by Michael Kane
November 2, 2005
FromTheWilderness Website
Forced vaccinations and
forced drugging already legal when “state of emergency”
New legislation would leave no accountability if forced
administration kills.
Deadly AIG anthrax vaccine may already be stockpiled for
emergency use.
Jerome Hauer leaves HHS: Oh where, oh where will he turn
Bird flu scare – But has the virus been isolated?
Regardless, Rumsfeld set to profit.
This report could not have
been completed without the early and continued research
of medical investigator Liam Scheff. |
Since 9/11 the Bush Administration has
been consistently eroding citizens’ rights to choose what treatments
we put into our bloodstreams. If the Biodefense and Pandemic
Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005 becomes law, that
erosion of health freedom will be entering its final stage.
The Homeland Security Act of 2002 gives the Secretary of
Health and Human Services (HHS) the right to authorize
mandatory vaccinations and drugging once a state of emergency is
implemented. This new act will exempt pharmaceutical companies from
any liability for death or injury as long as their drug or vaccine
has been designated as a “countermeasure.”1
UPI has just reported that an experimental – and seemingly deadly –
anthrax vaccine being tested by both the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) and HHS may have already been added to the
Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) for emergency use.2
If this new law is enacted, the controversial AIG (anthrax
immune globulin) vaccine could be labeled as a “countermeasure,”
giving its manufacturer impunity if it is deployed from the SNS.
Unfortunately, such a scenario would not be the first time an
anthrax vaccine caused injury and death to humans.3
FTW (FromTheWilderness)
recommends everyone read the UPI report thoroughly and carefully.
Some contenders for the coveted “countermeasure” title would include
the anti-viral drug Tamiflu, BioPort’s despicable anthrax vaccine,
VaxGen’s “next generation” anthrax vaccine, the ABthrax anthrax drug4
, multiple smallpox vaccines, and Cipro, to name a few.
If a “countermeasure” kills or injures people, the victims and their
families will have no legal recourse in the courts. If the proposed
act becomes law, the injured parties will have to plead their case
to the Secretary of HHS. He alone determines whether any
compensation might be warranted.
But there is a gigantic catch.
It must be proven that not only is the pharmaceutical company in
question guilty of wrongdoing, but that they did so willfully. So if
it is deemed an accident, a mistake, or incompetence that caused
death or injury, there is no liability whatsoever. It is almost
impossible to prove a pharmaceutical manufacturer willfully caused
harm through their product, especially once the process is removed
from the legal system and placed in the Whitehouse. This
“accountability” clause has been added for the Senate to save face
even though it does not protect citizens’ rights and is effectively
If the legislation is passed, it will set up the Biomedical
Advanced Research and Development Agency (BARDA). This
agency will operate secretly, exempt from the Freedom of Information
Act. BARDA is the marriage of Big Pharma and Big
Government, with the happy couple reigning side by side as they
determine which drugs and vaccines will be anointed as
Biowarfare expert Jerome Hauer, who was named as a
“person of interest” in the crimes of 9/11 by Michael Ruppert
Crossing The Rubicon, has just left
his position as assistant secretary for Public Health Emergency
Preparedness at HHS. FTW believes he is likely preparing to
become a member of BARDA. The legislation that will create BARDA is
on fast track in the Senate, and there is no individual in the
country more “qualified” to be a member of this agency if, or when,
it is created.5
BARDA eliminates what the industry calls the "valley of death" in
biomedical research. According to Mary M. Shaffrey writing in
JournalNow.com, the term refers to
the gap between the point when companies have found potential
medicines and vaccines for such diseases as smallpox or anthrax, but
before they are ready to be verified in clinical trials.6
So does this mean we are the guinea pigs now?
Shaffrey writes:
One key aspect of the bill is that
the government will cover the liability risk for companies that
manufacture drugs for use in a bioterror attack. Because the
testing for these countermeasures will be limited, it will be
unclear whether they are 100 percent effective until they are
needed after an attack. [emphasis added]7
It is also unclear how many deaths and
injuries each “countermeasure” will cause.
They continue:
Over the course of the typical
10-year period from a drug's conception to full government
approval, a company can expect to make billions off a single
drug, and that's before it's sold on the wide scale.8
www.Legitgov.org is asking people
to write and call the Senators supporting this bill to voice our
disdain of their actions. It is a righteous call, but don’t hold
your breath.
The Senate is Big Pharma’s best
friend, and while everyone is thoroughly distracted by the fact
that the Bush Administration is finally in hot water, this
bill is all but certain to become law. The indictment of Lewis
“Scooter” Libby, Dick Cheney’s former Chief of Staff,
is blinding everyone to the fact that Big Pharma is about to have
its deepest, darkest dream come true – immunity from lawsuits.
And those in the Senate who are actually
criticizing the bill are only doing so from the standpoint that it
does not address the bird flu “epidemic” with more fervor.
Obviously this legislation is related to the current media flurry
surrounding H5N1 avian flu. But the facts are being intentionally
muddied by the World Health Organization (WHO) and
other interests who clearly have an ulterior agenda.
This “epidemic” of bird flu has killed a mere 67 people throughout
the world since 1997, while other flu strains kill 40,000 people a
year in this country alone. Bird flu exists, and it could indeed
mutate toward a pandemic-inducing level of infectivity in humans.
But it appears that the virus has yet to be properly isolated.
Thus far H5N1 (bird flu) has only been “isolated” through PCR —
polymerase chain reaction — a powerful analytic technique whose
inventor, Kary Mullis, was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1993.
Dr. Mullis has been unwavering in his position that PCR cannot be
used to properly and accurately isolate a virus. Only isolation
through purification is considered the gold standard in virology.9
FTW interviewed medical researchers and microbiologists and found
that thus far, no scientific papers have been published showing that
H5N1 has been properly isolated through purification in any of the
67 human deaths attributed to bird flu. Only PCR has been used. If
anyone can show this statement to be incorrect, please do so
immediately by providing citations to the scientific paper(s)
showing H5N1 has been isolated through purification.
Assuming such scientific documentation doesn’t exist (as it appears
not to), just what is going on?
The WHO is forcing the pieces to fit into a pre-determined puzzle –
an alternative agenda. The 67 deaths supposedly caused by
bird flu need to be thoroughly examined and the virus itself needs
to be isolated via purification before any discussion of treatment
can begin. But this is not the intent of the WHO, the U.S.
Government, or Big Pharma.
While this reporter does not always agree with the conclusions of
Dr. Leonard Horowitz, he was entirely correct when he
recently wrote:
Little to no data is available on
these [67] individuals [the alleged victims of bird flu] who
most commonly had immune-compromising medical conditions.
Further, all deaths were in Asian countries with questionable
health services.10
$8 billion of emergency government
funding has been allotted towards whatever the next “super flu” will
be, whether it is H5N1 or something else. Secretary of HHS
Michael Levitt was recently quoted as saying,
“If it isn‘t the current H5N1 virus
that leads to an influenza pandemic, at some point in our
nation‘s future another virus will.”
Tamiflu, the drug expected to
reap the biggest financial gain from bird flu, will also benefit the
current Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who owns stock
in the company that originally patented the drug. Rumsfeld’s stake
in Gilead Sciences Inc. is reportedly between $5 and $25
million, and as the bird flu scare has spread through the media the
stock has risen dramatically.12
We are seeing a culmination of greed, fear, and lies comparable to
that which brought our military onto Iraqi soil. This gravy train is
on a deadly rush-to-market collision course with public health; its
victims will be American citizens considered collateral damage in
the “war on terror.”
Big Pharma needs the liability bailouts given by the
Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug
Development Act of 2005 because they know their products
will cause deaths. And if their “countermeasures” merely sit and rot
in the Strategic National Stockpile, they are sure to make even more
money filling the SNS all over again.
1. While the Homeland Security Act
did provide liability bailouts for Eli Lilly’s vaccine mercury
preservative thimerasol (contained in every flu shot), the
Biodefense and Pandemic Vaccine and Drug Development Act of 2005
goes much further with its “countermeasure” program,
as FTW has previously reported.
2. “Anthrax
treatment may be deadly,” by Steve Mitchell, UPI,
October 27, 2005.
EPIDEMIC,” by Michael Kane, FTW, March 16, 2004.
4. “HHS
to buy two anthrax drugs for testing,” Center for
Infectious Disease Research Policy, October 6, 2005.
5. For detailed information on Jerome Hauer’s biography and his
considerable involvement in the crimes of 9/11, see
Crossing The Rubicon, chapter 23,
pp. 418-426.
6. “Burr
proposes agency to counter bioterrorism,” by Mary M.
Shaffrey, JournalNow.com, October 17, 2005.
7. Ibid.
8. Ibid.
9. Note that PCR is the only technique ever used to allegedly
confirm the presence of HIV; HIV has never been isolated through
purification. In fact, accepting all that we’ve been told about
the human immunodeficiency virus requires us to throw a century
of virological science out the window.
10. “The
Avian Flu Fright is Politically Timed,” by Dr.
Leonard Horowitz, GlobalResearch.ca, October 12, 2005.
11. “Bush
to Unveil Super-Flu Strategies on Tues.” by Lauran
Neergaard, Associated Press, October 30, 2005.
12. “Rumsfeld
growing stake in Tamiflu,” by Nelson D. Schwartz,
CNNMoney, October 31, 2005.