Sarah: As promised, one of the things I want to focus on in
this interview is the Ancient Arrow site. From what
you said the other day, the Ancient Arrow site was essentially
stripped of its artifacts. Where are they now and what do you think
the ACIO intends to do with them?"
Dr. Neruda: "As of the time of my defection, the site's
antechamber and 23 sub-chambers were carefully measured, analyzed,
and each of the artifacts were cataloged. All of the artifacts that
could be taken from the 23 chambers were moved to the ACIO
lab for rigorous testing. The initial hope was that they contained
accessible technologies that could somehow accelerate the deployment
schedule for BST (Blank Slate Technology or BST as some have
called it is the ability of removing a thought from the thought
process of a subject and replacing it with a passive thought). However, I think that expectation
changed following the discovery of the 24th chamber."
Sarah: "You never really talked in any detail about the
chambers before. What was so special about the 24th Chamber?"
Dr. Neruda: "What was interesting about the chambers -- apart
from the artifacts they contained -- was that the site was as
sterile as an operating room, except the 23rd chamber. Remember that
these chambers protruded outward from a
central corridor that spiraled up through solid
rock. From the top of the 23rd chamber to the
antechamber below was approximately 50 meters. We knew there were 24
chapters or segments on the optical disc, but we assumed that the
antechamber -- even though it didn't have any artifacts -- was
included. Thus we falsely assumed that the 24 chambers were
accounted for."
Sarah: "They weren't?"
Dr. Neruda: "No. There was another chamber that had been
Sarah: "How?"
Dr. Neruda: "The 23rd chamber had a significant amount of rock
debris on its floor. It had all the markings of being unfinished, as
if the constructors had to leave suddenly or simply ran out of
patience before they completed their mission. We invested a
reasonable amount of time and analysis studying the walls and debris
of the 23rd chamber, hoping to discern the methods of construction,
but we never suspected that there was a hidden passageway beneath
the debris on the floor of the chamber."
Sarah: "So, there was a trap door?"
Dr. Neruda: "Shortly before my defection, a trap door was
discovered by some ACIO researchers who were
conducting a form of x-ray photography of the interior of the site."
Sarah: "For what purpose?"
Dr. Neruda: "They were trying to determine if there were any
structural deficiencies in the site that could cause instabilities
for the site in the long-term. We had, in effect, broken the seal on
this site and introduced a significant amount of stress to the
Fifteen, being the thorough person he is, wanted to be sure we
hadn't inadvertently compromised the structural integrity of the
site. He felt certain that the site's preservation was potentially
Sarah: "Okay, so these x-rays showed a trap door to another
chamber. How was it overlooked before? Was it completely hidden?"
Dr. Neruda: "Not really. We had been told to leave all the
chambers as we had found them -- other than to remove the artifacts
and catalog everything we found. What we didn't realize was that the
six inches of rock chips on the floor of the 23rd chamber concealed
a vertical passageway."
Sarah: "It went straight down?"
Dr. Neruda: "Correct. It dropped nearly 50 meters . . ."
Sarah: "But I thought the antechamber was 50 meters underneath
the 23rd chamber."
Dr. Neruda: "It is, but not directly underneath. The 24th
chamber is only separated by four meters from the nearest wall of
the antechamber."
Sarah: "Was there a passageway between the two, or was the only
entrance from the 23rd chamber?"
Dr. Neruda: "The only entrance was from the 23rd chamber, which
made it near-impossible to get to."
Sarah: "Why?"
Dr. Neruda: "Because the passageway was cut too small for an
adult body, and it was a long distance to traverse."
"With all your technology, couldn't you have made it
Dr. Neruda: "It was an alternative, but
Fifteen didn't
feel it was warranted."
Sarah: "Why not? It seems like a pretty important discovery --
maybe the key to the whole site."
Dr. Neruda:
"The ACIO had technologies that
allowed us to drop cameras down the passageway and photograph the
entire chamber remotely."
Sarah: "What did you see?"
Dr. Neruda: "It was the largest of the 24 chambers -- in all
Its wall painting was the largest,
and like the 23rd chamber, was oriented horizontally instead of
vertically. There was a technology artifact that we removed from the
chamber that, as far as I know, is, like all the others,
inaccessible to the ACIO probes."
Sarah: "Other than the chamber being larger in scale, were
there any other differences?"
Neruda: "It was very similar to the 23rd chamber in
the sense that it was also unfinished in appearance, but
it was about three times as large in volume. There were
a series of glyphs incised on the wall
opposite the painting that were organized in seven
groups of five characters."

series of glyphs in chamber 23 |
Sarah: "I know you showed me photographs of the chamber
paintings, did I see this one?"
Dr. Neruda: "No."
Sarah: "What's it look like?"
Dr. Neruda: "It's the most abstract and complex of the
collection, and consequently, hard to describe. Like all the chamber
paintings, we invested considerable effort and time to decode the
symbols and analyze the content of the painting, but we only had
speculation as to its real purpose."
Sarah: "Any hypothesis on why the 24th chamber was hidden?"
Dr. Neruda: "Remember that the site was interpreted by most
the Labyrinth Group as being loosely based on our
human genome . . . "
Sarah: "Because of the helix shape?"
Dr. Neruda: "That and the fact there were 23 chambers --
the precise number of chromosomes -- or pairs of
chromosomes in a normal human cell. These factors, along with some
of the detail contained within the chamber paintings and
philosophical text we decoded, led us to conclude that the site was
designed to tell a story about the human genome."
Sarah: "Okay, but why was the 24th chamber hidden and how does
that relate to the human genome?"
Dr. Neruda: "I don't know with certainty, but remember that the
23rd chromosome determines the sex of the individual. The
wall painting from the 23rd chamber
is the only painting that shows -- albeit abstractly -- the
genitalia of both a man and a woman. We assumed that this was
deliberate. The fact that the 23rd chamber was unfinished suggested
that the 23rd chromosome was also somehow unfinished, implying that
there may be some other function of the sex gene that has not been
completed as yet."
Sarah: "But isn't the entire genome unfinished? I remember
reading that 95% of the genome is unused. Isn't that true?"
Dr. Neruda: "It's true that the instructions contained within the
genes are mostly unused, but the genes themselves, as far as their
instruction set, are not incomplete so far as we know. There are, of
course, genetic mutations that occur from time-to-time, but again
these are not states of incompletion so much as spontaneous
adaptation to genetic interfusion."
Sarah: "Then what's the case with the 24th chamber? Are there
instances when some people have 24 chromosomes?"
Dr. Neruda: "First, it's 23 pairs of chromosomes, and yes,
there are people who have an extra chromosome, but it's generally
not desirable, and is often lethal. In our research, we've never
seen 24 pairs of chromosomes in a healthy, normal human."
Sarah: "But isn't it possible that it's not about pairs of
chromosomes? There aren't any pairs of chambers, so maybe they're
talking about 24 chromosomes period."
Dr. Neruda: "This possibility was certainly explored."
Sarah: "And ...?"
Dr. Neruda: "There was no reliable evidence, so the theory was
Sarah: "So nothing human has 24 chromosomes or 24 pairs of
chromosomes? Why would the WingMakers construct
something so obviously genetic in its shape and make an error like
Dr. Neruda: "No one within the Labyrinth Group
believed there was an error. Chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas
possess 24 pairs of chromosomes."
Sarah: "Apes?"
Dr. Neruda: "Any molecular biologist will tell you that our
genome is a 98% match of the chimpanzee."
Sarah: "Are you suggesting that
the WingMakers
produced this site in homage to the chimp?"
Dr. Neruda: "No. I'm simply relating the truth. Until 1955
scientists believed that humans had 24 pairs of chromosomes just as
the chimpanzee or gorilla, but then it was discovered that somewhere
in time, humans fused two chromosomes into one... "
Sarah: "And how does this all relate to the discovery of the
24th chamber?"
Dr. Neruda: "It probably doesn't. The human genome is like a
set of encyclopedias with 23 volumes. It's quite possible that the
24th chamber, in this case, is the equivalent of the index or
navigation volume."
Sarah: "But it's not visible like the other 23 chromosomes?"
Dr. Neruda: "We thought there was significance in the fact that
the 24th chamber was hidden, and was only connected by a narrow,
vertical passage to the 23rd. It's possible, in theory, that the
24th chromosome isn't a molecular-based gene repository. There may
be a genetic mutation that is being foreshadowed in our future, or
the 24th chamber is a metaphor for a new functionality of the human
species that is -- as yet -- dormant or non-coded."
"So, what does Fifteen think it all means?"
Dr. Neruda: "ZEMI had done an exhaustive search
of the variables, and I believe Fifteen had more or less
accepted its most probable alternative, that the 23rd chromosome was
destined to mutate and create or catalyze the creation of a 24th
chromosome that would act as a navigation system or index for future
Sarah: "And ZEMI
deduced all of this from a
single painting?"
Dr. Neruda: "ZEMI had 62 different analyses of
the 24th chamber painting, and each of them had probabilities of
over 40%. This is unheard of unless an object is coded in sufficient
complexity, and this coding is consistently applied to produce a web
effect of possibilities. This painting, along with the glyphs on the
opposite wall, achieved that end. The ACIO calls this
Complexity Interlocks, with factors on a scale of zero to one
hundred. If an object or event has a CI of 15, it's considered a
coded object. The artifacts of the 24th chamber had the highest CI
of all the chambers: 94.6. To put it into perspective, the next
highest chamber, chamber six, had a CI of 56.3"
Sarah: "Why is that important?"
Dr. Neruda: "Because Fifteen looked at the 24th chamber
as the key to understanding the Ancient Arrow site. ZEMI's analysis was very specific, much more so than I'm able to
relate in this conversation."
Sarah: "Can you give me an example of how
ZEMI determines this CI index?"
Dr. Neruda: "The painting or object is scanned and reduced to
its digital components. Color, scale, position, shape, and
repetition are all established and analyzed. For example, one of the
abstract figures in the 24th chamber painting appears to be floating
upside down, and happens to have 23 stars within its mid-section.
ZEMI would associate significance to this, and this would
become a thread of the web effect.
ZEMI would continue to create these threads, looking for
a consistent pattern. If a pattern emerges with sufficient
mathematical coherence and context, it deduces that the object is
designed for a purpose."
Sarah: "In other words, a higher CI indicates a higher
Dr. Neruda: "Yes, but especially if the distinction is
significant as in the case of the 24th chamber."
"If all these pieces are fit together, the picture that
emerges is that the Ancient Arrow site was created as a metaphor of
the human genome, and that it's predicting a mutation that will
produce a 24th chromosome, which leads us right back to our hairy
cousins. Wouldn't this be devolution?"
Dr. Neruda: "No."
Sarah: "Why not?"
Dr. Neruda: "The molecular environment of the 23rd chromosome
is the most antagonistic and dynamic of all the human chromosomes.
This makes it a cauldron for potential mutation. Molecular and
evolutionary biologists are only now beginning to recognize this
inherent reality of the 23rd chromosome.
"ZEMI's analysis was that the 24th chamber painting was
concerned not with our sexual identity, as in the case of the 23rd
chromosome, but our spiritual identity."
Sarah: "How so?"
Dr. Neruda: "It would take me at least twenty minutes to
explain the rationale. Do you want me to proceed?"
Sarah: "Can you give me a summary?"
Dr. Neruda: "I'll try.
"There are several connections between the 23rd and 24th chambers; the
most notable being that the 24th chamber is only accessible from the
23rd chamber. This suggests that the 24th exists as a result of the
behaviors and conditions of the 23rd. In a sense, the tunnel
connecting the two chambers is a birth canal, and the 24th
chamber is the baby.
"Since the 23rd is the sex chromosome, that is, it determines the
sexual and physical identity of the individual, its purpose is
largely binary. It's quite logical to conclude that if it were to
give birth to a new chromosome, it may have something to do with our
spiritual identity, particularly in light of all the other
information we have about the Central Race."
Sarah: "I get the feeling that you believe this."
Dr. Neruda: "I think it's a viable hypothesis, but the exact
purpose of the Ancient Arrow site is yet to be
determined with high confidence."
Sarah: “Are there any other sites similar to the Ancient Arrow
site that the ACIO got involved in?”
Dr. Neruda: “No, nothing of this magnitude, but
the ACIO
involves itself in anything anomalous that may have ET influence.”
Sarah: “Can you give me an example?”
Dr. Neruda: “There was an underground installation of
engraved stones
found in Peru in the mid-1960s. Some of the
circumstances regarding this site are similar.”
Sarah: “How so?”
Dr. Neruda: “It was an underground installation of considerable
complexity and it contained tens of thousands of stones that had
been intricately engraved with pictographs that depicted a vast
historical record of earth and a pre-historical culture, all carved
on a stone known as andesite.
Sarah: “And was this site also kept off the record?”
Dr. Neruda: “No, quite the contrary, but it was targeted with
heavy disinformation and ultimately discredited by academic
institutions that no doubt felt threatened by the revelation.”
Sarah: “I still don’t see how a government organization like
the ACIO
can operate behind the scenes and our own elected officials be
completely unaware of both its existence and agenda.”
Dr. Neruda: “Not all of your elected officials are unaware of
the ACIO,
but you’re right about one thing: they do not know its true
Sarah: “So who knows and who doesn’t?”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s not such a simple thing to provide you with a
list of names. Those who know, and are elected officials, form a
very short list—”
Sarah: “How short?”
Dr. Neruda: “I would prefer not to say at this time, only that
it is less than ten in number.
“The world body politic is not divided into republicans and democrats
or liberal and conservative parties. They are divided into a
stratification of knowledge and vital intelligence. The financial
oligarchy of the secret network I mentioned last week possesses
superior knowledge, some of which it shares with the military force
and some of which it shares with the Isolationist forces.
These three forces are the principal way the world is organizing
itself, and the presumed alpha organization is the
Incunabula because they control a dominant share of the
world’s money supply and hard assets.”
Okay, stop a moment because I did some research since
our interview Saturday, and learned a little bit about the
organization called the Illuminati. Is this the same organization
you’re now referring to as the Incunabula?”
Dr. Neruda: “No. The Illuminati is part of the
secret network, but it’s not the alpha organization.
Illuminati is affiliated with other blueblood
organizations, mostly originating from European roots, but its goals
and objectives are not aligned to the Incunabula.”
Sarah: “In what way, because from my reading it seemed like it
was the secret network you were referring to.”
Dr. Neruda: “First, you need to understand that the secret
network, as I was referring to, is loosely assembled and not well
aligned because of competing agendas. Nonetheless, there is a sense
of camaraderie between some of the more powerful groups mostly
because they share an elite status in business, academia, or
“However, these groups are generally designed to help its members
build greater wealth and influence through the members’ network of
business and government contacts. It is somewhat comparable to a
high-powered networking organization.”
Sarah: “Are you sure we’re talking about the same
Dr. Neruda: “There are many stories about
the Illuminati
that are based more on legend than evidence. Too many conspiratorial
objectives are credited to them, and they are not organized in this
way. Their leadership is too visible and carefully scrutinized by
the media. When you have this condition, you can, in most instances,
dispel the notion that global, conspiratorial objectives are in the
Sarah: “What about the occult references to
Illuminati? Are they true?”
Dr. Neruda: “The supposed leaders of
the Illuminati
are not occultists or Satan worshippers as they are sometimes
accused. Again, this is conspiracy theory run amok, usually by those
who seek to define enemies that can embody Lucifer, which in their
mind is synonymous with the occult. The Illuminati, while it exists as an elite organization, is made up of men and
women that do not conform to one belief system. The spiritual
beliefs of their members are not used as criteria to acquire
membership. What’s important is a member’s personal network of
Sarah: “But don’t they have a tremendous influence on
Dr. Neruda: “Yes, they have influence, as do the Masons,
and Skull and Bones, and twenty-seven other
organizations that make up this loose-knit network of the elite, but
the people who control the master plan are not directly affiliated
with any one of these thirty organizations.
“The reality is that these organizations really operate in one of
three forces that do have alignment under the controlling hand of
the Incunabula.”
Sarah: “So you’re saying that within these three forces the
world’s political stage is organized, and the group with the most
money also has the best knowledge and basically controls the other
two groups?”
Dr. Neruda: “The Incunabula doesn’t dictate to
the other two forces. It strategically releases information that
lures the two forces in the direction it wants them to go.
“You can look at these three forces as part of an equilateral
triangle, with the Incunabula at the apex, and the
Global Military Force at one base and the Isolationist Force at the
other. This is the real structure of global power.”
Sarah: “I’m not clear about the different objectives of these
three forces.”
Dr. Neruda:
“The Incunabula is concerned with
the globalization of monetary channels and vital supplies like
petroleum and natural gas; the Military Force is concerned with
spreading and preserving democratization throughout the globe, and
in so doing, protecting the self-interests of the dominant
superpowers of America and Western Europe; and the Isolationist
Force is focused on industry and wealth building for its citizens at
the state level.”
Sarah: “But how does the Incunabula lure these other two forces
to do its bidding? Can you give me an example?”
Dr. Neruda: “Why do you think
Saddam Hussein invaded
Sarah: “To grab its oil wells and make a lot of money.”
Dr. Neruda: “On the surface that is close to the truth.
Following the Iran-Iraq War, Saddam had depleted a good deal
of his country’s wealth, and to be sure, he was interested in the
wealth production of Kuwait, but he also knew that his military was
not designed to invade and annex countries, and he was aware that
the superpowers would protect their interests in Kuwait.
“Saddam had a real dilemma, he had upwards of a million
soldiers that were without jobs after the Iran-Iraq War and there
was no place within Iraq’s broader economy to absorb these men. The
Military Force was aware of Saddam’s dilemma, and, through a
consistent disinformation campaign by the Military Force, Saddam
was led to believe that he would be allowed to invade Kuwait without
superpower retaliation.
“There are high level operatives within the Military Force that are
also the eyes and ears of the Incunabula. It was well
understood that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction that it had
developed during the course of its war with Iran. The Military Force
saw this as a destabilizing element of its long-term policy to bring
democracy – American-style – to the oil-producing region.
“The Incunabula does not have control of the Middle East
oil. It is the only vital asset in which they do not exercise prime
Saddam Hussein was seduced by disinformation to attack Kuwait
so that the Military Force could – with the whole world looking on –
dismantle Iraq’s defenses. This was a staged event of global impact
exercised by
the Incunabula and carried out by the Military Force
completely unaware that they were being lured into this conflict in
the same way as Iraq.”
Sarah: “And all because some elite trillionaires want to
control the world’s oil supply?”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s much more complex than that, though that is a
part of the equation. I’m not sure how much you want me to go into
Sarah: “It’s hard to stop after you drop this revelation on me.
Where is this all headed… I mean what is the end-goal of
Dr. Neruda: “Do you mean in the context of the Middle East?”
Sarah: “Yes.”
Dr. Neruda: “They want to control crude oil production. They
want to exercise authority over this critical asset that is so
fundamental to shaping world economies. They have controls over
refining and the distribution of end products, but they lack control
over the production, particularly in the Middle East. This is the
fundamental goal, but it’s surrounded by the tributary objectives of
bringing a Western culture to the region and slowly, but surely,
homogenizing the world’s culture. They want this global culture as a
framework in which to create global regulation.”
Sarah: “And how long will this take… assuming they’re
Dr. Neruda: “From the perspective of
the ACIO, it
has a probability of occurrence no more than 35% within the next 10
years and jumps to a 60% probability in 20 years. Thereafter, it
becomes more probable with each passing decade, until it reaches
near-certainty by the year 2060.”
Sarah: “And when you say ‘global regulation’, what do you
Dr. Neruda: “The ability to regulate the vital resources of the
planet as a singular, global political body.”
Sarah: “What makes this such a critical goal of
Dr. Neruda: “The diminishing oil and natural gas supplies.
These are non-renewable energy sources, and what required a billion
years to create 3.2 trillion barrels of useable oil has taken 110
years to reduce to 1.8 trillion barrels. The planet’s oil supply is
its economic lifeblood. As this diminishes, so does the economic
system in which the world’s people live. As the economic conditions
erode, instability arises, and if left unchecked, chaos ensues.”
Sarah: “Again you’re saying that this is all about oil?”
Dr. Neruda: “Try to understand that to me it’s astounding that
this isn’t obvious. Anyone who knows the condition of the world’s
oil supply can perform simple extrapolations and conclude that the
world is approximately fifty years away from oil depletion, and that
assumes you use the more optimistic analyses. On the pessimistic
side, it could be as little as twenty-five years.”
Sarah: “How can that be? I don’t recall anything being said
about this in the media. I would think this would be a huge story if
it were that obvious and that ominous.”
Dr. Neruda: “There are many versions of this story that
circulate in the media, but they never quite capture the attention
of the mass media and the masses because they deal with the distant
future – a topic not held in high regard by citizens in love with
their Western lifestyles. Nevertheless, this future is precisely
where the Incunabula place their focus because this is
what determines the tactics of the present day.
“The depletion of the world’s oil supply, coupled to the growth in
human population, is the dominant influence that is shaping the
policies of the Incunabula and its timetable.”
Sarah: “So the agenda of
the Incunabula is to
control the diminishing oil supply in order to do what?”
Dr. Neruda: “At the highest levels of the Incunabula,
the planning horizons are typically twenty to one hundred years,
depending on the issue. They are well aware that as the oil supplies
diminish, oil will become increasingly more difficult to extract
from the planet’s reservoirs, and consequently, require at minimum,
a thirty percent delta in refining costs. This will have a profound
effect on price, which can have the effect of producing a persistent
recession in the world’s economy.”
“The planners of
the Incunabula believe that by
consolidating control of the oil supply and its distribution it is
the best way to impose rationing at a global level without setting
off Armageddon.”
Sarah: “It’s really that serious?”
Dr. Neruda: “I don’t mean to sound like an alarmist, but this
is the fundamental problem that the world must address in the 21st
century. The brightest minds of our planet are well aware of this
and have known this for twenty years or more.”
Sarah: “Why then aren’t the leaders of the world, and the
brightest minds, working on alternative energy sources?”
Dr. Neruda: “In some instances they are. There’re several
alternative energy sources that are under consideration – some are
not even released to the public at this time because they stem from
technologies that also carry great potential as weapons.
“But the bigger issue is how to change the energy system of our
modern-day civilization from petroleum to a new energy source, or
perhaps to change the manner in which we live – in other words, our
oil dependent lifestyle.”
Sarah: “Why is that such a big deal? I would think that as the
world wakes up to the reality of dwindling oil supplies it would be
very receptive to a new energy source.”
Dr. Neruda: “Have you ever heard the quote by
about the difficulty of changing a system?”
“I don’t think so.”
Dr. Neruda: “He wrote, ‘There is nothing more difficult to
plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than
the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of
all who would profit by the preservation of the old system and
merely lukewarm defenders in those who would gain by the new one’.”
Sarah: “Okay, so this requires a lot of preparation and
planning, and probably persuasion. But what choices do we have?”
Dr. Neruda: “None. This is the realism of the next fifty
Sarah: “I presume the Incunabula plan to orchestrate this
change of systems. Am I right on that?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes. As I said earlier, they believe the global
regulation of energy resources and the ability to manage population
growth are the convergent issues of our time that – if managed
properly – can avert Armageddon.”
Sarah: “You’ve said that word twice tonight –
What do you mean by that? Are you talking about World War III?”
Dr. Neruda: “Armageddon is defined by the ACIO as
the chaos of humanity. It is the time when humanity plunges
into chaos and the interfaces of global commerce, communication, and
diplomacy are destroyed in favor of national self-preservation. If
this were to happen, weapons of unusual power could be used to
destroy thirty percent or more of the human population. This is the
definition that we don’t like to talk about, but it’s well known
within the ACIO as a possibility in the 21st century.”
Sarah: “So I assume you have your probability forecasts for
this as well. Right?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes.”
Sarah: “And what are they, dare I ask?”
Dr. Neruda: “I’d prefer not to say. They aren’t really relevant
anyway because they fluctuate based on world events.”
Sarah: “But this is what the Incunabula’s
planners are trying to steer clear of?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes. This consumes their agenda more than any
other issue.”
Sarah: “What other organizations are consumed by this agenda?”
Dr. Neruda: “There are none.”
Sarah: “What?”
Dr. Neruda: “This agenda is unique to the Incunabula because
they’re the only organization that is focused squarely on averting
this particular crisis condition based on the convergence criteria I
stated earlier.”
Sarah: “You mean they’re the only organization that’s worried
about Armageddon as it relates to dwindling oil supplies and
population increases?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes.”
Sarah: “But you’re not telling me that other organizations
aren’t worried about World War III or Armageddon, how ever you
define it. Right?”
Dr. Neruda: “Every nation’s leadership is concerned about these
issues, but it’s by no means the focus of their agenda. It is a
small, compartmentalized component of their agenda.
“This is precisely why
Fifteen is involved with the
Incunabula’s planners, the threats to the human race are both
real and persistent, and with each passing decade the conditions are
only growing more fertile for fragmentation and chaos – the very
kind you would observe in tribal warfare. There is no fundamental
Sarah: “And the leaders of the Military Force know about this
Dr. Neruda: “No. They have their own agenda, which is related,
but quite different as well. They don’t aspire to regulate oil
production; they intend to defend its availability and influence its
price as a result. They’re not concerned with globalization as it
relates to economic or cultural platforms, but rather, they’re
concerned with exporting democracy in order to ensure stabilization
in the region, and eradicate instability in the form of terrorists
and dictators alike.”
Sarah: “But that seems at odds with everything I’ve heard about
the military.”
Dr. Neruda: “In what way?”
Sarah: “You make it sound as though the Military Force is
trying to bring stability or peace, when everything I’ve ever read
implies that the military feeds off of conflict and instability. If
the world is at peace, then the military becomes a simple police
force, its power is reduced and its budgets are slashed.”
Dr. Neruda: “I understand your question. However, the Military
Force is not the same thing as the military. While it is very
pro-military, it operates in a longer planning horizon than military
personnel. The Military Force is made up of high-level politicians,
business people, intelligence members, academics, think tanks, and
so on. Its members are from the United Kingdom, America, Germany,
Canada, Australia, Israel, and many other countries. Its cohesion,
as a group, is not so much a function of formal structure and
meetings, but rather it’s by publishing classified papers that are
shared among its elite members. These papers define the platform,
goals, long-term objectives, and essentially map out the strategy
and tactics by which the Military Force intends to execute its plan.
“The Military Force is working on hybrid defensive and offensive
weapons that relate to space, bio-weapons, the Internet, and other
environments that are as yet not viewed as battlefield arenas. They
would contend that R & D budgets should be increased in order to
develop these new weapons in order to secure the rights of free
people to live without fear of preemptive attack. They intend to
remove this reality from the face of the earth and at the same time,
propagate democracy.”
Sarah: “But isn’t this a noble goal?”
Dr. Neruda: “Their goals are not necessarily misguided, but
their methods to achieve these goals are. This is all about
projecting power, and, as a consequence, dictating the prevailing
political platform by which the world achieves peace. It is enforced
peace. It is peace through power and manipulation.”
Sarah: “But it’s still peace and it’s still democracy. It’s
certainly better than the alternative of wars and anarchy or
Dr. Neruda: “There are other means to achieve the same end.”
Sarah: “You said that the budget for military spending would
only increase over time if the Military Force has its way. How would
that happen amidst world peace?”
Dr. Neruda: “New threats will be determined that will create
this need even though our countries of the world are at peace.”
Sarah: “Are you talking about ETs again?”
Dr. Neruda: “Among other things. China will likely be the last
island of opposition that the wave of democracy will land upon, but
when it does, the Military Force desires to have unique weapons at
its disposal in order to swiftly bring the changes it seeks.
Bio-weapons will likely be the choice”
Sarah: “How is that possible when the U.S. has banned
Dr. Neruda: “Unfortunately the discoveries in the human genome
are too compelling for the Military Force to ignore as it pertains
to bio-weapons development. Research is already underway, and has
been for two years, to develop bio-weapons that target certain
genomes indicative of a specific race.”
Sarah: “Like Chinese?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes, but it doesn’t mean the weapon would ever be
deployed. It would simply be a known capability of the Military
Force and that alone would make the change of regime irresistible.”
Sarah: “I have to stop here and make a confession. Part of me
wants to cry when I hear this and bury my head in a pillow, and part
of me wants to keep asking more questions. I’m really torn on this
one… I don’t think I want to talk about this anymore. Okay?
Dr. Neruda: “I’m only answering the questions you ask of me as
honestly as I can.”
Sarah: “I know, and I’m not complaining about you or your
answers really. I just needed to say what I was feeling.”
Dr. Neruda: “I understand.”
Sarah: “Do you want to take a break and stretch your legs?”
Dr. Neruda: “I’m fine, but if you want one, I’ll be happy to
take a stretch.”
Sarah: “No, I’m fine…
“Tell me more about the Isolationist Force. What’s their
story in all of this?”
Dr. Neruda: “Again, I don’t want you to think that the Military
Isolationist Forces are formal groups that have
memberships and party platforms. They are informal, tacit coalitions
at most, and they operate through the well-placed leadership of
Incunabula operatives. Also, it is important to remember that they’re all
part of the triad of leadership that the Incunabula
have forged over the last fifty-seven years.
“In the case of the
Isolationist Force, it’s the least
organized of the three forces. It’s designed to spur economic
policies and activities that generate wealth for the elite class
throughout the world. As a force it is concerned with domestic state
issues that drive economic growth and vitality. Its focus is to
influence local, state and national governments to facilitate
Sarah: “Am I correct in thinking that Republicans are more
affiliated with the Isolationist Force?”
Dr. Neruda: “No. These three forces are not affiliated with any
party or political organization. Someone can be aligned with both
the Military and Isolationist Force and not have any conflict doing
so. They are not antagonistic. They’re compatible forces. Also,
these forces are not exclusively American. They are global forces –
albeit with dominance from American and European interests, but
they’re not party affiliations like democrats and republicans, nor
are they state-sponsored in any way.”
Sarah: “If the oil production is in the hands of
Incunabula, what will happen to the Arab state regimes that
currently hold this power?”
Dr. Neruda: “It depends on the regime.
The Incunabula
is expert at influence through financial services and legal
maneuvering. They will assert their influence slowly, gradually, and
in a manner that will catch the royal families and cartel by
surprise. Their patience is unmatched, and they operate on multiple
levels of influence, which is why they win nearly every time.
“Even at the present time many of the royal families exert influence
in domestic affairs, but not oil production. They reap the rewards
of the oil financially, but others within their regimes are truly
operating the production and interacting with the cartel, developing
the core relationships of trust and influence. These are the ones
the Incunabula bring into their fold, and slowly win
over as operatives in their plan. The Military Force, at the
appropriate timetable, will overturn the regimes in conflict with
the plan, and those regimes that are friendly, will be allowed to
retain their domestic presence and influence. These are carefully
orchestrated events.”
Sarah: “And once
the Incunabula has control over
oil production, what then?”
Dr. Neruda: “The dismantling of hard currency.
Incunabula desires to have an electronic currency because it
tracks everything and enables a more thorough analytical insight
into the affairs of the individual.”
Sarah: “So what do they want to do with all this information?”
Dr. Neruda: “They want to observe patterns and manipulate
events in order to protect their dominance as a leadership body,
and, as I said earlier, they want to define the new systems and
manage system change. Once this dominance is perceived as reaching a
critical mass, the Incunabula plans to create a global
body of governance that brings stability to Earth and a set of
policies that aid humanity at large.”
Sarah: “Again you’re telling me that their goal is to help
humanity, but I find it hard to believe.”
Dr. Neruda: “In a way it is the only way they can retain power.
If they concentrate wealth and services too much, they will lose
control of the population they seek to govern. Rebellion is never
far away when empty stomachs grumble in unison.”
Sarah: “How will they dismantle our hard currency?”
Dr. Neruda: “There will be a gradual de-valuation of the stock
markets worldwide. Americans in particular have become accustomed to
easy money production within the stock markets, as well as lavish
lifestyles. This will not be permitted to continue indefinitely.
Recessions will occur in waves until the value of currency is called
into question. This will begin in third world countries first, and
as these become the initial victims of feeble economic policies,
the Incunabula will essentially force these countries to
sell their assets at rock bottom prices in return for helping
them out of economic crisis.
“In the best of times, the world economy is a fragile patchwork of
economic systems that run at different rates without a smooth
interface or a macro system in which to operate. In the worst of
times, it is a house of cards vulnerable to the faintest of winds.
Hard currency and the monetary system that supports it will become a
scapegoat of the economic slowdown, and electronic currency will
increasingly become the solution to the general malaise of the
global economy.”
Sarah: “I’m not an economist so I don’t even know what
questions to ask, but it leaves me with a queasy feeling in my gut.
I get the feeling that there’s only one real power in the world and
it’s the Incunabula, and we’re all just puppets of this elite group
of moneymen. Isn’t that pretty much the subtext of all your comments
Dr. Neruda: “No, not at all, but I can understand how you
arrive at that conclusion given that we’ve been focused on the
Triad of Power, or TOP, as we refer to it within
Labyrinth Group. TOP is a reality on earth, and it probably
will be for many generations to come, and it’s certainly in the best
position to dominate world affairs and development, but there are
other powers that can intervene and bring fresh opportunity to the
world’s people.”
Sarah: “Like religious powers?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes, that’s one, though they will never rival
the Incunabula in terms of impacting on world affairs.”
Sarah: “So who’re you talking about? Give me some names or
Dr. Neruda: “The rise of personal computers and the Internet
was never intended to occur according to the Incunabula.
It was one of the developments that genuinely surprised the planners
within the Incunabula and proved to be a very vexing
issue for nearly a decade. Computing power was supposed to remain in
the hands of the elite. The Internet grew organically and at a pace
that no one thought possible, and it caught the Incunabula
completely off guard.”
Sarah: “So technology is a power that frustrated the plans of
the Incunabula?”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s one example.”
Sarah: “I imagine the ACIO is another?”
Dr. Neruda: “The single greatest weakness of
Incunabula is its lack of scientific expertise within the
ranks of its leadership. While it has technical and scientific
members in special projects within the Global Military Industrial
Complex, they are not leaders, and it is the leadership of the
Incunabula that establishes its agenda.”
Sarah: “But I thought you said that
Fifteen was part of
the Incunabula.”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes, but
the ACIO is simply seen as
a resource to the Incunabula. Fifteen is
perceived as an anarchist whose vision could never be aligned with
the leadership of the Incunabula. They don’t even
identify with his vision.”
Sarah: “If
the Incunabula relies so heavily on ACIO technology, and they need scientific leadership, why
don’t they replace Fifteen and place someone they can control
Dr. eruda: “They originally tried to have a Director who would
be more compliant, but it didn’t succeed.”
Sarah: “How do you mean that?”
Dr. Neruda: “One of the first Directors of
the ACIO
was a member of
the Incunabula’s Military Force and was very much an
insider in terms of working with some of its higher ranking leaders,
especially in America.”
Sarah: “Can you disclose his name?”
Dr. Neruda: “Vannevar Bush.”
Sarah: “How do you spell his name?”
Dr. Neruda (Spelling it out.)
Sarah: “Is he related to President George Bush?”
Dr. Neruda: “No.”
Sarah: “So he ran
the ACIO when it was still in
its infancy?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes.”
Sarah: “What happened to him?”
Dr. Neruda: “He was too visible, and it was rightly feared that
he would not be able to retain secrecy.”
Sarah: “Why?”
Dr. Neruda: “Dr. Bush was a gifted individual who
exercised both technical vision and leadership skills. He had access
to the leadership of the government and the Incunabula.
He could manage a large team of scientists and engineers as well as
anyone could. He essentially built the infrastructure for military
research, but his celebrity status was troublesome to the founders
of the Incunabula.”
Sarah: “Give me a sense of the timetable because I've got to
admit I’ve never heard of this man.”
Dr. Neruda: “It was right near the end of World War II that
Dr. Bush
was asked to head up a team of research scientists that had been
assembled from the NDRC and SPL to
reverse-engineer a recovered alien spacecraft that had been
recovered in 1940 off the coast of Florida. These were actually top
scientists from the newly formed ACIO. The spacecraft
had been placed in cold storage because of World War II. As the war
ended, Bush became privy to this discovery through his
network and offered his leadership to the project. As I understand
it, he was just coming off the Manhattan Project when
this opportunity presented itself.”
Sarah: “So he was considered a security risk and that ended his
tenure at the ACIO?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes.
“This reverse-engineering project was held in the highest possible
secrecy. Dr. Bush ran the operation within the SPL
through special funding from the OSS, which was
the forerunner of the CIA. However, after a year’s time, little progress was
made and there were rumors attributed to Bush that alien
spacecraft consumed his agenda.
“Bush reported directly to
James Forrestal, who at the time was
heading up the Navy, but shortly thereafter became the first
Secretary of Defense. Truman was president.
“The spacecraft that had been recovered was sufficiently intact to
conduct reverse-engineering studies on its propulsion system, which
was the most critical knowledge that Forrestal hoped to
extract from the project.”
Sarah: “What year are we talking?”
Dr. Neruda: “This would have been between 1945 and 1946.”
Sarah: “So what happened?”
Dr. Neruda: “Bear in mind that my knowledge of these events is
based on my study of the ACIO archive. I wasn’t
personally involved in any of these happenings, so I’m not vouching
for their absolute accuracy.”
Sarah: “Understood.”
Dr. Neruda: “Dr. Bush was asked to replicate the
propulsion system of the recovered craft in 12 months, and was given
the resources of the ACIO in order to do so.”
Sarah: “And did he succeed?”
Dr. Neruda: “Only partially. The electromagnetic fields were
not fully replicated in terms of their sustained intensity levels in
metals because of electron drift, which, and I’m struggling to keep
this in layperson’s terms, were the primary reason it failed.
Nonetheless, there were prototypes built that replicated aspects of
the alien craft’s propulsion system, and these were sufficient to
galvanize funding and support for the ACIO.”
Sarah: “Then why didn’t Dr. Bush join the ACIO?”
Dr. Neruda: “He knew it would require that he go underground
and essentially become anonymous. He didn’t want anonymity because
he was a prodigious inventor and liked the limelight accorded him
from government officials as well as the scientific community at
large. Also, I don’t think the head of the OSS thought
his mental capabilities were sufficient to the task. Bush was
a great organizer of talent, but he lacked the commanding intellect
in physics to lead
the ACIO as it was envisioned in those days.”
Sarah: “How many people knew about this project?”
Dr. Neruda: “I’m not sure. Perhaps five or six knew the total
scope of the project and another fifty knew elements of the project.
It was, as I said before, a very well guarded secret.”
Sarah: “How do you keep something like this a secret?”
Dr. Neruda: “There are entire departments within our government
that have responsibility for this. It’s a very well engineered
process that includes legal contracts, clear penalty reminders, and
known deterrence factors that include very invasive technologies. In
the worst case, if vital information was disclosed, a different but
related department would step in that would masterfully spread
disinformation. It was, and still is, virtually impossible to bring
this information to the public.”
Sarah: “They had invasive technologies even in 1945?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes. While the invasive technologies were more
crudely applied, they were certainly effective. There was nothing
more vilified in these undisclosed organizations than traitors. The
entire organizational culture was designed to reward loyalty and
severely punish disloyalty in any form.”
Sarah: “I want to switch topics for a moment. It seems that
we’re in a new stage of world peace and economic stability, but when
I hear you talk, it seems that this just isn’t possible given the
nature of the Incunabula and the triad of power that you were
talking about earlier. Is this true?”
Dr. Neruda: “It is an illusion. There may be lulls in the
movements of war, but look at the past one hundred years. Isn’t it
an assemblage of wars?”
Sarah: “And all because war feeds the triad of power as you
call it?”
Dr. Neruda: “No. There are forces that truly believe in good
and evil. In their view, countries – like people – are essentially
cast into three categories: good, neutral, and evil. Those that are
good must dominate the world political structures and ensure that
those that are evil are identified and reduced to a non-threat
Sarah: “But the cold war is over, right? The Soviet Union is no
more, and what’s left of it seems more or less friendly to the
interests of the free world. Isn’t this true?”
Dr. Neruda: “When power is concentrated in a single person, and
that country or organization develops long range missile technology,
it immediately becomes a target for concern within the intelligence
Sarah: “And am I correct in assuming that the intelligence
community you’re referring to is global and managed by the
Dr. Neruda: “Yes, but it is not formally managed by the
Sarah: “I understand, but the results are the same, right?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes.”
Sarah: “I apologize for the interruption.”
Dr. Neruda: “The perceived enemy is missile technology in the
hands of a concentrated power. There are many, many countries that
have this technology so it ensures distrust. Organizations like the
U.N. (United Nations) are not sufficiently empowered to deal
with these threats, so multilateral coalitions are developed between
nations to deal with the perceived threats, often completely
undisclosed to the public.
“Iraq is a perfect example. North Korea is another, but it lacks the
strategic geography to place it on the top of the list. So,
geography also plays a central role in this assessment.”
Sarah: “So essentially the world is coalescing into three
camps. I understand that, but who determines who is evil, neutral,
and good? I mean isn’t this a terribly subjective call?”
Dr. Neruda: “Whoever exerts the greatest global leadership in
terms of projecting military force, economic vibrancy, and foreign
policy makes this determination. And yes, it is certainly
subjective, but it’s precisely why the U.S. has adopted its
imperialist attitude. It wants to define good and evil for the
world, and in so doing, it can more effectively export its own
definition of peace and democracy.”
Sarah: “Sounds so simplistic when you put it those terms.”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s a natural outgrowth of how a state engineers
its power. The state requires its enemies in order to convince its
citizens to accept its authority over their lives. The greater the
fear the state is able to provoke in the hearts and minds of its
citizens, the more power its citizens are willing to give to it in
order to protect them from its enemies. All states, to varying
degrees, do this.”
Sarah: “Are you saying that the U.S., just to pick an example,
engineers its enemies? You’re really saying that America creates its
enemies in order to increase its power domestically and
Dr. Neruda: “I don’t mean that the U.S. literally creates its
enemies. The U.S. has potential adversaries in many parts of the
world. Its policy of military presence as a global protector is all
that’s required to create enemies. Its forceful export of its
political belief system is also troublesome to many countries that
see American interests as a prelude to cultural colonization.”
Sarah: “Because we’re the only remaining superpower?”
Dr. Neruda: “No. It’s because the U.S. has a global military
presence and economic lever that it wields with relative virtuosity.
It is skillful at aggression without appearing aggressive. It
protects and defends, and sometimes it will do this in a pre-emptive
strike and sometimes in a reactive countermeasure that is usually at
a force response that is several fold the original intensity.
America’s self interests have become the standard of the free world,
and there are those who fear it will dominate to the point of
Sarah: “How does all of this fit into the work of the
Incunabula or
the ACIO for that matter?”
Dr. Neruda: “The Incunabula uses the U.S. as a force for
globalization. It is the lead horse pulling the nation states of the
globe into a common economic and political platform.
“As far as
the ACIO is concerned, it has thoroughly
analyzed the various scenarios presented by U.S. global domination
and find that there are only two scenarios in which the United
States can achieve its ambitious aims without catalyzing a world war
and plunging the global economy into a severe depression.”
Sarah: “Can you disclose these?”
Dr. Neruda: “No.”
Sarah: “Why?”
Dr. Neruda: “They are based on a mixture of
remote viewing,
advanced computer modeling, and preliminary BST tests. I
am not willing to disclose this information at this time. Perhaps at
a later date.”
Sarah: “I fully realize that we’ve gotten completely off the
subject, but you seem to be leading me into this conversation. I
can’t help it.”
Dr. Neruda: “I understand.”
Sarah: “Are there plans for making this all happen? I mean does
the Incunabula actually engineer the globalization or
does it sort of happen as a result of a nudge here and a nudge
Dr. Neruda: “It’s a carefully orchestrated process. The
planning is deep, penetrating, and exhaustive. It is not flawless
nor is it carried out with perfect precision. Nonetheless there is
certainly a plan and it’s executed by the triad of power as I stated
Sarah: “And you’ve seen this plan?”
Dr. Neruda: “I know of it through the Labyrinth Group.
requires each of us to know these plans on an intimate basis.”
Sarah: “Can you disclose any of this plan?”
Dr. Neruda: “I think I have been alluding it to it this
Sarah: “Yes, but you haven’t been clear about how events will
culminate in such a way that the Incunabula will rise
to power.”
Dr. Neruda: “It is not pre-ordained. There is no certainty in
what I am about to disclose. It is a plan. Albeit a plan created by
very ambitious and capable people.”
Sarah: “Duly noted.”
Dr. Neruda: “There are serious flaws within the global economy,
and the United States will, within the next seven years, begin to
express these flaws in ways that ripple through the globe and cause
financial unrest. The best way to ensure that these flaws are
controlled is to tighten corporate loopholes that allow greedy
executives to exploit their shareholders, and to seize control over
the price of oil.”
Sarah: “Wait a minute, I thought the greedy executives were
exactly the profile of the Incunabula. Why would they lock down on
their own turf?”
Dr. Neruda: “The Incunabula leadership is not
comprised of greedy executives. It is made up of anonymous
individuals. They are not sitting on corporate boards. They are not
the Bill Gates of corporate America, nor are they the Bluebloods of
European royalty. They are anonymous, and through their anonymity
they wield great power. They are the strategists of the triad of
power who plot and plan at such a level as to make corporate
executives and politicians seem like preschoolers fumbling to hold a
Sarah: “So if you gave me a name of the leader of
Incunabula, I couldn’t look him up. He doesn’t exist?”
Dr. Neruda: “That’s correct.”
Sarah: “So these people are not really very different from
those of you within the ACIO.”
Dr. Neruda: “They are very different. They produce
globalization and uniform economic and political platforms, while we
produce breakthrough technologies. They practice hegemony, while we
practice science.”
Sarah: “I didn’t mean to offend you… I thought you said earlier
the Incunabula used White Papers and think tanks to
promote its vision for the future.”
Dr. Neruda: “No, it is the Military Force that does this.
The Incunabula is multi-tiered, as I’ve said before. It
produces ideas and frameworks that produce the right conditions for
the think tanks and other forces of the elite power base to exert
influence. It is a very complicated process. If you would like me to
go into it, I will.”
Sarah: “No, I sort of interrupted you. You were talking about
the Incunabula’s plan.”
Dr. Neruda: “They desire a paperless currency coupled to a
global leadership, and to carry this out they require a
restructuring – or perhaps more precisely, a complete reengineering
of resource and power sharing.”
Sarah: “Can you elaborate on this a bit?”
Dr. Neruda: “The plan requires new leadership in the Arab
states. There is general concern that the Arab states will
consolidate much like Europe is in the process of doing, and new
superpowers will be created out of this consolidation. Multiple
superpowers make consolidation of the global economic platform a
thorny proposition.
“Because of its natural aggression as a superpower, the United States
is the spearhead of the Incunabula to usher in the
required changes of their plan. It will be positioned to exert a
strong military and cultural presence in the Middle East and Asia.
Partly for oil considerations and partly for the purpose of
gradually westernizing the indigenous cultures.”
Sarah: “Hold on a second. Our military bases are as much for
the protection of our allies as for ourselves, and as for culture,
we may export our movies and pop stars, but other countries are just
as eager to be trend setters in the culture game.”
Dr. Neruda: “There’s a difference. The U.S. protects and
defends because it can establish military bases in those regions
after it is done defending. Agreements are made – sometimes without
the public’s knowledge – to have military bases and protective
forces therein for domestic peace issues and normalization. The U.S.
has over 170 military bases on foreign soil. This number will
continue to grow as dictated by this plan.
“In regard to the export of culture, yes, you are right, the U.S. is
not alone in this, but it leads the way through its capitalistic
leverage of pop culture. No one does this as well as American
corporations. They have set the world standard for monetizing
content and brands. Other countries mimic this standard and add
their weight. Collectively, the culture of capitalism reaches the
Arab nations, China, North Korea, Southeast Asia, and the people of
these countries – especially the new generations – are seduced by
its allure.”
Sarah: “I can’t help but get the impression that you’re not
very patriotic.”
Dr. Neruda: “The plan I share with you is rooted in the success
of the United States to secure unilateral superpower status by the
turn of the century. The U.S. will, as a result, be required to
assert itself because there will be many challengers and
discreditors. However, in this process, it will increase its
worldwide presence as the leader of the free world. This is the goal
that many throughout the world hold dear to their heart, whether
they voice this sentiment or not.
“I don’t hold any grudge against the U.S. for this assertion. Any
nation would do the same thing if given the opportunity. The United
States is relentlessly aggressive in all the important dimensions:
military, culture, capitalism, applied technology, foreign policy,
space, economic policy, and intelligentsia, to name the most
critical areas.
“In Nature, the alpha male dominates through strength, cunning, and
aggression. It is no different in the world of humans and statehood.
The alpha male also has a responsibility for protection and
sustenance. And the Incunabula planners selected the
U.S. as being the most suitable country to lead the pack of other
nations to the global platforms it has designed and is readying.”
Sarah: “Okay, it sort of makes sense, what you’re saying, but
the Incunabula wants the U.S. to lead the world to a global
community of free, democratic states with a global culture based on
capitalism. How do they know the free world will elect them to
govern them?”
Dr. Neruda: “They don’t. There are, as I’ve said many times
here tonight, no guarantees. All I can say is that they don’t
miscalculate very often, and when they do, they adjust to the
changes presented them. Again, the planners of the Incunabula,
the real architects behind these events, are not interested in being
the leaders of earth in terms of visibility. They want to appoint
the leadership while giving the world a sense of choice.”