by Dr. George J Georgiou
23 January 2011
DocGeorge Website
Dr. George J
Ph.D.,D.Sc (AM).,
ND., N.D. (P)., M.Sc., B.Sc
Director, DaVinci Natural Health Centre, Larnaca, Cyprus
Email: admin@docgeorge.com
This newsletter is being distributed to over 200,000 natural health
practitioners around the world, to hundreds of natural medicine
associations, to the European Union, to the patients of Cyprus, and
will be linked to many websites around the world.
In addition, it will be made available
to thousands of interested readers around the globe who care for
natural medicine - we strongly appreciate your support for this.
The Cyprus Medical Association is picking up the pace in overtly
attacking all Natural Medicine practitioners on the island of
Cyprus, which now is part of the 'European Union.'
The tactics they are using are highly unethical and unprofessional;
basing their attack on the fact that all natural medicine
practitioners are “unqualified charlatans” and people should not
trust them with their health.
On Wednesday 19th January, a program called “60-minutes” on one of
the national channels “Sigma”, showed how paid stooges acting as
patients would enter natural medicine practitioners clinics with
hidden spy cameras and record the practitioner treating them.
Excerpts from this were taken completely out of context and shown on
this national TV channel.
The conclusion in all cases was that they were all “charlatans” and
were not practicing proper medicine. Most of these practitioners are
highly qualified and the most successful on the island.
Interestingly, of all the people that were on the program, including
the presenter - Mr. Tsouroulis - no one brought up the case of how
unethical it is to pay a stooge to act as a patient in order to
collect film with a secret camera that is then used in vicious
attacks against innocent, hard-working and caring natural medicine
How ethical is this behavior that has been instigated by Dr Vasos
Economou who is the President of the Ethical Committee for
He feels that using spy cameras is quite
acceptable and normal behavior and there is no ethical issue
involved as it is for the protection of the people of Cyprus! This
has become a “legal” past-time here in Cyprus, practiced by TV
stations in collusion with the medical fraternity.
The true objective of this propaganda is to frighten potential
patients to stop going to natural medicine practitioners who are
apparently reducing the medics income. They do not want the natural
medicine practitioners to "eat from the same pie." There is no
thought to the benefits that patients can receive from natural
medicine, only self-interests are at stake.
It looks like no authority in Cyprus is taking any measures against
this “bullying” - neither the Ministry of Health or any other
ministry or MP. This is quite typical here in Cyprus with the
nepotism and "school-boy" networks that make the island tick.
Many patient groups that favor natural medicine are up in arms
against Dr Economou for spearheading this shameless attack, as well
as the media channels that are bending under the pressure of the
Cyprus Medical Association, again spearheaded by Tsouroulis of Sigma
TV - a very passionate hater of natural medicine as this is clearly
seen in his programs as he viciously attacks natural medicine while
pampering to the other side.
Needless to say we will be moving along legal channels against all
those involved in this conspiracy - let's see if there is a true
legal system here in Cyprus to see things objectively for what they
Heading the witch-hunters is Dr. Vasos Economou, who seems to have a
lot of time on his hands to “go get the baddies.”
This arch "witch-hunter" seems to think
nothing of sending in stooges with spy cameras to film
highly-qualified practitioners that are clinicians, researchers,
university professors and authors - calling them all "charlatans"
and accusing them publically of "exploiting" patients and openly
encouraging patients avoid going to these charlatans - this is akin
to a bullying mafia!
The implication of this bullying is that natural medicine
practitioners do not know what they are doing and therefore are
This implies that all the universities and their
professors who teach natural medicine around the world are also
charlatans out to exploit everyone, and teach dangerous diagnostic
and treatment regimes to their practitioners.
I think Dr Economou will have a lot of
enemies worldwide once this implication gets out as even the World
Health Organization (WHO) has written a document about Traditional
Medicine being practiced around the globe for centuries and
encourages the integration of these gentle healing methods into more
mainstream medicine.
It appears that Dr Economou has another agenda - to completely
eradicate natural medicine from the island of Cyprus as it is
financially affecting many medical doctors on the island, or so they
The fact is that there are 2,000 medical doctors against no
more than 200 natural medicine practitioners of different
disciplines. The pie is big enough for all!
If we live in a democracy, we also need to respect the patient’s
free-will to visit any health professional of their choosing,
whether it be a natural medicine practitioner, or a medical doctor.
It is highly unethical to use scare-tactics with patients
It seems to be OK for medical practitioners to “dabble” in natural
medicine without any training because they are medics.
However, highly qualified natural
medicine practitioners with many years of university education, who
may be scientific researchers, authors, clinicians and university
professors, are all charlatans, along with the universities that
awarded these degrees and diplomas.
Perhaps Dr. Economou should first begin with the definition of
Charlatanism - the main premise of charlatans is that they “swindle”
or “cheat” their patients to satisfy their own interests.
Indeed, there are charlatans on both
sides of the fence, both medical doctors and natural medicine
practitioners - this is based on the practitioner’s personality, not
their qualifications.
However, here in Cyprus, with the organized medical industry of over
2,000 medical practitioners, charlatanism has reached its peak
amongst them. Most doctors that belong to the “clique” receive back-handers
from medical laboratories for sending patients to them for blood
analyses, from pharmaceutical companies for prescribing drugs, from
medical centers for referring patients for scans, as well as from
colleagues for referring a patient.
The patient gets trapped in this clique
of medical professionals who certainly cannot be objective when
there are so many monetary rewards for simply signing a piece of
So, let’s go back to the definition of “charlatism” - who is the
charlatan now?
The medical doctor who tries to bleed
the patients finances for their self-interests, or the natural
medicine practitioner who genuinely cares for his patients and wants
them to do well, offering them only what they need for diagnosis and
One thing that can certainly be said about natural medicine is that
it certainly does not kill the patient, unlike many of the lethal
side-effects of drugs used by modern medicine, not to mention the
negative consequences of surgery and radiation.
It is incredible when we look at the statistics regarding
‘Iatrogenic Diseases’
- these are the diseases and symptoms that are
actually caused by medical interventions, mostly drugs. In just the
last five years there have been ten times more patients affected by
iatrogenic diseases than the number of Americans killed in the
Vietnam War!
This is a statistic that comes straight
from the Journal of the American Medical Association after a study
of drug side-effects.
Something is wrong when regulatory agencies pretend that vitamins
are dangerous, yet ignore published statistics showing that
government-sanctioned medicine is the real hazard.
Until now, no one had ever analyzed and
combined ALL of the published literature dealing with injuries and
deaths caused by government-protected medicine. That has now
A group of researchers meticulously reviewed the statistical
evidence and their findings are absolutely shocking.
researchers have authored a paper titled
Death by Medicine that
presents compelling evidence that today’s system frequently causes
more harm than good.
This fully referenced report shows the number of people having
in-hospital, adverse reactions to prescribed drugs to be 2.2 million
per year.
The number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually
for viral infections is 20 million per year.
The number of
unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is
7.5 million per year.
The number of people exposed to
hospitalization annually is 8.9 million per year.
The most stunning statistic, however, is that the total number of
deaths caused by conventional medicine is an astounding 783,936 per
It is now evident that the American medical system is the
leading cause of death and injury in the US.
(By contrast, the number of deaths
attributable to heart disease in 2001 was 699,697, while the number
of deaths attributable to cancer was 553,251).
Each year approximately 2.2
million US hospital patients experience adverse drug
reactions (ADRs) to prescribed medications.
In 1995, Dr. Richard Besser of
the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
estimated the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed
annually for viral infections to be 20 million
In 2003, Dr. Besser spoke in
terms of tens of millions of unnecessary antibiotics
prescribed annually
Approximately 7.5 million
unnecessary medical and surgical procedures are performed
annually in the US, while approximately 8.9 million
Americans are hospitalized unnecessarily
The estimated total number of iatrogenic
deaths - that is, deaths induced inadvertently by a physician or
surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures - in the US
annually is 783,936.
It is evident that the American medical
system is itself the leading cause of death and injury in the US. By
comparison, approximately 699,697 Americans died of heart in 2001,
while 553,251 died of cancer.
The Campaign for Truth who conducted a lot of this research (www.campaignfortruth.com)
also estimated that over a 10-year period a total of 7.8 million
iatrogenic deaths occurred which is more than all the casualties
from all the wars fought by the US throughout its entire history.
Their projected figures for unnecessary medical events occurring
over a 10-year period also are dramatic.
These figures show that an estimated 164
million people - more than half of the total US population - receive
unneeded medical treatment over the course of a decade.
This is what they had to say to the question, ‘Is American Medicine
Working?’ which could of course extrapolate to medicine practiced
all over the globe:
US health care spending reached $1.6 trillion in 2003, representing
14% of the nation's gross national product. Considering this
enormous expenditure, we should have the best medicine in the world.
We should be preventing and reversing disease, and doing minimal
Careful and objective review, however,
shows we are doing the opposite. Because of the extraordinarily
narrow, technologically driven context in which contemporary
medicine examines the human condition, we are completely missing the
larger picture.
Medicine is not taking into consideration the following critically
important aspects of a healthy human organism:
stress and how it adversely
affects the immune system and life processes
insufficient exercise
excessive caloric intake
highly processed and denatured
foods grown in denatured and chemically damaged soil
exposure to tens of thousands of
environmental toxins
Instead of minimizing these
disease-causing factors, we cause more illness through medical
technology, diagnostic testing, overuse of medical and surgical
procedures, and overuse of pharmaceutical drugs.
The huge disservice of this therapeutic
strategy is the result of little effort or money being spent on
preventing disease.
They go on
to conclude:
“We are fully aware of what stands
in the way of change: powerful pharmaceutical and medical
technology companies, along with other powerful groups with
enormous vested interests in the business of medicine. They fund
medical research, support medical schools and hospitals, and
advertise in medical journals.
With deep pockets, they entice
scientists and academics to support their efforts. Such funding
can sway the balance of opinion from professional caution to
uncritical acceptance of new therapies and drugs. You have only
to look at the people who make up the hospital, medical, and
government health advisory boards to see conflicts of interest.
The public is mostly unaware of
these interlocking interests.”
For example, a 2003 study found that
nearly half of medical school faculty who serve on institutional
review boards (IRB) to advise on clinical trial research also serve
as consultants to the pharmaceutical industry.
The study authors were concerned that
such representation could cause potential conflicts of interest.
news release by Dr. Erik Campbell,
the lead author, said,
"Our previous research with faculty
has shown us that ties to industry can affect scientific
behavior, leading to such things as trade secrecy and delays in
publishing research. It's possible that similar relationships
with companies could affect IRB members' activities and
A five-country survey published in the Journal of Health Affairs
found that 18-28% of people who were recently ill had suffered from
a medical or drug error in the previous two years.
The study surveyed 750 recently ill
The breakdown by country showed the percentages of those
suffering a medical or drug error were,
In 1995, a JAMA report noted,
"Over a million patients are injured
in US hospitals each year, and approximately 280,000 die
annually as a result of these injuries. Therefore, the
iatrogenic death rate dwarfs the annual automobile accident
mortality rate of 45,000 and accounts for more deaths than all
other accidents combined."(23)
At a 1997 press conference, Leape
released a nationwide poll on patient iatrogenesis conducted by the
National Patient Safety Foundation (NPSF), which is sponsored by the
American Medical Association (AMA).
Leape is a founding member of NPSF.
The survey found that more than 100
million Americans have been affected directly or indirectly by a
medical mistake. Forty-two percent were affected directly and 84%
personally knew of someone who had experienced a medical mistake.(14)
It is interesting to see what happened in Israel in the year 2000
when Industrial action by public health doctors helped to reduce the
death rates in most of the country.
A large number of doctors across the
country went on strike for 127 days while funeral directors
complained of less work. To find out whether the industrial action
was affecting deaths in the country, the Jerusalem Post interviewed
non-profit making Jewish burial societies, which perform funerals
for the vast majority of Israelis.
Hananya Shahor, the veteran director of
Jerusalems Kehilat Yerushalayim burial society said,
"The number of funerals we have
performed has fallen drastically."
Meir Adler, manager of the Shamgar
Funeral Parlour, which buries most other residents of Jerusalem,
declared with much more certainty:
"There definitely is a connection
between the doctors sanctions and fewer deaths. We saw the same
thing in 1983 when the Israel Medical Association applied
sanctions for four and a half months."
When one discusses issues with medical practitioners there is
definitely a ‘brainwashing’ that does not correlate with the
scientific literature or even their own personal experiences working
with their patients.
They literally believe that if everyone in the world only had enough
drugs in their bodies, we'd all be super healthy!
If we just had
vaccines with Thimerosal, (a preservative used which contain
50% mercury to give to babies and has increased the autism rate),
and enough cholesterol drugs for all the senior citizens, and enough
antidepressants for all the middle-aged people, we'd all be
healthier, they claim.
And the way to get more people healthier
to push more drug ads
to mandate more vaccinations
to require
more "mental health screening" of schoolchildren, just in case they
might need ADHD (attention deficit) drugs such as
Yes, it is insane but it is also the reality that we are living
Modern medicine is run by big
pharmaceutical companies whose interest is in making money from
patenting expensive drugs - there is no primary interest in curing
people of difficult health problems.
The problem is that they also
brain-wash medical doctors to believing that these “magic drugs” can
solve all the health problems of the world. Wrong again!
If this was the case, then why are the
rates of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and many other
health problems increasing? Surely, if drugs could solve all these
degenerative diseases, then they would have been eradicated by now!
Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. who wrote
The Medical Mafia has this to
"The medical establishment works
closely with the drug multinationals whose main objective is
profits, and whose worst nightmare would be an epidemic of good
health. Lots of drugs MUST be sold. In order to achieve this,
anything goes: lies, fraud, and kickbacks.
Doctors are the principal
salespeople of the drug companies. They are rewarded with
research grants, gifts, and lavish perks. The principal buyers
are the public - from infants to the elderly - who MUST be
thoroughly medicated and vaccinated...at any cost!
Why do the authorities forbid alternative medicine?
Because they are serving the
industry, and the industry cannot make money with herbs,
vitamins, and homeopathy. They cannot patent natural remedies.
That is why they push synthetics. They control medicine, and
that is why they are able to tell medical schools what they can
and cannot teach. They have their own sets of laws, and they
force people into them. That is a mafia.
This sensational expose' also
uncovers the truth behind vaccines, AIDS, cancer, the World
Health Organization, the Rockefeller Foundation, the World Bank,
and more."
But we all know that modern medicine
practices “symptom suppression” by using drugs, with few exceptions.
If you have arthritis, your arthritis is not cured by a medical
doctor, it is simply treated using an anti-inflammatory and a pain
killer, but it never goes away.
When you have diabetes, the doctor does
not cure the problem, but simply manages it with drugs which you
have to take for the rest of your life - or so that is the message
that you get when the doctor prescribes.
One of the things that medical doctors do not really examine is the
myriad of causative factors that are playing a role on the patient’s
They seem to feel that people are not
affected from the food they eat, the water they drink, the air they
breathe, the large number of chemicals that are placed in the body
from cosmetics, preservatives, E-factors, colorings and much more.
Not to mention the mercury that is placed in a person’s mouth when
placing amalgam fillings.
Stress from work, family issues,
relationships and shock also do not seem to be part of the health
equation. Not to mention the various nutritional deficiencies that
most people have these days - how is it possible for the body to
produce enzymes, hormones, remove toxins etc. when they are
deficient in the raw materials required to make these substances.
All this is “quackery” to most physicians - but this is what natural
medicine practitioners practice - they try to identify and remove
these factors, while using natural substances to help the body
regenerate and rebuild. There is a lot of science to support what
they are doing and why and how natural remedies work effectively.
In fact, there are universities all over
the world, as well as Associations that not only accept natural
medicine but also award degrees (even doctorates) in the fields of
nutritional and herbal medicine, homeopathy, environmental sciences
and toxicology, psychosomatic medicine, psycho-neuroimmunology -
there are hundreds of thousands of scientific publications available
on all these topics.
So who is practicing ‘quackery’ now!
One may ask why do all these medical doctors not read all this
material and practice at least some aspects of this science to help
their patients heal better.
Even if they spent a little time
balancing their patients nutritional habits, and getting them to
drink water - about 60% of the Cypriot population suffer from the
symptoms of chronic dehydration, then the patient would thank them
for it.
Instead, a health practitioner such as myself who thinks ‘outside
the box’ gets chastised, criticized, threatened and generally
‘blacklisted’ and called a charlatan and a quack. Yet I have
probably helped more people heal with headaches, migraines,
arthritis, high blood pressure, diabetes and a myriad of other
symptoms simply by fixing their dehydration and balancing their diet
and teaching them the art of detoxification to help their body heal.
Doctors are not kept in the dark because there are differences over
medical theory, i.e. that one side believes in the "germ theory" of
disease and the other side believes in the "nutritional theory" of
disease. Or perhaps you think that orthodox medicine is interested
in treating "symptoms," while alternative medicine is interested in
treating "causes."
While there are theoretical differences, the war
is not caused by differences in medical theory.
The war is all about profits.
"We are not dealing with a
scientific problem. We are dealing with a political issue."
Samuel Epstein, M.D.
The fact of the matter is that this war
is a political war.
Like all other wars in world history, it
is all about money, power and the glory of the world. Most of all it
is a war about orthodox medicine maintaining the power they have had
since the 1920s.
Our government agencies and the corporations that control them have
done everything in their power to make sure you do not know the
truth about alternative medicine, and especially alternative
treatments for cancer and alternative prevention measures for heart
disease. And the
television stations and other media are not about
to say anything negative about one of their biggest advertisers -
pharmaceutical industry.
So called "investigative journalists"
are never going to investigate the friends of their employer.
"Why does a particular story not
receive the coverage it deserves in the media? While a variety
of reasons may be at cause, foremost among them... seems to be
conflict of interest issues involving the financial concerns of
major media advertisers."
Peter Phillips, in his
book, Censored 1997
Before saying more about this war, it is
instructive to go back to the beginning, to see why this war started
in the first place.
The stagnation of progress in treating chronic diseases continues
today because the enormously profitable procedures of surgery, drugs
and radiation make many, many billions of dollars every year for,
...etc. etc.
"Drug therapy is an incredibly
lucrative business for doctors, hospitals, and pharmaceutical
companies… The medical establishment wants everyone to follow
the same exact protocol.
They don’t want to see the drug
industry go under, and that’s the number one obstacle to any
progress in oncology (or treating other degenerative diseases)."
Dr Warner, M.D.
In other words, the medical community
has gone along with the idea that chemotherapy, radiation and
surgery are so profitable, that there will never be any progress in
the "war against degenerative diseases."
The leaders have intentionally,
willingly, knowingly and pro-actively suppressed every possible
advance in treating chronic diseases for over 80 years, dating back
to the 1920s.
I hear many doctors talking about how ‘their’ science is
evidence-based, while natural medicine is not.
"Where's the evidence that nutrition
has any value?" they ask, as if drug companies would suddenly
fund randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled studies on
vitamins and minerals that can't be patented.
Yet, when one examines a lot of the
‘scientific’ publications of the medical profession, of which about
90% are pharmacological in nature (yes, you guessed correctly, they
are financed by
Big Pharma).
You will find most of these studies being weak methodologically as
well as being based on fraudulent science, designed specifically to
achieve a statistical "success" using any means necessary: fudging
the numbers, removing samples that don't fit the desired curve,
burying trials that showed negative results, confusing correlation
with causation and a hundred other devious tricks.
The medical journals themselves, in
turn, are financially supported by drug company ads, and they
continue to publish studies secretly authored by the drug companies
themselves (while utterly failing to disclose blatant conflicts of
Of course, the quack defenders of conventional medicine, like Dr
Economou, strongly disagree with this - and that's all part of their
pretending, of course. It's their role to disagree with anything
that challenges the status quo. Their jobs and egos depend on it!
Natural health is a huge threat to conventional medicine.
If the
Cypriot, American and global public learned the truth about,
other naturopathic modalities, they would drop their drugs in a
minute and pursue the safe, natural and non-patented therapies from
the world of natural health.
And that's precisely what Big Pharma are
paranoid about - they simply cannot allow this to happen!
So drug
companies continue their campaigns of influence, corruption, buying
off the mainstream media and controlling the curricula at medical
The future of health is in prevention - not in drug therapies or
unjustified surgical procedures with all their iatrogenic effects.
There is much that people can learn
about how to prevent,
heart disease
kidney stones
...and thousands of other health conditions
to which conventional medicine has no cure.
Disease prevention or
sustainable wellness is the new paradigm shift that the world has to
embrace in order to really optimize health, remove iatrogenic
diseases but at the same time dissipate the large medical industry
fuelled by the pharmaceutical giants.
Preventing disease is the fastest way to
Big Pharma!
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