by Jonathan Gray
SuppressedArchaeology Website
Spanish version
About Jonathan Gray
.Archaeology fever first
seized me at the age of ten. I was intrigued by British
explorer Percy Fawcett's amazing trek into the Amazon
jungle. After reporting his discovery of a dead,
ancient, vine-choked city, he went back in... and
You know what? My first expedition was into that same
unexplored region … where pygmies shrank human heads to
the size of your fist!
This search for ancient mysteries was to take me through
more than 30 countries.
Soon I began to stumble upon something that truly
shocked me!... you would call them “out of place”
artifacts. Did I say shocked? They blew me over!
Because, according to what we were taught in school,
these should never exist! And they weren’t just in one
place. There was a global pattern to them.
This pattern showed a lost super science and technology.
That’s when I knew someone had to speak up. I knew this
content was of tremendous value. |
Is the true history
of planet earth being suppressed?
There are many archaeological finds which don't get recognized
because they don't fit into the official establishment record of how
life on earth evolved.
It can only be presumed that there is
some history that they don't want people to know about.
In other
words, we are being lied to about the real history of planet earth.
Like the burning of the library at Alexandria, keeping the public in
the dark has come to be a feature of our current world rulers. It
could almost be presumed that there is information that would cause
a loss of control and power to manipulate reality outcomes if known.
Jonathan Gray has traveled the world and investigated many
amazing records of lost civilizations. He calls their suppression a
Now read on...
What I have to tell you involves the scandal that's going on in the
scientific world today.
It's a scandal that - if you are like most
people I know - is cheating you of your ancestry and robbing you of
many serious benefits you should be getting from existing scientific
You have probably been cheated - with misinformation - many times
this year without you ever knowing!
Artifacts deliberately dumped in the Atlantic Ocean... certain
discovery sites banned to researchers who ask embarrassing
questions... an archaeologist ordered to deny a major discovery...
In just a moment you will discover secrets from our past that will
blow your mind…
You're going to see the world around you in a new light that
uninformed people everywhere are constantly missing. And some
puzzles about the past will start making sense.
Man as old as coal
Wrote Bill O'Brien:
"There was a time when Conrad
regarded the integrity of the scientific establishment as beyond
But after seven years of dealing with paleontologists
and archaeologists, he said he has found them to be a devious
and untrustworthy bunch whose actions in relation to him have
been downright dishonest and deceitful."
"Conrad believes his discovery has frightened members of
the archeological/paleontological establishment out of their
wits. They dread the truth, he says, because they know
their cozy little clique will be gone with the eons.
No longer
will they be able to sup at the trough of
Darwinism, enjoying soft jobs
with huge salaries."
Ancient History that has UFO Science
links to Ancient Wisdom gets suppressed.
For instance
Academia covers up evidence of Ancient Egyptians in Britain.
Ancient Egyptians fleeing the backlash against heretic pharaoh
Akhenaten, came to live in Britain around 1354 BC. The
archaeological evidence is being ignored by Academia so as to
maintain the existing dogmatic view of history that the Ancient
Egyptians had never traveled that far.
An Egyptian boat was found at Ferriby, nearly fifty years ago, and
promptly ignored by Academia.

Lorraine Evans puts together the pieces of ignored evidence
that exists in Museums, in her book
Kingdom of the Ark,
claiming the ancient British race is descended from the Pharaohs.
As to why Academia ignores the evidence that contradicts
their dogma, she concludes:
"The fact that I had unearthed so
many pieces of evidence, archaeological and historical, to show
Egyptian settlement in the British Isles raised one question.
Why had this all been ignored in academic circles? One of the
main reasons, I felt, was that if such information was readily
accepted then academia would rapidly have to rewrite huge chunks
of history. This would throw certain traditional `historical
facts' into tremendous doubt. It is important to stress that
many academics' careers are based on these 'facts' and to
disprove them overnight would make these people redundant,
During the research for this book, I
soon discovered that some academics were quite willing to share
their work off the record, but when it came to committing it to
print they soon backed down and a wall of silence greeted me.
None of them, it appeared, wanted to put their jobs on the line,
to tell the truth, The sad reality of the matter is that we are
relying on these people to tell us our history, but they seem
content to operate under a veil of academic censorship.
On a Saturday afternoon in the British Museum, hordes of
tourists walk nonchalantly by some of the greatest collections
of artifacts from the ancient world. As cameras flash and people
pose by the more famous exhibits, there stands, in the Medieval
Gallery, possibly the most important piece in the entire museum.
By a dimly lit case rests the ancient stone of Llywel.
The British Museum
extracted from Chapter
12 - How Britain Became England
"In this Iron Age
Gallery there is the Ogham Stone standing by the
first table-case that you passed when you came into
the room. It is a grave slab from Ireland.
Then there is the Llywel Stone at the other
end of the room, and as it has the same inscriptions
in Latin and Ogham, you can make out the Ogham
alphabet." |
Unearthed in a farmer's field in
Wales in 1843, it was sold to the British Museum for the meager
sum of £10.00.
An ornately carved piece of rock, its true
importance appears to have been belittled by its placement. The
most significant carving on this stone seems to have been
deliberately obfuscated by the powers that be.
Turned facing the
wall, and impossible to view, there is a clear representation of
a person dressed in Egyptian garb leaving the pyramids of Egypt
on his journey to the west..."
We rely too much on Academia to tell us
the truth, when ‘they’ are not really interested in the ‘truth’.
version of history ‘they’ give us is a fiction, which ‘they’ are
quite happy to support because its their money-earner.
Why do people waste their time trying to make sense of
the UFO phenomenon within the
context of the Belief system that these Academics have set up
for us?
The whole of history is wrong.
And these Academics
are contented to maintain that illusion.
If you accept that Ancient
Egyptians were in Britain, then our history needs a great deal of
amending. When Christianity was imposed on Europe, we
underwent a history rewrite, and ever since that time people have
tried to maintain that false history imposed upon us, ignoring the
evidence to the contrary.
The Renaissance was started by the rediscovery of Ancient
texts from the Greeks etc. One of the most influential was the
Writings of Thoth-Hermes, which was religion,
philosophy and science. It influenced scientists such as Newton,
Leonardo da Vinci etc.
Then in the 17th century the writings were
all declared a hoax, and one of the most important reasons it
was thought a hoax, was because the religious message in the
writings were too much a mixture of
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,
Judaism etc., that if true it meant all the existing religious
beliefs were wrong.
Over the past 2000 years it has all been about religion. Some
people want to believe such and such, and will alter the facts or
ignore the facts so that they can continue to believe their
Long before Daniken, there were some people saying that
the Ancients were far more advanced than they should have been.
For instance:
Dr. Soddy, a scientist famous
for his researches into Radioactivity, saw the links between his
Radioactivity researches and Ancient Wisdom.
He delivered a
series of lectures in 1908 explaining the latest discoveries of
radioactivity to the general public and in his 1909 book
Interpretation of Radium, he wondered if
the Ancients had already known about
He says as follows:
"The world probably being of
much greater antiquity than physical science has thought to
be possible, it is interesting and harmless to speculate
whether man has shared with the world its more remote
i.e. wonders if mankind has as long
a history as our planet’s. And continues:
In this connection it is curious
how strangely some of the old myths and legends about matter
and man appear in the light of the recent knowledge.
Consider, for example, the ancient mystic symbol of matter,
known as Ouroboros - "the tail devourer" - which was
a serpent, coiled into a circle with the head devouring the
tail, and bearing the central motto, "The whole is one."
This symbolizes evolution; moreover, it is evolution of
matter - the very latest aspect of evolution - the existence
of which was strenuously denied by
Clerk Maxwell and
others of only last century.
The idea which arises in one's
mind as the most attractive and consistent explanation of
the universe in the light of present knowledge is, perhaps,
that matter is breaking down and its energy being evolved
and degraded in one part of a cycle of evolution, and in
another part, still unknown to us, the matter is being again
built up with the utilization of the waste energy.
If one
wished to symbolize such an idea, in what better way could
it be done than by the ancient tail-devouring serpent ?
For example, recognizes that the Ancients
talked in symbolism, and was a universal symbolism across the
Ancient world. Tie that back to Evans' discovery of Ancient
Egyptians in Britain, and Academia wanting to deny the evidence.
Some of the beliefs and legends which have come down to us from
antiquity are so universal and deep rooted that we are
accustomed to consider them almost as old as the race itself.
One is tempted to inquire how far the unsuspected aptness of
some of these beliefs and sayings to the point of view so
recently disclosed is the result of mere chance or coincidence,
and how far it may he evidence of a wholly unknown and
unsuspected ancient civilization of which all other relic has
It is curious to reflect, for example, upon the
remarkable legend of the philosopher's stone, one of the oldest
and most universal beliefs, the origin on which however far back
we penetrate into the records of the past, we do not probably
trace to its real source.
The philosopher's stone was
accredited the power not only of transmuting the metals, but of
acting as the elixir of life.
Now whatever the origin of this
apparently meaningless jumble of ideas may have been, it is
really a perfect and but very slightly allegorical expression of
the actual present views we hold today. It does not require much
effort of the imagination to see in energy the life of the
physical universe, and the key to the primary fountains of the
physical life of the universe today is known to be
Is, then, this old association of the power of transmutation
with the elixir of life merely a coincidence?
I prefer to believe it may be an
echo from one of many previous epochs in the unrecorded history
of the world, of an age of men which have trod before the road
we are treading today, in a past possibly so remote that even
the very atoms of its civilization literally have had time to
Let us give the imagination a moment's further free scope in
this direction, however, before closing. What if this point of
view that has now suggested itself is true; and we may trust
ourselves to the slender foundation afforded by the traditions
and superstitions which have been handed down to us from a
prehistoric time?
Can we not read into them some justification
for the belief that some former forgotten race of men attained
not only to the knowledge we have so recently won, but also to
the power that is not yet ours?
Science has reconstructed the story
of the past as one of a continuous Ascent of Man to the
present-day level of his powers.
In face of the circumstantial
evidence existing of this steady upward progress of the race,
the traditional view of the Fall of Man from a higher former
state has come to be more and more difficult to understand, From
our new standpoint the two points of view are by no means so
irreconcilable as they appeared. A race which could transmute
matter would have little need to earn its bread by the sweat of
its brow.
If we can judge from what our engineers accomplish with their
comparatively restricted supplies of energy, such a race could
transform a desert continent, thaw the frozen poles, and make
the whole world one smiling Garden of Eden.
Possibly they
could explore the outer realms of space emigrating to more
favorable worlds as the superfluous today emigrate to more
favorable continents, The legend of the Fall of Man,
possibly, may be all that has survived of such a time before,
for some unknown reason, the whole world was plunged back again
under the undisputed sway of Nature, to begin once more its
upward toilsome journey through the ages.
Dr. Soddy makes the
connections that the Ancients were talking in a symbolic manner
as regards their science. That there could have been a forgotten
civilization. That our science could be rediscovering their
Ancient knowledge.
Surely an interesting area for Academia to investigate? And does
Academia decide to investigate? Answer - no they do not.
Instead they choose to wait for
amateurs such as Daniken to investigate this subject, and
then set up a campaign to mock him and his followers. Academia is not interested in anything other than
maintaining their existing dogma.
All attempts to explain UFOs within existing
Academic Beliefs
are doomed to failure. The framework of beliefs that UFO
investigators are expected to agree with and earn the title of
being Scientific in their studies is an illusion.
And the science that really works, get dismissed as
superstitious nonsense - Magick, paranormal, supernatural.
nature of that science, Tom Lethbridge managed to tie in
with the possibility that we had been visited by Aliens in our
remote past, or that we ourselves might be aliens to this
He works out a possible way as to
how Stone Circles could be used as markers for aerial
crafts as follows:
"It is hard for us today to
visualize the Britain of, for instance, five thousand years
The vast extent of natural woodland is unknown today,
except in tropical vegetation. Brambles and fallen trees
made paths through it extremely difficult and it covered the
bulk of the country. Only on some downlands was passage
relatively easy and that was not free from large patches of
juniper trees, thorn bushes, gorse and bramble.
The wide vistas of rolling
grassland did not exist. One can assume that exploration
parties would be dropped at the edges of all this and traces
of them would be found, if at all, in the kind of situations
where we do find these stone set rings and alignments today.
A stone ring would be noticeable from the air, just because
such things do not often happen in nature.
Neither would
straight lines be frequent.
But there may have been another reason for setting up the
stones, even if its object were the same. For untold
generations it has been believed, especially by the devotees
of the old witch religion, that by means of exciting people
to execute wild circular dances, power could be generated
and stored in stones and trees.
Actually this appears to be
scientific fact. It has been demonstrated by Mr P.
Callahan in America that moths generate bio-electricity by
the heat caused by the movements of their wings and they use
this to locate their mates or food such ...I
detected the same thing with beetles ...This is observed
fact and no longer something on the fringe of knowledge.
if you have a large number of people dancing wildly round in
a ring, you obviously generate a great deal of this bio-electricity,
living electricity.
If you carry out this performance in rings formed of stones
with gaps between them, you have a form of dynamo. It has
been shown that the electromagnetic fields of stones,
trees and water will absorb bio-electricity from outside
and this is the probable reason why some people see ghosts
in situations which were favorable to such impressions being
I have elsewhere suggested the names of oared
fields for those of stones, dryad fields for those of trees
and naiad fields for those of streams in accordance with the
Greek belief that nymphs with these names were to be found
in such places.
...my wife and I experienced electric shocks when trying
to date the stones of the circle of the Merry Maidens in
Cornwall. The bio-electronic force had been stored at one
time by the exertion of dancers in that circle and it had
never been taken out again. The circle is still complete.
But why did anybody wish to store up electronic power in
such places? What possible use could it be put to?
Well, experiments with the pendulum have shown that the
electronic fields about an object are double cones of
limitless height and depth. It has also been shown that a
pendulum length of the same radius as the base of the double
cone will register contact with that cone.
If, then, you had
an apparatus in a flying machine set to the right
wave-length, you could pick up the rays from the stored
energy in the stones and home in it like the moth to its
These rings of stones could have
been used both as visible and invisible navigational
Lethbridge, I think was onto
something, but that line of science inquiry by Academia is
suppressed as much as Academia suppresses the proper history...
That’s why Academia like to ignore the evidence that Ancient
Egyptians came to Britain, it would mean everything else they
have been building up for so long is a house of cards waiting to
fall down.
Everything that Academia likes to
suppress fits together to give a different perspective on UFOs,
and starts to look like it could be true.
So, how can ‘they’ maintain this
deception any longer?
Easy - offer out the 'carrot' to UFO
researchers, if you want respectability then you need the title of
being Scientific, and to get that title you have to agree
to maintaining as much of the ‘house of cards’ delusion as possible.
If a lot of people are given the task of
preventing these cards from falling over, then it may be the
delusion can be propped up for a few more thousand years. Its
amazing what humans are capable of achieving when they set their
mind to it.
They can maintain delusional belief systems through
untold generations by teaching it as dogma, setting it as
exams and allowing progress in Society’s pecking order, only if you
believe the lies.
The truth is out there?
And the truth is WE have been
expected to swallow an enormous amount of lies.