Part a

The seal that we have on the American dollar bill is an occult seal of an occult society, pursuing an occult agenda. Most are not aware of that now, however, we are hopeful that many of the people of our country will become aware of it soon. We are optimistic that books like Fire in the Minds of Men will help make the general population aware of the occult forces that are mooing their government and their lives.

It is not our purpose to spend too much time on this particular order of Freemasonry, or the Illuminati. But we do want to spend enough time so that you understand how it worked, what its purposes were and how it affects the world societies, because it is still with us today. It has taken on different forms, in different countries, but is still basically the secret ruling power in the world today.

Now, perhaps, some of you are aware of this material that we are discussing right now, and maybe you are not. But, to show that this is not just our understanding of things, we have gone as far back as the founding of the United States. We have some comments from George Washington, which we are going to share with you here. The following is an article from the Grand Jury of the State of Pennsylvania, published in the 1800's, dealing with Freemasonry and the Illuminati, and the problems they were confronting in the State of Pennsylvania.

As we said, George Washington mentioned the Illuminati, and I mentioned the Illuminati before in this book, in relation to the democratic societies that were being founded in the United States. The Democratic Party today is an outgrowth of what we call the democratic societies of Europe. The democratic societies, on the surface, sound good. But when one looks further into what democracy means and how it actually works, it does not seem to function too well. And, there's a reason.

Let me first give you an example.


In the Eleventh Report, State Investigations Committee on Education, published in 1953 by the California State Senate, it talks about the Illuminati. If you go out and search for it, a copy can be obtained for your further investigation. In dealing with the subject of Communism and secret societies of Communism in 1953, on page 168, we will demonstrate further how important it is that you should know about, as well as study this document. It says,

Since many intelligent persons, even those in high official positions do not appear to have acquainted themselves with the real nature and seriousness of Communism, it is perhaps appropriate to briefly provide you with some really informative, authentic data concerning it. Communism and Russia are by no means synonymous. Russia merely occupies the unfortunate position of being Communism's first victim.


Communism is synonymous with world revolution and seeks the destruction of all nations, the abolition of patriotism, religion, marriage, family, private property and all political and civil liberties, concerned with the establishment of a worldwide dictatorship of the so-called proletariat, which is, in fact, an autocratic self-constituted dictatorship by a small group of self-perpetuating revolutionaries....

A bit later on page 169, the document goes on to say, So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical and deadly world conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the secret order of Illuminati in Bavaria in May 1, 1776, and that raised its hoary head here in our colonies at critical periods before the adoption of our Federal Constitution.


The world revolution conspiracy appears to have been so well organized, and ever continuing to be ever on the alert to take advantage of every opportunity presenting itself, or that the conspirators could create. It is significant in this connection that as early as 1783, when unsettled conditions and dissatisfaction in some quarters had arisen in the American colonies, subversive anonymous sermons were circulated among the colonial army to incite dissatisfaction and rebellion.


George Washington immediately called the army together and in addressing them used this significant language, remembering that this is 1783.


George Washington, when addressing the army, states,

"My God, what can this writer have in view by recommending such measures? Can he be a friend to the army? Can he be a friend of this country? Rather, is he not an insidious foe; some emissary, perhaps, from New York...."

Then in the next paragraph, the California State Senate report continues, is plain that George Washington believed that the then center of this secret conspiracy, so far as this country was concerned, was to be located in the city of New York....

We now know that there has been some sort of a manipulation of our government, our money, our institutions, and our lives, by our government. But what we don't realize is that there is a covert agenda. There is a method to the "madness."

We want to concertedly look into these secret movements of the world and understand how they affect us and our private lives. Now, we may not think they affect us on our private level, but they do.


They affect your children in school, they affect what your children learn, they affect what you learn from daily and nightly television. There have been many movies discussing this publicly. Even George Washington in his personal letters mentions the Illuminati and Freemasonry. George Washington himself was a Freemason.

In response to a letter sent to George Washington in 1798, warning him about a Masonic movement operating in America, and this particular Masonic movement referred to as the Illuminati, George Washington responded in a letter to the person saying:

It was not my intention to doubt that the doctrines of the Illuminati, the principles of Jacobinism, had not spread into the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of that fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey was that I did not believe that the lodges of Freemasonry in this country, as societies, have endeavored to promulgate the diabolical tenets of the pernicious principles of the latter, if they are susceptible to separation, but, that individuals of them may have done it, or that the founder, or instrument founded, or the instrument employed to found the democratic societies in the United States may have had these objects in mind, and actually had the separation of the people from their government in view, is too evident to question.

What George Washington was saying was the mere fact that someone had charged that the Illuminati was operating in America.


George Washington said,

"On the contrary, no one is more satisfied with that fact, than I am."

And then he proceeded to say that he did not believe that all Freemasons were involved in this plot, but that the founders of the democratic society in America, the Democratic Party, as we call it today in America, had the object in mind of the Illuminati's projects.

"And the Democratic Party," George Washington said, "had the separation of the people from their government in view. It is too evident to be questioned."

That may explain why today, in a democratic country like America, when the people make certain demands on the government, they experience no response. The people want this, the government doesn't respond. The people demand that, the government doesn't respond, because the whole concept of the democratic process in America was purposely contrived to divide the people from their government, so that the people could be out there working hard every day, taking care of their lives, feeding their children, and sending their politicians to Washington to look out for them.


When the politicians got there, they were already members of certain fraternal organizations and all government was already taken care of, so that the people had nothing to say about anything. And, that's the point we're trying to make, that when you send politicians to Washington, DC, they might just as well stay home, because the rhyme and reason of government has already been decided by secret societies and fraternal orders that you don't know anything about.

In our discussion of the Illuminati we want to also, when talking about the dollar bill, and the symbol on the back of the dollar bill, share with you a pertinent accounting from the Congressional Report, published by the Congress of the United States.


This report talks about integral steps toward a British Union, a world state, leading to international strife. International strife is very much connected with a world state, and British Union. As we revealed before, Britain is referred to as God's Kingdom, the United Kingdom. International strife, which is happening throughout the world, is part and parcel of preparing the world for God's United Kingdom, and America is playing its critical part.

God's Kingdom is, of course, coming through Britain and America. England has been chosen to sit on Jehovah's "ruling throne" until Jesus returns (according to their rules of royalty), which provides the world with a convenient racist philosophy. As I often mention, that provides the basis for racism in the world today. And then, we wonder in this country why the rest of the world doesn't seem to care for America very much.

There is a lot that we should know about concerning the symbols on the dollar bill. Let me go through another Congressional Report, published back in 1940.


It says on page 13:

Let me call to your attention the fact that on the reverse of the great seal of the United States, which appears on our dollar bills, you will find the exact symbol of the British/Israel World Federation. This symbol is also carried on the literature of other organizations promoting a world government, and a world religion. At the bottom of the circle surrounding the pyramid you will find the wording Novus Ordo Seclorum. It was this new order that was advocated by Clinton Roosevelt several hundred years ago, and recently from Philip Drew, and now followed by the Executive.

We understand now that the whole concept of a new world order is a revolutionary idea developed out of Freemasonry. I want to go back to the Introduction in the book, Fire in the Minds of Men, and lay the foundation for something I think you are going to find very interesting. Again, on page 6, we quote, from the Introduction:

A recurrent mythic model for revolutionaries early romantics, the young Marx, the Russians of Lenin's time was Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods for the use of mankind. The Promethean faith of revolutionaries resembled in many respects the general modern belief that science would lead men out of darkness and into light.

It is interesting that in New York City, the Empire State, in Rockefeller Plaza, at the very entrance to Rockefeller Plaza is an enormous statue of Prometheus. How appropriate, and when one understands how the Soviet Communist Party was financed, organized, and directed out of New York, then it will not be any great mystery as to why in front of Rockefeller Plaza we have the figure of this Titan God, Prometheus.


James Billington explains in his book, Fire in the Minds of Men, that that is a symbol of the world revolutionaries. Then it goes on to say in the Introduction, that there was a Millennium coming. A New World Order, a Millennium. A thousand year reign.


From Fire in the Minds of Men it says:

But there was also the more pointed, millennial assumption that, on the new day that was dawning, the sun would never set. Early during the French upheaval was born a "solar myth of the revolution," suggesting that the sun was rising on a new era in which darkness would vanish forever.

This whole idea of the Sun rising on a new era, a new dawn, is the Millennial assumption.


We can see this openly being used today by our former President, George Bush, in such newspaper clippings identified as The New World Order, and that the world is now being formed into a New World Order. We want to talk about that, and what it means for you. The newspapers play a big part in telling us only what those in power want us to hear.


You thought this was only a communist idea or concept?


Think again.

We are grateful to The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years.


But, the work is now much more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries.
David Rockefeller,

founder of the Trilateral Commission, in an address to a meeting of The Trilateral Commission, in June, 1991.

Control of America's newspapers goes back to the beginnings of the industrial age, when vested interests with large sums of cash moved in.

In March, 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, shipbuilding, and powder interest, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world and employed them to select the most influential newspapers in the United States and sufficient number of them to control generally the policy of the daily press....


They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatest papers. An agreement was reached; the policy of the papers was bought, to be paid for by the month; an editor was furnished for each paper to properly supervise and edit information regarding the questions of preparedness, militarism, financial policies, and other things of national and international nature considered vital to the interests of the purchasers.
—U.S. Congressman Oscar Callawayx, 1917

The point is, what we are being told is controlled. Controlled information.


And the New world Order idea is now starting to be presented to us. As a matter of fact, reported previously in the daily newspaper, during early 1992, Bush urged us to enter the Gulf War crisis.


Beneath it, it says he sees the Gulf as a test of the New World Order. That same "New World Order" is on the back of the dollar bill, it's plainly written on the bottom of the pyramid that's on the dollar bill. That's an interesting concept, and it's one that you should know about, because what went on in the Middle East Gulf War was part and parcel of a Freemasonic movement.

Freemasonry has made arrangements to organize and direct financial control for different segments of society in our country and throughout the world. They have realized that in this country black movements are moving within mainstream America, therefore, the need arises for black leaders to be able to fall in line, to go along, to get along.


Some of the black Freemasons that have finally been accepted into the order, for instance, are:

  • Jesse Jackson

  • Andrew Young, Mayor of Atlanta

  • Kenneth Gibson, three-time Mayor of the City of Newark, New Jersey

  • the late Harold Washington, the Mayor of Chicago

  • State Senator, Julian Bond

  • Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall

  • Marion Barry, Mayor of District of Columbia.

The five "circles" of Freemasonic friendship:

In addition to five certain countries (Italy, France, Germany, England and America),

this symbol is more recently said to represent the continents of the earth.

We see that Freemasonry uses all races to accomplish its objectives.

In Freemasonry in Europe the groups were called circles. The circles were called friends. There were five circle of friends, America being one of them. Italy, France, Germany, England, and America are the five circles of friends. They were called in European Freemasonry, the Olympiads, so that today the Olympiad Organization's symbol is five circles, the five Masonic circles of friends.


Of course, the Audi automobile has only four circles, because America's not included in that project.

Only four circles?

Of course, America is not included in this project.


The circles were, to be sure, the circle of friends within the Masonic league. The torch, of course, the Olympic torch, is the torch of Prometheus, the God who stole fire for the service of man. And, again, as we said, in New York in front of Rockefeller Plaza you will see the statue of Prometheus, holding in his hand aflame, the torch, the fire of revolution.


The dime, of course, on the Mercury head dime, unscripted on the back of the dime you will find the torch of illumination. It's still there today. The modern American dime has the torch of illumination. The Statue of Liberty has the torch. Of course, on all universities and colleges we find in their symbols and emblems that they have the torches, symbolically standing for illumination of the Illuminati.


As a matter of fact, when you are a graduate from a university you become an Alumni, which is taken from, obviously, Aluminati, Illuminati. Emphasizing that you become illuminated when you go to a university.

The torch is also used in the Amoco Oil logo. It is found many, many places.


Chevrolet, in 18 its Saffron Division of General Motors, is putting out its illuminum car, not aluminum, but an "illumined" car from the Illuminati. Then when you go to college and a university, or even when you graduate from high school you come out processionally with a black robe, which is black for Saffron, the God of the Hebrews, requiring that you wear the square mortarboard on top of your head.


The square mortarboards are, of course, used by the Freemasons for their plaster, so that is why you wear a square mortarboard when you graduate, ultimately becoming an Alumni.


It all has to do with Freemasonry, it all has to do with the control of education in this country, the control of our religious thinking, our government, our money, our lives, everything.


Your corner drugstore is influenced by Freemasonry, secret societies, occult orders, and politics of the scientific kind.

Our founding fathers are probably turning over in their graves as they see what has happened to us, and how we have been deflected from our purpose and our mission in the world, to ultimately become nothing but pawns in the game.


Our liberty is threatened. Look at the liberty bell, the symbol of liberty. An equal identical bell was found, with the same crack, in Moscow. It's a very famous liberty bell, with the same crack.


It has becomes known as a symbol, the symbol of the Brotherhood of the Bell, Bell, being Bel, the ancient God in the Mesopotamian Valley, being the one that we call Beelzebub, or Yahweh.

There are way too many symbols, just too many things going on in our world that we are not aware of in this busy time in which we live. That incidentally, as I mentioned before, provides the basis for racism in the world today. Let us propose that it is high time we take time to look around us and see the emblems of power, see the emblems and seals of our government.


Look at the dollar bill, instead of trying to earn one. Just look at one for a change, look on the front at the Masonic emblems on it, look on the back for the Masonic emblems there. Ask yourself why it is that our country operates the way it does and is there a rhyme or reason as to the way things happen.

One should understand that General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and all the other companies in the industrialized world have a specific agenda. They don't just wake up every morning and decide what they are going to do. Large, very large international corporations have to make plans for tomorrow, for next week, for next year.


When you have hundreds of thousands of people on a payroll, you can't afford to wait to the last minute to decide what you are going to do. The ship of state is far too large to turn around, just overnight.


It's like a giant ocean liner.


The ship of state is a very large vessel. You have to make plans for it, you have to direct the people. You have to concentrate your power, you have to concentrate the people's attention on certain things, in order to get them to go in the direction for which you want them to participate. We are a very large and powerful people in America, so our masters have to direct our thinking for us and prepare us in advance for their designated plans, for their hidden agendas.

And, of course, like docile sheep we just go along to get along, because we don't know anymore about it than what we see on television. It's about time that we look into this enigmatic world that we live in and examine who we are, why we are doing what we are doing, and notice just where we are going.

That's the purpose of what we are trying to do.


As we said before, we are not trying to explain everything in detail, because we simply couldn't in this short publication. But, we are trying to make you aware that there is an enormous world of material out there that you should be concerned with and know about, and it is our purpose to provide you with that material.


You will find that the many things which we have invest world, are just fascinating.

When we remember that Abraham Lincoln was the first President to break all diplomatic ties with the Vatican, in the 1860's, we become even more aware. Diplomatic ties continued broken with the United States until the coming of President Ronald Reagan.


he reestablished full diplomatic ties with the Vatican, the first President, since Lincoln, to do so. Reagan's next official act was to travel to Europe, at least three times, to meet in private with the Pope. We were not told what was discussed.


Later, the Pope was a host to other summit meetings. And then, of course, Ronald Reagan traveled to Europe to visit the war dead, or so we are told. he ended up at Bitsburg Cemetery, the burial spot for the Nazi SS Officers. We have to wonder what was going on.


Did Ronald Reagan not know he was going to a Nazi burial spot? Of course he did, he's not a fool.


There are no such things as mistakes made by presidents. What they do and where they go is always well planned and done for a reason.

When we see things happening on the world scene, and we say the President made a mistake, the government made a mistake, you have to know that a government the size of the United States doesn't make mistakes. They are well calculated moves. They know what they are doing, and often times have a hidden agenda that they simply cannot make public.


You would be amazed as to how often this happens.


They have an idea, a purpose, so they don't make mistakes. Ronald Reagan's going to Bitsburg was purposely contrived. It signaled something to secret societies. The Gulf crisis, in the early 1990s, was just another calculated planning the scheme of world agendas. There are many innuendoes, and things that are being said, which lead one to understand that there is more going on in the Middle East than what we were told about, and as we said before, it has little to nothing to do with oil, little to nothing to do with a threat against this country, because the bottom line is that this country has very little it can be threatened with.


Threats certainly do exist, but not to the degree that one would think.

There are some interesting books out there which show many Freemasonic connections to our societies, religions, and political leaders, including connections 20 between the Order of Malta with the Pope and Rome, and the Freemasonic double headed eagle with England.


England and Rome use Freemasonic symbols at the highest religious levels, elements in relation to Christianity or should I say Jehovah Witness's brand of Christianity.


We have such books as Christian by Degrees, Masonic Revealed in the Light and the Faith of Jehovah, Testament for a New World, The Seven Books Containing a Sense of Spiritual Wisdom, given to us by the Knights Templar.


Therein, the Table of Contents reveals a Book of Jehovah and the book of Jehovah's Kingdom on Earth, with the Knights emblem. We see that Jehovah's Kingdom on Earth is no more than a Masonic Kingdom, like the British United Kingdom.


Jehovah Witnesses, along with the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists and, as we said, all the other York Rite Masonic cults in America, are consistently spreading.


They are the shock troops, so to speak, for Freemasonry, who spread the message for the kingdom to the rest of us in this nation to accept their Masonic Kingdom. They, unbeknownst to themselves, are the forerunners for a New World Order. However, unfortunately, they have no idea in this world, just what is coming. They have been duped, and the yare too proud and arrogant to understand that duplicity.

We studied a book called the Teachings of Freemasonry, and on the book's cover we found the Jewish Star of David, because, in fact, Freemasonry is heavily Jewish. Freemasonry has always known that its greatest enemy in Western Civilization is Rome. That's why there has always been this animosity between the Catholic Church and Judaism.


There has always been this animosity between the Catholic Church and Judaism. For centuries, the Jews have been persecuted in the Old Country, in Europe, and there still remains that animosity between Judaism and the Catholic movement today, but not because of religion, but because of the secret societies that operate behind the scenes of both of those organizations.

You might be interested to know that the Pope's headdress, the Papal headdress, actually goes back to an ancient Jewish headdress. And, of course, the Pope wears the yurmulke, and the highly ordained Catholic Cardinals wear the yurmulke. But, notice in particular, that the Pope and clergy wear a headdress that is Freemasonic.


The breastplate and/or apron are also frequently associated with freemasonry.


We have other Masonic garb showing that when we see the Pope and we see the priest, we now know that when we see other religious movements throughout the world, their garb it's all representative of Freemasonry.

I think some of those now among us that are concerned with the race issue throughout the world might be interested to know that there is another Freemasonic brotherhood of power, which is presented as an expose of the secret Afrikaner Brotherhood. So when we see what is happening in South Africa, it is no great wonder that South Africa's greatest friend is Israel.

There is a famous song from the 1960's, entitled, Does Anyone Know What Time It Is? We respectfully submit that it is time to wake up and face the most serious problems that we face as a free society. It is high time, like the owl, that we see things that have been kept in the dark from us.


This will not be difficult, because the truth has been hiding in plain view all along.

In the Congress resides the American symbols of power, known in the dictionary as the fasces. The fasces itself is nothing more than an ancient symbol, of an ancient priesthood, from an ancient world. The ax explains why, in the Second World War, the powers of Hitler were called the Axis Powers.


The fasces was used by the Priesthood of the Ax in the ancient world and by Adolph Hitler, General Franco, and Mussolini, and many other underworld fascist movements, likened to Mafia-style organizations, commonly understood to be called the "Untouchables."

As I said previously, and as even Time Magazine has obviously had to admit, our leaders are the best that money can buy. They have sold you out to a hidden agenda covertly kept behind the scenes from a long time ago. Now, you have just seen the faint outline.


In the past, we have tried to enlighten your mind to a subject that has not been adequately dealt with, and that is the secret societies and subversive movements that are restructuring our world, by using all sorts of guises and excuses for their subterfusive profiles. Everything from the Jehovah Witnesses, to the Mormons, with their Zion National Park, and the New World Order, the racist philosophies that pervade the Western World.


It has imminently become an idea whose time has come to speak of these subjects.

We have adequate documentation for the revelations exposed in this book, if you would like to inquire further for corroboration of this mountain of evidence. It is obvious that such a vastly controlled volume of research cannot be adequately covered in this modest edition. We do sincerely hope that we can present some of these broader concepts and ideas that could be fresh and new for you to explore.


We at least want to impress on you this thought.

This country was based on the premise that individual citizens have a right to know the truth, as well as the right to understand and to expect from our leaders to exemplify the truth.


We haven't received the truth from our leaders, and it now appears conclusive that we are not going to be guaranteed that unalienable right as American citizens. They have their own agenda, and their own ideas about what they are going to do to continue this world control and domination, and it apparently doesn't include the opinions of you, me, or our next door neighbors.


All that you are expected to do is work hard and pay your taxes, be a capital product for their controlled system, and not ever ask any questions! I think it is now high time that our country does ask questions of its leaders its "misleaders." As I have stated before, we have the best religious and political leaders that money can buy.


It is definitely time we begin to look at these subjects very deeply.

Churches, almost all churches that you will go to have a pointed arch, the stained windows, or the pointed doors. Now, the pointed arch is because of the female, that's the female womb. That is why for a couple of thousand years now, Christian priests have always been officiating.


They have always been in charge, after walking through those doors, and they don't want women priests because it doesn't look right for a women to be "in" a women.


It has to do with sex, and that's why the pointed door on the church has to do with the pointed arch of the female. And, the man is said to be dominating, or ruling over, commanding the pointed arch. he enters into the pointed arch, and at that time is referred to in the ancient Hebrew as the holy of holies.


The holy of holies was always considered to be the womb, the holy arch, and that's where life comes from, and that's as close to God as you are going to get.


Therefore, the sex act was considered to be the closest way that man and woman could get to God. It doesn't have a thing to do with being holy, it has to do with life and the female womb.

The priest wears the long black robe, because he is wearing the garb of the woman, the long black robe of the female.

It was always considered, from ancient times, that all Divine wisdom was in the women, the female. She was called Sophia, which meant wisdom to the Greeks. Another female word is nun. In Hebrew the word nun is for fish, and there were people in the Bible like Joshua, the son of nun, and also Jesus, son of the fish.


So there were men connected with this nun/fish meaning in the Bible.


In many cases, Yahweh, or Jehovah, was an hermaphrodite — the God of the Hebrews was both male and female. That's what the Hebrew word for the Tetragrammaton implied, that's why the Bible says that God made man in his own image, "made he male and female," because God was male and female.

The seven candle lamp stand was the seven lights of the ancient world.


A candle is a light.

Churches traditionally have an arched entryway,

representing the female, which the priest enters into.

It is not a big light, but a little light, that is why you had seven lights in the heavens. The seven polestars, the seven great Gods of the ancient world, in the heavens. Today we hear that God is love, but God is not "Jove." Somewhere along the line the "J" got changed to "L," now God is Love. Originally, God was Jove.


Our system of numbering in America goes to ten and stops, because ten is the holy number. The holy number in ancient Egyptian, the number of God, was IO. The letter I, and the letter O. Today we have 10 the number ten, which is the highest unit you can go to, so it has nothing to do with God, it has to do with Egypt.

Our culture and our country today has its connections with England. England's royal family comes from the original Egyptian divinities, which were Isis, Osiris, and Horus. Those three divinities were called the holy family, or the royal family, and of course, today, we have the royal family in England. Believe it or not, that's where their royalty comes from black Africa but we don't talk about that publicly because we don't want to bring this subject up.


That royal family in England gets their lineage, and there so-called royalty from actual divinities in Egypt. When you strip it all down, you are going to find out that there is nothing royal about England. I love England, and I love the English people, I am just telling you what my investigation has revealed through years of study, from books, and other academic sources.

The words British, in Hebrew, mean a contract, or writ, a holy writ. So the word for Brit is contract, or covenant. And the word in Hebrew for man is ish; therefore British is the covenant man, or holy man. That is where we get the idea that the King of England is so holy, because he is Brit ish, or a "holy man." But that is Hebrew.


Then when you find out where this whole idea of the holiness came from, and believe me, this is considered a very serious thing, because the King of England is considered to be one of the holiest men in the world. When you understand, then there is something that you will want to watch.


And that is when Prince Charles or Andrew or whoever is crowned King, the Archbishop of Canterbury will read his initiation rites to the King, to the young man, and he will recite his rites back.


When he is given those initiation rites to be King, listen to the words that the Archbishop of Canterbury says to that new King.


he is saying something, and I am paraphrasing, something to the effect that,

"you are accepting this position as the King of England for Jehovah. You are sitting on the throne of David. And this is Jehovah's throne, God's kingdom, therefore, you are the Messiah over the United Kingdom God's united kingdom."

Now, to truly understand God's "united kingdom," (and we're talking about the Kingdom of God), we must go back to Egypt. Now, we have some serious problems here.

The United States government is being ruled from the "White House," the government of England is being ruled from what is called "Whitehall," and Whitehall, like our White House, is the symbol of power because the hall is like the Masonic hall, the lodge hall, the union hall.


For Jehovah's Witnesses it is the Kingdom Hall, and it is the Kingdom because Jehovah's Witnesses, like their Mormon brothers, the Seventh Day Adventist, Christadelphians, World Wide Church of God, all of those groups are British Israelite Masonic cults.


Organized, directed and financed by 26 Freemasons of the York Rite class. Freemasonry gave birth to the Mormon Church, Seventh Day Adventist, Christadelphians, Jehovah's Witnesses, and a host of other cults and groups which can be considered to be British Israel Masonic cults, who are going about telling everyone that there is going to be a new kingdom and a New World Order, and that white folks are going to rule the world.


That's why the blacks are not looked upon very highly in the Mormon Church, or anywhere else in America, because this is a white man's country. It has to do with where we come from in England, and with God's kingdom and the United Kingdom, and the kingdom that is coming is going to be ruled by white men.

This is the ideology coming through the New World Order, coming through the secret societies, taking from the ancient religions and implementing their diabolical agendas, through the secret societies, through the various religious sects. The shock troupes, and the people who are introduced to the Masonic Order, the religious groups are given the out of cover of Jesus, and the wonderful story.


What you don't know is that this is just a story that is actually being used to dupe and distract you from the truth. The whole New World Order agenda is being used as a front for a very sinister movement in the world, for world domination. It doesn't have a thing to do with anything holy, it has to do with politics.

There are some very powerful families fighting to see who is going to own you, that's about what it amounts to, who is going to own you and your families. There is violent philosophy in Rome, as they want to continue their world domination from the old world, in opposition to the New World Order.


We have New York, the Empire State (like the Roman Empire), and the United Nations is based in New York.


Freemasonry, once it is totally disassembled, and you look at all the parts, is nothing more than eclectic Judaism. It is a form of Judaism, it is not Judaism at all, but a form of Judaism that using Judaic symbols and emblems. So, it is not actually Jewish, but is based on the old cabalistic Jewish system.

Again, I want to overemphasize here, that I am not talking about the regular, normal Freemasonry here please keep this upper most in your mind all the Masons I know are fine people. I am not talking about the Masons that you live next door to. I am talking about a very secret occult society that rules this world from behind the scenes. And, as I have said many times before, don't look at the Mafia for being evil.


You had better look at the real criminals, the real criminals are the ones you are never going to see. You are never going to see them, hear them, or have anything to do with them directly. They are so deeply embedded in the ancient world, and in the modern day world you will never know who they are. You can get a taste of that from the movie JFK, but that doesn't even begin to tell the story.


Many conflicts going on today in the Middle East have to do with the Masonic Order, as King Hussein of Jordan is heavily into the Masonic Order.


One of the groups is called the Cedars of Lebanon. It is a Masonic group. We have a hospital in Los Angeles called the Cedars of Lebanon. In the Middle East there is a secret society called the Cedars of Lebanon. It has nothing to do with those pretty trees, it has to do with a secret group of men called the Cedars of Lebanon (?).

Somebody is using us. The business of banking was set up in the year 1099. An income tax form is a 1099. Who decided on that? Think about it.

What can we do about this?

William Randolph Hearst, the American newspaper publisher, said,

"Any man who has the brains to think, and the nerve to act for the benefit of the country, is always considered a radical by those who are content with stagnation and willing to endure their own disaster."

I am not willing to endure my own disaster. The things that are going down, like AIDS being a blood born disease, the blessing in your blood, is the ideology from ancient times.


In 1953, in the Fall, Norman Dodd was Director for the Reese Committee.


The Reese Committee was set up to investigate the foundations, those fine admirable foundations, like the Rockefeller Foundation and the Warburg Foundation, and all those back East foundations, with their hundreds of millions of dollars that we don't know anything about.


According to the record, a man name Rowan Gaither, who was the President of the Ford Foundation, met with Norman Dodd and told him this.

"Mr. Dodd, all of us at the policy making level have had experience in the OSS or with the European Economic Administration, with directives from the White House. We operate here today under those directives from the White House."


When he was asked by Mr. Dodd, "What directives have you been operating under?"


President Gaither replied, "The substance of those directives as foundations, were that we shall use our grant making powers to so alter our United States so that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union in the near future."

Is there something going on here that we don't know about, in this New World Order?

I would like to advise the reader to understand what we are not doing. We are not trying to put down anyone's faith, or religion, what we are trying to do is get to the bottom of what we are dealing with in the world today. If whatever we believe is not true, then we had better find out and get to the bottom line, because we are all on this planet together, and if we are part of something that isn't true, it would behoove us to find out about it now.


That is what I am hoping to be able to accomplish.

In 1959 I began a study of religio-political philosophy, which turned into a lifetime of investigative research into this subject. When I was just a little kid a member of my family was a part of the team at the Vatican in the Vatican's Secretary of State Office. And, on occasion, when he would come to the United States to visit our family he would sit and talk for hours about all of the intrigue going on concerning world affairs of state.


So, as a little kid I was hearing this kind of material about the fascinating subjects related to secret societies and fraternal orders.

I know a lot of people don't know very much about the Vatican, The Vatican is a country unto itself. A very powerful country, politically speaking. Heads of State from all over the world come to the Vatican to pay homage to the Papacy. The Papacy plays a very, very important role in international politics and it has always been able to demonstrate this immense power in world affairs.


However, what is most interesting, is that a new development has been emerging that concerns an occult Freemasonic order, operating under the name of P-2, or Propaganda Due.


It is made up of some of the most profoundly significant, right wing, fascist, Freemasonic figures in all of Europe. This is actually true, because the man who was the Grand Master of this Masonic order (P-2), Licio Gelli, was invited by Ronald Reagan's Presidential campaign to appear at his inauguration.


There are pictures of Ronald Reagan with Licio Gelli.


Gelli supported the fascist Mussolini in World War II, then was forced to flee to Argentina, where he supported dictator Juan Peron. Gelli finally returned to Italy in the 1960s and that is when he joined the Grande Oriente, as it was known in Italy, meaning the Masonic Order of Freemasonry. With the support of the Grande Oriente, Gelli was cleared for the his war crimes that he'd been charged with.


Gelli, as Grand Master of P-2, made it the most violent and powerful secret political organization in Italy. A former U.S. intelligence officer who became involved with the group called P-2 "a state within a state." Much like the Vatican. There are clearly "political ties" between these organizations and world governments as evidenced by Gelli and Reagan. We don't normally see them on the surface.


Europe is a very small world and so is America. There are many important connections between Europe and America, but they are often hidden, below the surface. I know. I grew up listening to it among private family members.

Let me explain something that you might find quite interesting. We're hearing a lot about this New World Order that former President George Bush originally kept talking about. Europe was the "Old World" and America, of course, after it was discovered, was known as the "New World."


In the "Old World," Europe was dominated by the Vatican. The Vatican dominated Europe and Europe dominated the world.


It was said that the power behind the Vatican was an order of Freemasonry and believe me, the more one looks into it, the more truth to this fact emerges. It was an occult order of Freemasonry operating from behind the scenes, and thereby exercising influence over European politics. Now, that was an old order, like the Masonic Order, or an order of priesthood. It was commonly known as a fraternal order.


This group, this very small group of people actually "ran the show."


Yes, from behind the scenes, with the Vatican out in front as the front organization. The Vatican representing religion would be untouchable. And, of course you wouldn't want to do anything to harm or interfere with God's will.

The power behind the Vatican throne for the past fifteen or sixteen hundred years has been referred to in circles as the "Old World Order." It was the "Order" of the "Old World." Then, when the United States was discovered we've become know as the "New World." And, therefore there are now religio-political fraternal orders which dominate our country. And through us, dominate the world.

And, that is a "New World Order." So, when we hear the word "order," they are talking about a fraternal order, like an order of priesthood, or a Masonic Order.


This "New World Order" is operating out of our country.

What you have to remember too, when you say religio-political movement, there has never been a religious movement, throughout the world, that didn't have a little politics involved in it. There has never been a political movement that wasn't a little bit religious. As a matter of fact, at one time in the ancient world, government was religion. And religion was government.


Today, in our modern world we are not really aware of that. We naively think that things have always been the way they are in the United States. But, this is not so. There is a profound connection between religion and politics, even in our country. We ostensibly say that we on the outside of these powerful organizations, believe that there is a separation of church and state. The American armed forces hire Chaplains. They become officers in the military. Therefore, they are paid religious leaders to represent God for the government.


You have to remember that when you get married, you don't go before God for your marriage. You go before the State and you get a license, before you can talk to God about marriage. And, if your marriage doesn't work out, you don't go to God and talk to him about it, you go to the courts, because that's where the real power is contained.

To draw the point out again, that there is a connection between church and state, just think about the church arena. Inside of the church is just like inside a courtroom.

Symbols are like letters of an alphabet. You put them together and they spell a word, and you put enough of them together and you've got the story. Today, we have the symbol of ARCO, which is the Masonic square, which goes back to Jason and the ARCO-naughts (argonauts). These symbols are images that we may not know the full story about.


But, look at these emblems in the oil companies, on cigarette packages, and on food items, and automobile emblems; they are all classic examples.

It has been said that the emblems and symbols dwell deep within the collective unconscious. So, this is not just a coincidence that they happen to be religious, and they also happen to be political. They are also used in advertising campaigns. Everybody is using the same symbols. There are only a finite number of symbols that make any sense, so everybody is going to use them.

Governmental politics is actually a business, a business that has been around a very long time. America is big business, originally founded as a business corporation. The original thirteen colonies were not called colonies. They were called companies. That's why in corporate law every corporation must have a president and a vice president. And, we have a president and a vice president of our corporation our country. This county, the United States of America is a business.


Or, at least it was, as even the U.S. business can show a loss, or whatever. So, there is much chicanery going on both in politics and religion. When you have a financial loss, just remember that there is just so much money out there out in the world. And, if somebody is losing it, that means it is going somewhere.


Therefore, someone is making it.


When you see a big stock market crash and everyone loses their money, then somebody else just made a lot of money. Really all that amounts to is that this huge amount of money just changed hands. That is what is happening today.


Our country is in bad economic straits because somebody is hoarding all the money.

I have an opinion as to who hoards all the money, but I am not going to express it here. I don't feel I have to do that. I think we all understand the Golden Rule,

"he who has all the gold makes the rules."

There is no real power among the people of this country. There never has been. We understand that the political setup in this country is identical to many in the ancient world.


Just know that the movie being enacted on the screen of the world is not actually what is going on, but that there are people behind the screen behind the scenes, that are actually manipulating the play or movie that most people do not know anything about.

Let's take some of the major religions and find out what is really going on. Even our motion pictures reflect an occult story, they are telling this story. For example, the ancient magical priests of the Celtics had magic wands. And, the magic wands were used to dupe people or to work their magic on them. Magic wands were always made out of holly wood. Consequently, our masters still use Hollywood to manipulate our thinking and to tell us stories.


There is a tremendous amount of symbolism in our motion pictures today.

There was such a thing as the "Ark of the Law." It was a box with two handles on it; it had the two winged angels on it, just as we see today in pictures of the Ark of the Covenant of the ancient Hebrews. But thousands of years before the Hebrew nation ever existed we have the "Ark of the Law" of ancient Egypt. That ark was symbolic for a very powerful force that Egypt was able to dominate the world with.


With the coming of Western man, the concepts and ideas coming out of Egypt were adopted.

The same magic is being used today, such as in Washington, DC.


We see the obelisk, right there in Washington, and it has a very profound meaning that dates 32 back to ancient Egypt. And on the back of a one dollar bill we see a pyramid with an all seeing eye. Pyramids are found in Egypt. Among esoteric circles throughout the world today, America is referred to as the new Egypt.


The coming of the new Egypt. All of American's political, religious, and philosophical systems originated in Egypt. Most people are not aware of that fact. There are some very important things going on that we have just not been kept informed about.

Let me first say, that I am in no way finding fault with or knocking Christianity. I am saying though, that the religious philosophy that we refer to as Christianity was in fact, at one time already in existence. The basic theme of Christianity was already in existence in all the ancient empires especially Egypt. It is interesting to know that a man hanging on a cross was never pictured in the first four hundred years of Christianity.


They never had a symbol, or an emblem, or a picture anywhere in Christianity of a man hanging on a cross. It was always pictured as a lamb or a sheep carrying a cross. It was not until the sixth century at one of the great ecumenical councils that it was decided that we should have a man hanging on the cross. That's where the concept of a man hanging on a cross was begun.

There was a man named Jesus. This is historical fact there was a man named Jesus. His correct name in Hebrew was Jehoshua Ben-Pandira, or Joshua, son of the panther. he lived approximately one hundred years before the Jesus of the Bible would have lived.


This man was a teacher of the Essene religion, he was a great teacher. he was a healer, etc.


But, a religion grew up in the Roman Empire that we have come to know today as Christianity. I am saying that Christianity is, in fact, another expression of a far more ancient religious philosophy that has all of the earmarks of being one more retelling of the story. That's why the Bible is referred to as the Greatest Story Ever Told.


Even the Babylonians had their holy man come down from the holy mountain with their tablets of stone. They had their Messiah that died on the cross and who died on the upright tree and who was buried and who was born again after three days., etc...

This doesn't lessen or in any way take away from the story. No. Not in any way. This is not saying that Jesus was not the Christ. What I am saying, though, is that the story may not necessarily be exactly what we think it is. There is a history to religion that we are not often treated to, especially in America. We are fond of saying that we have the freedom to think and have freedom of speech, etc.


That's true. We do have freedom of speech up to a certain point. But there are certain things that arc not accepted socially, that we just don't talk about. In my family, many years ago, we just didn't talk about religion and politics.


Politics and religion were off base and we simply weren't supposed to talk about them.

The Washington Monument in the District of Columbia.

The capstone of an obelisk is known as a pyramidion.

Now that I am much older, I understand why. Because religion and politics are very volatile subjects, and a lot of political and religious leaders do not want you to talk about politics and religion.


All of this material being covered has been hotly debated. It's been debated to the point where most people say, "Look, I don't care."

What's wrong with that?


Because the more people talk about something the more they investigate it, the more a subject is discussed, the more it causes other information comes out. I'm saying it's about time that we do discuss religion and politics. I think there is a very important connection between the two, and its about time we look at that connection.


I see nothing wrong with the teachings of Christianity.

The all-seeing eye of the Illuminati,

as seen on the back of the U.S. dollar bill.

In fact, I myself adhere and believe the teachings to be a very fine and fundamental concept, concerning the way to lead one's life.


But you must understand that it is a story that has been retold and retold and retold. So, if you understand it correctly what I would call understanding Christianity you would understand the basic principles that are being discussed, rather than hanging everything on just a story.


Reason and logic alone would tell you that you have to ask questions. Did all those people back in biblical times go around with tape recorders or court stenographers, and check every single word every prophet spoke, or check up on every character in the Bible... what he did, where he went, and what he spoke? Did they have tape recorders?

How do we know that every single word must be exactly that word? And, every single event must coincide with every single word? There's only one way you could get a book to coincide and fall in line completely as a beautiful whole story, as if it was written as a story. So, that is what I'm saying, the Bible was written as a very beautiful story if you understand that that's all it was, a story.

Now, there's some good history in the Bible. I am not saying that the Bible is not the word of God. I just don't believe that it is the only Divine book written in the world.

If you understand that the world was, at one time, dominated by the Vatican and there was a World War in fact, there have been two World Wars between powerful secret societies for power on this Earth. One is the New World Order as opposed to the old world order. I believe that is why the World Wars have been fought.


That's why we're having skirmishes all over the world.

We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money.

—Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)

I have two books in my collection right now, one was printed in 1969, another in 1972, or 1973... talking about how Yugoslavia was going to be divided between the secret societies.


They were going to go in and cause a lot of confusion and chaos and break up the status quo there purposely, in relation to this New World Order coming. So, there's got to be some connections here between what's happening today when there are very knowledgeable people that have foretold that these things were going to happen in Yugoslavia. Nothing happens by happenstance, but this is all being orchestrated by some small group of people. I truly don't think that there are a lot of things that happen by chance I don't think the important things politically are allowed to happen by chance.


Keep in mind when you hear government officials talk about crime and drugs, saying they can't seem to get a handle on the drug traffic and they can't seem to get a handle on the crime in the streets and they're just not able to get a handle on these serious problems. Just remember that almost sixty years ago the United States got a handle on Nazi Germany.


They did get control of the standing army of Adolph Hitler on the other side of the world.

My point is that any crime that goes on or any drug trafficking that goes on, it is going on with the knowledge and consent if not cooperation of a very powerful group of people who have their reasons. It might just be to keep you frightened to death and keep you worried about the future so that you will accept anything that they give you any kind of idea they will come up with to distract you from the real truth.


They have the power to shut down anything they want anytime they please. So if something is going on, it is going on with their help, or they're allowing it to happen politically. This is the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany. Adolph Hitler told the German people that in order to keep the crime off the streets, and avoid all the trouble that was going on, the confusion, that all they would have to do is elect him.

Let me just say that I don't believe that the whole world is totally controlled. But reason and logic alone dictate the possibility of that happening. Always, anytime a country goes to war or is building up for a future war, all countries picture their coming enemy as a desperate murderer, killing babies or whatever. You've got to generate that kind of furor (Fuhrer!) in the people's minds so that it will justify going to war with this terrible person or a whole body of people in any given country like Saddam Hussein.

These hidden agendas are contrived by the media and the press. They led America, if not instigated the energy, into war with Saddam. This could be called outright propaganda. Although, it really is NEWS!


It is called the evening news.


Of course, we see these terrible evil people (on the news). Then, later on we'll hear that the President has made some kind of an arrangement with that person and give him fifty billion dollars of our money and then you see them patting each other on the back, to go off to their local Masonic lodges together. But come to find out, this is a business arrangement. Yesterday, this guy was our duplicable enemy and today he is our friend and we are supporting his agenda.


We are being duped. Throughout the history of humankind the vast majority of people have been duped by a few that are in power. We sit here like sitting suckers, with a sign hung out on our front American lawns, saying, "Come on, here is your next ready made sucker!"


Today, the American public the plain old ordinary American public, has been duped from day one. And, we continue to allow this horrendous duplicity.

A few years ago a movie came out that was called Network. In it, the network broadcaster said that the general view of the people was, "Just leave me alone. I don't care about all of this. Just let me have my radial tires, my beer, my remote control and television, and I'll be numbed-out happy." Everyday the powers of government keep moving on you little by little, until one day there is no more freedom.


And that is exactly what is happening in our country today. In my opinion we have already lost most of our real freedom to the federal government. What is it that might be coming?


Henry Kissinger said it best.

Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot]. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.


It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.
—Dr. Henry Kissinger,
Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991

I believe that real freedom is in the mind. In the intellectual brain. That's where real freedom is happening. And there is something to do with our spirituality in the mind which brings freedom. That is the one place that the government fears most, you mind, your thinking. You ability to be yourself and do your own thinking, call your own shots, and be your own person.

That's exactly what governments do not want for every world citizen. They try to keep you busy so that you can pay your bills, pay your taxes, take care of your house, and when you finish taking care of all the details of survival, the government hopes you will not have the time, or will try not to think about some of the things that we have been talking about in this book.


And, if there is leisure time among much of the population, they will give you entertainment, to keep you completely distracted anything to prevent you from thinking more deeply. Just make sure there is plenty of drugs, plenty of entertainment, a little sex, drugs and rock and roll, and that will keep the people happy keep them occupied so they will stay out of the way controlled!

I am not saying that people should not be able to do this. But, it would behoove you to get an education, read, study, investigate what I am saying on your own. Take the responsibility to find these things out that I am reporting here. Go to the library, check out and read something about the occult world, about how we are manipulated, especially in our politics and religion. I could provide you with a list of literally hundreds of very informative and interesting volumes on these subjects.

Today, there are many secret fraternal organization that are interconnected. They have a death grip on world power, behind the scenes. Our world and lives are so full of symbolism. For example, once again, on the back of the American dollar bill, the great seal of America. It is filled with occult meaning. You will find on the dollar bill, the eagle, which comes from the ancient concept of the Phoenix, and has thirteen stars above it.


The thirteen stars are arranged in the configuration of the Star of David, or the hexagram. Most people think the thirteen stars represent the original thirteen colonies. In the first place, why did they have to have thirteen colonies? Why couldn't they have twenty-seven, or four, or ten?


When one understands that the number thirteen is a very important, profound Masonic number, and that many of the founding fathers of this country were Freemasons, as well as Rosicrucians, then you will follow this connecting thread of material to see what was actually being created. They knew what they were doing when they divided this country into thirteen colonies.


The number thirteen is not an unlucky number for them. It is an unlucky number for you.

The number thirteen comes from Jesus and his twelve apostles. The twelve apostles were the cornerstones of the new era, and Jesus is referred to as the "Chief Cornerstone that the builders rejected." Twice in the New Testament Jesus is referred to as the Chief Cornerstone. Chief Cornerstone is a Greek word that means "the peak of a pyramid."


That's why there is a little pyramid on top of a big pyramid on the left-hand side on the back of a dollar bill. That is a Chief Cornerstone. It is symbolic of Jesus.


The pyramid also has thirteen layers. As a matter of fact, thirteen is all over the back of the American one dollar bill. I would have to say that the Illuminati, under their various guises and names, run the affairs of the world. Freemasonry is a very ancient fraternal order. For thousands of years it was made up of many different groups which loosely fit into an association of builders, going back to the most ancient times in which men built with bricks such as the pyramids of Egypt, and all the ancient temples. They were brick builders.


Even today we refer to one working with bricks as a brick mason. The trade of a mason, or the conceptual idea of building with bricks, was a building trade. There were men who did nothing but that, and they were referred to as brick masons. They came down through ancient history and began to jealously guard each other's work, and not let any newcomers come into the trade.


They had "unions," so to speak. We do the same thing today. Later on in 1717 many occult orders and many of the building trade orders of Freemasonry came together in London and began what we call Freemasonry, on the modern-day scale. Modern-day Freemasonry was started in 1717, but the idea goes back to ancient Egypt and other ancient civilizations.

If you understand that the ancient masons built their world with brick, then you understand why today's Freemasons say of themselves that they are the modern day builders of the world. They not only build the building that you live in and do business in, they are building the structure of the world, as Freemasons. They are building your religions, your political establishments all you have to do is go to the library and get reference books on flags, national coats of arms, symbols and emblems of different countries, and different international organizations.


They are all Freemasonic symbols. Also interesting is the fact that a lot of the graffiti that is being seen in large cities throughout this country are Masonic symbols. Only high degree Freemasons would know that. A lot of the black gangs and the Mexican gangs spread graffiti around our cities. Much of that graffiti is very powerful Masonic symbolism.


This leads me to wonder how these kids know those symbols. I am suggesting that there is some connection between occult Freemasonry and the spread of violence and crime in our country. I think we had better look at some very uncomfortable, but very positively important connections that can be made between crime on the streets, and the elitist people that run this country who are allowing it to happen. There's a reason. I think that crime in this country is being allowed for a purpose.


A lot of people may feel this way, but nobody is saying it publicly.

Now, we must ask, where is this going?


Where are the occult orders that control most of the important political and religious events of this world trying to lead this planet? I think that for hundreds of years there has been a concerted effort to lead the world into a New World Order a completely new civilization where human beings will no longer be the same type of humans that they were in the past. We are being guided into a new age.


There is a New World Order that is being orchestrated. All the violence and destruction that we are seeing today is destroying the old order in preparation for a new order. You cannot construct a high rise building where there is an old shack, until you tear down the old shack.

Today, we are having wars and bloodshed everywhere so that we can destroy the power base of "the good ol' boys" in different countries, then a "New World Order" can be set up. I cannot escape the conclusion that there is someone very, very high up and extremely wise and perceptive as to how to make things happen to bring about a certain conclusion. I tend to believe that that being or entity is something spiritual.


I believe there is something spiritual happening in our world today. But it also uses men powerful people. And these powerful men often get greedy, and may not follow their "higher calling" properly. They are only human, and power is intoxicating. I am concerned for the future because of the loss of individuality and the loss of the human ability, freedom and the liberty to think.


That is one thing about this country I am thankful for that we have the opportunity to discuss things intelligently with each other and give each other the opportunity to be heard because that is how we grow. However, I think that personal evolution is being stifled.

More and more the governmental powers from behind the scenes are quietly making sure that people don't talk too much about things that are controversial. I think that human minds are being remolded, and reprogrammed so that people don't really have to think a whole lot anymore. We just go along to get along and whatever the government says, we do, whatever the church says, we do, and whatever our assigned authorities say to do, we do. I think that that is where the real problem is going to exist.

Let's step back a moment and consider the Vatican as it existed in the time of A.D. 600's. The Earth was regarded as being the center of the Universe. People were controlled by the Church. They lived for the Church. The only hope they had was that they would go to heaven, and not to hell. And everything else was basically business as usual. That worked quite well for hundreds of years.


But this system became rather difficult to uphold when people found out that the Earth wasn't the center of the Universe. Then the Church began to lose a lot of its credibility and power. Now, I think a few people are trying to gain similar power and control over people, but not necessarily through the Church. They are trying to regain such power through new secular means because the people have been infected with this idea of freedom and liberty and individual rights to think for themselves.


Consequently, the Church is not going to operate well. Churches never operate well in an environment where people are allowed to be themselves and do their own thinking and call their own shots in their lives. So now, instead of being afraid of going to hell, people are being conditioned to be afraid of total destruction through world wars, or environmental collapse, or some other terrible catastrophe coming, even an alien invasion.


There is enough out there that some very brilliant people can come up with something that will scare the life out of all of us.

Not to mention that nature itself can be very frightening with such phenomena as volcanoes, earthquakes, etc. And, I wonder how much of that is man-made. There is a considerable high technology in this world that is operational, too. The underlying agenda has been control, and more control through fear. So one of the basic messages I am trying to get across is to rid yourself of fear. Rid yourself of fear and educate yourself. Become informed as broadly as you possibly can.


Go to the library and check out books on the occult history of this world.

A word of warning. The word occult has been grossly misrepresented by the media. Most people, when they hear the word occult, think immediately of demons and the boogey man. This is yet another way we are being manipulated because we are being told, over and over again, that there is something mysterious and dark and unnerving, and something very fearful about the occult.


Everything else is okay, we are told. Religion is fine. But the occult offers something that is very dangerous. Once you understand what is going on, you find out that some very crafty people have not told you what they are doing and how they are doing it, and they are working some real heavy duty magic upon you. You are nothing more than a sitting duck, because you don't understand the process.

The word occult means hidden. That, simply, is all it means. Anything that is hidden is occult. I'm talking about the hidden powers behind the throne; the hidden powers behind religion; the hidden innuendoes behind everyday symbolism. People who have accepted the authorities as the truth find it very difficult to accept the truth as authority.


Authority does not always come with the truth. And, truth does not always come with authority. The bottom line is, no matter what you believe, there is a truth that resonates with your heart and everyone else. There is a factual truth that can be pointed out, but you have to look for it. If, however, you go along to get along; if you accept your government's view of everything, and if you accept your particular religious persuasion of things, then you are no different than the Hindus, the Buddhists, the Muslims and all the other people we condemn throughout the world or those silly radicals who follow the views of their leaders and blow up buildings without asking questions.


We may, like them, find ourselves being in wars and killing people without even questioning this authority, because they are doing it for the Lord. In what way are we any different if we do the same?

What is important is that you maintain your own individuality as an intelligent human being, and do your own homework so your thinking becomes grounded in the truth.

In this particular time in which we are living, to be able to speak freely, is going to be very important in the very near future. Our freedoms are being very closely watched, and are being monitored. There is the possibility that we are going to lose our freedom of speech quite soon. On this planet there are no passengers, we're all crew, so we all have a stake in what is happening in this world. Whether we want to deal with it or not, we have to face what is going on in the world around us, and especially with our rights as free citizens.

H.G. Wells said that,

"Civilization is nothing more than a race between education and catastrophe."

And, that is what we have coming. Catastrophe is looking at us from all corners of the globe. Certainly, from the standpoint of the New World Order.


The Talmud states that,

"If there is no knowledge, then there is no understanding."

If there is no understanding, then there is no knowledge, and that's what we have today. A whole lot of no understanding. It is about time for people who do know, to speak up.

President Woodrow Wilson once said,

"If you want to make enemies, just try to change something."

So, I know that anyone who tries to bring to the public the facts behind the world that we live in, is going to be criticized and condemned. I believe that there are enough people in this world who want to know the truth and who want to be willing to stand and fight for it. Not in the violent, literal sense, but with higher moral values, upholding free ethical standards, and a deeper understanding to be well-informed.

Let me explain one of the main problems and tragedies in the world today. In the case of one who knows, or has wisdom, he is usually aware that he doesn't know everything. It is usually the man who thinks he knows everything, who doesn't know anything. One of the most important ways of learning anything today in our society is through symbols and emblems.


Emblems are like words. If you can't read the emblems or symbols, you don't know what the story is revealing. This is especially true in religion. We are seeing so much in what is said to be religion, and, in fact, it is nothing more than politics. And, of course, politics are religion, and religion is politics. There has never been a religious movement on Earth that wasn't a little political.


And, there has never been a political movement that didn't have a little religion involved in it.

I want to focus on the religion that is prominent in our country, and that is Christianity. Before I get into this subject, I want to emphasize that I don't appreciate anyone placing anyone else into a narrow box, or pigeon-holing me and deciding who I am in my belief systems, or where I am coming from. Because, if you don't know me, you don't know where I am coming from. I am not a Communist.


I am not a Nazi, I am not a racist, I am just a human being with something to say. I belong to no political party, consequently, I am not coming from any particular place. I am just a human being, a researcher, a teacher, and an investigative writer. I enjoy doing what I do, and have been centered for over thirty-five years doing what I do, and it's about time I bring my work to the public.

Now we see in this country, on television, a lot about Christianity. We see Presidents, and Congressmen, and Senators, and everybody all the Civic leaders are all into Christianity and going to church and being fine people.


However, for being fine people, we find that many are not really fine. As a matter of fact, an honest politician, these days, is one who did not take a bribe that he didn't earn. So, let's face it, our system of government has fallen apart. It is collapsing all around us, and the reason why is that it is built on lies. Perhaps one of the greatest lies, or misconceptions, and let's be generous here to maybe identify some misunderstandings, is the truth about Christianity.


I would like to deal with Christianity first and get that out of the way, because until such time as the people understand where Christianity came from, how it was organized, and why it teaches what it does, you're not going to understand the mentality behind it. And, we are talking about a white mentality.

If we go back, say ten to fifteen thousand years ago into the ancient world, you should understand that they didn't have the modern-day conveniences that we do. They didn't have the television to occupy their time and waste their lives. They didn't have the nice warm homes and cars and all such things to keep them occupied.


Those were very hostile times in an inhospitable world. It was fearful and cold, and very difficult for human beings to survive. Most especially in Europe. Most adults died from around twenty-five to thirty years of age. It was a very hostile world for humans to live, to eke out the barest of existence.

We are talking, again, about ten to fifteen thousand year ago. It was obvious from the beginning, according to the best material that has been provided to us from history, and that's the best we have from the ancient records, that the first enemy for man, was darkness. The first thing man realized that was frightening to his world, was just plain darkness.


It was bad enough to live through the daytime, but when the sun went down it got scary, because there were predator animals out there, there were enemies lurking in the bush. So nighttime became very fearful to our first hominids. When you understand that kind of a world, and those conditions, from there you begin to appreciate how they perceived the coming of that orb of day, or the Sun, as something to look forward to with relief. Because when the Sun went down, you got nothing to look forward to but potentially frightful problems.


And, of course, if you have ever been out on a cold night, you can imagine what our first ancestors fifteen thousand years ago had to look forward to when it got real cold at night. You can then appreciate why they would look forward to the coming of the Sun, or the coming of that great orb of day.

Now, if you begin to see how these philosophies would come into people's minds and begin to grow, and their children growing up would begin to accept the same philosophies and ideas and promote them to their children, and their children to their children, you begin to see how the philosophy became one of "war" between light and darkness. That which was light was good, of course, because the light was usually peaceful, and it was good, and that which was dark was bad.

Thereby, this primitive understanding was the basis for this animosity between the light and darkness. Well, we know we have seen a lot of that, because that is carried over into our society sociologically, regarding the war between light and darkness. As I said, light was good, and dark was bad. The Sun, of course, was the light of the world, and they understood that. The ancients were not stupid.


They saw that the Sun was not God. They never believed that the Sun was God, but they believed that it was the reproduction of God, it was the offspring of God, it was the closest symbol that they could grasp to represent deity in heaven. So they figured that since your son looks a lot like you, well maybe God looks a lot like the Sun, or that the Sun looks a lot like the Father.


So they realized this about the Sun, and I am using the word as an Anglo-Saxon word today. The orb in the sky, or whatever you want to call it, back then was understood to be the descendant of the Father, who was the Creator of the Heavens. So, therefore, they realized that this Sun did not belong to anyone, it belonged to the heavens, or it belonged to God, so it was God's Son. Every morning it was in the sky, or it was in heaven, so, therefore, God's Son was in heaven.


As I said, it was the Son, or the offspring of the Father.

They believed that no one has ever seen the Father. No one can see God, but if the Sun looks like God, then maybe the Sun/Son mimicked God. So, when you have seen the Sun/Son, then maybe you have seen the Father.

Now, incidentally, it is interesting as to why the ancients believed that God was a father, because in the most ancient world they associated the creation of the humans, the creation on the Earth, with the Mother. It was only until the coming of the early Roman Empire that the emphasis was put on the male. As contrasted to the African, which is based on the female principle.


And even the Greeks borrowed many things from Africa, with one example being the Feast of Sophia, which was based on feminine wisdom. And, as I said, the ancient people knew that no one had ever seen God, no one can see God, but if you have seen the Sun/Son, you have seen the Father. The reason why the ancients believed this postulate, as some of the ancient people believed that God was a father, was because of rain.


Rain was perceived to be the fluid from the Father that gives a life, or brings life to Mother Earth. So, when Mother Earth is impregnated with the fluid from the Father in Heaven, then the Mother gives birth to all life. So that is where the concept of God the Father comes from, from rain.

The area that we call today, Israel, was in very ancient times called Cana. The people there called Canaanites, and they celebrated the great marriage feast, so to speak, between God, the Father, and Mother Earth, and all of the light that the two of them produced for us.


This very ancient celebration was in the Spring, and was called The Marriage Feast of Cana.


This was where God's Son was symbolically asked by Mother Earth to draw water to make it rain, so that the grapes could grow and we could have a wine feast, which was called The Marriage Feast of Cana. That's where that comes from.

Of course, the sun gives life to us, and gives us our energy. It gives energy to all living things. Then, we eat those living things to give us energy, so the sun is giving up its energy for us to live. Just as the ancients believed that God's Son gave His life, so that we may live. The Sun/Son, of course, represented this, which is interesting, because the ancient Egyptians said that as long as the sun comes up in the morning, there is going to be life. There is obviously going to be life forever, as long as the sun comes up!


Therefore, the sun gives everlasting life on the Earth

but not for you, only on the Earth is there everlasting life. Of course, God's Son is our Savior, in that he is risen. Moreover, the ancients said that the sun, as wonderful as it was, was not going to save anybody if it did not come up in the morning. If it doesn't come up in the morning, we are dead. he is our Salvation, he is our Savior, only if he has risen.


And the Egyptians called that risen sun in the morning, Horus. Horus was God's son, that was the name they came up for him in Egypt. Horus. And, they said that in the morning all Egyptians would get up to see the Sun come up, like an Easter sunrise service, and they would see the Son/Sun come up as he was rising. You would go out to see Horns, and he is risen. That's why even today the sun comes up on the Horus-risen or the horizon.

You had better thank the Father for sending His Sun/Son, because he is your life, and he is your salvation. Ancients breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the sun come up, because they became more secure in their world. When they saw the sun come up everything became clear, and they could see all the animals, and they tion of the Prince of Peace, because everyone felt much better when the sun came up.


So, he was then considered the Prince of Peace.

Now, as we've said, the sun in Egypt was called Horus when it rose in the morning. And that is where he had twelve segments of his lifespan in the daytime. Half of 24 hours, or 12 hours of light. That's where we get the word hours, hours come from Horns. Hours, or Horus. So therefore, the sun would come up on the horizon.


It is interesting, too, in the Egyptian way of thinking, that there was a second Sun/Son. God had a second son, who was equal to the first, but was bad. If you are familiar with Egyptian mythology, you would know that his name was Set, and, of course, Set was the evil son. he was dark, so that made him evil, and he would only come out as the Prince of Darkness after dark at sun-set. So, of course it got dark after the sun went down, so Set came out when it got dark and became the boogey-man who was going to get you, since he was dark.


Therefore, that made him bad.

Now you have the two brothers. Horus and Set, one was light and one was darkness. The original trinity in Egypt was the three life spans of the sun, or the three life spans in life. Morning, noon, and night. With people we have the newborn, the mature, and the dying. This is where we got the original concept for the trinity. In Egypt, Horus was the beginning, the sun coming up on the horizon, which was the newborn.


Then, at twelve noon, the sun was high over the pyramid. There was no shadow on the pyramid, so they knew it was twelve, therefore, he was called at that point the "most high," as you couldn't go any higher in the sky.


So Horus was called the most high. Therefore you have in the morning God's Sun/Son, Horns, and then the "most high" at twelve noon, and then at night you have Set. From there you have your original trinity.

The religion has taken all sorts of twists and turns coming down through history, but this is the basis for what we call today, Christianity. If you don't understand that, then you don't appreciate where the stories originate from. It has always amazed me how many people will understand Christianity, but not understand that Christianity is nothing more than a retelling of the same age-old stories that have come down through time.


As a matter of fact, the Bible is not called the greatest collection of facts ever assembled.


No, it is called "the greatest story ever told."

The reason why it is the greatest story ever told is because if you do a little homework, you're going to find out it is the oldest story ever told. As a matter of fact, it is the only story ever told.


It is called astro-theology, the study and the worship of the heavens.

If you go out in the night time and look into the sky, what are you looking at? You are looking at the sky. What is another name for the sky. Another word for sky, is heaven. Well, that is where the sun is at. At twelve noon the sun is high in heaven, so, therefore, they said that God's Sun/Son was in heaven.


Of course, they never believed that when they died they would go to heaven with God's sun.


At least, they knew that much. At twelve noon the sun was the most high, consequently they said that God's Son was twelve when he was in God's temple. God's temple was, of course, the heavens, and at twelve noon he is in the temple. That is why he was twelve when he was in the temple.

Everlasting life came from God's sun. And the sun was round. It was a circle in the sky. So the ancients saw life as a round circle, "the circle of life," which was pictured or represented by the sun. The way they kept time, then, was on a round calendar. Today we call them sundials. That's where they came from, the round calendars. As a matter of fact, the Aztecs, and the Mayans, and the ancient Mexicans kept the round sun calendars.


Now the sun calendars that were in Egypt were round and were divided into twelve parts, just as all sun calendars are today, twelve parts, displaying not only twelve hours, but twelve months. Each one of the months was called a helper to the sun, because it helped the sun do his job on Earth in that particular month.

Later on, those particular months were called houses, because in the Babylonian scheme of things they began to develop what was called astrology. So each one of the months became a house. Therefore, the Sun, God's Son, the light of the world, who is our salvation, because he has risen, had twelve helpers, or twelve apostles.


And the sun also enters into each one of those houses of the zodiac, or each one of those constellations of the zodiac, at the thirtieth degree, and it leaves at the thirty-third degree. Therefore, they said that the Sun/Son begins His ministry at thirty and dies at thirty-three. This is very, very old knowledge, as a matter of fact, there are many books that trace at least fifteen other major religions that have used God's Son as the "light of the world" in the same context, in the same religious philosophy that was developed for the worship of God's sun.


Yes, there were at least fifteen other major religions, ancient religions, that used the story. One of the reference books that documents this, right off the top of my head, is The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey Graves.

The circled cross found on many church steeples represents the sun dying on the cross of the zodiac.

The cycle of four seasons is also displayed.

The sun on the cross associated with bell symbolism within a sacred archway.

There are so many interesting points that I feel are valuable to bring out in relation to the subject of religion. Christianity has always labeled these ancient religions as being pagan, which gives a negative connotation. The word pagan actually means someone who lives in the country, a mountain dweller, or someone who lives outside of a city.


That name was given to someone who lived up in the mountains, because in Rome, after Christianity was adopted, the religion was thought to be sophisticated. There was little sophistication to be found outside of the cities. Once Caesar became a Christian then everybody could be a Christian, so therefore, it became the State religion. So it was in high style to be a Christian. Consequently, you were considered very intelligent if you became a Christian at that time, you were very in, you were modern if you were a Christian in Rome.


Once it was accepted fully, and then it became the thing to be. Of course, the people out in the hills, the farmers, the poor people out in the country, on the outside of Rome that have lived the same way for ten thousand years, well, those were pagans. They didn't understand a new "take" on things.


So it became a disparaging remark about poor people of the soil, people who were farmers, people who didn't know all of this high-fangled, new religious thing that Rome had come up with as a new belief system.

The cross with the circle of the sun is a very common symbol,

in both ancient and modern times.

They were just people, and the working class people were called pagans. That is where the word came from in ancient times. Anybody who wasn't with the "in" crowd in Rome, with the new religion, was considered a pagan.

Now, let us get back to the sundial. The sundial was round because the sun was round. It kept track of the months because it was divided into twelve equal parts. While this might be dry religious philosophy being discussed, it has a motive at the end, so I caution you to not disregard this discussion too quickly, because it is going to get interesting very soon.


The connection with the rest of this material will be revealed.

Now, as we have said, the calendar was divided into twelve parts, or the twelve helpers of the sun, and that is where we get the twelve apostles of the Son. The ancient peoples came to notice something very interesting, as they were very observant. Unlike us, we are too busy these days to observe anything. The ancient people had time to observe, and they found out something that is interesting during winter, on what we call the Winter Solstice.


Up to December 22nd, the Sun had kept moving. Each day the sun kept moving on a little portion of the sundial. You could tell each day that the sun was moving by watching the sundial.


As the sun was moving further and further South, bringing on our Winter, they would notice that it would go further and further, until it stopped, and then they said,

"Thank God, the thing has stopped, because if it keeps going its going to be gone completely."

So, it stopped, and it stopped on December 22nd. Then they noticed that for three days, on December 22nd, 23rd, and 24th, every morning it was still sitting in the same place. It had not moved any further and hadn't returned back the other way any further.


So, they figured that anything that didn't move, must be dead. Consequently, they assumed that the sun must be dead. On the 25th, they noticed that the sun had moved the opposite way one degree, so again they assumed that the thing must be alive now. Therefore, December 25th was the Sun/Son's birthday. But before that they said that God's Sun/Son had died, and been dead for three days.

Of course, we have the big celebration of God's Son being born on December 25th, the sun's "birthday." So, now when you take that round calendar, with twelve individual months, or twelve helpers, or apostles, you divide the circle from the Winter Solstice, which is the middle of Winter, right down through the circle and to the bottom, which would be the Summer Solstice.


You then draw another straight line from the other side and go across, making a cross, that is when the Spring Equinox, occurs, and into the Autumn Equinox. Now you've got a circle with a cross in it. That is why today almost all churches that you drive by will have the circle in the cross, mounted on the steeple. People normally don't notice, but look next time. It is usually there.

The circle is the sun that dies on the cross of the zodiac. On the ancient calendar, you divide the Winter and the Summer Solstice from the Autumn and Spring Equinox, thereby creating a cross on the circle, and the circle is the Sun/Son dying on the cross.

As we said, the sun was born on December 25th, and every year they said that the sun was "born again." Now, for you to be born again, that means that you have to go under water to be born again. Why? You know of the common Christian religious ritual, that you must be baptized under water to be born again. Where does that come from?


That comes from the fact that when you were born the first time, your Mother broke water and you were submerged in water for the first time.

So, if you are going to be born again, you have got to go back under the water again. Nothing holy about it, just plain old life. And, that's the way philosophies came about in the world. People just looked at the world around them, watched the way things worked, and had to get in line with it. They couldn't make the Universe do what they wanted, so they had to get in line with it to form their religious philosophies and ideas from what was there.


So, the baptism had to do with the Mother's water, rather than the River Jordan! It had nothing to do with the River Jordan (except in a symbolic way).

Now for more on the sun. Light was always associated with truth and the lie was always the work of darkness. Therefore, the Sun/Son was the light and the truth. And, he brought the truth and the light. As a matter of fact, it is said of the Son that he was the truth and the light. That is why, incidentally, that we have in our jury system today in America twelve jurors (or sun's "helpers"), who helped bring the truth to light.

Also, about Winter time. Winter was always associated with death, because in the Winter everything dies. So Winter was always associated with death, and, of course, the sun dies in Winter. And, this is a very important point. They said of the sun that when it died on December 22nd, that it had "passed over." We use that term today, that when you pass on, when you pass away, you pass over. The sun had passed over to the death of Winter, to the coming new life of Spring. So that in the Spring he came back to life. And also brought life back to the Earth.


So he had passed over, he had passed on, or passed away.

The ancient Egyptians had a celebration on the first day of Spring, and they called it the Passover. They celebrated the Passover, because the sun had passed over from the death of Winter, to the new life of Spring. That's where the Passover ritual comes from. On the first day of Spring all of a sudden everything that is dead, now comes alive again.


Therefore, God's Sun/Son is bringing everything to life back on the Earth again, as he is the symbol of everlasting life. And, as I previously said, that new life is for the Earth, but not for you. The particular month that he comes back in the Spring with new life was, in the most ancient calendars, in Virgo, the Virgin. Therefore, it was said that God's Son/Son was born of a virgin.


That is where that came from in our religious views.

The old Age of Pisces, or the old age of the fishes, when God's Son feeds his people with the two fishes, is a little over two thousand years old in length.


Each one of the constellations is two thousand years in length, in the astrological scheme of things. So, the constellation of Pisces began about two thousand years ago, with the rule of Rome. And Rome was said to have ruled under the Age of Pisces, the two fishes, and that is why we get the idea that God's Son fed the people with the two fishes.


The closing of this age also signifies why the "New World Order" is taking power from the "Old World," or Rome, at the end of this Piscean Age.

After the decline of Egypt, Rome came into power and picked up many Egyptian ideas and customs. It's just like everything else, everyone borrows from
everybody else, we think we don't, but we do. One person comes out with a smashing movie, and four others then come out with the same general movie.


So everyone borrows from everyone else, and that's true of religion.


The only problem is understanding who had the original concept. All of this began in Egypt. With Egypt we are talking about Africa, and in Africa we are talking about black people.

So we have each one of those ages being about two thousand years long, each one of the constellation ages, and we have God's Sun/Son, the light of the world, coming into the Age of Pisces with the coming of the rule of Rome. That is why the Pope has the fish's hat, the fish's miter.


The hat of the Pope is actually the fish of Dagon, or the fish God of the two fishes.


Now, we have been in that astrological period of time under which God's Sun/Son has ruled the world in the Age of Pisces for right around two thousand years. And an age, or eon, is a little over two thousand years in length. That means we are just over two thousand years into the Age of Pisces. The next age to come, if you look at any astrological chart, is the Age of Aquarius.


Therefore, we are living in "the last days," of the Age of Pisces.


When the Messiah comes again, he is asked by his disciples in the Book of Luke, 22:10, what he will come back as. he says to go into the town and go into the house of the man with the water pitcher. So here is the Sun/Son, symbolized in Pisces, and the rest of the astrological "signs" (12 "disciples") are asking him what he will do next, when he gets to the end of Age of Pisces.


We are now going into the age of the man with the water pitcher. The man with the water pitcher is the symbol for Aquarius. Again, I have to say that the Bible is filled with astrology. It is not known for astrology, and that is what we have to qualify. Once you look at it differently, the symbolism becomes obvious and it is all over the place.


The Bible writers knew exactly what they were doing.

Of course, ministers never point this out on Sundays in church. In Christianity they denounce astrology as being evil. Christians say that astrology is evil and bad, from the Devil. Add a "d" to evil, and you have Devil. Take an "o" out of good, and you have God. In the Old Testament, Moses says to God's people to have nothing to do with astrologers, with those who can foretell the future by the stars. So we wouldn't want anything to do with astrology either. Moses didn't, and demanded his people have nothing to do with those people who could read the stars.

The understanding of that is this in the Old Testament, there are four separate and distinct gods being discussed, but we've been unaware of that. This is due to the priesthood who put that Old Testament together, and you weren't there, so you don't know this fact. The priesthood knew that there were four different deities.

One of the four deities was the Sun, or Solar. That is where we get Solomon, King Solomon from. Sol being the Latin for the Sun, Om being Hindu for the Sun, and On was the city of the Sun in Egypt. Sol Om On. Just three different names for the same deity. Think of that next time you flip "on" a light switch. So one of the gods in the Old Testament was the Sun.


The others were approached through the predominant cults of the time. One was of the stellar cult. The old Hebrew stellar group connected themselves with their God through the stars. Then there was the moon cult, or the lunar cult, of which Moses was the leader. So you have the solar cult, the star cult, and the moon (or lunar) cult accounting for three of those Old Testament gods (we'll get to the fourth one soon).

Moses was the Hebrew leader of the lunar cult, while Jehovah, or Yahweh, was the lunar God. He was El before that, and that goes back into the ancient Semitic, which in turn goes back to the planet Saturn.


But Moses, being a worshipper of a lunar God, El, or Jehovah, naturally would not want to have anything to do with the other group across the street or down the block who worshiped a different God, who worshiped the stars. That is why Moses would tell his followers not to have anything to do with the star worshipers.


After sundown the moon comes out. That is why Moses would have all the holy days at sundown, because that is when the moon comes out. One of the main reasons why the moon, or the lunar, was worshiped by Moses' followers was because the moon had control over the women's menstrual cycle. Since they were into sex worship, that is one of the primary reasons why they worshiped the moon. The old lunar cults were sex worshipers.

This brings us to the subject of circumcision.


Now, what does cutting the foreskin off of a boy's penis got to do with the Lord? It doesn't have a thing to do with the Lord, it has to do with sex. That is why you are messing around with the boy's penis. They had the boys circumcised because they found out that a man would get aroused quicker, without the foreskin than he would with the foreskin. That was not new with the Hebrews, this ritual goes way back to stone age man. The Egyptians did the same thing, preparing boys for a little sex worship.

We now are faced with a new scripture, in the Christian context, with Jesus, or God's Son, saying that in my house are many mansions. The problem with this is that is not the exact translation in the Bible. The King James version mistranslates the Bible a lot.


You have to understand why, because the old British, the old Anglo-Saxon British, were not that keen on Hebrew and Greek. They did the best they could, but they still mistranslated a lot.


They know that.


Originally translated, it should be,

"In my Father's abode there are many houses."

Well sure, there are at least twelve that we know of the twelve houses of the zodiac. So, in my Father's abode there are many houses. That's what God's "Sun" was specifying. King James was a wonderful man, I know, but his lackeys just didn't know Hebrew and Greek well enough to translate things correctly.

Later on we see that the Son is betrayed, and of course, he is betrayed by Judas, or Scorpio, being November, or in the Fall of the year. That is when the rays are cut short. Samson's hair is cut short, or the Sun/Son's rays are cut short in the winter, so he dies. What we are talking about, again, is astrology.

We can go back into the ancient world for the understanding of many modern day concepts, and to understand the Bible and the light of truth. We never quite revealed in the Bible what was always associated with light.


The light was also associated with telling the truth about something, and if you have good knowledge on something, then people say that you are brilliant, you are in the light, you are enlightened.


As the ancient Egyptians said, if you put the truth out of your mind when someone is giving you the truth, and is showing you the truth, what you are doing is killing the light of truth. It is the same as killing God's Son, the light of truth, when you are killing the truth in your head, in your brain. That is where you are cutting off the light of truth in your mind.


Therefore, they said that God's Sun/Son was killed, was put to death on Golgottha, "Skull Place," as they called it.


That's where the brain is, in your skull. Skull Place is where you put the truth and the light to death. The light of truth, God's Son, has always been impaled between two thieves. There is regret for the past and fear of the future. We've always put the death of light between two thieves.

The sun has been used by Kings, rulers, potentates and every kind of ruler and institution worldwide has used it on their flags, emblems, symbols, police badges, just about everywhere. The sun symbol has been used by everybody, that is why it is called King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

The sun was said also to have died with a crown of thorns. All you have to do is fly over the Statue of Liberty to see the crown of thorns, because the crown of thorns is nothing more than the sun's rays. When the sun is dying in the evening you can go out to the ocean and see the sun walking on water.


What do you see? You see the sun rays, dying with a crown of thorns.


It is also said that the way God's Sun/Son left, is the way that he is coming back. On a cloud. That is usually the way the sun leaves, on a could, normally, in the morning, if there are some clouds. He comes up on a cloud. The way he left is on a cloud, and the way he returns is on a cloud. The Bible says that every eye is going to see God's Son when he comes back.


Well, you have to be dead or blind not to see the sun.

There's a story about God's Son during a storm, the great tempest in the Bible. God's Son was sleeping and the storm was so bad that the men on the ship, the seasoned sailors, just wanted to die, commit suicide, because it was so rough. But God's Son was downstairs in the ship sleeping. Everybody else on the boat is going to die, they are scared to death, and he is sleeping.


Now, I have heard about sound sleepers, but a man continues to sleep right through this terrible storm, and he doesn't even hear it raging. Just understand that the Sun does control weather, it controls the storms on the sea because when it comes out, the storms leave.


The ancients knew this, they knew that the sun controlled the seas.


So this is yet another story about the physical sun, disguised as an interesting parable that will give us all hope about the return of our "savior."

So we see ourselves coming to an end about what Christianity reveals.


I just wanted to give a background, to show the astro-theology, or the astrological aspects of the Bible taken from the ancient texts, Egypt in particular, and how these symbols and sayings have developed right into modern day thinking.


Also,  how this has developed into a political ideology, and leads into some premises, views, and values, and of course, the associations around secret societies.

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