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Human evolution, or anthropogenesis, is the origin and evolution of Homo sapiens as a distinct species from other hominids, great apes and placental mammals.


The study of human evolution encompasses many scientific disciplines, including physical anthropology, primatology, archaeology, linguistics and genetics.

The term "human" in the context of human evolution refers to the genus Homo, but studies of human evolution usually include other hominids, such as the Australopithecines, from which the genus Homo had diverged by about 2.3 to 2.4 million years ago in Africa.


Scientists have estimated that humans branched off from their common ancestor with chimpanzees - the only other living hominins - about 57 million years ago.


Several species of Homo evolved and are now extinct.


These include,

The dominant view among scientists concerning the origin of anatomically modern humans is the "Out of Africa" or recent African origin hypothesis, which argues that H. sapiens arose in Africa and migrated out of the continent around 50,000 to 100,000 years ago, replacing populations of H. erectus in Asia and H. neanderthalensis in Europe.


Scientists supporting the alternative multiregional hypothesis argue that H. sapiens evolved as geographically separate but interbreeding populations stemming from a worldwide migration of H. erectus out of Africa nearly 2.5 million years ago.



Part 1 - Secret Discoveries of Early Man
October 25, 2010

This documentary presents ancient artifacts that contradict the official historical perspective that mankind has advanced scientifically since the beginning of human history.

It's not necessarily a deliberate conspiracy in the sense that some people getting together in a smoke filled room and saying "we're going to deceive people". It's something that happens automatically within the scientific community.

So when a given piece of evidence disagrees with the predominant theory, then automatically people won't talk about it, they won't report it and that means that science fails to progress in the way that one would hope.

Although a lot of the evidence in this presentation has been highly debated and disproved, there is some evidence that is very difficult to dispute.


The main purpose of this presentation is to show that the official view of human history is very questionable, especially the progression of knowledge in the sciences, mathematics, and spirituality.


Part 2 - Ancient Alien Discoveries of Early Man
June 8, 2014

This companion video to the original NBC broadcast, The Mysterious Origins of Man, features interviews with Michael Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, as well as a variety of so-called "suppressed scientists" who call into question the widely accepted Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection.


Through the presentation of alternative evidence the interview subjects lay out arguments against the notion that natural selection provides sufficient proof that humans and apes share a common ancestor.

Questioning the implications of a discovery of misshapen skulls, the film puts forth the suggestion that extraterrestrial beings were present on ancient Earth, perhaps playing a part in the origin of mankind.


Ancient sites such as Giza, Egypt and Tiahuanaco, Bolivia are also discussed later in the film, leading viewers to consider the existence of an as-yet unidentified ancient civilization and whether they may have played a part in humanity's development.

Graham Hancock, author of Fingerprints of the Gods expounds upon these ancient civilizations and introduces the pole shift hypothesis, which itself derives from something known as the crust shift theory.


Proposing that Antarctica was initially further from the South Pole than it presently is, Hancock explains that geological shifts around 10,000 BC caused Antarctica to move to it's present location. He suggests that this shift caused the destruction of the legendary city of Atlantis, and enabled the disbursement of ancient civilizations to other continents, leading to the human race as we now know it.

An interview with an archaeologist also suggests mankind has existed for hundreds of millions of years longer than presently believed. His conviction rests on the discovery of a man-made tool found in proximity to dinosaur fossils, suggesting the two species co-existed.


He also cites a more modern story in which an aeronautical engineer witnessed a flying creature matching the description of a pterodactyl, making the more outrageous suggestion that dinosaurs boasted greater longevity than we've been led to believe.

The researchers being interviewed are passionate about their claims, and defend their views with compelling arguments.


Dismissed as pseudoscience by the greater scientific and academic communities, the theories presented in this documentary may be outlandish to some, but are entertaining nonetheless.