by Mike Adams
the Health Ranger
April 12, 2010
NaturalNews Website
Did you ever wonder why such an alarmingly high percentage of
Americans are obese, diabetic, depressed and suffering from cancer,
heart disease, kidney disorders and skin problems?
Now consider the fact that Americans pay
more per capita for health care than any other nation in the world.
Americans pay the highest prices, by far, for medications, medical
imaging scans, blood work, surgeries, chemotherapy and hospital
stays. And yet what does America have to show for it? The most
universally diseased population in the world - and a nation on the
verge of bankruptcy caused in part by mainstream medicine.
But this isn't a slam on America itself: It's an indictment of the
mainstream medical system that has been running a monopoly medical
racket in America for roughly the last hundred years.
Under the system of monopolistic medical
practices enforced by the
FTC and state medical boards,
"mainstream medicine" has taken a nation that was once relatively
healthy and turned it into a disease dystopia where patients are
actually taught that nutrition doesn't work and that they must
submit to patented chemicals in order to be "normal" or healthy.
Mainstream medicine has reached such a level of insanity that its
corporations now claim intellectual ownership over nearly 20 percent
of the human genome.
This has all been done to create a
corporate monopoly over human genes in the same way that mainstream
medicine has already created an FDA-enforced monopoly over isolated
chemicals - many of which were ripped off from nature.
At the same time that mainstream medicine has created for itself an
oppressively-enforced monopoly over medical treatments, it has
brought America to the brink of bankruptcy while delivering only
pain, suffering and pharmaceutical addiction to the masses.
Mainstream medicine says poison is
medicine (chemotherapy) while teaching people that nutrition is
This is the system of medicine that
dismisses the value of sunlight, colon cleansing, acupuncture and
juice cleansing, but it firmly believes in
toxic vaccines,
chemotherapy, cancer-causing mammograms
and dispensing a lifetime of poisonous medications to little babies
who are now being diagnosed with depression before they're even old
enough to speak!
And yet - stunningly - the promoters and pushers of mainstream
medicine claim it is a huge success! Remarkably, they even claim
it is the only system of medicine in the entire world that works.
Yep, out of all the hundreds of other systems of medicine practiced
around the world - most of which are based on medicinal herbs and
natural remedies, by the way - the arrogant, ignorant promoters of
mainstream medicine have no shame standing in a room of chemo
patients (most of whom are dying from the chemotherapy) and
"This is the ONLY system of medicine
in the entire world that has any merit whatsoever!"
And, yes, they actually believe that.
Mainstream medicine may not be good at
promoting health, but it is very, very good at brainwashing
otherwise intelligent people into believing that the Emperor is,
indeed, wearing glorious flowing robes even as he walks down the
street butt naked.
realizations about "mainstream medicine"
When it comes to whether mainstream medicine really works, here are
ten important "reality check" realizations to keep in mind:
If mainstream medicine really
worked, then drug companies wouldn't have to commit
scientific fraud to fake their clinical trials, would they?
If mainstream medicine really
worked, then doctors, drugs companies and the FDA wouldn't
be afraid of competition from nutritional supplements and
natural remedies, and they wouldn't keep trying to censor or
outlaw those natural remedies.
If mainstream medicine really
worked, drug companies would gladly test their drugs
side-by-side with nutritional remedies to see what works
best. (http://www.naturalnews.com/028473_Zetia_Vitamin_B3.html)
If mainstream medicine really
worked, health insurance costs would be extremely low. The
only reason health insurance costs so much is because
mainstream medicine doesn't cure anybody, and patients stay
sick, which costs more money to keep treating!
If mainstream medicine really
worked, then all the other countries in the world would be
looking at the U.S. health care system and saying, "Wow, we
want THAT!"
If mainstream medicine really
worked, drug companies would be out of business
because virtually everybody would be healthy and therefore
not need drugs on an ongoing basis.
If mainstream medicine really
worked, doctors would largely put themselves out of business
by teaching patients how to take care of their own health.
If mainstream medicine really
worked, drug companies like Johnson & Johnson wouldn't have
to pay kickbacks (bribes) to nursing homes to entice them to
push more of their drugs onto helpless senior citizens.
If mainstream medicine really
worked, the treatment of teenagers with chemotherapy
wouldn't have to be enforced by court order with the threat
of arrest and imprisonment of the parents (as happens in the
U.S. today). (http://www.naturalnews.com/Abraham_Cherrix.html)
If mainstream medicine really
worked, drug companies wouldn't need to advertise on
television to persuade people to take drugs they don't need.
Now, to hear mainstream medicine pushers
say it, the only reason Americans are so sick and diseased right now
is because - get this - not enough people are taking enough
Yes... if they could only convince more parents to drug more babies
and toddlers; or if they could get more teens on four, five or six
drugs at once; or if they could convince nursing homes to pop a
dozen different meds into the mouths of senior citizens then we'd
all be healthier!
America, you see, suffers from a medication deficiency.
That's the line of mainstream medicine:
More meds = less disease. And now, they're trying to convince
everyone that even healthy people now need meds (statin
drugs) even if they show no symptoms of disease.
So now - get this - being healthy is no longer enough to avoid
medications! We're ALL supposed to be medicated, whether we're
healthy or not.
Mainstream medicine, you see, isn't satisfied to just treat sick
people with its medications, radiation machines and surgical
procedures: It wants to put all the healthy people on pills, too.
And what will be the result of all this? Imagine in your own mind,
for a moment: What will be the result if, say, Americans start
taking twice as much medication as they do right now. Will Americans
be healthier?
Of course not. They will be more diseased. More medicated and
chemically contaminated. The fish downstream will be even more
polluted with pharmaceutical runoff and the bio sludge human waste
"compost" products now being put on farms will be even more heavily
saturated with medication chemicals.
Will that create health for America? Of course not. Mainstream
medicine does not work.
And pushing mainstream medicine onto
more people will only cause more sickness, more suffering and more
bankruptcies across American households.
It will, however, accomplish one very important thing:
The obscene financial enrichment of
a few powerful corporations like Pfizer, Merck, Johnson &
Johnson and AstraZeneca.
And that, my friends, is the entire
point of mainstream medicine:
To mainline the profits for Big
Pharma, sideline the legitimate health problems of the
American people, and streamline the criminal soaking of the
rich, the poor and the recently-insured in order to turn
sickness into profit.
That's mainstream medicine for you.
I'm sure glad I don't use it.