting of the land and the sea…
I also get the
impression that they're… ah… they were put there. They
mysteriously appeared. They are not descended from an earlier
species, they were put there (by a) seed ship… no, that's not
Keep wanting to say
ship, but it's not a ship. I keep seeing a… myself… I keep
seeing… oh, hell, for lack of a better word, let's call it a
laboratory, where they are actually inventing these creatures.
They are actually
constructing animals from genes.
Why would they be
doing that? Can we do this yet… here and now? Like cutting up
genes and then pasting them back together. You know, sort of
like splicing plants… or grafting them, one to another…
Interesting, it's
like they are building eggs by injecting stuff into them with a
mixture of DNA or gene parts of pieces.
He described these
creatures as delicate-looking aquiline-featured humanoids,
unclothed, in possession of a prehensile tail and large "doe-like"
They seemed to be using
some sort of light that McMoneagle had a hard time describing, but
eventually described it as a "grow light."
Marrs got the impression that it was like someone tending to a
garden, and planting seeds, but,
"there isn't any
concern about the seeds after they are planted…
It's simply
like…well… put these seeds here and on to better and bigger
business. No concern about backtracking and checking on the
condition of the seeds.
They can live or die,
survive or perish."
The session ended with
him moving closer in time and perceiving these beings growing in
size and ability, eventually becoming herding humans.
The surveillance of and interference with humanity is documented in
the lore of almost all civilizations that have roamed the planet.
Although some have called this mere 'interpretation,' it reminds me
of people referring to the confirmation of spiritual and
metaphysical realms as a result of quantum physics.
It is simply labeled as
an interpretation due to the fact that it upsets so many belief
systems and long-held preconceived ideas.
The Takeaway
The story of human history has a lot of holes.
From the
extraterrestrial phenomena to the discovery of strange skeletal
remains, to the
rejection of Darwinism all the way to the existence
of intelligence ancient civilizations
like Atlantis, and others that
thrived possibly millions of years ago, we are like, as author
Graham Hancock coined,
a species with amnesia...
But perhaps we
are starting to remember.
Perhaps our only two
explanations are incorrect, or perhaps they're both correct,
combined with other factors.
The point is, what we've
been told is not true, and the recognition of that fact will lead us
on the path towards true discovery, and away from the concealment
and manipulation of information and truth.
I'm not saying this is how humans are created,
perhaps it is just
some sort of glimpse into something much bigger that took place
billions of years ago?