extracted from "The
Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla"
Scribd Website
The relationship between Tesla and
Marconi is a fascinating study!
While Tesla has become a popular figure
to Revisionist Scientists in the last ten years, Marconi is
still largely unknown and seen as an usurper of Tesla's
inventions. Yet Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), was a
brilliant scientist, and, in fact, Tesla's close friend.
In the esoteric writing of the Latin countries, Marconi has achieved
a near legendary status, much as Tesla has recently in the United
States. But most Tesla students are unaware that Marconi was
supposed to have founded a secret high-tech city in the remote
southern jungles of Venezuela.
The great Italian scientist Guglielmo Marconi was a former student
of Tesla's. Marconi studied radio transmission theory with Tesla and
made his first radio transmission in 1895. Marconi was fascinated by
the transmission of power, and in 1896 received a British patent and
sent a signal nine miles across the Bristol Channel. In 1899 he
successfully setup a wireless station to communicate with a French
station 31 miles across the English Channel.
It was thought that the curve of the earth's surface would limit
radio transmission to 200 miles at the most When, on December 11,
1901, Marconi transmitted a signal from Poldhu, Cornwall, to St.
John's Newfoundland, 2000 miles away, he created a major sensation.
For this Marconi replaced the wire
receiver with a coherer, a glass tube filled with iron filings,
which could conduct radio waves.
At the time there was no scientific
explanation for this phenomena of long-distance transmission, and it
was postulated that there was a layer in the upper atmosphere—the
ionosphere—which reflected back electromagnetic waves.
Marconi the
Marconi was the son of a wealthy Italian landowner and an Irish
mother When interest in his first transmission in 1895 had not
interested Italian authorities, he had gone to Britain. The
Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company was formed in London in 1896
and Marconi made millions off his inventions.
Marconi and Tesla are both given credit
for the invention of the radio Marconi's historical radio
transmission utilized a Heinrich Hertz spark arrester a
Popov antenna and an Edouard Bramely coherer for his
simple device that was to go on to become the modern radio.
Marconi was given the Noble Prize for Physics in 1909 jointly with
Karl Ferdinand Braun, who made important modification which
considerably increased the range of the first Marconi transmitters.
Like Tesla, Marconi was a mysterious man in his later years, and was
known to perform experiments, including anti-gravity experiments,
aboard his yacht Electra. Marconi's yacht was a floating
super-laboratory, from which he sent signals into space and lit
lights in Australia in 1930. He did this with the aid of an Italian
physicist named Landini by sending wave train signals through
the earth, much as Tesla had done in Colorado Springs.
In June of 1936 Marconi demonstrated to Italian Fascist dictator
Benito Mussolini a wave gun device that could be used as a defensive
weapon. In the 1930's such devices were popularized as "death rays"
as in a Boris Karloff film of the same name. Marconi demonstrated
the ray on a busy highway north of Milan one afternoon.
Mussolini had asked his wife Rachele to
also be on the highway at precisely 3:30 in the afternoon. Marconi's
device caused the electrical systems in all the cars, including
Rachele's, to malfunction for half an hour, while her chauffeur and
other motorists checked their fuel pumps and spark plugs. At 3:35
all the cars were able to start again. Rachele Mussolini later
published this account in her autobiography.
Mussolini was quite pleased with Marconi's invention, however it is
said that Pope Pius XI learned about the invention of the
paralyzing rays and took steps to have Mussolini stop Marconi's
According to Marconi's followers,
Marconi then took his yacht to South America in 1937, after
faking his own death.
The Secret
City in South America
A number of European scientists were said to have gone with Marconi,
including Landini. In the 1937, the enigmatic Italian physicist and
alchemist Fulcanelli warned European physicists of the grave
dangers of atomic weapons and then mysteriously vanished a few years
He is believed to have joined Marconi's
secret group in South America.
Ninety-eight scientists were said to have gone to South
America where they built a city in an extinct volcanic cater in the
southern jungles of Venezuela. In their secret city, financed by the
great wealth they had created during their lives, they continued
Marconi's work on solar energy, cosmic energy and antigravity. They
worked secretly and apart from the world's nations, building
free-energy motors and ultimately discoid aircraft with a form of
gyroscopic anti-gravity. The community is said to be dedicated to
universal peace and the common good of all mankind.
Believing the rest of the world to be
under the control of energy companies, multi-national bankers and
the military-industrial complex, they have remained isolated from
the rest of the world, working subversively to foster peace and a
clean, ecological technology on the world.
We have information on this astonishing high-tech city from a number
of sources. In the South America the story is a common subject among
certain metaphysical groups.
Says the French writer Robert
Charroux in his book
The Mysteries of the Andes, (1974,
"... the Ciudad Subterranean de
los Andes, is discussed in private from Caracas to
Charroux goes on to tell the story of
Marconi and his secret city, plus the story of a Mexican journalist
named Mario Rojas Avendaro who investigated the Ciudad
Subterranean de los Andes (Underground City of the Andes) and
concluded that it was a true story.
Avendaro was contacted by man named
Naciso Genovese, who had been a student of Marconi's and was a
physics teacher at a High School in Baja, Mexico.
Genovese was an Italian by origin and claimed to have lived for many
years in the Ciudad Subterranea de los Andes. Sometime in the
late 1950s he wrote an obscure book entitled "My Trip To Mars -
Yo He Estado en Marte."
Though the book was never published in
English, it did appear in various Spanish, Portuguese and Italian
Genovese claimed that the city had been built with large financial
resources, was underground and had better research facilities than
any other research facility in the world (at mat time, at least).
By 1946 the city already using a
powerful collector of cosmic energy, the essential component of all
matter, according to Marconi's theories, many of which he had
derived from Tesla.
"In 1952," according to Genovese,
"we traveled above all the seas and continents in a craft whose
energy supply was continuous and practical inexhaustible. It
reached a speed of half a million miles an hour and withstood
enormous pressures, near the limit of resistance of the alloys
that composed it. The problem was to slow it down at just the
right time."
According to Genovese, the city is
located at the bottom of a crater, is mostly underground and is
entirely self-sufficient. The extinct volcano is covered in thick
vegetation, is hundreds of miles from any roads, and is at thirteen
thousand feet in the jungle mountains of the Amazon.
The French author Charroux expressed surprise and disbelief to the
statement that the city was on a jungle covered mountain that was
13,000 feet high. Yet, the eastern side of Andean cordillera has
many such mountains, from Venezuela to Bolivia, spanning thousands
of miles. Several such cities, and mountains, could exist in this
vast, unexplored, and perpetually cloud-covered region.
Yet, a secret city in a jungle crater was the least of the claims.
Genovese claimed that flights to the
Moon and Mars were made in their "flying saucers." He claimed that
once the technology had been conquered, it was relatively simple to
make the trip to the Moon (a few hours) or Mars (several days).
Genovese does not mention pyramids or what they did on Mars.
Perhaps they created a Martian base in
one of the ancient, sand-blown pyramids of
the Cydonia Region.
There have been many reports of UFOs in South America, especially
along the edge of the mountainous jungles of the eastern Andes, from
Bolivia to Venezuela. Is it possible that some of these UFOs are
antigravity craft from the Ciudad Subterranean de los Andes?
In light of highly reliable sources who claim that a "Last
Battalion" of German solders escaped via submarine in the last days
of WWII to Antarctica and South America, it is possible that the
Germans may have high tech super cities in the remote jungles of
South America as well.
A number of military historians, such as Col. Howard Buechner,
author of
Secrets of the Holy Lance and
Hitler's Ashes, maintain that the Germans had already created bases
in Queen Maud Land, opposite South Africa during the war.
Afterwards, German U-Boats, in some reports as many as 100, took
important scientists, aviators and politicians to the final fortress
of Nazi Germany. Two of these U-boats surrendered in Argentina three
months after the war. In 1947, the U.S. Navy invaded Antarctica,
mainly Queen Maud Land with Admiral Byrd in command.
The Americans were defeated and several jets from the four aircraft
carriers were said to have been shot down by discoid craft. The navy
retreated and did not return until 1957.
According to the book,
Chronicle of Akakor, a book first
published in German by the journalist Karl Brugger, a German
battalion had taken refuge in an underground city on the borders of
Brazil and Peru. Brugger, a German journalist who lived in Manaus,
was assassinated in the Rio de Janeiro suburb of Ipanema in 1981.
His guide, Tatunca Nara, went on to become Jacques.
Cousteau's guide on the upper Amazon. In fact, photographs of
Tatunca Nara appear in Cousteau's large coffee-table book of color
photographs called Cousteau's Amazon Journey. (For more
information on Tatunca Nara, Karl Brugger, Underground Cities and
Germans see
Lost Cities & Ancient Mysteries of South
While the secret cities of South America manufacturing flying
saucers and battling the current powers of the world from their
hidden jungle fortresses may sound too much like the plot of a
James Bond movie, it appears to be based on fact!
Based upon the above scenario, it may not be totally fantastic to
suggest, as some authors have, that Tesla was picked up during
the late 1930s by a flying saucer. Yet, it would not have been a
flying saucer from another planet, but one of Marconi's craft from
the secret city in South America.
In the most incredible scenario so-far, and one that may well be
true, Tesla was induced to fake his own death, just as
Marconi and many of the other scientists had done, and was taken, by
special discoid craft, to Marconi's high-tech super-city. Away from
the outside world, the military governments, the oil companies, the
arms and aircraft manufacturers, Marconi and Tesla, both supposedly
dead, continued their experiments, in an atmosphere conducive to
scientific achievement.
Who knows what they may have achieved?
They were ten years ahead of the Germans
and twenty years ahead of the Americans in their anti-gravity
technology. Could they have developed discoid spacecraft in the
early 1940s, and gone on to time travel machines and hyperspace
drives? Perhaps Marconi and Tesla went into the future, and
have already returned to the past!
Time Travel experiments,
teleportation, pyramids on Mars, Armageddon and an eventual Golden
Age on earth, may all have something to do with Tesla, Marconi and
their suppressed inventions.
While "UFO experts" and "former
intelligence agents" tell us that flying saucers are
extraterrestrial and are being currently retro-engineered by
military scientists, Tesla, Marconi and their friends may be waiting
for us at their space base at
the pyramids and Face on Mars.
Our government, Hollywood and the media have trained us to certain
beliefs and prejudices that amazing technology must be from
extraterrestrials visiting our planet. To the scientist-philosopher
who seeks knowledge... sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.
A U.S. Patent for Guglielmo Marconi and his Wireless
Telegraphy given on June 11, 1901. Marconi was as much of a
genius as Tesla. When Marconi saw Tesla beaten by the powerful
World Financiers, he hesitantly approached the Fascists of Italy
with some of his inventions.
After the Pope condemned his
death-ray, Marconi faked his own death in 1936 and left with
more than 100 scientists to South America aboard his yacht Electro.

Above: Guglielmo Marconi, the
Anglo-Italian inventor whose mentor was Nikola Tesla. In this
photo, Marconi is seen at Signal Hill, Newfoundland, in 1901,
with the instruments that he used to receive the first wireless
signal across the Atlantic, sent to him from Polhu, Cornwall,
Below: Mark Carlotto's
computer illustration showing a perspective view of the face on
Mars and surrounding pyramids, looking from the west, and well
above the Martian surface.
Many experts on Marconi, Tesla and
UFOs believe that Marconi and other scientists moved to a secret
base in the Amazon jungle in 1937 and began making anti-gravity
craft with which they reached Mars in the early 1950s or late

click above image
NASA frame 35A72 of Mars,
showing the famous "Face" (a) with its protective metal helmet,
while the "city" (b) with its pyramids and the "D&M pyramid" (c)
is farther to the lower right.
Did Marconi and his scientists
actually travel to Mars in the early 1950s as was claimed by a
number of Marconi's followers in South America?

These four photos are from the U.S.
Blue Book files and show a
"French Flying Saucer Device" that is alleged to be one of the
craft used by Marconi and built at the secret city in South
The Photos clearly show a man-made
discoid craft hovering, tilting and landing. Although the margin
notes state "Date Unk.—" the photos are known to have been taken
in 1953.
At first they were classified
SECRET, but were later "downgraded" and finally marked
"unclassified." The initials ATIC (upside down at bottom
left) stand for Air Technical Intelligence Center, the
parent military agency in the Air Force hierarchy sponsoring
Project Blue Book.

On April 24, 1959, Hello Augiar
was driving along the Plata beach In Salvador, a beach in
northern Brazil, when his engine suddenly stopped. He then
witnessed a flying saucer flying along the beach and took four
photos of it.
It is interesting to note the
symbols on the underside of the craft in this drawing. The craft
had four hemispherical protrusions in the center of the craft on
the bottom and three ribs or tubes on the top of the craft.
This discoid vehicle is similar to
the type of craft allegedly made at Marconi's secret city, and
is also similar to the Schriever-Habermohl
flying disc made by Germany at
the BMW factory near Prague in 1944, and first flown on February
4, 1945 (German Jet Genesis by David Masters, 1982, Jane's
Books, London. Page 135).

After taking these photos on Plata
Beach, Salvador, Brazil, (April 24, 1959) Hello Aguiar
lost consciousness.
When he came to, he was clutching
this message, written in his own hand:

A Polaroid photo taken In Peru on
October 19, 1973 by architect Hugo Vega. Vega, who
happened to have a camera with him, was looking for a house of
client about 34 miles east of Lima, the coastal capital of Peru.
He was looking out over the Rimac
River valley when a discoid craft with portholes between the
domed top and main section, came into view. The craft flew along
the valley and hovered for a few seconds against the jungle
background, which is when Vega got his Polaroid shot.
The old-fashioned design of the
craft is noteworthy, with this 1973 saucer looking more like a
1950-type craft.
Some UFO experts believe that this
craft is one of Marconi's manufacture at the underground city.