by S.D. Wells
September 30, 2012
NaturalNews Website
What if you just found out that
cancer in America began when food processing plants became
prominent and people moved closer to the industrial plants,
where the jobs were, just after World War II?
And what if you found out from a
very "reliable source" that the U.S. government knew this
processed food would cause cancer?
Would you believe it, or would
you call the people who do believe it conspiracy theorists?
Does it seem so RADICAL of a
concept, like some outrageous and malicious plan to make
money at the expense of people's lives and livelihood?
Or is it just paranoia, now
being spread by the nightly news?
World Without Cancer
What if CNN, Dateline NBC, 60 Minutes,
or some other network prime time "mainstream news" program did a
HUGE NATIONAL STORY about how fluoride in public water is causing
Alzheimer's, Osteoporosis and Arthritis, and nearly every city and
county in America would be removing it from the public water supply
starting first thing Monday?
Then you found out the very next morning
that your town or city was not on that list, because your mayor just
switched from a job at a chemical company, and he or she is "all for
fluoridated water."
Are you worried?
Do you run out a buy
expensive filters at the hardware store for your sinks, for your
showers, for everything?
Does it seem so RADICAL of a concept, like
some horribly unethical plan to make money off people's sickness? Or
is it just paranoia, now being spread by the ever so popular nightly
Then you start thinking, wait a second, could people go to jail for
coming up with this idea, of fluoridating the water, or did they
already go to jail for MASS MURDER?
Maybe it's time to do a little
homework for yourself, especially since
it's now all over the news.
A company called
IG Farben worked closely with the
Nazi regime and the SS, functioning like a war driving machine,
donating some 80 million Reichsmarks in return for chemical,
pharmaceutical and petrochemical industries which were seized by
Hitler from the occupied countries.
IG Farben then used huge investment
capital from the one and only
John D. Rockefeller and his
Standard Oil Company to fund the creation and
use of Zyklon B pesticide to gas
millions of Jews to death.
Scientists from IG Farben went on to
work for the United States in major capacities, from designing
Toxic water
was a planned conspiracy
A study published in Environmental Health Perspectives just
two years ago confirmed that fluoridated water causes brain damage
in children.
The study was the 24th one on
the same subject, and the results were SO EVIDENT that experts
thought it could be the end of water fluoridation. The fluoride
levels in the children's blood were so high, if the study had
reached the nightly news, America would be up in arms, demanding
Getting paranoid yet? Or what if the word paranoia itself needs to
be redefined? Maybe the dictionaries should redefine the political
correctness of the word paranoid in order to fit in with modern day
insanity when it comes to buying toxic food instead of Mother
Nature's untainted organic food and "medicine."
The gap is narrowing. The gap between what is believed about the
history of America as being such a noble nation that feeds and
"polices" the world, and the modern day notion that the government
not only doesn't regulate and minimize toxic food and medicine, but
promotes it and prospers from it, in more ways than any other
generation of wealth.
If you think by looking the other way when the truth hits, that
somehow it won't hit you, or affect you and your family, you're
wrong. Disease is being bred in toxic food and medicine which is for
sale all around you. If you're shopping at all the wrong stores,
you're "buying cancer."
Put it this way, if you got lost in some
forest and some "bad guys" were shooting tiny poisonous arrows at
could you just look the other way and keep walking, or would
you end up dying much sooner than necessary?
Take the last
decade of collateral damage for example
After the
Bush Administration's reckless push of high fructose corn
syrup and Donald Rumsfeld's care free push of artificial sweeteners
and dangerous prescription drugs, America is living inside a
downward spiral.
Obama has done next to NOTHING
to fix these monstrous issues. Add in
Monsanto's GMO corn and soy
and it's likesome modern day genocide.
Nazi Germany wasn't a conspiracy theory, it was real, but people
underestimated the movement as it rose up, and look what happened.
During the war, the Nazi's tested
extreme, intolerable conditions on Jews, the way we test monkeys and
treat animals in the U.S., including the ones most carnivores eat
today. How are GMO, poison-laden foods, which are proven to cause
cancer, so different from pushing dangerous, chemical laden vaccines
(like swine and flu shots) on humans?
How similar were the Nazi concentration
camp conditions to the conditions we find many animals living in
today - trapped in a horror story from birth to miserable death -
also known as
CAFO's, or Concentrated (or Confined) Animal
Feeding Operations?
The WAR for
chemical free food and water
There is a war going on today: the war for chemical-free food and
For over 75 years, the concept of
organic food for disease prevention and cure has been suppressed,
and the entire practice of non-Allopathic medicine has also been
Many alternative doctors have been
persecuted and even assassinated.
Hundreds of known disease causes
and cures have been and still are buried under the rug, kept out of
the mainstream media, out of the medical journals, and out of the
mouths of the doctors who,
"sell you on their latest
prescription drug."
Chronic diseases; we know today so well
could be cured with simple, inexpensive natural therapies.
Dr. Herbert Ley, the former
United States FDA Commissioner has been quoted,
"What the FDA is doing and what the
public thinks it is doing are as different as night and day."