How does a new species—like the human species—get created?
Or is the species groomed from an evolutionary context and
simply emerges from an organic soup?
First Animation of First Soul Carrier is a very critical
event in the life of a planet. This corresponds to the
creation myths that typically flourish in a species’
historical records. It is this invocation of soul consciousness
into the physical and mental membrane of a life-bearing planet
that initiates the species, and this process is always observed
and often administered by representatives of the Central Race
that are affiliated with Lyricus. A life-bearing planet
is carefully selected once it has proven itself supportive to
advanced life forms. Then the soul carrier template
is adjusted to operate within the environment. Once the soul
carrier template is defined, experiments with incoming souls
from Lyricus who are adept at occupying and operating
multiple soul carriers simultaneously, are carried out. From
this experimental data, any necessary adjustments are made and
then and only then is First Animation initiated. This
basic process may be carried out on approximately 32.7
trillion planets within the 7th Superuniverse.
When these materials are first published on a planet, and
members of the species examine them, it is the scale of this
number that typically stands out in the psyche of the
individual. Following the discovery of the Grand Portal
it is considered plausible. Only a small percentage of these
life-bearing planets are currently supporting humanoid soul
carrier templates, but these are the dominant soul carriers
throughout the 7th superuniverse.
From its most formative stages as an experimental soul carrier,
to its arrival as a unified consciousness devoted to the
holographic truth of First Source, the hand of Lyricus
unalterably leads the soul carrier species to the Grand Portal.
Lyricus provides instructions for the individual, but only to
the extent that a clear baseline is established that
countermands the distortions endemic in the organized teachings
of the soul carrier.
What is the process that Lyricus goes through
to help a species in its evolutionary progression?
Lyricus initially brings the language and
culture-building ingredients that enable a species to form
stable, co-dependent, and cooperative communities. Next it
brings the sciences and the formative language of mathematics,
from which evolves the networks that connect the species across
the planet. It is this step—the rise of the global network—in
the evolutionary path of the species that signals its arrival to
the summit of the Grand Portal.
The Grand Portal is the capstone event that a soul
carrier species is designed to achieve as a collective species
while occupying its home planet. If you distill the purpose of
an individuated soul species to its basic goal, it is to
transform or activate its soul carrier in order to access the
soul consciousness of the individual, collective, and First
Origin sources.
What exactly is a soul carrier and why is it
seemingly so limited?
A soul carrier species is analogous to a mold that is
cast from the original archetype of a species’ template, fitted
to a specific vibratory environment, and then refined and
evolved by the individuated consciousness of soul and the
vibratory environment in which the soul carrier operates. These
elements influence the soul carrier DNA over geologic
time, and it is this evolution of the species that ultimately
defines its purpose and determines the individuated
consciousness that inhabits the soul carriers of the species.
Soul carriers are not infallible instruments of
perception. They provide a fractional view into the
vibratory worlds of the physical dimension, and a subjective
view across all other dimensions of consciousness. The soul is
not purposely thrust into limitation, but indeed these are
natural occurrences that result from the vibrational density
of a planetary environment. These limitations in capacity,
coupled to the sophistication of the soul carrier template, can
cause the soul’s influence to be dramatically diminished, and it
is precisely this diminishment that causes the condition of the
species to be less harmonious, and its efforts largely
unsupportive of its spiritual objectives as a species.
The soul carrier template is designed to have an innate
and undeniable urge to understand itself—not the consciousness
of soul, but the physical, emotional, and mental aspects that
sheath the soul. This primary misdirect is a necessary detour on
the road to the Grand Portal discovery because the
soul carrier is much more comprehensible to itself than is the
individuated consciousness or soul that it carriers. As the soul
carrier strives to learn about its true identity, it begins to
evolve its capacities to learn, conceptualize, create, and
manifest new realities. These new realities begin to alter the
vibrational density of its home planet and these in turn alter
the soul carrier and its ability to perceive something of what
it contains.
The pursuit of the soul carrier to know itself is very often
confused with its quest of the individuated consciousness or
its Creator. The confusion is understandable as the
distinction can be exceptionally subtle. The rarified aspects of
the soul carrier exist in the higher mind and DNA circuitry that
travel in the nervous system of the soul carrier and activate or
modify cellular consciousness, and these higher circuits of the
soul carrier resolve in a fine mesh, co-mingling with the soul.
It is at this level of First Interaction that the soul
carrier and soul are nearly fused as a single entity of
As the soul carrier slows in vibration to its densest form,
which is its physical body, the individuated consciousness is
not able to fully merge, and is actually repelled by the body’s
electrochemical vibration. Thus, the body and emotions – the
base vibrations of the soul carrier—are most often associated
with the species, while the higher mind is often confused with
the soul or God Fragment.
What is the distinction between the soul carrier and
the species at large?
The species, by the definition of Lyricus,
is the entirety of the soul carrier. The individuated
consciousness is not a species, it is a God Fragment
that operates within an apparatus of individuality that is, in a
real sense, a meta soul carrier.
The species
evolves; the soul experiences.
The species
discovers that it is a soul carrier; the soul discovers it
is transcendent of all things of time, matter, and space.
The species is
born of an archetypal template; the soul is born of First
The species is
part of a vast brotherhood of variation; the soul is one
ocean of consciousness.
The species
enables exploration and expansion of the Superuniverse; the
soul enables First Source exploration and expansion.
What is the definition of the soul?
The soul is literally a God Fragment that is composed
of a hierarchy of capabilities and functionality that permit it
to be simultaneously individuated and whole. As it enters the
soul carrier at or near the physical birth, it begins to form a
matrix of interaction with the soul carrier—testing the
vibrational resistance of the soul carrier, as well as its zones
of resonance. It is encoded in the soul carrier template that
hearing, at least initially, is the most developed of the senses
through which the soul can perceive the physical domain.
Eventually, the eye-brain system emerges as the
dominant portal of perception.

The physical world
of dimension and time creates the separation of the world of
soul and the world of the soul carrier. Because
soul is a God Fragment, and the soul carrier is a
representative outgrowth of both the species’ evolutionary
trajectory and the original designs of the soul carrier template,
they are fundamentally incompatible. Thus, the Central
Race engineered an interface that serves to
integrate the soul and soul carrier, and orient the collective
known as the individuated consciousness. The
individuated consciousness consists of six, interconnected
energy systems. They are:
1) Soul
Carrier generally consists of 24 primary systems and
four major elements: body, emotions, mind, and genetic mind.
It is the soul carrier in the worlds of time and space that
enables the soul to operate within the physical worlds of
time, matter, and three-dimensional space.
2) Phantom Core is the super consciousness of
the soul carrier. It is separate from the soul, and is
considered the soul’s emissary to the natural world in which
the soul carrier must interact. It is through this awareness
that soul experiences the natural world of limitation and
separation, drawing in the experiences that help it to build
appreciation for the Grand Multiverse, the garment of
First Source.
3) Sovereign Integral is a state of consciousness
whereby the entity and all of its various forms of
expression and perception are integrated as a conscious
wholeness. The Sovereign Integral is the core identity of
the individual. It is the gathering of all created
experiences and all instinctive knowledge. This is the
soul’s knowledge repository based on its collective,
individual experiences within all dimensions and times since
its creation as a unique consciousness.
4) Remnant Imprint is the impression of the Sovereign
Integral as it penetrates into the soul carrier as a force
of super consciousness. It is referred to as a ‘remnant’
only because it exists in the dimension of time and space,
while the Sovereign Integral consciousness operates outside
of three-dimensional time and space. The remnant imprint is
the cast of energy bestowed by the Sovereign Integral to the
soul carrier. It is precisely this energy that generates
ideas and inspirations, making it possible for the voice of
all that you are to surface into the worlds of time and
space in which you are only a particle of your total being.
5) Wholeness Navigator guides the soul carrier to
perceive fragmentary existence as a passageway into
wholeness and unity. The Wholeness Navigator pursues
wholeness and integration. It is the heart of the entity
consciousness, shepherding the soul carrier and the soul
to unify and operate as a single, sovereign being
interconnected with all other beings. The Wholeness
Navigator is the gravitational force that forms the
purposeful clustering of Sovereign Integrals, reigning in
sovereignty from the existential grasp of self-sufficiency.
6) Soul (entity consciousness) is, in the simplest of
terms, a fragment of the Universal Spirit Consciousness
of First Source. It is composed of a very refined and
pure energy vibration that is equal to Source Intelligence
(spirit). It is an immortal, living, coherent consciousness
that is a replica of the energy of its Creator with the
individual consciousness of a unique personality. It is the
anchoring point of consciousness and is the subtlest of the
energy systems of the individuated consciousness to perceive
from the soul carrier perspective.
What is the Grand Portal?
The Grand Portal is the irrefutable scientific
discovery of the individuated soul. It is this discovery
that marks the transformation of the species as much as
cosmic consciousness marks the transformation of the individual.
There are multiple events that typically converge within a close
proximity of time in order to prepare the species for this
discovery. They are, in no particular order:
Technology evolves to a distributed communication network
that encompasses the planet.
• The smallest particles of the planetary environment
are classified and their characteristics defined.
• The soul carrier consciousness must be classified
apart from the soul and its component parts are understood.
• The knowledge system and the encoded data streams of
Lyricus are translated and made available on the
planetary communications network.
• Incarnating souls from Lyricus assume soul
carrier status on the planet and are activated.
• The goal of achieving the Grand Portal is
articulated and distributed to resonant groups of soul
carriers who provide a stable collective consciousness.
• Architects of the Grand Portal assemble the
knowledge structure necessary to capture and present the
dimensional environment of the individuated consciousness.
Lyricus members
know this discovery as the Grand Portal because it
prepares the species for induction into the broader universe of
sentient life that exists throughout the 7th
Superuniverse in 11 primary dimensions. The material or physical
dimension constitutes one view into the Superuniverse.
This is the view of astronomers and physicists as they seek to
peer into the highest and deepest reaches of the physical
universe. However, the universe is infinitely vaster than the
species realizes up to the moment it uncovers the veil that has
obscured the Grand Portal.
What is the science of multidimensional reality?
The science of multidimensional reality is the byproduct
of the discovery of the Grand Portal, and it is
this emerging science that will accelerate a species’
re-connection with its off-planetary purpose. As an individual
soul departs from the soul carrier upon its death, so does a
species depart from its planetary incubator as it begins to
step through the Grand Portal and apply its holographic truth in
the institutions of its society.
What is the purpose of the human species as a whole?
The Grand Portal is the extraordinary event that humanity is
designed to achieve as a collective species while occupying its
home planet. If you distill the purpose of a humanoid species to
its basic goal, it is to transform or activate its soul carrier
in order to access the soul consciousness of the individual,
collective, and First Origin sources.
Humanity is like a vast river of consciousness
that flows according to its collective will. This collective
will is conditioned by First Source, the sovereign will
of the individuated consciousness, and the master template of
the soul carrier itself. Collectively these three elements
converge and create the banks of the “river”, the topography of
its journey, and the destination to which it flows.
Because the God-Fragment or soul is the highest vibratory
frequency within the individuated consciousness, it compels the
individuated consciousness to seek its creator. All members of
the species have this intrinsic desire to reunite with their
creator and the greater body of the created. It is only the soul
carrier—the insoluble element of individuality—whose pretense of
existentialism stands in silent opposition to the reunion of
Because the
soul carrier is largely guided by the emotions
and mind, it is less sensitive to the urge of reunion.
The social training of humanity exacted by its educational
system and competing culture and media intensifies this
insensitivity. The species, as a whole, is therefore listening
to the urges of the soul carrier and its social conditioning
above the instinctual call of the soul. The purpose of humanity
is to the shift this focus, and this shift is best achieved
through the Grand Portal because it provides the necessary proof
that galvanizes an entire species, instead of devoted factions
Can you explain the concept of evil? Is it real?
The primary concern in the universe is not evil, but
ignorance. When members of a species are in ignorance of
their identity as an individuated consciousness, they are more
easily manipulated and seduced by the temporal illusions of
MEST (matter, energy, space,
time). The MEST universe is the most exterial
view of the multiverse, and those who identify with it as their
true home are living in ignorance.
is from this lack of knowledge that the concept of evil has
propagated into an array of characters, energies, and motives.
Evil, at its most distilled level, is merely
partial awareness, and from this partial awareness, the soul
carrier of any species is capable of behaviors that can be
termed evil. Evil, as it pertains to a personality like
First Source, does not exist. It is not a codified energy
system or intelligence. It is a behavioral expression of
ignorance and nothing more.
In this context, Lyricus is concerned with evil,
but does not fear its power or impact because evil is not
coordinated and coherent, unlike those who are aligned with
First Source. Moreover, evil is in conflict with itself more
than it is in conflict with First Source and its aligned
expressions. In most instances, Lyricus looks upon the
evil expressions of a species or one of its members with
compassion, heightening our resolve to assist a species to the
Grand Portal.
In Lyricus terminology, evil is resistance to the path
of awareness—namely the Grand Portal. Resistance to the
Grand Portal’s discovery and propagation is the primary
outgrowth of uninformed entities that desire to retain the
deceptions of their personal power, fearing that the
enlightenment of the species will displace them. Evil
lacks a root system that is fed from the depths of the
individuated consciousness, and it is therefore easily
eradicated once the individuated consciousness becomes the
identity of the human species.