2.- ESP and beyond...
There had been massive
interest in extra sensory perception (ESP) and spiritualism
throughout the western world since the previous century. Dr J.B.
Rhine’s work with card reading and manipulating dice at Duke
University in the USA gave research into ESP (extra-sensorial
perceptions) a formal scientific
base. He led the field in telepathy and ESP research in the West
in the years before the Second World War. His work was
controversial then, and even now is not generally understood.
Soviet scientists, however, took Dr Rhine’s research many steps
further. They had little interest in proving ESP existed; that
was taken as proven by their research into telepathy and
telepathic hypnosis from the 1930s. What interested the Soviets
was its development and military potential. They worked on the
use of telepathy and ESP for psychic spying on US secret bases,
but the main thrust of their initial endeavour was the use of ESP and telepathy to read an enemy’s mind. The aim was the
psychic interrogation of NATO commanders by using the technique
know as scanning, i.e. using ESP to probe information in another
person’s brain. The DIA again:
In summary, what is the
strategic threat posed by the current “explosion” in Soviet
parapsychological research? Soviet efforts in the field of
psi research, sooner or later, might enable them to do some
of the following:
a) Know the contents
of top secret U.S. documents, the movements of our
troops and ships and the location and nature of our
military installations. b) Mold the thoughts of key U.S. military and
civilian leaders, at a distance. c) Cause the instant death of any U.S. official,
at a distance. d) Disable, at a distance, U.S. military
equipment of all types including space craft.
[Appendix 1, pages 39-40]
To this end, according to émigrés
and intelligence reports, the KGB and GRU scoured the Soviet
Union for psychics, searched the length of Siberia for mystics,
and forcibly recruited them into the huge number of
parapsychological research projects being undertaken. By the
mid-seventies, the Soviets had apparently embarked upon a
society-wide screening programme for talented psychics, covering
senior schools, universities and Red Army soldiers. Children who
displayed powerful psychic abilities were especially sought
after, as were shamans from Siberia and the eastern central
Asian territories.
Research was carried out at the Institute of Control Problems,
attached to the USSR Academy of Sciences, headed by a Dr Lev Lupichev. Special Department No. 8 in the science city of
Novosibirsk researched into military psi. The Institute for the
Problems of Information Transmission, and the Pavlov Institute
of Higher Nervous Activity, both well-guarded facilities in
Moscow, also researched into psi warfare. The DIA documents in
Appendices 1 and 2 listing the names of Soviet scientists
involved and the research institutes they worked at in the early
seventies, show how extensive the commitment was. Much of this
effort focused on developing the ability to control people’s
minds with an amalgam of psychic force and electronics. American
research at the
Stanford Research Institute was tiny in
As the research continued, it became ultra-clandestine. The
laboratories at Odessa State University were hidden underground
in the sub-sub-basement beneath the old botanical gardens at the
university. Only special couriers knew how to access any of
these institutes and KGB and GRU guards made sure there were no
unwanted visitors. In utmost secrecy, bizarre new lines of
research were followed. Remote viewing and remote influencing
were seen as the targeting mechanisms for much more lethal
paranormal-weapon systems. Psychotronics had become the
catch-all title for a multitude of psi weapons which ranged from
microwave mind-control devices to psychic remote killing.
Dr A.V. Kalinets-Bryukhanov, president of the All Union
Scientific Research Association, was part of a top-secret KGB
project at the Filatov Eye Institute in Odessa that looked into
ways of artificially stimulating remote viewing. It was found
that natural clairvoyants changed the magnetic field around
themselves and that of the Earth in their immediate vicinity. If
this frequency of magnetic field could be artificially generated
in the brain, the Russians thought they might stimulate
clairvoyance in their test subjects.
They experimented on
animals, bombarding their brains with these specific magnetic
fields with the result that the animals seemingly developed the
ability to tell what was going on behind solid walls.
Unfortunately, the high-power magnetic fields soon disintegrated
the animals brains and they died. Allegedly, condemned
prisoners were used for human experiments with the same results.
Something about natural clairvoyants on the other hand, seemed
to guard them against this disintegration.
The Odessa institute also carried on with research pioneered by
parapsychologist Dr A.N. Leontyev in the 1950s, by undertaking
psychic-viewing experiments with blind patients. They thought it
might be possible to train blind people, to develop psychic
ability. The experiments were centered on training the subjects
to attain a deeply relaxed state, from which visualization of
the body’s energy fields led to what the scientists called
eyeless sight, or bio-introscopy. Coloured paper was passed
beneath the subjects’ finger tips and it was found that they
could distinguish between black and white and red and green
paper, even though they were completely blind.
The colour of an object could be
determined even after it had been removed; apparently the object
left a colour trace of itself in the air. This progressed to
picture reading, the ability to run a hand over a photograph and
describe what the photo showed. These techniques evolved into
teaching blind subjects to travel in their mind’s eye to distant
rooms and places they had never been before. Once there, if they
could describe the location’s layout, psychic viewing had been
A. Ivanov’s paper on ‘Soviet Experiments in Eyeless Vision’
published in the 1964 International Journal of Parapsychology,
revealed this remarkable work to the western world. Research
into eyeless sight led the Soviets to study how energy fields
were imprinted on matter and vice versa. Much research was
carried out on how to attach harmful energy fields to objects.
The idea was that these biophysically poisoned objects would be
given to enemies to make them ill, or to infect them with
subliminal commands.
Eyeless-sight research also led scientists towards more
sophisticated training methods for their sighted psychic spies.
The same deeply relaxed state and visualization of biological
energy fields (biophysical fields which surround the human body)
were found to increase the efficiency of psychic spying.
Once they confirmed
that the potential for psi warfare actually existed, they searched
for further ways to boost the relatively weak naturally occurring psi faculty so it could be developed into weapons for causing harm.
The deeply relaxed state used for eyeless-sight research was the
theta state of consciousness found in dreaming sleep. The theta
state is a level of consciousness where the brain is deeply relaxed
and the static and negative effects of other people’s minds are
blacked out, so that the subconscious and unconscious mind with its
heightened paranormal abilities can come to the fore. Normal
consciousness, the beta state, is measured at above 14 cycles per
second of oscillations in electrical activity of the brain, by an
electroencephalograph (EEG); alpha, the relaxed, daydreaming state,
at above 7 cycles per second; and theta, the dreaming state, at
above 3 cycles per second.
Hypnosis, drugs and meditation were tried to inculcate the theta
state of consciousness. Auto-visualization of the brain was very
effective in inducing the states needed for remote viewing. Tesla
coils (see below) tuned to radiate extremely low frequency (ELF)
waves at 7.8 cycles per second (hertz), the Earth’s natural
frequency (known as the Schumann resonance), were found to amplify
psychic spying tremendously by inducing a theta state in the remote
viewer. The
Schumann resonance is a naturally occurring standing
wave, an ELF signal that circles the globe. It was discovered by Dr.
Schumann, who found that this ELF signal resonates in the cavity
between the ground and the edge of the atmosphere. A naturally
occurring signal that all life is in resonance with.
According to off-the-record interviews
with US remote viewers and psi-warfare adepts, psychotronic-augmented
spying enabled Soviet remote viewers to achieve almost perfect
images. Brain implants to switch off the brain stress system, the
body’s anxiety generator, were found to be very effective, as were
drug regimens and hypnotic suggestion. Magnetic fields at 7.8Hz were
later found to be almost as good as the Tesla coils. Aided by this
vast array of high-tech brain-state modifying systems, the Russians
began to uncover the secrets of the energy field surrounding the
They mapped out the neural currents in
the brain. They found that in the normal waking state, a negative to
positive current runs from the front of the brain to the back, along
the centre. By passing a low-voltage current from the front of the
brain to the back, they could vary the person’s waking state. By
artificially lowering the negative potential at the back of the
brain, the remote viewer could be dropped into a theta state.
Dr Robert Becker of the Syracuse VA Hospital found that a person
under anesthesia, or in a deep hypnotic trance has an altered brain
potential. The normal brain potentials, which are negative potential
at the front of the brain to a positive potential at the rear of the
brain, drops to zero in these people. The Soviets found that by
applying a low voltage to the front of the brain, they could knock
people out. They went on to develop the sleep gun.*
* This is documented in Dr Robert Becker’s book,
More importantly, the Soviet scientists found they could also lower
their remote viewers into the delta state found in deep dreamless
sleep. In the
delta state all manner of psi marvels such as
telekinesis - moving things by the power of the mind - become
possible. It is even rumored that it could lead on to remote
killing and also can be used to change the consciousness of large
numbers of people by use of remote influencing.
The Russians were aware that the US was attempting to monitor their
progress and had remote-viewing programmes of their own. They
therefore devoted time and money to developing electronic devices to
block out remote viewing of their own bases. They found that
coils interfered with psychic spying.
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a genius who invented many new forms of
electrical equipment towards the end of the last century. Tesla
developed a new branch of electrical technology using very high
voltages running through special coils and transformers. Some of his
inventions were so far ahead of their time that they were not fully
understood until the Russians began to explore his work in the
1960s. Tesla found that power could be beamed through the air at
high voltages, as air’s resistance breaks down.
Tesla coils could be used to transmit
ELF signals which could cause earthquakes or be used for
control. It was found that Tesla coils could be used to transmit ELF
oscillations that could cause a fault line to spasm and produce an
earthquake, these ELF signals could also be tuned to influence
peoples’ minds. Tesla also invented what amounted to a
death ray,
which transmitted plasma at the target using huge coils to heat up
the air.
Soviet scientists were taught Tesla technology at university, which
may have encouraged a number of them to experiment with the
effectiveness of Tesla coils in causing a whirlpool effect that
prevented remote viewing.
These anti-remote-viewing devices are now widely deployed in the
top-secret bases of not only Russian but US underground military and
research facilities. In an off-the-record interview, a retired US
Special Forces, CIA trained, psi-warfare expert involved in the
remote-viewing programme discussed this anti-remote-viewing
technology. He attested to the fact that by the end of the century
the US will have totally effective anti-remote-viewing devices in
all their top-secret installations, so concerned are they about the
effectiveness of remote viewing and remote influencing.
According to US intelligence:
The apport technique is a form of
astral projection in which the psychic subject transports his
‘energy body’ to a remote site, dematerializes an object, then
transports it back and materializes it... Lack of information on
Soviet interest in the technique represents a major intelligence
[Appendix 2, page 55.]

It appears then that Soviet remote
viewing was developing in a very different way to US remote viewing.
Rather than picking up psychic images from the waking or deeply
relaxed state, Soviet research involved actually projecting the
energy body to the location to be viewed. According to the DIA
(Appendix 2, page 54) in 1970

‘Ostrander and Schroeder reported that
the Soviets were studying out-of-the-body phenomena in Yogis’.
Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder were the top American/Canadian
psychic investigators.
The DIA paid great attention to Soviet research into psychokinesis (PK),
the American term for telekinesis, and cited the work of
G.A. Welk
to explain the Soviet version of remote viewing and what was known
as the apport technique:
Welk claims, based on many Soviet
sources, that the so-called “apport” technique is likely to meet
valuable intelligence needs. When fully developed, this
technique would make possible the abduction of actual objects
(including documents) in enemy territory and their transfer to
friendly territory. Objects so abducted are known as “apports.”
They could be returned to the point of origin without the enemy
becoming aware of this temporary abduction... It is a known fact
that the Soviet Union takes the appearance of luminous bodies
very seriously as evidenced by the
Kirlian photography of the
human body’s aura [see page 00]. It appears that the Soviets may
be considering that a hand which appears out of nowhere and can
grasp, “with the firm pressure of an old friend,” another person
may have first-rate military possibilities.
There has been some
discussion recently about the prospects of being able to control
the apport technique to a point of sophistication where
individuals could control these “luminous clouds.” The
individuals who have studied these effects (real or otherwise)
have suggested that since these bodies can travel unlimited
distances and are able to pass through solid material (walls),
they might well be used to produce instant death in military and
civilian officials. It is further conjectured that these bodies
could disable military equipment or communications...
Two things are certain:
(1) that
parapsychological phenomena are due to little-known
faculties of the subconscious mind
(2) that the powers of
the subconscious mind are vastly superior to those of the
normal consciousness
The fantastic memory of the
subconscious mind (sometimes referred to as “photographic
memory”) is a well-established fact. So is its extraordinary
mathematical ability, which has baffled trained mathematicians
no end. It seems probable that some of these little-understood
faculties of the subconscious mind have something to do with its
ability to put together again an object which it had previously
disintegrated, and to manipulate the forces involved in this
process. The only way one can learn more about these
little-understood processes is through intensive study and
experimentation. The stakes seem high enough.
[Appendix 1,
pages 27-29.]
While the process by which matter is
converted into “force-matter" (and vice versa) may not be
understood, nevertheless, one is faced with the possibility that
the human mind can disintegrate and reintegrate organic matter -
a feat which seems far more complex than the disintegration and
reintegration of, say, a stone, a piece of wood, paper, etc.
Experiments show that a human body which has lost about half its
weight can be reintegrated without loss of normal functions.
Since this is possible, it does not seem safe to exclude -
without further investigation - the possibility that inorganic
matter might undergo a similar disintegration and reintegration.
After all, apport phenomena in which
physical objects have passed through solid walls have been
observed and attested to by some of the world’s most eminent
scientists as well as by a host of other responsible witnesses.
In view of what the human mind has demonstrated it can do with
organic matter, and in view of the very real Soviet threat in
this sector, the science of parapsychology should be
investigated to its fullest potential, perhaps to benefit the
national defense.
According to Pullman, Director of the Southeast Hypnosis
Research Center in Dallas, Texas, before the end of the 1970s,
Soviet diplomats will be able to sit in their foreign embassies
and use ESP (in this case a form of apport technique) to steal
the secrets of their enemies. Pullman states that a spy would be
hypnotized, then his invisible "spirit" would be ordered to
leave his body, travel across barriers of space and time to a
foreign government’s security facility, and there read
top-secret documents and relay back their information. Such
"astral projection" already has been accomplished in laboratory
settings, Pullman said, adding that the Russians are probably
now trying to perfect it. Pullman further states that the
Soviets are at least 25 years ahead of the US in psychic
According to Pullman, the Soviets
have realized the immense military advantage of the psychic
ability known as astral projection (out-of-the-body-travel). In
this reference, details are given for some of Pullman’s work in
the US with astral projection. Other scientists... interested in
this work are professor H.A. Cahn of Northern Arizona
University, Doctor Charles Tart of the University of Southern
California and Doctor V. Inyushin of Alma-ata.
[Appendix1, page 30.]

[Doctor Genady] Sergeyev has conducted several years of
intensive lab research on the outstanding PK psychic in
Leningrad, Nina Kulagina... Sergeyev postulates that the
"bio-plasma" of the human body must interact with the
environment to produce PK. Sergeyev emphasizes when target
objects are placed in a vacuum, Kulagina is unable to move
them... Reportedly, Kulagina has caused the movement of a wide
range of non-magnetic objects: (under strict scientific control)
large crystal bowls, clock pendulums, bread, matches, etc. In
one test, a raw egg was placed in a salt solution inside a
sealed aquarium six feet away from her.
Researchers report she was able to
use PK to separate the yoke from the white of the egg.
Observations by Western scientists of Mrs Kulagina’s PK ability
has been reported with verification of her authentic ability.
These same Western scientists have reported that as of February
1971, they have not been able to visit or observe Mrs Kulagina.
A veil of secrecy has been placed on Sergeyev and Mrs Kulagina
for some unknown reasons.
Rather than simply observing PK, the Soviets typically turned to
instrumentation. Mrs Kulagina was subjected to a number of
physiological electronic measuring devices and tested for
important body functions during her PK demonstrations. The
Soviets found that at the moment an object begins to move, all
of Mrs Kulagina’s body processes speed up drastically - heart,
breathing, brain activity - and the electromagnetic fields
around her body all begin to pulse in rhythm. Soviet researchers
postulate that it was these rhythmic "vibrations" that cause
objects to be attracted to or repelled by her...
Scientists report that Kulagina has been able to stop the
beating of a frog’s heart in solution and to re-activate it!
This is perhaps the most significant PK test done and its
military implications in controlled offensive behavior, if true,
are extremely important.
[Appendix 1,
pages 35-36.]
The aim of tuning into the thought processes of the West’s military
commanders spurred the Soviets on to develop telepathic scanning
techniques. The possibility of tracking enemy agents in the field by
psychic means encouraged them
Soviet researchers went further and found ways to tap into the
telepathic conversations of other remote viewers. By introducing a
third telepath who knew when information in the form of a telepathic
conversation flowed between two other telepaths, the Russians found
the ESP data stream could not only be broken into but could be
changed. The third telepath could substitute new ideas and words, in
effect corrupting the telepathic message. The Russians thus learnt
how to hack into telepathic conversations and substitute fallacious
messages and images.
Doctor Milan Ryzl reports that secret psi research associated with
state security and defense is going on in the USSR. Communist state
authorities, the military and the KGB display an unusual,
disproportionate interest in parapsychology. The Soviets are
attempting to apply ESP to both police and military use... According
to Ryzl, some years ago a project was begun in the USSR to apply
telepathy to indoctrinate and re-educate antisocial elements.
It was hoped that suggestion at a
distance could induce individuals, without their being aware of it,
to adopt the officially desired political and social attitudes...
Reports of psi research in Soviet submarines help confirm military
involvement in parapsychology. According to Stone, there is
clandestine psi research going on at the Pavlov Institute of Higher
Nervous Activity in Moscow, the Durov Institute, and certain areas
in Siberia.
Energy fields that surround humans were first discovered by
Davidovich Kirlian in 1939 in Krasnodar, capital city of the Kuban
region in the South of Russia. Kirlian found that photography of
biophysical fields around the body could be achieved with
high-frequency electrical fields and a spark generator which
oscillates at 75 to 200KHz. The generator causes a high-frequency
field to emanate between two clamps which hold the sample and
photographic paper. The high-frequency electrostatic field causes
the biophysical field to resonate and become excited.
Once excited, the biophysical field
around the living object (hand or leaf) gives off photons. The 75 to
200KHz electric field causes photons of light to be radiated by the
living tissue, which fall on the photographic paper and produce
images of the biophysical excitation. They are not actual pictures
of the biophysical field, but secondary effects, rather like the
wake of a boat through the water. Kirlian’s photographs of leaves
which had sections cut out revealed entire biophysical fields that
showed the entire leaf as if it was uncut. It was as if the
biophysical field was the energetic blueprint for the leaf.
Later research has found that the human
body has a biophysical field around it composed of morphogenic
fields, defined by cell biologists as the fields which switch genes
on and off and control cell development. They determine whether a
cell will become a skin cell or an eye cell, for instance.
military intelligence evaluated the Kirlian effect:
‘...the Soviets seem preoccupied
with the search for the energy that carries or facilitates
telepathy transmission. Is it electromagnetic or not? The search
for this unknown energy has led the Soviets to Kirlian
photography; named after its inventors Semyon and Valentina
Kirlian. The Kirlians developed a technique of photographing
with a high-frequency electrical field involving a specially
constructed high-frequency spark generator, tuned up and down
between 75,000 and 200,000 electrical oscillations per second.
Their first photographs showed turquoise and reddish-yellow
patterns of flares coming out of specific channels within
leaves. A magnified picture of a finger showed craters of light
and flares’
By the 1960s research on bioluminescence
revealed by Kirlian photography was going on in many Soviet
universities. Perfected techniques of photographing the play of
high-frequency currents on humans, plants and animals, as well as on
inanimate matter have set the Soviets on some striking discoveries
about the energetical nature of man. "Bio-plasma” is a term coined
by the Soviets for bioluminescent phenomena or energy. Scientists at
the Kazakh State University at Alma-ata have found illnesses tend to
show up in advance as a disordered play of flares from the
"bio-plasma" long before they manifest in the physical body.
Doctor A. Podshibyakin, an electrophysiologist at the
Institute of Clinical Physiology in Kiev,
has found that by charting acupuncture points a correlation exists
between the "bio-plasma" and changes on the surface of the sun. At
the exact moment solar flares (sun spots) occur, there are changes
in the electrical potential of the skin’s acupuncture points. These
electrical charges are measured by a tobiscope (probably a simple
wheatstone bridge device). In some way the "bio-plasma" of the body
is sensitive to these solar explosions the instant they occur even
though it takes about two days for the cosmic particles to reach the
The most significant use of Kirlian photography is in the area of
psychokinesis or mind over matter (PK). Doctor
Genady Sergeyev of
the A.A. Uktomskii Military Institute in Leningrad believes Kirlian
photography may uncover the mechanism of PK. Sergeyev is a prominent
mathematician for the Soviet military who works closely with an
electrophysiologist from the University of Leningrad, Doctor L. Pavlova. Sergeyev has devised important mathematical and statistical
methods for analyzing the EEG which allowed parapsychologists to
follow the actions of telepathy in the brain.
The type of work reported by Sergeyev in
1967 and 1968 is just now beginning to appear in the US efforts to
understand the transmission of telepathy. Sergeyev has conducted
several years of intensive lab research on the outstanding PK
psychic in Leningrad, Nina Kulagina. Sergeyev registered heightened
biological luminescence radiating from Kulagina’s eyes during the
apparent movement of objects by PK. [Appendix 1,
pages 33-35.]
It seems scarcely credible that the Soviets trained their telepaths
to be able to knock out a person simply by projecting a psychic
punch at the victim. In fact, the Soviets poured a vast amount of
time and money into exactly this.
The Soviets found that the biophysical field of the remote viewer
flared out when he or she was lowered into
the theta state. At the
Schumann resonance point of 7.8Hz, the Earth’s natural frequency,
the human biophysical field seemed to merge with its surroundings
and vanish for a split second. When it came back into being, it was
many times larger than normal. While remote viewing, this
biophysical field seemed to grow smaller, as if part of it was at
the place being remotely viewed.
In Dr Vasilev’s ‘Experiments in Mental Suggestion’, published in
1962 (English translation published in 1963), voluminous data is
recorded by the Russian scientist on Soviet experiments in
sleep-wake hypnosis. Discovered by the Russians in the 1930s, this
allowed a hypnotist to transfer commands telepathically to a
subject, whether they were a few feet or a thousand miles away.
Soviet scientists took this further and discovered that hypnosis
could be examined by its effect on the biophysical energy body,
which could be detected using Kirlian photography and other means
such as using the powers of the human biophysical field to enable
people to actually see energy field - auras.
Vladimir L. Raikov MD,
a psychiatrist, monitored the mental state of a hypnotized person:
Raikov has worked closely with
V. Adamenko, a physicist who reportedly has invented the
(conductivity of the channels of acupuncture points) device.
This machine, it is claimed, registers energy flow in the body
using as check points for its electrodes the acupuncture points
of traditional Chinese medicine. Adamenko reportedly detects
changes in body energy caused by alterations of consciousness
and varying emotional states. With subjects attached to the CCAP,
Raikov put them through various forms of hypnosis. At the end of
many sessions the graphs from the CCAP were checked by Raikov
and Adamenko. They claim to have found a pronounced difference
between the different forms of hypnosis... They report that
these states are very hard to measure by any other method.
[Appendix 1, page 46.]

A US expert in remote viewing told me
that their research showed that when a paranormal-warfare expert
remotely viewed another person, there was a change in the
biophysical energy field of the remote viewer and the person being
psychically spied upon. Pulsed ELF fields had been found to put
people into a trance (see Appendix 3 for the far-reaching effects of
ELF). Russian scientists found that if the remote viewer could mimic
this ELF oscillation in his or her biophysical body, then place this
field over another person, the person would become unconscious. The
Russians trained their remote viewers to mimic pulsed ELF waves by
use of Kirlian photography - the trainee watched the picture of his
or her biophysical body whilst it was exposed to pulsed ELF waves,
then tried to copy the effect.
Would it be possible to store psychic energy like electricity, was a
question Soviet scientists asked themselves. With hard evidence from
Kirlian photography and a wide variety of other electronic scanners
designed to study the body’s biophysical field, which comprised
biomagnetic, bioelectric and bioplasmic components, the Soviet
physicists had access to experimental data needed for a new physics
of the paranormal. Journalist Emil Bachurin’s 1990 article in Young
Guard magazine disclosed information on a number of top-secret psi-warfare
projects that had been undertaken in the Soviet Union.
Dr A. Akimov, former director of the
Soviets’ Centre for Non-traditional Technologies, is quoted as
claiming Russian research had discovered a new class of physical
fields and particles and the effect they exerted on living and
non-living organisms and inanimate objects. New terms such as ‘spinor’,
‘torsionic’ and ‘microleptonnic’ were being used to define these new
classes of physical field. Scientists in the West, who have little
appreciation of the remarkable advances made by the Soviets, called
them ‘scalar’ fields. Russian psychotronic generators which stored
‘torsionic radiation’ were apparently found to cause destruction of
the brain’s neural network and the biophysical field around the
brain that constitutes our mind and psyche - mind zappers.
Moreover if psychotronic generators could to store biophysical
energy Russian psychic viewers might be able to link themselves to
psychic amplifiers that boosted their paranormal powers. The DIA
reports that psychotronic generators, devices which store psi
energy, were developed by a Czech called Robert Pavlita. Czech
researchers, like their Russian counterparts, had also come to the
conclusion that biophysical energy is the field effect behind psychokinesis and remote viewing. Reference to the equivalent of the
psychotronic generator was uncovered in ancient alchemical texts,
and Pavlita used modern technology to improve on this psychic
battery effect. Psychotronic generators draw biophysical fields from
a person and store them for later use.
The Czechs found two types of psychotronic generator - cosmic
generators, of which the Egyptian pyramids are an example, and
biological generators, the type to which Wilhelm Reich and his
Orgone generator belong. Wilhelm Reich, a pupil of Sigmund Freud,
found that boxes with alternate layers of wool and steel wool could
store biophysical energy. His seminal work in the 1950s led the
Soviet researchers into bettering these early biological
psychotronic generators. In their report ‘Soviet and Czechoslovakian
Parapsychology Research’, the DIA gives a detailed appraisal of
psychotronic-generator research:
Psychotronic generators (also called Pavlita generators after the
inventor) are small devices said to be capable of drawing biological
energy from humans; the energy is accumulated and stored for future
use. Once charged with human energy, the generators can do some of
the things a psychic subject can do, but, according to the inventor,
Robert Pavlita, can be charged by individuals possessing no psychic
The concept of man as a source of unusual energy dates back at least
as far as ancient Chinese and Hindu teachings, in which it was
called "vital energy" or "prana." Between the 18th and 20th
centuries it was called various things (animal magnetism, odic
force, motor force, n-rays, etheric force, etc.) by rediscoverers of
its existence. In contemporary Soviet and Czechoslovakian
parapsychology this energy is called bio-plasmic or psychotronic
energy. The Czechoslovakian rediscovery of biological energy is
credited to Robert Pavlita, who began work on his device over thirty
years ago.
...It has been reported...that the
devices are fabricated from various metals (steel, bronze,
copper, iron, gold) and that their effects are as a result of
their form.
Pavlita’s generators can be charged by
direct contact (e.g. rubbing or touching to the temporal region of
the head) or by visually directing mental concentration upon them
from a distance. The nature of the energy stored is still not
understood, but over the years a number of observations about its
effects have been reported. It can be reflected, refracted,
polarized, and combined with other forms of energy. It creates
effects similar to magnetism, heat, electricity, and luminous
radiation, but is itself none of these. The energy apparently can be
conducted by paper, wood, wool, silk, and other substances normally
considered to be good insulators.
The devices have been tested by
commissions of experts from the Czechoslovakian Academy of
Sciences and the University of Hzadec Kralove in Prague. Static
electricity, air currents, temperature changes, and magnetism,
were eliminated as possible explanations for the observed
effects. In addition, the energy exerted its effect through
glass, water, wood, cardboard, or any type of metal and was not
According to both Soviet and Czech researchers, one major
advantage of studying psychotronic generators is the
reproducibility of their effects; in addition they can be
activated by nearly anyone, with or without any special psychic
abilities. The devices may have other practical applications not
related to parapsychology. The Czechs claim that irradiation of
seeds with the energy enhances plant growth, and that industrial
pollutants have been precipitated out of water by its action.
Pavlita has stated that some forms of his devices can exert both
favorable and unfavorable effects on living organisms, including
man. In experiments with snails exposed to the energy from a
generator, a state similar to hibernation resulted. When flies
were placed in the gap of a circular generator they died
instantly. In another test, Pavlita aimed a generator at his
daughter’s head from a distance of several yards. Her
electroencephalogram (EEG) changed, she became dizzy, and her
equilibrium was disrupted.
[Appendix 2,
pages 33-34.]
Researchers at the Metronomical
Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Moscow studied Pavlita and
his psychotronic generators. The DIA document continues:
In their present form and size,
Pavlita’s devices could probably exert an effect on humans at
only relatively short range. It is possible that their size
could be enlarged or their energy amplified, thereby extending
their range. If the Czech claims for these devices are valid,
biological energy might be an effective antipersonnel weapon. It
would be difficult to defend against, since it apparently
penetrates most common forms of insulation and its reported
effects (changes in brain-wave characteristics, disturbance of
equilibrium, dizziness) could result in personality changes or
physical discomfort which might alter combat effectiveness.
Soviet or Czech perfection of psychotronic weapons would pose a
severe threat to enemy military, embassy, or security functions.
The emitted energy would be silent and difficult to detect
electronically (although the Soviets claim to have developed
effective biological energy sensors) and the only power source
would be a human operator. [Appendix 2, page 34.]
Psychotronically boosted Russian remote viewers were capable of
enhanced remote influencing. A Ukrainian, Albert Ignatenko,
publicly demonstrated that he could raise or lower the pulse
rate of people who were remote from him. Vladimir Zironovsky,
the Russian MP and ultra-nationalist, boasted on BBC television
that Russia has psychics who could remotely kill anyone up to a
thousand kilometers away. These boasts may indeed be based on
Edward Naumov, a leading Russian parapsychologist, is on record as
stating, ‘A psychotronic generator can influence an individual, or a
whole crowd of people. It can affect a person’s psyche mentally or
emotionally. It can effect memory and attention span. A psychotronic
device can cause physical fatigue, disorientation, and alter a
person’s behaviour.’ The Soviets built the world’s largest
transmitter, code-named Woodpecker by the US, to beam mind-control
waves at the West (see
Appendix 3). It was powered by the Chernobyl
nuclear power complex in the Ukraine.
A strange signal which disrupted short-wave transmissions around the
world was detected in the early eighties. It was nicknamed
Woodpecker due to its pulse modulation of 10Hz, which when listened
to on radio equipment, sounded like a woodpecker due to loud
modulations in the signal. It emitted a peak estimated power of 14
million watts per pulse at frequencies of between 3.26 and 17.54MHz,
making it the most powerful man-made, non-nuclear, non-ionizing,
i.e. non-radioactive, radiation source on the planet. Seven awesome
transmitters near Kiev, also powered by the Chernobyl nuclear power
complex, beamed Woodpecker’s emissions in the direction of western
Europe, Australia, North America and the Middle East. These
emissions permeated all obstacles and were conducted into homes via
the power lines of each nation’s national grid. They were capable of
penetrating underwater and even into shielded bunkers.
So had the Soviets had discovered a method of affecting the
neurological functioning of entire populations? Woodpecker had been
designed to alter the brain functions of Nato populations by using
ELF modulated signals. It was found that these extremely low
frequency waves could penetrate the skull and change brain patterns
when broadcast at test victims - 6.66Hz makes the victim depressed,
11Hz can make a person manic and prone to riotous behaviour (see
Appendices 3). Of particular interest to the KGB scientists were the
brain-wave maps of pathological criminals, hopelessly depressed
mental patients and socio-psychopaths who had no regard for anyone
but themselves. The Soviets hoped to remap the neural networks in
the brains of the entire western population.
Prolonged exposure to ELF signals changes the brain’s neural wiring
because the barrage of ELF waves stimulates the network used for the
signal the brain is receiving, depression for example, while the
normal-state neural network is unused. Top neuro-scientist Dr Gerald
Edelman has shown that neurones compete with each other and that
unused neural connections and brain cells die. If you can keep a
person in one brain state, such as depression, by use of ELF
transmitted by pulse-modulated microwaves, then the brain
connections and cells for normal consciousness will be destroyed and
the person will become a chronic depressive. Under a barrage of ELF
signals from the Woodpecker transmitters, that was powerful enough
the sane mental connections in the brain would gradually die out.
Woodpecker’s 10Hz ELF signal went on until the fall of the Soviet
Dr Robert Becker of the Syracuse VA Hospital, a Los Angeles
physicist and former member of a top-secret US mind-control
programme which looked into the effects of ELF, claimed, ‘It’s
highly likely that the Woodpecker signal is causing neurological
changes in thirty per cent of the population...’
In the Russian form of ERV, the whole thrust of the training is
based on Soviet research into psi phenomena. The biophysical field
is seen as the transmitter of information from the target site.
Soviet research became fixated on the idea that ELF electromagnetic
radiation was used by the biophysical field to transmit this
information back to the brain of the remote viewer. The Soviets knew
that ELF radiation would pass through the skull into the brain while
higher frequencies of electromagnetic radiation would not.
The concept of mental radio lay deep in
their psyche due to the enormous amount of research they had
undertaken into telepathy and ESP. The natural vibration of the
Earth, 7.82Hz, is in the ELF range, which is from 20Hz downwards.
The Russians postulated that the biophysical field of the remote
viewer, or telepath, could send ripples of ELF radiation around the
Earth using the planet’s electromagnetic aura as the matrix for this
signal. Russian ESP and their version of remote viewing concentrated
on getting the operator into the theta state so that the telepath
could naturally send and receive signals on the Earth’s natural
The Soviets discovered how to remotely kill decades ago. Dr Nikolai
Khokhlov, a former KGB agent who defected to the West, was hired by
the CIA in 1976 to uncover paranormal-warfare research in the USSR.
He found evidence of it at 20 top-secret, state-of-the-art,
underground laboratories, staffed with hundreds of the Soviet Union’
s leading scientists. Khokhlov described a government laboratory in
Moscow that mass-produced psychotronic generators, which were tested
on prisoners. Telekinesis was also used on prisoners to paralyse
sections of their spinal cord, by damaging the nerve cells with a
telekinetic blast. (See Appendix 2,
pages 41-47, for a detailed DIA
evaluation of Soviet telekinesis.)
Research included the technique being used by Russian
paranormal-warfare experts to stop the hearts of laboratory animals.
Russian paranormal adepts trained in this remote-killing technique
by raising or lowering the heart rate of a test subject in a
separate room, just by the use of remote influencing.
The Russian research institutes investigated telepathy in a rigorous
way. In one experiment, new-born rabbits were separated from their
mothers. The mother rabbits were hooked up to ECG and EEG monitors.
Then the new-born rabbits were killed. It was found that the stress
levels of the mother rabbits were raised dramatically, even though
the new-born rabbits were killed in another location. Telepathic
biological links between mother and offspring were therefore shown
to exist. To test whether water blocked out the telepathic signal,
the mother rabbits were transferred to nuclear submarines. These
rabbits were found to ’know’ when their offspring were killed, even
when they were deep underwater. This experiment showed that hundreds
of feet of sea water could not block out the psi effect.
Psychotronic devices were designed to kill or disable humans, then
tested out on enemies of the state. Telekinetic experiments were
carried out to see how much damage a paranormal adept could cause to
an untrained victim by use of mind over matter. Condemned prisoners
had brain capillaries ruptured by telekinesis causing massive
embolisms in their brains. Telekinesis was also used to stop their
hearts so they had a heart attack. ‘Kulagina’s highly publicized
ability to effect living tissues might be applied against human
targets_’ said the DIA (Appendix 2, page 51).

Eileen Garret has supplied many of the statistics on how much the
Soviets were spending, via her links with Congresswoman Frances
Bolton, who served as Chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Another source of such statistics was Congressman Charlie Rose of
North Carolina, who in 1976 set up the Congressional Clearinghouse
on the Future to inform government leaders and aides about Soviet psi warfare. Congressman
Al Gore later became chair of this
A standard remote-viewing operation for a Russian paranormal-warfare
expert would mean hooking him or herself up to a psychotronic device
called a theta-delta gun which, by reversing polarity in the brain,
placed the psi-adept in the deep hypnotic-like state needed for
psychotronic warfare. An ELF signal was then broadcast into the
brain of the psi-adept that reproduced the perfect brain state for
remote viewing. A room-sized
psychotronic generator
would then pump
energy into the psi-adept, boosting his or her biophysical field so
it could overpower any normal person’s biophysical field.
The target to be remotely viewed was shown on a screen. Once the
target had been located by psychic spying, the ELF induced
brain-wave entrainment was modified to the frequency that had been
mapped as optimum for remote influencing. A list of hypnotic
commands was shown to the psi-adept, so that he or she could
re-programme the brain of the person being remotely viewed and
influenced. If the person was to be remotely killed, the ELF signal
for this was entrained in the psi-adept, enabling his or her power
of telekinesis to be locked on to the body of the victim.
With a
psychotronic generator to power
the psi-adept’s biophysical body, telekinesis to cause a brain
embolism in the victim, or to knock them out telepathically, remote
influencing was made possible, even over distances of thousands of
miles. If the person was to be made ill, the specific frequencies
that enabled the psi-adept to broadcast negative illness-inducing
psionic energy was fed into his or her brain. Boosted by the
psychotronic amplifier they were hooked up to, the Russian
paranormal-warfare expert acted as a transmitter for negative
energy; remote viewing was the target locator and remote influencing
the way to focus this negative energy on the victim.
We all know that curses are supposed to bring us bad luck. Russian
researchers took this idea to its logical conclusion and used curses
for a new generation of psi weapons. KGB scientists, having proved
that psi energy acted as the medium for remote viewing, began to
experiment with remotely imprinting energy fields on matter. Dr
Abraham Shifrin worked at the psi-research institute in Kazakhstan
run by the Moscow Institute for Information Transmission, under the
directorship of Dr Solomon Gellerstein. He managed to emigrate to
Israel in the mid 1980s and disclosed that the Kazakhstan institute
had been making psychotronic generators like
Robert Pavlita’s in
They had investigated designing
different types of psychotronic generators and found how to store psi energy in psychic accumulators. They studied how Siberian and
Altai shamans, yogis, ascetics, psychics and witch doctors cursed or
blessed talismen and amulets, and they learnt how to charge
souvenirs, such as Russian dolls, which were then given to
unsuspecting victims. Depression and mental problems were easily
passed on by these negatively charged objects and in some cases
health was adversely affected.
Dr Boris Ivanov worked on charging water with psi energy at the
Laboratory of Bioinformation at the Popov institute in the USSR. It
was found that a paranormal-warfare expert hooked up to psychotronic
amplification could charge water with negative psi energy that could
shrivel plants or cause cancer. US subjects were allegedly given
this negatively charged water in their drinks at state functions.*
Psychic Warfare: Threat or Illusion?
Martin Ebon (McGraw - Hill,
In Leningrad, Dr Pavel Gulyaiev found a way to scan another person’s
electromagnetic field at a distance, then to impose another field on
to that person to control behaviour or make them ill. The Neurology
Institute of Kharkov University experimented on rats, removing their
brains which they placed in solutions that kept them partially
alive. Remote viewers and sensors transmitted emotions, thoughts,
mental calculations and commands. The rats’ brains responded to this
telepathic link until they died, about three minutes. Dr August
Stern, who had worked in the multi-million rouble psi labs in
Novosibirsk, emigrated to France and revealed a wealth of secrets
about other psi complexes such as the one at Kharkov.
KGB scientists were prompted to look into the transmission of
negative psi energy by research at Novosibirsk:
‘A significant advance toward
identification of the EMR [electromagnetic radiation] source of
biological energy transfer was gained from recent research
conducted at the University of Novosibirsk. Scientists there
investigated the release of energy during cell division and
during cellular damage and repair resulting from viral infection
or toxic chemicals.
In over 5000 experiments with cell cultures
and animal organs it was shown that damaged cells radiated some
form of energy and that the energy released was capable of
causing damage in adjacent control preparations of organs or
cells. Further investigation revealed that a uniform pattern,
code, or rhythm of radiation was emitted by normal cells. This
pattern was disturbed when cellular damage occurred, becoming
quite irregular. It was also found that the patterns were
transmitted from experimental to control preparations only when
the cells or organs were cultured in quartz containers.
quartz transmits ultraviolet (UV) radiation and standard
laboratory glassware does not, the Soviets concluded that UV
radiation mediated cellular information transfer. The
researchers subsequently correlated given irregularities of
emission with specific diseases and are now attempting to
develop techniques for diagnosis and therapy by monitoring and
altering cellular radiation codes’
[Dr Jiri] Bradna feels that such
stimuli influence the herd behavior of animals and may also be a
factor in altering human behavior under conditions of isolation
or overcrowding.
[Appendix 2, page 10.]

As a result, remote viewers and
psychotronics experts were trained to transmit negative psi energy
at the person they were remotely viewing to make them ill. This
barrage of negative psi energy also acted as a shock to the target’s
system, which made remote influencing much easier. If psychically
induced trauma could be caused by projecting negative psi energy at
the target, telepathic brainwashing could be made more efficient.
US remote viewing of the present-day Russian leadership shows that
President Yeltsin, General Lebed and other leading lights in the
Russian Federation are - or were, protected by psychic shields of an
exotic and dangerous nature. Any remote viewer trying to influence
them is attacked by the biophysical logic bombs in these Russian
psychic shields. A biophysical logic bomb is a thought-form which as
a mental virus infects the victim, causing death or madness. In
1992, former KGB Major General Oleg Kalugin said in an interview on
ABC Television in the US that during the coup that brought down the
USSR, he received a telephone call from a contact in a Ukrainian
military lab. He was told that paranormal-warfare experts were using
psychotronic generators and remote influencing against Boris Yeltsin
to undermine his health; they were focusing on his heart in order to
kill him. ‘For the first time in my life,’ Kalugin said, ‘I took it
[paranormal warfare] seriously.’
After the coup, Yeltsin suffered a heart
attack. Since then, he has been treated by top Russian healers such
as Djuna Davitashvili. Pro-democracy psi-adepts were asked to create
the psychic shield around Yeltsin. Remote influencers and psychic
telepaths capable of scanning enemy paranormal-warfare experts, or
fellow Russians, keep Yeltsin and his chosen few protected from
remote influencers and killers. They also use psychic scanning to
protect the President’s offices and home from psi attack and
electronic bugs.
Many KGB paranormal-weapons experts went into deep cover in foreign
countries to act as special forces psi agents. Located in a hostile
country, they could use their skills to spy on and attack the enemy.
In the event of a Third World War, they were commanded to re-programme the brains of the hostile country’s leadership to follow
the orders of the psi-adept. The Soviet Union could thus ensure the
Chinese and NATO leadership lost the war by making the wrong
decisions on a consistent, planned basis, as psychically commanded
by the psi-adept working under KGB directives. The leadership could
also be remotely killed, if need be.
With the end of the Cold War, these psi agents and the
paranormal-warfare experts in Russia have been redirected to the
corporate theatre and are focusing on economic espionage. They are
also being used to remotely view government meetings in foreign
countries and to remotely influence politicians and power brokers to
manipulate the stock market and improve business opportunities for
KGB run organizations. By using advanced Russian methods, it is
possible to fool the person being telepathically scanned into
thinking they are asking themselves the questions being placed in
their minds. In this way, the most secret information can be
extracted from the target. This branch of psychic spying is referred
to as remote sensing.
In post-communist Russia, paranormal research is one of the main
priorities of the security service as it is relatively cheap and
very effective. It offers Russia a second strategic weapons system
that does not rely on nuclear weapons. The Deputy Chief of President
Yeltsin’s security service has become a ‘modern Rasputin’ the 4 May
edition of Moscow News reported. General Georgi G. Rogozin approves
the horoscopes cast regularly for the country’s top officials,
communicates with the cosmos on budgetary and financial matters,
rotates tables and saucers in his study and creates a powerful field
around the President. He also checks the decisions of the Supreme
Personnel Commission by the tables of the Kabala.
Anatoly Kashpirovsky, a psi-adept and ultra-nationalist, allegedly
won a seat in the Russian Parliament by use of remote influencing.
When he lost his seat in the 1996 election, Kashpirovsky threatened
to render impotent by psychic means any government employee who
tried to evict him from his apartment (that came with the post of
The thrust of modern Russian psychotronic research is toward
influence, telekinesis and biological-telekinesis.
Dr Edwin May,
head of the US government psi-project Stargate (more about this in
the next chapter on US remote viewing), and Soviet parapsychologist
Dr Larissa Vilenskaya, in their overview ’Influence at a distance, PK and Bio-PK’, state that influencing the human brain
telepathically with positive and negative psi energy and emotions,
changing DNA in lab cultures by use of remote influencing, the
growth of plants using telekinesis, coupled with the healing effect
of remote influencing on humans and animals, is part of present-day
Russian research.
In the next chapter, we look at US paranormal mobilization, the
other half of the inner-space arms race.
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